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Contact Report 317/第317次接觸報告
英譯改進:2019.12.22. DeepL Translator, Joseph Darmanin
中譯改進:2022.01.15. DeepL Translator, James Hsu
This is the entire contact report. It is an authorised but unofficial DeepL preliminary English translation and most probably contains errors. Please note that all errors and mistakes etc. will continuously be corrected, depending on the available time of the involved persons (as contracted with Billy/FIGU). Therefore, do not copy-paste and publish this version elsewhere, because any improvement and correction will occur HERE in this version!
1. Here I am again, dear friend, and now I have all the data that I have to tell you and that you want to have.
2. Florena and Zafenatpaneach have already evaluated and compiled everything today, so I can visit you for the second time today and explain everything to you.
3. Unfortunately, there are some very unpleasant facts, some of which will also bring you pain and suffering, but unfortunately this cannot be changed.
4. But listen to what I have to explain …
請聽我解釋 ...
You are really encouraging me with that announcement.
5. If I understand your words correctly, then you mean exactly the opposite.
6. Unfortunately, this is how it will be, because certain explanations will hit you very hard and cause you great pain, as is also true for me, but also for Florena, who cried.
7. I felt the same inside, and you will not be spared from this either, because what has been in the offing for some time will now happen.
Talk like that so we can get it over with. The unknown is bad enough. Speak, my friend, and do not hold back with your bad news for long.
8. Very well, so be it:
9. Tomorrow, the 18th of December Margareth Rose will bid farewell to life, for her spirit-form will evaporate from her old body and enter the afterlife.
明天,12月18日,Margareth Rose將告別人世,因為她的「靈體」(spirit-form)將離開她現在的身體,而進入「來世」(afterlife)之中。
– – – Yes, but that was to be expected, since after all, she is over 90 years old. In March 2002 she would be about 92 or so. And since she's been in hospital with severe pneumonia for a few days now, I have already focused my thoughts on that and started to process everything so that I will not be hit unexpectedly when she dies. She was always a very dear person to me and like a grandmother.
… 是的,但這是意料之中的事,因為畢竟她已經超過90歲了。在2002年3月就大約是92歲了。而且由於她患有嚴重的肺炎,已經在醫院住了好幾天了,我已經把思緒集中在這上面,開始處理所有善後的事情,這樣當她去世時,我就不會受到太意外的打擊。她對我來說一直是一個非常親愛的人,就像祖母一樣。
10. Your action in this regard is good; and surely it was easier for you than you will succeed in the next event that will come to you in two weeks, namely on Sunday, the 30th of December.
11. It is very unfortunate and it pains me to have to explain what is to come, because it means a heavy blow for you as well as for me.
Speak up, my friend.
12. It will be hard for you, because again an honest love on your part will break, as it has happened so often in your life.
– – – That … I … I think I understand what you mean. It really hurts like hell, and … Yes, it can only be so. – It's Edith, because for some time now things have been going on in her that are contrary to her destiny and reality. We have already talked about this several times, including the fact that she cannot find her way to certain things in herself and to the right connection with her destiny and reality because of her unsteadiness.
… 那... 我... 我想我明白你的意思。這真的讓人痛不欲生,而且... 是的,只能這樣了。—— 是Edith,因為一段時間以來,她身上發生的事情與她的命運和現實相悖離。我們已經談過好幾次了,包括她因為不穩定而找不到通往自己內心某些東西的道路,找不到與她的命運和現實之間的正確聯繫。
13. Your words make it easier for me to give my explanation.
14. Yes, your thoughts are going in the right direction, because this is exactly what you have just spoken about.
15. Edith was not able to find her true path to herself in all the years you two were together, nor the path to her real destiny and reality.
16. All her actions, thoughts and feelings unfortunately still depend on her unsteadiness, which makes her restless and unable to find the way to her true feelings.
17. And all this will lead to her having a conversation with you on the 30th of December which will cause a separation, and also in the sense that there will be a dispensation from group fellowship and all group duties, for at least one year.
18. What will happen after that, I do not want to explain for the time being, but only at the end of our conversation, if at all.
19. However, the group community can safely assume that Edith's return to the community is still open, at least for the time being, because it is not yet certain with certainty whether Edith will find her way to herself, to her real destiny and to reality, because her volatility is exceptionally great and allows her to live in restlessness. –
20. I know and I see, dear friend, that this hits you very hard and moves you, but I also know that you will still be in love with her and that you will keep a deep friendship, which will be as unquestionable as all the years that have passed.
– – – I am sure that will be the case. – – – yes – I will have to deal with it – even if it hurts like hell. But please, let us not talk about it any further.
… 我相信會是這樣的。… 是的 —— 我將不得不面對它 —— 即使它使我痛徹心扉。但是,請不要再談論這個問題了。
21. As you wish.
22. So I want to talk about other things you asked me to explain, and which will continue in 2002.
Yes please. With this I can distract myself from my unpleasant and painful thoughts.
23. Quetzal and you, you already talked in the seventies about the fact that the terror and counter-terror in different countries of the world will increase drastically in the third millennium, whereby special terror organizations as well as America and Israel will be the main forces of this kind.
24. Since the terrorist attack of the Al Qaeda terrorist organization on the world trade centre in America, this will increase in an extremely unpleasant way from now on.
自從「蓋達組織」(Al Qaeda;又譯作「基地組織」)這個恐怖組織對美國的世界貿易中心進行恐怖襲擊後,從現在開始,這種情況將以一種令人極其不安的方式增加。
25. On the one hand by the American armed and secret forces, and on the other hand by the irrationality and the hatred and vindictiveness of Israel and the Palestinians.
26. The latter, triggered by Ariel Sharon's human-criminal machinations against the Palestinians, will carry out ever more vehemently senseless and equally human-criminal attacks on innocent Israelis, using suicide squads of individual or several fanatics to carry out bloody terror.
後者在艾里爾.夏隆(Ariel Sharon)針對巴勒斯坦人的不人道的犯罪陰謀的刺激下,將對無辜的以色列人進行更加激烈的、毫無意義的、也是不人道的犯罪攻擊,利用個人或幾個狂熱者份子成的自殺小組進行血腥的恐怖活動。
27. The year 2002 will be marked in particular by these terrorist crimes, for which the secret and military forces of Israel and America will also bear much of the blame.
Everyone is simply fanatical and hateful and vindictive. They do not think anything of the dignity and life of man. Neither one nor the other is better, because all of them are sick in the head – crazy and confused, besides the fact that they are addicted to power and war and know no responsibility for life, true love, true freedom and effective peace. They do not want to bear any responsibility at all for the others, and so they do not want any real freedom for the others, but only slavery and servitude. Nor do they want true peace, because such a peace would mean the end of all terror and counter-terror and war. The consequences of a true peace would be extremely fatal for some countries, because they would no longer be able to produce and sell weapons of war for their own and foreign armament, from which inevitably many branches of industry would get into difficulties and they would have to report many unemployed, in addition to the fact that many would go bankrupt and the stock exchanges and banking transactions etc. would collapse. The warmongers would lose their posts and be deposed, imprisoned or banished, and the war-mongers and secret service agents who were so fond of playing warriors would get rid of their degenerate purpose in life, perhaps to dive into the criminal world of economic criminality, etc. etc. Real peace would be a hellish catastrophe for the powerful of the world, for the secret services, the military and for the entire world economy, as well as for mercenaries and war adventurers of all kinds. For certain states such as America, the debacle would be to stop playing world police and to stop invading foreign countries unjustifiably and criminally, destroying them with bombs and rockets and razing them to the ground to spread death a thousand times over. But the inhumane crimes of the war powers will continue, as you say – and everything is no longer terrorism and counter-terrorism, even if the whole thing is played down and presented as an act of freedom and defence.
所有這些人都是狂熱份子,充滿仇恨和報復心。他們根本不考慮人的尊嚴和生命。這兩種人誰也不比誰好,因為他們的腦子都有病 —— 瘋狂和混亂,此外他們還沉迷於權力和戰爭,不知道對生命、真愛、真正的自由和實際的和平負責。他們根本不想為別人承擔任何責任,所以他們不希望他人有任何真正的自由,而只是奴役和勞役。他們也不想要真正的和平,因為這樣的和平意味著所有恐怖、反恐怖和戰爭的結束。對一些國家來說,真正的和平其後果是極其致命的,因為它們將不再能夠本國和外國的軍備生產和銷售戰爭武器,這將不可避免地導致許多工業部門陷入困境,這將造成許多人的失業,而許多人將破產,股票交易和銀行交易等將崩潰。戰爭販子將失去他們的工作,被驅逐、監禁或流放,而那些熱衷於扮演戰士的戰爭販子和特務人員將不得不離開他們墮落的生活,也許會潛入經濟犯罪的罪惡世界等等。真正的和平對於世界上那些強國及其特務機構、軍隊和整個世界經濟,以及對於各種雇傭兵和戰爭奸商來說,都將是一場地獄般的災難。對於像美國等某些國家來說,這場災難將會使其停止扮演世界警察的角色,不能再無理和毫無顧忌地入侵外國,用炸彈和導彈去摧毀他們並將其夷為平地,而造成成千上萬的人死亡。但戰爭大國的非人道罪行將繼續下去,正如你所說的 —— 一切都不再是恐怖主義和反恐怖主義的行動,而是使整個事件淡化,被說成是自由和防衛的行為。
28. You hit the words that need to be said.
29. But let me explain in order some other events that will take place in the coming year and will move the people.
30. Thus, on Thursday, the 17th of January 2002, in the east of the Congo in Africa, the volcano near the city of Gomo on Lake Kivu will rise in violent eruptions, which will be associated with many earthquakes.
首先,2002年1月17日星期四,在非洲的剛果東部,基伍湖(Lake Kivu)上戈馬(Congo)市附近的火山將猛烈噴發,並引起許多地震。
31. The lava flowing out of a gigantic underground magma lake and The gases will not only destroy a large part of the city of Gomo, but also a number of villages.
32. The volcano, Nyiragongo, as it is called, has always been a very dangerous mountain, which has already brought a lot of suffering to the people there.
33. Last year it erupted in March, as in January 1977, when 2,638 people died in a pulpy lava flowing out of the mountain.
I remember. Nyiragongo, if I remember correctly, is located in a national park called Voronga or something like that, and it is said to be the most active volcano in Africa.
34. The national park is not called Voronga but Virunga.
35. In fact, the volcano is the most active in Africa.
Thanks for the lecture. Now something completely different: Did you take care of the FIGU-Japan issues?
36. Certainly.
And – what do you have to say to this? You have read my letters to the FIGU-Japan members.
那麼 —— 你對此有什麼要說的嗎?你已經讀過我寫給日本FIGU組織成員的信件。
37. Your explanations in your letters were very precise and correct.
38. You behaved as you were expected to behave.
39. Regarding the management of FIGU-Japan and the application of the Statutes in the Japan Group, I have unfortunately found in my clarifications that it is necessary that you inform the Board and the members of the Group that the application of the Statutes must be handled more clearly and appropriately.
40. Exclusions of members may only occur when violations of the statutes occur in three different ways, as was unfortunately quite obviously the case with Nobuyuki Baba.
只有在違反章程三次的情況下,才可以開除成員,然而Nobuyuki Baba的情況相當明顯不是這樣。
41. However, it is in no way acceptable for members to be excluded just because they disagree with the president or several group members.
42. It is fair that the FIGU members' own opinions can and must be represented and expressed in the same way as all other FIGU groupings are and must be.
43. If the opinions of other members are disregarded by the Board and are not put forward for discussion, this means that the Board is in breach of the FIGU Statutes and the spirit of the FIGU mission, which is designed to ensure that all people have the same rights and duties.
44. Therefore, as a result of other opinions or given differences of opinion, no member may be expelled or any board or other office of any member may be withheld or taken away.
45. Every member of FIGU worldwide must have the right to freedom of expression, and this is a factor which is not handled correctly in FIGU-Japan, therefore this unjust and FIGU unworthy behaviour must be changed immediately, which you must urgently inform FIGU-Japan as soon as your time allows.
46. It will be best if you pass on my words to the letter, so that no misunderstandings arise.
47. Unfortunately, it will not be possible for me to give you our current conversation until the end of January or the beginning of February, so you should wait with your information to FIGU-Japan until then.
48. Unfortunately, my clarifications and my probability calculations as well as a forecast have shown that until then some inconsistencies will still arise in the aforementioned incorrect way of handling the statutes, but these will have to be corrected and rectified by FIGU-Japan.
49. This especially refers to future actions in terms of warnings etc. that will be issued against Hidetoshi and Kuniko as a result of their concerns and opinions that they will bring to light, which will be in accordance with their perfect right.
50. Their concerns and opinions will be justified, so there will be no need for warnings, because their behaviour in this regard will not be in accordance with any of the articles of the statutes that would lead to warnings etc. etc.
51. It is imperative that the right of freedom of expression is maintained and respected, and if this is not guaranteed by the board and the members, then this will be a serious violation of the articles of the FIGU statutes.
52. It is obvious that these Articles of Association are misunderstood or incompletely understood by the Board and the members of FIGU-Japan, and consequently, they are misapplied.
53. In order to clear up this misunderstanding, it is urgently necessary that you clarify these issues with the board of the Japan Group in detail and make the actual facts understandable to everyone.
54. To do this, it is necessary that the responsible persons come to the centre so that you can clear them up.
55. For this it will be necessary that a suitable language translator explains everything in detail in an understandable form to the persons in charge who are coming here.
56. It is also urgently necessary, as I found out during my clarification, that it is pointed out in detail, that also in FIGU-Japan there is no hierarchy, but that every member of the group is equal in every respect and therefore has the same rights in every respect.
57. No member of the board may rise above another member, just as no other member may rise above the board.
58. The office of the board of directors, namely of every member of the board of directors, does not entitle in any way to rise above other members, to make arrangements with other board members or members regarding agenda items or to make own decisions.
59. Items on the agenda may not be discussed among members or even among the members of the board, because a meeting may only take place at the open general assembly, therefore the items on the agenda may only be presented openly at the general assembly, while the announcement of the agenda must be made under an abbreviation that does not reveal what the item to be discussed is.
60. Every group member has the right to submit an agenda item in writing up to one week before the General Meeting, which must then be discussed at the General Meeting.
61. It is absolutely inadmissible to simply disregard submitted written agenda items and not to bring them forward.
62. It is also inadmissible that the executive committee alone passes any resolutions or that secret ballots are held.
63. Every vote, no matter what its purpose, is to be carried out openly, namely in the form that during the General Assembly a vote is taken by raising hands for yes or no, whereby the votes by raising hands are to be counted openly and the majority of the votes for or against are decisive, i.e. completely in accordance with the majority decision.
64. If this is not done, it is a serious violation of the FIGU Statutes.
65. It is imperative that you discuss all these matters with the responsible persons of FIGU-Japan and clarify everything.
66. For this purpose, however, it will be necessary that the corresponding members come to the Centre, since you cannot travel to Japan.
You are right. As translator I would suggest Mrs. Setsuko Strasser-Kono. She also does all the translations for FIGU-Japan.
你說的很對。我建議Setsuko Strasser-Kono女士作為翻譯人員。她也在為日本FIGU組織做所有的翻譯工作。
67. Of course that is your decision, and besides that, I think your suggestion is very good, because Mrs. Strasser is well-versed and familiar with the issues concerning FIGU-Japan.
Very well, then I will consult her immediately when the time comes. But why is it not possible for you to send me this conversation earlier than the end of January or the beginning of February?
68. Because I will be absent from my daughter in the DAL universe until the 28th of January 2002.
69. If there are any urgencies on your part, Florena will be responsible.
70. If necessary she can inform me.
And what about correcting and writing the old contact reports?
71. Florena and Enjana will do that.
72. If I have time, I will intervene once or twice.
73. But that will be very questionable, because I will be fully occupied.
Uh-huh, and how do you propose to intervene?
74. That would be possible for me via relay stations.
Uh-huh, and not transmitting the report?
75. Unfortunately not, because for that I would have to be present in the SOL system, because our transmission equipment has a limited range.
Aha. And why can't Florena take charge of that?
76. Because the records are only present with me.
I see. Actually, I am stupid. Should have known. Tell me something, there are asteroids and comets flying around all the time. When will be the next such event where I think of a comet that you could observe?
77. That will be in the middle of March in the year 2002.
78. Under good visibility conditions, a comet can be observed from Earth with the naked eye or at least with small telescopes or binoculars, but it will not be discovered by terrestrial astronomers until after the turn of the year, when it moves towards the constellation of Pegasus.
在能見度良好的情況下,從地球上可以用肉眼或至少用小型望遠鏡或雙筒望遠鏡就能觀察到彗星,但直到過了今年之後,當彗星移向飛馬座(the constellation of Pegasus)時,地球天文學家才能發現它。
79. We call the comet Pal-Tan, although terrestrial astronomers will of course give it a different name.
Again and again I am asked about the so-called purification of the body, as there are many means by which the human body is or could be purified. I have asked you about this before, but I also contacted Dr. Flachsmann, whereupon I received the answer from both of you that the whole thing is nonsense, because no waste products can form in the human body, respectively in its stomach and intestines, which would have to be flushed out by any means and cures.
80. I can only give you the same answer again, because the machinations of profit-greedy people in this regard are pure nonsense.
81. If waste products were to form in the human body, this would be a danger to life for the person, because the stomach and intestines etc. would be sealed, blocked and not function properly, which would result in an agonizing death.
82. Only in this respect do believers succumb to the nonsense of such claims and profiteering, as a result of which they also take such nonsensical 'purification cures' for a lot of money, while all other people who do not succumb to nonsense can live comfortably and healthily without such nonsense cures.
The same answer. – What about the Israel powerful one, Ariel Sharon?
同樣的答案。——那麼以色列那個強人艾里爾.夏隆(Ariel Sharon)到底怎麼樣?
83. He will show his true murderous spirit in a short time, when it will come out of him that it is a great pity that he did not kill Jasir Arafat already 20 years ago.
過不了多久,他就會表現出真正的殺氣,屆時他就會發現,他沒有在20年前就殺死亞西爾.阿拉法特(Jasir Arafat)是非常可惜的。
84. Sharon will act more and more murderous and irresponsible with regard to the Palestinians and will violate all human rights, just like US President Bush will do and will be praised worldwide for his inhuman acts of terror, including the many death sentences he was responsible for as governor.
85. Bush as well as Sharon are two murder burners, as the people of the earth tend to say.
86. But instead of being stopped, they are being praised for their murderous atrocities.
And, if possible, honoured with prizes.
87. Your assumption is not unreasonable.
You and Quetzal both explained to me that in the new millennium, genetic engineering will be at an all-time high. For example, plant and animal genes will be mixed.
88. That will indeed be the case, and that is that Japanese scientists will put plant genes into pigs.
Then another question: Were there early connections between Aristotle, Apollo, Zeus and Congregation and the ancient Lyrians and Vegans?
89. No.
Now I would like to ask you about Edith after all. Have you been able to clarify why she has constant back pain?
90. Certainly, I have clarified that, and the matter looks a little unpleasant for her.
91. Like you said, she's also trying to get rid of it with gymnastics exercises.
92. But she should refrain from doing just that, because it will aggravate her suffering, which consists of two different, fundamental factors.
93. Firstly, everything is based on shortening one leg, and secondly, a certain curvature of the spine plays a decisive role.
94. This damage and the pain, however, cannot be remedied by gymnastics or back exercises, as you said, because such exercises promote the whole thing even more, so that over time – even if nothing is done about it – a greater damage is caused, which can lead to the fact that crutches are ultimately needed for locomotion – in the worst case even a locomotion aid, which you call a wheelchair.
然而,這種損傷和疼痛不能像你說的那樣透過體操或背部運動來補救,因為這種運動會更加促使整個狀況的不利發展,所以隨著時間推進 —— 即使不採取任何措施 —— 會造成更大的損傷,這會導致最終需要拄著拐杖才能行走 —— 在最壞的情況下,甚至需要行動輔助工具,也就是你們稱為輪椅的工具。
95. So gymnastic exercises should be avoided, but exact examinations should be carried out.
96. Even in your world it is now possible to make a definitive diagnosis of the curvature of the spinal column by means of 3D computer examinations, according to which the necessary measures can then be taken.
即使在你們的世界裡,現在也可以通過三維電腦檢查對脊椎(spinal column)的彎曲作出明確的診斷,然後可以根據這些診斷採取必要的措施。
97. These consist of making special shoes with special insoles, which should then be worn by Edith every day without exception.
98. If such shoes and insoles are used, then the back pain will be relieved in a short time, and there is also the possibility – even if it is minor – that the curvature of the spine will be somewhat corrected.
如果使用這種鞋子和鞋墊,那麼背痛將在短時間內得到緩解,而且還有可能 —— 即使是很小的可能 —— 脊椎的彎曲也會得到一定程度的糾正。
99. In any case, the back pain will be resolved with absolute certainty if everything is approached in the right way with the special shoes and insoles and if these are worn daily without exception.
100. So it is in the capacity of Edith's discipline to act in this way, for indeed there is no other way to deal with the evil on earth at the present time.
101. Better possibilities for such damages, as are peculiar to Edith, will only be invented in the more distant future by earthly scientists of medicine etc.
102. So, the necessary should be done as is possible at present.
103. And it would give me great pleasure if Edith would act according to my advice and thereby free herself from her pain.
Thank you. But tell me, what has Quetzal been able to do about the little control discs?
謝謝你。但請告訴我,Quetzal對那些小控制盤(control discs)如何處裡?
104. He assures that everything will work for the time being, which will bring you much relief.
105. He will have everything ready on time.
Good. Our thanks to him, of course.
106. Then I would like to give you some information that you should keep to yourself and keep quiet about on the one hand, and on the other hand you can prepare yourself for everything if you are oriented about everything beforehand, especially about the unpleasant things that will come up and that you have to deal with and find your way around.
107. It also affects Edith, which affects me particularly deeply and hurts me.
108. It is not only her turning away, for all the reasons lie deeper, but I will only tell you about them in your discretion.
Then speak, my friend. You have my word on it that I will keep silent about everything you tell me in confidence.
109. There is no need for your promise, for I know that it is your duty to keep silent when I point out to you what I have done.
110. So listen:
111. …
… if I leave out the pleasant things, there are some really unpleasant things that I will have to work hard at. But there's nothing I can do about it, as you say. So I will have to accept it, for better or worse, as the group members and humanity have to.
... 如果我撇開那些令人欣慰的事情,那麼真的會有一些不愉快的事情,我想我會很難消化。但正如你所說,我對此無能為力。所以我將不得不接受它,無論好壞,就像小組成員和人道上必須接受的那樣。
112. Actually, nothing can be changed.
Exactly, the course has been set for everyone, including my purely private concerns. I often wish that I could change and prevent some things. Maybe I wish that only too often. It's always so damned hard when you are so helpless and powerless, when you know things of the future and are not able to change them. I could really cry about it a lot, but the pain closes my throat and the tears seep inside.
113. You are not alone with this, because it happens to me as well.
114. But if this were not so, then we would be undignified, inhumane and emotionally cold.
I guess you are right. But very often everything is very difficult to bear. Even becoming knowledgeable and wise does not protect you from it. But many things could be changed by people if they would only find themselves and reality. But they prefer to be content with their own inadequacy, imbalance and dissatisfaction, as well as their discontinuity, which prevents them from setting themselves a firm, clear and valuable, reasonable and responsible goal and from striving for and achieving it. And since they are unable to do so out of their own inadequacy, they rush from one evil to another, chasing from one place to another, changing their interests, places of residence, life partners, acquaintances and friends as quickly and as often as they do with their clothes. There is no firmness in them, as well as no dignity and self-respect, but so is no real responsibility and no real consistency. So people live only into the day and thoughtlessly next to each other, get stuck in false ideas, wishes and hopes and believe that this is real life and their real goal and will, without realizing that they are deceiving themselves. And in this state, joylessness and dissatisfaction grow in them, from which again wrong ideas, views, fantasies and conceptions arise, which, however, do not lead any further than into their own misery, as well as to mistakes, quarrels, strife, misunderstandings, hatred, revenge, retaliation and war. But how can these people who think and act in this way be made to understand this when they turn away from all reasonable, well-meant, honest and valuable as well as responsible advice and stubbornly go their own wrong ways with their own wrong thoughts, feelings and actions, through which they run astray and confusion as well as into misery and ruin? There is really no advice that can help those people who think, feel and act in this way, because in the end everyone is his own master and master, and therefore everyone must take responsibility for himself and decide and handle everything himself. So if man is to change to reason and responsibility and find the right path of his life, then only he alone can do so. One can only give him advice, but he himself must transform this advice and transform it into something good and progressive. However, only few do this, because most believe that they are the creation itself and therefore infallible. Their path is the one of least resistance, with the stupidity of saying "After me the Flood".
115. I have nothing more to say about this, for your words present the facts so clearly that further explanations are unnecessary.
116. But now, dear friend, I would like to discuss with you some matters of a purely private nature.
117. I also have some more work to hand over to you, for which you are asked by our spiritual leaders to take it by the hand and do it for us.
我還有一些工作要交給你,我們的靈性指導們(spiritual leaders)要求你在手邊為我們做這些工作。
Of course.
118. Then I would like to start with the following question …
那麼我想從以下問題開始 …
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