The Law of One, Book I, Session 15
January 30, 1981
1981 年 1 月 30 日
Ra: I am Ra. I greet you in the love and the light of the infinite Creator. I communicate now.
RA:我是 Ra,我在無限造物者的愛與光中向你們致意。我現在開始通訊。
Questioner: I would like to apologize for any past and future stupid questions. They are due to the fact that I am searching for the proper entry into the investigation of the Law of One.
I would like to ask about the use of the instrument, if it is a function of the time we use the instrument or the amount of words or information the instrument gives? In other words, do I have to hurry and ask questions, or can I take my time to ask questions?
Ra: I am Ra. There are two portions to your query. Firstly, this instrument’s reserve of vital energy which is a product of body, mind, and spirit distortions in the various complexes, is the key to the length of time which we may expend using this instrument. We searched your group and we contacted you for each in your group possesses significantly more vital energy of the body complex. However, this instrument was tuned most appropriately by the mind/body/spirit complex distortions of its beingness in this illusion. Therefore, we remained with this instrument.
RA:我是 Ra,你的詢問可分兩個部分,首先,這器皿的生命能,也就是身、心、靈複合體變貌的產物,是我們可使用這器皿時間長短的關鍵;我們搜尋你們小組發現每一位都顯著地有更多的身體複合體能量,然而,這器皿在心/身/靈複合體變貌之存在狀態,有著最適切的調頻,因此我們繼續留在該器皿(這邊)。
Secondly, we communicate at a set rate which is dependent upon our careful manipulation of this instrument. We cannot be more, as you would say, quick. Therefore, you may ask questions speedily but the answers we have to offer are at a set pace given.
Questioner: This isn’t exactly what I meant. If it takes me, say forty-five minutes to ask my questions, does that give the instrument only fifteen minutes to answer, or could the instrument go over an hour, all totaled, with her answers?
問:這並不精確地表達我的意思,如果一場集會,好比說,我花了45 分鐘發問,那麼器皿就只有 15 分鐘可以回答;或者器皿可以說一小時,全部加總,包含她的回答?
Ra: I am Ra. The energy required for this contact is entered into this instrument by a function of time. Therefore, the time is the factor, as we understand your query.
RA:我是 Ra,通訊所需的能量進入器皿,為時間的函數,因此時間是個(關鍵)因素,就我們了解你的詢問而言。
Questioner: Then I should ask my questions rapidly so that I do not reduce the time. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. You shall do as you deem fit. However, we may suggest that to obtain the answers you require may mean that you invest some of what you experience as time. Although you lose the answer-time, you gain thereby in the specificity of the answer. At many times in the past, we have needed clarification of hastily phrased questions.
RA:我是 Ra,若你認為適當,你可以這樣做,無論如何,我們建議,要得到你需要的答案,意味你投資一些你所經驗的時間,雖然你損失一些回答時間,你得到的答案較明確。在過去許多次,由於(你)急切地發問,導致我們需要(你)重新澄清。
Questioner: Thank you. The first question is this: Why does rapid aging occur on this planet?
Ra: I am Ra. Rapid aging occurs upon this third-density planet due to an ongoing imbalance of receptor web complex in the etheric portion of the energy field of this planet. The thought-form distortions of your peoples have caused the energy streamings to enter the planetary magnetic atmosphere, if you would so term this web of energy patterns, in such a way that the proper streamings are not correctly imbued with balanced vibratory light/love from the, shall we say, cosmic level of this octave of existence.
RA:我是 Ra,快速老化在這個第三密度行星發生,是由於感受器官網絡複合體持續的不平衡,這個網絡複合體位於地球能量場的乙太部分中。
Questioner: Do I assume correctly that one of your attempts in service to this planet was to help the population more fully understand and practice the Law of One so that this rapid aging could be changed to normal aging?
Ra: I am Ra. You assume correctly to a great degree.
RA:我是 Ra,你的假設有很大的正確程度。
Questioner: What is the greatest service that our population on this planet could perform individually?
Ra: I am Ra. There is but one service. The Law is One. The offering of self to Creator is the greatest service, the unity, the fountainhead. The entity who seeks the one Creator is with infinite intelligence. From this seeking, from this offering, a great multiplicity of opportunities will evolve depending upon the mind/body/spirit complexes’ distortions with regard to the various illusory aspects or energy centers of the various complexes of your illusion.
RA:我是 Ra,只有一個服務。法則為太一。將自我奉獻給造物者就是最大的服務、合一、及源頭。尋求太一造物者的實體與無限智能同在。從這個尋求,從這個奉獻起,多樣性的機會開始演化,其走向取決於該心/身/靈複合體之變貌,與你們幻象中[各種複合體]的能量中心有關。
Thus, some become healers, some workers, some teachers, and so forth.
Questioner: If an entity were perfectly balanced with respect to the Law of One on this planet would he undergo the aging process?
Ra: I am Ra. A perfectly balanced entity would become tired rather than visibly aged. The lessons being learned, the entity would depart. However, this is appropriate and is a form of aging which your peoples do not experience. The understanding comes slowly, the body complex decomposing more rapidly.
RA:我是 Ra,一個完美平衡的實體會變得疲倦,而非可見的老化。課程學習完畢,該實體便會離開。無論如何,這是適當的,(雖然)是你們人類沒有體驗的一種老化方式。(一般而言)理解來得緩慢,而肉體複合體的解構卻快速許多。
Questioner: Can you tell me a little more about the word, “balancing,” as we are using it?
Ra: I am Ra. Picture, if you will, the One Infinite. You have no picture. Thus, the process begins. Love creating light, becoming love/light, streams into the planetary sphere according to the electromagnetic web of points or nexi of entrance. These streamings are then available to the individual who, like the planet, is a web of electromagnetic energy fields with points or nexi of entrance.
RA:我是 Ra,想像,如果你願意,那太一無限,你沒有圖像。於是,這過程開始:愛創造光,成為愛/光,串流進入行星球體,依照電磁網的入口點。這些串流因此得以為個人所用,如同行星,個人也是一個具有(多個)入口點的電磁能量場。
In a balanced individual each energy center is balanced and functioning brightly and fully. The blockages of your planetary sphere cause some distortion of intelligent energy. The blockages of the mind/body/spirit complex further distort or unbalance this energy. There is one energy. It may be understood as love/light or light/love or intelligent energy.
Questioner: Am I correct to assume that one of the blockages of the mind/body/spirit complex might be, shall we say, ego, and this could be balanced using a worthiness/unworthiness balance. Am I correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is incorrect.
RA:我是 Ra,這是不正確的。
Questioner: Can you tell me how you balance the ego?
Ra: I am Ra. We cannot work with this concept as it is misapplied and understanding cannot come from it.
RA:我是 Ra,我們無法以這個概念來工作,因為它被誤用,理解無法從而發生。
Questioner: How does an individual go about balancing himself? What is the first step?
Ra: I am Ra. The steps are only one; that is, an understanding of the energy centers which make up the mind/body/spirit complex. This understanding may be briefly summarized as follows. The first balancing is of the Malkuth, or Earth, vibratory energy complex, called the red-ray complex. An understanding and acceptance of this energy is fundamental. The next energy complex, which may be blocked is the emotional, or personal complex, also known as the orange-ray complex. This blockage will often demonstrate itself as personal eccentricities or distortions with regard to selfconscious understanding or acceptance of self.
RA:我是 Ra,只有一個步驟,那就是,理解構成心/身/靈複合體的能量中心群,這理解可以簡單地歸納如下,首先要平衡的是王國(Malkuth*),或地球振動能量複合體,又稱為紅色光芒複合體。理解並接受這股能量是基礎的(工作)。
(*譯註:有興趣的讀者可上網Google 查詢,基本上與卡巴拉數有直接關係。)
The third blockage resembles most closely that which you have called ego. It is the yellow-ray or solar plexus center. Blockages in this center will often manifest as distortions toward power manipulation and other social behaviors concerning those close and those associated with the mind/body/spirit complex. Those with blockages in these first three energy centers, or nexi, will have continuing difficulties in ability to further their seeking of the Law of One.
The center of heart, or green-ray, is the center from which third-density beings may springboard, shall we say, to infinite intelligence. Blockages in this area may manifest as difficulties in expressing what you may call universal love or compassion.
The blue-ray center of energy streaming is the center which, for the first time, is outgoing as well as inpouring. Those blocked in this area may have difficulty in grasping the spirit/mind complexes of its own entity and further difficulty in expressing such understandings of self. Entities blocked in this area may have difficulties in accepting communication from other mind/body/spirit complexes.
The next center is the pineal or indigo-ray center. Those blocked in this center may experience a lessening of the influx of intelligent energy due to manifestations which appear as unworthiness. This is that of which you spoke. As you can see, this is but one of many distortions due to the several points of energy influx into the mind/body/spirit complex. The indigo-ray balancing is quite central to the type of work which revolves about the spirit complex, which has its influx then into the transformation or transmutation of third density to fourth density, it being the energy center receiving the least distorted outpourings of love/light from intelligent energy and also the potential for the key to the gateway of intelligent infinity.
The remaining center of energy influx is simply the total expression of the entity’s vibratory complex of mind, body, and spirit. It is as it will be, “balanced” or “imbalanced” has no meaning at this energy level, for it gives and takes in its own balance. Whatever the distortion may be, it cannot be manipulated as can the others and, therefore, has no particular importance in viewing the balancing of an entity.
Questioner: You previously gave us information on what we should do in balancing. Is there any publishable information you can give us now about particular exercises or methods of balancing these energy centers?
Ra: I am Ra. The exercises given for publication seen in comparison with the material now given are in total a good beginning. It is important to allow each seeker to enlighten itself rather than for any messenger to attempt in language to teach/learn for the entity, thus being teach/learner and learn/teacher. This is not in balance with your third density. We learn from you. We teach to you. Thus, we teach/learn. If we learned for you, this would cause imbalance in the direction of the distortion of free will. There are other items of information allowable. However, you have not yet reached these items in your line of questioning and it is our belief/feeling complex that the questioner shall shape this material in such a way that your mind/body/spirit complexes shall have entry to it, thus we answer your queries as they arise in your mind complex.
RA:我是 Ra,之前[給予你們]出版的練習,跟現在要給的資料,加總起來是個好的開始。重要的是允許每個尋求者啟蒙自身,而不是由任何傳訊者以言語替這個實體教導/學習,因此成為教導/學習者以及學習/教導者。這在你們第三密度中是不平衡的。我們從你們身上學習,我們教導你們,因此,我們教導/學習。如果我們代替你學習,這會造成自由意志變貌的方向不平衡。
Questioner: Yesterday you stated that “the harvest is now. There is not at this time any reason to include efforts along this line of longevity, but rather to encourage efforts to seek the heart of self. This which resides clearly in the violet-ray energy field will determine the harvest of the mind/body/spirit complex.” Could you tell us the best way to seek the heart of self?
Ra: I am Ra. We have given you this information in several wordings. However, we can only say the material for your understanding is the self: the mind/body/spirit complex. You have been given information upon healing, as you call this distortion. This information may be seen in a more general context as ways to understand the self. The understanding, experiencing, accepting, and merging of self with self and other-self, and finally with the Creator, is the path to the heart of self. In each infinitesimal part of your self resides the One in all of Its power. Therefore, we can only encourage these lines of contemplation or prayer as a means of subjectively/objectively using or combining various understandings to enhance the seeking process. Without such a method of reversing the analytical process, one could not integrate into unity the many understandings gained in such seeking.
RA:我是 Ra,我們曾經以幾種不同的措辭給予你這個資訊;無論如何,我們為了你的理解,只說關於自我 —— 心/身/靈複合體 —— 的資料。你曾被給予關於治療變貌的資訊。這資訊從更一般性的角度來看,可以是了解自我的方式。理解、經驗、接受,與自我融合;與其他-自我融合;最終與造物者融合,這是通往自我之心的途徑。在你自己的每一個無限小的部分都居住著擁有全然能力的太一。
Questioner: I don’t mean to ask the same question twice, but there are some areas that I consider so important that possibly a greater understanding may be obtained if the answer is restated a number of times in other words. I thank you for your patience. Yesterday, you also mentioned that when there was no harvest at the end of the last 25,000 year period, “there were harvestable entities who shall choose the manner of their entrance into the fourth density.” Could you tell me what you mean by “they shall choose the manner of their entry into the fourth density”?
昨天,你還提到在上一次的2 萬5 千年週期沒有收割,“但有可以收割的實體,他們可以選擇進入第四密度的方式。”你可否告訴我,“他們可以選擇進入第四密度的方式”這句話的意思?
Ra: I am Ra. These shepherds, or, as some have called them, the “Elder Race,” shall choose the time/space of their leaving. They are unlikely to leave until their other-selves are harvestable also.
RA:我是 Ra,這些牧羊人,或有些人稱之為"長老種族"(Elder Race),可以選擇離開這裡的時間/空間。他們不大可能離開,直到他們的其他-自我也都可以收割為止。
Questioner: What do you mean by their “other-selves” being harvestable?
Ra: I am Ra. The other-selves with whom these beings are concerned are those which did not attain harvest during the second major cycle.
RA:我是 Ra,他們所關切的其他-自我,指的是在第二主要週期(major cycle)無法到達收割階段的實體們。
Questioner: Could you tell me just a small amount of the history of what you call the Elder Race?
Ra: I am Ra. The question is unclear. Please restate.
RA:我是 Ra,這問題不清楚,請重新敘述。
Questioner: I ask this question because I have heard of the Elder Race before in a book, Road in the Sky, by George Hunt Williamson, and I was wondering if this Elder Race was the same that he talked about?
問:我問這問題是因為我曾在一本書聽聞長老種族,書名是天空之路(Road in the Sky),由喬治(George Hunt Williamson)撰寫,我在猜測這裡的長老種族跟他所講的是否為同一個?
Ra: I am Ra. The question now resolves itself, for we have spoken previously of the manner of decision-making which caused these entities to remain here upon the closing of the second major cycle of your current master cycle. There are some distortions in the descriptions of the one known as Michel; however, these distortions have to do primarily with the fact that these entities are not a social memory complex, but rather a group of mind/body/spirit complexes dedicated to service. These entities work together, but are not completely unified; thus, they do not completely see each the other’s thoughts, feelings, and motives. However, their desire to serve is the fourth-dimensional type of desire, thus melding them into what you may call a brotherhood.
RA:我是 Ra,現在這問題自我解答了,我們之前談到這些實體決定在目前大師週期(master cycle)的第二主要週期1結束時留在這裡的決策原因。
在Michel2 的敘述中有一些扭曲;這些扭曲的產生主要是由於這些實體並不是一個社會記憶複合體,而是一群心/身/靈複合體致力於服務,這些實體一起工作,但尚未完整地統合為一;他們不能完整地看到彼此的思想,感覺,及動機;無論如何,他們服務的渴望屬於第四次元型態的渴望,因此融合成為你所謂的兄弟會(brotherhood)。
(1. 一個大師週期有三個等分的主要週期,一共約 7 萬 5 千年。)
(2. Michel D-Obrenovic 是 George 的原名,即天空之路作者。Thanks to Carla.)
Questioner: Why do you call them the Elder Race?
Ra: I am Ra. We called them thusly to acquaint you, the questioner, with their identity as is understood by your mind complex distortion.
RA:我是 Ra,我們如此稱呼是因為你,發問者,熟悉的緣故,這個識別名稱能夠為你的心智複合體變貌所理解。
Questioner: Are there any Wanderers with this Elder Race?
Ra: I am Ra. These are planetary entities harvested—Wanderers only in the sense that they chose, in fourth-density love, to immediately reincarnate in third density rather than proceeding towards fourth density. This causes them to be Wanderers of a type, Wanderers who have never left the Earth plane because of their free will rather than because of their vibrational level.
RA:我是 Ra,這些是可被收割的地球實體 —— 從另一角度來看,他們們在第四密度的愛中,選擇立即地降生在第三密度,而不繼續前往第四密度,這使得他們成為一種流浪者,從未離開地球層面的流浪者,這是因為他們的自由意志(的決定),而非由於他們的振動層次。
Questioner: In yesterday’s material you mentioned that the first distortion was the distortion of free will. Is there a sequence, a first, second, and third distortion of the Law of One?
Ra: I am Ra. Only up to a very short point. After this point, the many-ness of distortions are equal one to another. The first distortion, free will, finds focus. This is the second distortion known to you as Logos, the Creative Principle or Love. This intelligent energy thus creates a distortion known as Light. From these three distortions come many, many hierarchies of distortions, each having its own paradoxes to be synthesized, no one being more important than another.
RA:我是 Ra,這情況只存在很短的(時間)點,過了這點,這些變貌的眾多性彼此相等。第一個變貌,自由意志尋找焦點,這焦點是第二變貌,即你所知的理則(Logos),創造性原則或愛。這智能能量從而創造一個變貌,稱為光。從這三個變貌產生許多,許多階層的變貌,每一個都有它自身的矛盾需要被整合,沒有一個比另一個更重要。
Questioner: You also said that you offered the Law of One which is the balancing of love/light with light/love. Is there any difference between light/love and love/light?
Ra: I am Ra. This will be the final question of this time/space. There is the same difference between love/light and light/love as there is between teach/learning and learn/teaching. Love/light is the enabler, the power, the energy giver. Light/love is the manifestation which occurs when light has been impressed with love.
RA:我是 Ra,這將是此次時空的最後一個問題,愛/光與光/愛的不同,就如同教導/學習與學習/教導的不同。愛/光是致能者(enabler)、力量(power)、能量的給予者。光/愛是當光被愛所銘印的顯化。
Questioner: Is there anything we can do to make the instrument more comfortable? Can we have two sessions today?
Ra: I am Ra. This instrument requires a certain amount of manipulation of the physical or body complex due to a stiffness. Other than this, all is well, the energies being balanced. There is a slight distortion in the mental energy of this instrument due to concern for a loved one, as you call it. This is only slightly lowering the vital energies of the instrument. Given a manipulation, this instrument will be well for another working.
RA:我是 Ra,這器皿的身體有些僵硬,在肉體複合體上需要適量的操作。除此之外,一切都很好,能量處於平衡狀態。這器皿的心智能量有些許的扭曲,由於關切所愛的人,如你們所稱呼的。這點稍微地降低器皿的生命能。若被給予一個操作,這器皿可以良好地進行另一場工作。
Questioner: By manipulation, do you mean that she should go for a walk or that we should rub her back?
Ra: I am Ra. We meant the latter. The understanding must be added that this manipulation be done by one in harmony with the entity.
RA:我是 Ra,我們意指後者,必須增加的理解是,這個運作要由與這實體和諧相處的人來做。
I am Ra. I leave you in the love and the light of the infinite Creator. Go forth, then, rejoicing in the power and the peace of the one infinite Creator. Adonai.
我是 Ra,我在無限造物者的愛與光中離開你們,那麼向前去吧!在太一無限造物者的大能與和平中歡欣鼓舞。Adonai。