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Contact Report 072第072次接觸報告

接觸時間:19770203日,星期四,00 07


最初英譯:20140731日,星期Larry Driscoll

改進版本:N/ACatherine Mossman, Joseph Darmanin

中譯版本:20230620日,星期DeepL Translator, ChatGPT, James Hsu


這次接觸發生的時間是在 Billy正好 40 歲的當天;這是自從第一次接觸以來,成為每年的“默契”(除非當天有不得已狀況,每年生日當天必定與他會面),可見 Plejaren 重視情感與的人性的一面。

而在這次會面中,除了討論到如何選擇“建立「Semjase 銀星中心」(SSSCSemjase Silver Star Centre)適當地點”的重要話題;還透漏了有關Billy 為首的「銀星中心」一些小組成員他們的再次轉世投胎reincarnation)的天機訊息。非常匪夷所思

最引人注意的是:Semjase 透漏了 Billy 將在大約八百年後重新投胎轉世,而再度成為「中心」的核心人物;只是確切的轉世時間與地點不能公布。這在在都顯示要讓地球人類普遍接受 FIGU 組織與 Billy 的核心信念,還真是漫漫路遙啊


Semjase and Billy discuss the areas of Switzerland which may be damaged by earthquakes or destroyed by a future nuclear war that was foretold in ancient prophecies (probably the Henoch Prophecies) and where the best location to build what will later be known as the Semjase Silver Star Centre. They also discuss the future reincarnation of FIGU members and non-member helpers near the Semjase Silver Star Centre.

Semjase Billy 討論瑞士國土中,可能會因地震造成破壞或由遠古預言到可能被未來的核戰摧毀的地區(可能是 Henoch 預言),並選在最佳位置建設一個「Semjase 銀星中心」Semjase Silver Star Centre。他們還討論一些 FIGU 會員未來輪迴的情況,以及「Semjase 銀星中心」附近的一些非會員的助手。

This is the entire contact report. It is an official and authorised English translation and may contain errors. Please note that all errors and mistakes etc. will continuously be corrected, depending on the available time of the involved persons (as contracted with Billy/FIGU). Therefore, do not copy-paste and publish this version elsewhere, because any improvement and correction will occur HERE in this version!



1. You are forty years old today, for which I and all of us offer the best wishes to you.



Thank you. However, I am not here for that reason. Here, I have brought with me a new map of Switzerland, you know, in order to mark in the earthquake zones.



2. I want to remind you today about this because time begins to press.


3. You must yourself slowly try to endeavour to find a suitable place where you can secure yourselves.


4. Already in 1975 I spoke about a suitable centre for you about which you must now seek for yourselves.

早在 1975 年我曾談到一個合適作為中心的地點,現在你們必須自己去找。

5. Look here in this screen, these delineations; render them on to your map while we talk to one another.


6. Here, this zone contains the mountain block, which is suitable for a settlement, if you do not settle yourselves here in these shaded zones.


7. These here, mark them as primary zones, because in the future they are extremely strongly at risk of severe earth shaking changes, while here, these secondary zones are those into which you are not allowed to settle.


8. Here, this is a volcano region, and the zone here around it is severely endangered in the future if the volcano again awakens to activity, which is to say, will certainly not occur very soon.


9. You should absolutely avoid his long-stretching zone here, because this, like nearly all flat land in the north of Switzerland, will be destroyed by possible later atomic fire during war actions, if the ancient prophecies should be fulfilled, which however is to hope that this does not happen.


10. There in the north, here in the west and there in the south and in the middle-land are the most secure zones for you, as well as for the future.


11. Do settle somewhere down there and then build a centre.


12. The most secure location, which you can choose, lies here between both of these secondary quake zones and this volcano zone, although however you have to remain in this narrow channel between these zones.


13. Here, this is also the location, which is predestined for the centre and where also a suitable building and necessary grounds exists, as you indeed already know for years.


[中譯者註:以下附圖在原文(德文與英文)版中是在 Semjase 陳述的第 15 句之後,譯者認為移到此處較為適宜,請讀者先進指教。]


Areas of Switzerland that may be destroyed by a nuclear war.
"Erdbebenplan = Earthquake plan", "Starke Beben = Strong quakes",
"Leichtere Beben = Lighter Quakes".

“Erdbebenplan =
地震平面圖 “Zone I = Starke Beben = 主要地震帶
“Zone II = Leichtere Beben =


You speak very easily about this, because this means huge difficulties for us. First is the problem of the object and the site which we rst must nd, and second then the problem of the finances. The suitable object might in fact surely cost up to 500 000 francs, and from where we should get hold of this capital, this is a riddle to me.

這事妳說的容易,但這對我們而言卻是個大麻煩。第一個問題,我們必須先找到目標的地點,而第二個是財務問題。合適的地方可能要花費高達 50 萬法郎,從現在起,我們就要去籌措這筆資金,對我而言,這是一個傷腦筋的事(riddle)。


14. Reasoning will smooth the path for you, and besides we will also be sending out reason bearing impulses to all of those, who decisively want to take part in this, in order to take care of the financial matter.


15. We will be sending out impulses of truth, from which they will quite correctly recognize the truth and the necessity of the undertaking.



Only then if this turns out well.



16. There will be no coercion wielded because all, through their own reasoning and their own wills, have to make the decision.


17. Furthermore every individual works for his own evolution, not just in this life but already for the next rebirths as well.


18. Many of your group will nd their next incarnations as new personalities in the centre as built by you, which will be steered with our and your own help as well as by the centre built by you, for which we will give you the instructions.


19. Also, we will monitor the building of the centre into appropriate form, give you detailed instructions and stand by your side with good advice.



You speak calmly about great things, girl. Am I allowed at least to know, who will have the next incarnations in the centre, and in what period?



20. Surely, I can mention some to you.


21. Some of the present group will spend an extremely short time in the beyond area, before they come to the centre and join into the group as other personalities through a rebirth into physical form.


22. The first of the present members will again incarnate as another person into the group between the years 2012 and 2025, others between 2033 and 2036, and the rest between the years 2045 and 2072, always assuming that everything fulfils itself.

第一批現有的組員,將在 2012 2025 年間再次轉世為另一些人重新加入小組而另一些將在 2033 2036 年間,其餘的人將在 2045 2072 年之間,前提是一切的事情都能按部就班進行。

23. The reason for this rapid succession, is that the work is not allowed to lie fallow and must be continued forward so that the knowledge, despite all coming confusion and maliciousness, slowly spreads over your world, because only as a result will those of the enormously further growing humanity grasp the knowledge and be guided onto the path of true evolution.


24. Moreover, the tasks of the individuals are very different and often hardly they themselves recognize them.


25. However, they are important and far reaching, as in the future as already in the present as well, even if the individual is still not able to recognize this, as I already said.



However, you leave out the names of those, who incarnate again so soon. Yet, you said, that you are allowed to mention some names.



26. Surely, despite a desertion of the group and the mission and despite nasty betrayal among others, the first will be Olga, Amata, Claire and Elsa, who again will incarnate as female life forms, if all is actually fulfilled, which however partly is in question.

當然,儘管對小組的任務曾有過遺棄,儘管在彼此間曾有過惡意的背叛,她們第一批有OlgaAmataClaire Elsa,如果所有都真實應驗,她們都將再次轉世為女性,不過部分會有問題。

27. Their names and personalities however, as you know, will no longer be the same, but such of a special type, which today on Earth would sound strange and which I am not officially allowed to mention.


28. So however it will also be with all of the others, with Engelbert who again will appear as a male life form between 2053 and 2066, when at the same also Margareth will incarnate as male life form, as well as also Herbert, however always assuming that everything fulfils itself, and then as new personalities.

而還有全部其它的,像是Engelbert 會於 2053 2066 年之間再次轉世為男性,而Margareth 也將同樣轉世為男性,還有Herbert,但前提是一切都順其自然,而他們也會有新的人格特質。

29. Between 2065 and 2072 then Jacobus, Marcel, Kalliope, Conrad, Hans, Paula and Pauli appear again in addition to several further persons, whose names are unknown to you, who however in the course of the near future and next few years will still come to meet you.

2065 2072 年之間,還有JacobusMarcelKalliopeConrad Hans Paula Pauli 將再次轉世,還有幾個人的名字你沒聽過,但他們在不久的將來和未來幾年還是會來見你。

30. Also, leaving and betrayal committing group members are also in the next life with new personalities, not to be ruled out and who again will confront the group and the mission, if all finds its correction, which however is often in question.



This is really quite interesting. However, you state nothing about my littleness, which will certainly be of interest to all.



31. But you know of this.



Of course, but it would be more interesting, if you explained it.



32. You know, that regarding this I am not officially allowed to explain everything.



I know this, but can you at least tell, just what you are allowed to explain.



33. Surely, you know, how and at what point in time, you will depart from all others unexpectedly and unassumingly from the worldly living area, and you know it is not allowed to be spoken about this.


34. However, so also it is not allowed to be explained at what point in time you will appear again.


35. This precaution rests in the knowledge that an idol would be made of you if the dates would come to be known.


36. It is only allowed to be known, that you will again be, in around 800 years, the centre point of your innermost group, as this already existed in earlier times on various occasions and also exists today.

只能透漏的是:你將在大約 800 年後,會再次成為你核心小組成員的中心人物,就像目前乃至於在此之前各種不同場合的狀況一樣。

37. As you however have already explained in earlier times you wanted your mission to be fulfilled up to the end, consequently you, respectively, your spirit form for the next few millennia cannot once again stay away prolonged years in the beyond area, but in rapid form repeatedly at various locations on Earth you incarnate, resp., it incarnates, in order to fulfil tasks with other people and races of your world, whereby you certainly as new personality also will appear again in contact with your now existing group, which indeed will further spread itself.


38. The dates of these contact happenings and of your rebirth I am not allowed to mention, as you know.


39. The members belonging to your group will recognize you with each appearance, as well as these themselves amongst one another.


40. Certain precautions should also be taken about this, which I will give you later, however which are not officially allowed to be known.


41. I am not allowed to explain more in official form and likewise not are you, outside of your closest group circle, even if you want to.



I know this. Thanks for your information. Now however still a further question in connection to this: There are quite many, who belong loosely to our group, our descendants as well, what about them?



42. All of your descendants come again sooner or later to the group, partly already by the year 2067, because some will already soon leave this world, in order to undertake certain tasks with rebirths as new personalities after a really short absence.

你們所有的後代遲早會再來到這個小組,部分人在 2067 年就會到來,因為有些人很快就會離開這個世界,為了承擔某些任務​​,其中一些人將活得非常短暫,以重生為一些新的人物。

43. The still looser members belonging to the group, as you call them, will incarnate again on different occasions already by the year 2065, partly in your centre, yet the majority outside, such however that they first will come to the group, only after they have become independent.

有些與小組關聯不是十分緊密的組員,也就是間接成員,將會在 2065 年左右再次轉世在不同地方,部分人會在你的中心工作,但多數人是在外圍工作,然而他們會先參與小組工作,直到他們可以獨立工作而離開。


This should be enough information. So, now I am finished with the marking in. Is it correct?



44. Surely, only you should draw in later all of these zones according to their value separately on suitable maps.



Okay, I will do this. However, now a question: Harald is with Jacobus, as I indeed have already said to you, before you landed. Can you when flying away perhaps once again allow them to hear the sound of the ship?

好吧,我會去做這個。然而,現在有個問題:Harald Jacobus 在一起,在妳降落前,我已經對妳說過,妳在飛離開時,能否再一次讓他們聽到妳飛船的聲音?


45. Surely.



Good, thank you. But — how is it with him concerning the incarnation? Also Dolfi, Helga, Mara and Martin would interest me. Renato and Mariella as well.

好,謝謝妳。但是 —— 有關他的轉世又是如何呢?此外 DolfiHelgaMara Martin 也引起我的興趣,還有 Renato Mariella 也是。


46. Mariella and Helga will again be female life forms and incarnate between 2068 and 2071.

Mariella Helga 2068 年和 2071 年之間將再次轉世為女性。

47. Mara changes to a male life form, while Martin, Dolfi and Renato retain their gender.

Mara則會轉世為男性,而 MartinDolfi Renato 會保留他們原來的性別。

48. They all appear again as new personalities first after the year 2110, as in fact also all of the others.

他們都會在 2110 年後再次以新的人格出現,在這方面,其他所有的人也是如此。


Aha, and where will they see again the light of the world?

啊哈,他們又將在哪裡重見天日(the light of the world)呢?


49. Mariella and Helga will under certain circumstances be in the centre, while all of the others are to be outside of it, but will eventually come to the group, although some of them will be born thousands of kilometres away.

Mariella Helga 在某些情況下會在「中心」,而其他所有人都會在它的外面,雖然其中一些人將誕生在數千公里之外,但最終還是會來到小組。


Thanks for the information. There would then still be Pleja and Guido, what about them?

感謝妳的訊息。但還有 Pleja Guido,他們會怎麼樣呢?


50. — Are you thinking here about Anke?

這裡你在考慮Anke 嗎?





51. Both will be born outside of the centre, the girl after the year 2090 and the man after the year 2081, after which he then again finds the final path to the group.

雙方將在「中心」外出生,女孩在 2090 年後,而男孩是在 2081 年後,隨後他會再次找到回小組的最終路途。

52. Consequently Guido will not be far from the centre and comes to the group, while with Anke the matter is still not clear.

由於 Guido 離「中心」不遠,所以會回到小組,然而有關 Anke 的事還不清楚。

53. However, there are the new personalities to consider.



Why not? I mean Anke.

為什麼不清楚呢?我的意思是指 Anke


54. She herself is still not clear in regard to certain things.


55. However she also might stay away from the centre in the manner that she only occasionally appears there, because she will not leave this world there, because she soon goes another way.



Ah, so that’s it. Is it that, in departing from life in the centre, it is then necessary for certain things?



56. Surely, because in order to be able to incarnate in the centre there is needed a certain help of each individual.


57. This is connected to the Sohar-Centre, which requires, that each determined day a certain action and a certain thought process must be carried out by each individual group member, as a result of which first the aim directed incarnation with the destination of the rebirth in the centre location or in the nearby surrounds can be successful.

這是連接到 Sohar-Centre(意思是「能量中心」),這就必須由每個小組成員於每個確定日作某些動作並進行一定的思維程序,而結果是第一個目標的轉世地點就在「中心」的位置或在周圍附近則算是成功。


Oh, now I understand. The intended Sohar-Centre is then probably a swinging wave[1] and radiation centre with some energies and crystals, etc., yes?

哦,現在我明白了。意思是Sohar-Centre 實際是一個振動與輻射中心就如同一些能源和水晶之類的功能場,是嗎?


58. Surely, It is so.



Then, I know about it. Something similar I know already from a Himalaya monastery, where certain gurus, true masters, determine their birthplace as new personalities. It is an incarnations ...

那麼我知道了。我已經從喜馬拉雅Himalaya修道院知道了類似的事情,在那裡住的一定是位宗師(gurus),真正的大師,他能夠決他們新生兒的出生地。這就是一種轉世 ...


59. Stop, for you know, that you are officially not allowed to mention this.



I apologize. It was not intended.



60. This should be enough for today, as well.



Okay. I am quite tired. Some sleep would truly do me good. Live well and receive still quite dear greetings from all to you.



61. Quite dear thanks.


62. I am very pleased with all and also pay my heartfelt greetings in love to everyone.



Okay, this I will not forget. Good bye, girl, hopefully you do come quite soon again.



63. If you wish it, then you can call me, but you know this.


64. Currently, I am not so very much burdened with work, consequently I again can turn myself a little to your wishes.



Wonderful, really dear thanks for this. Then good bye — and come back soon.



65. Good bye.





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