Contact Report 073/第073次接觸報告
最初英譯:2019年09月20日,星期五,DeepL Translator, Joseph Darmanin
改進版本:N/A,Joseph Darmanin, Catherine Mossman
中譯版本:2023年06月22日,星期四,DeepL Translator, ChatGPT, James Hsu
This is the entire contact report. It is an official and authorised English translation and most probably contains errors. Please note that all errors and mistakes etc. will continuously be corrected, depending on the available time of the involved persons (as contracted with Billy/FIGU). Therefore, do not copy-paste and publish this version elsewhere, because any improvement and correction will occur HERE in this version!
1. You have called me very quickly.
A number of things have come up that require this.
2. Then let us hear it.
Okay. Last Saturday we talked about the centre to be created and suddenly, out of the blue, the property in Schmidrüti or Hinterschmidrüti that I had known since my childhood came to my mind, which was selected as suitable and which I had completely forgotten. How I suddenly came across it again is a mystery to me. Anyway, I explained everything to the others, and so we telephoned the owners of the house. Strangely enough, it was said that the house in question had been empty for almost a week and was to be sold, after which we went to see the property on Sunday. This is the house that I had …
好的,上週六我們討論了要建立的「中心」,突然間,我從小就知道的Schmidrüti或Hinterschmidrüti的房子就浮現在我腦海,這間房子很合適,但我幾乎完全忘記了,我不知道是如何突然再次想起來的。不管怎樣,我向其他人解釋了這一切狀況,所以我們給房子的主人打了個電話。奇怪的是,據說那棟房子已經空了將近一個星期且準備出售,之後我們星期天去看了那棟房子。這就是我想要的房子 ...
Sunday, 6th February 1977; Group picture from the first visit to Hinterschmidrüti (from left to right): Claire Frey, Olga Walder, Amata Stetter, Herbert Runkel, Margareth Flammer, Elsi Moser.
Photo: Bernadette Brand (AI colourized photo)
1977年2月6日,星期日;在第一次參觀Hinterschmidrüti後的合影(從左到右):Claire Frey、Olga Walder、Amata Stetter、Herbert Runkel、Margareth Flammer、Elsi Moser。
拍攝者:Bernadette Brand(以AI上色的照片)
View of the house and garage from the pulpit.
Photo: Bernadette Brand (AI colourized photo)
拍攝者:Bernadette Brand(以AI上色的照片)
View from the pulpit onto the coach house and the house garden.
Photo: Bernadette Brand (AI colourized photo)
拍攝者:Bernadette Brand(以AI上色的照片)
The first transport of building materials in front of the house. To the left of the truck Jakob Bertschinger senior and his son Jacobus.
Photo: Billy (AI colourized photo)
在房子前面的第一輛建築材料運輸車。卡車的左邊是Jakob Bertschinger長輩和他的兒子Jacobus。
On the left in the picture the old coach house, in the foreground the old house garden (today a seating area).
Photo: Billy (AI colourized photo)
3. … you told me once more than a year ago, I know.
... 你一年多前就告訴我一次,我知道。
4. You really forgot.
5. I wanted to help you a little and tried to find a suitable property for you.
6. In these efforts I also came across the property you mentioned then and found that it was exactly the right time to access it, so I let impulses penetrate you that reminded you of this predetermined property and urged you to inform yourself immediately afterwards, because it really is the predetermined building and therefore the very best property and the most suitable place where you can build the Centre.
7. You cannot be safer than that in this country if you do exactly what we advise you to do according to our instructions.
We thought something similar, because I could not really explain why I was reminded of it at just the right moment. It is inexplicable to me how we can raise all this money, because the construction costs a lot.
8. Let's fly there; I want to make some things clear to you.
9. If you are clear about everything to come and all of you want to make provisions not only for this life but also for the next, then you will know how to raise the necessary capital and will be able to do so.
10. Some of you are already knowing enough that you will be able to participate decisively in this, so that you can certainly acquire and build the Centre.
Are you so sure?
11. Yes, even if some people still have some doubts.
12. Each one must become clear and know that for the first time since their origin they have 100% certainty in the determination of their incarnation and place of birth and can therefore already now provide for their later life as a new personality.
13. But this exception is only because the great mission is connected with it, because normally the course of evolution for the determination of the next place of birth would still take many thousands of years.
14. Those who therefore now strive for it under our guidance gain an unheard of advantage and the possibility of a faster evolution, which advances them after the next life by about 124 years in the consciousness and spirit evolution, whereby they become an elite, which slowly evolves in later times as spiritual leadership for the Earth, after which the spiritual leadership of the Earth can then be carried out by them.
因此,那些現在在我們的指導下爭取這種機會的人,獲得了一個前所未聞的優勢和更快進化的可能性,這種演變使他們在下一輩子在意識和靈識(spirit)的發展中前進了大約124年,從而成為某些精英,在後期緩慢地發展為地球的靈性指導(spiritual guidance),而往後地球的靈性指導任務就可以由他們來擔任。
All sorts of things.
15. Sure, but everyone determines their own future, and so they have also determined for themselves that they were chosen for their future on the basis of their merits, and that also applies to those members who will fall away again.
Well, that is understandable, but say, can I not actually talk to my people from here via the radio?
16. You have already tried it several times, but you did not succeed.
17. So, down there is the property.
18. Now listen carefully.
(Semjase explained that the property Hinterschmidrüti could be moved into with my help on the 7th of April 1977, two months after the visit with her, and that it would be bought by the 'Freie Interessengemeinschaft' in 1978 at the beginning of the year – spring – and developed into a Centre, despite enormous difficulties and intrigues and group traitors.)
(Semjase解釋說,1977年4月7日,也就是目前與她在一起的兩個月後,儘管會面臨重重的困難和陰謀還有小組叛徒的干擾,Hinterschmidrréti的房子還是可以在我的幫助下搬進去,並將於1978年的年初被「自由利益團體」(Freie Interesemeinschaft)在春季買下,並開發成為一個「中心」。
So then I thought right?
19. Sure.
Okay, then I will explain it to everybody like this. – But now to the radio again: so you got the point that I had pressed the talk button each time?
20. Sure, but the ship absorbs everything and you cannot penetrate out with your device.
21. Look here, connect your antenna here, then you can talk and have connection with the other devices.
Aha, is that right?
22. Sure.
Then I can talk now?
23. Sure.
Okay, thanks. Would you like to say hello?
24. No.
Then don't. – (Short conversation with Miranos 5 and Miranos 3, which is repeated several times during the next 20 minutes). You could have told me a long time ago that you noticed my useless attempts.
那就不說了。(接著我與Miranos 5號和Miranos 3號作了一些簡短的對話,在之後的20分鐘內重複作了幾次對話。)
25. You should have asked me.
I know, but I wanted to try. I just had to.
26. Sure; you are tireless.
Sure, but now something else: You recently explained to me so casually that you would give us a list of names for our descendants. Have you finished that yet?
27. No, but I will transmit it to you shortly.
Good – ah, there's Kloten down there. What are you doing here?
28. I often watch these sluggish and dangerous flying apparatuses take off, even now.
Aha. Does the ship light up outside now?
29. Sure, but only weakly.
30. But it still cannot be detected by radar.
Fantastic. Wait a minute, there, you see, there on the screen I have Miranos 3 again, that of Jacobus. He sits behind the wheel of his car and watches the sky far in front of him. Do you think he will see us? He is still on the road at the edge of the forest on the hill where I summoned him earlier.
太棒了!等一下,妳看,螢幕上又看到Miranos 3號,那就是Jacobus。他開著汽車,遠遠看著眼前的天空。妳覺得他看得到我們嗎?他仍然在山邊樹林的路上,開往我之前交代他去的地方。
31. Ask him – I will switch on the amplification system.
Okay, thanks. – – – Miranos 3, answer – – Miranos 3, answer – –
好的,謝謝!… Miranos 3號,請回答… Miranos 3號,請回答…
Yes, what's up?
Miranos 3, do you see us? We are hovering right above Kloten Airport now.
Miranos 3號,你看見我們了嗎?我們現在盤旋在克洛滕機場上空。
Yes, I see you, but only very faintly.
Wait, we are making stronger light. Semjase, please let the box shine.
Miranos 1, now I see you very well.
Miranos 1號,現在我看到你們很清楚。
That was good, girl. Thank you. – You know what?
32. You smile so comically.
Of course, I have one of my crazy ideas: What do you think if you just let me slide down in front of Jacobus' car when you bring me back?
33. Would that be fun for you?
But for sure. You know, I want to see his astonished face.
34. As you like; but I will let you float through the mechanical teleporter.
那就照你的意思做;但我會讓你在「機械傳送器」(mechanical teleporter)上漂浮。
35. This is a teletransmitter.
What is that again?
36. It's a transmitter in the field of de-materialisation and re-materialisation.
37. All you have to do is climb into the shaft as usual, and I trigger the transmission, which will cause you to appear directly in front of your friend's car at the same moment as if you had grown out of the ground.
Okay, this will be a gag. – Can we fly back now?
38. Sure.
Well, then one more question on the return flight: Should we really make an effort for the property in question? You know, there are some inhabited houses about 300 metres away.
39. It is the most suitable property for you, and the houses built nearby may belong to your Centre in the not too distant future.
That is loud and clear; ah, here we are. Then I want to say farewell. Take care, girl, many thanks and all the best …
這句話很清楚明白;啊,我們已經到了。那麼我要告辭了。保重,姑娘,多謝,祝一切順利 ...
Miranos 1, answer, – – – Miranos 1, answer – –
Miranos 1號,請回答,… Miranos 1號,請回答 …
40. Your friend is calling.
41. Go, and goodbye.
Take care …
再見 ...
Miranos 1, answer –
Miranos 1號,請回答 …
Yes, here I am already, comrade –
我已經到了,夥伴 …
(In a moment I have disappeared from the ship and am suddenly standing in front of the car on the street as if grown out of the ground.)
[中譯者註:以下短文在原文(德文與英文)版中是在 Semjase 對話的第 38 句之後,譯者認為移到此處較為適宜,請讀者先進指教。]
Fantastic experience with Eduard Meier (Billy) in connection with Semjase and her beamship.
It was on the 7th of February 1977 at about 18:00 hrs when I, Jacobus Bertschinger, drove together with Eduard Meier towards Ottikon for an announced contact with the beamship pilot Semjase. I parked my car in a forest path, then Edy got out and moved off south-eastwards to go to the contact site. Waiting, I remained alone in the car until, after about 15 minutes, I was unexpectedly addressed by my friend through the radio, i.e., I felt addressed, because Edy was obviously trying to make contact with the house station, but he obviously did not succeed because the station was not manned at the moment. In addition, his voice could only be heard very faintly on the radio, which is why I called in, after which a connection was made, but I pointed out to my friend that the connection was very bad and that he could hardly be heard. He replied that he was in Semjase's beamship and that was why the connection was bad. Semjase would change this in a moment. It took only seconds before Edy answered again, but now his voice was clear, calm and deep. The pitch of the voice was lower than usual. But the connection was now perfect.
那是在1977年2月7日下午6點左右,我,Jacobus Bertschinger,與愛德華.邁爾一起開車前往Ottikon,準備與飛船駕駛員Semjase進行接觸。我把車停在一條林間小道上,然後艾迪(Edy;愛德華的暱稱)下車,向東南方向離開,前往接觸地點。我獨自留在車裡等待,大約15分鐘後,我突然通過對講機聽到了我的朋友的聲音,也就是說,我感覺到他在和我說話,因為艾迪顯然在試圖與家用站台溝通,但顯然沒成功,因為該站在那個時刻沒有人。此外,他在對講機中只能聽到非常微弱的聲音,所以我回答了他,然後就建立了通訊,但我提醒他說訊號非常差,幾乎聽不到他的聲音。他回答說,他在Semjase的飛船上,所以訊號不好。然而,Semjase很快就會解決這個問題。只過了幾秒鐘,艾迪再次聯繫上,這次他的聲音清晰、冷靜且低沉地從對講機中傳出。聲音的音調比平常要低。但現在的訊號非常完美。
Edy explained to me that he could see me clearly on a visual screen in the ship and that I should now change my location. He would redirect me by radio to a new location. Accordingly, I started the engine of my car and, following Billy's instructions, drove to the new location, which was on a hill at the edge of a forest, from where I had an excellent panoramic view. From there I could look down on the wide surroundings, so I could see far ahead with Ottikon and far to my left Herschmetten. If I looked straight ahead from my hilltop position, I could see the sea of lights of Dübendorf-Schwammendingen and of Oerlikon.
Lost in thought, I sat behind the valance and stared out into the bright night. Suddenly Edy's deep voice sounded again from the radio, asking me if I could see the ship, because they were now right over Kloten airport. And indeed, now I could see it, albeit only quite faintly as an oval disc of light, which is why I objected to this lack of visibility. Edy just laughed and said that Semjase would immediately make more light so that I could see the ship better. It then took only two or three seconds before the distant ship suddenly began to glow radiantly and I could see it clearly. Now I could also clearly observe how the ship slowly flew away in the direction of Zurich until it disappeared.
After some time of waiting and getting tired of the radio silence, I tried to contact my friend in the beamship, but unfortunately without success. Still holding the radio microphone in my right hand, I looked down towards Oerlikon. And again I tried to establish radio contact. Suddenly I cringed, because out of nowhere, as if by magic, a human figure was standing in front of the car on the right. It was as if it had grown out of the ground in a flash. Dear reader, I am sure you cannot imagine that my physiognomy, my thoughts and my emotional world suddenly changed and were no longer on the same track as they had been a short time before.
Now, as I stared perplexedly at the human figure in its full size, I also heard my friend's voice again from the radio:
"I am already here, comrade," then I knew where I was. In front of the car was my friend. He came to the car and sat down in it, grinning all over his face, and with the comment: "You are amazed, aren't you?", which of course I could not deny, because the amazement of the crazy appearance was still written all over my face, and for a long time. Then I started asking questions, because I wanted to know where my friend Edy had suddenly come from, and I wanted to know everything: how, what, why and where. I simply wanted to know how it was possible for him to suddenly appear out of nowhere two or three metres in front of my car.
Edy grinned at me and told me that he had heard me shouting in the ship before he climbed into the exit shaft to let Semjase put him in front of my car directly above my car at a height of about 8 metres by means of a teleporter beam, simply because he had asked Semjase to do so in order to be able to see my rather stupid face for once when he suddenly and as if by magic appeared directly in front of me. Unfortunately, however, he had failed to do so because he was unable to recognise my face in the car due to the darkness.
Well, for my part, I was probably very surprised by what happened, but on the other hand, I am not the least bit surprised by what happened, because Edy often thinks of such crazy things, and he amazes many human beings by doing so. He has also done crazier things. You just have to get used to it with him.
As I was sitting in the car, I was unfortunately not able to see the ship above in any way, because it was hovering directly above me, at a height of about 8 metres. Only when Edy was already sitting next to me again, I could observe a bright light that quickly moved away in the direction of Forch (westwards).
In spite of everything, I would now like to apply an old saying to Edy, namely that you cannot have the nickel and the dime. The surprise is well done, but you could not see my astonished face.
Now, after the light had disappeared from the horizon, we drove back to Hinwil. Suddenly, however, before the junction of Stoppstrasse and Hauptstrasse, at the level of the 'von Ow – Garage', Edy rushed me and explained that I should drive quickly to his house, because Semjase had just told him that she would be passing over Hinwil from the west, heading east with her beamship shining brightly. Already used to such things from him, I looked westwards, but could see nothing but the facades of houses in front of me. So I stepped on the gas and sped out onto the main road towards Wetzikon. A minute later we were outside the village, and that's when I saw it; coming from the west, a football-sized, extremely bright object was approaching, directly towards Hinwil. Edy did not let me enjoy the spectacle, though, because he told me to go to his house immediately, because there we could better observe Semjase's flyby. Well, he had to know better than I did, so I stepped on the gas again and two minutes later we reached his house, as he had already informed his family by radio. They stood in front of the house and watched the approaching Semjase ship, which shone like a small full moon. On the streets in the neighbourhood, various groups of people stood and stared wordlessly at the passing and completely silent flying ship before it disappeared after about three minutes in a northeasterly direction behind a wooded hill range.
Afterwards we went into the house to drink the coffee Edy had asked his wife to make over the radio after he had been back in my car following his sudden appearance out of nowhere.
I can always vouch for the correctness and truthfulness of the information I have given here, even at the risk of being called a crank. However, truth remains truth, there is nothing to shake about that.
中文翻譯借助 Deepl Translator 與 ChatGPT 的協助