The Law of One, Book I, Session 16
January 31, 1981
1981 年1 月31 日
Ra: I am Ra. I greet you in the love and the light of the infinite Creator. We communicate now.
RA:我是 Ra,我在無限造物者的愛與光中向你們致意。我們現在開始通訊。
Questioner: I would like to ask, considering the free will distortion of the Law of One, how can the Guardians quarantine the Earth? Is this quarantine within free will?
Ra: I am Ra. The Guardians guard the free will distortion of the mind/body/spirit complexes of third density on this planetary sphere. The events which required activation of quarantine were interfering with the free will distortion of mind/body/spirit complexes.
RA:我是 Ra,守護者護衛,處於地球上第三密度的心/身/靈複合體之自由意志變貌。一些事件干擾了(這些)心/身/靈複合體之自由意志變貌,導致隔離的啟動。
Questioner: I may be wrong, but it seems to me that it would be the free will of, say the Orion group, to interfere. How is this balanced with the information which you just gave?
Ra: I am Ra. The balancing is from dimension to dimension. The attempts of the so-called Crusaders to interfere with free will are acceptable upon the dimension of their understanding. However, the mind/body/spirit complexes of this dimension you call third form a dimension of free will which is not able to, shall we say, recognize in full, the distortions towards manipulation. Thus, in order to balance the dimensional variances in vibration, a quarantine, this being a balancing situation whereby the free will of the Orion group is not stopped but given a challenge. Meanwhile, the third group is not hindered from free choice.
RA:我是 Ra,這平衡視次元的不同而定。[所謂的]十字軍(Crusaders)干擾自由意志的嘗試,在他們的理解次元之上,是可以接受的。無論如何,你們所稱的第三次元,其中的心/身/靈複合體所形成的自由意志不能夠,容我們說,充分地認清(他們)操控的變貌。因此,為了平衡不同次元的振動差異,設置一個隔離措施,做為一個平衡機制。如此獵戶集團不會被阻止,而是獲得一個挑戰。同時,第三密度族群的自由選擇不會被阻礙。
Questioner: Could these “windows” that occur to let the Orion group come through once in a while have anything to do with this free will balancing?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
RA:我是 Ra,這是正確的。
Questioner: Could you tell me how that works?
Ra: I am Ra. The closest analogy would be a random number generator within certain limits.
RA:我是 Ra,最接近的類比是一個有特定限度的隨機數字產生器。
Questioner: What is the source of this random number generator? Is it created by the Guardians to balance their guarding? Or is it a source other than the Guardians?
Ra: I am Ra. All sources are one. However, we understand your query. The window phenomenon is an other-self phenomenon from the Guardians. It operates from the dimensions beyond space/time in what you may call the area of intelligent energy. Like your cycles, such balancing, such rhythms are as a clock striking. In the case of the windows, no entities have the clock. Therefore, it seems random. It is not random in the dimension which produces this balance. That is why we stated the analogy was within certain limits.
RA:我是 Ra,所有來源都為一。無論如何,我們理解你的詢問。窗戶現象對於守護者而言,是其他-自我的現象。它運作的次元在空間/時間之外,它在智能能量的領域中運作。好比你們的週期,這樣的平衡,其韻律如同時鐘報時一般。在(機會)窗戶這個例子,沒有實體擁有這個時鐘,所以,它似乎是隨機的。但在創造這平衡的次元中,它不是隨機的。這就是為什麼我們剛才說它在特定的限度中。
Questioner: Then this window balancing prevents the Guardians from reducing their positive polarization by totally eliminating the Orion contact through shielding. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is partially correct. In effect, the balancing allows an equal amount of positive and negative influx, this balanced by the mind/body/spirit distortions of the social complex. Thus in your particular planetary sphere, less negative, as you would call it, information or stimulus is necessary than positive due to the somewhat negative orientation of your social complex distortion.
RA:我是 Ra,這只有部分正確。事實上,這平衡過程允許等量的正面與負面流入(influx),這些流入又被社會複合體的心/身/靈變貌所平衡。在你們的星球上,負面[以你的稱謂]的訊息或刺激比較不需要,因為你們社會複合體變貌有些傾向負面。
Questioner: In this way, total free will is balanced so that individuals may have an equal opportunity to choose service to others or service to self. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
RA:我是 Ra,這是正確的。
Questioner: This is a profound revelation, I believe, in the Law of Free Will. Thank you.
This is a minor question further to make an example of this principle, but if the Confederation landed on Earth, they would be taken as gods, breaking the Law of Free Will and thus reducing their polarization of service to all. I assume that the same thing would happen if the Orion group landed. How would this affect their polarization of service to self if they were able to land and became known as gods?
Ra: I am Ra. In the event of mass landing of the Orion group, the effect of polarization would be strongly toward an increase in the service to self, precisely the opposite of the former opportunity which you mentioned.
RA:我是 Ra,在獵戶集團大規模降落的事件上,極化的效果將強烈地導向增加服務自我,恰好跟你所提的前個例子相反。
Questioner: If the Orion group was able to land, would this increase their polarization? What I am trying to get at is, is it better for them to work behind the scenes to get recruits, shall we say, from our planet, the person from our planet going strictly on his own using free will, or is it just as good for the Orion group to land on our planet and demonstrate remarkable powers and get people like that?
Ra: I am Ra. This first instance is, in the long run, shall we put it, more salubrious for the Orion group in that it does not infringe upon the Law of One by landing and, thus, does its work through those of this planet. In the second circumstance, a mass landing would create a loss of polarization due to the infringement upon the free will of the planet. However, it would be a gamble. If the planet were then conquered and became part of the Empire, the free will would then be re-established. This is restrained in action due to the desire of the Orion group to progress towards the one Creator. This desire to progress inhibits the group from breaking the Law of Confusion.
RA:我是 Ra,第一種方式,長期而言,容我們斷言,對於獵戶集團較為有利,因為並不侵犯一的法則,即透過地球上的人們來工作。
Questioner: You mentioned the word “Empire” in relation to the Orion group. I have thought for some time that the movie Star Wars was somehow an allegory for what is actually happening. Is this correct?
問:你剛才提到獵戶集團用了"帝國"這個字,我想了一會兒,星際大戰(Star Wars)電影是否可以視為描述真實發生事件的寓言故事?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct in the same way that a simple children’s story is an allegory for physical/philosophical/social complex distortion/understanding.
RA:我是 Ra,這是正確的,如同一個簡單的童話,是物質/哲學/社會複合體之變貌/理解的寓言。
Questioner: Is there a harvest of entities oriented toward service to self like there is a harvest of those oriented toward service to others?
Ra: I am Ra. There is one harvest. Those able to enter fourth density through vibrational complex levels may choose the manner of their further seeking of the one Creator.
RA:我是 Ra,收割只有一個。那些振動層次能夠進入第四密度的實體,能夠選擇他們進一步追尋太一造物者的方式。
Questioner: Then as we enter the fourth density there will be a split, shall we say, and part of the individuals who go into the fourth density will go into planets or places where there is service to others and part will go into places where there is service to self. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
RA:我是 Ra,這是正確的。
Questioner: Can you tell me the origin of the Ten Commandments?
問:你可否告訴我十誡(Ten Commandments)的由來?
Ra: I am Ra. The origin of these commandments follows the law of negative entities impressing information upon positively oriented mind/body/spirit complexes. The information attempted to copy or ape positivity while retaining negative characteristics.
RA:我是 Ra,這些誡命的由來依循負面實體的法則,將資訊銘印在正面導向的心/身/靈複合體。這資訊企圖複製或模仿正面訊息,卻保持負面特質。
Questioner: Was this done by the Orion group?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
RA:我是 Ra,這是正確的。
Questioner: What was their purpose in doing this?
Ra: I am Ra. The purpose of the Orion group, as mentioned before, is conquest and enslavement. This is done by finding and establishing an elite and causing others to serve the elite through various devices such as the laws you mentioned and others given by this entity.
RA:我是 Ra,獵戶集團的目的,如前所述,是征服與奴役。這目的藉由尋找並建立精英階層,接著促使他人服侍精英階層;達成目的之手段各式各樣,好比這個實體提供的[你剛才提到的]律法,以及其他東西。
Questioner: Was the recipient of the commandments positively or negatively oriented?
Ra: I am Ra. The recipient was one of extreme positivity, thus accounting for some of the pseudo-positive characteristics of the information received. As with contacts which are not successful, this entity, vibratory complex, Moishe, did not remain a credible influence among those who had first heard the philosophy of One and this entity was removed from this thirddensity vibratory level in a lessened or saddened state, having lost, what you may call, the honor and faith with which he had begun the conceptualization of the Law of One and the freeing of those who were of his tribes, as they were called at that time/space.
RA:我是 Ra,這個接收者具有極度的正向性,因此說明了這訊息具有部分疑似正面(pseudo-positive)特質的原因。隨著(幾次)不成功的通訊,這實體,振動複合體摩西(Moishe),在那些首先聽到太一哲學的人們中,並未維持可信的影響力。
Questioner: If this entity was positively oriented, how was the Orion group able to contact him?
Ra: I am Ra. This was an intensive, shall we say, battleground between positively oriented forces of Confederation origin and negatively oriented sources. The one called Moishe was open to impression and received the Law of One in its most simple form. However, the information became negatively oriented due to his people’s pressure to do specific physical things in the third-density planes. This left the entity open for the type of information and philosophy of a self-service nature.
RA:我是 Ra,這是個劇烈的,容我們說,戰場;正面導向的星際聯邦力量與負面導向力量在此交鋒。稱為摩西的個體向銘印敞開,以最單純的形式接收一的法則。無論如何,這資訊後來變得負面導向,因為受到他的族人的壓力,要在第三密度層面做一些特定的物質界的事情*,使得這實體向服務自我本質的資訊與哲學敞開。
Questioner: It would be wholly unlike an entity fully aware of the knowledge of the Law of One to ever say “Thou shalt not.” Is this correct?
問:一個充分覺察一的法則知識的實體,不大可能會說"你不應該"(Thou shalt not),是否正確?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
RA:我是 Ra,這是正確的。
Questioner: Can you give me some kind of history of your social memory complex and how you became aware of the Law of One?
Ra: I am Ra. The path of our learning is graven in the present moment. There is no history, as we understand your concept. Picture, if you will, a circle of being. We know the alpha and omega as infinite intelligence. The circle never ceases. It is present. The densities we have traversed at various points in the circle correspond to the characteristics of cycles: first, the cycle of awareness; second, the cycle of growth; third, the cycle of self-awareness; fourth, the cycle of love or understanding; fifth, the cycle of light or wisdom; sixth, the cycle of light/love, love/light or unity; seventh, the gateway cycle; eighth, the octave which moves into a mystery we do not plumb.
RA:我是 Ra,我們的學習途徑銘刻於此刻,沒有歷史,就我們理解你的概念而言。想像,如果你願意,一個存在的圓。我們知道阿爾法(alpha)與奧米加(omega)*為無限智能,這圓永不停止,它是此刻。我們曾橫越的密度,位於這圓的各個點對應到週期的特性:
(*譯註:alpha,omega 為希臘字母中第一個與最後一個字母。)
Questioner: Thank you very much. In previous material, before we communicated with you, it was stated by the Confederation that there is actually no past or future … that all is present. Would this be a good analogy?
問:非常感謝你。在先前的資料,在我們與你溝通知前,星際聯邦曾聲明,事實上,沒有過去或未來… 一切在當下。這是否為一個好的類比?
Ra: I am Ra. There is past, present, and future in third density. In an overview such as an entity may have, removed from the space/time continuum, it may be seen that in the cycle of completion there exists only the present. We, ourselves, seek to learn this understanding. At the seventh level or dimension, we shall, if our humble efforts are sufficient, become one with all, thus having no memory, no identity, no past or future, but existing in the all.
RA:我是 Ra,在第三密度有過去、現在、未來。當一個實體離開空間/時間連續體,一個完成的週期,在綜覽的過程中可以看到只有當下存在。我們,我們自身,尋求學習這理解。在第七層級或次元,如果我們卑微(humble)的努力足夠的話,我們將與萬有合一,因此沒有記憶,沒有身分,沒有過去或未來,僅存在於一切之中。
Questioner: Does this mean that you would have awareness of all that is?
Ra: I am Ra. This is partially correct. It is our understanding that it would not be our awareness, but simply awareness of the Creator. In the Creator is all that there is. Therefore, this knowledge would be available.
RA:我是 Ra,這只有部分正確,就我們的理解,它不是我們的覺察,僅只是造物者的覺察,在造物者中存在一切萬有。因此,可以取得這知識。
Questioner: I was wondering how many inhabited planets there are in our galaxy and if they all reach higher density by the Law of One? It doesn’t seem that there would be any other way to reach higher density? Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. Please restate your query.
RA:我是 Ra,請重新敘述你的詢問。
Questioner: How many inhabited planets are there in our galaxy?
Ra: I am Ra. We are assuming that you intend all dimensions of consciousness or densities of awareness in this question. Approximately onefifth of all planetary entities contain awareness of one or more densities. Some planets are hospitable only for certain densities. Your planet, for instance, is at this time hospitable for densities one, two, three, and four.
RA:我是 Ra,我們假設你指的是所有意識的次元,或所有覺察的密度。大約1/5 的星球包含一個或更多個覺察密度;有些星球只適合居住特定的密度。比方說,你們地球,在此時適合第一、第二、第三、及第四密度居住。
Questioner: Roughly how many total planets in this galaxy of stars that we are in are aware regardless of density?
Ra: I am Ra. Approximately 67 million.
RA:我是 Ra,大約是6 千7 百萬。
Questioner: Can you tell me what percentage of those are third, fourth, fifth, sixth etc., density?
Ra: I am Ra. A percentage seventeen for first density, a percentage twenty for second density, a percentage twenty-seven for third density, a percentage sixteen for fourth density, a percentage six for fifth density. The other information must be withheld.
RA:我是 Ra,17% 為第一密度、20% 為第二密度、27% 為第三密度、16% 為第四密度、6% 為第五密度。其他資訊必須保留。
Questioner: Of these first five densities, have all of the planets progressed from the third density by knowledge and application of the Law of One?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
RA:我是 Ra,這是正確的。
Questioner: Then the only way for a planet to get out of the situation that we are in is for the population to become aware of and start practicing the Law of One. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
RA:我是 Ra,這是正確的。
Questioner: Can you tell me what percentage of the third-, fourth-, and fifth-density planets which you have spoken of here are polarized negatively towards service to self?
Ra: I am Ra. This is not a query to which we may speak given the Law of Confusion.
We may say only that the negatively or self-service oriented planetary spheres are much fewer. To give you exact numbers would not be appropriate.
RA:我是 Ra,由於混淆法則,我們無法談論這個詢問。我們只能說,負面或自我-服務導向的星球數量上要少很多。給你確切的數字並不恰當。
Questioner: I would like to make an analogy as to why there are fewer negatively oriented, and then ask you if the analogy is good.
In a positively oriented society with service to others, it would be simple to move a large boulder by getting everyone to help move it. In a society oriented towards service to self, it would be much more difficult to get everyone to work for the good of all to move the boulder; therefore, it is much easier to get things done to create the service to others principle and to grow in positively oriented communities than in negatively oriented communities. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
RA:我是 Ra,這是正確的。
Questioner: Thank you very much.
Can you tell me how the Confederation of Planets was formed and why?
你可否告訴我星球聯邦(Confederation of Planets)是如何形成的?為什麼形成?
Ra: I am Ra. The desire to serve begins, in the dimension of love or understanding, to be an overwhelming goal of the social memory complex. Thus, those percentiles of planetary entities, plus approximately four percent more of whose identity we cannot speak, found themselves long, long ago in your time seeking the same thing: service to others. The relationship between these entities as they entered an understanding of other beings, other planetary entities, and other concepts of service was to share and continue together these commonly held goals of service. Thus, each voluntarily placed the social memory complex data in what you may consider a central thought complex available to all. This then created a structure whereby each entity could work in its own service while calling upon any other understanding needed to enhance the service. This is the cause of the formation and the manner of the working of the Confederation.
RA:我是 Ra,在愛或理解的次元中,服務的渴望開始成為該社會記憶複合體壓倒性的目標。因此那些已知百分比的星球實體,外加4% 的某種實體,其身分我們不能說;他們發現自己在很久,很久以前就尋求相同的事情:服務他人。當這些實體進入理解其他存在,其他星球,其他服務概念的領域;他們形成一種關係是分享並一起繼續這些共同持有的服務目標。
Questioner: With such a large number of planets in this galaxy you say that there are approximately five hundred planets in the Confederation. There seems to be a relatively small number of Confederation planets around. Is there a reason for it?
問:在這個銀河有這麼多的星球,你曾說星際聯邦大約有500 個星球,相對而言,星際聯邦的成員數量似乎很少。這其中有何原因?
Ra: I am Ra. There are many Confederations. This Confederation works with the planetary spheres of seven of your galaxies, if you will, and is responsible for the callings of the densities of these galaxies.
RA:我是 Ra,星際聯邦有很多個,這個星際聯邦的工作範圍為你們的七個銀河系,如果你願意這樣稱呼;並且負責這些銀河中各個密度的呼求。
Questioner: Would you define the word galaxy as you just used it?
Ra: I am Ra. We use that term in this sense as you would use star systems.
RA:我是 Ra,我們用這個詞,如同你所用的恆星系統。
Questioner: I’m a little bit confused as to how many total planets the Confederation that you are in serves?
Ra: I am Ra. I see the confusion. We have difficulty with your language.
RA:我是 Ra,我看到這困惑。我們對於你們的語言有些困難。
The galaxy term must be split. We call galaxy that vibrational complex that is local. Thus, your sun is what we would call the center of a galaxy. We see you have another meaning for this term.
Questioner: Yes. In our science the term galaxy refers to the lenticular star system that contains millions and millions of stars. There was a confusion about this in one of our earlier communications, and I’m glad to get it cleared up.
Using the term galaxy in the sense that I just stated, using the lenticular star system that contains millions of stars, do you know of evolution in other galaxies besides this one?
Ra : I am Ra. We are aware of life in infinite capacity. You are correct in this assumption.
RA:我是 Ra,我們覺察到生命的無限容量,你在此的假設是正確的。
Questioner: Can you tell me if the progression of life in other galaxies is similar to the progression of life in our galaxy?
Ra: I am Ra. The progression is somewhat close to the same, asymptotically approaching congruency throughout infinity. The free choosing of what you would call galactic systems causes variations of an extremely minor nature from one of your galaxies to another.
RA:我是 Ra,這演進有些接近相同,如同(許多條)漸近線穿越無限,趨近於一致。你們所謂的銀河系統有其自由選擇,導致一些變異。但這些變異從這個銀河到另一個銀河是極微不足道的。
Questioner: Then the Law of One is truly universal in creating a progression towards the eighth density in all galaxies. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct. There are infinite forms, infinite understandings, but the progression is one.
RA:我是 Ra,這是正確的。有無限的形態,無限的理解,但進展為一(種)。
Questioner: I am assuming that it is not necessary for an individual to understand the Law of One to go from the third to the fourth density. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. It is absolutely necessary that an entity consciously realize it does not understand in order for it to be harvestable. Understanding is not of this density.
RA:我是 Ra,一個實體絕對需要有意識地了解他不需要理解,以成為可收割狀態。理解並不屬於這個密度。
Questioner: That is a very important point. I used the wrong word. What I meant to say was that I believed that it was not necessary for an entity to be consciously aware of the Law of One to go from the third to the fourth density.
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
RA:我是 Ra,這是正確的。
Questioner: At what point in the densities is it necessary for an entity to be consciously aware of the Law of One in order to progress?
Ra: I am Ra. The fifth density harvest is of those whose vibratory distortions consciously accept the honor/duty of the Law of One. This responsibility/honor is the foundation of this vibration.
RA:我是 Ra,第五密度的收割是那些振動變貌有意識地接受一的法則之榮譽/義務。這個責任/榮譽是這個振動的基礎。
Questioner: Can you tell me a little more about this honor/responsibility concept?
Ra: I am Ra. Each responsibility is an honor; each honor, a responsibility.
RA:我是 Ra,每一個責任是種榮譽,每個榮譽是種義務。
Questioner: Thank you. Is it possible for you to give a short description of the conditions in the fourth density?
Ra: I am Ra. We ask you to consider as we speak that there are not words for positively describing fourth density. We can only explain what is not and approximate what is. Beyond fourth density our ability grows more limited until we become without words.
That which fourth density is not: it is not of words, unless chosen. It is not of heavy chemical vehicles for body complex activities. It is not of disharmony within self. It is not of disharmony within peoples. It is not within limits of possibility to cause disharmony in any way.
RA:我是 Ra,我們要求你考慮這點,沒有言語可以正面地形容第四密度,我們只能解釋它不是什麼,然後以接近的言語描述它是什麼。
Approximations of positive statements: it is a plane of type of bipedal vehicle which is much denser and more full of life; it is a plane wherein one is aware of the thought of other-selves; it is a plane wherein one is aware of vibrations of other-selves; it is a plane of compassion and understanding of the sorrows of third density; it is a plane striving towards wisdom or light; it is a plane wherein individual differences are pronounced although automatically harmonized by group consensus.
Questioner: Could you define the word density as we have been using it?
Ra: I am Ra. The term density is a, what you call, mathematical one. The closest analogy is that of music, whereby after seven notes on your western type of scale, if you will, the eighth note begins a new octave. Within your great octave of existence which we share with you, there are seven octaves or densities. Within each density there are seven sub-densities. Within each sub-density, are seven sub-sub-densities. Within each sub-sub-density, seven sub-sub-sub-densities and so on infinitely.
RA:我是 Ra,密度這個詞彙,如你所稱,是個數學的字眼。最接近的比喻是音樂,你們西方的音階有七個,如果你願意,第八個音階開啟一個新的八度音程。
Questioner: I noticed that the time of this session has gone slightly over an hour. I would like to ask at this time if we should go on? What is the condition of the instrument?
Ra: I am Ra. This instrument is in balance. It is well to continue if you desire.
RA:我是 Ra,器皿目前處於平衡狀態。如果你渴望,可以繼續進行。
Questioner: I understand that each density has seven sub-densities which again have seven sub-densities and so on. This is expanding at a really large rate as each is increased by powers of seven. Does this mean that in any density level anything that you can think of is happening?
Ra: I am Ra. From your confusion we select the concept with which you struggle, that being infinity/opportunity. You may consider any possibility/probability complex as having an existence.
RA:我是 Ra,從你的困惑中,我們選擇一個你正與之搏鬥的概念,即無限/機會。你可以考慮任何可能性/或然率複合體都有一席之地。
Questioner: Do things like daydreams become real in other densities?
Ra: I am Ra. This depends upon the nature of the daydream. This is a large subject. Perhaps the simplest thing we can say is, if the daydream, as you call it, is one which attracts to self, this then becomes reality to self. If it is a contemplative general daydream, this may enter the infinity of possibility/probability complexes and occur elsewhere, having no particular attachment to the energy fields of the creator.
RA:我是 Ra,這要看白日夢的特質而定,這是個大主題。或許我們能說的最簡單事情如下:如你所稱的白日夢,若是被自我吸引,就成為自我的實相;若是屬於沉思型一般性的白日夢,就進入可能性/或然率的無限中,在別的地方發生,與創造這個夢的人之能量場沒有特別的依附關係。
Questioner: To make this a little more clear, if I were to daydream strongly about building a ship, would this occur in one of these other densities?
Ra: I am Ra. This would/would have/or shall occur.
RA:我是 Ra,這事情會/已經/或將要發生。
Questioner: Then if an entity daydreams strongly about battling an entity, would this occur?
Ra: I am Ra. In this case the entity’s fantasy concerns the self and other-self, this binding the thought-form to the possibility/probability complex connected with the self which is the creator of this thought-form. This then would increase the possibility/probability of bringing this into third-density occurrence.
RA:我是 Ra,在這個例子,該實體的幻想牽涉到自我與其他-自我,這將該思想-形態與該實體之可能性/或然率複合體綁在一起,該複合體與創造這個思想-形態的實體相連。然後,這會增加這件事在第三密度發生的可能性/或然率。
Questioner: Does the Orion group use this principle to create conditions favorable to suit their purpose?
Ra: I am Ra. We will answer more specifically than the question. The Orion group uses daydreams of hostile or other negative natures to feed back or strengthen these thought-forms.
RA:我是 Ra,我們的回答將比你的問題要求的更明確。獵戶集團使用惡意或其他負面特質的白日夢,來回饋或強化這些思想-形態。
Questioner: Are the many Wanderers who have and are coming to our planet subject to the Orion thoughts?
Ra: I am Ra. As we have said before, Wanderers become completely the creature of third density in mind/body complex. There is just as much chance of such influence to a Wanderer entity as to a mind/body/spirit complex of this planetary sphere. The only difference occurs in the spirit complex which, if it wishes, has an armor of light, if you will, which enables it to recognize more clearly that which is not as it would appropriately be desired by the mind/body/spirit complex. This is not more than bias and cannot be called an understanding.
RA:我是 Ra,我們先前說過,流浪者完整地成為第三密度心/身複合體的生物。
Furthermore, the Wanderer is, in its own mind/body/spirit, less distorted toward the, shall we say, deviousness of third density positive/negative confusions. Thus, it often does not recognize as easily as a more negative individual the negative nature of thoughts or beings.
Questioner: Then would the Wanderers, as they incarnate here, be highpriority targets of the Orion group?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.
RA:我是 Ra,這是正確的。
Questioner: If a Wanderer should be successfully infringed upon, shall I say, by the Orion group, what would happen to this Wanderer when harvest came?
Ra: I am Ra. If the Wanderer entity demonstrated through action a negative orientation towards other-selves it would be as we have said before, caught into the planetary vibration and, when harvested, possibly repeat again the master cycle of third density as a planetary entity. This shall be the last full question of this session.
RA:我是 Ra,如果這個流浪者透過行動展現對其他-自我的負面傾向,如我們先前所說,他將被地球振動牽絆,當收割來臨,可能會重複第三密度的大師週期。
Is there a short question we may answer before we close this session?
Questioner: Can the instrument be made more comfortable?
Ra: I am Ra. This instrument is as comfortable as it is possible for you to make it given the weakness distortions of its body complex. You are conscientious.
RA:我是 Ra,考慮其身體的弱點變貌,這器皿的舒適度已經在可能的最大極限了,你們是謹慎認真的。
I am Ra. I leave you in the love and the light of the one infinite Creator. Go forth, then, rejoicing in the power and the peace. Adonai.
我是 Ra,我在太一無限造物者的愛與光中離開你們,那麼,向前去吧!在太一造物者的大能與和平中歡欣鼓舞。Adonai。