Chapter 10 - SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (Part 1)
第十章 - 科學與技術
10.1 Astrology
10.1 星象學
Astrology - 54.95-98
星象學 - 54.95-98
Astrology is a science that traces back to the Plejaren ancestors and is still fostered today. But on Earth, it has lost its essential values and truths. The Plejarens practice Astrology the same way that it is done on Earth except with other planets and totally different perspectives. (See section 4.1)
Astrological signs & symbols, origin 12,000 years ago - 66.25-52
星象學的記號與符號,起源於1萬2,000 年前 - 66.25 52
The Plejaren forefathers expressed symbols for this solar system around 12,000 years ago, but they have changed several times and some have been completely lost in the run of time. However, somehow they have always returned in their original form as they do today. Each single symbol contains quite special characteristic values regarding a star. These symbols convert themselves into emissions that affect people by showing associated peculiarities in physical, psychical, and spiritual spheres.
All stars are important with time playing a dominant part. To obtain exact astrological values, the determining of time to the second, is of enormous importance. This is a factor that is unfortunately not regarded by earthly astrologers. Their evaluations are usually only determined in relation to minutes, which only leads to approximate results. Consequently, the horoscopes on Earth are not very exact. In only a few cases are they correct, which occurs when the number of seconds relates to the proper number of minutes. In respect to human beings, the moment when the top of the head begins to show is regarded as the time of birth. As soon as the top of the head becomes exposed, influences from the outside world are concentrated and penetrate through the top of the baby. The effective emissions of outer influences complete the whole and improve it. This means that the times of many births on Earth are incorrect. This has enormous meaning for every individual.
There is a special symbol for Erra as well as for all other stars. It is rather peculiar, as it is very similar to the symbols on Earth for the Sun and other planets. This is because the symbols for the stars trace back to the Plejaren forefathers, who created each of them according to the vibrations and emissions of each star and each single sign shows its level of evolution. This is valid as well for the Plejaren home planet of Erra, whose sign was combined from different old traditional symbols of their forefathers. This is also used on Earth for the planets of this solar system. The laying part of the symbol represents the balance between up and down and its harmony. This is different for other symbols of the solar system where balance does not exist with dominant negative or positive values.
10.2 Astronomy
10.2 天文學
Photos of Venus, the moon, Saturn & Jupiter - 39.P213-221
金星、月亮、土星和木星的照片 - 39.P213-221
Meier is permitted to visit the moon, Venus, Saturn, and Jupiter and take photographs from orbit. But, to take pictures of Venus, a source of light is needed there. Ptaah provides two special little ships with strong light generators for this purpose. However, Meier is asked to keep his pictures of Jupiter hidden because Earthly scientists could reach concepts from them, which would not be good for them. He is also told to only permit members of his group to see any pictures of Ptaah. This is because it is possible that Ptaah could walk on the Earth and does not want to be recognized.
10.2.1 Age of Earth and Sun
10.2.1 地球和太陽的年齡
Age of Earth - 51.71-78
地球的年齡 - 51.71-78
The Earth was formed into a gaseous state 646 billion years ago and then became solid 600 billion years ago.
Age of Sun, Earth, Jupiter & Saturn development - 57.94-97
太陽、地球、木星和土星發展的年代 - 57.94-97
The Earth is a planet of medium age at 646 billion years old since it first gathered into a ball. Other planets are much older and are slowly dissolving themselves away. Jupiter and Saturn were the first to develop themselves into planets. The Age of the Sun is 1 trillion, 730 billion years old. This is based upon when it first became a ball of matter.
Sun system - defined (Uranus, Jupiter & Saturn) - 61.77-93
“太陽星系”的定義(例如:天王星、木星和土星) - 61.77-93
A solar system is defined as a large body with smaller objects that rotate around it. The SOL System is called that because SOL is a central sun with a whole system of linked sub systems. Any large body with at least three smaller bodies rotating around it is called by the Plejarens, a sun. Such a central sun normally has a special name for all human forms of life. For example, Earth’s central sun is named SOL with names for the other smaller suns such as Jupiter, Saturn, and others. But SOL means that it refers to a central sun, which has several smaller sun systems rotating around it. All of the larger suns and other sub-suns are called sun systems because they have at least three smaller bodies rotating around them.
The central sun for this sun system is a great shining, radiating, and mothering star. But, Jupiter and Saturn are also suns. On Earth, they are referred to as planetary systems and a sun system has a central star, or SOL, with different planets revolving around it. The moons of the planets do not play any part in it. It is not important that Earthly astronomers and other scientists become excited by these differences. They do not understand the logic or conceive the sense of a higher language. They are unable to recognize the truth and cannot find it from this given information. They are unreasonable and balk and criticize all new matters because they want to be known as being better informed. Regarding the comet known as the Destroyer, it is considered to be a part of this sun system because its orbit is not able to reach other stars outside of this system. This is because other stars are too far away to affect its orbit.
10.2.2 Asteroid Belt-once a planet
10.2.2 小行星帶(曾是一顆行星)
Asteroid Belt-once a planet - 4.100-105
曾經是一個行星的小行星帶 - 4.100-105
Earthly humans should accommodate themselves to the fact that their forefathers once brought the Earth and all of mankind nearly to the brink of ruin and had to evacuate the Earth in wild flight. It should serve as a warning of how power-hungry and barbaric people can be harbingers of death and destruction. There was also a second race that experienced this madness in our solar system. In their limitless hate and incredible thirst for power, they destroyed themselves and their planet in a vast explosion. Nothing remained except for thousands of asteroids that still today circle the Sun. They are memorial stones of the deadly unreasonable actions of human creatures. They are the only remnants of a planet known as Malona that was once a marvelous and flourishing world. Their inhabitants destroyed it and themselves in an unreasonable and barbarous thirst for power.
Van-Allen Belt consists of electrons & protons - 35.P928-933
由電子和質子組成的范艾倫輻射帶 - 35.P928-933
The stratums around the Earth reach great heights. There is a stratum, which is being menaced, known as the “Van-Allen Belt”. This belt consists of electrons and protons that are caught in the Earth’s magnetic field. It has a very important function for the existence of life on Earth. There is damage to the ionosphere and the Van-Allen Belt that is being caused by atomic tests. The belt exists at an average height of 1,000 kilometers. The charged particles are in constant movement on spiral courses from pole to pole. The insides of the spiral patterns are decisively greater and of important meaning.
10.2.3 Black Hole
10.2.3 黑洞
Black Hole - 5.64-79
黑洞 - 5.64-79
Deep in unexplored space, in a sun system near the Milky Way Galaxy, a lone star floated far away from its normal course. It was a dark star and devoid of any life. It was very dangerous with its incalculable course that resulted from a huge eruption on its native sun that either caused damage to its encircling satellites or shot them out like dangerous missiles out into space. The sun itself then collapsed and tore a hole into the universe. Its matter was pressed by vast forces into another and became compressed into a small mass. The sun shriveled together, from a normal size of 11 million kilometers, down to only 4.2 kilometers. Its mass became so compressed that a single cubic centimeter weighed several thousand tons.
Since then, it floats as a dark gaping excavation in the cosmos. Everything from millions of kilometers around it is sucked into it. The dark star was seized by a neighboring solar system and encircled it in an incalculable course. It encircled the huge sun for many millenniums until it broke away in a catastrophe. But, it was still far away from other worlds with life and traveled through space as a wandering planet, still dark, dangerous, and deadly. Imperceptibly, its course became more and more narrowed and continuously increased its velocity. Then, it suddenly and unexpectedly fell into a narrow orbit around the sun and its planets. Like a gigantic monster, it rose from the black of space and unleashed its deadly destruction. (See section 10.2.8)
10.2.4 Centauri, Beta
10.2.4 半人馬座β
Proxima-Centauri, Alpha-Centauri, Beta-Centauri - 60.123-138
比鄰星、半人馬座α(南門二)、半人馬座β(馬腹一) - 60.123-138
In the Bernanrd system, only the Beta Centauri system can be seen from Earth. Beyond that, there is Alpha Centauri and then Proxima Centauri. Semjase has friends in all three systems from planets that rotate around these suns. Two of her dear friends are Athar and Kohun from Proxima-Centauri. They often come to Earth and make contact with a few people here. Their last important contact was with a man from Germany more than 50 years ago. He received permission to portray them in great detail. However, Semjase was surprised to discover that they were again painted psychically in the beginning of 1976.
10.2.5 Central Sun
10.2.5 中心太陽
Central Sun (See section 7.2.11) - 9.186-205
中心太陽(見第7.2.11節) - 9.186-205
System's rotation around galactic central sun - 51.95-97
圍繞銀河系中心太陽系統的旋轉 - 51.95-97
This solar system revolves around the galactic central sun every 25,860 years.
Milky Way galaxy central sun and all matter - 69.98-103
銀河系中心的太陽和所有的物質 - 69.98-103
The center of the Milky Way galaxy at the galactic central sun is 53,000 light years from Earth. The central sun consists of wild gaseous atoms in an unordered form inside a galactic storm. They constantly split one another, create new atomic compounds, and separate themselves in a spiral form from the center to the outer regions of the star in gigantic masses. They rotate around themselves with immense blaze and split themselves even further. They form themselves separately towards huge sphere-like formations that develop themselves into an accumulation of suns that rise in heaps. However, not every accumulation of this sort develops into real stars because many of them are too small in mass. These then become, in the run of billions of years, into very compact stars or planets, which will generate and support life. This is how Jupiter and Saturn were developed in this solar system.
10.2.6 Comets
10.2.6 彗星
Comets - some hurled through space - 4.43-49
彗星——橫掃太空的星體 - 4.43-49
Hyperspace is allowed to be broken open only very far in remote space because planets could be torn into it. Upon leaving hyperspace, these planets would then be hurled like missiles that could cause great damage and destruction. Some comets have been originated in this way, but very few. Most comets have been led toward their dangerous ways by natural events. The comets that have been created by recklessness exist throughout the whole universe. Such recklessness usually occurs when highly developed races perform their first hyperspace exercises too close to planets. Hyper-speed can only be initiated safely at a distance of at least 153 million kilometers from the nearest planet.
Comets, wandering planets & wandering stars - 29.44-68
彗星(流浪的行星與星體)- 29.44-68
This solar system has had many comets, planetoids, and traveling stars pass through it. Comets appear as different forms. They were once traveling planets or stars that were drawn by huge attracting forces of other stars and planets into orbits with them. Because of their courses and high velocity, they usually pass by and retire again. But, because of their close approach to a planet or star, their surfaces become liquefied and loose stuff. This often causes a very long tail to appear behind it. With the energies of nearby suns, the particles that are pushed away then become visible as a shining tail.
However, even empty space is not empty and it becomes animated when numerous particles and other things continuously rub against traveling planets, stars, and comets with illuminated tails. There are also fog-like comet bodies. Normally, comets encircle solar systems with far courses. These system comets usually develop near the sun with impressively long tails that can be many millions of kilometers long. Gigantic comets are very rare. Most comets are not visible to the naked eye. Only very large comets that come near are seen from the Earth. Average comets are often not anything more than small globular clouds of low light intensity without tails.
Fog-like comets are the most numerous with three main characteristics of a foggy corona, a core, and a tail. The forms of the corona can be very different and appear as elliptical, round, or twisted in any direction. The corona becomes lighter towards the insides and more compact in the central concentration. The core forms a strong illuminated area that embodies the essential comet, which can be between a few hundred meters in size to many thousands of kilometers. The whole diameter of the comet head, with the corona, often measures up to many hundred thousands or even millions of kilometers. Influenced by the type of comet, the tail consists of gas or dust particles or gas and dust particles together. Pure gaseous tails are kept together in much more narrow dimensions than dust tails, which only appear with larger comets and are very light while the gaseous tails are of low light intensity and very slim.
The system bound comets have very long and slim courses, which reach very far, in cosmic space. These courses can run so far that they run through systems, causing the way to be even longer. Because of this, these comets often need many decades before they return to their home system. But, comets that wander through several systems have revolution periods of many hundreds or even thousands of years. Like all planets, the course of comets is dependent upon the laws of gravitation and very rarely, do they alter their course. (See section 10.2.15)
10.2.7 Cosmos
10.2.7 宇宙
Cosmos - 8.4-24
宇宙 - 8.4-24
The principle of how matter originates is very ease, but it cannot be revealed at this time. Every kind of energy can be changed into solid matter. It is only necessary to bundle the energy strongly together in highly concentrated ways in order for it to be converted into solid matter. This causes the elementary components of solid matter to be generated as neutrons, protons, and electrons. From these subatomic particles are formed into atoms and then into a variety of chemical compounds, from which their 3 different aggregation states form the solid outer wrap of matter.
Solid energy, as well as original energy, is of equal value. This means that the original energy is absolute matter just as matter is absolute energy. Without exception, everything in the universe consists of matter or energy. Both terms of energy and matter represent basically one and the same in different forms as fine material and coarse-material. Coarse-material means matter and fine-material means energy. Matter is the embodiment of an idea. Matter is fine-material that is highly concentrated and condensed energy. Both forms can be generated.
Normally, they are generated quite naturally with spiritual forces, which are preceded by the idea of them. Basic for everything is the Creation, which is a huge spiritual factor that embodies the original energy. From it, rises an idea. The force of the spirit then condenses and concentrates the idea into fine-material energy. When this is concentrated even further, it becomes coarse-material matter. Everything within the whole universe is only an idea, which has been compressed and concentrated from fine-material and coarse-material. The Creation consists of an idea that has been condensed into the original spiritual energy. No more is known about this.
Universe defined - 10.83-88
宇宙的定義 - 10.83-88
The visible universe, with which humanity occupies, is only a small spot in this marvelous, unlimited spiritual existence of the Creation. There are millions of universes like this one within the infinite spiritual existence of the Creation. What is visible for the physical eyes of humanity represents only a little jot in infinity. What is not visible to the eyes is immeasurable, unconceivable, and unthinkable for the non-spiritual human intelligence of limited capacity. This universe is only one of many universes in universes, opposite to universes, and around universes within the original, powerful, and all-creating spiritual intelligence of existence of the Creation. With this huge spirit and these original forces of existence of the Creation, the spiritual intelligence is connected to humanity because this spiritual intelligence of Creation lives as the spirit in human beings and enlivens them.
"Ether" - a fine-substance that penetrates all - 61.167-168
“以太”—— 可穿透所有一切的細微物質 - 61.167-168
There is a material, fine substance that penetrates through everything existing, known as the “Ether”.