Contact Report 593 (2014/8/2) 第593次接觸報告
接觸時間: 2014 年 8 月 2 日,下午 2 時 28 分
Synopsis 提要
Ptaah and Billy discuss ISIS and terrorist Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.
Ptaah 和 Billy 討論到有關 ISIS ( Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham )組織與恐怖分子阿布·貝克爾·巴格達迪這個人。
This is an excerpt of the contact. It is an unauthorised and unofficial translation and may contain errors.
In the East-Ukraine there is still no rest with the separatists, as is not in North-Iraq with the ISIS gang of felons … The ISIS murderers cause havoc in North-Iraq, murder civilians and believers of other religions on a huge scale and want to create a god-state, whereby also New-Islamists from various non-Islamic states get involved.
在烏克蘭東部,分離主義分子目前仍沒有罷休的跡象;同樣的情況發生在伊拉克北部, ISIS 的犯罪組織 ...... ISIS 殺人犯在伊拉克北部大肆謀殺平民和其他宗教信徒,造成嚴重的破壞,並且想要進行造神運動,而各個非伊斯蘭國家的新伊斯蘭主義者也參與其中。
Right…From many countries, thus also from Germany, Switzerland, England, Austria, Italy, Spain and France, as well as from former East-bloc states, Christian believers are converted to the Islam and then fanaticised and radicalised. Also from Arabic and African countries as well as from the USA, Canada, Asia and South America fanaticised Islamists are called in this wise, in order to participate with the ISIS – which now calls itself IS, that is to say, Islamic State – and risk their life for the delusional idea of a lunatic, and indeed for the terrorist Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, who was believed to be dead for the last ten years and who has appointed himself as the caliph.
沒錯 ...... 來自很多國家,包含德國、瑞士、英國、奧地利、義大利、西班牙和法國,以及前東方集團國家(前蘇聯及華沙條約組織的成員國),有許許多多的基督教信徒改信伊斯蘭教,而成為宗教的狂熱與激進分子。此外,也有來自阿拉伯和非洲國家以及來自美國、加拿大、亞洲和南美洲的伊斯蘭激進分子,被認為以這種方式參與 ISIS 組織 —— 現在自稱 IS ( Islamic State ;伊斯蘭國) —— 他們為了狂妄的想法,甘願犧牲性命,誓死效忠一個自許是哈里發 (伊斯蘭教國家政教合一領袖的尊號)的恐怖分子 —— 阿布·貝克爾·巴格達迪 —— 這個 近十年來原以為死去的人。
Also Al Qaeda is still operating and recruits people in the same wise. The IS murderers will not be content with North-Iraq or with the entire Iraq, because the striving for might of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is boundless, consequently he also tries to bring entire provinces of Syria under his might, in order to go even further, because in his insanity he has in mind that he could eliminate believers of other religions – or simply differently thinking ones – by means of mass murder and peoples-exterminations, and that he could conquer all of the world through boundless destructions and turn it into a god-state, just as Hitler once wanted to force it by cultivating an earthly Aryan humankind.[1] …
此外蓋達組織(伊斯蘭教軍事組織)目前仍以同樣的方式在運作並招募新兵。而那些 IS 的殺人犯不會以佔領北伊拉克或整個伊拉克為滿足,因為阿布·貝克爾·巴格達迪將永無止盡的擴張勢力範圍,因此他也將試圖把整個敘利亞納入他的版圖,以利實現他更進一步的野心;因為在他瘋狂的信念中,他可以消除其他宗教的信徒 —— 或者只是不同想法的人 —— 經由大規模的屠殺和民族滅絕的方式;也就是他可以通過無休止的破壞並將其自身神格化而征服全世界 —— 就像希特勒當年曾經為了壯大地球上的雅利安人種,而迫使全世界屈服於他的統治一樣。…
Extract was copied from Michael Horns Blog by Daniel Leech on 30/11/14 (
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