
(上承  來自我們未來生命的訊息CH02-01


Governing Government


However, as long as they choose to utilize them for the idea of self- empowerment and gain, they will find that some of the principles will not work -- because these are based on an integrative point of view. Your governments are beginning to learn; but because of what you have created them to be, they act like they are getting it slower than the mainstream of society.

然而,只要他們想要利用那些科技來壯大自己並從中獲利,他們就會發現某些原理是行不通的 —— 因為這些都是建立在一個整體的觀點上。你們的政府正在開始學習這些道理,但是由於你們把政府造就成這個樣子,所以政府表現得好像要比社會主流要慢點才能搞懂這些(道理)

The more you interact with them not in an accusatory manner, not in an angry manner, but in a loving manner, in a sharing manner, in an unconditionally loving manner, and express to them that you believe in peace; that you know there are other ways that are simpler; that there are other ways more indicative of using the reality that exists rather than attempting to ram your way through walls -- then perhaps they will begin to shift their programs toward the types which will allow them to share the information with you, rather than thinking that by doing so they will lose their power.

人民與政府互動時,若是能不以控訴或憤怒的態度,而是以一種更能包容的心態(以分享且無條件之愛的態度);並且向政府表達:你們相信和平,說你們知道有另外的簡單方法,更能運用所存在的真相,而不是透過圍堵來阻擋你們的去路 —— 那麼也許政府會開始轉變原來與外界互動的方式,而願意與人民分享資訊;而不會認為:在分享資訊時,他們就會失去自己的權力。

Much of this data is now being brought out in the open, thus forcing them to face the different portions of themselves that are not working fluidly. And so there is no need for judgment, no need for negative feelings from this point forward. The situation has aligned you; now you know how you can serve: by suggesting alternatives to your government and allowing them to hear the words all of you are saying: "We believe in peace; let's do it this way, shall we – together?"

現在已經有許多資料被公開,因而逼迫政府去面對自己運作不順的部份。因此不需要批判,從不必有負面的感覺這個觀點開始。情況已經對你們有利,現在你們知道自己可以如何去做:透過對政府建議不同的可行方案,讓他們聽見全體民眾都這麼說:「我們相信和平,讓我們用和平的方式做,好嗎?—— 大家一起來。」

Is there anyone in our government, any people who represent us, who seem to have a clearer vision of this?


Yes, there are a few. You can find them by simply being that vibration. They will be the only ones you will attract -- the ones who can get things done, the ones who are equal to you. But first you must be equal to them. So be bold; interact in a loving way very blatantly and very practically. You are your governments, as we have said before. There is no reason why you should not feel just as at home in government buildings as anywhere else. But you will never know unless you initiate some form of communication, some form of action, some form of equalization between you and what you have for so long thought to be the different levels of your society those levels to which you have given over the responsibility of taking care of your lives for you.

有,有幾個人。你們只要有那種振動的頻率,就可以找到他們。他們是唯一會吸引你們的人 —— 是能夠做好事情的人,是與你們平等的人,但是首先你必須與他們平等。因此勇敢些,以一種有愛的方式去互動 —— 很高調又很實際的。你們就是你們的政府,正如我們先前說過的。當你們在政府辦公大樓裡時,沒有理由可以不自在,要像在家中的感覺。可是除非你們開始某種形式的溝通、行動,否則你們永遠不會知道,事實上你和你的政府是平等的,長久以來,人們都以為政府與你是不同的社會階層 —— 你們把照顧好自己生命的責任交給了政府。

Take back that responsibility. Interact; participate. It is all one world. If you really believe you wish it to be one world, act as if it is one world. If it really were one world in the same way our world is one, there would be absolutely no place barred to you. Simply know that if you radiate that frequency, you will find that there are absolutely no barriers to any so-called level of government on your planet -- not anywhere at any time. You will find yourselves being invited, or you will find that the opportunities will automatically present themselves to you. You will flow into areas where you can drop a little hint here, have a little conversation there, over tea, and get to know one another.

拿回這份責任。互動、參與!只有一個世界。如果你真的相信自己希望只有一個世界,就把它當作一個世界來行動。如果地球真的像我們的世界一樣只有一個世界時,那麼絕對不會有任何地方會把你阻擋在外。只要知道,如果你放射這種頻率,你將會發現在地球上,絕對不會有所謂叫做政府的障礙存在 —— 任何時間,任何地點都不會有。你會發現自己被邀請,或是你會發現那些機會全自動地提供給你。你將會自然來到一些地方,提供一些你所知的部分,進行一些交流,在輕鬆的場合與彼此相識。

The idea is that something you absolutely strongly believe in, you will act upon. The two are not segregated. Actions and beliefs are tied together; they are one thing: you act as you believe, and as you believe, you will act. Recognize that the more you are willing to allow yourselves this freedom of action, the less you will create for yourselves the opportunities to sit around and complain about the way things are.


But how can I, as only one individual, make a difference?


Recognize that you have chosen your purpose in being in this society at this time on your planet. Know that if you were not going to make a difference, you would not be here. As you begin to see the idea of the connection of everything in your society as it relates to you, and as you relate to it, you will begin to understand that each and every individual makes a difference within the society as a whole.


This understanding will allow the society to recognize within each individual the ability of the society to relate to each one specifically, and the ability of each individual to recognize within him or herself the totality of the society. Thus is formed the first bridge and link and connection from the individual self, from the personality, to the mass consciousness; allowing you to know that because you are connected to everything else, every move you undertake, every move you support, every move you create will always act as a lever for everything else, subtly shifting ideas in one direction or another.


You will know you are connected in various ways through the mental fields you create on your planet, through the physiological fields you create through manipulation of the energy fields of the planet itself. All ideas that you call your civilization -- physiological and mental, emotional and spiritual -- all are diversifications out of the same primal homogenous energy field, the primal consciousness. All are diversifications out of that. And all are, as we have often said, the different shelves, or layers, of the idea of the onion on your world. Many different layers have been created by you out of the homogenous oneness of the energy field, that which is the underlying primal foundation of all creation you know as physical.

你們將會知道,透過你們在地球上所建立的心智場,透過操控地球本身的能量場,以及生理場,你們以種種方式銜接在一起。你們所謂“文明”的所有理念 —— 生理與心智、感情與靈性 —— 全部是由同一個同源合一的能量場(即原始意識)所延生出來的一切都是由其中所分化出來。正如我們所常說的,你們洋蔥式層層結構的世界全部都是。你們由同源合一的能量場中,創造許多不同的層次,而同源合一的能量場,就是創造你們所稱之物質的根本基礎

As you diversify these layers, recognize that because you are creating the diversification, you are still connected to every single layer. You are connected and pass through all layers from without and from within. All layers are within you, and so every move you make within yourself is a move made in the outer physical awareness -- because the outer physical reality is only a reflection of every idea you are exploring within the self. To travel, to move through the physical reality -- no matter what the mode of your motion: whether walking, running, riding in your automobiles or airplanes, or even in space craft -- any idea of motion through space is the idea of movement within, exemplified and reflected back to you as a symbol.

當你們區分這些層次時,要明白是因為自己在創造這些分化,你仍然與每一層是相連的。你與所有的層次內內外外也都是相接通的。所有的層次都在你的內在,因此你在內在所作的每一舉動,都會在外在物質的知覺裡有所互動 —— 因為外在的物理世界,只是反映著你在內在所探索的每一個理念旅行,在物理實相中移動 —— 不論你運動的模式為何;不論是走路、跑步、開車、或是搭飛機,甚至坐太空船 —— 任何在空間中的移動,都是你內在理念的移動,被放大並以一個象徵反映回來給你

Recognize, therefore, the idea that every one of you has an effect on the society as a whole with every small subtle movement you make. For every movement -- every movement -- is significant to every other movement. All movements are equal, and go into the totality of the creation of your society, as you perceive it. So now that you are beginning to recognize that there is no longer any separation between yourselves as individuals and the society, you can begin to recognize that as you move, the society moves as a whole. You are immersed in the fluid.

因此要明白,每個人的每個細小行為都對社會整體有影響。因為每個行動 —— 每一舉一動 —— 都對其它行動有意義。所有的行動都是平等的,會進入你們所創造的社會的整體裡面。因此現在你們開始認識到,個人及社會之間是分不開的你可以看出來,當你行動時,整體社會也會跟著你動你是浸在液體之內

Every other being, every other individual, every other self-created perspective within that fluid, will always feel the eddies and the currents as you make your move around in the fluid. They will always be able to sense the directions of your flow, the directions of your movement, the strength you give and the energy you impart to the fluid. All of you, whether you know it consciously or not, are sensitive to this activity, sensitive to your willingness to be exactly who and what you are, what you chose to be in this life.




續接  來自我們未來生命的訊息CH02-03


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