
(Lecture in Dimensions of Disclosure)
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(Humans from the Future, Timeline Wars, Aliens, Consciousness & Ascension)
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(Surviving the Transition - Full Disclosure,Solar Flash,our Future and Ascension)
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即將到來的太陽閃焰&銀河聯邦 – 科里.古德對提問的回答
(The Coming Solar Flash & the Galactic Federation
– Q&A with Corey Goode)
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《超越信仰》系列 第四集:解密外星人的行事計畫
(Unraveling Hidden Extraterrestrial Agendads)

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(Consciously walking the path to 4th density)
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(Ascending DNA and the Solar Consciousness)

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◄第一部分 ▲回目錄▲

遠古建設種族 — 恢復人類十億年前的遺產(第二部分)
(Ancient Builder Race -
Recovering Humanity's Billion - Year Legacy - PART II)
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▲回目錄▲ 第二部分►

遠古建設種族 — 恢復人類十億年前的遺產(第一部分)
(Ancient Builder Race -
Recovering Humanity's Billion - Year Legacy - PART I)
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