The Law of One, Book II, Session 34
March 4, 1981
一的法則:卷二, 第三十四場集會
1981 年 3 月 4 日
Ra: I am Ra. I greet you in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator. We communicate now.
RA : 我是 Ra ,我在太一無限造物者的愛與光中向你們致意 。 我們現在開始通訊 。
Questioner: You stated at an earlier time that penetration of the eighth level or intelligent infinity allows a mind/body/spirit complex to be harvested if it wishes at any time/space during the cycle. When this penetration of the eighth level occurs what does the entity who penetrates it experience?
發問者: 你在稍早時刻陳述 , 穿透第八 層級 或智能無限 層級 允許一個心 / 身 / 靈複合體被收割 , 只要這個實體在任何時間 / 空間有此意願 。 當這個第八 層級 的穿透發生時 , 穿透這個層級 的實體會經驗到什麼 ? 你可以告訴我這點嗎 ?
Ra: I am Ra. The experience of each entity is unique in its perception of intelligent infinity. Perceptions range from a limitless joy to a strong dedication to service to others while in the incarnated state. The entity which reaches intelligent infinity most often will perceive this experience as one of unspeakable profundity. However, it is not usual for the entity to immediately desire the cessation of the incarnation. Rather the desire to communicate or use this experience to aid others is extremely strong.
RA : 我是 Ra ,每個實體 認知 智能無限的經驗是獨特的 。 在肉身狀態中 , 這個認知的範圍從無限制的喜樂 到 強烈奉獻於服務他人 。 一個觸及智能無限的實體最常發生的反應是將這個經驗視為一個無以言喻的深奧 ( 經驗 )。
無論如何 , 該實體立即渴望終止此生的情況並不常發生 。 反而是渴望去溝通或使用這個經驗去協助他人 , 這種渴望極度地強烈 。
Questioner: Thank you. Would you define karma?
發問者: 謝謝你 , 你可否定義 業力 ( karma )?
Ra: I am Ra. Our understanding of karma is that which may be called inertia. Those actions which are put into motion will continue using the ways of balancing until such time as the controlling or higher principle which you may liken unto your braking or stopping is invoked. This stoppage of the inertia of action may be called forgiveness. These two concepts are inseparable.
RA : 我是 Ra ,我們對 業力 的理解是 它可以被稱為慣性 。 那些運行中的行動將 以(動態) 平衡的方式繼續 進行 , 直到更高或控制原則 , 你們可以比喻為煞車或停止裝置 , 被祈請 ( invoked ) 。 行動慣性的停止可以被稱為 寬恕 。
這兩個概念是不可分的 。
Questioner: If an entity develops what is called karma in an incarnation, is there then programming that sometimes occurs so that he will experience catalysts that will enable him to get to a point of forgiveness thereby alleviating the karma?
發問者: 如果一個實體在其一生中發展了所謂的業力 , 是否程式會在 特定 時候啟動,好讓他經驗到允許他獲致寬恕的催化劑,從而減輕業力 ?
Ra: I am Ra. This is, in general, correct. However, both self and any involved other-self may, at any time through the process of understanding, acceptance, and forgiveness, ameliorate these patterns. This is true at any point in an incarnative pattern. Thus one who has set in motion an action may forgive itself and never again make that error. This also brakes or stops what you call karma.
RA : 我是 Ra ,這點 , 一般而言是正確的 。 無論如何 , 自我以及任何牽連的其他 - 自我可以在任何時刻透過 理解、接納、與寬恕 的過程 , 改善這些型態 。 這個方式在一生中的任何時點都是真的 。 因此一個已經讓某個行為運作的實體 , 可以寬恕自我 , 並絕不再犯相同錯誤 , 這也 會煞住或停止 你所謂的 業力 。
Questioner: Thank you. Can you give me examples of catalytic action from the last session beginning with the self unmanifested producing learning catalyst?
發問者: 謝謝你 , 在上次集會提到不顯化的自我 , 你可否告訴我 : 不顯化的自我產生的學習催化劑 ?
Ra: I am Ra. We observed your interest in the catalyst of pain. This experience is most common among your entities. The pain may be of the physical complex. More often it is of the mental and emotional complex. In some few cases the pain is spiritual in complex-nature. This creates a potential for learning. The lessons to be learned vary. Almost always these lessons include patience, tolerance, and the ability for the light touch.
RA : 我是 Ra ,我們觀察到你對於痛苦催化劑的興趣 。 這個經驗在你們實體中是最常見的 。 這個痛苦可能屬於肉體複合體 , 更多的情況屬於心智與情感複合體 。 在少數的例子中 這痛苦屬於靈性複合體特質 。 這些創造出學習的潛能 。 要學習的功課因人而異 。 但這些功課幾乎總是包括耐心 , 容忍 , 以及 ( 保持 ) 輕快步調的能力 。
Very often the catalyst for emotional pain, whether it be the death of the physical complex of one other-self which is loved or other seeming loss, will simply result in the opposite, in a bitterness and impatience, a souring. This is catalyst which has gone awry. In these cases then there will be additional catalyst provided to offer the unmanifested self further opportunities for discovering the self as all-sufficient Creator containing all that there is and full of joy.
情感痛苦是很常見的一種催化劑 , 不管是心愛的人肉身死亡或其他表面上的損失 , 通常導致相反的結果 : 悲痛 , 沒耐心 , 乖戾的感覺 。 這個催化劑便走偏了 。 在這些情況,將會有額外的催化劑給予 不顯化自我 有進一步的機會去發現 自我,為 全然自足的造物者 包含一切萬有並充滿喜樂 。
Questioner: Do what we call contagious diseases play any part in this process with respect to the unmanifested self?
發問者: 我們所稱的傳染病,從不顯化自我的角度來看,在這個過程是否扮演某種角色 ?
Ra: I am Ra. These so-called contagious diseases are those entities of second-density which offer an opportunity for this type of catalyst. If this catalyst is unneeded, then these second-density creatures, as you would call them, do not have an effect. In each of these generalizations you may please note that there are anomalies so that we cannot speak to every circumstance but only to the general run or way of things as you experience them.
RA : 我是 Ra ,這些所謂的傳染病是第二密度的實體 , 它們提供這類催化劑的機會 。 如果這個催化劑是不需要的 , 那麼這些第二密度的 ( 微 ) 生物 , 並不會產生 作用 。 在每一個歸納法中,請注意會有異常情況 , 所以我們不能說到每一種情境,但只能提到你會經驗到的 一般 事情運作的方式 。
Questioner: What part do what we call birth defects play in this process?
發問者: 天生的缺陷在這個過程中扮演什麼角色 ?
Ra: I am Ra. This is a portion of the programming of the mind/body/spirit complex totality manifested in the mind/body/spirit of third-density. These defects are planned as limitations which are part of the experience intended by the entity’s totality complex. This includes genetic predispositions, as you may call them.
RA : 我是 Ra ,這是 心 / 身 / 靈複合全體 ( totality ) 程式的一部份顯化在第三密度心 / 身 / 靈 ( 複合體 ) 之中 。 這些缺陷被 心 / 身 / 靈複合全體 計劃為一些限制 , 它們是經驗的一部份 。 這包括基因的 素質 , 如你所稱 。
Questioner: Thank you. Can you give me the same type of information about the self in relation to the societal self?
發問者: 謝謝你 , 你可否給予我關於自我與社會自我關係的同類資訊 ?
Ra: I am Ra. The unmanifested self may find its lessons those which develop any of the energy influx centers of the mind/body/spirit complex. The societal and self interactions most often concentrate upon the second and third energy centers. Thus those most active in attempting to remake or alter the society are those working from feelings of being correct personally or of having answers which will put power in a more correct configuration. This may be seen to be of a full travel from negative to positive in orientation. Either will activate these energy ray centers.
RA : 我是 Ra , 不顯化自我 可以在發展任何心 / 身 / 靈複合體能量流入 ( influx ) 中心的 ( 過程中 ) 找到它的功課 。 社會的 ( 自我 ) 與自我的互動最常集中在第二與第三能量中心 。 因此,那些最活躍於嘗試去再造或改變社會的實體們,他們個人感覺自己是正確的,或擁有答案將權力放在更正確的配置 。 這個情況可以是從負面到正面導向的一個完整旅程 。 任何一個導向都會啟動這些能量光芒中心 。
There are some few whose desires to aid society are of a green ray nature or above. These entities, however, are few due to the understanding, may we say, of fourth ray that universal love freely given is more to be desired than principalities or even the rearrangement of peoples or political structures.
有少數人 他們協助社會的渴望 出自 綠色光芒或更高的 ( 光芒 )。 這些實體 , 無論如何 , 是極少數 。 因為第四密度光芒的理解 [ 容我們說 ] 比較渴望普世的 , 自由給予的愛 , 而非領地或 甚至 人群、政治結構的重整 。
Questioner: If an entity were to be strongly biased toward positive societal effects, what would this do to his yellow ray in the aura as opposed to an entity who wanted to create an empire of society and govern it with an iron fist?
發問者: 如果一個實體強烈傾向正面的社會效應 , 這個實體靈光中的黃色光芒跟一個想要創造一個帝國並以鐵腕統治的實體相比 , 這 兩個實體 在 黃色光芒活動 上有何不同 ?
Ra: I am Ra. Let us take two such positively oriented active souls no longer in your physical time/space. The one known as Albert went into a strange and, to it, a barbaric society in order that it might heal. This entity was able to mobilize great amounts of energy and what you call money. This entity spent much green ray energy both as a healer and as a lover of your instrument known as the organ. This entity’s yellow ray was bright and crystallized by the efforts needed to procure the funds to promulgate its efforts. However, the green and blue rays were of a toweringly brilliant nature as well. The higher levels, as you may call them, being activated, the lower, as you may call them, energy points remaining in a balance, being quite, quite bright.
RA : 我是 Ra ,讓我們舉兩個正面導向 , 曾經活躍一時的靈魂做為例子 , 他們已經沒有生活於你們的物理時間 / 空間 。 一個是亞伯 ( Albert ) 走入一個陌生的 , 對他而言 , 蠻荒的社會 , 為了要醫療它 。 這個實體能夠動員大量的能量 和 你所謂的金錢 。 這個實體耗費了許多綠色光芒能量,用在醫療者與風琴 [ 你們的一種樂器 ] 愛好者兩方面 。 這個實體的黃色光芒是明亮的,且由於他努力於取得資金以傳播其志業,結果黃色光芒得以結晶化 。
無論如何 , 綠色與藍色光芒同樣呈現高聳地明亮特質 。 如你所稱 , 較高層次被啟動 ; 較低能量點保持平衡 , 相當、相當地明亮 。
The other example is the entity, Martin. This entity dealt in a great degree with rather negative orange ray and yellow ray vibratory patterns. However, this entity was able to keep open the green ray energy and due to the severity of its testing, if anything, this entity may be seen to have polarized more towards the positive due to its fidelity to service to others in the face of great catalyst.
另外一個例子是馬丁 ( Martin ), 這個實體處理很大程度的負面橙色與黃色振動型態 。 無論如何 , 這個實體能夠保持綠色光芒能量的敞開 即使面臨嚴酷的考驗 , 這個實體可以被視為 : 有較多部分朝向正面極化,這是由於他在面臨巨大的催化劑的時刻 ( 仍舊 ) 忠實地服務他人 。
Questioner: Could you give me the last names of Albert and Martin?
發問者: 你可否告訴我亞伯與馬丁的姓氏 ?
Ra: I am Ra. These entities are known to you as Albert Schweitzer and Martin Luther King.
RA : 我是 Ra ,這些實體為你們所知 全名為亞伯 . 史懷哲,以及 馬丁 . 路德 . 金恩 。
Questioner: I thought that that was correct, but I wasn’t sure. Can you give me the same type of information that we have been getting here with respect to the unmanifested interacting between self and gadgets and toys and inventions?
發問者: 我剛才也是這麼想的 , 但我不確定 。 你可否給予我關於未顯化的互動資訊 , 即自我與小器具 , 玩具 , 發明 等 的 未顯化 互動關係 ?
Ra: I am Ra. In this particular instance we again concentrate for the most part in the orange and in the yellow energy centers. In a negative sense many of the gadgets among your peoples, that is what you call your communication devices and other distractions such as the less competitive games, may be seen to have the distortion of keeping the mind/body/spirit complex unactivated so that yellow and orange ray activity is much weakened thus carefully decreasing the possibility of eventual green ray activation.
RA : 我是 Ra ,在這個特別的實例中,我們再次聚焦於橙色與黃色能量中心 。 以負面的觀點來看 , 你們人群中的許多 小玩意 , 你們所謂的通訊裝置,以及其他分心的事物 , 如較不具競爭性的遊戲 , 可以被看做具有保持心 / 身 / 靈複合體不活躍 ( unactivated ) 的變貌 , 於是黃色與橙色光芒活動減弱許多 , 於是慢慢地減少最終綠色光芒啟動的可能性 。
Others of your gadgets may be seen to be tools whereby the entity explores the capabilities of its physical or mental complexes and in some few cases, the spiritual complex, thus activating the orange ray in what you call your team sports and in other gadgets such as your modes of transport. These may be seen to be ways of investigating the feelings of power; more especially, power over others or a group power over another group of otherselves.
你們其他的器具可以被視為一種工具,幫助實體探索自身肉體或心智複合體 , 以及在少數情形中 , 靈性複合體之能力 , 於是在你們所稱的團隊運動 和各種 交通工具 [ 器具 ] 中啟動橙色光芒 。 這些可以被 視為 探究 力量 感覺的方式 ; 特別是凌駕於他人之上的 力量 ; 或一個 團體 的 力量 超過另一個其他 - 自我 團體 的 力量 。
Questioner: What is the general overall effect of television on our society with respect to this catalyst?
發問者: 關於這個催化劑類別 一般而言,電視對於社會的整體效果是什麼 ?
Ra: I am Ra. Without ignoring the green ray attempts of many to communicate via this medium such information of truth and beauty as may be helpful, we must suggest that the sum effect of this gadget is that of distraction and sleep.
RA : 我是 Ra , ( 我們 ) 沒有忽略許多屬於綠色光芒的嘗試,透過這個媒介傳遞真理與美的資訊,這些或許是有幫助的 , 我們必須提議,這個器具的總合效果是分心與沉睡 。
Questioner: Can you give me the same type of information that we are working on now with respect to war and rumors of war?
發問者: 在這個類別中,你可否給予我們關於 自我 與戰爭及戰爭流言的關係之資訊 ?
Ra: I am Ra. You may see this in relationship to your gadgets. This war and self relationship is a fundamental perception of the maturing entity. There is a great chance to accelerate in whatever direction is desired. One may polarize negatively by assuming bellicose attitudes for whatever reason. One may find oneself in the situation of war and polarize somewhat towards the positive activating orange, yellow, and then green rays by heroic, if you may call them this, actions taken to preserve the mind/body/spirit complexes of other-selves.
RA : 我是 Ra ,你可以看出這與你們的器具有關係 。 戰爭與自我關係,是成熟實體的一個根本 感知 。( 實體 ) 有著很大的機會加速到任何渴望的方向 。 一個實體可以藉由認定敵對的態度,不管是爲了什麼原因朝負面極化 。
一個實體可以藉由在戰爭中的英勇行為 [ 如果你可以這麼稱呼 ], 即保存其他 - 自我心 / 身 / 靈複合體的行動 , 朝正面極化一些程度 , 啟動橙色、黃色 , 然後是綠色光芒 。
Finally, one may polarize very strongly third ray by expressing the principle of universal love at the total expense of any distortion towards involvement in bellicose actions. In this way the entity may become a conscious being in a very brief span of your time/space. This may be seen to be what you would call a traumatic progression. It is to be noted that among your entities a large percentage of all progression has as catalyst, trauma.
最後 , 一個實體可以非常強烈地極化第三光芒 , 藉由表達普世大愛的原則 , 即使面對敵對的行動 , 也不惜代價堅持這個原則 。 如此 該實體可能只有很短的一生 , 成為一個覺知的存有 。 這可以被視為所謂的創傷性進展 。 值得注意的是 : 在你們實體當中 , 有很大百分比的進展有著創傷的催化劑 。
Questioner: You just used the term third ray in that statement. Was that the term you meant to use?
發問者: 你在剛才的敘述中使用第三光芒這個辭彙,這是你想要用的詞彙嗎 ?
Ra: I am Ra. We intended the green ray. Our difficulty lies in our perception of red ray and violet ray as fixed; thus the inner rays are those which are varying and are to be observed as those indications of seniority in the attempts to form an harvest.
RA : 我是 Ra ,我們意指綠色光芒 。 我們的困難在於我們認知紅色與紫羅蘭色光芒為固定的 ; 因此只有內側的光芒才會變動,並且被觀察做為 ( 實體 ) 嘗試形成收割時其資歷的指標 。
Questioner: Would the red ray, an intense red ray, then be used as an index for seniority in incarnation as well as an intense violet ray?
發問者: 紅色光芒 , 一道強烈的紅色光芒 , 是否可以用來做為 ( 實體 ) 此生 老資格 的索引 好比強烈的紫羅蘭色光芒 ( 的功用 )?
Ra: I am Ra. This is partially correct. In the graduation or harvesting to fourth-density positive, the red ray is seen only as that, which being activated, is the basis for all that occurs in vibratory levels, the sum of this being violet ray energy.
RA : 我是 Ra ,這只有部分正確 。 對於第四正面密度收割或畢業而言,紅色光芒只被視為 , 一旦被啟動 , 一個所有振動層次的基礎 , 振動的總合是紫羅蘭光芒能量 。
This violet ray is the only consideration for fourth-density positive. In assessing the harvestable fourth-density negative, the intensity of the red as well as the orange and the yellow rays is looked upon quite carefully as a great deal of stamina and energy of this type is necessary for the negative progression, it being extremely difficult to open the gateway to intelligent infinity from the solar plexus center. This is necessary for harvest in fourthdensity negative.
紫羅蘭光芒是第四正面密度的唯一考量 。 在評估第四負面密度的收割時 , 紅色還有橙色、黃色光芒的強度都會被相當仔細地觀看,因為負面的進展需要大量的 耐力 與這類的能量 , 從太陽神經叢中心要打開 智能無限 大門是極度困難的 。 故需要這些條件達成第四負面密度的收割 。
Questioner: Is it possible for you to use as an example our General Patton and tell me the effect that war had on him in his development?
發問者: 你是否可能以我們的巴頓將軍 * 為例 , 告訴我 在他發展的過程中 , 戰爭在他身上的 效應 ?
( * 譯註 : George Smith Patton, Jr 。, 巴頓將軍 , AD1885~1945 )
Ra: I am Ra. This will be the last full question of this working. The one of whom you speak, known as George, was one in whom the programming of previous incarnations had created a pattern or inertia which was irresistible in its incarnation in your time/space. This entity was of a strong yellow ray activation with frequent green ray openings and occasional blue ray openings. However, it did not find itself able to break the mold of previous traumatic experiences of a bellicose nature.
RA : 我是 Ra ,這將是此次工作的最後一個完整問題 。 你所說的喬治 ( George ), 在前幾世的經歷中,創造出一個無法抵抗的型態或慣性,在你們的 時間 / 空間 中 。 這個實體的黃色光芒被強烈啟動,伴隨著經常發生的綠色光芒開啟 以及 偶爾發生的藍色光芒開啟 。 無論如何 , 它不能打破先前敵對本質的創傷經驗 所 塑造的模子 。
This entity polarized somewhat towards the positive in its incarnation due to its singleness of belief in truth and beauty. This entity was quite sensitive. It felt a great honor/duty to the preservation of that which was felt by the entity to be true, beautiful, and in need of defense. This entity perceived itself a gallant figure. It polarized somewhat towards the negative in its lack of understanding the green ray it carried with it, rejecting the forgiveness principle which is implicit in universal love.
這個實體有些朝向正面極化,由於它專一地信仰真理與美 。 這個實體相當地敏感 , 它感到一個 偉大的 榮譽 / 責任去保存該實體感覺為真實 , 美麗,並且需要保衛的東西 。 這個實體認知自己為一個英勇的角色 。 它有一些朝負面極化,由於欠缺對於它 攜帶 的綠色光芒之理解 , 拒絕了寬恕原則,該原則隱含在普世大愛 之中 。
The sum total of this incarnation vibrationally was a slight increase in positive polarity but a decrease in harvestability due to the rejection of the Law or Way of Responsibility; that is, seeing universal love, yet still it fought on.
他這一生的振動總合稍微增加了正面極性,但收割性減少,這是由於拒絕了責任之道 或法則 ; 也就是說 , 看見 普世大愛,卻依然繼續戰鬥 。
Questioner: Do we have enough time for me to ask if the death, almost immediately after the cessation of war, of this entity could have been so that it could have immediately been reincarnated so that it could make harvest?
發問者: 我們是否有足夠時間 , 讓我詢問這個實體的死亡幾乎 立刻 就在大戰終止之後發生 , 其中原因是否為 : 它便可以立刻再降生 , 好讓它 有可能 完成收割 ?
Ra: I am Ra. This is precisely correct.
RA : 我是 Ra , 精準 地正確 。
Questioner: Thank you. Then I will just ask if there is anything that we can do to make the instrument more comfortable or to improve the contact?
發問者: 謝謝你 , 那麼我只問有沒有什麼我們可以做的 , 好讓這器皿更舒適 , 或改善這個通訊 ?
Ra: I am Ra. AR is well. We leave you, my friends, in the love and the light of the One which is All in All. I leave you in an ever-lasting peace. Go forth, therefore, rejoicing in the power and the peace of the one infinite Creator. Adonai.
RA : 我是 Ra ,一切都好 。 我們離開你 , 我的朋友們 , 在太一 [ 全體中的全體 ] 的愛與光中 。 我在永遠 持續 的和平中離開你 。 向前去吧 , 在太一無限造物者的大能與和平中歡欣鼓舞 。 Adonai 。