
(上承  來自我們未來生命的訊息CH01-07


CHAPTER TWO Peace in Our Time

第二章 當代的和平

Bashar, are the people of Earth now choosing to destroy their world? Are we going to blow ourselves up?


No! Even though it may not be apparent on the surface of your world yet, our perception is that about seven of your years ago you all made a general collective unconscious agreement that you will not annihilate yourselves through nuclear means. What you perceive to be an acceleration of violence on your planet is the last vestiges of these ideas now being brought to the surface. You are getting it out of your system, so to speak, now that you know unconsciously it's safe to do so -- because all of this is not going to lead to your annihilation.


You are bringing what was formerly hidden and covert out into the open, so that you can all look around and say, "Wait a minute. Look what's going on; look what we're doing. Is this the way we want our world to really be? If not, let's change it." You now know it is safe to bring up all of that, examine it, and create it to be the way you wish it to be. We can tell you this at this time because you have made that decision yourselves.


Because you have made that decision, we can also tell you the following: that you never would have been allowed to annihilate yourselves through nuclear means anyway. It is your world; you can do with it what you will... as long as what you do remains in your own back yard! Nuclear annihilation would have torn through the dimensional fabric of other space/time continuums, and affected other civilizations that have nothing to do with you. That is not allowed.


Recognize that your government is very well aware, and has been aware for a long time, that your devices simply would not have worked had they been activated. They have been given blatant demonstrations that this is the case by many of the spacecraft of the Association. These have centered themselves directly over your missile silos, and deactivated -- dampened electromagnetically -- all of the launch mechanisms. Your government and your military have been given many demonstrations of this. The idea of the so-called nuclear tension that exists between your superpowers from that point forward has been mostly for show. They do not wish to lose their standing in your eyes.


Bit by bit, much of this information will begin to leak into your society. The more you open channels of communication and blend yourselves together with the idea of what you have created your government to be, and the more you allow them to serve you rather than rule you, the more they will be able to share with you the information they have kept from you about our existence. They have been doing this basically to protect you in the way they thought you wanted to be protected.


So when government heads get together for summit meetings, are they not actually talking about what they say they are?


Not always.


Is it that they are friendly with each other and they're allowing each other to stay in power?


Whether they are friendly literally or not, they both know what the game is they are truly playing.


And the game is that there is never the idea of nuclear destruction -- and it is then perhaps mostly a monetary game?

而這個遊戲就是永遠不會有核子毀滅這回事 —— 那麼也許充其量只是金錢遊戲罷了?

In a sense, yes. It is the idea of maintaining what they fear they will lose -- power over you...not recognizing that the equalization of the entire world will actually be the gaining of their own self-empowerment along with everyone else.

在某方面來說,是的。就是要維持他們所擔心會失去的 —— 掌控民眾的力量而沒有瞭解到,全世界的平等,才是他們由人民所賦予力量的實際來源

Do the Russians have the same sort of knowledge we received 40 years ago, when the first space ship crashed here?


Different. But enough information has crossed the lines now that both of your "sides" know just about enough.


This information about advanced space flight — is that known at the governmental level?


Some. Do understand that many of your governments actually have in their possession some extraterrestrial spacecraft. They have been able to derive some theory and technology from these craft in order to make their own, but not fluently. For they are missing out on several concepts about consciousness as part of the equation in understanding the technology. And also some of the materials are a little bit beyond their capability to penetrate. They have applied parts of this technology to some degree now and then; and in a sense, even before they had possession, they were working on some of these understandings. They do understand some of the basic principles.




(續接  來自我們未來生命的訊息CH02-02


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