


(資料來自:1941.5.4 一切是如何開始的)


這是愛德華比利”邁爾Eduard "Billy" Meier)所有故事的開始。

How it All Began...


On the 3rd of February, 1941, when I had just turned four, I lived in Niederflachs, 1253, a short distance from the town of Bülach/ZH, which was surrounded by the Eschenmoser and Bruder mountains as well as by wide forests and extensive meadows and fields. Even then I felt the urge to learn a lot and to become knowledgeable and wise, as well as modest, kind and worthy of life. Through their education of me, mother and father guided me in this direction, however, Pastor Rudolf Zimmermann, the minister of the Reformed Church of the municipality of Bülach, likewise played a weighty role, because, in him, quite especially, I saw the expression of knowledge and wisdom as well as the virtue of modesty, but also his kindness and appreciation in regard to human beings and life. These conditions were the constant motivation for me to contemplate all those values and to develop myself in that direction, which also meant, for me, however, that, in spite of my young age, I had to learn a lot and that I actually was not averse to learning. Nevertheless, I did not agree completely with all that, which I had to learn, and the things which were explained and made known to me. Thus, from a very early age, I learnt to maintain my own trains of thought in a controlled manner, to draw my own conclusions and to make my own decisions.

1941 2 3 日,剛滿四歲的我住在 Niederflachs 1253 號,那裡離蘇黎世的比拉赫鎮(Bülach/ZH不遠,周邊被 Eschenmoser Bruder 山脈那廣袤的森林與一望無際的草原與田野包圍著。
這一切都得益於我父母對我的教育,是他們引導我走向了這個方向,然而,比拉赫鎮改革教會(Reformed Church的牧師 Rudolf Zimmermann 同樣發揮了很重要的作用,因為在他身上,我既看到了知識和智慧的展現以及謙虛的美德,還有他對其他人類和生命所表現出的仁慈和尊重。

Through this, I also learnt to separate the wheat from the chaff and to look for the truth where it is basically to be found, namely, in one’s own inner and innermost, as well as in one’s own intellect, in one’s own reason, one’s own thoughts, contemplations and feelings. From this, developed the recognition and application of self-responsibility, and the recognition and fulfilment of responsibility in regard to fellow human beings, the worlds of plants and animals and in regard to life and the creational laws and recommendations. Thus I recognised very soon, and before I had even turned five, that there was very much more to life than that with which human beings occupy themselves in everyday existence with work, which in those days, as a rule, also encroached on one’s free time. Thus, according to my cognition, however, there was still very much more than only the instructive, educational moments and the usual learning, which a small Earthling just learns, in everyday life, from peers, parents, grandparents, neighbours and so on. So I also recognised that, in spite of my young age, I was a human being like every other human being, only that I could not yet fit into the ranks of adults, because many years of growing up still separated me from them. Therefore, because of this and other things, I longed to grow up quickly, indeed, in matters pertaining to the consciousness just as much as in matters pertaining to the body and age. But it quickly became clear to me that I could not turn the wheel of time in order for it to run faster; consequently, I therefore consciously had to practice patience, which also caused me no difficulties.

由此,在面對他人、植物世界、動物世界,面對生命和「造物之法則與建言」(the creational laws and recommendations之時,形成了一種自我責任心,並遵循著這種自我責任心,以及實踐著這種責任心。
所以在我才 5 歲不到的時候,就認識到了許許多多的事情,而不只是大自然呈現給我的東西。在當時的年代,人們除了正常工作以外,在通常情況下還要抽出額外的閒置時間去面對生活中的其它事情。

Well, it happened during a mild night in May, in the year 1941, and, if I remember rightly, it was around 3 a.m., in the night of Sunday, May 4th. In any case, this is how it has all been etched into my memory, indeed, because everything, which took place at that time, was a special experience. I slept and dreamt that I saw my own body lying asleep in bed. Thinking about it in my sleep, I made the observation that I really was asleep, which somehow amazed me and moved me to wake up deliberately. A little drowsy, I looked out of the window, through which I saw the clear, starry sky. So I rose from my bed, went to the window and climbed out, as it was almost at ground level. Outside, I sat down on the simple bench, which stood against the wall of the house, and which father had built. I could not see the moon, however, the sky was clear and wrapped in velvety black, and millions of stars shone down from the firmament. For a few minutes, I sat there like that and looked up to the stars, while pondering and, in my thoughts, flying far into the universe. However, suddenly something peculiar happened inside of me, which, from the next moment, irrevocably changed my whole life. Strangely touched, I looked at my hands and body and could only vaguely recognise them. So I touched my body and felt it, and then I heard my own voice say: “My life is made out of the love of Creation.” And I could not explain why I said that and which power led me to speak these words. A slight shiver came over me, although the night was quite warm, and then I noticed that I also felt peculiar, nevertheless, I was not frightened.

現在的我如果沒記錯的話,那是在 1941 5 4 日,星期天,一個溫暖的深夜,時間大約在淩晨 3 點左右。
於是我觸摸著自己的身體並感受到它,然後我聽到了自己的聲音在說:我的生命是基於造化之愛the love of Creation)而來的。

中譯者註:Creation”一詞據理解應是指宇宙間最高層級的能量一切生命與萬物的原創力,也被稱為神聖本源Divine origin)。在後續之翻譯中,優先選用中文較貼近的譯名「造化」,部分翻譯視語意選用「造物」、「造物主」、「創世」、「創生」、「創造」等。


Again, I looked up to the stars and recognised that the stars were distant suns in the vast outer space and that these shone by means of their own power, by themselves, even though they were created from the light of the love of Creation, as is everything in the whole universe. And again, words - the origins of which I could not decipher, the sense of which I was, however, able to grasp, as with the first words - escaped from my lips: “Everything is created out of the light of love.” And then further words followed: “The space between the stars is empty and yet not empty, and everything that exists in the whole universe is a living wesen[1] – everything is Creation and Creation itself.” The words, which came from my own mouth, penetrated deeply into me, and, in them, I recognised that the true source of life is the light of true creational love, which, in its vitality, creates all life and contains, within itself, all laws and recommendations of creational order and all information about life and death.

接下來我又說了一句話:星星之間的太空是空曠的,但卻不是空的,因為存在於整個宇宙中的一切都是 Wesen[註一],一切都是造化Creation)和造化本身。
[註一:Wesen 是一種獨立存在的生命形式,具有基於脈衝、本能或意識形式的自我獨立性和個性,特別針對進化的所有可能性,及其身體,精神(與心靈有關),意識,淺意識,無意識,脈衝或是與本能相關的進化形式(人類、動物、生物和植物)。]

I recognised that the light, which the stars emitted, was a light in the visible spectrum, however, the light of true love remained invisible, creational and for all-great-time[2]. And, indeed, the beaming stars were there, which stirred in me an unfamiliar longing for the vast distance and faraway worlds. Then, words suddenly formed on my lips again, which said: “Since ancient times, you have lived among the stars”, and suddenly I knew who I was, how I am and what my mission is on this earth. And, suddenly, impulses came from somewhere, which I later recognised as impulses from the storage banks, and many good memories penetrated me and showed me the way I had to go in my life. Thus I also suddenly knew what space and time signify concerning the evolution of human beings and all things, and what the actual meaning of life is, in which the human being must create true love, peace, freedom, knowledge, harmony and wisdom. And the cognition was awakened, that no life or other things at all could exist in the universe, if the true BEING - the Creation - did not direct everything with its love as well as its laws and recommendations. Thereby - as I recognised at that time, as a little boy - life becomes the power of Creation, the highest might, which has created and maintains the universe and everything within it.

我還意識到,恒星發出的光是一種可見光,然而,真愛之光卻是看不見的,它富有創造力的,並貫穿於 all-great-time[註二]之中。
[註二:all-great-time 就是無窮無盡的狀態 = 無盡的存在(永恆)。]
我對這一切的認知開始被喚醒,如果真正的存在BEING—— 也就是造化」—— 沒有使用它的愛以及它的法則與建議去指引這一切的話,那麼宇宙中就根本不會存在任何生命或者其他什麼東西。

This is everything of which I became aware during this night, as a little boy, who was just four years old. Everything which exists in the whole universe is a manifestation of the might and the infinite and true love of that mighty universal consciousness, which is simply called Creation. And, together with it - Creation - everything that was created by it is Creation, everything existing in the whole universe, everything which crawls and flies. However, true love, as well as the true love of Creation itself, of which I became aware, is a form of incomprehensibly radiating light, of the ZOHAR[3], which permeates everything and allows all life and all existence to pulsate. Therefore, true love is light, which, in turn, perceives light and endlessly radiates further and never ends, but always keeps accumulating. And this love is also existent and recognisable in all matter, as well as in the human being, in whom it is present as a result of the creational spirit, and which he just has to let grow in him, internally and externally, whereby true love again reflects true love and creates harmony. This true love is the reality, and not, however, all the illusions, and unreal dreams which the human being procures, which he can never realise, as they, exactly like smoke, only obscure his view and do not allow him to recognise what true love really is and what he himself is, in reality, within the universal drive mechanism of Creation. The exterior, the body of the human being, is, namely, impermanent and transient; however the true love of creational nature, which is anchored in his true inner being, in the spirit, is pure light of BEING and is imperishable.

存在於整個宇宙中的一切,就這種最高能量,這種強大宇宙意識universal consciousness)的無盡而真摯之愛的體現,這也就是:造化
然而,真正的愛,以及我所知曉的造化之真愛,它散發一種難以理解而稱之為 ZOHAR[註三]的光,它滲透進一切,並使所有的生命形式和所有的存在形式產生脈動(pulsate)。
[註三:在《以馬內利的教誨》(Talmud Jmmanuel)中,Zohar的定義是靈性造物能量所散發出的輝煌之光the radiant splendor of spiritual-Creational energy)。]

Already, at the age of four, this great recognition instantly changed my life, because, after I was familiarised with this insight and understanding by means of the impulses from the storage banks - and also learned who I really was, what I had to learn and do in my life and what my life-task was - I looked at human beings, animals and nature, as well as all existing things, in a completely new way, and I suddenly felt a great astonishment within myself about that, which I now discovered. I suddenly saw myself in everything – in every fellow human being, in every flower or other plant, in every tree and shrub, in every animal, in snow, in water, in the earth, in the lightning and thunder, in clouds, in wind and in sunshine, because everything was, and is, connected in true, creational love, and forms a unity which can never be separated. Even life and death are woven into it and are inseparably intertwined with eachother. And exactly as a result of this connection, which was instantly clear to me, everything is mixed and connected in infinitely various ways, through which innumerable manifestations of life and existences were created, exist and will continue to be created.

我突然在萬事萬物中看到自己 —— 在身邊的每一個人、每一朵花或其它植物、每一棵樹和灌木、每一隻動物、在雪中、水中、土中、在閃電和打雷中,在雲中、風中和陽光之中,因為所有這一切都與造物之真愛相連,並形成了一個永不可分的整體。

Within a few moments, I understood everything. I was excited with joy, and peace and harmony spread within me, but also the deepest deference and modesty before the creational mightiness in infinite true love. Then, days and years later, I tried to explain, to my parents and neighbours, everything that had come about within me during that night, because I had a very great need to report and to explain what cognitions I had gained. I could hardly wait to communicate this to my fellow human beings, but the opportunity to do this was not granted to me. There were simply no words for me to explain myself, and there were no human beings who understood what I, as a little boy, tried to explain to them. So I tried in vain to pass on my experiences and cognitions, but nobody grasped what I really meant. Parents, relatives, neighbours, teachers and other fellow human beings, only saw how I changed more and more, however, they did not perceive that my eyes and my voice emitted something which was foreign to them. They only noticed that I became more and more modest and that I did not condemn anything or anyone and that I always gave what I could give. I became a human being who was no longer the same as the others - one who was still young in years and yet already old in his cognitions. I could understand fellow human beings very well and, even to old people, I could give good advice, for which they were very grateful. But nobody was in a position to understand me, except for Pastor Rudolf Zimmermann. Some thought I was a loner, others compared me to a sage, but nobody understood what actually went on inside me, what kind of thoughts and feelings I had and what my real desire was - to be able to intelligibly transmit my cognitions and knowledge to other human beings.

我欣喜若狂,但內心充滿平靜與和諧,同時在對無限真愛中的「宏偉創生之力」(creational mightiness前面,懷著最深摯的敬畏與謙卑之心。
但除了牧師 Rudolf Zimmermann 之外,事實上沒有人能夠真正理解我。

My thoughts led me to the cognition that, essentially, every human being should see himself in his fellow human beings as I saw myself in all other human beings, but nobody ever thinks to do this. Every human being lives only for himself and his own welfare, unless, out of some kind of feelingbased love or emotional love – or perhaps really out of true love – he forms a connection with someone else. Thus it became clear to me, that I had to assume the responsibility of my task and dedicate my life to it, in order to give human beings understanding and to teach them that they dream up unreal things, and, indeed, without consciousness, and without comprehending what and who they really are, and to teach them for which purpose they eke out their life here on Earth. Thus the human being has to learn to know himself, and not to hide behind fog and smoke and not to believe that life can thereby be lived successfully and progressively. Hence, the saying shall be uttered, that it is very easy to go through life without perception and with closed eyes and to disregard and misunderstand everything which, nevertheless, is seen out of the corner of one’s eye.


Only the human who life fulfils,
Who not in fog and smoke conceals
Will happiness and victory one day obtain
And the true love of human beings gain.










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