Chapter 8 – HUMANITY   第八章 人類 – Part 1

8.1 Origin

8.1 源起

Spiritual reason & wisdom of Earth humans - 4.100-101

地球人類的靈性智慧 - 4.100-101

Humanity on Earth should understand that their forefathers have forced all of mankind to the point of ruin and had to evacuate part of the planet in wild flight. This should serve as a warning that the thirst for power and barbarism are harbingers of death.


Neanderthals, monkeys, Yeti and Adam - 7.125-145

尼安德塔人、猴子、雪人與亞當 - 7.125-145

The earliest earthly creatures were of different forms and character. They were savage creatures of human-like forms that had been expelled during earlier millenniums by Plejaren ancestors. The descendents of those who were expelled copulated with different sorts of animals and created new living creatures. One such creature that exists today is known as a monkey, which represents a human-animal mutation. So, monkeys are descended from humans and not the other way around. Researchers and scientists have already found the skeletons of intermediate mutations. They are known as Africanus, Peking-Human, and Neanderthals. Four different varieties of these beings exist today in isolated or very small groups. They are so wild and timid that humans will rarely ever see them. They have become known as Yeti.


Since the early races on Earth were savage descendants of outcast humans, they devolved into wild animals that lived together in large groups. When ancient Plejarens settled on Earth, they broke a strict law and forced their will on these creatures. They took the beautiful female beings into their control and copulated with them. From this, rose the first forefathers of the present human beings. The first one was called “Adam” in the old ancestor’s language, which meant, “Earth human beings”. Since the Plejaren forefathers were composed of mixed races of different colors and sizes, they also generated beings that accorded to their characteristics. The smallest was only 50 centimeters tall while the largest and most wicked ones were 12 meters tall. Their appearances were also different.


Origins of first life - atmosphere & amino acids - 8.194-195

第一個生命的起源 —— 大氣層與氨基酸 - 8.194-195

The origins of life were derived from amino acids that combined in an atmosphere that was conducive for growth. Earthly scientists know about this.


History of Mankind - 9.115-162

人類的歷史 - 9.115-162

About 50,000 years ago, the Pleja System finally found peace and liberty. But, shortly before this time, 70,000 humans fled under the guidance of a scientist named Pelegon. With spaceships that they took possession of, they settled on Earth. Under Pelegon’s guidance, there were 200 sub-leaders who were scientists of special fields of knowledge. Pelegon was acknowledged as a king of knowledge, known as IHWH or god. In the course of millenniums, they constructed large cities and inhabited all continents on Earth.


This progressed for 10,000 years until seekers of power prevailed and began a deadly war over the Earth. Everything was destroyed and only a few thousand humans were able to survive, while others fled into the cosmos and settled on far-away worlds. For 7,000 years, everything remained wild and degenerated and no one else landed on Earth. Then, the descendants of those who had fled returned to Earth. They were also commanded by an IHWH and they built the two huge cities of Atlantis and Mu on different continents. For thousands of years, they lived in total friendship and peace until some scientists once again hungered for power and tried to seize control of the government. But, having become tired of continuous wars, the nations rose against them. So, they occupied spaceships and fled into space about 15,000 years ago.


For two millenniums, they and their descendants lived in a neighboring solar system. They became very evil through mutations and reached a long life span of thousands of years. Their leader was a scientist named Arus, “The Barbarian”. Arus also had 200 scientists as sub-leaders, just as Pelegon had. Possessed by a thirst for power, they returned to Earth, 13,000 years ago. They settled in the high North and the American region known as Florida. From there, they continuously attacked Atlantis and Mu and succeeded in destroying them completely within a few milleniums. Some great scientists were able to flee and return to their original home worlds in the Pleja system. But, the few survivors left behind, lived a life of servitude.


The sub-leaders of Arus assumed many things for themselves and became more independent. Within three decades, while under the threat of punishment by Arus, they created their own clean race of humans that were free of mutations. They did this by secretly catching earthly creatures that were far descendents of former humans from cosmic space. Beautiful female beings were tamed and copulated with by these leaders, who called themselves Heavenly Sons. They created completely new forms of life. Semjase was the highest leader of the sub-leaders. She called the first male human being, Adam, which means “Earthly Human Being”. A similar type of breeding created a female being that was ordered, in later years, to mate with Adam. Many other similar beings were also created and caused great riots. From these beings, the present humanity developed on the different continents.


IHWH Arus became very angry over what had been created and wanted to either kill or exile his sub-leaders who were responsible for this. But then he changed his mind when he realized the new power he could exercise over the newly created human beings. With newly nominated guardian angels and sub-leaders, he controlled three human races. These were the ancestors of those who settled in India, the Black Sea, and the gypsies who traveled South of the Mediterranean Ocean, known as the Hebrews. With his guardian angels, IHWH Arus let these people worship and adore him as the Creation and his sub-leaders as creational assistants. He established hard and severe laws that always demanded the blood of violators.


His son, Jehav, was not much better when he took over domination of the three enslaved races 3,400 years later. He was also called an IHWH and always demanded the blood and death of all those who violated his laws. The later descendants of gods were more humane and developed themselves according to spiritual evolution. When this happened, they decided to leave the development of earthly humans to its natural run and retire to their original home worlds. So, they left the Earth 1,943 years later and returned as peaceful creatures to the Pleja system where development had become highly evolved. Today, they live together as a united and allied population in peace and liberty. This is important information for the people of Earth to know.


Human Origins from Lyra, descendants from Pleiades - 12-17

人類起源於天琴座,是從昴宿星而來的後裔 - 12-17

3,300 years ago, members of an entirely different universe, known as the DAL universe, entered our universe and discovered Earth in our solar system. In their research, they also discovered the original home world and history of the human race because humanity did not originate on Earth. We are the descendants of a race from the Ringed Nebula. The actual descendants of our earthly forefathers no longer populate the region of the Ringed Nebula, but live on planets in the systems referred to as the “Seven Sisters” or the Pleiades.


"The human form is indeed a creation of The Creation” - 35.S528-556

人的形式的確是來自「造化」的創造” - 35.S528-556

The human form is a creation of the Creation. It does not descend from any animals, such as the monkey. The evolution of the physical human form is very long. It was first created in primitive form, but with the destiny of becoming an advanced human. It was vivified by the Creational forces for human advancement. This form of life is basically a separate creation since its ancient beginning. Because of this, it was possible for the early wild humans to mix and mate with space travelers, which created the human race of today.


Neglected humans do not develop equally and uncontrolled inter-breeding can even be retroactive to development. But at a certain point when spiritual knowledge is lost, the degeneration runs out due to an unconscious striving for self-preservation. A natural recovery occurs towards conscious thinking and self-preservation. This affects body performance according to environmental influences. Such reflexes are not performed in a controlled and rational manner, but outside the process of thinking. When thinking finally begins, then the reflexes are replaced by determination. Actions are then performed in a controlled manner, which compliments instinctive reflexes and reason begins.


Another kind of instinctual self-preservation occurs naturally when a being becomes incapable of motion. This can be evoked by various dangerous factors such as a lack of oxygen, which leads to paralysis. This includes some of those parts that strive for self-preservation. Thinking stops and body limbs react by reflexes only. Life then proceeds organically, functioning like a machine. When the body is given food, it still digests it, but the brain is unable to realize it.


Earth humans - forefathers defined - 39.P37-40

地球人類的祖先 - 39.P37-40

The human beings on Earth are descended from an extremely high-developed form from the depths of the universe. Because of this, they are well developed in their proportional shape. In this respect, they are equal to the Plejaren race, which is further developed by 3,500 years. Even forms of life that are even further developed, have no better or prettier proportions. There can also be found those that earthly humans would consider ugly.


Humans arise on Earth 6 billion years ago - 51.

人類於60億年前就出現在地球上 - 51

Early Earth humans encountered space-traveling humans - 51.

早期地球人類遇到過「時空旅人」- 51

Adam - slightly less than 4 meters tall - 69.63

亞當 —— 身高稍矮於4公尺 - 69.63

8.2 Races

8.2 人種

Origins of the many human races - 7.100-124

許多人種的起源 -7.100-124

The reason for the existence of so many human races on Earth is a result of human history on Earth. In addition to the five basic colored races, others also exist that are completely unknown to humanity. This is partly due to the fact that they live in places where people cannot find them, such as underground and in domed cities within mountains. Occasionally, these races come to the surface and join the crowds of humanity. This is especially true in countries where many races exist so that they do not appear to be any different and they can move about freely. It is more difficult for races with different skin colors, such as those with bluish skin in the region of India.


There have also been other colored races that have been dead for a long time. They were also the result of those known as, “Heaven’s Sons”. The Heaven’s Sons, or star travelers from the Pleja system, settled in many star systems with different climates, which affected their appearance in order to accommodate them. This also affected their skin colors and there are numerous shades in the universe. In addition, the gravity of different worlds affected their body sizes, which varied between 50 centimeters and several meters tall. There were and are creatures in the universe, which were referred to as giants or titans on Earth. They also created descendents here. But they were eradicated because they were often very evil-minded and exercised tyranny.


The present races on Earth with different colored skin are the descendents of the different colored Plejaren ancestors that came from different star systems. Human beings on Earth did not descend from the monkey, as scientists have put forward. Plejaren ancestors, who mixed with earthly creatures, known as “Evas”, created them. This is a designation that means “the bearer”.


All earth races have a mission - 55.211-214

地球上所有的人種都有一項使命 - 55.211-214

Each human race on Earth must fulfill a mission. If they all finally recognize and acknowledge this truth, they will be able to accomplish it together. No race is preferred over another or considered less than any other race because everyone is in the same boat with the same difficulties and challenges to face. Those termed as the white race have no special mission and are not placed above any others.


Races - 70.27-28

人種 - 70.27-28

In ancient times, extraterrestrial races often visited Earth. They exiled their punished elements here, which were evil in their home worlds. But this lasted only a few millenniums and the Earth was left in calm once again for many millions of years. Life of all kinds on Earth developed in natural order except for the human-like creatures that resulted from the mixture of animals and the previous outcast humans.


8.2.1 3 special races

8.2.1 三個特殊的人種

3 special races - 9.151-158

三個特殊的人種 - 9.151-158

IHWH Arus, along with newly nominated guardian angels and sub-leaders, controlled three main races of the newly created human beings on Earth. These were the ancestors of those who settled in India, the Black Sea, and the gypsies who traveled in the South of the Mediterranean Ocean, known as the Hebrews.

IHWH Arus和那些被新任命的守護天使與副領導人們,控制在地球上新創造出的三大人種。三大人種是那些定居在印度、黑海以及遷徙在地中海南部的吉普賽人(被稱為希伯來人)他們的祖先。

8.2.2 Aryan race


Aryan race - 34.78-86

雅利安人種 - 34.78-86

When the Plejarens attempted to locate an entity by the name of Ashtar Sheran, they were only able to find traces of him that led to a certain place in Germany. It is at a very powerful secret organization known as “The Thule Society”. They use telepathic forces and have a great amount of knowledge about extraterrestrial technologies, events, and races. It is their goal to maintain and elevate the white race on Earth, which descended from the past Arus created race. Everything is screened by spiritual forces, which are difficult to penetrate.


History of the Aryan race (See section 6.1) - 70.19-179

雅利安種族的歷史(見第6.1節) - 70.19-179

8.2.3 Aztecs


Aztecs (Aztec God Quetzalcoatl) - 55.174-178

阿茲特克人(阿茲特克神 —— 羽蛇神) - 55.174-178

There is no relationship between the Plejaren Quetzal and the entity known as Quetzalcoatl. Quetzalcoatl was a very high officer or high supervisor of an extraterrestrial group, which was active in the region known today as Egypt. Because he was very knowledgeable and wise, he was often ordered on special missions. One such mission brought him to South America, where he was worshiped as a god by the Aztec people. He owned a small spaceship, which he could have used to strengthen this impression, but this was not his intention. However, after he met with another commissioner by the name of Huitzilopochtli, he changed his conduct. (See section 8.3.8)


8.2.4 Hebrews


Hebrews - 38.19-28

希伯來人 - 38.19-28

Arussem was a human extraterrestrial that was one of the most hungry for power. He created a splinter group with many thousands of followers from the peaceful group of Heaven’s Sons and sought to subject the Earth and its inhabitants for himself. His method for accomplishing this was through lying, deceiving, misleading, and by teaching wrongful cult heresies with religious lessons of his choosing. His followers were mainly the Gypsies of the Nile and the far surroundings of the Mediterranean and Red Seas. They became fanatical followers of his heresies and started to spread them. But the Hebrews, as they were called, later freed themselves from his command when he had to hand over his government to his follower by the name of Jehova. The Hebrews grew in number and chose themselves as the elected people with the right to form a world government, despite never having been a nation, but simply a gathering of lowly Gypsies comprised of many colors and races. Ever since then, they have behaved as pre-selected ones for the control of the Earth. They found a way to realize their desires through Kamagol I, who was the successor of Jehova. (See section 6.4.4)


Hebrews - 70.139-143

希伯來人 - 70.139-143

The third race of humans on Earth was an alliance of Gypsies that were interspersed with spies and saboteurs of Jahova, who caused dissention everywhere. They were always eager to rob, burn, and murder. For this reason, the ancient Plejaren forefathers called them Hebrews, Hebraons, and Hebrons. These are names mean Gypsies, Dregs of society, and outcasts because they constantly incited fights, and quarrels that continue to persist today. The present term for Gypsies is the wanderers, traveling people, and the unsettled ones. The present people that are known as Gypsies have nothing in common with the Hebraons who proclaimed themselves as the chosen ones, just as their descendants, the Jews of today, still pretend this. Peace on Earth will finally happen when the power hungry and murderous Hebraon race connection has become completely scattered.

人類在地球上的第三個人種是吉普賽人的聯盟,其中充斥著Jahova的間諜和破壞分子,因此總是造成意見不合。他們總是熱衷於燒、殺、擄、掠。就是這個原因,普雷亞人的祖先叫他們希伯來人、HebraonsHebrons。這些名字的意思是流浪的人、社會的人渣、被流放的人,因為他們不斷地煽動打架與爭吵並持續到今天。吉普賽人現代的意思是流浪者、旅行的人和居無定所的人。當今被稱為吉普賽人的人們,他們與自稱為神選之人的Hebraons毫無共同之處,就像他們的後代 —— 今天的猶太人 —— 還是自稱是如此。地球上的和平,只有在嗜權和兇殘的Hebraon人種的聯盟完全被打散,才有實現的一天。

8.2.5 Inca


Red-haired, tall, extraterrestrial-descendent Chanka - 52.31-38

紅髮、身材高挑的外星人後裔Chanka - 52.31-38

The Chanka Indians of Peru are tall, have red-hair, and are descendants of an extraterrestrial race. Their average height is 7 feet tall and they all retreated to a subterranean village 500 years ago, although they also live in huts above ground. Their lineage traces to the Incas and they kidnap white women.


8.2.6 Mongoles

8.2.6 蒙古人

Mongoles - 55.209-210

蒙古人 - 55.209-210

Semjase is unable to respond to a question regarding predictions of the Mongoles and their earthly government.


8.2.7 Sumerians


Sumerians - 70.130

蘇美人 - 70.130

Coming from the North, the son of Arus, Arus II, started a war and attacked the lands known today as India, Pakistan, Persia, etc. There, they met with the Sumerians, who were peace-loving. They fled and vanished far to the South and became a nation of European appearing people with dark skin and tall growth. They had risen from a race of Sirians who settled on the Earth 33,000 years ago. This was at the same time as the settlement of refugees from the Pleja System.


Sumerians - 70.172-173

蘇美人 - 70.172-173

Among the descendents of Arus, who had subjugated the lands to the North, there was a large number who preserved themselves as the Ausist until the time of Jehav. This was a group of 160,000 people who were called the Great Aryans because they still advocated the ideas of Arus I. They deserted the government of Jehav and wandered through the lands from Northwest to East, plundering as they went. They penetrated into the country where Arus II had settled with his people and expelled the Sumerians. But, the Aryans mingled with the lowly developed native people and forgot their actual origins.







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