Contact Report 820/第820次接觸報告
英譯版本:2022年09月12日,星期一,DeepL Translator, Joseph Darmanin
中譯版本:2022年09月22日,星期四,DeepL Translator, James Hsu
This is the entire contact report. It is an authorised but unofficial DeepL preliminary English translation and most probably contains errors. Please note that all errors and mistakes etc. will continuously be corrected, depending on the available time of the involved persons (as contracted with Billy/FIGU). Therefore, do not copy-paste and publish this version elsewhere, because any improvement and correction will occur HERE in this version!
Ptaah, greetings and welcome my friend.
It is unpleasant what has happened, but greetings also, Eduard. What exactly happened, of course, we cleared that up immediately, and what transpired.
That's why I also called Florena and hoped that she would get to the bottom of it. It was now the 25th time that an attempt was made to send me to the afterlife, this time in the presence of two people, namely Mariann and Willem. We had already been sitting in front of the house for 45 minutes talking, when suddenly at 14:25 hrs a shot was fired above the house bunker, whereupon of course the numerous birds that were at the feeding places disappeared in a flash and only returned to their feeding places after more than an hour. I quickly ran up the Bungert stairs and wanted to open the gate to the footpath because I heard someone running away and wanted to confront him. But the gate was locked because a 'Schlöiling' had screwed the lock shut, consequently all I could see was a man running away, carrying on his right shoulder a small trestle ladder about 1-metre-tall, but with a Flobert rifle in his left hand. Apparently he was using the small trestle ladder to be able to see over the high cover of the privacy screen that prevents you from looking down on the entrance to the house. Of course, I quickly realised that another attempt had been made to blow out my life light, which is why Willem and I then looked for a bullet hole, but could not find anything. Presumably the bullet chirped off because it was probably deflected by the branches and leaves of the screen and whizzed somewhere other than down to us, where it could have hit me, Willem or Mariann.
Fortunately, that was not the case, as we were able to determine by looking back. The projectile could not have been deflected by the branches and leaves, because when the shot was released, it travelled skywards and not through the thicket of the sight obstruction. Obviously the man was trying to get a position and a view down to the house with a short two-part self-standing ladder so that he could shoot at you, which would also have endangered Willem and Mariann, because they were in the line of fire from the view of the shooter, who moreover was not alone. He was with another man who, however, was keeping watch above the stairs to the pulpit, as you call it. The gunner, however, who climbed the short ladder and wanted to shoot at you, slipped on it and therefore waved the rifle violently back and forth in the air, releasing the shot and driving away high up. Then the man fell to the ground, quickly picked himself up again, took the small ladder as well as the rifle and ran away to quickly climb up at the end of the pulpit garden and run away over the pulpit together with the other man. Both of them squeezed through the bushes at the upper end of the pulpit, ran away over the back pulpit and disappeared into the forest. However, we do not know where the two fled to.
So we looked in vain for an impact. We did not consider that the shot went into the sky, because searching at that altitude would have been pointless anyway. Then everything happily turned out another time so that nothing else happened.
It should also stay that way, which is why you should be careful either way. The hatred against you, which has been running through your whole life since your youth and has caused attacks against you because you proclaim the truth concerning the religious beliefs of Earth-humans, will never end, and that too when you will no longer be.
I am, cautiously I mean, but despite all caution something can happen – you never know. Also the warning feeling this time was only faint and so not strong, perhaps precisely because the shot went to the sky.
我很謹慎,我的意思是,儘管小心翼翼,但有些事情還是會發生 —— 你永遠不知道。而且這一次警告的感覺只是微弱的,並不強烈,也許正是因為這一槍打到了天上。
That may be. In any case, caution is advised for you, also for those who are around you, because even if, as far as we know, these persons are not to be attacked, but you, there is a danger that they will be unintentionally affected.
That can indeed be possible, but then unintentionally, as you say. In any case, everything has gone well so far, so even the others who have been directly involved in such attacks have not suffered any damage, so there is nothing more to talk about. I am also not upset because of this that people are trying to get rid of me. Rather, tell me what Quetzal said about the trees we should plant in relation to climate change, which is increasingly making itself felt and claiming human lives. For my part, I am thinking of the French maple tree, among others, as well as field maple of the 'Elsrijk' variety. But according to Quetzal's advice, which trees need the least water?
這的確有可能,但正如你所說的,有時是無意的。無論如何,到目前為止一切都有驚無險,即使是直接在場的其他人也沒有受到任何傷害,所以沒什麼可談的了。我也不會因為有人試圖讓我離開這個世界而感到不安。因此,讓我們說說別的,請告訴我Quetzal對我們應該種植哪些與氣候變化有關的樹木說了什麼,而氣候變化正越來越讓人感受強烈,並且奪走了許多人的生命。就我而言,我想到的是法國楓樹(French maple tree),以及“Elsrijk”品種的栓皮槭(field maple),以及其他樹種。但根據Quetzal的建議,哪些樹需要的水最少?
With little need for water, he names the following trees, which he suggests for your advice, as I have them on the list here:
It says to name the stone pines, Pinus cembra, resp. Swiss stone pines. In addition, this list also includes the following worth mentioning:
它說要為石松(stone pines)命名,也就是瑞士五葉松(Pinus cembra)。此外,這份清單還包括以下值得一提的內容:
Hornbeam (Carpinus betulus)
歐洲角樹(Carpinus betulus)
Sycamore maple (Acer pseudoplatanus)
岩槭(Acer pseudoplatanus)
Weeping birch (Betula pendula)
垂枝樺(Betula pendula)
Sour cherry (Prunus cerasus)
歐洲酸櫻桃(Prunus cerasus)
Field maple (Acer campestre)
栓皮槭(Acer campestre)
Larch (Larix)
Walnut (Juglans regia), etc.
普通胡桃(Juglans regia),等等。
He names the following climate trees that cope well with extreme heat and drought:
Lampion tree (Koelreuteria paniculata)
欒樹(Koelreuteria paniculata)
Trumpet tree (Catalpa bignonioides)
喇叭樹(Catalpa bignonioides)
Hackberry tree (Celtis australis), etc.
黑莓樹(Celtis australis),等等。
For the future, he names the following guest plants for your forest: (Note Billy: Guest plants = non-native; invasive resp. introduced; brought in; or naturally immigrated)
對於未來,他為你的森林命名了以下客座植物:(比利註:客座植物 = 非本地的;入侵的或引進的;引入的;或自然移入的)
Red oak (Quercus rubra)
北美紅橡(Quercus rubra)。
Grand fir (Abies grandis)
大冷杉(Abies grandis)
Japanese larch (Larix kaempferi) and hybrid larch: cross between European larch (Larix decidua) and Japanese larch (Larix kaempferi)
日本落葉松(Larix kaempferi)和雜交落葉松:歐洲落葉松(Larix decidua)和日本落葉松之間的雜交。
Black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia), etc.
刺槐(Robinia pseudoacacia),等等。
Invasive plant species mean an enrichment of nature, thus many plants of the traditional invasive genera and species, contrary to contrary assessments of wrong-thinking Earth-humans by wrongly oriented anti-invasive interest groups, have according to our millennia of experience always brought an enrichment of the respective nature, depending on the plant species, and thus a full justification of invasiveness. An expansion of the cultivation of invasive plants of all genera and species does not require a careful consideration of all advantages and disadvantages, because these are given by nature, both for so-called native plant genera and plant species adapted to the area from the ground up, and also for plant genera and plant species of invasive forms. However, attention is to be paid to genera and species that are basically upwelling resp. swelling and thus proliferating, that are behaving resp. suppressing towards other plants and that behave aggressively towards other plant species in nature. However, these are very, very few, and especially not the majority of those that are denigrated before earthly anti-invasive fanatics and corresponding interest groups, i.e. classified and denigrated as species-displacing, suppressing the native plant world and as rampant. According to our detailed research, in percentage terms very few of the previously introduced, unintentionally introduced and naturally immigrated plant species are proliferating and displacing native genera and species. These effectively very few genera and species, from mosses to trees, affect such a small number that these plants can easily be countered by vigilance through targeted eradication and damage to native flora can be avoided.
This was explained to me by your father Sfath, because even as a boy I was very interested in nature and its fauna and flora, which prompted him and also my teachers to encourage me in natural history. So I learned a lot about the guest plant genera and guest plant species, and of course also about the fact that even back then there were delusional people resp. 'naturalists' who wanted to demonise and eradicate everything that concerned invasive plants of all genera and species because they were non-native. But I learned that every genus and species of invasive plants can never be harmful to native genera and species if they are able to grow and thrive in the wild without harm, i.e. not rampantly. In addition, I learned that invasive and alien plants of all genera and species naturally move away from their traditional habitats over the course of thousands of years and decades and gain a foothold elsewhere on the planet, thus conquering new habitats. Invasive and also native plant genera and species also change in their way of life resp. with regard to their nutrition, movement and health, etc. This also occurs in humans. This also occurs with human beings, animals, creatures and all other genera and species of life-forms, which adapt to the respective new living conditions of the constantly changing environment. And this is also happening in a blatant way at present through the atmosphere and climate change, through the effects of which all life-forms on the whole Earth are transforming and changing in some way or other, which, however, has not yet been recognised by the 'clever' scientists, but will only be recognised and established once they start thinking about how in reality and truth the life of nature really works. This will also lead to the delusion sufferers being taught better with regard to all the invasive genera and species of plants, animals, creatures and all other life-forms they are fighting against – insofar as they become wiser, and thus more understanding and reasonable.
這是你的父親Sfath向我解釋的,因為即使在我還是個孩子的時候,我就對大自然和它的動植物非常感興趣,這促使他和我的老師鼓勵我學習自然歷史。因此,我學到了很多關於客座植物屬和客座植物種的知識,當然也瞭解到,即使在那時,也有一些妄想者或“自然主義者”,他們想要妖魔化和根除一切與所有屬和種的入侵植物有關的東西,因為它們是非本地的。但我瞭解到,如果入侵植物的每一個屬和種都能在野外無害地生長和繁衍,即不擴散,就絕不會對本地屬和種造成危害。此外,我還瞭解到,所有屬和種的入侵和外來植物都會在幾千年和幾十年的時間裡自然而然地離開它們的傳統棲息地,在地球的其他地方獲得立足點,從而征服新的棲息地。入侵植物和本地的植物屬和物種也改變了它們的生存方式,包括營養、發展和健康等方面。這也發生在人類、動物、生物和所有其他物種的生命形式上,它們適應了不斷變化的環境中各自的新生活條件。這也是目前通過大氣和氣候變化以一種明顯的方式發生,通過其影響,整個地球上的所有生命形式都在以某種方式轉變和改變,然而,這還沒有被“聰明的”科學家認識到,但只有當他們開始思考在現實和真相中自然界的生命是如何運作的,才會被認識和確立。這也將導致妄想症患者在所有入侵的植物、動物、生物和所有其他生命形式方面得到更好的教育 —— 只要他們變得更聰明,從而更加理解和合理。
Fighting the invasives of nature and its fauna and flora is not natural and should not be fought, because everything changes naturally over time and so also plant genera and plant species, as well as genera and species of animals and other living beings – including human beings – adapt to new living conditions and thus change. Sometimes it takes hundreds or thousands or even millions of years for this to happen, which should actually be known and taught to the ignorant people especially by those of the 'clever' scientists who deal with the matter of the eternal change and renewal of all life-forms as well as the atmosphere and the climate as well as the stars, the planets and the universe.
與大自然及其動植物的入侵者作鬥爭是不自然的,也不應該作鬥爭,因為一切都會隨著時間的推移而自然改變,所以植物屬和植物種,以及動物和其他生物的物種 —— 包括人類 —— 也會適應新的生活條件,從而改變。有時這需要幾百、幾千甚至幾百萬年的時間才能發生,這實際上應該是眾所周知的,特別是那些“聰明”的科學家,應該指導那些無知的人,處理所有生命形式以及大氣和氣候以及恒星、行星和宇宙的永恆變化和更新的問題。
You are asking too much, for the vast majority of Earth-humans, especially those who use titles of their profession, are narrow-minded and of the false opinion that they are luminaries, that is, that they have extraordinary abilities in their field of knowledge. Many of their imagined abilities in this respect are as a rule really incomplete and very deficient and are based only on assumptions and thus on presumptions which are often revised only after years, decades or centuries.
I know that and have seen it many times during my life in world events, witnessed it and experienced it with foreknowledge that everything will turn out much differently than earthlings imagine. The blatant overpopulation alone will bring such a huge change that no one of the entire Earth's population can imagine. And as for climate change, which will bring many guest plants and guest animals, guest creatures and guest life-forms of other genera and species, the delusional who oppose the invasive can never, ever imagine that.
The climate change that is taking place raises the need for new invasive plant genera and species to be deliberately cultivated now, because the expected changes that are already occurring and to which invasive genera and species have already been adapting for some time and have recently been adapting more and more, give rise to the thought that it should now be done deliberately as a matter of urgency. Due to the still false predictions of delusional fanatics who demonise invasive plants, one must warn. Site-appropriate mixed stands oriented to the present and to the presumed future natural forest community offer a low-risk starting position. The preservation of spruce in particular requires attention today, because it is a tree that already requires considerable effort in various locations to allow it to continue to thrive. Climate change is already causing major problems for this tree, e.g. with the increase in summer drought, which is becoming increasingly severe. Therefore, if the cultivation of invasive trees is considered, the suitability of the respective genus or species and also its origin must be taken into account. What is also required is a careful balancing of objectives between potential uses, side effects as well as conservation objectives, such as an assessment of the invasion potential, by which I mean that undesirable vegetation changes may occur.
… … …
Whether a genus or species of tree or other plant has a damaging effect on native trees or other plants, or even gets out of control, depends in particular on the competitive strength and growth of the corresponding individuals, but also on whether the native trees or other plants succeed in gaining dominance over the invasive plants. This, however, is not the order of the day, because normally nature regulates the whole thing in such a way that everything proceeds peacefully and adaptively. If, in rare cases, this is not the case, then the same thing happens as with other living things.
To this end, the same procedure is found as with human beings, animals, creatures and other living beings, for they all want or have to assert themselves against others who intrude into their sphere of life. Either they win or they fail; so it happens that if they assert themselves, then they assimilate, but if they fail, then they draw the finch line and allow themselves to be displaced.
為此,人類、動物、生物和其他生物都有同樣的過程,因為它們都想要或必須對侵入它們生活領域的外來者進行自我維護。他們不是勝利,就是失敗;因此,如果他們堅持自己的觀點時,那麼外來者就會被同化,但如果他們失敗了,那麼他們就會劃定“淪陷區”(finch line),讓自己被取代。
In many cases, to the detriment of invasive neophytes and native plant genera and species, the importance of site conditions and ecosystem conditions is underestimated. For example, herbaceous neophytes often appear in forests at certain sites that are unsuitable for certain tree genera or tree species. Native plant communities are seldom disturbed, but in order to control individual genera and species, it is necessary to consider what is important when site alterations take place. New plant invasions imply the need for integrating careful clarification of the interrelationships between the characteristics of a plant genus or species and the ecosystem concerned. This is especially true for trees, such as late-flowering weeping cherry or black locust, in which case it must be understood that these trees have pioneer characteristics, as they produce seeds at a young age that are dispersed by animals. Their seeds remain viable in the soil for several years, thus building up a permanent seed bank, while these trees also produce cane shoots and root fry. The young plants, however, need a lot of light if they are to grow and flourish.
在許多情況下,對入侵的新生植物和本地植物屬和物種不利的是,場地條件和生態系統條件的重要性被低估了。例如,在某些不適合某些樹屬或樹種生長的地點的森林中,經常會出現草本(herbaceous)新生植物。原生植物群落很少受到干擾,但為了控制個別的屬和種,有必要考慮場地改變時的重要因素。新的植物入侵意味著需要對植物屬或種的特徵與相關生態系統之間的相互關係進行綜合仔細的澄清。這對樹木來說尤其如此,如晚開的垂枝櫻(weeping cherry)或刺槐(black locust),在這種情況下,必須理解這些樹木具有先驅者的特徵,因為它們在年輕時產生種子,由動物散播。它們的種子在土壤中保持活力達數年之久,從而建立了一個永久性的種子庫,同時這些樹木也會產生藤條芽(cane shoots)和根苗(root fry)。然而,幼小的植物如果要生長和繁衍,需要大量的光照。
Interestingly, as I recall Sfath's teaching, vegetative propagation comes to the fore in plants under unfavourable living conditions, for example, at the borders of their natural growing area, as well as when colonising border areas. This enables the plants to spread and remain in the respective location. Various plants react to cutting and injury with replacement shoot formation and increased clonal growth. If, for example, the Robinia tree is taken, it has a symbiosis with Rhizobium bacteria and also the ability to bind atmospheric nitrogen. This enables the tree to grow rapidly even on a poor substrate, but this leads to undesirable vegetation changes in the substrate. But all these explanations lead into the infinite, which is why I'd better not go on and ask you openly how you actually feel about alcohol, drugs and poisons? We have all kinds of difficulties with these on Earth.
有趣的是,我記得Sfath的教導,營養器官繁殖(vegetative propagation;是植物無性繁殖的方法之一)在生活條件不利的植物中發揮了作用,例如,在其自然生長區的邊界,以及在邊界地區定居時。這使植物能夠傳播並留在各自的位置上。各種植物對切割和傷害的反應是形成替代芽和增加克隆生長。例如,如果以刺槐(Robinia)為例,它與根瘤菌(Rhizobium)有共生(symbiosis)關係,也有結合大氣中的氮的能力。這使該樹即使在貧瘠的基質上也能迅速生長,但這導致了基質中不理想的植被變化。然而,所有這些解釋都會導致無窮無盡,這就是為什麼我最好不要再談這個問題,而是公開請教你對酒精、毒品和毒藥的真實感受?我們在地球上對這些東西遇到了各種各樣的困難。
We do not have anything to do with these substances, consequently we do not know such problems as they prevail on Earth.
Then something else: With Sfath, far from Earth, I was able to observe once when a gamma-ray burst occurred very far away in the material belt. Sfath explained to me that something similar to the creation of the universe from the nihilo, i.e. the 'absolute nothing', was happening. Here, however, it was the case that matter accumulated to form an enormously powerful energy complex that 'swallowed up' countless suns and planets etc. and thus became ever more energetic and gigantic. The whole thing becomes a giant structure that stores more and more energy in itself, precisely by 'swallowing' suns and planets etc., until it is so overloaded that it explodes, which then produces a gamma flash. This lightning, however, was in its form nothing other than newly forming matter, from which new celestial bodies resp. suns and also planets etc. were created in the course of billions of years. These giant formations, he said at the time, would in future be called 'black holes' if they were discovered by 'stargazers'.
然後是別的東西:和Sfath一起,在遠離地球的地方,我能夠觀察到一次伽馬射線(gamma-ray)爆發發生在非常遙遠的物質帶(material belt)。Sfath向我解釋說,類似於從虛無中創造宇宙的事情正在發生,那就是“絕對虛無”(absolute nothing)。然而,這裡的情況是,物質積累形成一個巨大的能量複合體,“吞噬”了無數的恆星和行星等,從而變得越來越有能量而巨大。整個東西變成了一個巨大的結構,它把越來越多的能量儲存在自己體內,正是通過“吞噬”恆星和行星等,直到它超載到爆炸,然後產生伽馬閃電(gamma flash)。然而,這種閃電在其形式上只不過是新形成的物質,在數十億年的過程中,新的天體,如恆星和行星等被創造出來。他當時說,這些巨大的形態,如果被那些“天文學家”發現,將來會被稱為“黑洞”(black holes)。
This corresponds to what our peoples have known for millions of years and my father explained to you because you had much knowledge and responsibility to learn and understand. And while I am at it, mentioning the responsibility and knowledge, I will mention the precious view of our people who have asked me to tell you what they have asked me to tell you. If I want to say everything in brief, then everything is to be put into the following words: Politicians should not hold office for more than one year, after which they would have to leave and be replaced by others. This alone would prevent such criminal decisions from being taken and enforced, as has happened in Switzerland by the leaders in the form of the thoughtless and irresponsible infliction of damage with regard to neutrality. This could happen because incompetent persons are in charge of the State, who have had no education whatsoever regarding the conduct of the State and the effectiveness of neutrality, and thus do not know that it does not involve any deviations. Also, the pretence that neutrality allows and justifies peaceful military cooperation and manoeuvres with a foreign military power, as in the case of NATO, corresponds not only to a misunderstanding and ignorance of neutrality, but also to an unparalleled delusion of wanting power and irresponsibility. For my part, I have to mention that the majority of Swiss leaders obviously do not learn anything from their mistakes and do not try to correct the mistakes, so they do not correct the damage done by doing better, but continue to do the same damage. This would not be possible with us, as it probably is in other countries where righteousness prevails. The fact that in your home country, Switzerland, of all places, irresponsible things can happen through the dishonest and also criminal machinations of certain state leaders and are still falsely and stupidly justified, that is no longer understandable.
What is one to do when incompetents, self-seekers and megalomaniacs wield the sceptre in government who are truly no good and brazenly destroy the welfare of the country. Unfortunately, the serious violation of Switzerland's neutrality is not only the fault of one incompetent government official, but of all the incompetent elements in the Federal Council, the National Council and the Council of States. However, these morons and cows pretending to be Swiss are in fact stupid, idiotic and evil traitors to the country who should not be in their positions but belong behind bars or in the madhouse.
當無能者、自私者和自大狂在政府中執掌權力時,人們該怎麼辦,他們確實不是什麼好東西,公然破壞國家的福利。不幸的是,嚴重違反瑞士的中立性不僅是一個不稱職的政府官員的錯,而且是聯邦委員會、國民院(National Council)和聯邦院(Council of States)中所有不稱職的人的錯。然而,這些假裝是瑞士人的蠢人和笨蛋實際上是愚蠢、白癡和邪惡的國家叛徒,他們不應該在他們的位置上,而應該在監獄或瘋人院裡。
You recognise their behaviour correctly, but that too will be one more reason for you to be hated, so it will not just remain with the members of the sectarian religious faithful who hate you and seek your life.
I am aware of that, but it does not bother me because I do not have my view to hide. What still interests me now, however, is the Corona epidemic. It is currently on the decline, but it is still going on and it is still claiming victims; but what about the fact that you don't hear much from China, because everything is just kept quiet there.
It is useless to talk about that, because everything is really being kept quiet, even though there are a lot of victims.
So, as usual, also regarding the 'yellow peril', which has to be considered again because the fallible ones of the USA are dangerously taunting and want to provoke something with Taiwan, as they are doing in Ukraine together with their lackey Selensky, who is listened to by the stupid ones of different governments and partly also populations of other countries, who supply heavy weapons to him, which he uses through his army, supporting the plans of the hegemony of the USA. He is as dumb and stupid as his supporters, all of whom do not think and cannot comprehend what America and its shadow government actually intend and do. What is unfortunate is for those human beings in the USA who are of a different mind, who are righteous and who do not agree with America's secret warlike machinations and the huge amounts of money it spends on arms deliveries to Ukraine, as a result of which the state of the USA is running up its horrendous debts more and more. Debts that have to be paid off again, for which ever more horrendous taxes have to be paid, and this of all things by taxpayers who want nothing to do with what America, in its delusion of hegemony, is doling out vast amounts of dollars for weapons to the USA lackey and war criminal in Ukraine, who is prolonging the war through his delusion.
因此,像往常一樣,關於「黃禍」(yellow peril),我們必須再次考慮,因為美國那些好事之徒正在無端惹事生非並想在台灣的問題上挑釁中國,就像他們在烏克蘭和他們的走狗澤連斯基一起做的那樣,他的聲音被不同政府的蠢人聽到,部分也被其他國家的人民聽到,他們向他提供重型武器,而他通過他的軍隊使用這些武器,支持美國的霸權計畫。他和他的支持者一樣愚蠢,他們都不認為也不能理解美國及其影子政府真正的意圖和所作所為。對於美國那些有不同想法的人來說,整件事情是不幸的,他們是正義的,不同意美國的秘密戰爭陰謀和美國在向烏克蘭運送武器上花費的巨額資金,這導致美國國家的可怕債務越積越多。債務必須再次償還,為此必須支付更多可怕的稅款,而這一切都由納稅人來承擔,他們不想與美國在其霸權妄想上有任何關係,美國正在向烏克蘭的美國走狗和戰犯發放大量美元購買武器,他們正在通過他的妄想延長戰爭。
Because of the 'yellow peril', as it was often called in the past when talking about China, everything has changed since Mao is dead. He was a murderer beyond compare, which is why he gladly went along with the plan of … … when he revealed to him his plan to wipe out America's population with a laboratory-created plague. In addition, I remember very clearly Mao's atrocity orders, the effects of which I was able to see together with Asket when he ordered the Cultural Revolution in the 1960s. More than 40 million human beings fell victim to the revolution at that time, countless of whom were eaten by their murderers. Mao himself ordered that the corpses were not simply buried, but cannibalised and their flesh cooked and eaten by the human beings to counteract the famine that arose at the time of the revolution and counter-revolution. Mass executions took place simply because a human being uttered an evil word against Mao. Friends betrayed friends, children betrayed their parents and parents betrayed their children, and those who were betrayed were shot on sight or beaten to death, cannibalised, boiled and eaten. Together with Asket, I saw mass executions and atrocities that I will never forget.
由於過去人們談論中國時經常被稱為「黃禍」,但自從毛澤東去世後,一切就都有了變化。而他當時是一個無與倫比的殺人犯,這就是為什麼當X X X向他透露用實驗室製造的病毒消滅美國人口的計畫時,他欣然同意了。此外,毛的暴行令我記憶深刻,當他在1960年代下令進行文化大革命時,我和Asket一起看到了那些慘況。當時有四千多萬人成為革命的受害者,其中無數人被兇手吃掉。毛澤東親自下令,屍體不僅是埋葬處哩,而且將屍體分屍,肉煮熟食用,以對抗革命和反革命時期出現的饑荒。僅僅因為一個人說了一句反對毛澤東的壞話,就發生了大規模的處決。朋友背叛了朋友,孩子背叛了父母,父母背叛了孩子,那些被背叛的人被當場槍斃,或被毆打致死,被煮熟吃掉。我和Asket親眼看到了大規模的處決和暴行,這些我永遠都不會忘記。
Unfortunately, that is how it was back then. I only know everything from Asket's stories, but that is how I know it must have been horrific.
Yes, you can put it that way. But now I do not want to talk about it anymore, because now something is coming up that just happened. There were still the IAEA inspectors at the nuclear power plant, in Zaporizhzhya in Ukraine, but what is actually to be thought of these inspectors?
All these persons are unfortunately influenced by anti-propaganda against Russia, so they did not take a neutral position in terms of opinion. However, this had no influence regarding their control work.
It could not be otherwise; I am thinking of the influence of the widespread hatred against Russia, which probably does not stop anywhere. But something else again: With Sfath I once saw a monster wave in the Pacific; they sweep giant freighters into the depths of the seas when they simply roll over them. The giant thing was 38 metres high, as your father said. So I have been wanting to ask for a long time whether there are also such water monsters on the seas here on Erra?
That is so.
Sfath explained that planetary internal earth movements would create such monster waves.
That corresponds to the fact, because internal earth movements create such monster waves, with magma creating internal displacements that vibrate and spread to the waters of the seas, causing them to churn.
Sfath also explained it that way, among other things. But what is the meaning of my waiting in vain so far to receive the drawings of the likenesses, namely of Jeremiah, Elijah and Mohammed?
Bermunda will look into it. She is not art educated in that way, but she will certainly make an effort when she comes back to visit you.
Ah, then she is presently gone?
Yes, on Erra, where she has a task to attend to, which will take some time.
I will wait then.
Good, but now I must return, for I am called.
Too bad, because I had something I wanted to talk to you about.
On my next visit. Until then – goodbye, Eduard, my friend.
那就等到我下次來的時候。在那之前 —— 再見,愛德華,我的朋友。
Goodbye, Ptaah, goodbye, dear friend.
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