

Contact Report 804第804次接觸報告



英譯版本:20220522日,星期日,DeepL Translator, Joseph Darmanin

中譯版本:20220524日,星期二,DeepL Translator, James Hsu





This is the entire contact report. It is an authorised but unofficial DeepL preliminary English translation and most probably contains errors. Please note that all errors and mistakes etc. will continuously be corrected, depending on the available time of the involved persons (as contracted with Billy/FIGU). Therefore, do not copy-paste and publish this version elsewhere, because any improvement and correction will occur HERE in this version!



Here you come already. Greetings, Eduard, my friend.



Hello, Quetzal, be welcome and also greetings. Yes, I am here quickly because I have been lying awake. It's true that I was not waiting for you specifically, because I did not know you were coming here. Also I did not think it would be so soon that any of you would come here.



Since I am free for 3 hours at the moment, I was requested to answer your call, because you don't call just like that unless something comes up that is urgent for you.



You are right, because something is really coming up that I am starting to worry about. Look here, this is a new letter that was delivered to me yesterday with the morning mail. It is a continuation of what you have already clarified, namely another letter that comes from … … Ukraine. Apparently, they do not want the letters to be posted in Ukraine, but sent to other persons in other countries and then sent by them to me or FIGU. However, the 3rd letter has now come, addressed to me; that is why I have called you. The first one – whose correctness and authenticity was clarified by you, as well as the identity of the man who wrote it – I then destroyed, because you yourselves wanted that. The second, like the first, was not posted in the Ukraine, but in Germany, and according to the postmark it was sent to me from Berlin. However, it was addressed to the FIGU, but to me. That was at the beginning of the week; I then put the letter on my desk and there it was collected by you. Again you found that the letter was genuine and so was the signature of the man who had written it. Also the additional signatures of the persons who co-signed were genuine. That's why Florena was also here yesterday morning, which resulted in me writing a short letter to the address given, which Florena then took with her and made sure it got to where it was supposed to go. In it I wrote clearly that I would not interfere in the matter, that I would not be politically active in any way, and that I could also not give any advice on what and how to act with regard to President Selensky, because I stay completely out of it and want nothing to do with it.

你說得對,因為我開始擔心的事情真的要發生了。看這裡,這是一封新的信件,是昨天早上郵寄給我的。這是你們已經澄清信件內容的延續,是另一封來自 ... 烏克蘭的信。顯然,他們不希望這些信在烏克蘭寄出,而是寄給其他國家的某個人,再由他們轉寄給我或FIGU。然而,現在第三封信已經來了,是寫給我的;這就是為什麼我呼叫你的原因。第一封信的正確性和寫信人身份的真實性已被你們澄清,信件後來被我銷毀了,因為你們也希望這樣做。第二封和第一封一樣,不是在烏克蘭寄出的,而是在德國,根據郵戳,它是從柏林寄出的,但那封信是寄給FIGU而不是寄給我的。那是在這個星期一;然後我把信放在我的桌子上,你們把它拿走之後,再次發現這封信是真的,寫信人的簽名與共同簽名者的簽名也是真的。這就是為什麼Florena昨天上午會來到這裡,這也促使我寫了一封簡短的信,然後Florena帶著它,確保送到指明的地方。我在信中明確寫道,我不會干涉此事,我不會以任何方式參與政治活動,我也不能對澤連斯基總統的行為提供任何建議,因為我完全置身事外,不想與之有任何關係。

Well, yesterday another letter arrived, this time even registered, and I informed Bernadette about it, who quickly found out that the letter was posted in Austria, close to the border with the Czech Republic, on the 17th of May. And now I want to show you this letter, in which Bruni is also asked to call a telephone number given, because she obviously knew the writer personally and he had been to the centre several times in the past and is therefore obviously also aware of your contact with me. In any case, this is what the letter says, as well as that other persons have joined him, who follow everything on the internet from the FIGU, but cannot speak openly about it. And because they know that I don't mince my words when it comes to dissemination, they get to me, whereby Bruni is supposed to be the liaison person between … … and me. After all, he can't know that Bruni has since passed away.

好了,昨天又來了一封信,這次甚至是掛號信,我通知了Bernadette,她很快發現,這封信是517日在奧地利寄出的,靠近捷克共和國邊境。現在我想給你看看這封信,信中還要求Bruni打一個電話給信中所給的電話號碼,因為她顯然認識寫信的人,這個人過去曾多次來過中心,因此顯然也知道你們與我的接觸。無論如何,這就是信中所說的,還有其他人也加入了他的行列,他們在互聯網上關注著FIGU的一切,但不能公開談論此事。因為他們知道我在傳播方面不會拐彎抹角,所以他們找到了我,由此判斷,Bruni應該是 ... 和我之間的聯絡人。畢竟,他不可能知道Bruni後來已經去世了。


Then let me read this letter …

那就讓我讀讀這封信吧 ...


Of course, here, this one is.



Aha, it is postmarked 17th May, in S …, Austria. Obviously this is the time, 9:40 hrs. The letter is addressed to you personally, but not to 'Billy', but to E. Meier. But let me read now … It is really amazing – –, the trust that is placed in you – – This is really unusual. That these persons give their full names, that is really very – – well, these human beings – – I really don't know what to say.

啊哈,郵戳是517日,在奧地利寄出的 ...。很明顯,時間是940分。這封信是寫給你本人的,但不是寫給“比利”,而是寫給E.邁爾。但現在讓我讀一下 ... 這真的很令人吃驚 —— 顯示對你的信任 —— 這真的很不尋常。這些人寫出了他們的全名,這真的很 ... 嗯,這些人 ... 我真的不知道該說什麼。


That they trust me like that, I cannot understand that either. Whether maybe Bruni back then … I do not know. It is just so, – –, amazing, as you say. It's all so dangerous for them, after all, because they are in … this Selensky … I really do not understand that.

他們如此信任我,我也無法理解。也許Bruni當時 ... 我不知道。這實在是太 ... 太神奇了,就像你說的。對他們來說,這一切都很危險,畢竟他們是在 ... 這個澤連斯基 ... 我真的不明白。


Even what these persons write here, it is incomprehensible to me, – – – they must really be in severe distress of conscience, otherwise I cannot imagine their actions with this writing. And the trust they are placing in you through this, that is for me more than just a basic certainty of trust, which rejects any doubt from the outset as a mere lie.

即使是這些人在信中寫的內容,我也無法理解,—— 他們一定是真的非常良心不安,否則我無法想像他們的行為與這些文字。而他們通過這種方式表現出對你的信任,對我來說,這不僅僅是一種基本肯定的信任,這種信任從一開始就把任何懷疑都視為一種無效的謊言來懲罰。


I would love to help, but I really can't. In fact, I would be betraying myself and doing something that would be completely out of line with what I have never done in my lifetime and would also never do.



A personal conversation …

一次私人談話 ...


I suppose that would be correct, but I don't believe that would be possible.



You always say that human beings should think and see the possibilities that are open to them.



Yes, but sometimes they are so hidden that you can hardly find them.



Exactly – hardly. Sometimes it just takes a longer time.

沒錯 —— 幾乎沒有。有時只是需要更長的時間。


Yes, you're probably right, but still, there's nothing I can do to solve the problem these human beings have. They have to effectively think for themselves what they have to do, in a way that is feasible for them. That's all I can say about it. Perhaps time will come, advice will come, that will prove to be the case for the people. In any case, take the letter and copy it so that I can destroy it afterwards. But I will keep the last writing and yesterday's in my memory and only let the letter go, nor the ephemeral. It really wouldn't be good if the letters were preserved.



That really wouldn't be good. However, as I think …

那真的不會是好事。然而,在我看來 ...


I think that will be illusory.



We'll see. Maybe …

我們將拭目以待。也許 ...


Of course, the world is full of wonders, after all.



Sometimes …

有時候 ...


Yes, I know …

是的,我知道 ...


Then I will go now, for I have things to do. Farewell, my friend.



Goodbye, Quetzal.





中文翻譯借助Deepl Translator的協助





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