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Contact Report 311 (2001/9/13)   第311次接觸報告

接觸時間: 2001 9 13 日,星期四,上午 7 28

Synopsis    提要

Ptaah and Billy discuss the Nommo and Samanet. The Plejaren have not heard of the Nommo people and the Samanet are a people that originate from the constellation Sirius but in completely different space-time configuration to ours and that of the genetical manipulators.

Ptaah Billy 討論 Nommo Samanet 種族。 Plejaren 沒有聽說過 Nommo 種族,而 Samanet 則是一個來自天狼星群的種族,但在與我們以及那些 基因操縱者 完全不同的時空結構中。


Today, you’re here early again, my friend. Nice greetings to the new day.



1. Be greeted, Eduard, dear friend.

歡迎, Eduard ,親愛的朋友。

2. Yes, you are right, but I need the explanations that you’ve prepared for us.



Unfortunately, I am not yet finished with them. But if you’re patient, then I will be finished in about 10-15 minutes. Sit down, please.

不幸的是,我還沒有完成。但是,如果你有耐心,那麼我會在 10-15 分鐘左右完成。請坐。


3. Thanks.


4. I will wait.



So then…

那麼 ......

Here, this is all the material. It didn’t take long. As I see, you’ve brought along a few things again.



5. That’s right, but this time, it isn’t so urgent.


6. Thus, you can allow yourself some time.



I’m glad about that. Thanks. Then I would immediately like to ask you some questions: since you’ve catapulted the Destroyer from the SOL system a fairly long time ago, or in some way removed it, the prophecies associated with it are probably no longer relevant, right?

對此我很高興。謝謝。那麼我想立即問你幾條問題:自從你們在相當長一段時間以前把 毀滅者 從太陽系彈開,或以某種方式移除了它,與之相關的預言可能不再適用,對吧?


7. That is true; your acceptance is right.



With this, some other things should also probably remove themselves from the realm of the prophecies, just in terms of the fact that they existed in connection with the Destroyer. This is well-understood, so it’s not a question but rather an observation; after all, quite a few things were linked with the disappearance of the Destroyer, which will now, fortunately, no longer appear. For this, the Earth people would actually have to express to you their thanks.



8. That isn't a need for us because ultimately, our most distant ancestors were responsible for the fact that the traveler could penetrate into this space-time configuration and could arrive into the SOL system, for at that time, they didn’t have their dimension gate under control.



Of course, one can also look at it in such a way. – Here is another question. Regarding the Sirians who at that time presented Sfath with their pear-shaped space ship: did that concern a people who, here on the Earth, is called "Nommo", and did those who provided the gift belong to the genetic manipulators?

當然,人們也能夠以這樣的方式看待它。 —— 這裡是另一個問題。關於那個時候贈送他們的梨形太空飛船予 Sfath 的天狼星人:這是否與一個族種有關,他們在地球上,被稱為「 Nommo 」,而且這些人是否提供了屬於那些 基因操縱者 的禮物?


9. A people called "Nommo" is unknown to us, and indeed in our space-time configuration as well as in yours.

一個稱為「 Nommo 」的種族對我們而言,實際上在我們的時空結構以及你們的都是未知的。

10. My father Sfath received his flying device as a gift from a Sirian people who are called Samanet.

我的父親 Sfath 收到他的飛行設備作為禮物,來自一個稱為 Samanet 的天狼星種族。


Did these people have something to do with the genetic manipulators?



11. No, that is not the case.


12. With the Samanet people it deals with a people who live in a space-time configuration which is not identical with that in which the genetic manipulators live.

關於 Samanet 種族,這和一個種族有關,他們生活在一個與基因操縱者生活的那個不盡相同的時空結構內。


Does it deal then with our space-time configuration?



13. No, that is not the case.



Then, in 1976 Semjase, your daughter, also did not speak of two solar systems of the planets of Sirius in our space time configuration, rather of a completely different one?

那麼,在 1976 Semjase ,你的女兒,也沒有提及在我們時空結構的天狼星行星的兩個太陽系,不如說是完全不同的一個?


14. Certainly.


15. We always only speak of the constellations known to you in your space-time configuration in order to show, in terms of direction, approximately what the talk is about in regard to the space-time configuration spoken about by us.



Aha, and how does it stand then with that in regard to inhabited systems in our space-time configuration?



16. Then we also do not speak of another space-time configuration or of other dimensions.



That's clear. Understood. - I assume that those who were genetically manipulated also have nothing to do with the Samanet?

這很清楚。明白了。 —— 認為,那些基因上被操縱的人亦與 Samanet 無關?


17. That corresponds to the situation.


18. The Samanet are quite normal humans who have not been genetically manipulated.

Samanet 是很正常的人類,他們沒有在基因上被操縱過。


Those who were genetically manipulated, who came into the solar system together with the refugees from the ranks of the genetic manipulators, and therefore with the sympathisers of the genetically manipulated ones, were the descendants of those who had been genetically manipulated as well as descendents of those who did the genetic manipulations, or?



19. That is correct.


20. The genetically manipulated descendents were descended from the eigth generation, as were the descendents of the genetic manipulators.



That's all clear. Now I want to ask you about Jmmanuel's burial cave. You and Quetzal explained to me that the hill and the tomb cave had collapsed outside of Jerusalem, which I then also told to Michael Hesemann. He then went to Jerusalem and actually found no tomb cave, even though there had been several, as I myself had seen onsite and I myself had poked around in Jmmanuel’s tomb cave. The hill, in which the tomb caves were, had actually collapsed and was completely laid waste, for not one stone remained on another. Can you tell me what exactly happened there?

這一切都清楚了。現在我想問你有關 Jmmanuel (以馬內利)的埋葬洞穴。你和 Quetzal 向我解釋過,說那丘陵和墓穴已經在耶路撒冷外倒塌了,然後我也告訴了 Michael Hesemann 。他隨後去了耶路撒冷,並居然沒有發現墓穴,雖然那裡曾有過一些,因為我自己曾經在現場看過,而且我自己曾在 Jmmanuel 的墓穴閑逛過。那丘陵,其中的墓穴,實際上已倒塌並完全荒廢,因為已沒有一塊石頭殘留在另一塊上了。你可否告訴我那裡到底發生了什麼呢?


21. This was, in part, already explained to you, in that we led the whole venture and brought the tomb cave to its collapse, in order to keep it from becoming a new cult place when the “Talmud Jmmanuel” is spread across the Earth and, from this, it should arise that the tomb cave would be sought and found.

這件事,在某種程度上,已經給你解釋過,此事上我們引導了全部的風險並使墓穴倒塌,為了防止它成為一個新的狂熱崇拜地點,當「 Talmud Jmmanuel (註:以馬內利的教誨) 被傳遍地球之時,由此,這就應該發生,該墓穴將會被尋找並找到。

22. With this, our interest and our duty would have actually been extinguished and would have been fulfilled, if a few things wouldn’t have still arisen in addition.


23. Somehow, certain Israeli forces and interested forces of the “Talmud Jmmanuel,” who were at the tomb hill, must have learned of this, so they tried to do the rest, to destroy finally all traces and evidence of Jmmanuel’s tomb cave.

不知何故,某些以色列部隊和對「 Talmud Jmmanuel 」感興趣的部隊,那些以陵墓為目標的人,一定已得知這一點,所以他們試圖完成餘下的,最終摧毀所有的痕跡和 Jmmanuel 墓穴的證據。

24. Consequently, they blew up the entire tomb hill, by what means everything finally collapsed and fell down.



Thanks for the explanation. Now I would like to ask you if you know something about a flying object of larger size, which was in the area of Breithorn in the Bernese Highlands, and to be sure, on the 11th of August, 2001, approximately between 3:00 PM and 4:00 PM?

感謝解釋。現在我想問問你,如果你知道一些一架尺寸較大的飛行物體的話,它在伯恩高地的布來特峰( Breithorn ),可以肯定,在 2001 8 11 日,大約下午 3:00 和下午 4:00 之間?


25. That was actually the case.


26. It was one of the larger aircraft of the Druans, who have joined our Federation and who are, at the present time, in the earthly airspace.

它是 Druans 其中一架較大的飛行器,他們已加入了我們的聯盟,而且他們目前在地球的領空內。

27. At the time mentioned by you, they were on an observation flight, and they were particularly interested in the numerous hang gliders who were just circling around there.


28. But why do you ask, and how do you know about this?



It’s quite simple; Freddy was, precisely at that time, near the Breithorn area on vacation and was able to photograph the Druan ship.

這很簡單; Freddy 那個時候正在 Breithorn 地區附近度假,並得以拍攝到 Druan 飛船。

(註: Nol 星系的 Druan 行星,是 Plejaren 聯邦的成員。)


29. I didn’t know that.


30. Evidently, the Druans didn’t protect themselves from view, or else they deliberately opened their view protection screen toward the direction of Freddy, so that he could capture the aircraft on the film.

由此可見, Druans 沒有保護自己以避免被看見,不然,他們特意向著 Freddy 的方向打開自己的可視保護屏,這樣他就可以把飛行器捕捉到底片上。

31. That would be quite possible, for they knew, as a result of our information, that Freddy was in the Bernese Highlands on vacation.

這相當有可能,因為由於我們的資料,他們知道 Freddy 正在伯恩高地度假。

32. Anyway, I will ask.


33. Also, the Druans were urged, in accordance with our and the High Council’s decision, to make themselves visible to the group members if the opportunity should arise for it.

此外, Druans 受到敦促,按照我們最高議會的決定,如果機會出現,使他們自己被小組成員看見。

34. So it is possible that they made themselves visible for the purpose of photographing.


35. But if that was so, then surely only to Freddy’s camera.

但如果是這樣的話,那麼可以肯定只會對著 Freddy 的鏡頭。

36. I will clarify it.


* * * * * * * * * *

A Druan Ship
一艘 Druan 飛船

by Freddy Kropf, Switzerland
由瑞士 Freddy Kropf 拍攝

In August of 2001, I spent a week’s vacation, together with my parents. For four days, we traveled in the Bernese Highlands, where we lodged in a vacation cottage, in order to undertake several excursions from there. On the 15th of August, we took a tour on the Niesen, a famous mountain in the Bernese Highlands, with a height of 2,362 meters above sea level. As usual, I had my photo camera, equipped with a 500mm telephoto lens. Because I really liked the mountain panorama, I took some pictures, first of all without the telephoto lens, then later with this. Specifically, I took photographs of Mönch, Jungfrau, and Breithorn, also well-known mountains in the Bernese Highlands. Then, somehow, the Breithorn fascinated me, and I couldn’t say why. Then, it somehow moved me to take another telephoto, during the time between 3:00 PM and 4:00 PM.

2001 8 月, 我渡了一個星期的休假,與我的父母一起。我們在伯恩高地花了四天旅行,在那裡我們住在一間度假小屋,以便從那裡進行一些短途旅行。在 8 15 日,我們前往 Niesen ,伯恩高地一座著名的山,有 2,362 米海拔高。像往常一樣,我帶著我的相機,配備了 500mm 的長焦鏡頭。因為我真的很喜歡山的全景,所以我拍了一些照片,首先沒用長焦鏡頭,然後再用上。具體來說,我拍了 Mönch Jungfrau Breithorn ,在伯恩高地也是著名的山。然後,不知何故, Breithorn 讓我著迷,我也說不清楚為什麼。然後,它在某種程度上驅使我拍了另一張照片,在下午 3:00 和下午 4:00 之間的時間。

Days later, I was back in the Center and showed the pictures to Billy, after I had seen on one of the pictures two different unidentifiable objects in the sky behind the Breithorn. So I asked what these could be, upon which Billy told me to go with him to his office, where we examined the negative under an electronic magnifying device. Then, on the enlargement, it was clearly seen that it was a Druan ship, so a space-competent, interplanetary beamship.

幾天後,我又回到了中心並把照片展示給 Billy 看,在我看到其中一張照片裡 Breithorn 背後的天空上有兩個不同的無法識別的物體後。所以我問這些有可能是什麼,於是 Billy 叫我和他一起去了他的辦公室,在那裡我們在一具電子放大裝置下檢查了負片。然後,在放大時,清楚地看到,這是一艘 Druan 飛船,一艘具有太空能力的星際光船。

Photo of a Druan Ship
一艘 Druan 飛船的照片

Photo of a Druan Ship enlarged
一艘 Druan 飛船放大的照片

In a later contact of Billy with Ptaah, our supposition and cognition were confirmed, for at that same time, the Druans were actually at the place mentioned, for the observation of certain things. It’s still to be said that the second object, which was visible on the same image, was clearly a hang glider, who circled about, along with others, in the sky, as the enlargement proved.

Billy Ptaah 稍後的一次接觸中,我們的假設和認知得到證實,因為在同一時間, Druans 實際上在所提及的地方,為了某些事情的觀察。還可以說這另一個物體,在同一張圖像上可見,顯然是一個懸掛式滑翔機運動員,他在盤旋,與其他人在一起,在天空中,如放大所證明一樣。

* * * * * * * * * *


Good, thanks. Then again a question of a related nature: from the Center’s garage, at about 10:50 PM on the 18th of August of this year, Barbara and some others observed a threefold formation of flying and luminous objects, which passed by, high above, at a leisurely pace. Do you know something about this?

很好,謝謝。那麼再有一個相關性質的問題:從中心的車庫,在今年 8 18 日約下午 10:50 Barbara 和其他一些人觀察到一隊飛行的三重編隊和發光物體,它們經過,在高空上,從容不迫。你對此有所了解嗎?


37. At that time, the Druans were in your area with several of their aircraft, but I don’t know whether the observed objects were those of the Druans.

當時, Druans 有幾艘他們的飛行器在你們的區域,但我不知道目擊到的物體是否那些 Druans

38. The possibility exists, however.


39. But now, dear friend, I have to pursue my duties again, if you have no other question.



But I do, my friend. Marcel, you already know whom I mean. He is very badly ill.

但我有,我的朋友。 Marcel ,我的意思是你已經知道是誰。他病得非常厲害。


40. I know.


41. You asked me, yes, to clarify what his illness will bring for him.


42. Unfortunately, I cannot bring you good news, for his chances are very bad and there is as good as no hope for improvement.


43. His departure from this world is only a matter of time, and this is very shortly measured, for he will…

他從這個世界離去只是時間的問題,而且按照判斷很快,因為他就會 ……


Go the way that all dear and good friends go…

走所有親朋好友走的路 ……


44. You yourself know very well that this is the course of life.



I know – also that one cannot change it. And if the person could change this, then he would become cocky, autocratic, and discontented, and moreover, he would oppress and terrorize his fellow humans even more.

我知道 —— 同時,這點無法改變。如果人可以改變這一點,那麼他將會變得 趾高氣揚、獨斷專行和不滿足,並且,他甚至會更多地壓迫和恐嚇他的同胞人類。


45. With that, you speak a true word.



Since we’re already talking about terrorizing: What do you think of the terrorism that has happened in America? I knew nothing of the fact that it happens.


(註:接觸日期是 911 兩天後)


46. You’ve pushed it out of your memory, for Quetzal informed you of this in the middle of the eighties, as a result of a look into the future.

你已經把它從你的記憶中逐出,因為 Quetzal 告訴過你這點,在 80 年代中期,作為一個展望未來的結果。

47. However, it is good if you repress such knowledge once you’ve processed it; then, you won’t be burdened by it.


48. What I think of that which has happened in America, I would now like to state it as follows:


49. He who plays with fire burns his own hands, and he who sows violence will also reap violence again.



That is an old proverb that we use here on the Earth. And precisely in this sense, I have also written some bulletin questions for October’s issue.



50. The aforementioned proverb comes from your vocabulary.


51. And these words should actually be sufficient to represent the facts clearly.


52. But unfortunately, no reason with those concerned and the rest of humanity will emerge from all of the horrible events because new and even worse hatred as well as blood-demanding retribution are already preprogrammed.


53. So the one leads to the other, and the reciprocal terrorism increases more and more, from which eradication and destruction ultimately arise.



In this sense, I also wrote my bulletin answers. But it will be the case that these won’t reach the people, and the senselessness as well as the hatred and vindictiveness and retaliatory thoughts will continue to rage. My words probably won’t be more than a banal attempt to rouse the people to give reverence and love to dignity, as human beings. Everything will seem so banal, even if, perhaps, a handful of actual thinkers gives respect to my words and takes these to heart.



54. So it will be, unfortunately.


55. But now, dear friend Eduard, I really must give my attention to my duties.

但現在,親愛的朋友 Eduard ,我必須把我的注意力放在我的職責上。

56. Farewell.



Until we meet again. – Ah, one more moment, please. Recently, I received the photos from _______, the Pirgler. In addition, I must already say that these turned out quite fantastically well. For my part, I never had the opportunity to be able to take such good night pictures of one of your beamships. Nevertheless, I am glad that also someone else could once take good pictures. Unfortunately, you are always reserved in such a way that you can only be seen by our group members from a far distance; consequently, the resulting photos then accordingly turn out in such a way that they only show your ships through multiple magnifications.

直到我們再次見面。 —— 啊,再多一會兒,勞駕。最近,我從 ____ Pirgler 那收到一些照片。此外,我必須說這些完成得相當地好。對我而言,我從來沒有機會能夠把你們其中一艘光船拍成這麼好的夜照。不過,我很高興,也有別人可以拍到好照片。不幸的是,你們總是以這樣一種方式保留,我們的小組成員只能夠從一段遙遠的距離看到你們;因此,所得到的照片隨後相應地以這樣的方式完成,它們只能透過多倍放大才能顯示出你們的飛船。


57. The group members also need no proofs of our existence, for they also know about our existence without these.


58. And so, when we make ourselves visible to them or when we allow them to photograph our aircraft, we don’t do this for reasons of proof, like for the man _______, who only uses his shots for his own personal proof and, therefore, doesn’t submit these to other people for inspection.

所以,當我們使自己可被他們看見或當我們讓他們拍攝我們的飛行器時,我們這麼做並不是為了證明,就像那名男子 _____ ,他只是為了他個人的證據使用他的鏡頭,因此,沒有交予這些給其他人進行檢查。

59. Thus, the fact that he got in touch with you and left you his shots only came about because I asked him to do so subconsciously, through telepathic impulses.



Oh, so that’s the case. Thanks for your efforts. – By the way, I am also to pay you the thanks of the man. He was tremendously pleased that he could remove his doubts and that he was allowed to learn the truth, which only became possible for him through his observation and through his photos. At first, he thought, so he told me, that he had succumbed to an illusion when he saw the light phenomenon of the ship. The real insight and recognition first came to him when he had the photo proof in his hands. That’s what I still wanted to discuss. Then now, until we meet again.

哦,這麼說的話。感謝你的努力。 —— 順便說一句,我也給那男子道向你道 謝。他極其高興,他能夠消除他的疑慮,而且他得以了解真相,這只有透過他的目擊和透過他的照片才變得可能。最初,他想,所以他告訴我,當他看到飛船的發光現像,他曾屈服於一種錯覺。真正的洞察力和認知首次向他走來,當他在他手上得到照片證據時。這就是我仍然希望討論的原因。那麼現在,直至我們再見。


60. You are very modest, dear friend


61. Although the man could take better shots at night, you preserve no thought that we should also offer you the opportunity for such photos


62. Your thoughts and feelings are completely free of such desires.



Why should I preserve such? It was just to be noted that the pictures of the man are very much better than what I myself could ever make at night. Therefore, I am, in fact, not jealous, but on the contrary, I am very glad that someone other than me could also take good pictures. It is really a great joy to me.



63. This can also be heard from your voice.


64. Then now, until we meet again, my dear friend.


65. Once you have completed the work for us, then call me.


66. If you can’t reach me, then Florena is available to you.

如果你無法找到我,你可以找 Florena

67. Salome.





(註: Salome 即古天琴星的「和平」之意)


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