

The Law of One, Book V, Fragment 11

Session 22, February 10, 1981

二十二場集會,1981 2 10

Most of the personal information from Session 22 is self-explanatory. The prayer that Ra speaks of in relation to Carla is the Prayer of St. Francis which Carla has used as her own personal tuning mechanism since she began channeling in 1974. It further refines the tuning done by the support group and is always prayed mentally before any session, whether telepathic or trance.

Jim 評論
第二十二場集會中的個人資料大部分無需多做說明 Ra 在此提到與 Carla 相關的祈禱是指聖方濟禱詞Prayer of StFrancis1974 年起Carla 就以此做為她個人調頻的機制在任何一場集會開始之前支援小組總會在心裡祈禱進一步精煉調頻過程不管是出神或心電感應式通靈

The limitations which Ra speaks of in the second answer refers to Carla’s rheumatoid arthritis which was apparently chosen before the incarnation to provide an inner focus for her meditative work rather than allow the ease of outer expression that might have dissipated the inner orientation. Thus not all disabilities are meant to yield to even the best efforts of healers, and when such a disability does not respond to any kind of healing effort, one may begin to consider what opportunities for learning and service are opened up by the disability. Ra even mentioned in the last sentence that her acceptance of her disabilities and limitations would ease the amount of pain that she suffered because of them.

在這個片斷中Ra 在第二個答案提到的限制,指的是 Carla 的風濕性關節炎這很明顯是她在投胎之前就決定了那為了是提供她冥想工作內在的一個焦點而不會允許她很輕易的有外在的表達因為這樣子可能會消散她內在的專注程度因此即使治療者盡最佳的努力並不是所有的殘障或失能者都可以被治癒
甚至在最後一句提到說 Carla 接納她的殘障以及限制可以減緩她痛苦的程度她因為這些症狀受苦許久

It was distinctly odd to be going about and walking into aromas which had no overt origin. It seemed to me throughout this time that I was being more and more sensitized, and less and less vibrating with my humanhood. I feel sure that the constant weight loss added to this Alice-in-Wonderland feeling. To the present day, I continue to have a very sensitized physical vehicle. However, my formerly tiny body has grown from size pre-teen 5/8 to its present position athwart 14/16, a weight gain of double the lightest weight reached during the contact. Just for a feel for where “normal” is for me, I used to weigh between 115 and 120, year after year. I looked quite normal at that weight. It’s been interesting to feel the different weights I have been, to live with a more or less bulky vehicle. One feels stronger, the heavier one is. I was surprised at this, figuring that lighter weights would make one feel more toned and vital. It makes it easier to understand why we in America so often allow ourselves to eat to the point of obesity. It feels good! One doubts that it is a life-lengthening thing, however!

Carla 評論
直到今天我持續擁有一個十分敏感的肉體戴具無論如何我先前微小的身體已經開始長大從衣服尺碼可以看出來從青少年裝的5/8 到現在的14/16體重的增加幾乎是加倍跟我在 Ra 通訊時最輕的重量時候相比對我而言通常正常的重量大約是115 128 年復一年我看起來在重量上都相常正常有趣的是我感覺到不同的重量會使我有不同的感覺特別是在我體重或多或少比較沈重的時候我覺得當一個人變得比較重的時候自己會覺得比較強壯我很驚訝的發現這點我本來以為當一個人的體重比較輕的時候他會感覺自己身材比較勻稱和比較有活力

The pre-incarnative choice which I made to have a body that would limit what I could do is one I have taken a long time to appreciate. It is frustrating at first not to be able to do the work one’s trained to do. I loved being a librarian, I enjoyed researching for Don. When I could no longer work in these ways, I was profoundly puzzled and not a little upset. But then quiet years taught me so much. I learned the open heart although my body was declining; I found hope and faith although the physical picture grew steadily worse. After Donald died, I came close to dying too, and in 1992, when at last I was able to turn the boat around, I felt the grip of death loosen and fall away.

我很熱愛做一個圖書舘管理員我享受為 Don 做研究的感覺當我沒辦法再以這些方式工作的時候我真的深深感到困惑不只是一點點不高興然而那靜默的歲月教導我許多東西我嘗試即使在身體狀態惡化時候敞開我的心我發現雖然肉體狀況逐漸惡化情況下仍然可以找到希望與信心 Don 死去的時候我幾乎快要瀕臨死亡
到了1992 我終於能夠把我的小船轉向我感覺到死神的魔掌逐漸地鬆開逐漸地放下

My present experience is of living in a barely-working physical vehicle. Taking no less than seven medications, I walk the razor’s edge between doing too much and not doing enough. The one thing that has never changed throughout this experience is my dedication to helping the Wanderers of this planet. All the various skills that I have had to give up have their place in my work with people who are having trouble with their spiritual path, and so I feel fully useful at

last. And yet I know that we are all most useful, not by what we do or say, but in the quality of our being.



Session 22, February 10, 1981

二十二場集會,1981 2 10

Questioner: The instrument would like to ask a couple of questions of you. The instrument would like to know why she smells the incense at various times during the day at various places?


Ra: I am Ra. This instrument has spent a lifetime in dedication to service. This has brought this instrument to this nexus in space/time with the conscious and unconscious distortion towards service, with the further conscious distortion towards service by communication. Each time, as you would put it, that we perform this working our social memory complex vibrational distortion meshes more firmly with this instrument’s unconscious distortions towards service. Thus we are becoming a part of this instrument’s vibratory complex and it a part of ours. This occurs upon the unconscious level, the level whereby the mind has gone down through to the roots of consciousness which you may call cosmic. This instrument is not consciously aware of this slow changing of the meshing vibratory complex. However, as the dedication on both levels continues, and the workings continue, there are signals sent from the unconscious in a symbolic manner. Because this instrument is extremely keen in its sense of smell this association takes place unconsciously, and the thought-form of this odor is witnessed by the entity.

RA︰我是 Ra這個器皿終身奉獻於服務。這把器皿帶到這個空間/時間裡的鏈結nexus,在顯意識和無意識的變貌上朝向服務進一步地顯意識變貌朝向通訊的服務

Questioner: Secondly, she would like to know why she feels more healthy now that she has begun these sessions and feels more healthy as time goes on?


Ra: I am Ra. This is a function of the free will of the entity. This entity has, for many of your years, prayed a certain set of sound vibration complexes before opening to communication. Before the trance state was achieved this prayer remained within the conscious portion of the mind complex and, though helpful, was not as effective as the consequence of this prayer, as you would call this vibrational sound complex, which then goes directly into the unconscious level, thus more critically affecting the communication from the spiritual complex. Also, this entity has begun, due to this working, to accept certain limitations which it placed upon itself in order to set the stage for services such as it now performs. This also is an aid to re-aligning the distortions of the physical complex with regard to pain.

RA︰我是 Ra這是該實體的自由意志的一個機能。在Ra通訊開始之前,多年來,這個實體以一組特定的聲音振動複合體禱告。在達到出神狀態之前,禱告停留在該心智複合體的顯意識部分,儘管有益,但效果不如禱告如你對這個振動聲音複合體的稱呼的影響直接進入無意識層級,因此從靈性複合體更關鍵地影響了通訊。





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