The Essence of the Notes (接觸筆記的要義)-(英漢對照)-封面As

 Chapter 7 – EARTH   第七章地球 - Part 1

7.1 Geography

7.1 地理紀要

Age of the Earth - 646 billion years - 45.75-100

地球的年齡 — 6,460億年 - 45.75-100

Age of the Earth - 646 billion years from gaseous state - 51.

地球的年齡從氣態開始,已有6,460億年 - 51

Age of the Earth - 600 billion years to form into a solid - 51.

地球的年齡 — 在經過6,000億年後,開始形成固態 - 51

The statements numbered 75 through 100 in Contact 45, refer to Semjase being astonished by Meier’s ability to judge the age of the Earth to be 640 billion years old when it is actually 646 billion years old. In Contact 51, it was revealed that the Earth was formed into a gaseous state 646 billion years ago and then became solid 600 billion years ago.


7.1.1 Agharta

7.1.1 Agharta地下王國

Meier in India met the "blue human beings" - 39.P198-202

邁爾在印度遇到過藍色人類” - 39.P198-202

Ptaah is surprised when Meier asks him about Agharta and pronounces it properly instead of “Agharti”, as is known by humans on Earth. Meier states that he spent a long time in India as well as the Himalayan Mountains and learned from blue human beings there.


Agharta - subterranean kingdom near Shingatas - 39.P203-208

AghartaShingatas附近的地下王國)- 39.P203-208

Ptaah says that there is much about Agharta that must be kept secret, but he states that the capital of Agharta is a subterranean kingdom near Shingatas and Shampulla inhabited by descendents of extraterrestrials that came to Earth. This is a center of real secrets, which hides a gigantic force within it. It is ruled by a race known as the “Sons of the Sun”. There is a tendency that prevails in this race for control over the Earth, just as is the case with Earth’s religions and secret societies. That is all that could be revealed.


7.1.2 Atlantis

7.1.2 亞特蘭提斯

Greater-Atlantis, Small-Atlantis, Mu - locations - 55.183-198

大亞特蘭提斯、小亞特蘭提斯與穆的位置與變遷 - 55.183-198

Atlantis was divided into two governments. Greater-Atlantis was located between the split continents of North and South America as well as between Europe and Africa. Small-Atlantis was located in the Santorinian region. Greater-Atlantis was damaged by war with the inhabitants of Mu, which was located in the Gobi Desert of China before sinking into the sea. Only the subterranean city of Agharta is all that remains of Mu. Small-Atlantis was destroyed about 6,000 years later by the near approach of a huge comet, known as the Destroyer, 3,500 years ago. This also caused Venus to be drawn into this solar system and inflicted great damage to the Earth. The Earth shook and broke into many pieces. Large volcanoes erupted, including Santorin, which exploded and caused different islands to sink below the ocean. The sea began to boil and generated tidal wave 200 meters high, which rolled over the island of Crete and continued until it reached Egypt and Syria. At that time, Crete was known as Minoa and its inhabitants were descendents of the Atlantians. Many of them escaped annihilation when they went to the Hellenian continent. Minoa remained standing, but the islands of Small-Atlantis disappeared into the sea. Mu had been the capital of a country on land. The inhabitants of the city, as well as the subterranean town of Agharta, had been extraterrestrials from the Lyra System who colonized the Earth.. Both cities were governed by a man and a woman before Mu was destroyed.


History of Atlantis & Mu - 2 largest Earth cities - 60.9-53

亞特蘭提斯和穆(曾是地球上兩個最大的城市)的演變史 - 60.9-53

Around 50,000 years ago, the Pleyaren worlds found peace and liberty after a long time of wars and revolutions. A short time before peace began, a scientist by the name of Pelegon elected himself as the leader of about 70,000 human beings. With their help, he took possession of several greatspacer ships and fled. Pelegon was unanimously acknowledged as their god, which means king in wisdom and leader. During the following millennium, they lived on Earth and originated a highly developed culture. They built many great cities and inhabited all of the continents on Earth. They flourished for 10,000 years at a high level of development. Then, some power-hungry people instigated unrest, which led to deadly wars. Everything was damaged or destroyed and only a few thousand humans survived the immense catastrophe by escaping in spaceships and settling on a strange world. Only a small number of people remained on the destroyed Earth and degenerated completely.


About 7,000 years later, the descendents of those who had escaped, returned to the Earth. They found only wild and degenerate beings there. Under the leadership of another god, they built Mu as well as Smaller and Greater Atlantis. At that time, Mu and Greater Atlantis were the two largest cities ever built on Earth. For the sake of peace, they were built on separate continents. A high culture developed and everything began to flourish. For thousands of years, unity and peace ruled until some degenerated scientists tried to take over the top leadership. But, the people remembered the wars of their forefathers and revolted against the power hungry scientists. The scientists took possession of several spaceships and vanished out into space. This occurred a little more than 15,000 years ago.


During the next two millenniums, these evil-minded refugees lived in a neighboring solar system. Their descendents were raised to hate and seek revenge in order to bring the Earth back under their control. About 13,000 years ago, their leader was IHWH Arus, a scientist of extraordinary bestial mind and overpowering force. There were 200 scientists, who specialized in different fields, who became representatives and sub-leaders. They attacked the Earth and took possession of what is now, Florida. From there, they attacked Atlantis and Mu. Wars raged for two millenniums until Greater Atlantis and Mu were completely destroyed and the survivors were taken into servitude. Fortunately, great scientists were able to escape in spaceships and returned to their ancient home worlds in the Pleiades. But on Earth, intrigues soon began between the evil-minded inhabitants of Atlantis and Mu.


Azores Islands are only remainder of Greater-Atlantis - 60.54-97

亞速群島只是大亞特蘭提斯的剩餘部分 - 60.54-97

Mu, which was located in the Gobi Desert, made war upon Greater Atlantis, which was located on an Island between Africa and America until it sank into the Atlantic Ocean in the greatest earthly war catastrophe. Only a few small islands now exist that are known as the Azores. The scientists of Mu discovered powers that enabled asteroids to be used as destructive cosmic bombs. After Atlantis attacked Mu and leveled it to the ground, an asteroid was guided toward Atlantis. Only a few high governors and scientists were able to take refuge in space before the catastrophe broke upon Atlantis and submerged it into the sea. The Earth was badly shaken and many volcanoes erupted. A gigantic tidal wave, 2,300 meters high, submerged whole countries and destroyed everything in its path. Atlantis submerged within minutes, approximately 11,498 years ago.


Atlantis & Mu destroyed 11,498 years ago - 61.25-30

大亞特蘭提斯與穆已在11,498年前被摧毀 - 61.25-30

As mentioned previously, Atlantis was destroyed by scientists from Mu, 11,498 years ago. This was the first great catastrophe of the last 12,000 years. Nearly 1,300 years later, another catastrophe followed of cosmic origin. Around 10,215 years ago, a planetoid of immense size crashed into Earth with a horrible force. It divided the waters of the Atlantic exactly where the asteroid had crashed and destroyed Atlantis 1,300 years earlier.


7.1.3 Bermuda Triangle

7.1.3 百慕達三角

Bermuda Triangle - ETs, natural events and pirates - 33.68-75

百慕達三角  —  外星人、自然事件與海盜 - 33.68-75

The occurrences in the Bermuda Triangle do not originate with extraterrestrials. Certain things exist in the Bermuda Triangle that belongs to extraterrestrial races, but this does not have anything to do with the disappearances of ships and aircraft. The theories of Satan-like forces and other creatures being involved are only fantasies from religious fanatics in an attempt to explain what is occurring there. The events in the Bermuda Triangle can be traced back to very natural things. This area is very suited for high-seas piracy, which occurs repeatedly. In addition, natural dangers also exist there, which have caused ships to be wrecked or sunk along with everyone onboard, never to be found again.


Bermuda Triangle - natural dimension doors & ET bases - 34.103-182

百慕達三角是天然維度門與外星人的基地 - 34.103-182

There are three different places on Earth where natural dimensional doors periodically exist. These doors are natural occurring dangers that are caused cosmically by time-streams. The doors cause many events to occur because they interfere with the normal time on Earth. The whole sea and ground in this area is in continuous movement, which rises and sinks timelessly. Often, within only a few hours, huge sub-oceanic mountains and plateaus are pushed upwards and change the surface of the planet. Many times, ships have run full speed into the upward-pushed landmasses. This land mass was once the great continent of Atlantis. The dimensional doorway also played an important part in its destruction.


The dimensional door represents a natural cosmic appearance, which is a barrier between normal time on Earth and another dimension. The other dimension in this case, is a parallel world to Earth with differences in landscape. The door is evoked by a cosmic elimination-transmutation-radiation, which appears periodically. This originates from several large stars in the universe, which are unknown on Earth. They radiate their beams, which meet 720 light years from Earth and bundle together. These highly concentrated radiations hit the Earth in three places only when it is exactly in focus with the radiations and a dimensional barrier are created. The radiations cause an elimination of normal earthly time by changing it into timelessness. This alteration exists far outside of the center, which is in the other dimension with another world in another time.


This causes an effect similar to hurricanes where the center is calm and the surrounding area is a whirl of change from normal time into the other dimension. Normal weather conditions prevail outside of the storm of an alternating zone where the light strata becomes alternated. The first indications of this, is a calm wind, very sultry warmth, and deep silence. This appears the same as the beginning of a new galaxy. The laws of macro-cosmos and micro-cosmos are exactly the same and only differ in size. The processes remain relatively the same, but the forces correspond basically in different ways. At the dimensional door, the forces are pure cosmic energies with radiations of a special sort. The effect of the whirl or spiral remains the same even though the appearance may be different.


The Passover zone can be compared to the passage of time between two world-time-ages and into another time, dimension, and world. When an aircraft flies through the Passover zone into the dimensional door, those in the airplane see a world with a strange landscape that they have never seen before. If their aircraft does not have the necessary technology, then they become prisoners of the strange dimension and they are never able to return to their previous world. This is how airplanes disappear in the Bermuda Triangle, never to be seen again. Ships have also disappeared in this way because the radiations and the power of the elimination transformation reaches deep below the ocean surface.


The occurrences in the Bermuda Triangle are less secretive than those occurring at the other two dimensional doors. They are known worldwide because of certain dark elements. There are sea-traveling pirates who take possession of ships and kill everyone onboard. The events in the Bermuda Triangle have also been associated with stories of extraterrestrial abductions and satanic intrigues. There are deep-sea extraterrestrial bases in the Bermuda Triangle that are inhabited by the distant descendents of Atlantis. But, they are absolutely peaceful and do not pose a threat to humanity on Earth. Their spacecraft are also seaworthy and are able to dive to great depths. These ships have been seen surfacing and disappearing into space. Ufology groups have worked with religious forces to create stories of good and evil for their followers.


Bermuda Triangle, Several worlds & several dimensions - 38.168-174

百慕達三角地區匯聚有幾個世界和幾個維度 - 38.168-174

There are several worlds and several dimensions in the Bermuda Triangle. One of these dimensions has a parallel world to this world with only little differences. Another dimension is very remarkable because it has three nearly similar planets in one line within it. One of the planets is of the Earth in the dimension and sphere of time with wild flying dinosaurs. The atmosphere is not breathable and a spacesuit or other protective dress is required there. This dimensional door changes its intensity to allow for worlds in prehistoric, current, and a future time with a thick white vapor envelope that surrounds the globe.


Bermuda Triangle - "dimension portal" - 39.36-44

百慕達三角的維度入口” - 39.36-44

The dimensional door in the Bermuda Triangle cannot be seen with the eyes alone, but it is possible to make the radiation visible with the viewing screens and windows onboard the Plejaren craft. At the present time, only two courses of radiation are visible on one side of the Earth while the third course is on the other side of the planet. In addition to the trails of radiation, there are also spheres of energy of different types and strengths that circle the Earth at different distances and intervals. They are very important for the maintenance of life on Earth.


Bermuda Triangle - dimension passage - 39.312-323

百慕達三角的維度通道 - 39.312-323

Semjase takes Meier to the Bermuda Islands in her beamship so that he can experience what it is like for pilots and crews of ships when they pass into the dimension of the three Earths. It is a passage into another dimension that does not normally exist. Another dimension is of the Earth far into the future, from where its inhabitants sometimes penetrate into Earth’s current time. As they pass into the dimensional doorway, Meier is amazed to discover that nothing can be seen that would indicate a radiation or anything else. He is able to see his own world and before him, he sees something strange, wild, and native. They are at the separation point of the whirl so that both dimensions can be seen at the same time. They enter the dimension of ancient Earth. Meier thinks this is fantastic and is surprised to see Ptaah’s Greatspacer above this ancient world. Semjase talks to her father over a communication device and then her and Meier explore the ancient Earth in her beamship for about two hours so that Meier can take pictures of dinosaurs and the landscape. (See section 4.4.2 for more information)


Dimension door near Madagascar - 53.

馬達加斯加附近有個維度門- 53

7.1.4 Easter Island

7.1.4 復活島

Giants of Easter Island - 69.10-30

復活島的巨人 - 69.10-30

The events of the past at Easter Island and the country of Tiahuanaco are connected. These two places are more than 5,000 kilometers apart, but have a direct connection between them. These areas were colonized by immigrating hoards of deserters from the Lyran System 13,000 years ago until only 2,548 years ago. They had a gigantic body structure that measured nearly 11 meters tall. They were led by a semi-ishwish by the name of Viracocoha. He was very old and greedy for government. With his position and cruel leadership, he conquered the high lands of Tiahuanaco and Easter Island.


After this victory, he settled with a small bodyguard of cherubim on a small island before Easter Island, which is known today as Motunui or similar. The cherubim were part animal and part human that appeared bird-like. Mot means bird in their ancient language, so the island was called Mot Isle or the island of bird humans. The inhabitants of Tiahuanaco and Easter Island were procreations of immigrated extraterrestrial entities of earlier epochs of time. The giant race educated the humans with great knowledge and taught them to operate their machines. They were even taught about stone masonry and the giants were celebrated as gods.


With the help of the giants and their machinery, the ancient inhabitants created the tall head formations from lava stones and erected them all over the island. They also created egg-shaped stones because the spacecraft of the giants had this form. Similar events happened in Pisco, Nazca, and Sacsayhuman because the giants had settled there as well. After several millenniums, the giants were suddenly stricken by an epidemic, which took the lives of many of them. They suddenly departed the Earth in their spaceships and vanished into the cosmos without a trace.


Easter Island Heads - an attempt by the islanders - 69.33-42

復活島的巨石半身人頭像  —  島上住民的一項嘗試 - 69.33-42

The escaping giants left a desperate nation at Easter Island because they were suddenly deprived of technology, which their giant gods had taken with them. Also left behind, were some hundreds of incomplete statues of heads in the lava walls of volcanic craters, which were never to be completed. In their despair, the islanders tried to get back the gods who had fled, by attempting to complete the unfinished stone heads with primitive stone tools. These attempts failed and were given up in a few years. The Plejarens have been unable to determine why the islanders thought they could bring back their giant gods by improving the stone heads. After some years, the islanders put up shinny red hats in an attempt to calm the giants who had fled and bring them back. They created large hats from a mixture of red earth, sand, and small stones on the heads of numerous existing giant heads. The purpose behind this is another mystery to the Plejarens. But, their calculations reveal the probability that the hats were reproductions of the helmet-like formations worn by the giants.


Last sign of giants was in a system of Andromeda - 69.43-56

巨人族的最後跡象是在仙女座的一個星系內  - 69.43-56

Many matters about the giants and their activities on Earth are also a mystery to the Plejarens. The only known sign of the existence of the giants came from a solar system in the Andromeda Constellation. There came news of a colonized world (Earth) and an expedition by a human race from Andomeda that were 180 centimeters tall. They brought a message of the giants to Tiahuanaco and lived there for 20 years and 7 months, 2,568 years ago. During their stay on Earth, they built a high culture and constructed electrical energy centers with underground cables protected by half-tube channels. Like the giants, the Andromedians were unable to accommodate themselves to the earthly conditions of climate and atmosphere. They were befallen by the same mysterious epidemic, which caused them to escape in panic. They are presumed to be dead. The remaining stone formations that were erected by the giants clearly show faces with sharp, small-lipped, and squeezed together mouth-parts, unusually low forms of a forehead, and extremely deep-set eyes. They also depict unusually sharp, straight, and long noses. These are traits of wicked giants, but not all giant races were like them.


7.1.5 Hyperborea

7.1.5 極北族人

Mount Shasta - subterranean town of Hyperborean ETs - 39.254-265

沙斯塔山中極北族人(外星種族)的地下城鎮 - 39.254-265

Mount Shasta is a volcano mountain in a still unexplored region of California in North America. The mountains have many cliffs that are difficult to climb. Inside the mountain, there exists a town of descendents of extraterrestrials. They are often visited by their brothers from the universe. They are a very majestic race, which is peaceful and good, but also fearfully careful of not being discovered by earthly humans. The entrance to their subterranean town is well hidden below the Eastern top of the mountain and it is impossible for earthly humans to find it. However, when Earth human beings come near them, they are paralyzed by their radiation weapons, which they usually carry hidden on themselves.


Their golden colored spaceships have a spherical form because they are able to travel into space. These ships are often seen when they are not screened from sight. The human beings of their race are very well proportioned in their appearance. Their hair is naturally long, blond, and curly, which suits their charming hyperborean character. Although they are shy to earthly humans, they sometimes walk into villages to trade or exchange goods. Afterwards they depart in a hurry and flee when earthly humans come too close to them. Mount Shasta is not the only place where this race lives. In very early times, they divided into three smaller nations. The other two nations are on the Aleuts and in Alaska. This race of beings are very distant descendents of the real hyperboreans.


Mount Shasta Hyperboreans - 39.P182-196

沙斯塔山中的極北族人 - 39.P182-196

In the time of Enoch, the North Pole was located at the present state of Florida in North America. The polar-regions, at that time, had beautiful landscapes that were covered with palm trees and other tropical plants. It had the most advantageous climate on Earth where oranges and other fruits were grown. Similar weather conditions exist today in Florida. Hyperborea was located where the land is called today as Greenland. It was known then as “Tir nan Og”, which means Green Lands and Land of Youth. Hercules, Gilgamesh, Enoch, Amitaba, Methusalem, and Noah have all been there.

在以諾的時代,北極是位於目前北美的佛羅里達州。在那個時候,極地地區到處覆蓋著棕櫚樹等熱帶植物,有美麗的景觀。那裡是地球氣候最好的地方,長滿了橙子與其他的水果樹。天氣條件類似於今天的佛羅里達州。Hyperborea所在的土地,今天被稱為綠色大地,而當時稱為“Tir nan Og”,意思是綠色土地青年之地。海克力斯、吉爾伽美什、以諾、阿彌陀佛、瑪土撒拉、挪亞都曾經在那裡。

Hyperboreans - splinter group of their descendents - 69.61

極北族人他們分散的後裔族群 - 69.61

The gods or semi-gods of Greek mythology were a splinter group of giant descendents of Hyperboreans.







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