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Contact Report 238 (1991/5/18) 第238次接觸報告
接觸時間: 1991 年 5 月 18 日,深夜 12 時 55 分
Synopsis 提要
Billy and Ptaah discuss in great detail the malicious religious influences, a prediction of the discovery of a 5,100-year mummified corpse (the Iceman), why the truth needs to be delivered harshly, the ages of the various celestial bodies, the establishment of the current conditions of Earth, the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the US American nuclear attack on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, amongst other topics.
比利和普塔非常詳細討論惡意宗教的影響中, 5100 年的木乃伊屍體(的發現的預測冰人),為什麼真相需要被嚴厲交付,各種天體的年齡,建立了地球上的珍珠港,在廣島和長崎的美國美國核攻擊日軍進攻的現況,除其他議題。
But this is just an excerpt of the entire contact.
Pages 436 to 437
436 至 437 頁
... Earlier we spoke of the Americans, who, with the alleged Moon landing in the year 1969, made fools of their entire population and the entire world. That was indeed not the only time, as you explained to me that time on the great voyage, and about which I was to remain silent. Now, it deals, thereby, with the events on December 7th, 1941, as the Japanese executed the great attack on the Hawaiian harbor, Pearl Harbor, whereby the flagship ARIZONA and many other American ships sank and thousands of humans were killed. You told me then, in 1975, that I was not permitted to speak about the actual occurrences until the events reached the fiftieth year memorial. On the coming 7th of December this year, it will be so far along, that the events of that time lie 50 years ago.
早先我們談到美國就 1969 年登月事件愚弄了全世界人們。在那次偉大的航行中你不止和我提到這一點,並且我必須對這些保持沉默。現在關於 1941 年 12 月 7 日,日本偷襲夏威夷的珍珠港事件,你在 1975 年和我說過,不到第 50 個紀念日是不能透露這個事情的真實情況。今年的 12 月 7 日即將到 50 年紀念了。
803. That corresponds to that which is correct, therefore, now these evil machinations of the Americans can be spoken about.
Good. If I still remember correctly, you explained to me at that time, that, through their spies and through the CIA, the America government was fully comprehensively informed that the Japanese Air Force would attack the American fleet in Pearl Harbor in the early morning hours of December 7th 1941 and would certainly destroy it. This would happen practically without the Americans' resistance because they were not at all interested in a defence. According to your explanation, those responsible, in the American government of that time, quite consciously sacrificed thousands of Marines and others belonging to the Army, as well as their flagship Arizona and many other ships, and with the intention, on one hand, to have a convincing basis for attack against Japan in order to be able to carry out official atom bomb tests on real objects, for which the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were sought out, and secondly, to prove their war power and greatness, when they atomically destroyed two cities and annihilated hundreds of thousands of human lives with only two bombs, and made many cripples and programmed birth defects, on which their scientists could then drive forward relevant studies. Therefore, the then American government and the initiated scientists, military and other kinds of criminals, quite consciously sent their own people to death, let an entire fleet be destroyed and committed a war crime without compare with the destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and with the murdering of hundreds of thousands of humans, as well as their mutilation and evoked birth defects, without the truth being known until now in the public world, and without the Americans having been brought to justice for that, as it was also with many other cases of war crimes and crimes against humanity which the Americans have committed.
好,如果我沒有記錯,你曾經和我說過,通過美國的間諜和 CIA 美國政府實際事先就完全瞭解美國空軍將在 1941 年 12 月 7 日的早晨會襲擊珍珠港。但是美國並沒有做任何抵抗,他們也沒有想去做任何抵抗。據你的解釋,美國之所以犧牲那麼多士兵和軍艦的目的是可以證實找一個真正(有居民)的目標實驗他們的原子彈,後來在廣島和長崎真的放了原子彈,以證明他們有巨大的作戰能力,並且因為原子彈的釋放造成巨大的損毀以及致死和致殘許多居民,而且對生育的後代的巨大影響,這樣他們的科學家可以開展相關的研究。( -- 譯者:作為 gv 很恐怖 , 悲歎一聲!)。而這樣的事實包括美國人民在內並不清楚真相,美國已經發起過多起有罪和反人類的戰爭。
804. That is what I spoke about then. That is correct.
805. But the truth about the Americans will also, however, not simply fade away, rather it will strive for the light, whereby sooner or later their atrocities will also be exposed, even if they are so shrouded and made secret and, in the denying of truth, are initially always managed in silence.
You've once again said that quite skillfully, therefore we certainly don't have to lose further words about that ...
這方面你是專家,我們不必再多說這個了 …
Pages 443 to 444
443 至 444 頁
... Now, I still have another question regarding Pearl Harbor, respectively in regard to the dropping of the atom bombs over Hiroshima and Nagasaki. You said that the Americans had thereby toyed with the idea that, then on December 7th, 1941, the Japanese, unhindered and without defence, could attack and destroy the ships of the American Pacific fleet lying in harbor, to thereby have a basis to annihilate Japanese cities with atom bombs, and thereby, one one hand, to be able to carry out necessary tests on living and dead objects, and on the other hand to demonstrate military power. However, now there is a worm somewhere in your explanation, because at the time that Pearl Harbor was bombarded flat, there were still no atom bombs. To my knowledge the Americans officially launched the first atom bomb for tests first in the month of July 1945, in the air, some three weeks before Hiroshima was annihilated, so the first atomic explosive therefore exploded in about the middle of July, or was even permitted to be detonated.
… 現在,關於美國在廣島和長崎扔的原子彈我有另外一個問題。你說美國在這兩個城市扔原子彈以便他們的科學家可以研究活著和死去的人,和證明其軍事力量。你的解釋有個小漏洞,珍珠港遭受襲擊的那個時候沒有原子彈啊。
To my knowledge it was a uranium bomb, like that which was dropped on Hiroshima, while Nagasaki was destroyed with a plutonium bomb. Hereby, it would also be important to finally know how high the number of the actual dead at that time was, which must be accounted for, as the assertions of the Americans, and so forth, which speak of 260,000 dead for Hiroshima and 75,000 in Nagasaki, cannot be given any credibility at all. These are indeed numbers that do not accord with the truth. The bombs corresponded, at that time, to about 20 kilotons of TNT, if I remember correctly. However today these sorts of bombs are supposed to correspond to 100,000 kilotons of TNT.
據我所知,美國官方測試的第一顆原子彈是 1945 年 7 月,也就是廣島被滅之前的 3 周,也就是說第一顆原子彈爆炸的時間是在 7 月中旬。據我所知,放在廣島是鈾彈,而長崎的是鈈彈。最重要的是我們知道死傷有多慘重,美國推測廣島死傷 260,000 人,長崎死傷 75,000 人,實際這個數字並不可靠。這些炸彈在那個時候的威力大概相當於 2 萬噸 TNT ,然而今天的威力則相當於 100,000 千噸 TNT 。
826. I see already that I must give you some further explanations, even though I actually did not plan on that.
827. Naturally your statements are true, and also you are naturally correct with your amusing worm.
828. The first atomic explosive device was detonated by the Americans on July 16th, 1945 on the Alamogordo testing grounds in the United States of America.
美國測試第一顆原子彈是 1945 年 7 月 16 日,地點是美國的阿拉莫戈多。
829. Nevertheless, the American scientists and all the responsible ones of the government already knew, however, at the beginning of the year 1941, that somewhere around the middle of the year 1945 the nuclear weapon test, regarding the first bomb capable of being detonated, would be ready to the extent that the first attempt could be carried out, which indeed then also actually took place at the intended time, and succeeded.
然而, 1941 年開始,美國的科學家和政府相關人員就知道了 1945 年中,某處會試驗第一顆原子彈,並且試驗會成功。
830. And what could be easier for the Americans than to immediately further test these A-bombs on suitable objects, as it had been already determined five years before.
5 年前就已經決定了 A-bombs (譯者:估計是第一顆原子彈的代號)合適測試物體。
831. To that end, it only thus needed the suitable objects, which it had been decided five years earlier would be destroyed, as it could be thereby reckoned that the first atom bomb test would succeed in the year 1945.
832. Japan was, for one such further test of atomic weapons, as good as done, because the Japanese were, for the Americans, in many kinds of regards, still quite discomforting and also a potential danger.
833. Therefore it only now depended on one being able to enter into a war activity with the Japanese in order to bring them to their knees at a given time with the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, if the atom bombs were developed so far that they could be employed.
834. Thus the Americans began drawn-out negotiations with the Japanese, and made demands which the Japanese could not fulfil under any circumstances, and which therefore could not be accepted.
835. Quite the contrary; the American demands of Japan were quite consciously formed in such a way that the Japanese had to say no to them, and, as a final answer, could only defend their honor with a war-like attack.
836. So it came to be that the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor succeeded and that the Americans offered no defence.
837. Had the Americans namely stopped the attack, then that would have meant the quick end of Japan, whereby the entire plan for the future bombardment of the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki would have fallen through, and indeed precisely for that time when the atom bomb was then developed.
838. So the Americans therefore constructed a five-year plan, let the Japanese attack and destroy Pearl Harbor, and sacrificed thousands of humans, thus finding a way to enter the Second World War themselves, which they also still wanted on other grounds, and configured everything so that America, in every respect, became the world's greatest power.
因此美國實行了一個 5 年計畫,讓日本偷襲珍珠港成功,並且犧牲了幾千人,以找個藉口介入第二次世界大戰,以此在各方面讓自己變得很強大。
839. A position that was already striven for in the last century by America, who also today and into the future will still try to maintain it with every evil means.
I am satisfied with this answer; you completed the picture of events for me.
BEAM(Billy Edward Albert Meier) 和昴宿星人關於精神教義牽涉到很多內容,但是最重要的一件是關於冥想。通過冥想你可以達到內心的平和,因為有大家平和,平和將會傳播到整個世界。但是真正的冥想並不是你們經常聽到的那樣,如果要真正掌握其要領需要你的決心和努力,冥想其實就是 “ 專注 ” ,如果你不能專注那就無法正確掌握冥想要領。專注對於掌握冥想是非常重要的,也非一天兩天能掌握,以下是幫助各位有興趣的朋友培育專注的教程。
(以下是 FIGU 組織中的 Jacob 從 billy 那裡學習來的)
坐在一張舒服的椅子上,椅子 3 英尺旁點一支蠟燭。完全放鬆,看這燭光(火焰低部分) 5 分鐘,不要想其它的。如果你掌握不好時間,可以調一個鬧鐘,鬧鐘聲音適宜溫和一些,以免受到驚嚇。第一天練習時,你只能想 “sun” 這個詞,這是非常重要的,其它什麼也不要想。第二天增加 1 分鐘,以此類推。當你練習到 12 分鐘後,你要保持腦子處於空白期,什麼也不能想。等等,以下是教程。
Day 1 - 5 Minutes 'Sun'
Day 2 - 6 Minutes 'Sun'
Day 3 - 7 Minutes 'Sun'
Day 4 - 8 Minutes 'Sun'
Day 5 - 9 Minutes 'Sun'
Day 6 - 10 Minutes 'Sun'
Day 7 - 11 Minutes 'Sun'
Day 8 - 12 Minutes 'Sun'
Day 9 - 12 Minutes 'Thoughtless' (Think of nothing)
Day 10 - 12 Minutes 'Thoughtless'
Day 11 - 12 Minutes 'Thoughtless'
Day 12 - 12 Minutes 'Thoughtless'
Day 13 - 12 Minutes 'Thoughtless'
Day 14 - 12 Minutes 'Thoughtless'
Day 15 - 15 Minutes 'Red or Golden Rose'
Day 16 - 15 Minutes 'Red or Golden Rose'
Day 17 - 15 Minutes 'Red or Golden Rose'
Day 18 - 15 Minutes 'Red or Golden Rose'
Day 19 - 15 Minutes 'Red or Golden Rose'
Day 20 - 15 Minutes 'Red or Golden Rose'
Day 21 - 15 Minutes 'Wishful dream'
這些練習可以給你帶來心靈的平和,能讓你在思想和行動之間有更多的理性時間,以免給自己和他人帶來傷害。這些練習不是一天 2 天能練成的。如果你每次沒有帶來預期的效果不要失望,多嘗試。終有一天會成功的。
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