Contact Report 819/第819次接觸報告
英譯版本:2022年09月08日,星期四,DeepL Translator, Joseph Darmanin
中譯版本:2022年09月16日,星期五,DeepL Translator, James Hsu
This is the entire contact report. It is an authorised but unofficial DeepL preliminary English translation and most probably contains errors. Please note that all errors and mistakes etc. will continuously be corrected, depending on the available time of the involved persons (as contracted with Billy/FIGU). Therefore, do not copy-paste and publish this version elsewhere, because any improvement and correction will occur HERE in this version!
Ah, my friend, you wait here already, Ptaah. You come early.
Greetings, dear friend, Eduard. Yes, I am early, because Florena told me that you are waiting for me urgently, because you have important things to discuss with me. So I came here at this early hour immediately after my return.
That is really good because it is really important what I want to discuss with you. It is about the fact that
這真的太好了,因為我想和你討論的事情真的很重要。是關於以下的事 …
But to discuss this is not to be official, because the whole thing we want to …
但討論這個問題並不能公開,因為整個事情我們要 ...
I realise that, so I just want to … As usual, I will mark what you think about it with dots.
我明白這點,所以我只是想 ... 像往常一樣,我會用圓點標記你的想法。
Then I want to explain the following: …
This is … So your explanation says that … This is clear and unambiguous and leaves no room for any misunderstanding. However, it will not be so easily accepted and will want to be disputed and explained differently by rebuttals, which will probably not be prevented. But your explanatory advice, which is to be implemented, prevents the FIGU from …
這是 ... 所以你的解釋說 ... 這很清楚,毫不含糊,沒有留下任何誤解的空間。但這不會那麼容易被他們接受,而會設法通過反駁來爭議和提出不同的解釋,這可能不會被阻止。但是,你的說明性建議將被執行,以防止FIGU ...
That is correct. It is really important that …
Sure, that's what I understood as well. So I guess it is not necessary for us to talk more about it. But equally important things come up with the questions that I gave to Florena to pass on to you and that probably need to be submitted to the panel. Have you been able to do that?
Yes, and it has already been dealt with by the 'High Council', consequently I have the answers to it and can give them to you, but they are the same as they were given in the early days and are to remain so, but they have been expanded somewhat and now as a result of necessity arising they have some extensions. Unfortunately, it has become apparent that Earth-humans behave in an illogical manner and break the guidelines, which means that they do not adhere to them rationally and sensibly, which consequently requires extensions to the statutes, which is why the statutes are to be supplemented somewhat, namely in the form in which they are now to be drawn up as follows:
Internal Issues of the FIGU
This is the necessary version of the directive of the 'High Council', which is unchangeable, as it was in the early days of the FIGU and shall not be changed. However, it is provided with necessary additions and the order that the leadership of the FIGU should and must never be hierarchical. Following this is also the additional order that in any case a decision on any matter is only to be determined by a vote in the presence of ¾ of all core-group members and absolutely only by a completely unanimous decision. It is therefore not acceptable for one person alone to have the say and determine, but only the at least ¾ of all core-group members present at the time of the vote. Furthermore, the system you have introduced has been judged to be correct and valuable in that the person who has to bring all the voting points before the respective meeting of the members is not subject to any right of co-determination, but has to behave in a completely neutral manner. In addition, the agenda item to be put to the vote should never be made known before a meeting, thus avoiding any partiality for a matter to be voted on. Only in this way can Earth-humans be prevented from colluding and not reaching their own decision in logic, reason and understanding. This is the conclusion of the assessment according to what we have established in cooperation with the 'High Council' in the findings we have made in the case of votes among the Earth-humans. A prior announcement of the necessary voting facts inevitably triggers a biased seizure of the person voting and prevents any independent thinking, decision-making and action, consequently not one's own view and decision but a view influenced and formed by other persons comes into effect, but consequently not one's own, which must be valid.
All this was obviously forgotten, as it was also not written down in this form when the statutes were made, which someone outside the FIGU fabricated and which were then not controlled in an artful way. But these parts of the statutes should really remain statute matter, consequently I think that these then do not remain public in the contact report when I have retrieved them.
That was not correct, if that is what happened, as you say, that there was too little control of the individual statute matters at that time.
I guess that was the case – unfortunately. Everything just did not go the way it was really supposed to at that time, because the construction of the centre was really a lot, because it was more of a ruin than anything else. If you wanted to live, everything first had to be spruced up and made habitable. Even the land around it was nothing but a real destruction, as also the broken growth of 7 trees that had to be cut down and their stalks I had to blast out of the ground.
You learned this from your father when you were a boy. Also, I want to mention that you rebuilt the centre and made it habitable with only one arm, I think that's an achievement that no one can or will ever imitate.
But in addition I had all the core-group members who worked with me, the friends and acquaintances who really gave their best, and also the women who worked with picks and shovels. Because of the blasting, I had done another blasting course with Theiler and Kalbermatter from Lucerne, and at that time it was in the Motto Bartola tunnel on the St. Gotthard in Ticino.
但除了我之外,還有所有和我一起工作的核心小組成員,那些真正付出了努力的朋友和熟人,還有那些拿著鎬頭和鐵鍬工作的婦女。至於爆破,我曾經和盧塞恩(Lucerne;又譯為琉森)的Theiler和Kalbermatter一起做過另一個爆破工程,當時是在提契諾州聖哥達山口(St. Gotthard)的Motto Bartola隧道。
That is probably how it was, but none of them had any idea about the truss work or even any craftsmanship to carry out the necessary work. I know this not only from my own observations, but also because my daughter Semjase told me that you had to arrange and complete everything yourself, while the employees had no knowledge or skills whatsoever, so you had to do the timberwork yourself. You even worked with the pick and shovel and once dug 18 pits for trees and planted them when all the men refused to do the work involved, as my daughter Semjase told me.
That is true, but I am just used to taking everything into my own hands and doing it myself, and it is still like that today. Andreas is also of the same stock, as he sees the work that necessarily has to be done. Therefore, if others do not do it or are stupid to see what needs to be done, or something simply needs to be done, or they just cannot do it because they have not learned, then I just do it myself. I learned that from my father and mother, who both acted in the same way. – But what you call a 'hoe' is called a 'pimple' here in German-speaking Switzerland.
But I think that Earth-humans who were not involved in the whole thing can never mentally comprehend that you achieved everything with only one arm. Also your abilities in the many fields of work, which you have learned in many countries, often under difficult conditions, go far beyond what is generally called 'all-round man' in various languages on Earth.
但我認為,沒有參與整件事的地球人,永遠無法在心中理解到你如何只用一隻手臂就完成了那一切的工作。而且你在許多國家學到多項工作領域的能力,往往是在困難的條件下達成的,這遠遠超過了地球上各種語言中通常所說的“全能者”(all-round man)。
This is really too much of a good thing you are talking about. It must have been a disaster the way everything looked and had to be put in order. It's also true that I had to do all the technical work myself, but I do not think there's any point in rehashing the whole thing now, which is why I think we should move on to other things. We talked a while ago about the fact that the majority of forest fires around the world are not of natural origin, but man-made. Lightning strikes and spontaneous combustion are very rare, as you say, which is why you are disclosing this matter with more accurate figures for once and therefore mentioning it in our present conversation, because I think you should do so.
There is nothing against that because I can and may openly state our findings in this regard. For this I think it is simply becoming too much of a whole, which is why we are discussing many things privately. For if you have to call up everything that has been said and also laboriously write it down, then that means a great deal of work, and especially because foreign energies interfere with your work, which you only …
沒有任何反對意見,因為我可以而且可以公開說明我們在這方面的調查結果。對於這件事,我認為簡直是變得太全面了,這就是為什麼我們在私下裡討論很多事情。因為如果你要把所有說過的話都調出來,還要費力地把它寫下來,那就意味著大量的工作,特別是由於外來的能量干擾了你的工作,而你只是 ...
… I know, but we should mention some things.
... 我知道,但我們應該提到一些事情。
You have really, as you say, hit the nail on the head with that, for I think it is necessary for once to explain that we do not come here to Earth simply to satisfy our interest. But to my explaining you shall be silent and not interrupt me in my speech, for it is necessary that once what should have been explained long ago should be explained.
Fundamentally, the discovery of a natural dimensional gate, still unknown to our very early ancestors, was the beginning of the whole of your mission, when it happened that about 25 million years ago a lunar structure penetrated this gate, which then found its way into this universe and to Earth and pushed away another lunar structure of little more than 1,000 kilometres in diameter, which was later captured by the giant planet Saturn. A group of explorers had also followed this lunar formation and thus found their way to Earth, which has since been visited again and again by our distant descendants, who brought a great many life-forms, plants and other goods with them to our planet, which at that time was still called 'Minator', but was renamed ERRA about 52,000 years ago, when the time of peace spread to our world. Everything old was supposed to be in the past, and so everything that seemed important to our ancestors was given new names, which is why the name of our planet was also subordinated to these changes and given the designation 'Erra', which in our language – which has remained the same since then and has not changed – meant something like 'soil' and 'earth'. This planetary designation was also used when a distant descendant of Nokodemion first came to this Earth world about 280,000 years ago and decided that the 'Teaching of Truth, Teaching of Creation-energy, Teaching of Life' should also be brought into this universe resp. into this dimension of Creation and thus to Earth. Thus it came about that via the level 'Arahat Athersata' later on, at a certain time, down-born energies of the Nokodemion could be born on Earth, which then happened for the first time about 14,000 years ago, after which this then further came about with Enoch, Elijah, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Jmmanuel, Muhammed and you. The name of our planet, however, i.e. 'Erra', remained and was then also adopted in the Latin language on Earth, but changed to 'Terra', which meant something like 'land' and was later also interpreted as 'Earth'.
基本上,大約兩千五百萬年前,我們遠古的祖先發現了一個當時屬於未知而自然狀況的「維度之門」(dimensional gate),這是你整個任務的開始,當時發生的情況是,一個星球(也就是後來的月球)穿透了這個維度門,然後進入這個宇宙中地球的軌道,此期間還“推開”(pushed away;德原文weggedrängt也是這個意思)了另一個直徑略大於一千公里的衛星,而後來這顆衛星被巨型行星土星所捕獲。[中譯者註:按照這個尺寸,這顆衛星應該是直徑平均為1,062公里的土衛三;此外,有關月球來源的神奇說法,詳請參閱《第005次接觸報告》中Semjase第64至126句的敘述。]而一群我們祖先的探險家也沿著這個月球星體找到了他們來到地球的路徑,此後,我們祖先的遙遠後裔一次又一次地訪問地球,他們把大量的生命形式、植物和其他物品帶到了我們的星球,當時我們的星球還被稱為“Minator”,但在大約五萬兩千年前,當我們的世界進入到和平時代時,便被重新命名為ERRA。因為一切舊事物都應該成為過去,所以對我們的祖先來說似乎很重要的一切事物都被賦予了新的名字,這就是為什麼我們星球的名字也順應這個趨勢,被賦予了“ERRA”的名稱,這在我們的語言中意思類似「土壤」和「地球」,而從那時起就一直保持不變。當Nokodemion的一個遙遠後裔在大約二十八萬年前第一次來到這個我們的祖先世界,就決定將「真相的教導、造物能量的教導、生命的教導」(Teaching of Truth, Teaching of Creation-energy, Teaching of Life)帶入這個世界,也就是帶入這個造化的維度,從而也帶入了使用了這個行星名稱的地球。因此,透過“Arahat Athersata”層級,後來在某個時間,Nokodemion的降生(down-born)能量可以在地球上誕生,這在大約一萬四千年前第一次發生,之後,這又隨著以諾(Henoch)、以利亞(Elia)、以賽亞(Jesaja)、耶利米(Jeremia)、以馬內利(Jmmanuel)、穆罕默德(Muhammed)和你陸續發生。然而,我們星球的名字「Erra」仍然存在,後來也被地球上的拉丁語採用,但被改成了「Terra」,意思是類似「土地」,後來也被解釋為「地球」。
[中譯者註:在此說明,所謂Arahat Athersata層級,是指生命體進化到純靈態階段的第一個層級,要達到這一個層級,通常需要經過六百至八百億年的進化時間。(資料譯自《Future Of Mankind》)]
This is basically what you should have explained openly many years ago, but which you never did, despite all your work. Why you have concealed this, I cannot understand, because it explains why you, as a distant descendant of Nokodemion, are active here on Earth, as well as why the 'Teaching of Truth, Teaching of Creation-energy, Teaching of Life' is taught on the planet Earth through you.
What you cannot seem to understand is that on this world you are attacked if you speak the truth or anything else that does not suit the earthlings. Just by speaking openly about having contact with you, I have been hostile, with attempts made 24 times so far and to this day to get me out of the world. In all this I first had to say untruthfully that you are from the Pleiades stars – which in truth cannot carry human lives – because in this way I was able to eliminate UFO liars who even stole the photos I was allowed to take of your beamships. These photos were falsified by the liars and deceivers in their favour, here in Switzerland, in Austria, in the USA, in Germany and actually around the world, whereby the deceivers travelled around the world as great 'UFO contactors' and 'earned' a lot of money. One from America even acquired a title of prince with the help of a Swiss woman, and I was even sued in court when I defended myself in writing against the theft of my photos. Once I even had to pay almost 3,500 francs in Germany, with the court saying that if I said something again, it would cost me much more. This, while I was also forbidden by another court here in Switzerland to say anything about the UFO fraud with my photos and films etc. by certain persons. And since this was already the case at the beginning of our contacts, that one could take adverse legal action against me, here in Switzerland and in Germany, as well as in Canada, I just kept quiet, because I could not afford the whole thing, which threatened me from court betters and decrees as well as fines etc., because I was not rich. And the fact that they tried to get rid of me, 24 times so far – some of them even with witnesses – also kept me silent, especially because I was ridiculed by the police and the governor when I filed a complaint against unknown persons in Hinwil and from then on no longer received a gun licence, although I needed it for my work. Before the second attempted murder of me, I had always been given a gun licence without any problems, but when I was shot at through the window and reported it to the police, that was the end of it. Also when I wanted to file a report with Silvano, this time in Pfäffikon, when we were shot at together through the windscreen before Saland, which could also be seen on the windscreen and why Silvano insisted that we go to the police immediately, we were only laughed at and it was claimed that the windscreen had certainly been demolished by a stone from a passing lorry. This was despite the fact that both of us could testify that we saw the shooter and that neither a human being nor a lorry or any other car had passed by. This has persisted over the years, so I found that saying anything would only have led to more raking and endangering of my life.
你似乎無法理解的是,在這個世界上,如果你說出真相或其他不適合地球人的東西,你就會受到攻擊。僅僅因為公開談論與你的接觸,我就受到了敵視,到目前為止,已經有24次的暗殺,試圖讓我離開這個世界。在這一切中,我首先不得不謊稱你們來自昴宿星團(Pleiades) —— 但實際上昴宿星團並不能承載人類生命 —— 而只有用這種方式,我才能排除UFO騙子,他們甚至偷走了我所拍攝你們飛船的照片。這些照片被騙子們偽造,在瑞士、奧地利、美國、德國,甚至在全世界都是如此,從而使那些騙子以偉大的“UFO接觸者”身份周遊世界,牟取很多財富。而一個來自美國的人甚至在一個瑞士女人的幫助下獲得了王子的頭銜,當我為自己的照片被盜用進行書面辯護時,甚至被法庭起訴。有一次,我甚至不得不在德國支付近3,500法郎,法院說,如果我再多說什麼,就會花費更多。這時,瑞士的另一個法院也禁止我對某些人用我的照片和影片等進行UFO欺詐的行為說三道四。因為在我們開始接觸的時候就已經是這樣了,在瑞士和德國以及加拿大,有人可以對我採取不利的法律行動,我只能保持沉默,因為我並不富有,無法承擔整個訴訟費用,這威脅著我在法律訴訟方面的進行和罰款等。而他們試圖讓我離開這個世界,到目前為止有24次 —— 其中一些甚至有證人 —— 但也讓我無法順利報案,特別是當我在欣維爾(Hinwil)對身份不明的人提起訴訟時,我還被員警和州長嘲笑,從那時起,我再也沒有獲得持槍執照,儘管我的工作需要它。在我第二次被謀殺未遂之前,我一直都有持槍執照,沒有任何問題,但當我被人從窗戶外開槍襲擊並向警方報案後,這一切就結束了。另外一次是在普費菲孔(Pfäffikon),我和Silvano在去薩蘭德(Saland)之前,被人透過擋風玻璃開槍襲擊,而在擋風玻璃上也可以看到彈痕,當時 Silvano堅持立即去報案,但我們得到的只是嘲笑,有人聲稱擋風玻璃肯定是被一輛路過卡車上的石頭砸到的。儘管我們兩個人都可以證明我們看到了槍手,而且當時既沒有其他人,也沒有卡車或任何其他汽車經過,但還是沒用。這種情況多年來一直存在,所以我發現說什麼都只會導致更多的人對我大加指責,危及我的生命。
I did not know that, and no one said anything to me about it either.
I can only say that I am not a chatterbox and that I also learnt from your father Sfath to keep quiet and not to tell everything. However, we don't need to talk about that any further, but something else, namely especially with regard to the term 'spirit', which is why I am often called or asked. Jmmanuel neither knew nor ever used this term, for he always and exclusively spoke of 'creative power'. The term resp. the word 'spirit' was only invented later and falsely adopted in the works of religion etc. The word 'spirit' is falsified. The word 'spirit' is falsely derived from the Indo-Germanic language and has been spread all over the world, namely from the term 'gheis', whereby this word means something completely different than 'Creation-energy' resp. 'Creation-power', as Jmmanuel – as allegedly 'Jesus Christ' – truly used it. He never used the word 'spirit', which in its original Indo-Germanic meaning has no connection with 'creative power', but 'gheis' resp. the 'spirit' fabricated from it has the meaning of 'seized, excited, horrified, shuddering, frightened and upset'.
我只能說,我不是一個話多的人,我也從你父親Sfath那裡學到要保持沉默,不要什麼都說。然而,我們不需要再談這個問題了,而是談點別的,特別是關於“靈魂”(spirit;德文是Geist)這個詞,這就是為什麼我經常被稱為或被問到。以馬內利(Jmmanuel)既不知道也沒有使用過這個詞,因為他總是專門談論“造物力量”(creative power)。這個詞和“靈魂”一詞是後來發明的,並在宗教作品中被錯誤地採用。“靈魂”這個詞是偽造的。“靈魂”這個詞錯誤地來自印度-日爾曼語(Indo-Germanic language),並被傳播到世界各地,是來自“gheis”一詞,而這個詞的意思與“造化能量”(Creation-energy)和“造化力量”(Creation- power)完全不同,正如以馬內利,也就是所謂的“耶穌基督”(Jesus Christ)曾真正使用過它。但他從未使用過“靈魂”這個詞,在其原始的印度-日爾曼意義上與“造物力量”沒有關係,但“gheis”和由它捏造的“靈魂”有“發作、激動、驚恐、顫抖、害怕和不安”的意思。
That is correct.
Exactly, that is why the term 'spirit' is also completely wrong if it means the power of Creation-energy or the energy itself. But how about you now saying something about what you really know about the forest fires?
As you wish. Then I will mention our findings regarding forest fires worldwide, which show that only about 17 per cent are of natural origin, while Earth-humans are to blame for 83 per cent of these events. The fires are generally caused by Earth-humans as a result of carelessness, wantonness and negligence, as well as deliberate arson or recklessness. And what more needs to be said concerning forests, the products of which are irresponsibly called 'renewable energy', this does not correspond to the truth, but to a lie and a deception towards all those stupid people who believe in it.
Yes, these are things and data that you have mentioned before. With regard to the forests, it is the case that their trees are felled and used as timber and firewood etc., but the felled trees do not grow again by themselves, but only by planting new young trees and allowing them to grow in the correct way and long enough, for many years, up to 30, 50 or 100 or more years, to then become harvestable resp. felled again. There is a good description of this on the internet, which I will look up and show you. … you just need a bit of patience if you are looking for something on the net … here, … no, that's not it. … Here, here it is … Look, this is what I was looking for:
是的,這些都是你以前提到過的事情和資料。關於森林,其中的樹木被砍伐,用作木料和木柴等,但被砍伐的樹木不會自己重新生長,而只能通過種植新的幼樹,讓它們以正確的方式和足夠長的時間生長,這長達30年、50年、100年或更長時間,然後才能成為可採伐的對象。在互聯網上有一個很好的描述,我可以找出來給你看。 ... 如果你在網上找東西,你需要一點耐心 ... 這裡, ... 不,這不是。... 這裡,就是這裡 ... 看,這就是我要找的資料。
Rotation time: how long does it take a tree to reach harvest maturity?
Published on 05/06/2013 by Forest Prince
"If you want your grandchildren to swear, plant beeches, beeches, beeches!" Behind this proverb is the simple realisation that a beech tree planted today will only reach so-called cutting maturity generations later. Forest managers speak of the rotation period, the average time from the establishment of a forest to its harvest.
「如果你想讓你的子孫輩發誓,那就種山毛櫸,山毛櫸,山毛櫸!」這句諺語背後的簡單含意就是:今天種植的山毛櫸樹只能在幾代人之後達到所謂的砍伐成熟期。林業工作者說的是「輪伐期」(rotation age),也就是從森林的建立到收穫的平均時間。
Table: the rotation age of the most important tree species
For forestry laymen it is easy to understand, but not immediately obvious, that a tree goes through certain stages in the course of its life. In particular, the connection between maturity for felling and the natural maximum age is hardly known to anyone. has therefore compiled a table with the most important tree species.
Choosing the correct harvesting time
Determining the optimal harvesting time is of great importance for a forest owner, not only from an economic point of view, because now it is no longer a question of removing the weaker trees in the course of periodic thinning measures for stand maintenance. Now it is a matter of deciding when the best and most beautiful trees, which have been nurtured and promoted for decades, are ripe for felling. It is about the 'fruits of labour' and not least about the maximum possible yield from the sale of the timber.
… … …
… That is very interesting, unfortunately I have no knowledge in this regard, because unlike you I have never dealt with it. As a young boy, you were taught forest lore by your father and forester Schweizer in the Höragenwald, and you diligently helped with the forest work. And as I know from my father's Sfath annals, you even cut down trees with the big two-man tree saw before you could even attend the first grade of school. But if you will let me copy this list, I will be happy to bring it to Quetzal, who I am sure is interested.
... 這很有意思,遺憾的是我沒有這方面的知識,因為我和你不一樣,我從來沒有處理過這個問題。在你小的時候,你的父親和Höragenwald的林務員Schweizer教你森林知識,你也勤奮地幫助森林工作。我從我父親Sfath的《大事記要》(annals)中得知,你甚至在上一年級之前就用雙人大樹鋸(two-man tree saw)砍樹了。但如果你能讓我複製這份資料,我將很樂意把它交給Quetzal,我相信他一定很感興趣。
Of course, there's nothing wrong with that. – But what do you think about our rulers making so-called 'official secrets' and keeping the people in the dark about what is actually common practice? In English they call such things 'top secret', just as secret services also do the same.
That is not right, because the people of every state must be comprehensively enlightened and informed about everything that the state has to do, otherwise the leaders of the state can act uncontrollably as the holders of power resp. the leaders of the state please. And secret services that do the same must not exist in a free world under any circumstances, because they act illegally and also promote discord, spying, murdering and destroying. Everything of this kind, as well as everything else that is wrong, is only possible in a world in which there is unfreedom, discord, religious delusion and everything that causes war, rebellion, persecution, revenge, hatred, criminality, slander, violence, crime, murder, envy, selfishness, suffering, misery and hardship, as well as, of course, psychological and physical harm, hegemonic delusion, etc.
As practised, for example, by the USA, as well as its supporters in foreign countries, especially the mismanaging rulers there and their like-minded sections of the population. These are obviously not healthy in their brains, but sick, otherwise they would realise that they are being deceived and shamefully cheated and exploited by the USA, as is also happening in particular in the European dictatorship against its member states. This dictatorship will also, as you mentioned some time ago, unleash new sanctions against Russia towards the end of August, without first asking the individual member states and their populations whether they want this at all. And they would also realise that they are America's crime accomplices and do everything to enable the USA to continue its greed for world domination without restraint, just as they help to fulfil the ambitions of the USA's dirty quest for world domination. This also includes the power-hungry and stupid USA lackey Selensky who, as a USA stooge, is waging war in Ukraine against Russia, which America wants to annex, and is raising immense sums of money in the hundreds of millions and even billions of dollars and supplying weapons, for which the human beings in America must again answer with taxpayers' money, which the government is squandering unasked on the people for its sick delusion of hegemony. And the fact that war reports are constantly one-sided and that lies and fraudulent reports are spread in favour of Ukraine, leads to Russia being made the enemy of those sections of the population who are fanatical about it.
This leads to Russia being made the enemy of those sections of the population who are fanatical and therefore absolutely religious, which is why they are inevitably also media believers, as well as pro-America and selensky believers, and are therefore incapable of recognising the effective truth. Thus, these believers take at face value that Russia's military is shelling the nuclear power plant in Zaporizhzhya, when in fact it is the Ukrainian arms that are criminal, because the Russians have been occupying and in control of the power plant for a long time.
You say what is real, because the hegemony policy of America determines that Russia should not only be humiliated and brought down in such a way that it not only ends the war in Ukraine, but should be integrated into it as a result of America's hegemony mania. The fact that all those stupid leaders of various states are friendly to America, mainly in Europe, first and foremost Germany, the European Union, France and other states, proves their incompetence for their office. America is taking advantage of the stupidity of the leaders of America's supporters and is secretly inciting them against Russia. But the stupid ones of the state leaders and those of the populations who adhere to America do not realise that America, with all possible deceit, is causing them to raise arms and money en masse to help America realise the world domination mania. That America also has NATO in ambush for its purposes, which it secretly and infamously directs, is not noticed by the pro-Americans, because their stupidity resp. their non-thinking does not allow even a hint of a thought to torture their brains. That is why they are spending huge sums of money on waging war in Ukraine and thus against Russia, and it is the people – mainly in America and Germany – who have to pay for the ever-increasing national debt. The latter have to pay ever more horrendous state taxes, this in addition to the fact that they have to pay more and more for their vital foodstuffs, because the fallible state powers also collect and profit from this, namely by enriching themselves in terms of wages and the state through value added tax, sales tax and other taxes, etc., whereby they can grab horrendous amounts of money and squander war finances and weapons senselessly. They are currently able to supply money and weapons to the Ukraine – underhandedly and calculatingly encouraged by America – while the poor of the people in their own state are abandoned to hunger and misery and need, but the state leaders do not care. They themselves have enough and do not suffer from misery and hardship, but let themselves be paid by the people through excessive salaries and can lead a life of luxury, apart from the fact that they afford expensive air travel to many other states at the expense of the people and their tax money. And they do this without first asking for the permission of the respective people, who then have to pay for all kinds of such journeys by paying horrendous taxes, this together with the associated length of stay and the special meals etc. But all these state powers do not consider this, but do it, while the majority of the peoples are stupid and consequently helpless and remain silent.
你說的這些都是真實的,因為美國的霸權政策決定了俄羅斯不僅要被羞辱和征服,不僅要他們結束烏克蘭的戰爭,而且還要作為美國霸權狂熱的成果納入其陣營。所有那些愚蠢的國家領導人都對美國友好,主要是在歐洲,首先是德國、歐盟、法國和其他國家,這證明了他們的無能。美國正在利用他們的愚蠢,暗中煽動他們反對俄羅斯。但是,那些愚蠢的國家領導人和擁護美國的民眾並沒有意識到,美國正在用一切可能的欺騙手段,讓他們集體籌集武器和金錢來幫助美國實現統治世界的狂熱。但親美人士並沒有注意到,美國還出於自己的目的埋伏了北約,並秘密而霸道地指揮著北約,因為他們的愚蠢和不加思考甚至沒有一絲想法去費盡心思。這就是為什麼他們願花費巨額資金在烏克蘭發動戰爭,從而反對俄羅斯,而人民 —— 主要是美國和德國的人民 —— 必須為不斷增加的國債買單。他們不得不支付越來越高昂的國家稅金,除此之外,他們還不得不為他們的重要民生用品支付越來越多的費用,因為善變的國家權力當局仍可從中獲利,那就是通過增值稅、銷售稅和其他稅收等在工資和國家方面中飽私囊。他們可以借此攫取大量的金錢,並毫無意義地揮霍在戰爭和武器上的花費。因此,在美國的暗中鼓勵和算計之下,他們目前還能夠向烏克蘭提供資金和武器,而他們自己國家的窮人卻正遭受著饑餓、痛苦和窮困,但這些國家領導人並不在乎。他們自己有足夠的金錢,不會受到艱難和困苦的影響,但他們用的都是人民繳納稅金的血汗錢,他們除了經常到訪其他國家而花費昂貴的航空費用,還讓自己享有過高的薪資,可以過著奢華的生活。而他們這樣做並沒有事先徵得相關社會人民的同意,但人民卻不得不經由可觀的稅金來支付各種這樣的旅行與相關的住宿飲食等等費用。但所有這些國家權力當局並沒有考慮到這些,而是照做不誤,而大多數人民則是愚昧無知,因此無能為力而默不作聲。
Further, it is to be said that if Selensky were to win the war – which is actually America's war and underhandedly financed by America – in reality America and their NATO would be the victors and America's plans for world domination would be closer than ever. And America is doing everything financially and with lies, violence, underhandedness, war and murder as well as with slander and fraud to realise its delusional plans of hegemony, and it also does not matter that the state is becoming more and more indebted and that these debts can never be repaid. America spends billions of dollars to equip its lackey Selensky with weapons, among other things, as well as to secretly participate in the war itself and to make sure that only war crimes and misdeeds of the Russian fighters are made public, while the same kinds of war crimes and misdeeds of the defenders are concealed and they are presented as 'saints', so to speak, and praised in the best possible terms. This, however, is not to say that Russia is better than Ukraine in terms of a right to war, for on both sides it must be said that war is always of the wrong. And there is also no excuse for Russia and Ukraine to go to war. It is still understandable, both in terms of Russia's attack through the provocation of America and NATO, and in terms of Ukraine's defence, but either way it is criminal and inhumane for war to be waged. This, as it is also criminal and contemptuous of human beings by those state leaders and those from the populations who supply weapons and money for Ukraine, whereby human beings are killed, war crimes are committed and destruction is caused. This would be impossible by not supplying weapons and not raising war funds for Ukraine. The supporters of the state leaders and from the populations are guilty of murder, destruction and continuation of the war by their wrong views and wrong actions, besides creating a new kind of a world war by their actions. Their wrong actions, as well as advocating the supply of weapons, as well as collecting money for war-related aid for Ukraine, is not only a new kind of world war, because the most diverse states are indirectly interfering in the acts of war through their completely wrong actions, but also an unparalleled crime, such as has never happened before on Earth. There is not even a comparison to be made with the NAZI world war of 1939 to 1945, because at that time such a thing did not occur, as it does due to the partisanship and deceit of America, to which the leaders and large parts of the populations of various states have fallen prey and are doing exactly what America is deceitfully striving to do and is making murderers and war mongers of those who supply weapons to Ukraine or are simply pro-America.
此外,如果澤連斯基贏得戰爭 —— 這其實是美國的戰爭,而且是由美國暗中資助的 —— 實際上美國和他們的北約將是勝利者,美國統治世界的計畫將比以往更接近。而美國在財政上無所不用其極,用謊言、暴力、暗箱操作、戰爭和謀殺以及誹謗和欺詐來實現其妄想的霸權計畫,而且國家的債務越來越多,但這也無關緊要,因為這些債務會永遠無法償還。美國花費數十億美元為其走狗澤連斯基配備武器,以及秘密參與這場戰爭,並確保只有俄羅斯戰士的戰爭罪行和不當行為被公之於眾,而同樣的戰爭罪行和捍衛者的罪行則被隱藏起來,他們可以說是被呈現為“聖人”的形象,並以最好的方式讚美。然而,這並不是說俄羅斯在戰爭權利方面比烏克蘭好,因為對雙方而言,都應該說戰爭總是錯誤的。而且,俄羅斯和烏克蘭也沒有理由必須開戰。無論是從俄羅斯通過美國和北約的挑釁而發動的攻擊,還是從烏克蘭的防禦來說,雖然都是可以理解的,但無論如何,發動戰爭的行動都是犯罪,是對人類生命的蔑視。這也是那些為烏克蘭提供武器和資金的國家領導人和民眾對人類的犯罪和蔑視,從而導致人類被殺害,犯下戰爭罪行,造成破壞。如果不為烏克蘭提供武器,不為烏克蘭籌集戰爭資金,這些都不太可能發生。國家領導人的支持者和來自民眾的支持者,因其錯誤的觀點和錯誤的行動而犯下了謀殺、破壞和繼續戰爭的罪行,此外,他們的行動還製造了一種新的世界戰爭。他們的錯誤行為,以及主張供應武器,以及為烏克蘭籌集與戰爭有關的援助資金,不僅是一種新的世界戰爭,因為許多國家通過他們完全錯誤的行為間接干預了戰爭行為,而且是一種無與倫比的罪行,這種罪行在地球上從未出現過。甚至不能與1939年至1945年的納粹世界大戰相提並論,因為在那個時候,這樣的事情並沒有發生,因為現在這是由於美國的黨派偏見和欺騙造成的,各個國家的領導人和大部分民眾都上了美國的當,他們所做的正是美國幕後努力想做的事情,並使那些向烏克蘭提供武器或僅僅是親美的人成為兇手和戰爭狂人。
That the America-friendly state powers as well as their descendants and all the peoples who adhere to America will one day suffer under the rule of the Americans and their inhumane laws, laws that are partly aimed at murder by death penalty, moreover the court sentences are still unjust due to preceding collusion and also judicially conducted under racial hatred, which is also represented by the Ku Klux Klan and many of the population. The pro-America people, if America can make world domination a reality, will also have to live and suffer under its criminality and crimes. All the fools of all the pro-America people of today do not think about this at all. This threat is not stopped either by the stupidity of the state authorities or by the stupid personalities of the majority of the pro-America population and the Selenskyists. All these non-thinkers are doing everything to ensure that the war in Ukraine continues senselessly and without restraint and claims victims on both the Ukrainian and Russian sides who die for the sake of the great stupidity of those who cannot recognise what is really being played, namely that it is all about the Americans' delusion of world domination and victory, who want to degrade Russia as an independent state to the point of ruin and to insert it into America's domination in their delusion of hegemony.
那些親美國家政權以及他們的後代和所有擁護美國的人民,終有一天會在美國人的統治和他們不人道的法律下受苦,這些法律的部分目的是透過死刑進行謀殺,此外,由於之前的勾結,法院的判決仍然是不公正的,而且司法是在種族仇恨下進行的,這也是三K黨(Ku Klux Klan)和許多人口的代表。親美國的人,如果美國能使世界統治成為現實,也將不得不在其犯罪行為下生活和受苦。當今所有親美人士的傻瓜根本就沒有想到這一點。這種威脅既沒有被國家當局的愚蠢所阻止,也沒有被大多數親美人士和澤連斯基擁護者的愚蠢個性所阻止。所有這些沒有頭腦的人都在盡一切努力確保烏克蘭的戰爭毫無意義地繼續下去,並要求烏克蘭和俄羅斯雙方都有受害者,他們的死亡是因為那些超級蠢蛋無法認識到真正是誰在玩什麼,也就是說,這一切都是為了美國人能統治世界的妄想,他們想把俄羅斯作為一個獨立國家貶低到毀滅的地步,並在他們的霸權妄想中把它納入美國的統治。
All that I have mentioned so far is not enough, for it goes much further and runs the risk of provoking a far-reaching world war by America, because it will no longer be possible to avoid the fact that fearful and incompetent as well as war-mongering state leaders will suddenly arm their militaries by buying all kinds of weapons in the near future in order to fill up their war arsenal and equip their armies. Not infrequently it will be because they will be afraid of Russia and of fearing war attacks from it.
Even the German Foreign Minister Baerbock doesn't understand this, because she is not only stupid, but also so pro-America that she has lost all sense. But even talking about it is only useful for the few sensible people who also have sense and use it. You also mentioned the taxes that have to be paid until the human beings' beds hurt, but there are other types than the ones you mentioned. There are, for example, the withholding tax, the turnover tax and profit tax, etc., whereby we will certainly soon have to reckon with new types of taxes, because the debts are to be covered resp. paid off again, which are made in order to supply weapons and money to Selensky.
就連德國外交部長貝伯克(Baerbock)也不明白這一點,因為她不僅愚蠢,而且還非常親美,完全失去了理智。但是,即使談論這些,也只是對少數有理智並且明智的人有用。你還提到了必須要繳納的稅金,但除了你提到的那些,還有其他類型。例如,有預扣所得稅(withholding tax)、轉手稅(turnover tax)和收益稅(profit tax)等等,我們很快就要考慮新的稅收類型了,因為要償還債務,而這些債務是為了向澤連斯基提供武器和資金而產生的。
Unfortunately, many leaders of various states are good-for-nothings who mislead large parts of their populations by deceiving them, lying to them and misleading them – especially in America – in such a way that the populations get caught up in all the evil machinations. The leaders of the state in their behaviour of might and in their stupidity do not notice that they themselves are not able to think as a result of the American indoctrination in this regard, but are only believers and do exactly what America fraudulently wants them to do. The whole thing will soon promote everything also in such a way that in the near future America's hegemonic behaviour will no longer have any regard for openly demonstrating its delusions of world domination. Consequently, it will no longer engage in concealment and will openly begin the work of aggressiveness against China and display it openly by blatantly taking sides with Taiwan and thus snubbing China. The danger of a catastrophe and the possibility of another world war will increase as a result, especially because the American arms deliveries to Taiwan, which have been planned for a long time – as a continuation of the same machinations as America is carrying out with regard to the Ukraine, where, moreover, mercenaries are secretly active – will be started. This will be discussed worldwide in the near future, because a member of the American government does not think the whole thing is correct and will make the matter public. The American action, which secretly started with the open visit of the American politician Pelosi to Taiwan, where the American politician unknowingly did the necessary groundwork for what was envisaged, will have unpleasant consequences.
不幸的是,各個國家的許多領導人都是些不稱職的人,他們通過欺騙民眾,對他們撒謊,誤導他們 —— 特別是在美國 —— 這樣的方式讓民眾陷入了所有邪惡的陰謀之中。國家領導人在他們的強權行為和愚蠢中沒有注意到他們自己由於美國在這方面的灌輸而無法深入思考,只成了一個信仰者,並完全按照美國的誘導而希望他們做的事情去做。整個事情很快也會以這樣的方式推動下去,在不久的將來,美國的霸權主義行為將不再顧及公開展示其統治世界的妄想。因此,它將不再進行隱瞞,而是公開開始對中國的侵略工作,並通過公然站在台灣一邊,從而冷落中國來公開展現。災難的危險和另一場世界大戰的可能性將因此而增加,特別是由於美國向台灣運送武器,這已經計劃了很久 —— 作為美國對烏克蘭所進行的同樣陰謀的繼續,而且雇傭軍在那裡秘密活動 —— 將開始。這將在不久的將來在全世界範圍內被討論,因為美國政府的一名成員認為整個事情是不對的,並將公開此事。美國的行動從美國政治家佩洛西(Pelosi)公開訪問台灣開始,美國政治家在不知情的情況下為設想的事情做了必要的基礎工作,這種行動將產生不愉快的後果。
That is absolutely clear to me, and I have known since Sfath's time what will result, but about which, as usual, silence is to be maintained and talk is pointless anyway, because the arrogance of this sort of earthlings cannot be broken anyway. Quite the opposite, because the more the truth is revealed, the more the politicians and the believers in politics cling to the lies and deceit. This is sufficiently proven by the faith of those who have devoured the lying religions. All the truth and all the evidence that really everything in the religious stories is lies and lies, that is what the believers in religion do not want to admit and therefore do not want to accept.
That all religious stories have been misunderstood or deliberately falsified since ancient times is something that neither believing Christians, Muslims, Jews nor other religious believers and their sects want to accept. From time immemorial, everything that was transmitted in relation to religious traditions was written down by believers misunderstanding it and long after the death of those who taught it, very often over 100 or more years later, as is the case, for example, with Christianity, Judaism and Islam. As a rule, religious doctrines were written down by imaginative people, but also by misunderstanders and those afflicted by error, by believers who were fanatical about delusions. And so-called religious doctrines were also written down by malicious people who deliberately falsified everything out of revenge or greed for profit, as well as by elements who deliberately lied and deceived for their own advantage. In many cases, however, it also happened that the stories of religious falsification were written by earthlings in order to keep individual or masses of human beings in religious faith, especially in order to keep them in line with racism, slavery and financial dependence and exploitation.
But what is also to be said, beyond the faith in mendacious religions, is that many earthlings are so arrogant and arrogant that they hold the insane view that they are unique and alone in the whole universe, which is why they also deny the foreigners and their flying apparatuses, the so-called UFOs resp. Unknown Flying Objects, or simply silently doubt their existence. Although the excitement about them has largely died down in recent years, now and then I am asked about them by all kinds of human beings from all over the world, as a result of which I have to deal with them. Unfortunately, I am not allowed to give information about what it is all about, where the foreigners with their UFOs and their occupants come from, what they actually are and want, because in doing so I would not only endanger myself and everything around me, but also you Plejaren. You also shield yourselves from the foreigners, as we call them, because you must not be discoverable for them. The reasons for this should be understandable to all those inquirers who think things over and think for themselves, consequently they can work out for themselves what would happen if you Plejaren could be located by the UFO occupants.
Know-it-alls, doubters and those who are hostile to me have also been coming to me again and again for some time, but I can cope with them. I also hear and hear excuses from human beings all over the world who were misled by the lies and slander of my ex and my younger son and believed their slander because they were hostile to me. In retrospect, however, various human beings from all over the world have finally found out the truth and have come to the realisation that the lies of my ex and my younger son do not correspond to the truth. Some have even accepted passive membership and are studying the teachings, which have brought them a lot and for which they are very grateful and say that they have finally learned to think for themselves and that life is now much easier for them than before. I was also told that through the teaching, which is not only being learned in Europe, but also in Australia and New Zealand, as well as even in China, America and Canada, as well as in South America, in Russia and in Asia, it has helped and continues to help many human beings to be themselves and consequently also to feel free within themselves, etc. How the teaching came to them was explained to me without exception in such a way that they became aware of FIGU and also of the teaching through relatives, acquaintances and friends or through our website. This is usually also the reason why and how these people also found out that my ex and my son had at least been in the vicinity on various occasions during effective contacts with you Plejaren and had seen or heard the beamships. On the other hand, quite a few people have found out – but I do not know how – that my ex's story regarding the encounter with you in the parlour …
一段時間以來,知情者、懷疑者和對我有敵意的人也一再來找我,但我可以應付他們。我也聽到和收到來自世界各地人的道歉,他們曾被我的前妻和我小兒子的謊言所誤導,相信了他們的誹謗,而那些誹謗是因為他們對我有敵意。然而,回過頭來看,世界各地的人終於發現了真相,並認識到我的前妻和我小兒子的謊言並不符合事實。有些人甚至接受了被動會員的資格,正在學習教導,這給他們帶來了很大的收穫,他們非常感激,說他們終於學會了自己思考,現在的生活比以前自在多了。我還被告知,通過教導,不僅在歐洲,而且在澳大利亞和紐西蘭,甚至在中國、美國和加拿大,以及在南美洲、俄羅斯和亞洲都在學習,它已經幫助並繼續幫助許多人成為他們自己,因此也讓他們感到內心自由,等等。他們無一例外地通過親戚、熟人、朋友或我們的網站知道了FIGU,也知道了這個教導。這通常也是這些人為什麼以及如何發現我的前妻和我的兒子在與你們Plejaren的有效接觸中至少在附近的各種場合看到或聽到飛船。另一方面,相當多的人發現 —— 但我不知道是怎麼發現的 —— 我前妻關於與你在客廳裡相遇的故事 ...
… we really should not talk about that anymore, please.
... 我們真的不應該再談這個了,拜託。
The fact that you do not want to comment on this –, well, that is to be accepted. So I will keep quiet about it; but it is still to be said that Sfath already said that one should not rely on vaccinations, because in the future – seen from that time – various vaccines resp. vaccines are partly nothing but swindles and money-making of companies and corporations, which are only going to boost themselves financially through worthless and ineffective vaccines. It is also the case that one should not trust in vaccines if it has not been proven for many years that they are actually effective. Effectively, I should always strive to protect myself from illnesses, accidents and epidemics, but I should bear in mind that everything that has already been proven to be true in the future cannot be changed, so that it will be true one way or another and despite my caution. This has also proved to be the case in each individual case. But what I know about the future will also prove to be true with regard to humanity, e.g. that the climate change caused by humanity and its unreasonableness will bring great disaster upon the earthlings and that the shortage of drinking water will spread to such an extent that the authorities will consider rationing or similar measures, etc., But what will also happen in general with electrical energy, which will be used up to the point of no return by electric vehicles, whereas neither wind turbines nor solar panels will suffice to cover all the demand, which is becoming ever greater.
你不想談論這件事,好吧,那就不說了。所以我將保持沉默;但還是要說的是,Sfath已經說過,人們不應該依賴疫苗,因為在未來 —— 從那個時候看到的 —— 各種疫苗有一部分不過是公司和企業的騙局和賺錢手段,它們只是通過毫無價值和無效的疫苗在經濟上撈取利益。還有一種情況是,如果多年來沒有證明疫苗確實有效,就不應該相信疫苗。實際上,我應該始終努力保護自己不受疾病、事故和流行病的侵害,但我應該牢記,所有已經被證明是真實的東西在未來是無法改變的,因此,儘管我小心翼翼,它還是會以這樣或那樣的方式成為事實。到目前為止,事實也證明,在每個個案中都是如此。但我對未來的瞭解也將證明在人類方面是真實的,例如,由人類及其不合理性引起的氣候變化將給地球人帶來巨大的災難,飲用水的短缺將嚴重到政府當局將考慮配給或類似措施的程度等等。但是,電能短缺也將普遍發生,電動汽車將消耗電能到供不應求的地步,而風力發電和太陽能發電都不足以滿足所有的電力需求,這種需求正在變得越來越大。
But it will also not stop with those lunatics, the protesters, climate chaos and climate terrorists, who spread their criminal acts for the sake of environmental protection and cause more harm than good. Climate criminals who, in their bean-stroking stupidity, do not know and do not understand that the earthlings, through their huge mass of over 9.2 billion human beings, produce enormous amounts of CO2 through their breath alone, thus polluting the world. But none of these criminal demonstration idiots thinks about that. It is good that despite their young age and their stupidity and stupidity, they are slowly realising that the public media can no longer be trusted because they are only politically controlled and publish and spread lies upon lies and thus deceive the people and downright train them according to the wishes of the politicians.
The stupidity and dimwittedness of the majority of the population is what all the high ups of the religionists are counting on, namely that the earthlings prefer to devoutly emulate an imaginary god senselessly. And therefore it will be that nothing will improve. The stupidity of the rulers and their beliefs also invite disaster, for their orders are not good, when the Corona plague and its mutability are considered, as well as its real danger, which has already cost over 8 million human lives. When this is seen, it is incomprehensible that such lax regulations are issued regarding the prevention of infection by the disease. But do not let the FIGU mislead you, because you can only protect yourself to a certain extent by observing the necessary measures and continuing to use FFP2 respirators when you come into close contact with people who are not in your immediate living environment.
It will be forgotten in time – if it is really ended – that the Corona plague existed, because it will disappear again from the collective memory of humanity, as has always happened since time immemorial when pandemics claimed many millions of lives. This, such as the Spanish flu, which according to earthly figures claimed 50 million lives, but according to your figures claimed around 70 million. This Spanish flu epidemic, which actually arose from a traditional bird flu, originated in Kansas in the USA when wild birds infected domestic ducks and chickens and then human beings. From the USA, the disease was then introduced into Europe – as much evil has always come from America and still does and spreads all over the world, especially war, with which America does not hold back in its delusion of hegemony, as it is not doing now in Ukraine – by the USA military, which was involved in the Second World War, which lasted from 1914 to 1918 and also claimed millions of lives. In addition, Iraq was attacked by the leadership of President Bush of the USA and his lies, and later also by his war criminal son, who told outrageous lies, which has since resulted in the once flourishing Iraq sinking into anarchy and chaos, which will manifest itself particularly badly in the coming period.
隨著時間的推移 —— 如果疫情真的結束的話 —— 人們將會很快忘記冠狀病毒的存在,因為它將再次從人類的集體記憶中消失,就像自古以來大流行病奪走數百萬人的生命時,總是發生的情況那樣。這方面,例如西班牙流感(Spanish flu;正式名稱是1918年流感大流行),根據地球上的統計數字,它奪走了五千萬人的生命,但根據你們的數字,它奪走了大約七千萬人的生命。這場西班牙流感疫情,實際上是由傳統的禽流感引起的,起源於美國的堪薩斯州,當時野鳥感染了家鴨和雞,然後是人類。然後,這種疾病從美國傳入歐洲 —— 正如許多邪惡總是來自於美國,而且現在仍然如此,並在世界各地傳播,特別是戰爭,美國在其霸權的妄想中毫不留情,就像它現在在烏克蘭所做的那樣 —— 由美國軍隊參與了第二次世界大戰,這次戰爭從1914年持續到1918年,也奪去了數百萬人的生命。此外,伊拉克被美國總統布希(Bush)的領導和他的謊言所攻擊,後來也被他的戰爭罪犯兒子所攻擊,他說了令人髮指的謊言,這導致曾經繁榮的伊拉克陷入無政府狀態和混亂之中,這將在未來一段時間內表現得特別糟糕。
However, all this has been forgotten by the human beings, as a result of which hardly anyone today thinks about the whole murder scenario and the epidemic inferno. It will also be forgotten, therefore, that suffering will continue as long-term corona effects, from which many human beings are already dying and the medical profession does not know which suffering leads to death. These are not psyche ailments, as is generally assumed and claimed, but corona long-term ailments, which cannot be determined and which can be calculated with over 400 forms. In time, however, no one will know that these afflictions can be traced back to the corona plague – as it is already the case, and, as I have said, this is also the case with the fair medical profession – that everything comes from long-term afflictions, precisely that all the deaths are connected with the long-term effects of the corona plague. The epidemic, which at present seems to be rapidly subsiding, but in reality is mutating very rapidly and has already claimed over 1.3 million lives worldwide this year, will continue for some time to come and claim many victims. And the fact is that, according to your accurate Plejaren data and clarifications, the plague has already claimed 8.37 million lives worldwide during the period since 2019 to date, contrary to what the Earthlings claim to be about 6.5 million deaths from the Corona plague. So the Corona plague is much worse in terms of victims than the Mongols resp. the outlaw, Genghis Temüdschin Kahn, as he was really called, committed the genocide against the Tanguts about 1,200 years ago, which claimed the lives of about 3.5 million human beings. Sfath explained this to me at the time, when we were together in Afghanistan and India towards the end of the 1949s, where he also let me see a minaret – the place was probably called Dzam or Dzamm or something – then also the Qutb Minar and the Ironpillar in India, which I saw again several times later when I lived on Gurgoanroad in the Ashoka Ashram near Mehrauli, where I met Pobol Cheng, who was then still a child, then emigrated to the USA with her uncle and brother and then became a delegate at the UN. At that time, I was often visited in the ashram in all openness by Asket, consequently I was seen walking around the grounds with her, which Pobol could never forget. I also remember that once during the monsoon – which, by the way, will be tremendously stronger in the future due to climate change and will cause many deaths in all monsoon countries – I caught a cobra that wanted to attack me, but I preserved it in a jar with spirit and took it with me to Switzerland. I then gave it to my friend Heidi Näf as a gift when she was a telephonist at the main station in Zurich. We met whenever I was in Switzerland again and I also visited her parents. Well, what I actually wanted to say, though, that relates to the future, which I largely already know from the future journeys with Sfath and know that …
然而,這一切都被人類遺忘了,因此,今天幾乎沒有人想到整個病故的場景和流行病的地獄。因此,人們也會忘記,痛苦將作為長期的冠狀病毒效應繼續存在,許多人已經死於這種痛苦,醫學界不知道哪些痛苦會導致死亡。這些不是一般人假設和聲稱的心理疾病,而是冠狀病毒長期疾病,這些疾病無法確定,可以用四百多種形式計算。然而,假以時日,沒有人會知道這些病痛可以追溯到冠狀病毒疫情 —— 因為情況已經如此,正如我所說,公平的醫學界也是如此 —— 一切都來自長期病痛,準確地說,所有的死亡都與冠狀病毒疫情的長期影響有關。目前,這種流行病似乎正在迅速消退,但實際上正在迅速變異,今年已經在全球範圍內奪走了一百三十多萬人的生命,它將在未來一段時間內持續下去,並奪走許多受害者。而事實是,根據你們準確的Plejaren資料和澄清,自2019年至今,這場瘟疫已經在全球範圍內奪走了837萬人的生命,與地球人聲稱的冠狀病毒疫情約650萬人的死亡不同。因此,就受害者而言,冠狀病毒比蒙古人要嚴重得多。約一千兩百年前,亡命之徒成吉思汗(Genghis Temüdschin Kahn)對唐人進行了種族滅絕,奪去了約三百五十萬人的生命。Sfath當時向我解釋了這件事,當我們在1949年代末一起在阿富汗和印度時,他還讓我看到了一座尖塔 —— 那個地方可能叫Dzam或Dzamm之類的 —— 然後還有印度的古達明納塔(Qutb Minar)和德里鐵柱(Ironpillar)。後來我住在Gurgoanroad的Mehrauli附近的Ashoka修行院(Ashram)時,我又看到過幾次,在那裡我遇到了Pobol Cheng,她當時還是個孩子,後來和她的叔叔和哥哥移民到美國,然後成為聯合國的代表。當時,Asket和我經常在修行院裡公開見面,因此有人看到我和她一起在院子裡散步,這讓Pobol永遠無法忘記。我還記得,有一次在季風期間 —— 順便說一下,由於氣候變化,未來的季風將大大加強,並將在所有季風國家造成許多人死亡 —— 我抓住了一條眼鏡蛇,它想攻擊我,但我用烈酒(spirit)把它保存在一個瓶子裡,並把它帶到了瑞士。然後我把它作為禮物送給了我的朋友Heidi Näf,當時她是蘇黎世主要車站的電話接線員。每當我再次來到瑞士時,我們都會見面,我還拜訪了她的父母。好吧,其實我想說的是,雖然這與未來有關,但我基本上已經從與Sfath的未來旅行中知道了這些事,並且知道 ...
But you should keep that quiet if you …
但你應該保持沉默,如果你 ...
… of course, I'm only telling you.
... 當然,我只是告訴你。
It really wouldn't be good if …
這真的不是什麼好事,如果 ...
You worry too soon, because I know what I have to do. Sfath already explained to me why I should keep quiet about certain things, even though I sometimes find it difficult because …
你擔心得太早了,因為我知道我必須做什麼。Sfath已經向我解釋了為什麼我應該對某些事情保持沉默,儘管我有時覺得這很難,因為 ...
I can understand that, because it must indeed not be easy to keep quiet when you know that something will come up that will bring disaster and nothing can be done about it.
That is unfortunately the case, and that is something to gnaw at, and especially when one knows that the evil could be avoided by applying logic, reason and rationality. But it is the case that the majority of earthlings prefer to believe in nonsense, such as an imaginary God, and consequently do not align themselves with the truth and suffer harm in accordance with delusion, instead of precisely through the truth and benefiting from it. Unfortunately, there are only a few human beings on Earth who fully trust in the truth and benefit from it, such as nature, which provides a great many remedies for illnesses and pain, etc., which human beings can really trust in and successfully use and even make into a common medicine and accessible to human beings worldwide. This, such as the 'willow bark', which depending on the metabolism of the human beings can work wonders, such as against pain and even migraine. Today, willow bark is available for purchase in capsule form, and it is also the main ingredient of aspirin, which has other effects besides relieving pain, such as reducing fever and thinning the blood. But especially as far as migraines are concerned, the willow bark capsules work so well for many human beings that they can practically get rid of the migraine pain for good. Unfortunately, the medical profession keeps this secret from the patients and treats them with other and expensive medicines for the rest of their lives, because a lot of money is earned with other and useless remedies. This instead of willow bark capsules and three others – devil's claw capsules, frankincense capsules and VegAstin capsules – being prescribed as other necessary natural natural remedies.
遺憾的是,情況就是這樣,這也是件令人痛苦的事情,尤其是當人們知道,如果運用邏輯、理性,就可以避免這種邪惡的時候。但事實是,大多數地球人寧願相信無稽之談,如一個虛構的上帝,因此不相信真相,因妄想而受害,而不是透過真相從中受益。可惜地球上只有少數人類完全相信真相並從中受益,如大自然提供了大量治療疾病和痛苦等的藥方,人類可以真正信任並成功地使用,甚至使之成為一種普通的藥物,並為全世界的人類所接受。這方面,例如“柳樹皮”(willow bark),根據人類的新陳代謝,它可以創造奇跡,如對付疼痛甚至偏頭痛。今天,柳樹皮可用膠囊形式購得,它也是阿司匹林(aspirin)的主要成分,除了緩解疼痛外,還有其他作用,如退燒和稀釋血液。但特別是就偏頭痛而言,柳樹皮膠囊對許多人來說效果非常好,實際上可以永遠擺脫偏頭痛的痛苦。可惜醫學界對病人隱瞞了這個秘密,並在他們的餘生中用其他昂貴的藥物治療,因為用其他無用的補救措施賺了很多錢。這反而使柳樹皮膠囊和其他三種 —— devil's claw(俗稱惡魔之爪)膠囊、乳香(frankincense)膠囊和VegAstin膠囊 —— 被當作其他必要的天然天然藥物。
This unfortunately corresponds to the truth, but you will not succeed against the medically educated, consequently it is probably better to remain silent. But now I want to bring up this …
遺憾的是,這與事實相符,但對受過醫學教育的人來說,你不會成功,因此,最好保持沉默。但現在我想提出的是 …
I have a few questions about that, but it is probably better that I bring them up the next time you visit.
That would be good, because the following conversation will take a little long, if you still want to spend the time?
I'm sure that's not a problem, but it is still to be said, if I want to talk about the trees again, that specific trees should be named by Quetzal that we should plant here because the climate is getting drier and trees should be planted that respond well to the drought.
I will ask him about that, but now …
我會問他這個問題,但現在 …
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