Chapter 6 – EXTRATERRESTRIALS   第六章地外文明 – Part 5

6.5 Interactions

6.5 與外星生命之間的互動

Other extraterrestrials visit Earth - 2.26-28

外星生命的造訪地球 - 2.26-28

There are extraterrestrial races that only communicate telepathically. Their means of communication has either been telepathic since their early origins or they have dropped their spoken language. As far as the Pleiadians know, Earth has not been visited by beings whose means of communication is purely telepathic.


Extraterrestrials have influenced technology - 8.153-157

外星人已經影響了我們的科技 - 8.153-157

Many good writers of fiction on Earth come very close to concepts of reality and truth because what they is often inspired. Their books then prepare humanity for the future. In this same way, scientists become aware of certain fields and possibilities that enable then to research and obtain success. It is now time for this to become known. Many people have received insightful help, even if they only assume these relations. The major advances in science and technology in the previous 100 years have been made possible because of the contributions from the Pleiadians and many other entities, which is in accordance with the Age of Aquarius.


Authorities & military feel threatened by UFOs - 13.40-50

政府當局與軍方已感受到不明飛行物的威脅 - 13.40-50

The authorities and military feel threatened whenever they are informed about sightings or landings of spacecraft. However, the Pleiadians are not interested in menacing their primitive forces since their mission is concerned with only the Earth human beings. Although the authorities and military deny any interest in extraterrestrial craft, they are very interested and perform extensive research and examinations. The military’s investigations are so secret that they hide what they are doing and lie about their purposes. They will contest every observation, photograph, and evidence and could become dangerous to Meier.


Military personnel investigated landing sites - 17.9-11

軍方人員已著手調查飛船的降落地點 - 17.9-11

On April 21, 1975, Meier had noticed the Swiss military in his area and assumed that they were covertly investigating for traces of Semjase’s beamship. This was confirmed by Semjase, who stated that his fears and assumptions in this regard were correct.


No ETs cooperating with Earth governments - 31.P340-350

沒有外星人與地球的政府進行合作 - 32.P365-380

When Meier asked Ptaah if there were governments on Earth that have extraterrestrials working for them or employed by them, he is told that such stories are fairy tales. If such reports were true, then governments would have told mankind the truth and they would have been communing in tranquility for a long time. Because extraterrestrials have no authority to interfere by force in terrestrial concerns, they are limited to finding humans that are willing to transmit their knowledge to others. If they were permitted to interfere with governments, then they would reveal themselves publicly and would not need to worry about governments, militaries, or others harming them. Meier says there are reports of extraterrestrials secretly cooperating with government institutions and is told that this does not happen. If this were the case, then no authority, government, or military force would continue to search for their ships because they would have the ability to stifle their attempts. These reports are lies that can be traced back to religious efforts, sectarian elements, or unscrupulous fantasies.


No dead alien bodies (120 centimeters tall) - 57.68-71

沒有(120公分高的)外星人屍體 - 57.68-71

When Meier asked Semjase if the American Pentagon was in possession of 10 to 16 small dead extraterrestrial bodies of approximately 120 centimeters tall and stored in glass coffins, she said that this was unknown to the Pleiadians. If this were true, then they would have to know about it. She said that such a report is likely untrue. This would mean that there was a crash of a beamship of unknown origin and the Pleiadians have no knowledge of this occurring.


Interference only permitted if catastrophe - 35.P669-730

只有當面臨大災難時,外星人才被允許干涉地球事務 - 35.P669-730

Interference from outside of a world is only possible in very few cases. Even if thousands of humans die, interference is only possible if a catastrophe of extra-planetary extension is recognized. This means that the inhabitants of a whole world can be completely destroyed if the greater system is not menaced. Each creature must take its own path of evolution, even if it includes self destruction. What degenerates negatively is then destroyed so that it cannot menace other better forms of life. Only by observance of this can life proceed. Earth humans must also learn this, sooner than they expect.


ETs will abandon Earth if certain circumstances arise - 35.P1067

在某些情況出現之​​下,外星人將放棄地球 - 35.P1067

Peaceful ET race to officially visit Earth - 35.P1068-1083

和平的外星人將可能正式拜訪地球 - 35.P1068-1083

Nearly all Pleiadians will retire from the Earth if an unknown human race starts to visit the Earth from the cosmos. The Pleiadians have determined that this will probably occur before 2000 if unanticipated factors before then do not put this enterprise in question. If these negative factors do not develop, humanity on Earth will first officially meet human beings from other worlds around 2000. The first public appearance of these strange visitors will cause horror and panic because of false information concerning extraterrestrials and unreasonable people. But, there will be no danger from these human-like forms because they will be peaceful and harmless. Their culture and spiritual state will be superior to Earth humans.


They will first announce themselves by radio and television in order to prepare people for their arrival and then they will land in one of their egg-shaped ships. It will be manned by 8 to 12 entities. They will land in America because they have the best communications technology. The people of that country are more resilient in connection with clearing up information about extraterrestrials and they may be more prepared to overcome a large panic at the first official meetings. If the landing occurs successfully, it will be of revolutionary importance. This is not forecast from a view into the future, but from probability calculations. These extraterrestrials will be connected to the development of humans on Earth.


6.5.1 UFOs observed

6.5.1 觀察到的不明飛行物

Many observations of UFOs are deceptions - 31.P377-382

有許多觀察到的不明飛行物都是騙局 - 32.P404-410

Most observations of UFOs and abductions are of earthly origin. When Earth humans see a UFO, many people assume these objects to be of extraterrestrial origin. This belief is often used by them when they make themselves known to others as having seen an extraterrestrial craft. Conscious of religious power, observers will pretend that the UFOs are here for angels or that they are sent by God and are rescuers of mankind. These observers often designate themselves to be their contact persons on mysterious missions for the benefit of mankind. But in truth, they seek profit and advantage for the state in espionage. These deceiving elements state that the earthly UFOs are from Venus, Mars, Saturn, and Uranus. They also state that the neighboring systems of this solar system have to be in for it.


Meier & group spot a 700 meter spherical ship - 33.1-7

邁爾和小組成員看到直徑約700公尺的球形太空船 - 33.1-7

Meier and his group observed a very large orange-red-colored object Southwest over Hinwil on 9/10/75 at 8:45 PM. As seen from Meier’s house, the spherical object appeared to be about 1.3 meters in diameter although it had to actually be at least 600 meters in diameter and no further than 20 kilometers away. After a few minutes, it disappeared in a black artificial-appearing cloud. The object was observed again at 9:15 PM in the Southeast. The light from the object was quite bright and the sky was colored in peculiar violet, red, and blue colors. It jumped around like a jack-o-lantern and then suddenly sank very low where it hovered near Bachtelberg. Next, it shot like a projectile towards the East near its starting point and started pulsing in very intense light. The peculiar color of the sky vanished and the object began jumping around again like crazy. The next night, he saw the object again at 9 PM in the Southwest from his home hanging in the air near Rigi Mountain. Meier asked Semjase about this and was told that this object was the same one that he had seen on April 20th. It was a small spacer that belonged to a rather unkind intelligence that endeavors to disrupt the Pleiadian mission on Earth.

1975910日晚間845 分,邁爾和他的小組成員在欣維爾西南觀察到一個巨大的橘紅色物體。從邁爾家看過去,球形物體直徑約1.3公尺,以距離不超過20公里來計算,它實際的直徑至少有600公尺以上。幾分鐘過後,它就消失在黑色的人造雲層之中。到了晚間915分,又再次看到該物體出現在東南方。物體放射出的光線相當明亮,以致附近的天空被染成奇特的紫色、紅色和藍色。它跳來跳去像一個南瓜燈籠,然後突然向下降到很低的地方,徘徊在Bachtelberg附近。接著,它突然像炮彈似的向東飛去,回到它最初出現的地點附近,並開始以脈衝方式發出非常強烈的光。在天空奇特的色彩消失後,該物體又開始像瘋了似的跳來跳去。第二天晚上,邁爾在晚間9點從他家西南方再次看到了該物體滯留在瑞吉山附近的上空。邁爾向西米斯詢問這件事,他被告知這個物體和他在420日看到的是同一個。它是一個小型的太空母船,屬於一個相當不友好的外星人種,他們想方設法的來破壞普雷亞人在地球上的使命。

Numerous UFOs over Hinwil, Switzerland on May 8, 1976 - 52.

197658日在瑞士欣維爾上空有許多不明飛行物 - 52

There were numerous beamships sighted over Hinwil, Switzerland on May 8, 1976. The Pleiadians checked for remnant ground radiation from their landings because of a Swiss army unit that searched the area.


Strange UFOs sighted in Robenhausen & Fehraltorf - 55.78-88

Robenhausen與費拉爾托夫看到奇怪的不明飛行物 - 55.78-88

On Sunday night, June 13, 1976, Meier and his group witnessed different sightings of lights in the region of Robenhausen and at the private airport of Fehraltorf. They were at Bachtelberg patiently waiting for observations of a beamship. The lights appeared to be from many beamships. When Meier asked Semjase if they were Pleiadian craft, he was told that none of there craft had been there. After investigating, it was determined to be a ship of unknown origin. The ship had a combustion propulsion system of electrical energy. It apparently experienced difficulties that needed to be repaired. Traces of radiation and burnt plant life, indicated that there were four futile attempts to depart, but the fifth attempt was successful. This explained the intense light that Meier had seen.


The Pleiadians also discovered traces in the grass of the airfield where four other ships of the same type had landed. No traces of combustion were found, but the remains of electrical radiated energies were discovered. The ships appeared to have a diameter of less than four meters. Their landing gear must have slipped out of control because there was no trace of them. These craft were surely surrounded with protective screens. They are no longer in the earthly area, but this does not mean that they will not return.


Gizeh Intelligences - triangular delta-shaped craft - 69.138-143

吉薩精靈的三角形太空船 - 69.138-143

In November of 1976, a delta-shaped craft hovered directly over Meier’s house for about 20 minutes. It had gaudy beams of light in the front and the rear had a colorless beam of light. People inside the house became dizzy and had to run away. The delta shaped craft could only have been with the Gizeh Intelligences. They took advantage of the Pleiadian’s absence to become active again. They still have enough remaining forces to cause great intrigues to be plotted. So, Meier is cautioned to be very careful and keep his personal protection with him at all times.


6.5.2 Contactees

6.5.2 被接觸者

Charlatans & frauds - false contactees - 1.1-11

騙子和郎中(假的被接觸者)- 1.1-11

There have also been many boastful people who pretend to have contact with extraterrestrials and have even claimed to have flown in their ships. They are nothing more than deceivers who sun themselves in dubious glory and profit. Earth humans have whole organizations that endeavor to explain away UFOs. But, above all of this, there were a few sightings that were really authentic. However, there are many photographs that expose nothing more than some lights or appearances of natural origins as well as deliberate falsifications. Very few of these photographs really show extraterrestrial craft. Most photographs are deceitful creations manufactured by deceivers and charlatans whose names become known worldwide by this. Their books and manuscripts are also deceptive for purposes of elevating their reputations and obtaining self glory.


Others dare to connect Pleiadian beamships with human religions, which the Pleiadians do not want to be associated with in any way or at any time. Human so-called sects do not shrink from this step and deceive their fellow human beings by such beliefs. These infamous and primitive machinations should stop before the whole world is overcome by them. If these deceivers were really in contact with extraterrestrials, and remained so, then they would have offered them the chance to get clear photographic proof of their ships. But since they are not sincere humans, they have not had this opportunity. For evidence of the truthfulness regarding contacts, the Pleiadians have provided Meier with the opportunity to take distinct pictures of one of their beamships. Later, they will offer him the chance to obtain still better and clearer photographic evidence.


Contactees - 2.29-37

被接觸者 - 2.29-37

Those Earth humans that have declared themselves to be extraterrestrial contactees have surely never stood before a human being or other creature from the cosmos. They are simply deceivers and charlatans. It can be seen that in every case, the want-to-be contactees, say that they have a mission from god or for the Christian religion. These are evil lies that deprive others of the truth.


Although there are many deceivers and charlatans, there are also many who really have had contact with extraterrestrials or still do. Many of them have never had anything more than sightings of extraterrestrial craft from afar and have often photographed them. There are very few who have actually had personal contact. Most of the ones who have, keep silent about their contacts because they fear their fellow human beings.


True and False contactees - 2.53-63

真的與假的被接觸者 - 2.53-63

Kenneth Arnold is no deceiver. He really has seen Pleiadian beamships. Many other pilots have also encountered Pleiadian and other extraterrestrial craft. The greatest deceivers were Karl Michalek and George Adamski, who became famous around the world. Their co-workers and friends also fall in this same group. This includes those who pretended to have contact with the Pleiadians. There are other people who are lesser known, but have some importance, that are also cheaters. Meier is told to not attempt to provide evidence about these people because it is very difficult to convince earthly humans of the truth. Their spiritual reasoning is too little for that.

肯尼斯阿諾德不是騙子,他真的看過普雷亞人的飛船。還有許多其他的飛行員也遇到過普雷亞人和其他宇宙來的太空船。最大的騙子是Karl Michalek和喬治亞當斯基,他們已廣為世人所知,他們的同事和朋友也列入同夥之中。包括那些佯稱與普雷亞人接觸過的人,他們雖並不出名,但還是有一些重要性,他們也都是騙子。邁爾被告知不要試圖提供證據給這種人,因為很難說服他們認識真相,他們太缺乏靈性的推理。

Claims by people of having flown in UFOs are false - 23.110-118

聲稱有搭乘不明飛行物飛行過的人都是假的 - 23.110-118

The claims of people who say that they have flown in UFOs to other planets, have seen and talked with human beings there, and have astral walks on other planets are all nonsense and quackery. Many books, writings, and reports refer to planets that are inhabited when they have actually created only very minimal life. Claims of beamships and astral walks are either quackery or very strong self-delusions which result from fantastic desires or wrongful acceptances. The only intelligent life that exists on other planets in this solar system is in bases for races from other worlds.


Claims of contacts with spiritual beings also false - 23.119-130

聲稱與靈性人類接觸過的也是假的 - 23.119-130

Many people pretend to be called upon by high spiritual forms. But, these are based only on self-delusion or conscious lies. They are inspired only by heresies that they do not understand. No higher spiritual forms, in the last 2,000 years, have come in contact with earthly humans, nor have they received any transmitted information of any kind. For 2,000 years, Meier is the only Earth human who has been addressed by a high spiritual form. Some people seek praise for having written nice words for humanity, but have only fallen for self-delusions. Although these people are delusional about spiritual suggestions, their work is worthy when they make humanity aware of the creational path and change their attitudes so that they do not fall for religious heresies. It would be proper for them to explain that their work comes from their own thought processes and have no other spiritual source.


Deceivers and Charlatans - 31.A155-161

騙子和郎中 - 31.A155-161

Some Earth humans have taken possession of reports about real contacts with extraterrestrial entities and have formed new tales of fantasy out of them. They have appeared in public and lied about contacts that they have had with strange creatures. Other people have either pretended or have actually received telepathic messages from low level creatures and have given false accounts of them to the public. There are also wicked fantasies of pure spiritual creatures that communicate with humans and would continue to do so in the future. But this is not so because pure spiritual forms of life only contact extremely high developed beings who are able to receive their emissions and have the necessary ability to understand them. The humans that either consciously or unconsciously deceive, pretend, or fantasize about these things do not convey the truth. There has never been a time when highly developed entities or even pure spiritual forms have touched an Earth human and caused them to attain the same high levels of development.


Uri Geller, George Adamski and Karl Michalek - 7.80-92

Uri Geller、喬治亞當斯基和Karl Michalek - 7.80-92

Among the many occurrences observed by the Pleiadians on Earth, the initials U.G. are known to them. This person has certain mental forces that he is not able to control. Each undertaking by him required certain spiritual forces from his fellow humans. This means that he unconsciously activates the spiritual forces of many other people who then unconsciously help him with his attempts. His own spiritual talents would not suffice for an enterprise.


Uri Geller is also a deceiver because he pretends to have been in a UFO when he has never come near to one. He had heard of UFOs in Israel and not in America as claimed. Many people are already aware of his deceit and have said so. By revealing his name, this allows people to see that his published contact reports are untrue. It is already enough that deceivers such as George Adamski and Karl Michalek have pushed many human beings into delusion and misery.

U.G.也是一個騙子,因為他謊稱曾進入過一架飛碟中,但他從來沒有接近過任何一架。他聲稱聽說的不明飛行物是在以色列,而不是在美國。很多人都已經知道他所說的是謊話。通過公告他的名字讓人們看到,他發表的接觸報告是不真實的。這是十足的騙子,如同喬治亞當斯基和Karl Michalek之類的人,他們已經導致許多人的妄想和痛苦。

George Adamski - fraudulent contactee - 17.49-65

喬治亞當斯基是個騙人的被接觸者 - 17.49-65

As a result of Meier presenting photographs and reports that name George Adamski as a deceiver, a major effort has been initiated to publicly show him as a hero and as the essential father figure of UFO contacts. His friends are being used as witnesses to swear statements of having seen and experienced different things with Adamski. These witnesses have unconsciously fallen for lies and pretended events that are not true. Very few people are aware that Adamski has high suggestive forces that he does not disclose to others. Those who are aware of it, keep silent about it because they fear him.


Meier is requested to let humanity know about this because it is important. Earth is entering a new era and humanity will witness this change. Many humans will try to use this for religious and materialistic purposes. Meier is cautioned to beware of deceivers and charlatans like Adamski who shrink from no means to profit from this. They praise extraterrestrials as creatures of perfection, which they are not. They are evolving entities that are just as fallible as earthly human beings.


Karl Michalek & George Adamski, fraudulent contactees - 29.124-142

Karl Michalek和喬治亞當斯基,都是騙人的被接觸者 - 29.124-142

George Adamski, besides Karl Michalek, has put forward the most monstrous of assertions. Through the use of highly manufactured trick photography and other techniques, he is becoming the most popular, open-minded person of the year. He found approval in certain circles when his photographs were accepted without any hard examination. He then asserted even larger allegations of having flown in spaceships and had photographed extraterrestrial forms from ship to ship.

除了Karl Michalek,喬治亞當斯基提出了最荒謬的說法。藉著使用高度巧妙處理的攝影技術與其他技巧,他成為當年最流行且思想最開明的人物。他受到某些圈內人的歡迎,他的照片沒有經過任何嚴格的檢驗而被接受。然後,他更揚言曾搭過外星人的一些太空船,並在各船中拍攝了那些外星人的照片。

On page 161 of Adamski’s book, “Inside a Spaceship”, there is a photograph which is pretended to be of Adamski with an extraterrestrial human being at a sighting hatch on a Venusian explorer ship. This picture provides truth-loving and inquisitive people the best chance of determining if Adamski’s assertions are pure fantasy, or not. He has committed a mistake that convicts him of deceit. First, the size of the hatch (where Adamski has fixed a picture of his head) can be converted to a life-size measurement, which results in a size of 25 centimeters. Next, ascertain the life-size measurements for the height, length, and width of the ship, which can be ascertained from the picture, and it converts to a height of 1.71 meters and a length of 8.97 meters.


Adamski created the photographs with manufactured models that were about 30 cm in actual size. He used a picture taken through a telescope to show the moon in the background as being nearby. He would arrange pictures, drawings, and phosphorescent colors on several panes of glass and photograph everything together. Adamski was able to use these deceitful pieces of work to gain access to worldwide circles. His extreme suggestive ability was decisive and enabled him to evoke hallucinations of different forms in well-known people. Over many years, he was able to influence quite realistic-thinking people to believe that he actually maintained contact with extraterrestrial entities. There are also several other similar types of charlatans and deceivers. Several of them play a very decisive role in furthering untruths.


George Adamski - false contactee - 39.P34-36

喬治亞當斯基是假的被接觸者 - 39.P34-36

George Adamski hated humanity while appearing to be righteous. It was a natural consequence of his deceptions, that others would publicly affirm his work. He hates mankind because of his limited abilities in all respects for achieving positions of power and because his own appearance depresses him as he believes himself to not be in proper proportions.


George Adamski - all his pictures are frauds - 57.98-101

喬治亞當斯基的所有照片都是假貨 - 57.98-101

George Adamski has never seen a beamship, spaceship, explorer craft, or telemeter disc. He only used information from a woman that did see a beamship in order to construct 30 cm tall models to produce false photographs. Before his death, Adamski wrote a confession about being a charlatan, which was signed by him and witnessed. It is currently in the possession of a person who will make it accessible within one year.


Salvador Villanueva Medina - deceptive "contactee" - 39.P31-33

Salvador Villanueva Medina是騙人的被接觸者” - 39.P31-33

Salvador Villanueva Medina, who wrote a book about contacts with extraterrestrials and flights to other planets, invented everything and is a deceiver, even though he wants to serve in this way for a good purpose. As with many who report extraterrestrial contacts, he was strongly influenced by Adamski and believed his dreams.

Salvador Villanueva Medina寫了一本關於和外星人接觸並飛往其他行星的書籍,他發明了這一切,但是卻是個騙子,即使他這樣是為了一個善良的目的。如同其他許多人的外星接觸報告一樣,他受到亞當斯基的強烈影響而相信他的夢想。

Contactees - about 17,422 real Earth contactees - 35.P934-940

約有17,422位真正的被接觸者 - 35.P934-940

The number of real contactees on Earth is about 17,422 individuals. They are scattered all over the world. Out of that number, only a few percent ever go public with their experiences. Out of those people, there are only a few hundred cases that are known outside of their local circles.


Genuine contactees - 37.69-71

真正的被接觸者 - 37.69-71

The Pleiadians hope to lead certain genuine extraterrestrial contactees to Meier’s group. These people will be in contact with creatures in the current plane of time and dimension. They are still not able to change dimensions. They do not belong to the Pleiadian level.


List of contactees - 38.59-91

真正被接觸者的名單 - 38.59-91

The following is a list of people that have had actual extraterrestrial contacts: Daniel Fry, Professor Joao de Freitas Guimaraes, Viktor Schauberger, Gustav Meyrink, Ray Stanford, Mario Bertossi, Albert Einstein, Albert Schweitzer, Charles Hickson, Calvin Parker, Betty Hill, Barney Hill, Josefina Burkman, Yuri Gagarin, Dr. James E. McDonald, Rudolf Steiner, Alois Rikenbach, Horst Raps, Professor Charles A. Maney, Wilbert B. Smith [Wilbert Brockhouse Smith], plus more than 3,110 other less-important contactees.

以下的名單,是有過實際外星接觸的人Daniel FryJoao de Freitas Guimaraes教授、Viktor SchaubergerGustav MeyrinkRay StanfordMario Bertossi 愛因斯坦史懷哲、查爾斯希克森、卡爾文帕克、希爾夫婦、Josefina Burkman、尤里加加林、James E. McDonald博士、魯道夫斯坦納、Alois RikenbachHorst RapsCharles A. Maney教授、Wilbert B. Smith,加上超過3,110位其他不太重要的接觸者。

3 other world-recognized contactees - not named - 38.92-94

3位世界知名的被接觸者未公布姓名 - 38.92-94

This list contains names that Semjase is allowed to initially disclose. But, she is not allowed to reveal information about three other world-recognized, publicly known contactees. The three names will be revealed at the proper time.


Contact statistics - 39.132-198

接觸的統計資料 - 39.132-198

21 Earth humans that have had extraterrestrial contacts of great importance have previously been named. Three other important contactees may still not be revealed. Beside these, Meier is the most important because of his mission to offer spiritual lessons to humanity. There are still more than 17,000 Earth humans who are consciously or unconsciously in contact with extraterrestrials. Out of these, there are some thousand contactees that are only known in smaller or greater circles and groups. Hundreds of people could also be named as those who have become publicly known to the world for their contacts with extraterrestrial beings and who maintain these contacts. Besides the named individuals, there are a few hundred people living in Germany, Austria, Poland, Russia, China, Australia, New Zealand, America, South America, Spain, France, Italy, and Switzerland. But, there are also other contactees all over the world. Of the few hundred publicly known people, there are only 173 who have reached some greater meaning. Apart from all of these, are the people in contact with the Gizeh Intelligences.


Semjase agrees to indicate which names on a list are real contactees. Since Meier’s conversation with Ptaah, the number of contactees has increased. At that time, there were 17,422 while now there are 17,718 contactees. This is an increase of 296. There is no record of the number of people that have seen a UFO because this is unimportant and because the number of observers may have reached a billion. Only a small number of these actually accept the reality of their observed objects. There are 17,718 with conscious or unconscious contact. There are 3,902 involuntary or accidental contacts since 1900. 31 of the 3,902 accidental contacts are of some importance. There are 173 of the 17,718 with half-important meanings. A small number of the 173 are known publicly. 24 of the 17,718 are of greater importance. Of the 24, only a few are known publicly or are dead. 1 of the 17,718 is important for the fulfilling of a prophecy. There are 723 contactees with the Gizeh Intelligences. 27 of the 723 Gizeh contactees have come to public attention. There are 36 deceptive contactees who have never had contact. 7 of the 36 deceivers have come to worldwide attention. The remaining 29 of the 36 deceivers are known on a lesser scale.


There are very many people who are in contact with lower or same spirited beings from other worlds. The number of people in contact with very high spiritual beings, are only 16 worldwide. This number is greatly influenced by emissions and changing feelings. Contactees with medium-level spiritual forms from other worlds and entities from other dimensions are 268, but this number fluctuates daily. They are a bit higher in evolution than Earth humans and can transmit knowledge that is somewhat higher. "Medium level spiritual forms" are between 70 and 90 years in advance of Earth humans. The data is not tracked for the number of contactees with lower spiritual forms and may be many millions. Contacts with "Other World" spiritual forms are dangerous because they are of low levels of evolution and low intelligence. These are the levels that are found in certain religious heresies. Many of these relations are self-deceptive or even consciously deceptive and nonexistent.


Contactees List - true, false & "unknown" contactees - 43.1-12

被接觸者的名單(包含真的、假的和未知的被接觸者)- 43.1-12

The following is a partial list of people along with a true, false, or unknown classification regarding their status as being genuine contactees with extraterrestrials: Truman Bethurum - false, Narciso Genovese - false, Karl Michalek - false, George Adamski - false, Dr. George Hunt Williamson - true, Hans Klotzbach - unknown, Howard Menger - false, Bob Renaud - false, Salvador Villanueva Medina - false, Francisco Castillo - false, Fernando Sesma Manzano - unknown, Ing. Reeve - unknown, Cedric Allingham - false, D. Marachi - true, Lawrence W. Vinnther - true, Captain Thomas Mantell - true, Lieutenant George Gorman - true, Stefan Denaerde - unknown, Jeff Greenhaw - unknown, Antonio Villas-Boas - unknown, EEugenio Siragusa - false, Orfeo Angelucci - true, Orfeo Angelucci - false, Emanuel Cihlar - false, Dick Miller - unknown, Richard T. Miller - false, Buck Nelson - false, Alberto Sanmartin - true, Henrique Castillo - unknown, Herbert Nielson - unknown, Carl A. Anderson - true, Carl A. Anderson - false, Igo Etrich - true, P. Leopold - unknown, Frank E. Stranges - false, Reinhold O. Schmidt - false, Haruhiro Tsukamoto (Harushi Tsukamoto) - false, K. Gosta Rehn - unknown, and Joachim Pahl - unknown.

以下是關於被接觸者的部分名單,以及與外星人真的、假的或未知接觸的分類狀態:Truman Bethurum(假的),Narciso Genovese(假的),Karl Michalek(假的),喬治亞當斯基(假的),George Hunt Williamson博士(真的),Hans Klotzbach(未知),Howard Menger(假的),Bob Renaud(假的)Salvador Villanueva Medina(假的),Francisco Castillo(假的),Fernando Sesma Manzano(未知),Ing. Reeve(未知),Cedric Allingham(假的),D. Marachi(真的),Lawrence W. Vinnther(真的),湯瑪斯曼特爾上尉(真的),喬治高曼中尉(真的),Stefan Denaerde(未知),Jeff Greenhaw(未知),Antonio Villas-Boas(未知),EEugenio Siragusa(假的),Orfeo Angelucci(真的),冒牌"Orfeo Angelucci"(假的),Emanuel Cihlar(假的),Dick Miller(未知),Richard T. Miller(假的),Buck Nelson(假的),Alberto Sanmartin(真的),Henrique Castillo(未知),Herbert Nielson(未知),Carl A. Anderson(真的),冒牌"Carl A. Anderson"(假的),Igo Etrich(真的),P. Leopold(未知),Frank E. Stranges(假的),Reinhold O. Schmidt(假的),Haruhiro TsukamotoHarushi Tsukamoto)(假的),K. Gosta Rehn(未知),Joachim Pahl(未知)。

"Unknown" contactees - defined - 43.49-55

未知的被接觸者定義 - 43.49-55

Semjase stated that the reason why there are so many people on the list of contactees that are unknown to her is because they either have no contacts with extraterrestrials or the names on the list are not their correct names. It is also possible that they could have had contact previously which she is not aware of. But, those contacts cannot be of importance because she would be informed about them. Another possibility is that their contacts were with entities that are unknown to her, who somehow came through their controls without detection. But this is very unlikely. They could also have contacts with the Gizeh Intelligences, whose dark machinations the Pleiadians are not always able to control.


Gizeh Intelligences - unknown contacts - 43.55-56

吉薩精靈是未知的接觸者 - 43.55-56

It is possible that contacts could take place with extraterrestrials that are unknown to the Pleiadians and that alien races have managed to slip through undetected. But, this is highly unlikely. There could also be contacts with the Gizeh Intelligences, whose dark machinations are not always controllable. As a result, it is possible that there could be many contacts that go undetected by the Pleiadians.


Gizeh Intelligences were undetected - 44.70-82

吉薩精靈是未被發現的外星人 - 44.70-82

It is impossible for the Pleiadians to have missed any extraterrestrial contacts with people that have been identified not to be contactees. This includes any contacts through any dimensional doorway because the possibilities for penetration are very tightly controlled and monitored. These controls show no indications of contacts with negative persons. However, for a little more than a year, the monitoring was interrupted. During that time, it was possible for unrecognized penetrations to occur, and they did. Since then, the controls have been raised to full force. But, negative people may have been in contact with the Gizeh Intelligences since the Pleiadians have no control over that. In addition, there are no controls over contracts from earthly intelligences that announce themselves as extraterrestrials to Earth humans, especially those who have stolen German spaceships.


Gizeh Intelligences - Heaven’s Gate Cult - 35.P961-963

吉薩精靈天堂之門的邪教 - 35.P961-963

In order to fulfill the aims of the Gizeh Intelligences, they have contacted different Earth humans, taken them on flights into the cosmos, and have done many other things to them. They have also influenced an Earth couple, Bonnie Lou Trousdale and Marshall Herff Applewhite, to misguide masses of people to their deaths by announcing a gathering on September 14, 1975 at Waldport, Oregon for the Heaven’s Gate cult.

為了達成吉薩精靈的目標,他們接觸過不同的地球人類,帶他們搭乘太空船到宇宙,並為他們做了很多其他的事。他們還影響了一對地球的夫婦(Bonnie Lou TrousdaleMarshall Herff Applewhite),成立了天堂之門的邪教,並誤導群眾於1975914日聚集在俄勒岡州沃爾德波特,宣布他們的死亡。

Carl J. Disch - fraudulent contactee, 1960, Eloa - 63.17-20

Carl J. Disch是騙人的被接觸者,1960年,Eloa - 63.17-20

Meier told Semjase about meeting a kind man by the name of Carl Disch from the Tessine. He is very concerned about Meier’s group. He wrote a report of a contact that he had in 1960 with an entity named Eloa from the stars of Cassiopeia. He was ordered then to wait 15 years and then he would be called for a task of helping to spread the truth. He is unemployed and now feels the need to fulfill his mission with Meier’s group. Meier asks Semjase what he should do about him. Semjase says that there are only a few stars of Cassiopeia that have human beings and she knows a few friends there. The name of Eloa is unknown to her on those stars, but there is someone with a similar name of Eloha and this could be a misunderstanding. His experience is unknown to her, but this could be cleared up.

邁爾告訴西米斯有關會見一個從提契諾州來名叫Carl Disch的善良人,他非常關心邁爾的研究小組。他寫了一份接觸報告,敘述他曾在1960年與一位來自仙后座名為Eloa的外星人接觸。他奉指示等待往後的​​15年,以履行幫助傳播真相的任務。目前他沒有工作,覺得要與邁爾的研究小組完成他的使命。邁爾問西米斯他應該如何對待他。西米斯說仙后座只有極少數的恆星系統有人類存在,而她也知道幾個朋友在那裡,但沒聽過Eloa的名子,但有人用Eloha的一個相似的名字,這其中可能有誤解。她對她不太了解,但這可以去澄清一下。

Carl J. Disch - fraudulent contactee, @1960, Eloa - 65.S24-38

Carl J. Disch是騙人的被接觸者,在1960年,Eloa - 65.S24-38

Semjase told Meier that she contacted a station at Proximal Centaurs and discovered that Elhoa never contacted an Earth human by the name of Carl Disch. So, she investigated further and discovered that his accounts of a contact have risen from his own fantasies and that he has never seen a beamship or been in contact with an extraterrestrial. Everything he said was a lie for self-elevation and a desire to be esteemed. His offer to work for Meier is insincere because he only seeks self-esteem and financial advantage over everything and everyone. He would lie to his best friends, if he had any. Semjase asks Meier to pass along her words to Disch, but she expresses doubt that he will learn from this. Meier expresses regret about the man and says that he will tell him what she said.

西米斯告訴邁爾說,她與半人馬小行星近端站聯繫過,發現Elhoa從來沒有接觸過名叫Carl Disch的地球人。於是她進一步調查,發現他的接觸經歷是源自於他自己的幻想,他從未見過飛船或與外星人接觸過。他所說的一切都是自我抬高的謊言和渴望被尊重。他向邁爾提議的工作是言不由衷,因為他只尋求自尊和經濟利益高於所有一切。如果他有任何機會,他會欺騙他最好的朋友。西米斯要求邁爾傳遞她的話給Disch,但她對他是否會在這方面學到教訓表示懷疑。邁爾對此人表示遺憾,並說他會告訴他有關她所說的話。

Carl J. Disch - Elhoa (ET from Cassiopeia) no contact - 67.1-11

Carl J. Disch沒有與Elhoa(從仙后座來的外星人)接觸過 - 67.1-11

Semjase told Meier that nothing Carl Disch has said contains any truth. He never knew Elhoa. The name he gave of Eloa was derived from the old name Elohim. He intended to penetrate Meier’s group in order to dominate it. He has low desires without any sense of sincerity. He is only concerned about himself and in playing a dominant role in the publicity ahead. Meier is asked to tell him that he should seek his knowledge in a sincere manner in order to satisfy his own evolution.

西米斯告訴邁爾,Carl Disch所說的話沒有半句是真話,他從來不知道Elhoa這個外星人。他給的名字Eloa來源於耶洛因(Elohim;或譯伊羅興)的舊名稱(有神明的意思)。他打算滲透邁爾的研究小組,以便主宰它。他沒有工作的熱情,也缺乏任何誠意。他只關心他自己並在眾人前發揮宣傳主導的作用。邁爾被要求轉告他,他應該以誠懇的方式尋求他進化自己的知識。

ET spaceships come to Earth for contact with humans - 70.214-217

外星人的太空船來到地球與人類接觸 - 70.214-217

Semjase cautioned Meier that an extraterrestrial spaceship would be coming to Earth in order to find someone to contact. The Pleiadians have tried many ways to contact it, but all attempts were in vain, and whenever they appeared, the alien craft would disappear. There are several ships with shining white or green colors that often have behind them, a strange orange colored tail. The tail contains strange and unknown elements that are being analyzed. Semjase states that their probability analysis has resulted in some surprises that are still not definable.


6.5.3 Abductions

6.5.3 綁架事件

Rare abductions by Gizeh types & time travelers - 34.183-185

少數被吉薩精靈和時空旅行者綁架的事件 - 34.183-185

There are rare occurrences where people are abducted by extraterrestrials in the Bermuda Triangle and other places on Earth. Most of the abductions are done by the Gizeh Intelligences, but also by time travelers and entities from this universe.


Other ETs abduct Earth humans, seldom returned - 35.P964-968

其他外星人綁架地球人很少再返回 - 35.P964-968

There are other extraterrestrials that abduct people, but these cases are relatively rare. Those who are abducted are not normally returned to the Earth. There are exceptions, but those are rare. There are also inhuman races, for which the Earth is a welcomed hunting expedition from where to abduct human beings.


Abductions - Pleiadians cannot interfere - 35.P969-978

綁架是普雷亞人不能干涉的行動 - 35.P969-978

Abductions by extraterrestrial beings are not matters that the Pleiadians are allowed to interfere with by forceful means. Whenever possible, they try to contact the abductors in order to prevent their actions. When they do not accept advice on or near the Earth, the Pleiadians will often pursue them far out into space. Unfortunately, they have been only partly successful and people have been abducted. Although the Pleiadians have the ability to forcefully prevent abductions, they must maintain order because every entity must walk its own path for development. They are not allowed to interfere unless one of there own is being abducted. But, the exercise of power could lead to an undesired conflict and possibly war. They are not allowed to provoke an incident. Their weapons are only intended for defensive purposes and are not designed for attack.


Betty Hill & Barney Hill - 37.19-34

貝蒂希爾和巴尼希爾 - 37.19-34

A small group of entities from Zeta Reticuli arrived on Earth in a spacecraft and abducted two Earth humans for the sake of study on September 19, 1961. A married couple by the names of Betty and Barney Hill were taken at night while driving in the mountains of New Hampshire, USA. (See section 6.3.14) With oscillation paralyzers, they caused their vehicle to stop and paralyzed their consciousness. They took the two people into their spacecraft and subjected them to physical and chemical analysis. This analysis involves different methods by which mixtures and compositions can be separated so that the structure and combination of identifiable chemical compositions can be determined. These are finely studied techniques for the analysis of living creatures without injuring them. The techniques are unknown on Earth, but are often used by certain space-traveling races. They use these methods only in connection with telepathic hypnosis so that the subjects have no conscious recollection of the event.


This resulted in missing time from the memories of the subjects involved. Their memories of the event are buried very deep in the subconscious and can only be recovered by strong hypnotic counter block-breaking techniques. The two people were taken for a total of 127 minutes while different samples of blood, male sperm, hair, saliva, finger nails, and skin were taken. In addition, samples from shoes, clothing, and other things were also taken. Everything was carefully examined and recorded radio-photographically. When finished, the humans were returned to their vehicle, which was released from the paralyzing radiation and they were set free. The hypnosis was dissolved and they drove on with no memory of the incident. Only years later, were they able to solve the riddle of this event through hypnosis. The purpose of this abduction was only intended for exploring the Earth human form of life and the entities had no ill intentions.


Increase in ET ships, abductions, experiment, testing - 66.224-226

日漸增加的外星太空船、綁架、實驗與測試事件 - 66.224-226

During this time, another extraterrestrial race is increasingly sending manned, robot, and android ships to Earth in order to perform experiments. This has been going on for many years, but now the activity is being greatly increased. People are being abducted as experimental test subjects. Meier is cautioned to be on his guard because they could bring harm to him if he should unexpectedly fall into their hands.





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