Contact Report 201 (1985/6/5) 第201次接觸報告
接觸時間: 1985 年 6 月 5 日,星期三,深夜 12 時 18 分
比利與 Quetzal 主要談到下列議題:「毀滅者」行星對太陽系的影響;銀河系可居行星與其中存在生命的估計數目 … 等。
Synopsis 摘要
This is the entire contact. It is an unauthorised but unofficial translation and may contain errors.
So, my friend, today, I would like to ask you about what is actually up with the Destroyer. In the past, you once said that you would strive to remove this wandering planet from the SOL system but that you must be entitled or mandated to do so by the High Council and by the Arahat Athersata level because it concerns a major intervention in cosmic events. Is this still valid?
那麼,我的好朋友,我想問問到底「毀滅者」是怎麼回事。以前你曾說過,因為它攸關一項週期性的宇宙事件,如果「最高議會」和 Arahat Athersata 層級授權,你們將致力於將這個流浪之星移除太陽系,這個說法現在還有效嗎?
1. Yes.
2. But the whole thing might still drag on for another 10 to 15 years, also in terms of the technical possibilities that we must still acquire in order to be able to carry out such an enterprise.
但是這整個事情還得往後延遲 10 到 15 年,因為這牽涉到我們需要完成如此這件艱鉅任務上技術的可行性,。
If you should actually be ordered to do so and if you can carry out the enterprise, what happens, then, with the prophecies that are given in connection with the Destroyer, as well as with the Earth, Mars and its moons, and with the Sun, etc.? These would then have to fall flat, nevertheless, because completely different and new prerequisites would emerge.
3. That is correct.
If the Destroyer should disappear from our system, then entirely different events would arise, in relation to the destruction of the Earth and the passing of the Sun and so on?
4. I already said that this is correct.
5. If the changes of the Sun and the planets result, without the influence of the Destroyer, then in about 380 million years, the Sun will already be incorporated into processes, through which an excessive activity will emerge, by what means all life on Earth will slowly start to become extinct, and in about 470 million years, no floral, faunal, and human life forms can exist on the planet any more.
如果沒有了「毀滅者」的影響,造成太陽和它的行星發生變化,那麼大約在 3 億 8 千萬年之中,太陽將會出現一種過度的活動,這表示地球上所有的生物會開始逐漸消逝,而在大約 4 億 7 千萬年之後,地球上的動、植物和人類會完全滅絕。
6. In about 4 billion years, the Sun will only exist as a dead, respectively shrunken, dark, and inactive star, along with some inactive planets, which will still float, together with their burned-out sun, through free space for around 6 billion years and, thus, a total of about 10 billion years after the denaturing of the Earth, in order, then, to be pulled in by a black hole and be compressed by its heavy mass.
在約 40 億年內,太陽會成為一顆塌縮、黑暗、不活躍的星,伴隨它的是一些不活動的行星,這些行星依舊會圍繞這顆燃燒已盡的太陽旋轉約 60 億年, 因此總共在約 100 億年後,垂死的地球會被黑洞吸入並被它的巨大引力所壓縮。
However, the earthly scientists don’t proceed from this data that you just mentioned. They say that the Earth will still exist for 5 to 10 billion years and will probably still carry life until then.
然而,地球的科學家並沒有按照你剛剛所提出的資料,他們說地球會一直存在約 50 到 100 億年,並且會一直有生命存在。
7. That is known to me, but they have no knowledge about the fact that the greenhouse gas, CO2, plays a very important role for the Earth and that if the Sun irradiation becomes too strong, which will be the case at the time mentioned by me, then the CO2 rapidly disappears.
我知道,因為他們不知道關於溫室效應氣體 (CO2) 有著重要的作用,如果太陽照射變得太強烈,那麼 CO2 會加速消失,到時就會如同我之前所說的那樣。
8. However, this stands in very important connection with the Sun irradiation because if the radiation becomes too strong through the penetrating heat, then the moisture-bearing clouds evaporate, as well as the waters of the streams, rivers, lakes, and seas, by what means the greenhouse gas ultimately becomes removed from the atmosphere.
9. This means, however, that an automatic cooling takes place.
10. But this cooling will only be of a relatively short duration because the increasing radiation of the Sun, which slowly starts to swell, slowly dries up the planet completely when all the liquid has evaporated, after which the Earth's surface then starts to glow, and the soil as well as the rocks of the mountains become liquefied.
11. The time for this will be when the Sun is a “Red Giant” and liquefies the inner planets and pulls them into itself.
But all life on Earth, so I suppose, will already no longer exist for a long time prior to this process, except thermal bacterial life, right?
12. That is correct.
Good, then still another question: on my great journey, I saw a very fine ring around Jupiter, similar to Saturn’s ring, which was so fine, nevertheless, that it cannot be detected, respectively cannot be seen, from the Earth. The question now is this, whether it can now be seen and photographed, nevertheless, with the large telescope that is supposed to be brought, in about five years, into an orbit around the Earth?
13. You mean the Hubble Space Telescope, as it will be called.
14. No, an observation will hardly be possible up to then because this Jupiter ring already stands in dissolution and might already be gone in less than a year.
Oh, I see. But now it interests me as to how this ring formed, also the others around Saturn, etc. Can you tell me something about that? Particularly, I am interested in Saturn’s ring, which has such beautiful, reddish, and partly deep-red colors that alternate in the different ring layers.
15. All rings of the SOL system’s planets trace back to comets, as well as to their tails.
16. With Saturn, these came from a number of comets that left behind fragments and tail matter around the planet and, as also with Uranus, accordingly produced a visible ring that is divided into different layers and a number of other smaller rings and also exhibits different colors, as you’ve already said, whereby light to very strong red coloring particularly stands out.
And why is Jupiter’s ring so weak?
17. With this planet, only a single and small comet worked; therefore, only a very small ring developed, but which will soon be dissolved, as I already said.
And when was Jupiter’s ring formed, then?
18. It is still very young.
19. The exact date when it originated is unknown to me.
So then, still another question: the planet Phaeton, respectively Malona, was, at an earlier time, where Mars now draws its course. Did the life zone still extend out to this planet?
那麼還有一個問題: Phaeton (也就是早先的 Malona 星,它的軌道也就是目前火星的軌道)曾經有生命區延伸到這個星球嗎?
20. That corresponds to the truth.
21. The life zone, as you call it, still reached out, about a billion years ago, to the former location of Mars, so to roughly 400 million kilometers.
生命區(你這麼稱呼)可以追溯到 10 億年前曾到過這裡。它的位置也就是火星以前的軌道所在,大約 4 億公里。
22. Then, about 75,000 years ago, at the time of the destruction of Phaeton/Malona, the Sun developed a sudden high-level of activity, whereby much more solar energy was released into the vastness of universal space in the area of the SOL system, which unleashed a tremendously strong evaporation on the planet Mars, which had fallen to its present orbit.
然而,在大約 7 萬 5 千年前,也就是 Phaeton/Malona 毀滅的時候,太陽的活動性突然爆發,大量的太陽能釋放到太陽系的廣袤空間之中,使火星水份突然大量蒸發,這也使其進入目前所在的軌道。
23. All CO2 settled down into the ground, whereby the planet practically “died of thirst” and became a red and black dry desert.
所有的 CO2 突然沉到地面,而這顆行星差不多“乾渴而死”,成為一顆紅黑色的乾燥沙漠之星。
24. In the same train occurred the phenomenon that the life zone mentioned by you shrank within a few months and only the Earth still remained in this.
25. In 380 million years, however, the Earth will also slowly slip out of the life zone, and in 470 million years, the greenhouse gas CO2 will be so reduced through the increased energy of the Sun, respectively through the evaporation of water, that nothing can exist anymore because all plants will have passed and no more oxygen will be able to be produced.
然而,在 3 億 8 千萬年內,地球也將逐漸成為無生命區,在 4 億 7 千萬年內,溫室氣體 CO2 會由於太陽能量的增加而逐漸減少,也就是說由於水份的蒸發,因而植物枯死無法產生氧氣,以致沒有什麼還能存活。
And where does the CO2 disappear, then?
那麼 CO2 消失到哪里去了呢?
26. I explained, nevertheless, that it will settle itself into the ground.
Ah, so you mean that it will, so to speak, deposit itself into the soil.
27. That is correct.
28. But now, I should go again.
Still one or two questions, please.
還有 1 或 2 個問題。
29. But then it must be enough.
So be it. - Can you tell me whether you know how many Earth-like and, thus, habitable planets there are in our galaxy and when foreign planets will finally be discovered by our astronomers?
30. The number of Earth-like planets in this galaxy is unknown to us, but we have estimates that amount to an acceptance of around 49 million, and also in accordance with our estimates, about 7 million of these planets carry life.
31. Your question, then:
32. Terrestrial scientists, to whom I also count amateur astronomers, will already discover the first Earth-foreign planets in a few years, after which, around the turn of the millennium, already a substantial number will be registered.
33. But there will be no planets among them that are capable of carrying higher life.
Then still one last question: If in accordance with your statements, the Soviet Union and the GDR [East Germany] can seal their end in the next years and the communist government disappears, then the Cold War will finally end there and there will be peace, and also the bombs and the rockets and the like will be destroyed?
34. The great Cold War will seem to find an end in an official form, but secretly, it will continue.
35. Thus, the show will be deceiving, and real peace will be as distant as ever.
36. Bombs and rockets will likely be destroyed to a certain amount, namely through corresponding disarmament treaties that will be agreed upon and signed between America and the Soviet Union, respectively Russia.
37. Yet everything will be nothing more than a show because in truth, only outdated weapon systems and, thus, useless scrap will be dismantled and destroyed and will be replaced by new, modern systems.
38. Thus, everything will be nothing more than a deception toward humanity, while the major players renew their weapon systems in a confidential manner.
Typical. Thanks for your remarks. Then I don’t want to delay you now any longer. Bye then, and greet everyone quite dearly for me.
39. I will do that.
40. Until we meet again.