Chapter 4 – PLEYARENS   第四章 普雷亞星系的外星人 - Part 2

Plejaren are monogamous and procreate - 23.43-50

普雷亞人是一夫一妻制 - 23.43-50

Creation has equipped every single kind of living form with the means to reproduce themselves in very natural ways. The law of unity is the same throughout the universe where two individuals unite, as with the law of reproduction for every material form of life. Higher spiritual forms have freed themselves of their physical bodies and no longer need to procreate. They are unable to create new spirits for only the Creation is able to do this. The act of procreation embodies a uniform character throughout the universe of males and females joining together for the propagation of descendants. This was initiated in this manner by Creation and there is no other possibility.


Women may become impregnated without a man - 23.66-74

女性可以不用男人而受孕 - 23.66-74

It is possible for a woman to become pregnant without a man to generate the necessary procreation. This does not concern spiritual forces, but rather incorrect regulations and the improper use of hormonal factors in female bodies. Another factor, which can lead to undesired and uncontrolled cohabitations, is the fact that male semen of several different forms of life is able to remain alive for up to 3 days after leaving the male body. 12 hours are quite normal, but 2 days are more rare. If it falls where it can work it’s way toward the right places, then it can result in an impregnation.


Laws of Plejaren marriage & procreation - 23.75-87

普雷亞人的婚姻與生育的法律 - 23.75-87

The Plejaren laws concerning matrimony and procreation have been preserved in Earth’s literature ever since they were passed-down by our common ancient ancestors. They only enter into matrimony in a monogamous relationship after there is a clarification of all facts in respect to belonging together. The number of children is decided by the High Council in order to preserve the race and avoid over-crowding. In matrimony, a man and woman remain together for the rest of their lives in this alliance. Divorce, as it is known on Earth, is not permitted and is only allowed when there are extreme offenses against the laws and restrictions of matrimony and the culprits are exiled. But, these cases are extremely rare. The laws of matrimony and intercourse are explained in the Talmud of Jmmanuel. These laws have remained the same for thousands of years and the penalty in these matters continues to be lifelong banishment.


Plejaren procreate the same as Earth humans - 41.21-25

普雷亞人的生殖方式與地球人一樣 - 41.21-25

The Plejaren procreate their descendants by the same natural way as Earth humans do and every other physical form of life in the universes. This means that males and females together, undergo the act of procreation. Throughout the universes, this form of procreation is a completely natural process where a man cohabitates with a woman, takes her for his mate, and causes her to become pregnant. This is normally accomplished by a couple snuggling together, uniting with one another in love, having the man guide his sexual member into the opening of the woman, and the woman taking his sperm into herself in order to develop new life. There is no other form of procreation.


"Mental procreation" and Artificial impregnation - 41.26-31

“精神生育”和人工受精 - 41.26-31

An exception to the normal form of procreation is mental procreation, which is a very seldom occurrence. Artificial impregnation is mostly only performed in extreme cases for upgrading the species. But on the whole, procreation is directed toward the normal act of cohabitation as this accords to nature and the Creational laws and guidance. Only this manner provides for the consistency of spiritual and physical evolution. There are dangers associated with mental and artificial insemination procedures, which can cause unrecognizable mutations, which gradually affect a whole race of creatures and produce physical and spiritual monstrosities. They become degenerated mutants, have damaged immune systems, and loose their normal manner of thinking.


Plejaren procreation when the husband is infertile - 41.32-46

若丈夫不能使妻子受孕時,普雷亞人的生育方式 - 41.32-46

The Plejaren, as well as many other races in the universe, have two possibilities for having descendants when the marriage partner is not able to procreate. The first possibility is exists in making the man or woman fertile. But, when a man cannot be made fertile, there exists the possibility of having the woman become pregnant by another man. The man is also required to be married, so there is no jealousy or guilt associated with the breaking of any of Creation’s laws because there is complete and mutual agreement for an act of simple Creational meaning. The man chosen for this act must also have reached the limited number of descendants and have attained a certain high position of spiritual evolution. There no longer exists any degenerate sexual tendencies and such an act is considered to be a very honorable and good mission.


Plejaren - sexual stimulation - 41.47-62

普雷亞人的性興奮 - 41.47-62

For the Plejarens, sexual pleasures are simply physical sensations. When men and women cohabitate, their thoughts become fanciful, causing physical and mental charms to fill the body with desire. These charms are very pleasing. They fill the head with many wishes, release inhibitions, and loosen behavior. Every form of life behaves like this.


Plejaren - birth process the same as Earth humans - 41.72-80

普雷亞人的生產過程與地球人相同 - 41.72-80

After procreation, a Plejaren child develops itself for nine months in the woman’s body. The birth takes place in the same manner as it occurs on Earth. The woman suffers pain during labor and delivery as all humans, but they do not receive pain medication as women on Earth do. The pain is a natural part of the birthing process, which influences the mother to bring forth the child and causes the child to respond accordingly. This is a natural process that provides great welfare for the mother and child. Physical maturity for procreation in Plejarens is 12 years of age. However continence is normally exercised until the age of 70 in order to become aware of spiritual concerns and to educate oneself.


Plejaren – matrimony, love, and family values - 41.81-101

普雷亞人的婚姻、愛情和家庭價值觀 - 41.81-101

70 years of age is also the minimal age where matrimony is considered. This is merely 10.5 years after full body maturity and growth. Although spiritual maturity is also reached at 70 years of age, it does not mean that the spiritual evolution has stopped. Unlike with Earth humans, further education for the Plejarens lasts their whole lifetime. Love is a sensation of feelings that exist in many forms. However, love between men and women, is an exceptional sensation. Contrary to the love between Earth humans, the Plejarens feel love that is very pure, deep, extremely strong, and durable. They experience open and sincere love, which is only limited when the situation demands it. The education of Plejaren children is an obligation of the parents. However, the High Council righteously settles regulations, teachings, order, etc. The High Council also contracts marriages, which is why the Plejarens do not know of divorce. When two people live together as a unit, then differences of opinion naturally arise. But, this does not need to degenerate into fights, as on Earth. All creatures are different in their evolution and differently oriented couples must come together if evolution is to progress. This is an irrevocable law of evolution, which all entities in the universe are subjected to.


Plejaren birth control measures - 57.143-150

普雷亞人的節育措施 - 57.143-150

Plejaren birth control - 1 method is "pulling out" - 57.154

普雷亞人節育的方法之一是“抽出來- 57.154

Plejaren birth control - Harmony of mates is demanded - 57.155

普雷亞人的節育前提是配偶間的共識 - 57.155

Plejaren birth control - natural plant preparations - 58.3-11

普雷亞人的節育使用天然植物配方 - 58.3-11

The Plejaren have no need for such things as the birth control pill. They observe the natural order of periodic regulations. Their sexual demands appear outside of the normal times of infidelity for women. So, they use many types of natural means in order to prevent pregnancy. One of their methods is for the man to pull out before reaching a climax. However, undesired pregnancies do happen. Every Plejaren woman possesses the technical means for detecting pregnancy after only three days. When an undesired pregnancy occurs, natural preparations are taken that cause early menstruation so that the fertilized ovum is expelled before it can develop. This is not abortion because there is no destruction of a life with a spirit. All of their means for preventing pregnancy must be in harmony with the man and woman. If the maximum limit of children is reached in a family on a planet that is menaced by overpopulation, natural plant substances can be added to their food in order to prevent further pregnancies. This, or some other method, is necessary when a planet is no longer able to sustain a certain number of humans without artificial interference. It is related to spiritual evolution. A command only prevails for birth control when it is initially introduced.


Plejaren - disposition of cadavers: burial, etc. - 42.46-52

普雷亞人的遺體處置:安葬等 - 42.46-52

The most common manner in which the Plejarens dispose of dead bodies is by burying them underground in special institutions for disposal that are set apart from inhabited regions. From ancient times, they also have cremation for the very rare cases when it is wanted. The elimination of a lifeless body is also common. These are matters of individual desires.


Plejaren - factory work performed by robots - 42.95-98

普雷亞人的工廠工作由機器人完成 - 42.95-98

Work is performed in the factories by robots and androids under the guidance and control of a few men and women who only perform technical obligations of supervision and control. Every individual has its tasks to do on the planet as well as in the universe.


Plejaren – household and mother-in-laws - 42.99-104

普雷亞人的一家人和公婆問題 - 42.99-104

There are never any more than five people of two parents and a maximum of three children in each dwelling. They do not suffer from overpopulation as on Earth because they have a maximum of three children in each family. They experience no problems of a mother-in-law, which they call Geranisa, which interferes in the affairs of their married children.


ET & Plejaren - music, literature, arts & schools - 42.105-109

外星人與普雷亞人的音樂、文學及藝術學校 - 42.105-109

The Plejaren also know of music, literature, and arts with schools for these things, which is common for all human beings in the universe. But, their schools for these things are limited to only those who are really interested, have a great amount of talent, and who will later work for the betterment of all. This is unlike the schools on Earth that interpret for the public who generates tones that are painful to the ear. Semjase often finds it horrible to listen to Earth music. She enjoys the good and harmonic earthly music.


Plejaren - not allowed to bring any things to Earth - 42.113-116

普雷亞人不許帶任何東西到地球 - 42.113-116

The Plejaren observe security orders that prevent them from bringing anything to Earth that would not remain in their possession. They are willing to let Meier see and touch things from their world, but not give him anything that he could show to others. The only exceptions are crystals and minerals that could be of benefit to Meier.


Plejaren - how they obtain Earth money to buy - 42.118-119

普雷亞人如何取得地球的錢去買東西 - 42.118-119

In order for the Plejaren to purchase things on Earth when they walk among humanity, they use their technology to locate precious stones and metals, which they then sell to traders for currency. They are not allowed to take money from people or institutions such as banks or stores.


Mining - only done on Erra in extreme emergency - 45.56-58

伊柔星上只有在極緊急的需求下才會採礦 - 45.56-58

Ore and mineral mining is only done by the Plejarens in extreme emergencies because this process is equal to the destruction of the planet. A planet or other star is never exploited as is done on Earth. What human beings do on Earth is equal to the destruction of the planet.


Plejaren - do not smoke or drink alcohol - 50.

普雷亞人不抽煙不喝酒- 50

Plejarens do not smoke and do not drink alcohol, but they do have drinks that are similar to alcoholic beverages.


Plejaren - eye colors vary, makeup/cosmetics - 54.23-27

普雷亞人也用化妝使眼睛的顏色各不相同 - 54.23-27

Plejaren eye colors are as different as those for humans on Earth and are not all colored blue. Plejaren women like to use make-up to add color to their eyes.


Plejaren - have domestic pets - 61.162-164

普雷亞人有地球來的寵物 - 61.162-164

The Plejarens keep domestic animals, including dogs and cats, which were brought there from Earth in earlier times. But, they are not allowed to appropriate earthly animals because of certain sicknesses that live within them. They can also receive sicknesses from humans as well. So, this is a regulation for the sake of security.


Animals from other worlds only allowed if necessary - 61.165-166

只有在必要時才會從其他世界進口動物 - 61.165-166

The Plejarens have the technology to completely disinfect animals, but their nations determine if they need any animals from other worlds. Such decisions are made only when it is determined that the animals are needed on one of their worlds.


Plejaren shoes & clothing similar to ours - 61.172-174

普雷亞人的鞋和衣服和我們的類似 - 61.172-174

Plejarens wear shoes that are similar to those on Earth, but they are not made from animal skins. They are made from materials that are artificially manufactured. This is also true for their clothing and they will be similar to the clothing worn by humans on Earth in about 70 years. They will be more purposeful, but would look strange to the people of today.


Plejaren - do not have things like teddy bears - 66.23

普雷亞人沒有像泰迪熊之類的東西 - 66.23

Erra (Plejaren planet) - envy no longer known - 66.112-115

伊柔星上不再有羨慕與忌妒 - 66.112-115

The desire for possessions is a low-level spiritual trait that is found throughout the universe and not just on Earth. But, these low levels of the spirit no longer exist on Erra and envy is no longer a part of the character of the human beings there as it was in earlier ages. They also had to overcome these matters. The less materialistic thinking that is done by humans, the less the desire is for possessions. So. the standard relating to the evolutionary level of each spiritual entity is measured by its liberation from thoughts for possessions. Fully anti-materialistic thinking human beings are no longer able to generate feelings of envy because their thinking is all encompassing and they consider all possessions to be unworthy. With love and delight, they consider everything to be general goods belonging to everyone within the laws that are respected by all.


Plejaren - no possession of mate in matrimony - 66.122-129

普雷亞人的婚姻,不是佔有對方 - 66.122-129

When the Plejarens join together in matrimony, it is not a taking of possession of a partner, but a connection in harmony. There are no rights of possession, but only love, understanding, and delight about enjoying each other. Each partner remains completely free within the matrimonial laws, such as the mutual agreement of all matters. The Plejarens are human beings like earthly humans with feelings and sensations of love, friendship, sympathy, antipathy, etc. But these are much finer, more sensitive, and deep-seated with the Plejarens.


Plejaren - have not incarnated on Earth - 57.76

並沒有普雷亞人在地球上投胎 - 57.76

It is not possible for Plejarens to incarnate on Earth.


Plejaren - "how little we know in spite of all" - 69.124-125

關於「造化」,普雷亞人感概“我們知道的實在很有限”- 69.124-125

In regards to the Creation, the Plejarens only know the causes and effects, its existence, laws, and restrictions, but nothing more. In spite of their enormous knowledge, this makes evident how little they really know.






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