Contact Report 544 (2012/9/1) 第544次接觸報告之三
We knew that. That is right, yet because of your constant insistence we agreed, and over the decades we made it our duty to undertake the fathoming for predictions. Additionally, we also thought that we perhaps erred with our probability calculations, and the predictions and calculations could indeed bring about something with the Earth human beings - that they would just prick up their ears and at least change certain serious things, or even prevent them. The whole of our hopes, however, was a serious delusion to which we had succumbed, because the majority of the Earth human beings are so narrow-minded and high-handed that they build only upon their own ignorance, their own low intelligence and lack of logic, and therefore they disregarded all warnings and good advice. In truth, there are, in all the countries of the world, only minorities who know how to profoundly use their minds, their reason and their logic, and who are willing to turn to the reality and its truth, and also to learn, to understand and to implement the creational-natural laws and recommendations.
You are talking once again completely in the sense that I do and with words as I also formulate them.
Even at my age I can still learn very much, thus also your so accurate manner of explanation, talking, presentation and speech. This is all so apposite that I myself make it more and more my own, because, to me, you are not only a very dear and precious friend, rather also a teacher, the likes of which I have never yet encountered in my lifetime.
... You make me embarrassed, my friend. Rather just explain something to me somewhat more exactly: actually why, for some time now, enormous changes take place in the Oort cloud, which is located just at the outermost edge of the SOL system, as you explained to me in a conversation on my Great Trip in 1975, when you permitted me to see the Dark Star. In one of our most recent conversations you also again privately indicated something regarding the changes taking place in the Oort cloud. You said that, due to the dark planet floating around out there, changes are taking place that will influence the whole SOL system. To my knowledge, the terrestrial scientists suspected something along these lines, that the Dark Star exists out there, but, for them, everything is based on pure conjecture. To my knowledge, they use the name Nemesis for the alleged Dark Star. But the whole thing has nothing to do with the dark planet, which moves along its trajectory on the other side of the Sun and cannot be perceived from the Earth and haunts through the system, because I think that this has nothing to do with the Dark Star, Nemesis, or?
… 你讓我很不好意思,我的好友。我寧願你多為我更詳細解說一些現象:為甚麼一段時間以來,在位於太陽系最外緣的歐特雲(又譯:奧爾特雲)那裡發生了重大的變化,這是在1975年那趟我的「偉大之旅」中,當你讓我去看那個「暗星系」時向我作的解說。在我們最近的談話中,你又再私下提到對於發生在歐特雲中的變化。你說,由於「暗星系」在那裡運行,以致影響到整個太陽系的變化正在發生。據我所知,地球的科學家懷疑有某個「暗星系」沿著這些路線在那裡運行,但對他們來說,一切都是基於純粹的推測。據我所知,他們使用「涅墨西斯」(希臘神話中被人格化的冷酷無情的復仇女神)來命名這個「暗星系」。但整個故事情與這個黑暗星球毫無關係,它沿著它的軌道在太陽的另一邊運行,從地球上發覺不到而對系統造成干擾。我認為這與「暗星系」(「涅墨西斯」)無關,或是有關?
That is right. The SOL system is a binary star system, where the SOL twin is a so-called Dark Star, as you say. Its size is about ten times smaller than the SOL itself, whereby this twin also has its own planets orbiting around it, as you have known since 1975. The radius of the Dark Star to the SOL encompasses more than a light-year, therefore, more than 9.5 trillion kilometres, and the circumnavigation of the SOL’s centre of mass, that is to say, SOL's own orbit, amounts to around 26 million years.
SOL’s own orbit - I do not understand. What does that mean?
The Sun, that is to say, SOL does not stand still in outer space; rather it turns, indeed in its own sweeping circle, around an imaginary midpoint.
Aha. I did not know that. And why, so far, have the terrestrial astronomers not yet discovered the Dark Star?
The hitherto existing astronomical technical equipment and devices are not suitable. But it is only a question of time until a corresponding discovery succeeds. The currently existing technical devices are not yet capable, however, of capturing the extremely faint light of the Dark Star and its satellites. And that, to which the changes relate, in the Oort cloud, evoked by the Dark Star; the basis is that an enormous movement occurs in the innumerable - existing in billions - numbers of smallest, small, large and largest rock, ice and metal fragment formations, and sometimes great structures are hurled out as meteors from the Oort cloud, into orbits of the inner SOL system. A large chain of such meteors is, already for many decades, underway into the inner SOL system and has partly already passed the Earth or exploded high in its atmosphere. This is happening because of the Dark Star which has long since penetrated directly into the effective range of the Oort cloud, and since then evokes severe disturbances.
Then, from out of there, maybe new and still unknown comets and meteors reach into the inner solar system and in the area of the Earth, as is also indeed the case with respect to objects in the asteroid belt? And as I am already at this, I ask myself whether it is because, even with these projectiles from the Oort cloud, it is the case that some are circling in twos and threes, or that some are circled by small satellites like moons, as is the case for the larger asteroids, as I was allowed to observe from your Great Spacer in 1975 on my Great Trip. But what has happened to that very long, dark meteor-chain which emerged from the Oort cloud, which was on course for Earth, which you reported to me privately at the start of 2001? Are these meteors still underway into the inner SOL system and to Earth?
那麼,從那裡或許會有些新形成而未知的彗星和流星進入太陽系和地球的領域,而在小行星帶的星體也確實就是這樣的情況嗎?我正在問我自己,是否這些就是—— 即使這些小行星是從歐特雲中甩出,而有些形成三三兩兩的盤旋狀態;有些是由小型衛星環繞著(就像大型的小行星一樣)——如同我在1975年的「偉大之旅」中,從你的太空母船上觀察到那樣的情況。而你曾在2001年初私下對我說,從歐特雲中出現很長的"黑暗流星鏈",已在飛往地球的路徑上,這是怎麼一回事?這些流星仍然在朝向太陽系內部以及往地球而來嗎?
It was and is really a very long chain of meteors, which was catapulted out of the Oort cloud, and which found its way into the inner solar system, including the Earth. Some of the larger meteors of this very long chain, as I have just explained, have already passed near to, or more distant from, the Earth. Smaller ones have crashed, or exploded at great heights above the Earth, and indeed across a number of years because they were stretched so far along their path and still are. The first meteor exploded in late July, 2001, high over the region of Kerala in India, as you know. Another meteor from the same chain exploded once again at a high altitude over India, in the year 2007, while the next two meteors from the same chain the Earth's atmosphere and exploded in 2008, high over Colombia and New Mexico. And, from this very elongated meteor chain, still more and more are underway and on a course to SOL and the Earth, because these previously mentioned meteors were catapulted out of the Oort cloud by the Dark Star, that is to say, the dark twin of SOL. Also, there are still four objects, which were hurled from the Oort cloud by the Dark Star, which belong to the category of comets and are likewise on a path into the inner SOL system.
Then this meteor chain is therefore still very long, and it can, depending on the velocity of the objects, probably stretch out for years and decades, until the last of these space satellites come into the further or closer area of the Earth, if I understood you right. And perhaps, in addition to those from this meteor chain which have exploded over the Earth, are there any others out of the same chain which have passed by Earth?
那麼這個流星鏈仍然還有很長,如果我正確理解你的意思,按這些星體運動的速度,大概會延伸幾年,甚至幾十年,直到這些星體最後越過地球附近的區域。也許—— 除了那些來自同一流星鏈,已經在地球上空爆炸的—— 還有沒有其他哪個會經過地球的?
This is the case, yes, but I said that already, and it happened repeatedly during the recent decades. And it will also continue to do so, whereby, on the Earth, some events will still occur.
Not exactly pleasant, then indeed still much can be expected on Earth, because it is indeed inevitable that such meteors and comets will penetrate the habitable zone, that is to say, the “Green Zone”, that is to say, the “Zone of Life” of the solar system, where, indeed, the Earth is found. In addition to that, then quickly the question in relation to the prophetically announced Red Meteor: does this also come from the Oort cloud?
That is actually right, and if nothing special results which changes its orbit through any emerging unexpected factors or that it is modified by the Earth human beings, then it will result in the prophecies fulfilling themselves.
Understood. When a large object, a large comet, meteorite or asteroid, crashes to Earth, as one did more than 240 million years ago, whereby indeed on one hand, the dinosaurs first emerged, and then they were made extinct around 65 million years ago, then there are indeed worldwide catastrophes whereby practically all life is extinguished. But if such a large projectile from space crashes into the sea, then that does not have to lead to a global catastrophe, or?
Actually, the destruction does not spread out over the entire world, but the whole is then centrally limited.
What is one to understand from that?
This means, were a large comet, meteor or asteroid to crash into the sea, as happened, for example, millions of years ago in the Gulf of Mexico, and so forth, so that a gigantic tsunami then arises, the area of destruction is comprised of a particular central expanse which spreads out over thousands of square kilometres. Everything which is thereby directly destroyed by the actual tsunami, we call the central destruction area. That which is still only indirect, and thus is only caused by the further effect of the action of the tsunami’s destructive offshoots, we designate as outer central.
Aha, understood. You say that millions of years ago, in the Gulf of Mexico, a projectile from outer space crashed down and a gigantic tsunami was created. What do I have to imagine with gigantic - and has it then resulted in a crater there on the bottom of the sea?
啊哈,明白了。你是說數百萬年前,在墨西哥灣有來自外太空的星體撞擊,並造成了一個巨大的海嘯—— 我怎樣想像海嘯有多麼巨大,而它隨後有形成海底隕石坑嗎?
Actually, a large crater was incurred, which was also discovered a few years ago during investigations for oil drilling. As for the giganticness of the tsunami resulting from the crash, accordingly our calculations have shown that the towering masses of water exhibited 4936 meters of height and destroyed thousands of square kilometers of land, and must have killed countless living beings.
Really gigantic. But something else: life has indeed independently evolved on Earth, as life has also, however, been brought to Earth by comets and meteors from outer space. Anyhow, so I was taught by your father, Sfath, as well as your daughter, Semjase, as well as Quetzal and yourself. This life was indeed so very tiny, only just in the form of micro-organisms. These micro-organisms, that is to say, microbes, are mostly single-celled organisms which can be, according to their tiny size, in the range of only a few microns, made visible by microscopic magnification. To that end, the question is, whether, in outer space and indeed by way of comets and meteors - perhaps by asteroids - such micro-organisms are still being brought to Earth? Sfath told me regarding comets that micro-organisms only reached Earth from these when the comet crashed to Earth or if it passed by very close to the planet or the planet ran into their tail. Only thereby can the microbes then reach the atmosphere and the geosphere, and if I remember correctly, such micro-organisms from outer space are called Panspermien by the terrestrial scientists, or anyhow, so I have read it somewhere once. But there are various microbes, and it interests me. If you can say a few words about it?
真是超級大海嘯啊… 。然而在另一方面:生命也的確是從外太空中的彗星和流星上被帶來到地球而獨立進化的。總之,你的父親Sfath,以及你的女兒Semjase,還有Quetzal和你自己都是如此告訴我。這樣初期的生命確實非常細小,只是微型有機體的形式。這些微型有機體(也就是微生物)大多是單細胞有機體,其尺寸只有幾微米(百萬分之一公尺),只能在顯微鏡放大之下才看得到。到此的問題是:這樣的微生物,是否確實是由彗星、流星或者是小行星,從外太空帶到地球上的?關於彗星,Sfath告訴我:只有當彗星撞上地球,或者它非常接近地球以及它尾巴掃到地球,微生物才會來到地球。只有這樣,微生物才可以進入大氣層並到達地球表面,如果我沒記錯的話,這種來自外太空的微生物被地球的科學家稱為「生源」或者什麼的,總之我在某個地方讀到過一次。但也有不同的微生物,我頗感興趣。你能就這方面稍微說一下嗎?
There are, if I am to use the terrestrial-scientific terms, eukaryotic micro-organisms which have a genuine nucleus and also exhibit DNA, being micro-algae, microscopic fungi, protozoa. Next there are the prokaryotic micro-organisms which do not have a genuine nucleus, being archaebacteria, cyanobacteria and eubacteria. But additionally, there is still a third form, which certainly has cells, which however possess no intrinsic DNA, but which, in spite of that, can still replicate at several hundred degrees of heat. But I should not say any more about it, because these things are still unknown to terrestrial scientists. Moreover, they are not situated on Earth, but only temporarily reach here by way of comets and meteors, that is to say, through their disintegration in the Earth's atmosphere and on the geosphere.
還有,如果我使用地球的科學術語—— 真核微生物——其中有一個真正的細胞核,也有DNA,也就是微型藻類、微觀小真菌、原蟲。再來還有原核微生物,沒有一個真正的核心,是古細菌、藍藻和真細菌。但另外仍然有三分之一的形式,牠們肯定有細胞,但不具備內在的DNA,但儘管如此,牠們仍可以在幾百度的高溫下複製。但我不應該說更多這方面的內容,因為這些東西都還是地球科學家目前所未知的。此外,他們並不是源自地球,而是經由彗星和流星到達地球的大氣層和地表上的,也就是說,經由它們的解體之後才來到地球。
Disintegration: what do I need to understand by this? Perhaps a dissolution or some such, as, for example, with a comet's tail, or by way of an explosion of a comet or meteorite in or over the terrestrial atmosphere? Disintegration indeed actually means as much as “splitting” or even “dissolving”.
What you say is right, naturally.