Contact Report 486
• Contact Reports volume: 12 (Plejadisch-plejarische Kontakberichte, Gespräche, Block 12)
• Page number(s): 102, 103
• Date/time of contact: 486th Contact, Monday, January 11, 2010, 4:15pm
• Translator(s): Translated by Dyson Devine and Vivienne Legg
• Date of original translation: July 28th 2014
• Corrections and improvements made: N/A
• Contact person: Florena
This is an excerpt of the contact. It is an authorised and unofficial translation and may contain errors.
During correction work, you made a remark in regard to Quetzal and Ptaah. You said that you were instructed by them to explain something to me with respect to the beamship photos, our contacts and in accordance with the calumnies which appear again and again.
3. That is right, because Ptaah and Quetzal did not have the necessary time last Saturday for them to have been able to discuss these things with you, whereby they just now instructed me to.
4. This deals with the fact that even today, after more than 30 years of our contacts, malicious know-it-alls, critics and calumniators still cannot come to terms with the facts and with the truth that our contacts are real and also that your photographic material, which we instructed you to create, is genuine.
5. No matter how much evidence is provided regarding our contacts - for instance by witnesses of integrity who have seen our flying devices and have even seen some of us Plejaren ourselves, and have experienced things with you which have pointed clearly to our presence - all these things are maliciously and, as if they know better, criticised, whereby you are also slandered and accused of deception, of swindles and lies.
6. Since the beginning of the existence of our contacts and the release of your evidential materials starting from the year 1975, in this respect, again and again controversy has been triggered by malicious ones, by know-it-alls, critics and calumniators.
7. The truth of the contacts and the genuineness of the photographs and other materials were thereby called into question and malicious calumniators made accusations that they are deceptive and mendacious.
8. Recently, after such a long time, the attempt is now being made again by persons who are hateful and profoundly poor in intellect and rationality, as it is by Korff.
9. In his hatred of you, this man hurts himself, because in all the years of his efforts, with respect to his intrigues and calumnies against you, he was unable to accomplish anything.
10. So again he takes his hatred against you to start a new controversy, because in all the years he could not come to terms with never really being able to find something against you and against our contacts and against your photographic material, through which he would have been able to convict you of deception, of swindle and lies.
11. So, hatefully and in ridiculous ways, he fabricated impossible things, especially with regard to the photographic materials, which he cites as “proof” of his absurd claims and theories.
12. Thereto, according to Ptaah and Quetzal and from all of us who work together with them and discuss all necessary things with them, I now should advise that you and the Core Group members and passive members, as well as Michael Horn and others, in no further way ought to involve yourselves in any controversy in said form.
13. Also, in the correspondence as well as on the FIGU forums and with journalists and visitors, and so forth, the whole thing ought not to be gone into, and thus no questions relevant to controversy or other questions which are directed at calling the truth into question, are to be answered any more.
14. For the longest time, in the same way that evidence of the truth of our collective contacts has already been provided by many witnesses, as has the genuineness of your photos made of our beamships and various materials, which were given by Genesis III in the USA, to renowned scientific experts and institutions for scientific investigation and analysis and which proved that all the material corresponds to genuineness and that no counterfeits whatsoever are presented.
15. Also, the investigations on the sites and locations where the photos, and so forth, were made showed that all your data correspond to the truth and that no deception whatsoever is present.
16. This must finally be accepted. However, after all the evidence provided and after a time of more than 30 years, whoever - in regard to the presentation of evidence - still cannot accept this, is poor and paranoid in regard to intelligence and rationality.
17. Therefore, neither you, nor other members or friends and acquaintances, ought to react to further discriminatory machinations and questions, rather declare that the evidence of the genuineness and truth in regard to the contacts and photos, as well as other materials is sufficiently provided, consequently it is nonsensical to still continue to talk about it.
Ptaah has privately briefly indicated that already, but then he did not speak to me any further about it.
18. It is for that reason that I was instructed to do it.