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Contact Report 329 (2002/8/3)   第329次接觸報告

接觸時間: 2002 8 3 日,星期六,上午 8 16

Synopsis    摘要

Billy and Ptaah discuss the fault of the natural disasters we are currently experiencing on Earth and how it will develop into the future. The wildfires of the USA was also discussed.

Billy Ptaah 討論到:由於我們人類的過失,導致地球上正在經歷自然災變,以及這一切在未來會如何發展。此外也討論到美國的森林火災。

This is a small excerpt of the entire contact.



... For years Quetzal's predictions have fulfilled themselves in respect to the natural catastrophes, as in regard to the violent forest fires in America, Europe, Australia and Russia now, but also relating to the monstrous storms with rain, hail, snow and floodwaters, hurricanes and volcanic eruptions. The prophecies also speak of this, and here I want to know how long that actually will still continue and whether the phrase "50% of all of it is the fault of the humans" is still right? And whether the rolling fires that presently blaze in America are identical with those named in the prophecies?

多年來,關於自然災害方面, Quetzal 的預測已自行實現了,如現在美國、歐洲、澳洲和俄羅斯方面的森林大火,同時還與滔天的暴風雨、冰雹、暴風雪與洪水、颶風和火山爆發有關。預言亦談到這一點,這裡我想知道實際上還要持續多久,那句「這一切的 50 %是人類的錯」還是否正確?至於那目前在美國滾燙燃燒的大火是否等同於那些在預言所提及的?


72. The percentage rate of fault attributed to the Earth human for all the catastrophes has remained the same since Quetzal's prophecies, however it will still climb somewhat in the future if the destruction of the environment is indeed not yet ordered to stop through effective reason.

對於所有災害,歸咎於地球人類過錯的百分比一直以來與 Quetzal 的預言是相同的,然而,這仍然會在未來稍微攀升,如果環境的破壞實際上尚未透過有效的理由下令停止的話。

73. But the time during which the the catastrophes still keep up, and even increase, runs yet far into the future.


74. The raging rolling fire in the USA in regard to the burning forests you have mentioned, corresponds, as a matter of fact, to the statements of the prophecies, yet they establish only a part of that there, because, in the more distant time, a still much worse fire will rage, that will move there across the United States and leads back to an origin of an act of war.


75. The storms over the entire world will degenerate to such an extent that from now on damage in billions of Swiss Francs will come about in world wide form and also many humans will lose their lives.


76. Naturally, also quiet pauses will also occur between, yet these would only be what you call the calm before the storm.



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