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Contact Report 544 (2012/9/1)   第544次接觸報告之二






Then that is therefore also clear. Thank you. Again and again, in the last few weeks, because of the terrorist attack, I am asked about the events of September 11th, 2001, in New York. But also television shows concerning conspiracy theories are broadcast in relation to the events on September 11th, 2001. In this regard, for example, the predominant conspiracy theory actually is that the U.S. government itself brought about this catastrophe and through the CIA, and so forth, allowed the two towers to be loaded up with explosives and then to be exploded, which is why they collapsed into themselves. If you allow, today I would like to just bring the conversation to the USA, to its former presidents as well as the worldwide machinations and the manner of the politics and practices of U.S. America. Naturally, then again the super-smart as well as certain big mouth journalists in certain newspapers scold about that, that you and I, with our discussions, would talk politics and to do so publicly, if the contact conversations are written down and published. Unfortunately, these fools and zeros, who express themselves in this malevolent and negative way and call themselves journalists, are not intelligent enough to comprehend and understand that you and I only express our free opinion on matters, and that we set forth nothing more than facts and show possibilities which can arise from maladministration.



Of course I allow myself a conversation with you in the indicated manner, because there is much to say, to explain and to show as possibilities which can result from the broadly comprehensive, complex and erroneous as well as diverse variety of comprehensive and wrong as well as manner of the politics and practices of U.S. America. But first I will explain something in relation to the conspiracy theory spread widely regarding September 11th 2001, and not, however, only in the USA. It must be said that this actually corresponds to nonsense.


Truthly, everything arose just as the inquiries by professionals and by the secret services indicated. Nevertheless, however, with respect to this crime of al-Qaeda, some weak intelligence findings exist, which were also brought to the notice of U.S. President George W. Bush, which he however completely ignored, and which were not taken as seriously as they should have been by the few responsible ones of the CIA, namely only three people – who vaguely knew about it. On one hand, the ignorance on Bush's side occurred out of sheer stupidity and, on the other hand, from his only half-conscious confused thoughts, deeply based inside him, to have a handle against the ever-impending terror in global form if a terrorist catastrophe were to occur.

的確,由專業人士和特務機關的指示,全部都出現了相同的質詢。儘管如此,然而對於基地組織al-Qaeda;又稱蓋達組織)的罪行,美國總統喬治.沃克.布希George W. Bush)確實掌握了一些不夠充分的情報訊息,但他卻全然不加理會。只有三個人隱約知道這件事;除了總統,還有中央情報局少數(三位)負責人,但消息並未被視為應有的嚴重程度來處理。一方面,布希這裡發生了完全的愚蠢無知,而在另一方面,如果一個恐怖的災難要發生,從他深植內心且只有半清醒的混亂思緒中,有對全球不斷迫近的恐怖行動,毫無反制處裡的對策。

As we could clarify, the vague knowledge held by the three CIA people – two agents and a supervisor – was directed at the fact that a terrorist attack on the United States could be likely, but there was not a single suspicion that it related to the two towers of the WTC. The presumption was just related to generalities. In his confused stupidity, the U.S. President George W. Bush could not sufficiently predict the real risk so that he would have ordered thoroughgoing measures and mobilised the CIA on a grand scale to produce accurate investigations and take precautionary national security measures. And such protective measures would in fact have been possible, as our probability calculations have shown, but, as a result of the failure of the U.S. President and the three CIA agents, everything turned out differently. However, such was already evident in 1976, when my daughter Semjase made the relevant predictions for you and you were committed to silence. Then Quetzal made the same predictions for you again in 1986. You remember it well.



That is the case, yes, because I became hellishly miserable when Semjase made the prediction for me, that there would be around 3,000 dead. But it also likewise happened to me at another time when the same events were named to me again by Quetzal in 1986 and he explained what would really transpire. It is simply incomprehensible why the American people vote such dead losses and fools into government who bring only enormous damage to the country as has happened again and again since the start. One must only think of the most important things and factors which brought an enormous amount of misery into the world and were caused by the USA presidents. See here, with this fax of August 9th, I received this list from Germany with respect to a few of the 43 U.S. presidents who have stuck out especially blatantly in regard to their criminal and felonious machinations. This also shows that Barack Obama is actually only the 43rd and not the 44th U.S. president because one Grover Cleveland was elected as president on two separate occasions, thus on March 4th, 1885, and he held office until March 4th, 1889. Four years later, on March 4th, 1893, he was elected again and remained in office until March 4th, 1897. So this man was both the 22nd as well as the 23rd U.S. president and thereby the only one who has held two terms which did not directly follow each other. Consequently, Grover Cleveland cannot be described as two different presidents. But such inconsistencies have arisen in the USA since its establishment, as such still arise today. But back to the criminal and felonious machinations of various US presidents, such as this example for which President William McKinley is charged. William McKinley was the actual perpetrator of the 1898 launched military conflicts with Spain, which lost the war. McKinley created the exclave of Guantanamo in Cuba, where George W. Bush then, from the year 2002, incarcerated political prisoners and had them tortured, which is still done in this punishment and torture camp. Ronald Reagan, a former bad actor and dim intellect, was on the payroll of the FBI as informant T-10, who, as such, continually set up/grassed on, [“verzinken” lit. “galvanised”], as communists, more than 50 fellow actors to the FBI. In 1979, President Jimmy Carter, a peanut farmer, ordered the CIA to support the Islamic guerrillas in Afghanistan, where a civil war was in progress, in which the Soviet Union had also interfered. Deliveries of weaponry were also connected with that, which was then used - from 1992, after the victory by the militias, who now fought with each other - over the communist government of Afghanistan. And then the brutal and violent as well as religiously fanatical group, the Taliban, emerged from that, who have been terrorising the people ever since.

沒錯,在當時Semjase作出那些預測時,知道將有大約三千人死亡,對我來說,那真是成了可怕的夢懨。但當相同的事件,Quetzal1986年又我再度告訴我時,他還說明了會真正發生什麼。這簡直是​​無法理解,為什麼美國人民會投票給這種廢物和傻子進入政府,他從開始以來只有一再帶來國家巨大的破壞。一個只能思考最重大事情與要素的美國總統,卻因他(的疏忽)讓這個世界湧入大量的苦難。看看這裡,有份89日的傳真資料,我收到來自德國的這份名單,是關於美國的43位總統中,有少數已經特別是公然顯示出他們的罪行和重罪陰謀。這也表明歐巴馬Barack Obama)實際上只是美國第43而不是第44位總統,因為格羅弗.克利夫蘭Grover Cleveland)在兩個不同任期中當選總統,也就是他(首先)在188534日任職,直到188934日。四年後,在189334日,他再次當選,並一直就任到189734日,所以這位總統同時是第22和第23位美國總統,因此他一個人分別在兩個不連續的任期中擔任過總統。所以,格羅弗.克利夫蘭不能被說是兩個不同的總統。但自美國建國以來,這種不一致情況就已經出現,就如同至今這種情形還是會出現。但是,回到各個美國總統的罪行和重罪陰謀這方面,就例如其中的威廉.麥金利William McKinley)總統曾被指控。威廉.麥金利1898與西班牙發動軍事衝突而輸掉這場戰爭的實際負責人。麥金利在古巴建立了關塔那摩灣Guantanamo)的飛地(exclave;被包圍在另外一個國家境內,和本國其他領土不接壤的領地),而在那裡,喬治.W.布希2002年起就關押了一些政治犯並折磨他們,目前這仍然是個懲罰和折磨的牢獄之地。納德.雷根Ronald Reagan),這位差勁的演員且才智平庸,是美國聯邦調查局支薪的告密者T-10,因此,他不斷對聯邦調查局構陷/通風報信[德語“verzinken”意思是“煽動”],密報有關50多個同為演員的共產黨人他們的動態。1979年,卡特Jimmy Carter)總統,這位花生的農夫,下令中央情報局支援在阿富汗的伊斯蘭(Islamic)遊擊隊,其中蘇聯還曾介入正在進行的內戰。武器裝備的交付也與之有關,這是阿富汗共產主義政府當時使用的,而從1992年民兵勝利之後,現在又再相互對抗。接著,野蠻、暴力以及具宗教狂熱的塔利班Taliban)政權出現後,從此開始不斷威嚇人民。

And it could only come that far because Jimmy Carter interfered in the Afghanistan conflict, and had the CIA activate and direct operations. The whole thing then simmered for years and then finally led to a further Islamist organisation, to Al Qaeda, which then, on September 11th, 2001, brought about the catastrophe in New York. Even President John F. Kennedy was not better because, in 1963, he secretly enacted a law which enabled him to print massive amounts of money, of which the Department of Treasury has spent 4.2 billion dollars. This money, that is to say, the banknotes, did not belong to the USA, but to a group of private banks which, in 1913, had merged into the Federal Reserve System (Fed). The US state does not have the right to print banknotes itself, because only the Fed has that permission - the government has to borrow the money from it - and “Federal Reserve Note” is printed on their banknotes. On the other hand, Kennedy’s banknotes stated, “United States Note”. Therefore, from the Fed’s point of view, Kennedy's banknotes were counterfeit money, which Lyndon B. Johnson, as Kennedy's successor, in his first official act, took out of circulation again, when Kennedy was assassinated in 1963. Then there was President George Washington, who, with the Seven Years War of 1756-1763, had actually triggered the First World War, so consequently, three world wars have already taken place, and not just two. Indeed, your father, Sfath, already told me that, but I had completely forgotten that, consequently, I have only stumbled across it again through this chronicle. Now Washington, as a military leader during the War of Independence, was, as a liberal thinker in the drafting of the Constitution, also a shrewd political leader. At the age of 22 he was still a British officer in the American colonies. He was then involved in an incident to which the real First World War, which shook the Earth, basically leads back. With 160 soldiers, in 1754, he patrolled the Ohio Valley between British and French territories. In May of that year, the French sent out a diplomat in order to move Washington from their territory. But he opened fire on the diplomatic corps, whereby the French negotiator and about 13 of his accompanying soldiers were deliberately murdered, in Washington's hope of being able to drive a wedge between the French and the British, because only such a conflict between the two colonial powers could lead to success in regard to the American War of Independence. This felony led to the triggering of the so-called French and Indian Wars, from which, two years later, emerged the bloody conflicts between the great European powers and thus the Seven Years War, which was fought in America, Europe and Asia and therefore was worldwide, which is why this was the real First World War which, however, was kept secret from the world's population. Therefore the talk was and is always of a threat of a Third World War; consequently, should it come to another worldwide war through the greed for might of some crazed state mighty-one, that would then become the Fourth World War. Over the course of years I had completely forgotten that, because I only remembered that which Sfath had said to me about the First World War again, when this chronology came to my attention. President Andrew Jackson was just as felonious as Washington, and must be charged with the responsibility for the first and the largest ethnic cleansing ever in the history of US America. He criminally drove 100,000 Indians from their homeland, where, already as a soldier, he took merciless and murderous action against natives of the country, murdering many or expelling them. On May 28th, 1830, he signed the so-called “Indian Removal Act”, being the death sentence for countless other Indians, because this law allowed the relocation of Indian tribes in order for white farmers, and so forth, to create areas for their settlement. Thus, about a quarter of all deported Indians came to be killed, in part because they were murdered by the whites, or, on the other hand, because they did not survive the forced marches to the distant places of deportation - that is to say, reserves - and perished miserably.

這方面只能這樣發展,因為卡特經由美國中央情報局的活動和直接的運作,介入了阿富汗的衝突。整個事情又再燜燒了好幾年,最後導致了進一步的伊斯蘭組織,成為基地組織Al Qaeda),然後在2001911日帶來了在紐約的災難。甚至約翰.F.甘迺迪John F. Kennedy)總統也好不到哪裡去,因為在1963年,他偷偷頒佈了一項使他能夠大量列印金錢的法律,其中財政部已經使用了42億美元。這筆錢,也就是說那些紙幣,並不屬於美國,而是屬於一個在1913年已經併入美國聯邦儲備系統Federal Reserve System美聯儲)的私人銀行團體。美國國家本身沒有權利印鈔票,因為只有美聯儲有許可權,而政府必須向它借錢;也就是“美元”(Federal Reserve Note美聯儲券)是他們印的鈔票。另一方面,甘迺迪的鈔票“美元”(United States Note),從美聯儲的角度來看,那些都是假鈔,當甘迺迪1963年被暗殺,作為他的繼任者林登.B.詹森Lyndon B. Johnson),在他的第一次官方法案,就停止了那些鈔票的流通。然後是喬治.華盛頓George Washington)總統,在1756-1763年的發生的七年戰爭Seven Years War),實際上已引發了第一次世界大戰,所以結果是,第三次世界大戰已經發生過,而不是只有那兩次。事實上,你的父親Sfath已經告訴過我了,但我已經完全忘記了,所以我只是再度經由這部編年史迷迷糊糊略過了它。現在,身為獨立戰爭期間的軍事領導人,華盛頓「美國憲法起草人,也是一位精明的政治領袖,一位自由主義的思想家。在22歲時,他仍然是一個在美洲殖民地的英國軍官。隨後他被捲入事件到真正的第一次世界大戰,震撼了地球,基本上由他出任領導。在1754年,他與160名士兵負責巡邏俄亥俄河谷地區英國和法國之間的領土。在這一年的5月,法國派出以一名外交官,想將華盛頓從他們的領土上移走,但他向那些外交軍團開火,因此,法國談判代表和大約13個他的隨行士兵蓄意被殺。此事在華盛頓的想法,希望這是能夠推動法國和英國之間的一個契機,因為在這兩個殖民地之間,只有這樣的權力衝突,才可能導致美國獨立戰爭的成功。這項殺戮的罪行導致觸發所謂的法印戰爭French and Indian Wars),從此的兩年後,出現了歐洲列強的流血衝突,因此發生了七年戰爭,這是在美國、歐洲和亞洲之間的戰鬥,因此是全世界,這就是為什麼這是真正的第一次世界大戰,然而,對世界上其他的人而言,這不算是公開的戰爭。因此,我們一般談論的,始終是第三次世界大戰的威脅;於是,由於某些瘋狂狀態的霸主對稱霸的貪婪,而引發另一場世界性的戰爭,那麼這將成為第四次世界大戰。在過去的幾年中,我已經完全忘記了,因為我只記得Sfath曾經對我說過關於第一次世界大戰的事,而當我再次瞥見這個年表,就引起了我的注意。安德魯.傑克遜Andrew Jackson)總統只是認為華盛頓犯了重罪,他被指控必須要為美國史上第一與最大的種族清洗負責。在那裡,他迫使10萬印第安人離開他們的家園,身為一個軍人,他無情和兇殘的對待這個國家的原住民,驅逐他們甚且殺了不少人。於1830528日,他簽署了所謂的“印第安人遷移法案”(Indian Removal Act),這等於對無數其他的印地安人判處了死刑,因為這個法律為白人農場主人等等,允許他們強行搬遷印第安人的部落,以開發地區,為他們解決安居的問題。因此,大約有四分之一被驅逐的印第安人遇害,部分原因是他們被白人殺害,或者另一方面,因為他們強行被驅逐到遙遠的地方而沒有存活下來,也就是說,先遷到保留區,然後悲慘地煙滅掉。

President Franklin D. Roosevelt also made himself guilty, in that he wanted and provoked the attack on Pearl Harbour. However, this was first discovered 60 years later by a former naval officer named Robert Stinnett. In relation to that, one expert said: "An act like this was required in order that the American people be immediately and totally pivoted around to war." With a trade embargo, Roosevelt forced the Japanese into coercive measures, which came to the fore in a counter-attack against the embargo – thus to an attack on Pearl Harbour, in which there were 2,403 dead and 1,178 wounded to mourn, as well as the destruction of 14 warships and 320 destroyed or severely damaged aircraft. 90 percent of all US Americans were initially opposed to an entry into the Second World War (that is to say, the Third World War), however, after Pearl Harbour, the people also screamed for war. By the way, Roosevelt learnt of the imminent attack through the secret services, as did George W. Bush, yet he, Roosevelt, did not respond in order to prevent something any more than George. W. Bush did when the need came to prevent the terror disaster of September 11th, 2001. Furthermore there was President John Adams, who was a supporter of the monarchy and would have liked to have seen if that which was then America would be ruled by a king, whereby he actually also wanted to establish an American dictatorship. So it came to be that, as the conflict with France came in 1798, he used the opportunity to introduce one of the most controversial laws of US America - namely the so-called “Alien and Sedition Acts” - which consists of four parts and authorises the president to detain and deport any foreigners in the country. In addition, with an attack on the First Amendment of the Constitution, he also determined the guaranteeing of the freedom of the press, in that a publication of “false and malicious texts” against the president could be opposed and punished. This led to countless people being charged on the basis of this law and convicted during the tenure of John Adams. He could not realise his plans for the establishment of a dictatorship only because he was not re-elected. President Thomas Jefferson, his successor, then immediately cancelled and annulled three of the four parts of the laws. The “Alien Enemies Act” however - allowing that people who come from countries which found or find themselves at war with US America, and so forth, are able to be deported - even still exists in the current time. In addition to the previously cited US presidents who have evoked great evil, are several others who could be mentioned, however, that would lead much too far, consequently, therefore, I will mention only two more, being Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt. Lincoln proclaimed on August 22nd, 1862, that his highest goal was the preservation of the Union, that is, the amalgamation of the American states, because a deep rift had emerged in the Union between the traditional South and the modern North, and so the whole thing had been crumbling away for years. He further declared that if he could save the Union without having to free a single slave, then he would do it. This remark was in exact opposition to that for which he was elected president, namely because he proclaimed the abolition of slavery in the USA. In contradiction, during the election campaign in 1860, he already promised that he would not abolish slavery, but it should no longer be allowed in the newly-formed states. Therefore, the southern states rejected Lincoln as president. Therefore, presidential contradiction, and once again contradiction; consequently seven states seceded from the Union and formed the Confederacy, which was the prelude to the American Civil War, which lasted from 1861 to 1865. The South was fighting for its traditional social system, while no reason for war was at hand for the North to wage a war against the South. Consequently, Abraham Lincoln thought of a way to deliver a reason for war. He subsequently announced, on January 1st, 1863, the so-called Emancipation Proclamation, according to which, all slaves were now immediately free. But this was nothing more than an evil trick in order to start a struggle, for the abolition of slavery, out of a political war. Thus a double weakening of the Confederacy was brought about because immediately more than three million southern state slaves became allies of the North, with many of them joining the fight against the southern states, whereby, naturally, many also lost their lives.

富蘭克林.羅斯福Franklin D. Roosevelt)總統也提出自己有罪,因為他想挑起(日本)對珍珠港的襲擊。然而,這是由一位名為羅伯特.史蒂尼特Robert Stinnett.)的前海軍軍官在60年後才發現的。關於這件事,有一位專家說:“像這樣的行動是必要的,以便美國人能立即並完全掌控戰爭。”隨著貿易禁運,羅斯福迫使日本採取了脅迫的手段,其中優先對付禁運的反擊,就是偷襲珍珠港。此舉因而造成2,403人死亡,1,178人受傷,以及14艘軍艦的破壞和320架飛機的摧毀或嚴重損壞。90%的美國人最初反對捲入第二次世界大戰(也就是說,第三次世界大戰),然而,珍珠港事件後,人們也大喊宣戰。順便說一句,就像喬治.W.布希的狀況,羅斯福透過秘密管道得知了這次迫在眉睫的攻擊,但他,羅斯福,也沒為了防止可能發生的後果,而比小布希為防止2001911日的恐怖災難,做出更多的回應。此外還有約翰.亞當斯John Adams)總統,他是君主專制的支持者,他本來希望看到當時是否會出現可統治美國的國王,因此他其實也想建立一個美國的獨裁政權。所以到了1798年,因為與法國的衝突來了,他利用這個機會引進美國最有爭議的法律之一,即所謂的制止外國人反美及制止煽動言論法案Alien and Sedition Acts);它由四個部分組成,授權總統可拘留和驅逐在該國的任何外國人。此外,在第一修正案憲法First Amendment of the Constitution)的攻擊下,他也(被迫)確保了新聞的自由,在一部虛假和惡意文件false and malicious texts)的出版物中,對抗了總統可能的反對和懲罰。(然而)在這部法律的基礎上,還是導致了無數人被指控,並在約翰.亞當斯John Adams)的任期內被定罪。他無法實現他建立一個獨裁政權的計畫,只因為他沒有成功連任。他的繼任者,傑弗遜Thomas Jefferson)總統隨後立即撤銷了四個法律的三個部分。但是敵對國家居民法案Alien Enemies Act),這讓那些發現或發覺自己是來自與美國發生戰爭或有衝突的國家人民,都會被驅逐出境,而這部法案目前仍然存在。除了前面提到的美國總統,他們都曾引起了很大的反感,還有幾個人可以提,但這將會扯的太遠,因此,我將只提兩個,就是亞伯拉罕.林肯希歐多爾.羅斯福Theodore Roosevelt)。林肯1862822日宣佈,他的最高目標是保持聯盟,也就是美國各州的合併,因為一個深深的裂痕已經在傳統派的南方與現代化的北方聯盟之間出現,而整個情況已經面臨瓦解了多年。他還宣稱,如果他能拯救聯邦而不需要釋放一個奴隸,那麼他會那麼做。這句話與他能當選總統時的主張正好相反,也就是因為他曾宣佈在美國將廢除奴隸制度。矛盾的是,在1860年競選期間,他已經答應他不會廢除奴隸制度,但它不應該在新成立的各州中再被允許。因此,南部各州拒絕了林肯總統。因此,總統的矛盾再次矛盾;因此七個州脫離聯邦,並形成了南部邦聯Confederacy),這是美國內戰的前奏,這種情況從1861年一直持續到1865年。南方是爭取其傳統的社會制度,而北方沒有合適的理由向南方發動戰爭。因此林肯想了個辦法,提供一個戰爭的理由。他隨後於186311日宣佈所謂的解放黑奴宣言Emancipation Proclamation),根據此宣言,所有的奴隸馬上可以獲得自由。但是,這只不過是一個為開啟一場鬥爭存心不良的伎倆,為廢除奴隸制度而發動的一場政治戰。這樣帶來邦聯一個雙重的弱化,因為馬上超過三百萬南方各州的奴隸就成為了北方的盟友,其中許多人參加反對南方各州的戰鬥,因此,自然有許多人也因而失去了性命。

And now, when finally the talk is of US President Theodore Roosevelt, then it must be said that he was also not an upstanding person. When the U.S. won in the Spanish-American War in 1898, and rose as a world power, the former British colony actually became a colonial power, whereby Guam, Cuba, the Philippines and Puerto Rico were transferred from Spain to the USA. But as the resistance to the new colonial power USA rose in the Philippines, the people defended themselves. Then, in September 1901, as Theodore Roosevelt was elected to the presidency in the USA, when he had only been in office for two weeks, more than 50 US soldiers were killed in a guerrilla attack on the Philippine island of Samar. Full of revenge and retaliation, Roosevelt ordered General Jacob H. Smith, to finally solve the problem of the guerrilla war in the Philippines, in such a way that no prisoners would be taken, but that everyone should be killed and burned, and indeed, the more the better. This criminal command led to the so-called Philippine Balangiga Massacre, in which about 50,000 human beings were tortured, killed and massacred. Primarily, they were not, however, guerrillas, rather civilians – the elderly, women and children. General Jacob H. Smith was suited for this action, as he was best known for his brutality, his contempt for humanity and as a frenzied murderer, because already in 1890 he made his name as slaughterer and massacrer at the Massacre of Wounded Knee, as masses of women, children and men of the Minneconjou-Lakota-Sioux Indians were brutally slaughtered and massacred by the US soldiers. In 1902, when the general was put before a military court because of it, he was acquitted at the insistence of the U.S. government, therefore he was not brought to justice for many thousands of murders. And now, once again, for the upcoming November, the majority of the U.S.A. population, especially the Republicans, will build up and idolise such a top dead-loss and first-magnitude psychopath, to exalt him as the U.S. president. And when this Romney comes to power, then the U.S.A. and the world can probably expect something again which will really be indescribable.

現在,最後談到美國總統希歐多爾.羅斯福,就必須說,他也不是位正仁君子。當美國在1898年贏得了美西戰爭」(Spanish-American War),而躍昇為為一個世界強權,這個前英國殖民地實際上成為一個殖民大國,也就是從此關島古巴菲律賓波多黎各就從西班牙手中轉移到了美國。但隨著這個新的殖民大國(美國)在菲律賓人民為捍衛自己而遭受阻力。19019月,在美國剛當選總統才兩個星期的希歐多爾.羅斯福,就發生美軍在菲律賓薩馬島Samar)上受到遊擊隊的攻擊,有超過50名美軍士兵被打死。為了進行全面性報復,羅斯福下令雅各.史密斯Jacob H. Smith)將軍以一種方式復仇,那就是不俘虜囚犯,而是將所有人全部殺死並燒毀,且越多越好。這種等同犯罪的命令,導致了所謂的菲律賓巴蘭吉加大屠殺Balangiga Massacre),其中約有5萬人被折磨、殺害和屠殺,最後終於解決了菲律賓遊擊隊的問題。但是首先,他們大多不是遊擊隊,而是平民、老人,婦女和兒童。雅各.史密斯將軍很適合這項行動,因為他就是以殘暴而出名,基本上他蔑視人類,是一個瘋狂的殺手,因為在1890年的傷膝河大屠殺Massacre of Wounded Knee)中,他已經成為出名的劊子手和屠殺者,因為Minneconjou酋長-拉科塔-蘇族Minneconjou-Lakota-Sioux)的許多印第安婦女,兒童和男人遭到了(包含他在內的)美國士兵殘酷的屠殺。1902年,當這位將軍因此案在軍事法庭前受審,他卻在美國政府的堅持下被無罪釋放,所以他並沒有因成千上萬的謀殺罪被繩之以法。而現在,再次為即將到來11月,大部分美國人民,尤其是共和黨人,將豎立並崇拜這樣的頂級廢物和一級精神病患,並奉為美國總統。而當這個羅姆尼Romney)一旦上台,那麼美國和全世界或許可以再次期待一些事情發生,這真的是難以形容。


To that, it must be said that this man, Mitt Romney, only vouches for his own interests, because the matters which concern the people and the country are of no importance to him. Actually, many of the former US Presidents, behaved the same way, as I have already explained to you once before, also naming certain criminal and felonious acts of which they were guilty. I can only confirm the statements which this fax contains here now. Unfortunately, with respect to the election result, it must be said that too many powerful ones of finance and clueless ones of the people, who are prejudiced in favour of this man Romney, will vote for him. But before this vote can take place, in two months on November 6th, the election campaign will be overshadowed by a primeval whirlwind, such as has never before appeared in living memory, which will wreak enormous damage on the east coast of the United States, as was previously never before the case in this way in America. Unfortunately, the storm will demand up to 60 human lives. However, this tremendous whirlwind will be only the beginning of further such whirlwinds which are even more devastating, which, in the future, will produce much worse destruction worldwide than that which will result from the coming storm at the end of the month of October. And the fact is, in this respect, that the Earth humanity has to bear the blame for it, namely, due to the arisen and continually spreading overpopulation, by means of which enormous and grave destructive effects on the whole of nature, its circulation and therefore on the climate, emerge. I mention this predictively because, through this upcoming severe natural event, the campaign activities will be interrupted for a short time, in which case Romney, however, autocraticly and irresponsibly, immediately uses the opportunity after the storm to again make propaganda for himself, which corresponds exactly to his psychopathic, high-handed, egotistical and irresponsible being, which should give his supporters and voters pause to think.


This, while Obama observes his presidential duty and responsibility and will concern himself for the human beings and the catastrophe. The result of the election, however, will then indeed be such that the rational American men and women, once again elect Barack Obama and thereby prevent an election of the serious psychopathic and also fickle and shifty and dishonest Romney. Were this man to come to power, then all that majority of the American population which does not belong to the really rich would very much regret it, because this section of the population would be bullied by Romney. The middle class would suffer very great disadvantages, and the layer of the poor would fall victim to even deeper poverty, while various firms and corporations, as well as the American state itself, would be driven to ruin by this psychopathic, power-greedy and misanthropic Romney. Also much harm would be done in foreign policy, both economically as well as by criminal military and secret service operations, and everything would be even worse than was the case under the two Bush rulers.



Aha, then this evil can be avoided through the USA population’s rational ones. But, with the USA, the whole thing cannot go on eternally as it was before Barack Obama came, who is owed thanks for the end of the deployment in Iraq and the elimination of Osama bin Laden, as well as the huge humanitarian step forward for the American people with respect to the comprehensive health insurance, which this misanthropic Romney indeed wants to abolish again. When I consider that which you already confided to me during my Great Trip in 1975, that, according to your probability calculations, the superpower USA could come to an end after 2020, if nothing in this country changes for the better by then, and if those who are the USA’s allies continue to dissociate from that country, or even become open enemies of that country, then could Obama perhaps be the crucial point so that this can indeed still be prevented?

啊哈,那麼這些可怕的事情是可以經由美國理性的人民避免發生的。但是,與美國(的關係)不可能再永遠像從前歐巴馬時期那樣繼續下去了,他(羅姆尼)應感謝(歐巴馬)在伊拉克的撤軍並除掉了賓.拉登Osama bin Laden),以及為有關全民健康保險對於美國人民具重大人道意義的進步,但這個厭世的羅姆尼確實希望再次取消(歐氏權民健保)。當我在1975年那次的偉大之旅Great Trip)中,我想你已經向我透漏,根據你的概率計算,超級大國美國2020年以後可能會末落,如果這個國家屆時沒有變得更好的話,且如果那些美國的盟友繼續從該國分離出去,甚至成為該國公開的敵人,那麼可能歐巴馬也許是最關鍵的一點,這方面確實仍然可以預防嗎?


That could be so, but also to consider is that which the Obama followers will do next and which internal and external policies they pursue, because this will also determine that which will happen after 2020.



On the one hand, in 1975, you especially raised the enormous contradictions with regard to politics, the economy, the military machinations, the decline of the culture, as well as the climbing religion and sectarianism and the serious criminal activity or even felonies of the former Presidents of the USA, and you said that if there continues to be muddling along in the same and still increasing framework, then the collapse could not be avoided. I have taken good notice of all that, and I can really understand if the result is as you have calculated. Furthermore, back then you said that, if the USA collapses, China could moult into the next world power and superpower, which would, however, fundamentally require, prior to that, that China gathers strong allies around it until then, in order to have sufficient influence as a superpower and to be able to even last as such. Solely being an economic power, as is the China which is dependent on the global economy, as you have explained, is not enough to be a superpower. But megalomania could lead to catastrophic attempts and worldwide acts of war in order to achieve a superpower position. But if, in relation to the USA, the gigantic mountain of national debt, of now more than 16 trillion dollars is now considered, which can no longer be repaid, and for which the ongoing interest can only hardly, or no longer, even be peripherally serviced, then even the least intelligent must recognise how it stands with the USA. But indeed US America is not standing alone with that, because one has only to think of Germany, France, England, Spain and Italy, and so forth, which have similar all-around mismanagement and trillion dollar mountains of debts.


Also my homeland, Switzerland, is set to go into debt, even if only over hundreds of billions, but even this is enough - and no one is there who orders a stop to the evil trading. But to come back to the USA again: one must also consider the entire overarching US mismanagement and all the other contradictions as well as the zeros among the US presidents– from which I exclude Barack Obama, however, who among all the previous super zeros in all sorts of things falls outside of the traditional role - then I also see that your probability calculation could be fulfilled. However, certain things also happen under Obama which cannot be seen as right, and I think in this regard specifically of the matter of the remote-controlled drones for the killing of terrorists and terrorist suspects. Yet you have explained in regard to that, that the whole of the relevant body of thought and action does not find its origin with him, but with those who practically force him to give his orders and signatures according to their will and desire. You said that he himself is practically powerless, even if power was formally granted to him and he is charged that he alone determined over the lethal drone operations, and in this respect took the rudder directly for himself, whereby he furthermore was, is, and will continue to be, held responsible for the most various military and political machinations, which did not, and do not, correspond to his ideas. He is certainly a very powerful man, but he is dependent upon his advisers and all those who have the power to deviously advise, influence, steer and compel him according to their will. These powerful ones are the uppermost of the military, the Department of Defense, and the secret services, as well as politicians, advisers, confidants, banks, the stock exchange and the machinery, pharmaceutical and armaments corporations and the government elite and religious-sectarian leaders, and so forth.

而我的家鄉瑞士,也涉入了龐大的債務問題,即使只有超過數千億元,但這樣已經夠了 —— 在那裡卻沒有人下令停止那可怕的交易。但再次回到美國:還是必須考慮整個美國總體的管理不善和其他所有的矛盾,以及歷任美國總統中的失敗者 —— 其中排除歐巴馬,不過,在以前所有絕對失敗者的各類事件中,他屬於傳統角色之外 —— 然後我也看到你的可能性推測將會得到應驗。然而,有些事情也發生在歐巴馬的任內,我認為特別是使用遙控無人駕駛飛機去殺害恐怖份子和恐怖份子嫌疑人的這方面事情上,不能被看作是正確的。然而,關於那些事情你的解釋是:整個思想和行動的相關主要部分,沒有發現是源自於他,而實際是出自那些迫使他按照他們的意圖來下令與背書的人。你說在這方面他本人幾乎無能為力,即使權力被正式授予由他負責,且在致命的無人飛機操作上,也是由他一人決定,並在這方面直接受命於他。也就是說,他在過去、現在乃至將來,都要繼續為大多數的軍事和政治陰謀來負責,但這些都不是出自他的想法。誠然,他是一個非常有權勢的人,但他要依賴他的顧問以及所有那些可以間接遊說、影響、引導乃至於強迫他根據他們意願的掌權者。這些有權勢的人是軍事單位(國防部)和情治單位的最高負責人,此外還有一些政客、顧問、心腹,以及銀行、證券交易所的負責人,機械、製藥裝備企業的老闆,政府機關的精英和宗教教派的領導人等等。

But if I now consider your probability calculations, I can assume all the more that your calculations can be realised, when I consider that you have explained at that time that the USA is inflicts more and more, and increasingly enormous, damage upon its allies around the world, and thereby excites resistance and even hostility towards US America. Then, in relation to many predictions you have made, I still want to explain that many of them have very often struck me hard, especially also because I had to be silent and was not permitted to announce any warnings. Actually, I am now quite happy that you do not make any predictions any more, because they were always uncommonly burdensome for me because I could not do anything to keep the event from becoming reality. Indeed, you have allowed me to undertake an attempt to get in touch with the US government via L., who was previously employed by the CIA, but then the US government, via the CIA, made unfulfillable demands, which were unfulfillable according to your will, which is the reason that no positive connection came about. I then received the unfulfillable demands in writing. But you also predicted that, therefore, after the fruitless attempt to contact the US government, I then did not continue to make further efforts in regard to the matter and would not make such efforts again. Moreover you have also said yourself that the attempt which was carried out was the first and the last, and consequently, in this respect, you will allow nothing further. Therefore, I hold myself to that. But in relation to predictions: if something of the future particularly interests me, as before, will you give me more facts, if I do not publish them? And what will happen if the United States collapses?



We will continue to give you information if you want it or if you think it could be necessary to make a prediction publicly, whereby it must then be, however, a question of your own, and only about something very special that no longer falls into the old framework of the predictions. And that which you mention with respect to that which I have said in regard to the US president, Barack Obama, corresponds to the facts. He will be blamed for serious things which do not correspond to his own decision, but which he simply must inevitably endorse, and he will be maliciously negatively blamed - for much of what he wants to achieve, in the form of positive changes or that which he has achieved for the direct welfare benefit of the poorer segments of the population- by the envious, the power-greedy and the rich, and, with evil means, attempts will be made again to bring to an end the good that he has achieved. However, that which results if the USA should fall into ruin indicates that, under certain circumstances, a dictatorship and naked violence will arise, which has already begun to emerge for years. The people of the United States are taken on an ever shorter leash, financially exploited, and everything from which profit can be made is withheld from them, whereby primarily the rich and their followers as well as those elite in the government are responsible, who only represent their overflowing wealth, their monetary greed and their absolute personal interests.

如果你希望得到或你認為可能有必要做一個公開的預測,我們將繼續給你資訊,這完全在於你自己的需要 —— 只有一件事,就是不要再落入舊有的預測模式。而這其中你提到關於我曾談到有關美國總統歐巴馬的事,那些都符合事實。他將因一些嚴重的事情被指責,那些並非他自己的決定,但只是不可避免的要加以背書,而他會被惡意負面的大肆指責。對於他想要達到的許多目標 —— 以積極改革的形式,直接改善貧困階層的福利 —— 會被那些忌妒者、權力貪婪者和有錢的人,使用一些邪惡的手段,再次將他已經取得的美好成就加以制止而中斷。然而,如果美國要是陷入破產,結果會導致:在某些情況下,一個獨裁式的政權結合明目張膽的暴力將會興起,而多年來它已經開始出現了。美國人民正採取更短期的操控,在經濟上進行剝削,一切可從中獲利的事物,主要都被有錢人和他們的追隨者以及那些政府的精英分子把持,他們代表的只是他們滿溢的財富、他們對金錢的貪婪以及他們絕對的個人利益。

However, this corresponds exactly to the opposite of Barack Obama's ideas, as he wants prosperity and the best for the people as well as for the country itself. And these political and government elite consist of both Republicans, as well as Democrats. Valuable reforms to the welfare of the population and the country are not sought. Thus the already profound poverty among the people continuously accumulates, while the wealthy ever further enrich themselves, so that the social inequality grips ever faster. Thus, with a collapse of the USA, only two possibilities can be considered, whereby, with the one, it boils down to a dictatorship with evil reprisals and great violence, while the other possibility may be a new reconstruction, if people who are fundamentally conscious of their responsibilities attain government and really do everything to bring about an effective and valuable new start. But whether this will actually occur, is currently extremely questionable, because presently, in a totalitarian manner, everything is aligned along interests which are economic, military, political and cultural - as well as along that which is strict fundamentalist religious-sectarian - and based on enormous lies and devious, misanthropic, criminal and felonious machination in every imaginable relationship. This also means that the population of the USA is spied upon by the secret services and even severely within the neighbourhoods, and so forth, and, in every possible way being restricted in its freedom, and this is in addition to the violence, as it emerges in some form or other, both openly and covertly.

然而,這完全與歐巴馬的想法相反,他希望他的國家繁榮人民幸福。而那些包括共和黨與民主黨的政治精英,並不熱衷於造福國家與百姓的有效改革。因此,在一般百姓中已經存在的極度貧困正在不斷累積,而有錢人更加有錢,從而使社會貧富不均較以往發展更快。因此,美國的崩潰,只有兩種可能性可以考慮,其一,它導向邪惡的報復和重大的暴力活動,而另一種可能性,則是一個新的重建,如果人們在根本上意識到自己的責任並影響政府,真正做到一切以實現一個有效並有價值的新開始。但是,這是否會真正發生,在目前看來非常值得懷疑。因為在當前政權的運作方式,一切都指向經濟、軍事、政治和文化的利益,以及在宗教的絕對基本教義派 —— 他們基於天大的謊言,在每一個可以想像的層面進行乖張、厭世的邪惡陰謀。這也意味著,美國人民已被秘密的機關進行監視,甚至嚴重到在他們居住附近的地區內等等的地方,以每一種可能的方式被限制自由,這是除了暴力之外,以某種形式公開或秘密出現的現象

Also, in relation to China, I must remain with my statements, that also the USA is a superpower which spreads worldwide death, ruin and destruction as well as hatred and intrigues, whereby the world-embracing terrorism is further steadily promoted. With death-bringing, remote-controlled drones, Obama fights according to the will of those others who have forced him to so do, and now have pushed all the might and responsibility for that onto him alone. And as to the matter concerning the US government, the CIA, and yourself, the following is to say: that there was a 92 percent chance of our prediction being correct, about the failure of the attempt to make contact, due to the arrogance of the US government and the contacted CIA personnel, however, an eight percent possibility remained open that there could have still been a slight success. This is particularly so because agents were lodging in the "Brückenwaage" restaurant in Dussnang and maintained contact with L. in the Centre. For this reason, there was a very slight hope. And so we assumed that, I must confess, we ourselves have also thereby attached certain expectations, when we allowed you to attempt to make contact with the government of the USA, because a slight success could indeed have resulted.


So we allowed you to undertake an attempt, whereby it then, however unfortunately all proved to be illusory. And it was indeed no more than an attempt. But we also did not want to just pass over your insistence, in order that you could see for yourself that an undertaking such as that is very difficult. But the only eight percent open possibility that something positive could be achieved was indeed not crowned with success..



Aha, then you have thereby, in a certain way, also given me a lesson, which, in this regard, was certainly good. But against your advice, I then made an effort, in the USA, to bring interested American people to their feet in a FIGU group, but then which also failed, and indeed four times up until now. It has unfortunately been proven that most human beings in America do not understand what a democratic stance actually is, and that a FIGU group can only consist, and must exist, in a democratic manner. Constantly, a ruling, dirigent and dictatorial behaviour was brought to the fore, but this was, and is, absolutely unacceptable, for which reason we had the Core Group dissolve the corresponding US American groups again. Obviously it does not appear to be understood that no class differences can be permitted in a FIGU democracy and that resolutions are not permitted to be made and carried out by individual practitioners of power in a group, rather solely by the bulk of the group members. There are no class differences in a democracy, because it is determined solely by the mass of the majority. Actually, in the FIGU Core Group, we are still a very big step further, because, with us, our democracy has elevated such that resolutions are only valid if an absolute unanimity of all Core Group members is given.


Apparently, however, in the USA - as unfortunately also in other countries - the human beings are not clear what democracy actually means and that a true community can really only exist in peace, freedom, harmony, and in equality, equal rights and equal values. Naturally, in the US and in all other countries of the world, there are many human beings involved in the “Teaching of the Truth, Teaching of Life”, that is to say, the “Spirit Teaching”, who are interested and would like to have a FIGU group in their own country, but that can effectively only be possible if such a grouping is managed and led in compliance with the FIGU democracy. I would also wish that for the USA, even if, resulting from the lack of understanding, the majority of American people do not demonstrate pleasure to you in relation to the understanding of freedom, peace, harmony and democracy. But also the human beings in the USA can learn, and indeed there is a significant number who are interested in the teaching and are also making an effort to pay attention to the mission and teaching, live moderately, behaving in compliance with FIGU rules and the creational-natural laws and recommendations, and to thereby to get a thus aligned group on its feet. But this is unfortunately not easy, because many personal - and also fellow human and administrative - difficulties must be overcome, whereby the personal problems are well the largest and most comprehensive, and indeed specifically in terms of their own proper behaviour towards their fellow human beings and accepting the comprehensive democratic attitude and leadership of a FIGU group.

然而很明顯,在美國 —— 不幸在其他國家也一樣 —— 人們並不清楚什麼是民主,其實就是和一個真正的社會,真的只能存在于和平、自由、和諧、平等,平權和相同價值觀一樣的狀況。當然,在美國和所有其他的國家,有許多人對“真相的教導;生命的教育”,也就是“靈性教導”懷有興趣,並希望在自己的國家也有一個FIGU組織,但這樣的組織只有遵照FIGU的民主精神來領導和管理,才有可能存在並有效地運作。雖然由於缺乏對你的瞭解,大多數的美國人民表現出對你並不熱衷,但我仍希望他們能夠理解到自由、和平、和諧和民主的真諦。而美國的人民也在學習,確實還是有相當多的人對“教導”感到興趣,並也正在努力重視使命和教導,過著適度的生活,舉止符合FIGU的規則和造物之法則與勸戒,與我們是站在同一個陣營。但可惜並不容易,因為很多人事和行政上的困難必須克服,而人事的問題最多也最普遍,尤其是在對他們自己同胞的適當行為方面,以及接受一個FIGU小組全面的民主態度和領導方面。


Your opinion honours you, but you have yours and we have ours, whereby ours has come true. But we will be happy to be surprised and taught, which can perhaps indeed become possible if human beings in the USA who are interested in the teaching and the mission still do free themselves of their erroneous views, opinions and attitudes, and so forth, and can fit themselves into the rules of FIGU.

我們尊重你的意見,但你有你的而我們有我們的。而到目前為止,我們的預測已經成真。但是,我們還是高興有如此令人驚訝的成績,並願教育那些對“教導”有興趣美國的人民 —— 或許真正可能 —— 如果能讓他們脫離他們錯誤的觀點、意見和態度等等,並且調適自己可以接受FIGU運作的規則。


A small number of persons are trying really very hard to form a good FIGU group in the USA. So there are also really good people over there who try very hard. If I thereby think solely of Michael Horn, who has already worked for so many years for the teaching and the mission, he and his work cannot be highly enough estimated. Indeed, all human beings need not exist within his tireless context of effects, because a lesser commitment is already very valuable, and such a one can achieve much in America. However, these correspond only to a minority, but if they engage themselves, then much can be achieved through them. A small number of human beings can also achieve much and bring, in many others, change for the better and good, if they make an effort. How does it go? Constant dripping wears away the stone. Considered in the sense that everything unloving, evil, unpeaceful and disharmonious, wrong and illiberal, as well as any violence, addiction to rule and addiction to might, every hatred, every revenge as well as every addiction to retaliation, will, in the same way, be worn down to the ground, as well as everything dictatorial and which harms life and limb.

也有少數人真的正在非常努力,試圖在美國籌組優良的FIGU小組,也有非常好的人在全力投入。因此如果我單獨來看Michael Horn,他已經為教導和使命,工作了這麼多年,他和他的工作不能不被高度評價。事實上,並不是所有的人都需要如此不懈的工作,因為在不多的承諾下,這已經是非常的難得,而這樣的人可以在美國做很多事。然而,這畢竟是少數,但如果他們自己埋頭苦幹,那麼很多事可以通過他們來實現。少數人如果他們不斷努力,也能達到很大的成就,為大眾帶來更好的改變。如何辦到的?古有明訓:滴水可以穿石。考量在這個意義上,一切的無情、邪惡、不安、偏跛,以及任何暴力、嗜權與貪婪,每種仇恨、每項復仇,以及一切危害性命的獨裁政權,都會以同一種方式(滴水穿石),消弭於無形。


There is nothing there with which to argue, because your words correspond to reality. This, however, changes nothing in our attitude. If, in relation to the human beings and the behaviour of the American people, something changes for the better, for good and right, then we will also change our opinion. But we are very pleased regarding the ongoing efforts for many years by Michael Horn, whereby he has provided extraordinary services, which are of inestimable value. While we acknowledge the efforts of all those people in the USA who tried for decades to form a FIGU group and also made an effort in terms of learning the spiritual teaching, unfortunately they have not achieved the objectives they claimed they wanted to achieve.

這些沒有什麼可以反駁,因為你的話符合事實。然而,這改變不了我們的態度。如果美國人民乃至於人類的行為能夠趨向良好與正確的改變,那麼我們也將改變我們的看法。但是我們很樂見Michael Horn連續多年來的努力,他提供了卓越的成果,具有不可估量的價值。同時我們也認同所有在美國這幾十年來試圖組成一個FIGU小組的人,以及他們在“靈性教導”方面作出的努力; 只可惜的是,他們還沒有實現他們聲稱想要達到的目標。


That which does not yet exist can always still come into being. Actually, it must indeed be said, and you also know it, that from my side, for several years already, no further efforts succeed in relation to the formation of a FIGU group in the USA. The contact with a still loose group which - after the dissolution of the Florida FIGU group by the Core Group, has newly formed itself and at least currently cannot yet be designated as an official FIGU group - is held up only by Philia and Christian. Time will tell what results from this group someday. You do know what has emerged from the FIGU-Japan-national group, so that the Core Group also had to dissolve that, because also there the leadership of the group dared to set itself up hierarchically and exercise their might over the members. A transitional group is forming itself there which must be officially regulated in accordance with the laws of Japan. Additionally, I now think that this new FIGU group in Japan will elect persons who have integrity and do the right thing – or so we hope. It is also good that we have Kunio Uchida with us, who is capable of making telephone contact in his native language about certain things at a moment’s notice regarding the concerns of our Core Group with respect to the new Japan-group. FrauStrasser-Kono is still responsible for the written concerns related to translations in the Japanese language, whereby, via her, Simone and Stephan lead the correspondence with the people in Japan, in accord with the Core Group’s resolutions.

目前雖還沒有達成目標,但仍然隨時都可能會做出成果。事實上確實必須說,你也知道,對我而言,這幾年來在美國的FIGU組織一直沒有進一步的結果。在之前的佛羅里達FIGU小組被核心小組解散後,所接觸新成立的組織 —— 僅PhiliaChristian發起,結構仍然鬆散,至少目前還不能指定為官方的FIGU小組。有朝一日,時間會告訴我們這一組織最後的結果。你也知道日本曾出現了FIGU的組織,但核心小組不得不解散它,因為該組織的領導階層居然設定自己的權力駕臨其他的成員。過渡性的組織正在形成,它必須按照日本法律作正式的規範。另外,我認為在日本現在這個新的FIGU小組將選出一些有誠信且能正確做事的人 —— 或者說我們希望如此。也好在我們有Kunio Uchida與我們進行電話聯繫,他可以用日語向日本那邊新成立的小組成員,表達我們核心小組對某些事情在此刻關注的事項。此外FrauStrasser-Kono仍在負責日語的書面資料翻譯,也就是說,經由她、Simone和史蒂芬的翻譯,可以按照核心小組的決議,引領在日本的人們呼應。


That I know all that, and that the Core Group is very well regulated by the members.



The Core Group members thank you for your bouquet. But now still a question related to the earlier predictions: surely, also with these, you knew from the very beginning - as in the case with the US government - that all of you, and I, have made predictions and probability calculations which were unheard and unnoticed, like screams in the desert which remain and produce no echo.

核心小組成員感謝你的鼓勵。但是,現在仍然存在先前預測的問題:當然,也包含這些,你知道從一開始 —— 關於美國政府的情況 —— 你們和我都已經提出預測和可能的結果,但還是被他們視若罔聞的忽視,就像在沙漠中的叫喊聲,始終沒有任何回應。


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