Contact Report 143/第143次接觸報告
最初英譯:2009年04月04日,Benjamin Stevens
改進版本:N/A,Benjamin Stevens, Joseph Darmanin, Catherine Mossman
中譯版本:2022年07月05日,DeepL Translator, James Hsu
本次接觸談論的主要內容,是由 Semjase 所解說的一個極其“燒腦”又深奧的問題,想必是不會被我們偉大的「科學界」所認同的。
這是 Billy 所提出的問題:我們的「宇宙」(他用的詞是“Creation”,這裡譯為「創世宇宙」)到底有多大?
當然,Semjase 給的答覆遠遠不止於此,她詳細說明了所謂「創世宇宙」的結構與其大小(絕對超乎想像),甚至解釋了物質由能量轉換的過程,甚至是時間的誕生及其速度(光速)的衰減週期等等。此外,Semjase 還畫出了一幅「創世宇宙的結構示意圖」,其中並標出我們「太陽系」所在的位置… 在在都是讓我們腦洞次次大開的“天方夜譚”…
This is the entire contact report. It is an official and authorised English translation and most probably contains errors. Please note that all errors and mistakes etc. will continuously be corrected, depending on the available time of the involved persons (as contracted with Billy/FIGU). Therefore, do not copy-paste and publish this version elsewhere, because any improvement and correction will occur HERE in this version!
I have only called you today because I would gladly like to know a few things about our Universe, if you want to answer these questions for me?
1. Sure, on the other hand, I also would have visited you within the next few days because I have a few things of importance to discuss with you.
Ah, and what is that?
2. First, state your questions.
3. I can still report my concern to you afterwards.
4. It concerns the warnings that I suggested to you recently.
Warnings? – Oh yes, you probably mean the authorities and organisations that want to approach me again? That also stands somewhere in one of the last reports. You know, however, that I have no major worries about that.
5. Sure, but the relevant interests have worsened very much in the meantime, which is why it is appropriate that now, you seriously need to worry about it.
6. The members of your group are also involved in this, but about that, I will report to you afterwards.
7. What questions do you have?
This is simple, actually. The first question is this: what is the diameter of the entire Creation?
8. This had to come at some point, and you can save the remaining questions because I will certainly explain them to you in the answer of your question.
As you wish. I am listening.
9. To answer your question, I must be somewhat detailed:
10. The Universe is divided into seven units, i.e. rings or belts that, entirely together, form the whole Universe, and all of these rings are rotating against each other and have different diameters and an ovoid shape.
11. These seven rings, which we call belts, are the following:
12. 1) Central Core,
2) Ur-Core Belt,
3) Ur-Space Belt,
4) Solid-state Matter Universe Belt,
5) Transformation Belt,
6) Creation Belt, and
7) Displacement Belt,
And we also call the Creation Belt the Creation Matter Belt or the Expansion Belt, and the Displacement Belt, the last and extreme, embodies, according to your sense, a bumper belt.
13. Now, the Solid-state Universe is that part of the Universe in which the new births exist, so the nascent stars, etc. with all their life forms.
14. This real Solid-state Universe is calculated from the end of the Creation Ur-Core's outer wall up to the beginning of the outer wall of the Transformation Belt, which exhibits a half diameter of 7,869 octillion light-years and is, thus, the next largest belt after the Creation Belt.
真正「固態宇宙」的範圍計算是從「原始核心帶」結束的外圍到「轉換帶」外圍的開始,這顯示出的半徑是 7,869X1027 光年,因此,是「創建帶」之外是最大的地帶。
[中譯者註:根據《維基百科》的資料,目前「人類可觀測到的宇宙」,其距離(也就是直徑)大約為 93X109 光年(= 93,000,000,000;930 億光年),比較上述資料,其差距真是不可思議!]
15. In addition, the outer wall of the Transformation Belt is where this belt collides with the inner wall of the real Creation Belt, also known as the Expansion Belt or Creation Matter Belt.
16. So this is that space which embodies the Solid-state Universe and is so called because in these three areas, the coarse-material becomes existent and is existent, and the course-material becomes existent in the Transformation Belt only by a transformation from remains of the penetrating Creation Belt, which are converted into course-material from immaterial energy.
17. This is the real Solid-state Universe, which consists of the Transformation Belt, the Universe Belt, and the Ur-Space Belt.
18. In addition, the Transformation Belt exhibits such a gigantic mass and is the next largest belt to the Creation Belt because it is responsible for ensuring that in the space created by the Expansion Belt, the transformation of fine-material energies into course-material takes place, and at the same time, time itself appears and becomes existent.
19. Already in this Transformation Belt, time begins to run into the past, from which aging originates.
20. This means that in this Transformation Belt, chronons begin to exist, then are aging and becoming tachyons and are representing the past. By the way, tachyons may be proven by the terrestrial scientists in a short time.
21. At the same time, the speed also decreases from the Transformation Belt in an irregular manner but in a certain half-life.
22. The irregular decrease in speed, which amounts to 147 times the speed of light in its starting point and expansion point, comes about through mutually self-influencing and different time streams that have already changed in their speed.
關於不規則下降的速度,在其發生點和膨脹點中是相當於 147 倍的光速,而透過相互「自我影響」和不同的「時間流」,已經有所改變。
23. In the interior centre of the Universe is the real Ur-Core, which grows with each fall-back of the Creation, so of the whole Universe, doubling itself in size.
24. Thus, the Ur-Core will be twice as large with the next fall-back as it is today.
25. From this Ur-Core, referring to the energy field resting in the Ur-Space Belt, which is the fallen-back Creation, new energies form for the renewed expansion to the next universe, whereby at the end of the slumber time, a new Big Bang takes place and a new expansion creates a new universe, generally all things of a much more refined form, which means that all coarse-material will not be so stable any more as in this Universe.
所謂的「原始核心」是指在「原始空間帶」駐留的能量場,它是「創世宇宙」衰退後重新膨脹成下一個宇宙的新能量形式,在此,在休眠時期結束之時,一個新的「大霹靂」(Big Bang;又稱「大爆炸」)發生而新的膨脹創建一個新的宇宙,通常,所有的東西都會變成更加細緻的形式,這意味著在這個宇宙中所有的「基礎物質」,不會再如同存在於目前宇宙般的如此穩定。
26. The Ur-Space Belt itself is that part of the Universe from which the expansion of the Creation occurs, in which the Creation energy also slumbers and, on the other hand, after every fall-back, develops itself and takes up new fundamental forces from the Ur-Core, just to expand again through a renewed Big Bang.
27. Of course, the dimension of the Ur-Space Belt also grows from fall-back to fall-back because through every expansion of the Universe and through the associated unchangeable effects and the extreme expansion that again follows contraction, the mass of the entire Creation grows, always doubling itself in size.
28. So thus, it becomes evident from this that in the becoming and passing of the Universe, a cycle of Big Bang expansion – contraction – Big Bang expansion, etc. is arranged.
因此,由此來看它明顯成為宇宙的成長與經歷的過程,一個大爆炸膨脹 —— 收縮 —— 大爆炸膨脹… 等等的循環,就是如此地進行著。
29. Now, the Central core embodies that belt which consists of the real Ur-Matter, which carries out its existence as generative material and life material of a pure, spiritual form, as real idea energy, created from an Ur-Creation, by whose strength alone this Universe was able to create itself.
現在,「中央核心」包含了真正的「原始物質」帶,它作為一個有生成能力的物質以及純靈性的生命體形式而存在,像是產生自一個「原始造化」(Ur-Creation)的真正意念能量(idea energy),僅靠這股力量,這個宇宙就能夠再度創造自己。
30. This Central core resembles an immense and continually loading accumulator block, which exhibits a magnetic energy that is immeasurable to us up to now, which binds the existing Universe to itself and prevents too great of an expansion.
31. This power guarantees that with the start of approximately 47 trillion years of expansion, the expansion speed starts to decrease from 147 times the speed of light and slowly drops until the expansion comes to a halt after 155,520 trillion years and, thus, begins the fall-back, the contraction.
這股力量保持了約 47 兆年的擴張,然後從 147 倍光速膨脹速度開始緩慢下降,擴張直至 15 萬 5,520 兆年後進入停止狀態,接著開始衰退,從而收縮。
32. Thus, the Central core forms the real power and life center, while the Ur-Core can be seen as a real energy storage.
33. But this Central core, the Ur-Core and the Ur-Space, are only an infinitesimally small fraction of the size of the whole Universe.
34. The most gigantic belt is embodied by the Creation Belt, which further spreads itself into the gaps of the surrounding universes and creates a new Universal space.
35. This Creation Belt is the real Creation and the Creation center, while the Central core, with its diameter of seven light-years, as well as the Ur-Space Belt, with its half diameter* of 103 trillion light-years, and the Ur-Core Belt, with its half diameter of 103.5 trillion light-years, represent those structures known as the Universe's Central Sun and the Universe's Central Galaxy, respectively.
此「創建帶」是真正的「創世宇宙」中心,而「中央核心」直徑為 7 光年,「原始空間帶」半徑為 103 兆光年,「原始核心地帶」半徑為 103 兆 5000 億光年,其結構分別被稱為代表宇宙的中央太陽和宇宙的中央銀河系。
36. In addition, the Central core represents the central sun of the Universe, while the Ur-Space and the Ur-Core carry out their existence as a central universe-galaxy.
37. Now, the outermost belt, with its half diameter of 14 million light-years, which we do not count with the actual Universe, is the Displacement Belt.
在最外層的是「置換帶」,其半徑為 1400 萬光年,通常我們不計算這裡為實際的宇宙。
38. This has the task of displacing outwardly and against adjacent universes and against the nothing-space of the Absolute Absolutum, so to speak, as the ramming force, which pushes everything away from itself and displaces outwardly, so that, after knocking against it and before pressing itself behind it, it can provide the Universe the necessary space for expansion and, therefore, the expansion itself.
「置換帶」的作用,一則是與鄰近宇宙在外交疊,一則是與 Absolute Absolutum(暫譯為「純粹的絕對空間」)的虛無空間接鄰,可以這麼說,作為推擠的力量,它將一切外在物從自己向外推開與交疊,在經過擠壓與調整之後,它可以提供自己需要的擴張空間,因此繼續自行膨脹。
With that, you have actually answered virtually all relevant questions that I wanted to ask. Just one more question: would it be possible that we could represent this ring belt construction of the Universe schematically? I have paper and a ball-point pen here.
39. Sure. Here, you can transfer this representation to your paper.
當然… 畫好了,你可以將這張圖附加到你的報告裡。
Ah, this is really good. Thank you. Only, I see here that everything is perfectly circular and not ovoid.
40. We make our diagrams in this manner for the reason that we can insert the exact data in their average values.
41. Of course, the Universe is, in reality, ovoid and not round, as we show it here schematically, and also, the information given to you does not correspond to those measures that exist in the Universe.
42. They are only the exact average values, calculated according to the shape of the circle.
I understand, but can you tell me about where we can find ourselves with the Earth on this diagram?
43. Sure, you could mark the SOL system around here and the DAL universe here.
Ah, then when we went or flew into the DAL universe, we would have flown in a direct line here through the Ur-Space Belt and then here through the Transformation Belt!
44. That is correct because other than the Ur-Core and the Central core, all other belts of the Universe are usable for all life-forms and are passable if they have the necessary means for it.
Fantastic, and I am also finished with the drawing. But I would still have a question now: the Creation itself, so the Creation Belt which still expands at 147 times the speed of light, is truly nothing more than a tremendous and immeasurable mass of spiritual, Sohar-radiant, blazing energy that spreads out in a storm-tossed, glimmering explosion, right?
好極了,我也完成了繪圖。但我仍然有一個問題:「創世宇宙」本身,即「創建帶」仍然在以 147 倍光速的速度擴展,它真正無非是一個巨大而不可估量的靈性能量 —— 「Sohar」發光體,熾熱的能量在暴風中搖擺,若隱若現的爆炸,對不對?
45. That is right.
With that, I now know these things. However, another question still lies on my tongue, and indeed, in connection with what you still want to tell me.
46. Sure.
Thank you. - Yes - recently, we spoke incidentally of different places where we could go, perhaps, before the Great War begins. Would there not still be other possibilities? If we wanted to go where you advised us, then we would have to raise about 25 million Swiss francs.
謝謝。是的,最近我們偶然談到也許在大戰開始之前我們可以去另外的地方,但會不會還有其他的可能性?而如果我們必須要去妳告訴我們的地方,那麼得先籌集約 2,500 萬瑞士法郎的資金。
47. Sure, there are still other possibilities, but those places are not very safe, unless you would build your buildings according to our instructions.
But, nevertheless, this could be done.
48. Then I want to advise you that you should go, if necessary, to …, however, only in a future time, with which I want to say that this should not be soon.
而我要提醒你,如果有必要,你應該去 …,不過只有在將來某個時間,我想這應該不會很快。
49. At the moment, you must only pay attention to the fact that you can still build all that is necessary in the Centre and provide what is still necessary.
So you think that, afterwards, the whole group should go?
50. Sure, we have already talked about this for a long time, but you have never seriously taken our advice into consideration.
You know why this was always impossible: the quarrels and betrayals.
51. That is well-known to me, but now, it is the time when everyone will slowly become reasonable.
52. On your part, you should primarily be mindful to act as fast as possible according to what you have already known for many years, that you will find the basic beginning of your mission in this country but that you will then possibly have to carry out your mission, unperturbed, also outside.
53. Recently, I also spoke of the fact that already, the official powers try to destroy you and the entire mission, but in addition to this, organisations have also been established, which serve solely for the purpose of destroying the mission and you and to make it impossible.
54. Jmmanuel already explained in his time that you will be pursued in your homeland and that the whole world will be against you.
55. Unfortunately, it only remained hidden from us, from which side the danger should find its origin.
56. The peculiarity of the Earth-humans, that they are able to speak other than what they truthly think, has made it impossible for us; otherwise, we could have prevented wolves coming along in sheeps clothing as your confidants, who then shamefully betrayed you.
57. Now, unfortunately, time has progressed, and I have to get back.
58. The answering of questions for you has taken up more time than I expected, so I will discuss these matters with you in even more detail at our next meeting.
59. I hope that it will be very soon and in connection with your work that is to be done regarding the filming and photographing.
60. Now, unfortunately, I must say to you "until we meet again" because I really have to go.
61. Farewell, and be very careful because many evil forces have, in the meantime, been directed against you.
62. Until we meet again.
Goodbye, and very dear thanks. Greet the others, and give them my thanks. Take care.
63. Thank you – until we meet again.
中文翻譯借助 Deepl Translator 的協助並編輯參考自: