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The Nikola Tesla Interview hidden for 116 years !
中譯資料編輯自: 安琚樂月
1896 年時的 尼古拉.特斯拉 ( 1856~1943 ),當時年約 40 歲。
In 1899 Tesla gave this interview which has rarely ever been published for over 100 years.
In it Tesla’s pulls no punches and reveals the great conspiracy of science that was well under way, the suppress the ether and the introduce a new fake science to conceal it as well as suppress the work of Tesla Himself.
在 1899 年期間,特斯拉(當年正值 43 歲的盛年 )接受了這個幾乎很少被發表過的採訪, 而這份採訪紀錄距今已超過了 100 多年。
在這次訪問中,特斯拉毫不留情的揭發了科學界的大陰謀,那就是當時正在否認 “ 以太 ”(或譯為乙太; Luminiferous aether 、 aether 或 ether )存在的理論,企圖使用新的‘假科學’來掩飾它,同時抵制特斯拉的研發工作 。
Once, in 1899, Nikola Tesla had an interview with a certain journalist John Smith, when Tesla said “Everything is the Light“. In one of its rays is the fate of nations, each nation has its own ray in that great light source, which we see as the Sun. In this interview this greatest inventor and seer of modern time unravels a new vision of humanity which we, the light warriors of the first and the last hour have created a century later. A must read for every Ascended Master from the PAT.
特斯拉在 1899 年接受記者約翰.史密斯( John Smith )的採訪時表示:“ 萬事萬物都是 「 光 」 ”( Everything is the Light );它的光線之一, 就是眾多民族的命運,每個民族都有他自己的光線存在於這個偉大的光源之中,也就是我們所看到的太陽 。
在這個採訪中,這位當代最偉大的發明家與觀察家,為我們揭開了人類的一個新視野,這讓我們這些第一時刻和最後時刻的 「 光戰士 」 開創了下一個世紀。
這是來自 “ 行星揚升團隊” ( PAT ; Planetary Ascension Team )每位的揚升大師( Ascended Master )所必讀。
Part of this interview is dedicated to Tesla’s critics on Einstein’s theory of relativity that discards the ether as energy. I have proved in the new Theory of the Universal Law why Einstein’s theory of relativity is entirely wrong and why there is no vacuum (void), and that everything is energy. Thus I confirm Tesla’s ideas as expressed in this interview.
本次訪談的部分是關於特斯拉對愛因斯坦「相對論」的評論 — 放 棄以太作為能源的部份。
我已經在 “宇宙法則的新理論”( new Theory of the Universal Law )中證明了,為什麼愛因斯坦的「相對論」是完全錯誤的,為什麼並沒有真空( void )存在,而且每一樣東西都是能源。
Georgi Stankov , May 7 , 2015
Journalist: Mr. Tesla, you have gained the glory of the man who got involved in the cosmic processes. Who are you, Mr. Tesla?
記者問 (以下簡稱 「 問 」 ):特斯拉先生,你已獲得了 “ 參與宇宙歷程之人 ” ( the man who got involved in the cosmic processes )的榮耀。你到底是誰,特斯拉先生?
Tesla: It is a right question, Mr. Smith, and I will try to give you the right answer to it.
特斯拉回答 (以下簡稱 「 答 」 ):這這是一個有意義問題,史密斯先生,我會盡可能給你一個正確的答案。
Journalist: Some say you’re from the country of Croatia, from the area called Lika, where together with the people are growing trees, rocks and starry sky. They say that your home village is named after the mountain flowers, and that the house, where you were born, is next to the forest and the church.
問: 有人說你是來自克羅埃西亞( Croatia )的利卡( Lika )地區,那是一個有著綠樹、岩石和燦爛星空的地方。他們說你家鄉的名稱是得自山上花朵的名字,而你出生的房子就在樹林和教堂的旁邊。
Tesla: Really, all it true. I’m proud of my Serbian origin and my Croatian homeland.
答: 沒錯,那些都是事實。我為我的塞爾維亞血統( Serbian origin )和我的祖國克羅埃西亞為榮。
Journalist: Futurists say that the Twenty-and Twenty First Century was born in head of Nikola Tesla . They celebrate conversely magnetic field and sing hymns to Inductions engine. Their creator was called the hunter who caught the light in his net from the depths of the earth, and the warrior who captured fire from heaven. Father of alternating current will make the Physics and Chemistry dominate half the world. Industry will proclaim him as their supreme saint, a banker for the largest benefactors. In the laboratory of Nikola Tesla for the first time is broken atom.
問: 那些未來學家說,二十和二十一世紀是從尼古拉.特斯拉的頭腦裡誕生的。他們慶祝‘逆轉磁場’( conversely magnetic field )的存在,並為‘ 異步電動機 ’( Inductions engine )唱讚美詩。它們的創造者被稱為‘獵人’,由於他網住了從地球深處而來了的光,他又被稱為是‘戰士’,因為他抓住了從天上而來的火。‘交流電之父’將使物理與化學支配半個世界。企業將宣佈他為至高無上的聖人,銀行家的最大恩人。在特斯拉的實驗室中 ,原子第一次被打開了。
There is created a weapon that causes the earthquake vibrations. There are discovered black cosmic rays. Five races will pray to him in the Temple of the future, because they had taught a great secret that Empedocles elements can be watered with the life forces from the ethers.
還有一種武器被創造出來,它可以產生引發地震的振動 (編註: 指的是後來被應用的 HAARP ; High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program ; 高頻主動式極光研究計畫 )。而且有黑色的宇宙射線被發現。會有五個種族的人在未來的寺廟中膜拜他,因為他教導了他們一個偉大的秘密,那就是 「 恩培多克勒元素 」 ( Empedocles elements ;指的是:火、風、水和土四元素)可由乙太( ethers )而來的生命力滋養。
(原譯者註: 特斯拉的偉大在這一百年來是被嚴重的掩蓋住的消息。 如果特斯拉在當時一如記者所說的那麼偉大,可是後來卻又如此蓄意的去掩蓋,那麼這代表了其中發生過巨大的陰謀, 而且不是 ‘專利權被盜用’ 這麼小的事情。)
Tesla: Yes, these are some of my most important discoveries. I’m a defeated man. I have not accomplished the greatest thing I could.
答: 是的,這些都是我的一些最重要的發現。我是一個受挫的人。我還沒有完成我可以完成的最高成就。
Journalist: What is it, Mr. Tesla?
問: 那是指什麼?特斯拉先生。
Tesla: I wanted to illuminate the whole earth. There is enough electricity to become a second sun. Light would appear around the equator, as a ring around Saturn.
答: 我想照亮整個地球。這裡有足夠的電力成為第二個太陽。光將環繞在赤道附近,就如同一圈圍繞著土星的光環。
Mankind is not ready for the great and good. In Colorado Springs I soaked the earth by electricity. Also we can water the other energies, such as positive mental energy. They are in the music of Bach or Mozart, or in the verses of great poets. In the Earth’s interior, there are energy of Joy, Peace and Love. Their expressions are a flower that grows from the Earth, the food we get out of her and everything that makes man’s homeland. I’ve spent years looking for the way that this energy could influence people. The beauty and the scent of roses can be used as a medicine and the sun rays as a food.
人類還沒有準備好接受這麼美好而偉大的事物。在科羅拉多州的斯普林斯( Springs ),我用電力灌注地球。此外,我們還可以灌注其他能量,比如正面的心智能量;它們就存在於巴哈或莫札特的音樂之中, 或者存在於大詩人的詩句之中。在地球的內部,那裡有喜樂、和平與愛的能量存在。它顯現給我們看到的就是從地裡開出的花朵、從地上長出的食物,以及所有造就人類家園的萬物。我花了許多年的時間在找尋讓這些能量可以影響人類的方法。要知道玫瑰的美與香可以用作藥物,而陽光可以成為食物。
Life has an infinite number of forms, and the duty of scientists is to find them in every form of matter. Three things are essential in this. All that I do is a search for them. I know I will not find them, but I will not give up on them.
Journalist: What are these things?
問: 這些是什麼東西呢?
Tesla: One issue is food. What a stellar or terrestrial energy to feed the hungry on Earth? With what wine watered all thirsty, so that they can cheer in their heart and understand that they are Gods?
答: 其中一項是食物 。有什麼來自恒星或是來自地面的能量可以去餵飽地球上的饑餓?用什麼水酒可以解除所有的口渴,以使他們能夠在心裡歡呼,並且明白他們自己就是神?!
Another thing is to destroy the power of evil and suffering in which man’s life passes! They sometimes occur as an epidemic in the depths of space. In this century, the disease had spread from Earth in the Universe.
另一件事是摧毀邪惡的力量以及消除在人類生命中經歷的痛苦 !它們有時是發生在太空深處的傳染病。在本世紀,這種病已經從地球往宇宙之中散播出去了。
The third thing is: Is there an excess Light in the Universe? I discovered a star that by all the astronomical and mathematical laws could disappear, and that nothing seems to be modified. This star is in this galaxy. Its light can occur in such density that fits into a sphere smaller than an apple, a heavier than our Solar System. Religions and philosophies teach that man can become the Christ, Buddha and Zoroaster. What I’m trying to prove is wilder, and almost unattainable. This is what to do in the Universe so every being is born as Christ, Buddha or Zoroaster.
第三件事是:宇宙中有沒有多餘的光能 ?我發現一顆 恆星,它 依據所有的 天文和數學規律來說是可能消失的,而且似乎沒有任何修正。這顆恆星就在(我們)這個星系內。它的密度可以被放置到一個比蘋果更小的球中,可是卻比我們的太陽系還要重。宗教和哲學教導我們:人可以成為基督、佛陀和 瑣羅亞斯德 ( Zoroaster ;又名查拉圖斯特拉)。而我試圖證明的則是更狂野、幾乎無法實現的;那就是:在這個宇宙中讓每個人可以生來就是基督、佛陀或是瑣羅亞斯德。
I know that gravity is prone to everything you need to fly and my intention is not to make flying devices (aircraft or missiles), but teach individual to regain consciousness on his own wings … Further; I am trying to awake the energy contained in the air. There are the main sources of energy. What is considered as empty space is just a manifestation of matter that is not awakened.
我知道,重力會影響一切的飛行,而我的想法不是去製造飛行設備(飛船或火箭),而是去教導每個人在自己的翅膀上去重獲自覺 … 進而,我試圖去喚醒存在於空中的能量,那裡有能量的主要來源。一直被認為是空無一物的太空,其實只是未喚醒物質的表象。
[原譯者註: 在這點上,我提醒大家關於凱史( Keshe )最近的新科技產品,而且大多產自中國研發團隊。 首先中國凱史研發團隊已經憑空做出黃金出來 ,此事在義大利太空學院開幕座談會中已經展出照片。 其次中國已經開始量產 “凱史生命杯”,可以無中生水,每五小時可以憑空生產水六公升。 另外中國也已經開始量產 “無能源電燈” ,這兩個產品都在幾個月之內會上市。所以看不見的空間中是有許多可資利用的東西存在的。 此點已經獲得證實!]
No empty space on this planet, nor in the Universe.. In black holes, what astronomers talk about, are the most powerful sources of energy and life.
在這個星球上沒有空的空間 ,宇宙中也沒有。天文學家所講的黑洞,其實是能量和生命最強大的來源。
Journalist: On the window of your room in hotel “Valdorf-Astoria”, on the thirty-third floor, every morning, the birds arrive.
問: 你住在“華爾道夫”( Valdorf-Astoria )酒店三十三樓的房間,(聽說)每天早上鳥兒都飛到你的窗前?!
Tesla: A man must be sentimental towards the birds. This is because of their wings. Human had them once, the real and visible!
答: 人類對鳥類一定有所感觸,這是因為它們的翅膀;人類也曾經一度擁有過(翅膀),真真實實的翅膀!
Journalist: You have not stopped flying since those distant days in Smiljan!
問: 從你早先在斯米連( Smiljan )那些日子以來,你一直沒有停止過(嘗試)飛行!
Tesla: I wanted to fly from the roof and I fell: Children’s calculations could be wrong. Remember, the youth wings have everything in life!
答: 我曾經想從屋頂起飛但是我掉下來了;孩童的計算可能有錯誤。請記住,青春的翅膀擁有生命中的一切!
Journalist: Have you ever married? It is not known that you have affection for love or for a woman. Photos from the youth show you were handsome man.
問: 你有結過婚嗎?從來沒聽說你有過愛情或是愛過一個女人。你年輕時的照片看出你是個英俊的男人。
Tesla: Yes. I did not. There are two views: a lot affection or not at all. The center serves to rejuvenate human race. Women for certain people nurtures and strengthen its vitality and spirit. Being single does the same to other people. I chose that second path.
答: 是的。我沒有過。這裡有兩種觀點:有許多的愛戀或是根本沒有。這中間的作用是人類的傳宗接代。對某些人而言,女性可以滋潤和加強其活力和精神。對其他人身為單身人士的人而言也是如此。而我選擇的是第二條路。
(原譯者註: 這段話對一般堅持要有伴侶的人會聽不懂,我提供點看法。 人與人之間的人際關係事實上只有兩種 ,一種是負面的人會不斷的竊取吸收對方的能量,而且成為負擔; 而另一種是互相支持支持一起成長的正能量關係。特斯拉的意思是他不要為婚姻而婚姻, 既然沒有遇到能真正滋潤他正能量的很愛的對象,他寧可選擇清心寡欲的第二條路 ,以保護自己的能量。)
Journalist: Your admirers are complaining that you attacking relativity. The strange is your assertion that the matter has no energy. Everything is imbued with energy, where it is?
問: 你的仰慕者們都在抱怨你抨擊愛因斯坦的「相對論」。奇怪的是你的主張說物質沒有能量。每一樣東西都充滿了能量,那它的能量在哪裡呢?
Tesla: First was energy, then matter.
答: 因為先是能量,其次才有物質。
Journalist: Mr. Tesla, it’s like when you said that you were born by your father, and not on you.
問: 特斯拉先生,這有點像是說,你是被你父親所生出來的,而不是你自己出生的。
Tesla: Exactly! What about the birth of the Universe? Matter is created from the original and eternal energy that we know as Light .It shone, and there have been appear star, the planets, man, and everything on the Earth and in the Universe. Matter is an expression of infinite forms of Light, because energy is older than it.
There are four laws of Creation. The first is that the source of all the baffling, dark plot that the mind cannot conceive, or mathematics measure. In that plot fit the whole Universe.
答: 沒錯!宇宙是怎麼誕生的?物質就是從我們知道是 「 光 」 這種初始且無限的能量所創造出來的 。 一道光閃過,而那裡就有了恒星、行星、人類,以及存在地球和宇宙中的所有一切。 “物質” 就是 「 光 」 無限形式的一種呈現 ,因為 “能量” 是比“物質”還要早的東西 。
「 造物法則 」 ( laws of Creation )有四條 :
第一條法則 ,就是所有數學無法推算、所有頭腦無法理解之深奧而黑暗的 「 大設計 」之 源 。而這項 「大設計」 對全宇宙都是一體適用的 。
The second law is spreading a darkness, which is the true nature of Light, from the inexplicable and it’s transformed into the Light. The third law is the necessity of the Light to become a matter of Light. The fourth law is: no beginning and no end; three previous laws always take place and the Creation is eternal.
第二條法則,就是一個黑暗的持續蔓延 ,這就是 「 光 」 的真實本質 ,從無法解釋的莫名,直到它轉化為 「 光 」 。
第三條法則,就是 「 光 」 的必然性,會成為一種 「 光 」 的物質 。
第四條法則,就是:沒有開始也沒有結束 ;前三個法則總是在發生,而 「 造物 」 ( Creation ;也可譯為 「 造化 」 )是永恆的 。
Journalist: In the hostility to the theory of relativity you go so far, that you hold lectures against its Creator at your birthday parties..
問: 你對 「 相對論 」 的理論非常不以為然,還在你的生日派對中發表演說反對 「 相對論 」 的創作者。
Tesla: Remember, it is not curved space, but the human mind which cannot comprehend infinity and eternity! If relativity has been clearly understood by its Creator, he would gain immortality, even yet physically, if he is pleased.
答: 請記住,這(宇宙)不是個彎曲的空間,但是人類的頭腦無法理解無限與永恆!如果「相對論」的創造者自己清楚瞭解它的理論,他將獲得永生,如果他高興的話,甚至身體也將不朽。
I am part of a light, and it is the music. The Light fills my six senses: I see it, hear, feel, smell, touch and think. Thinking of it means my sixth sense. Particles of Light are written note. O bolt of lightning can be an entire sonata. A thousand balls of lightning is a concert.. For this concert
我是光的一部分 ,並且它是樂音。 「 光 」 填滿了我的六個感官:我的視覺、聽覺、味覺、嗅覺、觸覺與感覺 ;感覺就是我的第六感。光的粒子是被寫下的音符。一個球狀閃電可以是整個曲子。一千個球狀閃電就是一場演奏會。對於這場演奏會…
I have created a Ball Lightning, which can be heard on the icy peaks of the Himalayas. About Pythagoras and mathematics a scientist may not and must not infringe of these two. Numbers and equations are signs that mark the music of the spheres. If Einstein had heard these sounds, he would not create theories of relativity. These sounds are the messages to the mind that life has meaning, that the Universe exists in perfect harmony, and its beauty is the cause and effect of Creation. This music is the eternal cycle of stellar heavens.
我創造了一種 「 球狀閃電 」 ( Ball Lightning ) ,可以在喜馬拉雅山的冰峰上聽到它。關於畢達哥拉斯( Pythagoras )和數學 — 科學家不可以也不應該侵犯這兩者。數字和公式就是標記這些球型音樂的記號。如果愛因斯坦曾聽到過這些聲音,他就不會創造 「 相對論 」 。這些聲音是傳達給心靈的訊息,它們告訴大家,生命是有意義的!亦即宇宙是存在於完美的和諧之中的,而它的美麗,就是一種 「 造化 」 ( Creation )的因與果 。這個音樂就是這些星光天堂的永恆迴圈。
The smallest star has completed composition and also, part of the celestial symphony. The man’s heartbeats are part of the symphony on the Earth. Newton learned that the secret is in geometric arrangement and motion of celestial bodies. He recognized that the supreme law of harmony exists in the Universe. The curved space is chaos, chaos is not music. Einstein is the messenger of the time of sound and fury.
最小的恒星已完成了它的樂曲,而也是天體交響樂的一部分 。人類的心跳也是地球交響樂的一部分。牛頓瞭解到,秘密就在幾何排列和天體運動之中,他認出和諧的最高法則就存在於宇宙之中。彎曲的空間是混亂的,混亂不是音樂。愛因斯坦是當代的聲音與憤怒的使者。
Journalist: Mr. Tesla, do you hear that music?
問: 特斯拉先生,你聽到了那音樂嗎?
Tesla: I hear it all the time. My spiritual ear is as big as the sky we see above us. My natural ear I increased by the radar. According to the Theory of Relativity, two parallel lines will meet in infinity. By that Einstein’s curved will straighten. Once created, the sound lasts forever. For a man it can vanish, but continues to exist in the silence that is man’s greatest power.
答: 我一直都聽到它。我的靈性耳朵是與我們所看到的,在我們上面的天空一樣那麼的大。我用雷達增大了我的自然耳朵。根據相對論,兩條平行線將會在無限中相遇。到那時,愛因斯坦的彎曲時空就會伸直了。一旦被創建了出來,這聲音就會永遠存在。因為一個人可以消失,但是會繼續存在在沉默之中 ,這是人類最偉大的力量。
No, I have nothing against Mr. Einstein. He is a kind person and has done many good things, some of which will become part of the music. I will write to him and try to explain that the ether exists, and that its particles are what keep the Universe in harmony, and the life in eternity.
Journalist: Tell me, please, under what conditions Angel adopt on the Earth?
問: 請告訴我,在什麼狀況下, 「 天使 」 會化身在地球上?
Tesla: I have ten of them. Keep good records vigilant.
答: 有十種狀況,請仔細且清楚地記下來。
Journalist: I will document all your words, Dear Mr. Tesla.
問: 我會記錄所有你說的話,親愛的特斯拉先生。
Tesla: The first requirement is a high awareness of its mission and work to be done. It must, if only dimly, exist in the early days. Let us not be falsely modest; Oak knows that it is oak tree, a bush beside him being a bush. When I was twelve, I have been sure I will get to Niagara Falls. For most of my discoveries I knew in my childhood that I will achieve them, although not entirely apparent … The second condition to adapt is determination. All that I might, I finished.
答: 第一就是需要對祂要做的使命和工作有高度的警覺性 。這警覺性必須,即使只是隱隱約約的,存在於祂的早期人生中。讓我們不要錯誤地謙虛;橡樹知道,它是一棵橡樹,而他旁邊的灌木叢是灌木叢。當我十二歲時,我一直相信,我會去尼亞加拉大瀑布。對於大多數我(人生)的發現,在我的童年時我就知道,我將會實現這些,即使不是完全的顯而易見的完成…。
第二個會化身到地球來的條件狀態是“決心” 。就是所有這一切我可能做到的,我完成了。
Journalist: What is the third condition of adjustment, Mr. Tesla?
問: 什麼是化身在地球上的第三個條件狀態呢?特斯拉先生?
Tesla: Guidance for all the vital and spiritual energies in labor. Therefore purification of the many effects and needs that man has. I therefore have not lost anything, but just gained.
答: 對所有正在發生中的重要和靈性能量的指導 。所以會淨化很多人類行為與需求的效果。而(覺得)我因此,並沒有失去什麼,反而只是獲得而已。
So I enjoyed every day and night. Write down: Nikola Tesla was a happy man… The fourth requirement is to adjust the physical assembly with a work.
第四個會化身轉世的狀況需求,是以一項工作來協調他們的物質身體 。
Journalist: What do you mean, Mr. Tesla?
問: 你是什麼意思,特斯拉先生?
Tesla: First, the maintenance of the assembly. Man’s body is a perfect machine. I know my circuit and what’s good for him. Food what nearly all people eat, to me it is harmful and dangerous. Sometimes I visualize that chefs in the world are all in conspiracy against me … Touch my hand.
答: 首先,要對身體組件作好維護。人的身體是一台完美的機器。我知道我的電路,以及什麼對它是好的。幾乎所有人吃的食物,對我來說,是有害的而且危險的。有時候,我可以看見全世界的廚師都在陰謀算計我 … 摸摸我的手。
Journalist: It was cold.
問: 這是冷的。
Tesla: Yes. Bloodstream can be controlled, and many processes in and around us. Why are you frightened young man?
答: 是的。血液的流動是可以被控制的,以及在我們之內與之外周圍的許多過程都是可以被控制的。為什麼你嚇到了呢?年輕人?
Journalist: It’s a story that Mark Twain wrote a mysterious stranger, that wonderful book of Satan, inspired by you.
問: 這是一個故事,馬克.吐溫寫了一個神秘的陌生人的故事,那美妙的關於撒旦的書,是受到你的啟發嗎?
Tesla: The word “Lucifer” is more charming. Mr. Twain likes to joke. As a child I was healed once by reading his books. When we met here and told him about, he was so touched that he cried. We became friends and he often came to my lab. Once he requested to show him a machine that by vibration provokes a feeling of bliss. It was one of those inventions for entertainment, what I sometimes like to do.
答: 用“路西法”這詞會顯得更加迷人一些。吐溫先生喜歡開玩笑。作為一個孩子,我有一次透過閱讀他的書而痊癒了。當我們在這裡相識並且我告訴他這事時,他太感動了,他哭了。我們成為了朋友,他經常來我的實驗室。有一次,他要求給他看一台機器, 那是可以通過振動頻率而激起幸福的感覺的機器。這是這些發明的娛樂機器之一,我有時喜歡做些這個。
I warned Mr. Twain as not to remain under these vibrations. He did not listen and stayed longer. It ended by being, like a rocket, holding pants, darted into a certain room. It was a diabolically funny, but I kept the seriousness.
But, to adjust the physical circuit, in addition to food, dream is very important . From a long and exhausting work, which required superhuman effort, after one hour of sleep I’d be fully recovered. I gained the ability to manage sleep, to fell asleep and wake up in the time which I have designated. If I do something what I do not understand, I force myself to think about it in my dream, and thus find a solution.
Tesla: The fifth condition of adjustment is memory. Perhaps in the most people, the brain is keeper of knowledge about the world and the knowledge gained through the life. My brain is engaged in more important things than remembering, it is picking what is required at a given moment. This is all around us. It should only be consumed. Everything that we once saw, hear, read and learn, accompanies us in the form of light particles. To me, these particles are obedient and faithful.
答: 第五個化身轉世的條件狀況就是記憶 。也許對大多數人而言 ,大腦是保存有關這世界的知識的地方,以及保存有關透過生活所獲得的知識的地方。而我的腦子則是從事比記知識更重要的事情的地方,就是去撿擇我在一個特定的時刻所需要的訊息這事。這些訊息就環繞在我們身旁。它只應該被使用。所有一切,我們曾經看到的,聽到的,閱讀到的和學習到的訊息,都以 “光粒子的形式”伴隨著我們而存在。對我來說,這些粒子都是順從的而且忠誠的 。
Goethe’s Faust, my favorite book, I learned by heart in German as a student, and now it can all recite. I held my inventions for years ‘in my head “, and only then I realized them.
歌德 的浮士德,是我最喜歡的書,我在德國作為一個學生時學到都背起來了,而且現在都可以背誦得出來。而且我 “ 在我的腦袋中”保存我的發明很多年,然後我才意識到它們的存在。
Journalist: You often mentioned the power of visualization.
問: 你經常提到的“視覺化能力”。
Tesla: I might have to thank to visualization for all that I invented. The events of my life and my inventions are real in front of my eyes, visible as each occurrence or the item. In my youth I was frightened of not knowing what it is, but later, I learned to use this power as an exceptional talent and gift. I nurtured it, and jealously guarded. I also made corrections by visualization on most of my inventions, and finish them that way, by visualization I mentally solve complex mathematical equations. For that gift I have, I will receive rank High Lama in Tibet.
答: 我可能要感謝“視覺化的能力”,為我發明的一切東西。我生命中的事件和我的發明都是真實的在我的眼前呈現出來的,每個事件或發明項目都看得到。在我年輕時我很害怕,因為不知道這是怎麼一回事,但後來,我學會了使用這種能力,視之為一種特別的才華和天賦。我培育了這能力,非常小心地守護。我還透過“視覺化能力”修正了我大多數的發明,並以這方式來完成他們。通過“視覺化能力”我可以在心智中解出複雜的數學公式。對於我有的這份天賦,我應該會被認為是西藏的高級喇嘛。
My eyesight and hearing are perfect and, dare to say, stronger than other people. I hear the thunder of a hundred fifty miles away, and I see colors in the sky that others cannot see. This enlargement of vision and hearing, I had as a child. Later I consciously developed.
Journalist: In youth you have several times been seriously ill. Is it a disease and a requirement to adapt?
問: 在你年輕時,你得過好幾次的重病。那是一種疾病,還是天使化身轉世必然的條件狀況?
Tesla: Yes. It is often the result of a lack of exhaustion or vital force, but often the purification of mind and body from the toxins that have accumulated. It is necessary that a man suffers from time to time. The source of most disease is in the spirit. Therefore the spirit and can cure most diseases. As a student I got sick of cholera which raged in the region of Lika. I was cured because my father finally allowed me to study technology, which was my life. Illusion for me was not a disease, but the mind’s ability to penetrate beyond the three dimensions of the earth.
答: 是的。它(疾病)往往是由於生命力的缺乏或是耗竭,但往往也是因為,身心在淨化已經積累在身心裡的毒素的因素。一個人有時候是必需吃點苦的。大多數疾病的根源是在精神上/靈性上。因此,靈性可以治癒大多數的疾病。作為一名學生時,我在霍亂肆虐的利卡地區生病了。而我被治癒,是因為我的父親終於讓我學習科技,這是我的生命。幻覺對我來說不是一種疾病,但是心靈的穿透能力可以超越出了地球的三維度。
(原譯者註: 特斯拉在此指出 , “疾病”是幻覺。若能超越 “三維幻覺”,疾病就好了。 既然如此, 特斯拉應該已有控制肉身的能力,那麼他的老與死 ,是否與西藏高僧一樣都是 “示現”而已呢?)
I had them all my life, and I have received them as all other phenomena around us. Once, in childhood, I was walking along the river with Uncle and said: “From the water will appear the trout, I’ll throw a stone and it is cut.” That’s what happened. Frightened and amazed, his uncle cried: “Bade retro Satan’s!” He was an educated and he spoke in Latin …
我一輩子都有這些心智靈性能力,我一直在接收到祂們,一如所有環繞在我們周圍的所有其他的現象。有一次,在童年,我與叔叔順著河流走,然後說:“從水裡將會出現鱒魚,我會扔一塊石頭,然後它就會被切斷。”然後事情就真的這麼發生了。他那被嚇到又很驚訝的叔叔叫道:“是撒旦顯靈!”他是一個受過教育的人,而他是用拉丁文說出那句話 …
(原譯者註: 所知障重的高級知識份子通常把自己不懂的事說成 ‘別人是魔鬼’,就無知的他不是。)
I was in Paris when I saw my mother’s death. In the sky, full of light and music floated are wonderful creatures. One of them had a mother’s character, who was looking at me with infinite love. As the vision disappeared, I knew that my mother died.
Journalist: What is the seventh adjustment, Mr. Tesla?
問: 什麼是第七個條件狀態才會化身而來,特斯拉先生?
Tesla: The knowledge of how the mental and vital energy transform into what we want, and achieve control over all feelings. Hindus call it Kundalini Yoga. This knowledge can be learned, for what they need many years or is acquired by birth. The most of them I acquired by birth. They are in the closest connection with a sexual energy that is after the most widespread in the Universe. The woman is the biggest thief of that energy, and thus the spiritual power.
答: 就是有關於心智慧量與生命能量是如何轉變,我們所想要的東西,而達到控制我們所有感覺的,知識。印度教徒稱之為“昆達利尼瑜伽”。這方面的知識可以被學習得知,但這樣對於他們所需要的要花許多年時間,或者他們是在出生之時就得到這能力了。我是在出生時就獲得了祂們中大多數的這些瑜伽能力。祂們與一種性能量有著最密切的聯繫,那是最廣泛地存在於宇宙之中的能量。 女人是這種能量最大的竊取者,同時也稱之為靈性能量 。
(原譯者註: 關於‘性行為’的靈性真相,現在已經有許多資料出來了。 總結而言,男女性行為如果不是基於‘真愛’,通常就是一個一方被榨取能量的局面。而由於妓女與風流妹中被魔附身的很多, 所以會造成男性生命力量的失去,這與 ‘鬼上床’ 同狀況,最糟是精盡人亡,但真實狀態是生命力的消亡。 )
I’ve always knew that and was alerted. Of myself I created what I wanted: a thoughtful and spiritual machine.
Journalist: A ninth adjustment, Mr. Tesla?
問: 第九個化身而來會有的條件狀態,特斯拉先生?
Tesla: Do everything that any day, any moment, if possible, not to forget who we are and why we are on Earth. Extraordinary people who are struggling with illness, privation, or the society which hurts them with its stupidity, misunderstanding, persecution and other problems which the country is full of a swamps with insects, leaves behind unclaimed until the end of the work. There are many fallen angels on Earth.
答: 在任何一天,在任何時候所做的一切事情,如果可能的話,不要忘記我們是誰,以及為什麼我們來到地球上的目的 。 許多卓越的人士 ,他們與疾病,窮困抗戰,或者與這社會中傷害他們的愚蠢,誤解,迫害和其他問題抗戰,這些是國家中充滿了昆蟲的沼澤,這些人被留了下來無人認領,直到工作結束之時。地球上目前有許多墮落天使存在。
Journalist: What is the tenth adaptation?
問: 什麼是第十個條件狀態才會化身而來?
Tesla: It is most important. Write that Mr. Tesla played. He played the whole of his life and enjoyed it.
答: 這是最重要的一條 。寫下來 ,特斯拉先生愛玩。他玩了他整個的人生而且很享受玩。
Journalist: Mr. Tesla! Whether it relates to your findings and your work? Is this a game?
問: 特斯拉先生!無論是涉及到你的發明和你的工作?這是一個遊戲嗎?
Tesla: Yes, dear boy. I have so loved to play with electricity! I always cringe when I hear about the one also the Greek who stole fire. A terrible story about studding, and eagles peck at his liver. Did Zeus did not have enough lightning and thunder, and was damaged for one fervor? There is some misunderstanding…
答: 是的,親愛的孩子。我曾經愛玩電!我每次聽到一個也是希臘誰偷了火的事也總是會畏縮。一個關於壁骨的可怕的故事,以及老鷹啄他的肝臟的故事。難道宙斯沒有足夠的閃電和雷聲,而只是因為一個熱情就被撞壞?這裡有一些誤會存在 …
Lightning are the most beautiful toys that can be found. Do not forget that in your text stand out: Nikola Tesla was the first man who discovered lightning.
Journalist: Mr. Tesla, you’re just talking about angels and their adaptation to the Earth.
問: 特斯拉先生,你剛才談到天使和他們化身入地球。
Tesla: Am I? This is the same. You could write this: he dared to take upon himself the prerogatives of Indri, Zeus and Peron. Imagine one of these gods in a black evening suit, with the bowler hat and wearing white cotton gloves prepares lightning, fires and earthquakes to the New York City elite!
答: 我有嗎?這是一樣的。你可以這樣寫:他敢於承擔在自己身上 Indri 、宙斯和庇隆的特權。想像一下,這些神們穿著黑色晚禮服與禮帽,穿著白色棉手套準備針對紐約市的精英雷電,火和地震!
Journalist: Readers love the humor of our paper. But you confuse me stating that your findings, which have immense benefits for the people, representing the game. Many will frown on it.
問: 讀者們喜歡我們論文的幽默。但是你讓我困惑了,關於你對你的發明的說明,這對人們是有巨大利益的,而你卻說這是‘遊戲’。許多人會皺眉頭。
Tesla: Dear Mr. Smith, the trouble is that people are too serious. If they were not, they would be happier and much longer would have lived. Chinese proverb says that the seriousness reduces life. Visiting the inn Tai Pe guessed that he visits the Imperial Palace. But that the newspaper readers would not have frowned, let’s get back to things which they consider important.
答: 尊敬的史密斯先生,麻煩的是,人們太嚴肅了。如果他們沒有這麼嚴肅,他們會更快樂,而且會更長壽。中國有句諺語說:“嚴肅會降低壽命”。逛了臺北酒店卻以為他參觀了故宮。但報紙的讀者不會皺眉頭,如果我們回到他們認為很重要的事情上面的話。
Journalist: They would love to hear what your philosophy is.
問: 他們很想聽聽你的理念是什麼。
Tesla: Life is a rhythm that must be comprehended. I feel the rhythm and direct on it and pamper in it. It was very grateful and gave me the knowledge I have. Everything that lives is related to a deep and wonderful relationship: man and the stars, amoebas’ and the sun, the heart and the circulation of an infinite number of worlds. These ties are unbreakable, but they can be tame and to propitiate and begin to create new and different relationships in the world, and that does not violate the old.
答: 生命是一個必須被理解的節奏 。我可以感覺到這節奏並且可以引導它,而且被它所擁抱。這是非常值得感謝的,而且給了我我有的知識。每一樣活著的東西之間都有一個深刻而美好的關係:人與星星之間,與變形蟲,與太陽,與心臟以及與無限數量的世界的迴圈。這些聯結關係是牢不可破的,但它們是可以被馴服和勸解的,而且可以開始在世界上創造出新的和不同的關係,而且不違反舊的關係。
Knowledge comes from space; our vision is its most perfect set. We have two eyes: the earthly and spiritual. It is recommended that it become one eye. Universe is alive in all its manifestations, like a thinking animal.
Stone is a thinking and sentient being, such as plant, beast and a man. A star that shines asked to look at, and if we are not a sizeable self-absorbed we would understand its language and message. His breathing, his eyes and ears of the man must comply with breathing, eyes and ears of the Universe.
Journalist: As you say this, it seems to me like I hear Buddhist texts, words or Taoist Parazulzusa.
問: 正如你所說的這一點,在我看來,像是我在聽說佛教的典籍,單詞或是道教的理論一樣。
Tesla: That’s right! This means that there is general knowledge and truth that man has always possessed. In my feeling and experience, the Universe has only one substance and one supreme energy with an infinite number of manifestations of life. The best thing is that the discovery of a secret nature, reveals the other.
答: 這是正確的!這意味著,人類一直擁有一個普遍性的知識和真理存在。在我的感覺和經驗中,宇宙只有一個實體,和一個至高無上的能量,與生命的無限多表現方式。最好的事情是,當你發現了一個秘密的本質,你就會發現出其他的。
One cannot hide, there are around us, but we are blind and deaf to them. If we emotionally tie ourselves to them, they come to us themselves. There are a lot of apples, but one Newton. He asked for just one apple that fell in front of him.
Journalist: A question that might be set at the beginning of this conversation. What was Electricity for you, Dear Mr. Tesla?
問: 有一個問題可能可以定調在這個談話的開頭。對你而言,什麼是電,親愛的特斯拉先生?
Tesla: Everything is Electricity. First was the light, endless source from which points out material and distribute it in all forms that represent the Universe and the Earth with all its aspects of life. Black is the true face of Light, only we do not see this. It is remarkable grace to man and other creatures. One of its particles possesses light, thermal, nuclear, radiation, chemical, mechanical and an unidentified energy.
答: 每一樣東西都是電 。首先是光,從無盡的源頭中指出了物質,並且把它分發到代表宇宙和地球的生活的各個層面的各種形式之中。黑色是光的真實面目,只有我們沒有看到這一點。這是對人類和其他生物的驚人的恩典。它(光) 的一個粒子具有光,熱,核能,輻射,化學,機械和一個身份不明的能量 。
It has the power to run the Earth with its orbit. It is true Archimedean lever.
Journalist: Mr. Tesla, you’re too biased towards electricity.
問: 特斯拉先生,你太偏向電力(的重要性)了。
Tesla: Electricity I am. Or, if you wish, I am the electricity in the human form. You are Electricity; too Mr. Smith, but you do not realize it.
答: 我就是電。或者,如果你願意這麼說的話,我就是個人形的電力。你也是電力;史密斯先生,但你沒有意識到這一點。
Journalist: Is it thus your ability to allow fails of electricity of one million volts trough your body?
問: 是不是因此你的能力,可以讓一萬伏特的電穿越你的身體?
Tesla: Imagine a gardener who is attacked by herbs. This would indeed be crazy. Man’s body and brain are made from a large amount energy; in me there is the majority of electricity. The energy that is different in everyone is what makes the human “I” or “soul”. For other creatures to their essence, “soul” of the plant is the “soul” of minerals and animals.
答: 想像一下,一名園丁被藥草攻擊。這確實是瘋了。人的身體和大腦都是由大量的能量所製造的;在我那裡裡面就大多數是電。這存在每個人之中的不同的能量就是使人類的“我”或“靈魂”不同的能量。對於其他生靈的本質而言,植物的“靈魂”與礦物質和動物的“靈魂”都是一樣的靈魂本質。
Brain function and death is manifested in light. My eyes in youth were black, now blue, and as time goes on and strain the brain gets stronger, they are closer to white. White is the color of heaven. Through my window one morning, landed a white dove, which I fed. She wanted to bring me a word that she was dying. From her eyes the light jets were coming out. Never in the eyes of any creature had I not seen so much light, as in that pigeon.
腦功能和死亡一樣是體現在光之中 。我在青年時的眼睛是黑色的,現在是藍色,並隨著時間的推移和勞損,大腦變得更強了,他們更接近白色。白是天堂的顏色。透過我的視窗在一個早晨,有一隻白鴿落下來,我喂了它。她想給我一句話,就是她快要死了。從她的眼睛中光噴射出來。我從來沒有在任何其他生物的眼睛中看見過這麼多的光,一如在那鴿子的眼睛中一樣。
Journalist: Personnel in your lab speak about flashes of light, flames and lightning that occur if you are angry or into kind of risk.
問: 在你的實驗室中的工作人員談論到,如果你生氣或有危險的話,會看到光、火焰和閃電閃耀會發生。
Tesla: It is the psychic discharge or a warning to be alert. The light was always on my side. Do you know how I discovered the rotating magnetic field and induction motor, which made me became famous when I was twenty-six? One summer evening in Budapest, I watched with my friend Sigetijem sunset.
Thousands of fire was turning around in thousands of flaming colors. I remembered Faust and recited his verses and then, as in a fog, I saw spinning magnetic field, and induction motor. I saw them in the sun!
答: 這是這種心理電力釋放或是警告要小心。光總是在我身邊。你知道我是怎麼發現了旋轉磁引力場和感應電機,這東西讓我成名的時候我是 26 ?是一個夏天的晚上,在布達佩斯,我與我的朋友 Sigetijem 正看著日落。
Journalist: Hotel service telling that at the time of lightning you isolate into the room and talk to yourselves.
問: 酒店服務人員說,在閃電時你獨自走進房間,跟你自己說話。
Tesla: I talk with lightning and thunder.
答: 我是跟閃電和雷聲說話。
Journalist: With them? What language, Mr.Tesla?
問: 跟他們?什麼語言,特斯拉先生?
Tesla: Mostly my native language. It has the words and sounds, especially in poetry, what is suitable for it.
答: 大部份是使用我的母語。它具有文字和聲音,特別是適合在詩歌中,是的。
Journalist: Readers of our magazine would be very grateful if you would interpret that.
問: 我們雜誌的讀者們會很感激,如果你能解釋清楚這個。
Tesla: The sound does not exist only in the thunder and lightning, but, in transformation into the brightness and color. A color can be heard. Language is of the words, which means that it is from the sounds and colors. Every thunder and lightning are different and have their names. I call some of them by the names of those who were close in my life, or by those whom I admire.
答: 聲音並不只存在於雷電之中,而且存在轉化成為的亮光和色彩之間 。一個顏色可以被聽到。語言是文字,這意味著它是來自聲音與顏色。每一個雷和閃電都是不同的,而且它們各有自己的名字。我會用那些與我的生活較接近的人的名字來稱呼它們,或是我很佩服的一些人的名字。
In the sky brightness and thunder live my mother, sister, brother Daniel, a poet Jovan Jovanovic Zmaj and other persons of Serbian history. Names such AsIsaiah, Ezekiel, Leonardo, Beethoven, Goya, Faraday, Pushkin and all burning fires mark shoals and tangles of lightning and thunder, which does not stop all night bringing to the Earth precious rain and burning trees or villages.
在天空的亮度和雷聲中住著我的母親,姐姐,哥哥丹尼爾,一個詩人 Jovan 約萬諾維奇 Zmaj 和塞爾維亞歷史上的其他人。名字如, AsIsaiah ,以西結書,達芬奇,貝多芬,戈雅,法拉第,普希金和所有燃燒的大火,標誌著閃電和雷聲的纏結與沙灘,整夜不停的為地球帶來了珍貴的雨水和燃燒的樹木或是村莊。
There is lightning and thunder, and they are the brightest and most powerful, that will not vanish. They are coming back and I recognize them among the thousands.
Journalist: For you, science or poetry is the same?
問: 對你來說,科學或詩是一樣的嗎?
Tesla: These are the two eyes of one person. William Blake was taught that the Universe was born from the imagination, that it maintains and it will exist as long as there is a last man on the Earth. With it was a wheel to which astronomers can collect the stars of all galaxies. It is the creative energy identical to the light energy.
答: 這些(科學與詩)是一個人的兩隻眼睛。威廉.布萊克被教導說,宇宙是從想像中誕生的,而且它會保持下去,它會存在,只要在地球上有最後一個人存在。它是天文學家可以收集所有的星系的恒星的一個輪子。它(想像力),就是 “造物的能量”等同於是 “光的能量” 。
Journalist: Imagination is more real to you than life itself?
問: 想像力比生命本身更真實嗎?
Tesla: It gives birth to the life. I have fed by my taught; I’ve learned to control emotions, dreams and visions. I have always cherished, as I nurtured my enthusiasm. All my long life I spent in ecstasy. That was the source of my happiness. It helped me during all these years to bear with work, which was enough for the five lives. The best is to work at night, because the stellar light, and close bond.
答: 它(想像力)孕育了生命。我被我所教導的所餵養;我已經學會了控制情緒,夢想和願景。我一直珍惜,因為我養育我的熱情。我所有的長人生,我花在了狂喜之上。那是我幸福的源泉。它在所有這些年來幫我承擔我的工作,這是足夠五個人生的工作。在晚上工作是最好的,因為恒星的光線,以及緊密的連線。
Journalist: You said that I am, like every being, the Light. This flatter me, but I confess, I do not quite understand.
問: 你說我,像每個存有,光明。這恭維了我,但我承認,我不太明白。
Tesla: Why would you need to understand, Mr. Smith? Suffice it to believe it. Everything is light. In one its ray is the fate of nations, each nation has its own ray in what great light source we see as the sun. And remember: no one who was there did not die. They transformed into the light, and as such exist still. The secret lies in the fact that the light particles restore their original state.
答: 為什麼你需要明白,史密斯先生?相信它就足夠了。每一樣東西都是光。在一條光線中,它有國家的命運,每個國家有她自己的光線,存在我們所看到的是太陽的偉大光源之中。請記住:過去來過的人並沒有死。它們都轉化成了光,因此它們仍然存在。 秘密就在於一個事實之中,意即光粒子會恢復原來的狀態 。
Journalist: This is the resurrection!
問: 這是復活!
Tesla: I prefer to call it: return to a previous energy. Christ and several others knew the secret. I am searching how to preserve human energy. It is forms of Light, sometimes straight like heavenly light. I have not looked for it for my own sake, but for the good of all. I believe that my discoveries make people’s lives easier and more bearable, and channel them to spirituality and morality.
答: 我更喜歡稱它為:返回到原來的能量形式 。基督和其他幾個人知道這個秘密。我正在尋找如何保護人類能量的方法。這是光的形式們,有時直似天上的光。我沒有為我自己在尋找它們,而是為了大家的利益。我相信我的發現會使人們的生活更輕鬆,更能接受,並引導他們進入靈性和道德。
Journalist: Do you think that time can be abolished?
問: 你認為時間可以被取消掉嗎?
Tesla: Not quite, because the first feature of the energy is that it transforms. It is in perpetual transformation, as clouds of Taoists. But it is possible to leverage the fact that a man preserves consciousness after the earthly life. In every corner of the universe exist energy of life; one of them is immortality, whose origin is outside of man, waiting for him.
答: 不太如此,因為能量的第一個特徵就是,它會轉化。它是永遠在轉變之中的,一如道家的雲。但它是有可能被槓桿利用的,如一個人保留了塵世生活後意識的事實。在宇宙的每一個角落存在著生命的能量;其中一個就是“永生”,其原產地是在人類之外的地方,等待著他。
The universe is spiritual; we are only half that way. The Universe is more moral than us, because we do not know his nature and how to harmonize our lives with it. I am not scientist, science is perhaps the most convenient way to find the answer to the question that always haunt me, and which my days and nights turned into fire.
這宇宙是靈性的 ;我們只在一半的路上而已 。宇宙比我們更道德,因為我們不知道他的本性,以及如何合諧化我們的生活。我不是科學家,科學也許是最便捷的方式去找到這個問題的答案,有關那一直困擾著我的問題,並且把我日日夜夜變成了火的問題的答案。
Journalist: What’s the matter?
問: 怎麼啦?
Tesla: How are your eyes brightened!… What I wanted to know is: what happens to a falling star as the sun goes out? Stars fall like dust or seed in this or in other worlds, and the sun be scattered in our minds, in the lives of many beings, what will be reborn as a new light, or cosmic wind scattered in infinity.
答: 你的眼睛變得好亮 … 我想知道的是:當太陽熄滅之後,一顆流星會怎樣?巨星隕落如灰塵或是以種子種在了這個或是其他世界裡,陽光散落在我們的腦海中,在許多存有的生命裡,有什麼會重生成為一個新的光,或者宇宙風會散入無限之中。
I understand that this is necessary included in the structure of the Universe. The thing is, though, is that one of these stars and one of these suns, even the smallest, preserves.
(原譯者註: 物質不滅定律。)
Journalist: But, Mr. Tesla, you realize that this is necessary and is included in the constitution of the world!
問: 但是,特斯拉先生,你意識到,這是必要的,而且這是包括在世界的組成方式之中的!
Tesla: When a man becomes concuss; that his highest goal must be to run for a shooting star, and tries to capture it; shall understand that his life was given to him because of this and will be saved. Stars will eventually be capable to catch!
答: 當一個人變得驚恐;因為他的最高目標必須是去追逐一顆流星,並試圖去捕捉到它;他應當明白,他的生命被給予了他是由於這件事,所以他的生命將被保護著。而流星最終也將是能夠被抓住的!
Journalist: And what will happen then?
問: 那然後會發生什麼事情呢?
Tesla: The creator will laugh and say: ”It fall only that you chase her and grab her.”
答: 造物者會笑著,說:“它跌落只因為你會追她,並且抓住她”
Journalist: Isn’t all of this contrary to the cosmic pain, which so often you mention in your writings? And what is it cosmic pain?
問: 所有的這一切不是違反 「 宇宙痛苦 」 ( cosmic pain ),這不是你在你的文章中常常提到的嗎?而這 「 宇宙痛苦 」 又是什麼呢?
Tesla: No, because we are on Earth … It is an illness whose existence the vast majority of people are not aware of. Hence, many other illnesses, suffering, evil, misery, wars and everything else what makes human life an absurd and horrible condition. This disease cannot be completely cured, but awareness shall make it less complicated and hazardous. Whenever one of my close and dear people were hurt, I felt physical pain. This is because our bodies are made as of similar material, and our soul related with unbreakable strands. Incomprehensible sadness that overwhelmed us at times means that somewhere, on the other side on this planet, a child or generous man died.
答: 沒有,因為我們是在地球上 … 這是一種疾病,在地球上存在的絕大多數人都沒有意識到的一種疾病。因此,許多其他疾病、苦難、邪惡、慘狀、戰爭和一切讓人類生活得荒誕和恐怖的狀態。這種疾病無法被徹底治癒,但是“覺知意識”應該可以使它不那麼複雜和危險 。
The entire Universe is in certain periods sick of itself, and of us. Disappearance of a star and the appearance of comets affect us more than we can imagine. Relationships among the creatures on the Earth are even stronger, because of our feelings and thoughts the flower will scent even more beautiful or will fall in silence.
These truths we must learn in order to be healed. Remedy is in our hearts and evenly, in the heart of the animals that we call the Universe.
這些真理,我們必須學習,以得到醫治 。補救措施是在我們的心中,而且即使在動物的心中,也有我們稱之為的 「 宇宙 」 。
Read also Nicola Tesla’s second interview from 1915 here in original:
也請閱讀特斯拉在 1915 年第二次接受採訪的原始資料:
Interview with Nikola Tesla
特斯拉訪談 (真人配音,配有圖像,無字幕)
NIKOLA 特斯拉 - Everything is the Light - Interview with Nikola Tesla
一切都是光 — 特斯拉訪談 (電腦發音,有配原文字幕)
閃電的主人 — 特斯拉 (中文字幕)
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