
(上承  來自我們未來生命的訊息CH01-06


Begin to Unify


It will not take very long for your world to transform into a unified state. The idea, in and of itself, of the exploration of limitation means that things are broken down in complex ways; they create a lot of complexity and detail. You have to experience them a step at a time, one after the other. Now that you have begun to unify things back together, and to awaken into your integrity -- your integral state -- things can speed up and be very accelerated. It will be a very accelerated state, because the sooner you open up to the positive ideas, the sooner you begin to accelerate geometrically. When you begin to integrate, consolidate and unify, everything is within you; you live in the moment spontaneously. You literally create less time. So everything is accelerated, things happening more quickly. Your whole world ignites in an ecstatic explosion of ecstasy and coincidence and synchronicity -- everything tying into everything else, being interconnected and interrelated; always in the right place at the right time, interacting with exactly the individuals you need to interact with. No accidents. There are no accidents. Never have been, are not now, and never will be. Co-incidence is simply that: co-incidents.

不需要多久,你們的世界就會轉型進入統合的狀態。自我設限這個概念本身及其過程,把許多事情用一些複雜的方式弄得失效了;它們創造了很多的複雜細節,而你必須一次只經驗一步,一步接一步。但現在你們已經開始把事情整合回來,並且喚醒自己趨向整體 —— 你的完整狀態 —— 一切就會加速整合且非常快速。那會是極度加速的狀態,因為你愈早敞開心胸積極面對,整合就會愈快開始以幾何級數的方式加速進行。當你開始整合、鞏固並合而為一,一切都在你的內心世界;你就活在當下。你真的濃縮了時間。於是一切都加速起來,事情會發生的更加快速。你的整個世界就像點燃了驚喜的爆炸,處處充滿了巧合與意外之喜 —— 每件事都是環環相扣,一切都相互交織並息息相關;總是在對的時間出現在對的地方,與你需要互動的人交流互動。沒有“意外”這回事,根本沒有意外事件以往沒有,現在和未來也不會有“巧合”純粹就是:巧妙地結合

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We wish to extend to you at this time our deepest appreciation in allowing us to experience the gift of your consciousness. We thank you for choosing to function as representatives and ambassadors of your world, for that is what each and every one of you are right now. We thank you for allowing me to function as an ambassador for all that are listening in on this side. Bit by bit, day by day, through these interactions we shall come closer and closer to the time in only a few of your years hence when we may interact with you openly and joyously.




續接  來自我們未來生命的訊息CH02-01



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