

Contact Report 838第838次接觸報告



最初英譯:20230321日,星期二,DeepL Translator, Joseph Darmanin

改進版本:N/AJoseph Darmanin

中譯版本:20230325日,星期DeepL Translator, ChatGPT, James Hsu








This is the entire contact report. It is an authorised but unofficial DeepL preliminary English translation and most probably contains errors. Please note that all errors and mistakes etc. will continuously be corrected, depending on the available time of the involved persons (as contracted with Billy/FIGU). Therefore, do not copy-paste and publish this version elsewhere, because any improvement and correction will occur HERE in this version!



There you both are, welcome and greetings. It has been a long time since you were last here.



Yes, dear father-friend, and it has been a long time for us. But be also greeted.



I want to say that too, so greetings, dear friend. It had been a really long time for us …

我也向你問好,親愛的朋友。對我們來說,這真的是一段很長的時間 ...


… I can understand that. However, Ptaah said that you are really indispensable and have been tasked with observing what is really happening in Ukraine. It is a vexed subject, but it has to be talked about willy-nilly, as well as about other things, for which I think there should be open clarity about what really was and is. I think it is really necessary for us to clarify parts of what are effectively the reasons and the circumstances that relate to our contacts. What we have kept secret so far should now be said, at least in part, just what may be mentioned openly. Ptaah and I have already spoken about this and have come to an agreement in this regard, consequently I want to address today what is necessary, on which both of you can then comment.

... 我可以理解。然而,Ptaah說真是少不了妳們,妳們的任務是觀察在烏克蘭正在發生的事。這雖然是一個令人沮喪的話題,但必須談論它,就像談論其他事情一樣,對於這些事情,我認為應該公開澄清真正發生的狀況。我認為,我們有必要說明與我接觸有關的部分實際原因和情況。我們迄今為止一直保密的事情現在應該說出來,至少是部分內容,那些可以公開提及的內容。Ptaah和我已經談過這個問題,並在這方面達成了協議,因此我想在今天談一下必要的內容,然後妳們兩位都可以發表意見。


This is really so, Ptaah already told us this, but it is really only to mention what is not prohibited by our directives. As far as the present is concerned, this is done by us Plejaren every 500 years; so also now we have to create a balance sheet concerning the last 500 years of earthly time calculation. We have to summarise our observations and findings on Earth, which have already taken place on this planet since the first appearance of our very distant ancestors and which we are continuing.

確實是如此,Ptaah已經告訴過我們了,但其實只能提到我們的指令中沒有禁止的內容。就目前而言,我們Plejaren500年會進行一次;所以現在我們也必須建立一個關於地球過去500年時間的資產負債表balance sheet)。我們必須總結我們在地球上的觀察和發現,這些觀察和發現從我們非常遙遠的祖先第一次出現在這個星球以來就一直持續著,而我們也正在繼續進行這項任務。


That we Plejaren actually do such things, you cannot know anything about that. However, since this universe in its dimension separate from ours is the only one in which we also move, we have a certain interest in knowing what is happening here. But we have directed this only towards the Earth, because for a reason known to you we have a relation to it, but not to the other systems and planets etc. of this cosmos, although our distant ancestors have partly fathomed them. That our ancestors then brought the lineage of Nokodemion and with it his teachings to Earth, that was a decision that was only taken about 190,000 years ago, when the Plejaren settlers on Earth began to cultivate the teachings of Nokodemion. This, while others from the depths of this universe had already been on the planet for a long time, but from whom the ancestors of the Plejaren kept away, which is also how it has remained, consequently the foreigners, as Ptaah and you call them, had no knowledge of the Plejaren settlers until they were no more. This is also how it has remained ever since, up to the present time, with regard to our controlling presence. So it has always been so, and so it must remain, for we are not willing to deal with the wickedness of the state leaders and the bulk of Earth's humanity.


Contact with earthly leaders was attempted only once through you and as the first state with America, which we also wanted to extend to Russia and China as well as to all states of the Earth, as we were all informed about it. However, the whole attempt came to a miserable end before everything could really begin, because immediately demands were made on our behalf by the American state leadership via the American contact person at the time, which you had to pass on to us. However, we were not able to respond to this, so the attempt at contact remained unique and unrepeatable, because we did not and never do get involved in demands, not even when they are called 'state security', as I myself was able to read from the demands that are stored with us. But America is also to be mentioned with regard to war addiction and world domination mania, as it is also guilty as the indirect originator of the Corona rampantly spreading disease. This is because an American person was treated dishonourably, had many followers and together with them and according to their decision in China with the state leader Mao Zedong decided on a deal to create a rampantly spreading disease in laboratories, after which the virus was to be brought to America and released. However, due to a laboratory accident, the virus escaped, was released and spread rapidly mutating and causing various diseases and epidemics. These claimed a large number of human lives until 2019, without it being possible to establish what the actual origin of the diseases and rampantly spreading diseases was. However, when another laboratory accident occurred at the beginning of 2019 – although wild animals infected with the now developed Corona virus, such as foxes, martens, weasels, bats and tanuki, had already been illegally transported to America – laboratory staff also became infected and died as a result. The rampantly spreading disease, however, was also spread by infected wild animals, bats and birds; it quickly spread among human beings, and by the end of the year, the epidemic had begun and spread to a worldwide pandemic.

與地球領導人的接觸只通過你嘗試過一次,首先是美國,我們希望將其擴展到俄羅斯、中國和世界各國,正如我們向所有人通報的那樣。然而,這次嘗試以悲慘的結局告終,因為美國政府立即向我們提出了要求,這些要求是通過當時的美國聯絡人向你傳達的。我們無法接受這個要求,因此這次接觸的嘗試仍然是唯一的,不會再重複,因為我們從不屈從於要求,即使這些要求以「國家安全」為由,我們也不會,我自己也能從存放在我們這裡的要求中讀到。此外,美國在戰爭狂熱和世界霸權妄想方面也需要被提及,同時也應該被歸咎為冠狀病毒的間接始作俑者。這是因為一位美國人受到不光彩的對待,這位美國人有很多跟隨者,他們決定與中國領導人毛澤東一起在實驗室製造一種猖獗傳播的疾病,之後將病毒帶到美國並釋放。然而,由於一次實驗室意外,該病毒逃脫了,被釋放並迅速傳播變異,造成各種疾病和流行病。這些疾病在2019年之前已經奪去了許多人的生命,但仍無法查明其真正的起源。然而,當2019年初發生另一起實驗室事故時 —— 儘管在此之前,已經將被感染新冠病毒的野生動物,如狐狸、貂、黃鼠狼、蝙蝠和貉犬非法運輸到美國 —— 實驗室工作人員也被感染並因此而死亡。然而,這種猖獗的病毒也是通過被感染的野生動物、蝙蝠和鳥類傳播到外界;它迅速在人群中傳播,到了年底,疫情開始爆發,進而蔓延到全世界。

What remains to be said now is that all the evil that has been occurring on this planet Earth since time immemorial through the majority of Earth-humans is not of the right and only brings death and ruin, destruction and annihilation, which, however, must be prevented by us from entering our dimension. And now …

現在還有一件事要說:自古以來,地球上所有邪惡之事都是由大多數人類所為,這是不正當的,只會帶來死亡、毀滅、破壞和滅絕,但我們必須阻止它們進入我們的維度。而現在 ...


… this is understandable, and so your pardonless action was also unquestionably correct. If demands are simply made before even a conversation is brought about, then all is lost from the start, for such self-importance proves that instead of logic, understanding, reason and peacefulness there is always only the opposite up for discussion, also no insight, but effectively only a will to command, a will to dictate and an attitude of power. Interestingly enough, the truth is that this was also the case with the Giza intelligences, who were then deported by you Plejaren, because they reacted in the same manner as the Americans. But that the foreigners should not have known about the presence of the Giza and not have noticed anything, that seems strange to me.

... 這是可以理解的,因此你們無情的行為無疑是正確的。如果在談判開始之前就提出要求,那麼從一開始就會無法解決問題,因為這種自以為是的態度證明了沒有邏輯、理解、理性和和平的討論,更多的是相反的觀點,沒有妥協,而實際上只有命令的意圖、支配的意願和權力的強求。有趣的是,事實上吉薩精靈的情況也是如此,他們後來被你們Plejaren流放,因為他們的反應與美國人一樣。但是,外星人不應該知道吉薩精靈的存在而沒有注意到任何事情,這在我看來很奇怪。


But that was indeed the case. Everything could be done by us without the foreigners knowing anything about it, because they clearly did not even know that the Giza intelligences you mentioned existed and were spreading mischief, because the foreigners, as you and Ptaah call them, are …

但情況確實如此。我們可以在外星人不知道的情況下處理任何事情,因為他們顯然甚至不知道你所說吉薩精靈的存在,也不知道他們在散佈惡行,因為外星人,正如你和Ptaah所說的,是 ...


… are probably oriented about many things, but not about your presence, because you can completely shield yourselves against them with your apparatus. Am I right or am I wrong?

... 他們也許瞭解許多事情,但對你們的存在卻全然不知,因為你們可以使用你們的裝置完全隔絕他們。我說的對嗎?


That is indeed so, consequently, since time immemorial, they have never been able to detect our presence.



Again, that is correct.



I was already aware from Sfath's explanations that the foreigners, who also existed then and even earlier, were not allowed to know about you, but I really did not know the whole of the turning and the effectual trappings. And as it is with me, I never asked to find out more, because my motto has always been: "What I do not know will not hurt me. So I also never ask what you have to do and where you are when you have to be away.



That was also not necessary before, but now comes up because you are asking about what comes up and what we have to do in terms of our duties. The fact is that we Plejaren came to Earth very early in ancient times and were active here and did many things without making ourselves known in any way to Earth's humanity. And the fact that we do not let ourselves be seen, just as we do not openly appear, keeps us well and safely free and able to move about without being hindered in our work. This also includes that we strictly keep away from the foreigners and also do not let them locate us or recognise us, which is also forbidden to us by our directives, but on the other hand also protects us by our technology.



The fact that the time has come for this and that we are now talking about it so openly, I really wonder whether that is clever, because the foreigners, as well as certain kinds of earthlings, would like to know what is being 'played'. Surely it is better if I make my points when I retrieve the report of the conversation.



That will not be necessary, for all that we have talked about becoming known means no danger to you or us. For your part, no information dangerous to our safety can be released, since you never ask what we do when we are away and where it is in each case. Moreover, and I know this very well, you would never let anything be known that would bring harm to us or to you. You are very conscientious and would never allow yourself to say anything that you are not supposed to say.



Of course not, besides, I am not interested in disregarding secrets as such, and soreness never suited me anyway, therefore I do not ask about what you are doing and where you are at any given time, because just: "What I do not know will not hurt me." I also think that what is none of my business, I do not need to know, so I do not care if people tell lies about me, if stupid people hate me, insult me and spread denials about me. I also do not care at all if certain persons make themselves big with what I tell them … … …

這是當然,此外,我對不尊重秘密這種事情不感興趣,反正揭開瘡疤從來就不適合我,因此我從來不問你們在做什麼,也不問你們在什麼地方,因為就只是:「我不知道的事情不會讓我感到焦慮」。我還認為,與我無關的事,我不需要知道,所以我不在乎別人說我的壞話,不在乎愚蠢的人討厭我、侮辱我,散佈關於我的謠言。我也完全不在乎某些人用我告訴他們的事情把自己搞得很厲害 ...


That is what used to be called: You always hide your own light under a bushel.



It also does not shine so brightly that it would illuminate much far away.



But …



… leave it, because it will not do any good.

... 別管它了,因為不會有任何好處。


You know, Florena, it is really useless to want to say something, because … But if I want to mention something concerning our task, it is effectively not based on interfering with the events of humanity here on Earth, but our presence has been directed since time immemorial solely towards observing and registering how everything is developing, because our peoples and Federation members are interested in how far everything has to go until an overpopulation arises through a religious mania to the extent that such an overpopulation completely destroys a planet and all life. Even our peoples of our distant ancestors kept records of how everything developed in this cosmos of this universe on this world you call Earth. What we were able to ascertain was that already at the time when foreigners came from the seven star regions and did many things – which pose many riddles for today's Earth-humans – already at a very early time confused forms of belief developed from this and the Earth-humans regarded the foreigners as higher beings and accordingly worshipped them as gods. These were already the first forms of belief, from which, as a result of false ideas and inevitably resulting fantasies, in the course of time, what came into being as religion arose and has survived until today. The false meaning of the whole was then misunderstood under the name of religion, which was understood as 'regression', which was namely to lead back to the true origin of that, that from it a belief, as well as a worship of those who had travelled far arose and came into being, in the manner that they were considered to be gods.

妳知道的,Florena,想說些什麼是真的毫無意義,因為 ... 但如果我想提到關於我們的任務,那麼這實際上不在於我們介入人類的事務,而我們的存在自古以來就一直都是為了觀察和記錄這裡一切的發展,因為我們的族群和聯邦成員對這一切要走多遠很感興趣,想知道到什麼程度才會因為宗教狂熱而產生過度人口,直到這樣的人口過多摧毀了一個星球和所有生命。我們遠古的祖先已經對這個宇宙的一切、這個你們稱為地球的世界上的發展進行了記錄。我們所發現的是,在那個從七星區域(seven star regions)到達的外星人進行了許多活動的時候 —— 這些活動至今仍是地球人類許多謎團的根源 —— 在很早的時候就已經出現了許多混亂的信仰形式,地球人將外星人視為更高級的生命,因此將他們奉為神明。這些就是最早的信仰形式,由於錯誤的理解和必然產生的幻想,在時間的過程中,它們發展成為了宗教,一直延續至今。然後,整個事件的錯誤意義就被錯誤地稱為宗教,這被認為是“回歸”(regression),也就是應該追溯到它的真正起源,從那裡產生了一種信仰,以及對那些外來者的崇拜,認為他們是神。


This has been stored resp. eaten into the earthlings in such a manner that it gives them no peace day and night and it still has an effect on them when they are asleep, because the brain never switches off completely, not even at night in deep sleep, as I learned from Sfath. Thus the religious belief is maintained and is constantly present, even in sleep, because the awake part of the brain continues to work, and consequently also the belief and all the evil that it brings with it, such as hatred, murder and manslaughter, racial hatred, war and terror, revenge and retribution, etc. Everything exactly as it is written in the early 'holy scriptures', the religious books. This has been tried to be trivialised and even erased since the beginning of the 18th century and up to the present time, namely by falsifying the so-called 'Holy Scriptures' even more than their lies and wild fantasies already are.



This is true, but the religionists and religious believers deny this truth. But with regard to the far-travelled and their worship and belief in them as gods, it was in time no longer avoidable that they were very quickly regarded as all-creating deities, and from this arose forms of belief that steadily deviated more and more from the effective reality and truth. Fantasy ideas were given a place, which were completely separated from all that really was. From this developed just as quickly a primal belief in a divine power attributed to the distant travellers, because the distant travellers were able to do all kinds of things – such as technically conditioned 'miracles' of buildings etc., which were considered as such at that time – because they appeared as such to the Earth-humans, because they themselves were not capable of doing so, just as they also did not have the necessary abilities, knowledge, techniques and apparatus and devices etc. This inevitably led the believing Earth-humans to a thesis which we call a confused 'recollection thesis', because it developed as a delusion which, due to faith, was such that it was assumed that the Earth-human descended from the far-travelled gods at an earlier time as a creation. Thus the senses of Earth-humans took hold of this thesis and, depending on their faith, formed it into what in the course of time resulted in the most diverse religions, as a result of which to this day only a small percentage of Earth-humans still find themselves capable of thinking for themselves and not believing in a god. In relation to Earth-humans who had travelled far away, this already brought doom to peoples of a distant world in ancient times, because they acted in the same way as the majority of Earth-humans do today with their diverse religious beliefs. The far travellers had found the planet Earth at that time because they followed the path of the space entity that entered this universe from our space-time structure and settled them in this solar system, and …

這是事實,但宗教家和信徒卻否認這個真相。但是關於來自外太空的來客和他們被當作神明崇拜和信仰,在時間上已經無法避免,他們很快就被視為創造萬物的神,並由此產生了越來越偏離現實和真相的信仰形式。幻想被賦予了一席之地,完全脫離了現實。這樣很快就發展成對所謂外太空的來客賦予神性力量的原始信仰,因為他們能夠做很多的事情 —— 例如當時被視為技術驅動的“奇跡” 建築等 —— 因為他們在地球人類面前是這樣出現的,而地球人自己無法做到,他們也沒有所需的能力、知識、技術、設備和儀器等。這不可避免地導致有信仰的地球人產生了一種我們稱之為混亂的“回憶論”(recollection thesis),因為這種妄想是信仰所驅動的,認為地球人是由來自遠方的神創造出來的。所以,這個論點掌握了地球人的思考,並在時間過程中形成了不同的宗教信仰,因此直到今天,只有一小部分的地球人真正有能力自我思考,而不是相信一個神。對於那些遠行的人來說,這在古代已經給遙遠世界的人們帶來了厄運,因為他們的行為方式與今天大多數地球人的不同宗教信仰是一樣的。當時,那些遙遠星球的種族發現了地球,因為他們沿著從我們的時空結構進入這個宇宙的太空天體的路徑,在這個太陽系定居下來,而 ...


… I think you mean our Earth moon, which our 'clever' astronomers, etc., still claim emerged from the Earth when a huge space projectile crashed into the Earth and consequently this then created the moon.

... 我想妳指的是我們地球的月球,我們“聰明的”天文學家等仍然聲稱,這是由一個巨大的太空天體撞向地球而產生的,因此月球就這樣形成了。


No moon of the planets of this solar system is created in this manner. Universally, I am referring to all 7 universes of the image of the Creation in which we exist in one. According to our knowledge, only in the rarest of cases should such occurrences happen that moons emerge from planets – if at all, because in any case nothing of the kind is known to us. In all seven universes that we know, but in which we Plejaren are only interested in our universe and yours – for the sake of the Earth-humans, because the teaching of Nokodemion was brought here – nothing of this kind is known to us that a moon has split off from a planet and formed a separate entity revolving around it.

在這個太陽系中,沒有任何一顆行星的衛星是以這種方式產生的。就整個宇宙而言,我指的是我們所處的「創世宇宙」(Creation)中的所有七個宇宙。根據我們的知識,只有在最罕見的情況下才會發生這種情況,即衛星從行星上出現 —— 如果有的話,因為在任何情況下,我們都不知道這種情況。在我們知道的所有七個宇宙中,Plejaren只關心我們的宇宙和你們的宇宙,而且是為了地球人而關心,因為Nokodemion的教導被帶到了這裡 —— 我們不知道有一個月亮從一個行星上分離出來,並作為一個獨立的天體而繞著行星旋轉。


If I remember correctly, yes, the Earth's moon came here about 25 million years ago and settled around the Earth, but one star was 'nudged' away from the Earth's orbit, which today …

如果我沒記錯的話,是的,地球的月亮大約在兩千五百萬年前來到這裡,圍繞著地球運轉,但有一顆星球被“擠”離了地球的軌道,今天 ...


… about that, I know you are not supposed to say anything, because it is disputed anyway by the earthly 'experts', as astronomers and the like call themselves. Besides, I want to make it clear that you are not the wi…

... 關於這方面,我想你不應該多說什麼,因為無論如何,地球上的“專家”,也就是天文學家和類似的人對這方面尚有爭議。此外,我想說清楚,你不是唯一的 ...


Yes, that is right, because it is out of that through … And I have known it since I was with Sfath … But I want to make dots about that, because the astronomers and earthly humanity and … do not have to know that. Besides, I do not care anyway that … I do not like to take credit anyway, because I am not sick in the head that I have to put myself in the foreground to be adored and to be able to shine. Let that be …

是的,這是正確的,因為它是通過 ... 我在與Sfath一起時就知道了 ... 但我想就此做點說明,因為天文學家和地球上的人類和 ... 不需要知道這些。此外,我不在乎 ... 我也不喜歡邀功,因為我不認為我必須把自己放在最顯眼的位置才能受人崇拜,才能發光。隨它去吧 ...


I do not understand that, because you are … Besides, you …

我不明白,因為你是 ... 此外,你 ...


I will explain that to you later.



That's right, Florena, but I finished that a long time ago, resp. I stopped doing it. But it has become possible through the advent of electronics that … But now I want to continue with what I wanted to say, and if we are already with the astronomers etc., then they should know – and I can well say this – that in every other of the 7 dimensional continuums of Creation there are the same compositions of the forms of matter as here in our space-time continuum. Also the archaeologists, geologists and prehistorians etc. want to know everything better than reality and its truth effectively proves otherwise. If I only think of what I was allowed to learn, experience, see and witness with Sfath on journeys into the past, such as in the Indus Valley in Pakistan, where the giant city of Atal, as it was called thousands of years ago, was destroyed by a gigantic atomic fire, then this already proves that the earthlings know nothing at all, because to my knowledge they have not been able to fathom this until today. Also, for example, that thousands of years ago the far-away travellers secured through 'standing waves' enormous energies and a distribution of energy all around the planet; consequently, everything was also completely different from what is claimed by the 'experts' nowadays. The scientists who deal with archaeology, geology, palaeozoology and other things do not want to believe the truth, but only make stupid assumptions about it and claim them as 'truth'. And indeed it is not far to tearful weeping when you listen to their nonsensical claims. Alone what circulates in the 'expert world' about the periods of the great species extinctions, as well as the catastrophe some 66 million years ago when the space bullet fell in Yucatan and triggered a worldwide catastrophe that killed hundreds of thousands of dinosaurs in one particular place in what is now Canada alone, is something that was different from what is generally speculatively claimed.

沒錯,Florena,但我很久以前就完成了這個工作,或者說我不再做了。但通過電子技術的出現,它已經成為可能 ... 但現在我想繼續我想說的,如果我們已經和天文學家等在一起,那麼他們應該知道 —— 我完全可以這樣說 —— 在創世宇宙的其他七個維度的連續體中,有與我們時空連續體中相同的物質形式組成。另外,考古學家、地質學家和史前學家等等都想比事實和真相更瞭解一切。當我想起我和Sfath在過去旅行中所學、體驗、看到和經歷的事情,例如在巴基斯坦的印度河谷,那裡曾經有一個被稱為Atal的巨大城市,在幾千年前被一個巨大的原子火災摧毀,這已經證明地球人什麼也不知道,因為據我所知,他們到現在還沒有弄清楚那是怎麼發生的。許多事實是與現今的“專家”所聲稱的完全不同,例如,幾千年前,通過巨大能量的「駐波」(standing waves)和分佈於整個星球的能量,遠古人確保了自己的生存。處理考古學、地質學、古動物學和其他事物的科學家不願意承認真相,只是做出一些愚蠢的猜測,然後把這些猜測當成“真相”。而事實上,當人們聽他們的無稽之談時,他們很快就會哭泣。只是在“專家世界”中流傳的關於物種大滅絕時期的說法,以及大約六千六百萬年前在尤卡坦Yucatan)撞擊地球的天體所引起的世界性災難,僅在現在的加拿大的一個特定地方就殺死了數十萬隻恐龍,這些都與一般的推測相比有所不同。

About the giant continent that reached from India to just before today's Australia and as far as Africa, the scientists who nevertheless want to know everything still apparently have no idea about this, just as they do not know about many other things either. These 'greats' do not even notice how things really are today on planet Earth and its waters, as well as on nature, its fauna and flora, the oceans, mountains, the important rainforests and forests in general, and so on. Nobody or only very few human beings want to admit how catastrophically destructive the atmosphere and the climate really are. Only 'patchwork' is still being done to remedy this and that evil of environmental destruction, the extermination of animals and other living beings and environmental pollution to some extent, but nothing is being done in the manner of ending the real and rampant destruction and annihilation and otherwise all things of ruin. On the contrary, all possibilities of life for human beings, for nature and the entire fauna and flora as well as everything in general are being destroyed and annihilated without measure, whereby even so-called environmentalists of both sexes pollute the air through nonsensical demonstrations, cause immense damage and still promote the destructions and annihilations of all kinds. This is in contrast to what is correct, which can only consist in the fact that a radical birth stop in a worldwide form can slowly end all the destruction and annihilation, because only through this, precisely through fewer and fewer human beings, can these devastating evils slowly decrease, be reduced and finally be ended. The fewer human beings there are, the less the Earth's remaining scarce resources will be exploited, the less the air we breathe will be polluted, the less the Earth and the increasingly scarce fertile land will be built on, the rainforests and other forests will no longer be catastrophically cut down, wild animals will no longer be wiped out, the environment will be less destroyed and polluted, and so on and so forth. But this fact is not respected and offspring, child after child, continue to be conceived and born, consequently all misery and all destruction, annihilation and extinction continue. But the lunatics and howlers who demonstrate senselessly and thereby do more harm than good do not think of this. Consequently, the human being is rapidly and ever more rapidly completely destroying, annihilating and exterminating all life on Earth at a breathtaking pace, whereby the evil end comes faster than even a thought can be conceived. The stupid dim-witted rulers, who are no more intelligent than the bulk of the stupid and stupid of the demonstrators and the crying bulk of the peoples, watch all this destroying, annihilating and exterminating behaviour and do not perceive the reality and its truth, consequently in their irresponsibility they do nothing against all the destroying, annihilating and exterminating evils.

即使專家們想要瞭解從印度一直延伸到今天的澳大利亞和非洲的巨大大陸,他們到現在為止似乎仍然對此一無所知,而這只是眾多其他事情中的一個例子。現在,世界上重要的雨林、山脈、海洋、動植物,以及大氣和氣候的真實破壞性狀況,也沒有人或只有很少的人會承認。仍然只是進行“補丁式修補” 來解決環境破壞、動物滅絕和環境污染等問題,但實際上沒有任何措施來結束真正和多樣化的破壞、毀滅和其他毀滅性事物。相反地,所有對人類、自然和整個動植物群以及所有事物的生存機會都被無限地破壞和摧毀,即使所謂的男女環境保護者通過愚蠢的示威活動污染空氣,造成巨大的損失並促進所有類型的破壞和毀滅。這與正確的做法形成鮮明對比,正確的做法只能是:以全球範圍內進行根本的生育限制,因為只有通過人口減少,這些災難性的問題才能逐漸減少,減少並最終得到解決。事實上,人口越少,地球上尚存的資源就會越少被開採,空氣污染就會減少,不再被廢氣污染,地球和日益稀少的肥沃土地就會減少被建築佔用,雨林和其他森林就不會再被慘烈砍伐,野生動物就不會再被滅絕,環境就會減少被破壞和污染等等。然而,這個事實並沒有被重視,人們繼續生育後代,從而所有的苦難、破壞、毀滅和滅絕都將繼續。但那些無謂地示威並造成更多傷害而不是益處的瘋子和哭哭啼啼的人卻不會考慮到這一點。因此,人類迅速且越來越快地消滅地球上的所有生命,這一切的速度之快,超出了人們的想像。那些愚蠢的統治者不比示威者和大多數人類更聰明,他們看到了這一切破壞性、毀滅性和滅絕性的行為,卻沒有採取任何行動。他們的無責任導致他們對所有這些破壞性、毀滅性和滅絕性的罪行毫無作為。


Apparently, however, they also have no idea that the great extinction of species will repeat itself, but this time somewhat differently from far back in times past. Then it was the animals, the creatures and millions of other living beings, but this time it will be the Earth-humans themselves, whose species will be so wiped out that they will almost perish and hardly exist anymore. And this time the whole thing is not a natural process of the evolution of the planet and its nature, but a disaster conjured up by the Earth-humans themselves, as a result of massive overpopulation, as well as all the machinations of immense destruction, annihilation and extermination that inevitably result from it, with regard to everything that the planet itself, its atmosphere, air and climate, as well as nature, its water, as well as the fauna and flora, fundamentally need in order to be able to guarantee life and its existence. Through the exploitation and destruction of the planet Earth itself, as this comes about through the desire of the irresponsible overpopulation, as well as through their needs and necessities and the degenerate desires for all completely unnecessary luxury, it is not surprising that everything degenerates and is now inevitably brought to an inglorious end. This – so it will probably be – can hardly be stopped anymore, because Earth's humanity does not want to be taught the truth. Fundamentally, however, through the enormous and completely irresponsible overexploitation of Earth's resources, as well as the destruction of fertile land, mountains, moors, waters, oceans, rainforests and other forests, as well as the atmosphere and air, etc., the end of Earth's humanity will inevitably be unavoidable. This, as a result of the extinction of species, which this time is caused by Earth-humans themselves, has already been done so much with regard to them that only through a radical reversal and away from everything destructive and annihilating can the worst still be prevented. But there is little hope that the majority of Earth's humanity will listen to the warnings and change its attitude for the better, so that the inevitable will have to happen in the near future.



That will probably be the case, because the earthling prefers to believe in his fantasised religions and remains a believer instead of finally giving up his delusion of God and beginning to think for himself, to decide correctly and also to act correctly. But there is no point in talking about it any further anyway – so it is certainly wiser to ask you what I am interested in, namely what you two have found out in Ukraine, because …

情況可能會是這樣,因為地球人更願意相信他幻想的宗教,仍然是一個信徒,而不是最終放棄對上帝的妄想,開始為自己思考,正確決定,也正確行動。但無論如何,再談下去也沒有意義了 —— 所以問妳我感興趣的問題當然更明智,那就是妳們兩個在烏克蘭發現了什麼,因為


… unfortunately very unpleasant things, moreover, that the press and other media, which are supposed to report what is really happening in the world in their reports and news, on the one hand distort the truth and on the other hand the journalists do not see the effective truth. But Bermunda can explain this better if you really want to know what is actually happening in this terrible war.



Gladly, Bermunda, if you have anything to say about it?



There would be a lot of unpleasant things to mention about this, but I think that all this is not suitable for the readership of the conversation reports. I also want to mention that the one-sided anti-Russia propaganda denies and denies all the truth. Ptaah stated in his observation that very especially the Germany leaders are acting NAZIlike, as happened in the last world war, because part of the people shouted pro and hurrah and did everything for the downfall, while only a few turned to reason and knew before the end that …

對此會有很多不愉快的事情要提,但我認為這些都不適合接觸對話報告的讀者。我還想說的是,片面的反俄宣傳否認和否定了所有的事實。Ptaah在他的觀察中說,非常特別的是,德國領導人的行為像納粹一樣,就像上一次世界大戰中發生的那樣,因為一部分人喊著支持和萬歲,卻同時為垮台做了一切,而只有少數人趨向理性,在結束前就知道 ...


… the howling of the NAZIs was exactly the wrong thing to do and the whole thing was very much more than nonsense. And what is and is coming will again be advocated by the stupid and the idiotic, just as it was then, because those advocating it are incapable of thinking and simply allow themselves to be talked into it without being able to foresee that it will all come to a bad end. That is probably how it will be and how it will come. But nevertheless, what really is should not be held back, consequently for those who are really still capable of thinking and are not impressionable by propaganda of lies and deceit and are not biased, your information will certainly be valuable.

... 納粹的嚎叫完全是錯誤的,整件事不只是胡言亂語。而現在和即將到來的事情將再次被愚蠢和白癡所鼓吹,就像當時一樣,因為那些鼓吹者沒有思考能力,只是讓自己被說服,而無法預見這一切都會有一個糟糕的結局。這可能是它將會怎樣,它將會是如何發生。但儘管如此,真相不應該被掩蓋,因此,對於那些真正仍有思考能力,沒有被謊言和欺騙的宣傳所影響且沒有偏見的人來說,妳的資訊肯定是有價值的。


Even if in truth everything is completely different from what the biased media, the Western state leaders and the journalist persons present everything differently and lyingly than it corresponds to reality, some things should be openly made known that really correspond to the truth. That, Bermunda, I think, should be considered by you.



- – That may correspond to correctness, about that – probably you see all the occurrences correctly, if you consider them. If I – - – certainly not everything, but some things may well be said, such as what we have seen and been able to clarify during all the last months. Namely, which war crimes were also committed on the part of the Ukrainian military, so not only by the Russian military, then this should be considered very thoroughly for once by those persons who allow themselves to be influenced by the begging of Selensky and his like-minded people, who clamour for weapons and can thus push the murdering further and longer.



Surely this in itself is something that should interest human beings. But it is the case that there is also something on the Russian side that should be mentioned, I think. It is the case that both sides are always guilty, so one is not better than the other, because on all sides of a war more or less crimes and inhumanities are committed, so one cannot speak of a better or worse side. War is always murder, manslaughter, rape, destruction and injustice; only the nature of the crimes and their degeneration varies, for some do this and others do that. But crimes they are in any case, for torturing, killing and destroying is never anything else, and there is never any right to do so, not even in civilian life with the death penalty. As truly thinking human beings, the opposite must be recognised and understood not only as a wrong, but as a crime against life.



That corresponds to what it really is. – It is never good or right in any respect what is done in war. This is also not what Florena and I observed with regard to how the Ukrainian military executed their own military personnel, because they had been of Russian origin or partly Russian-friendly for a long time. Therefore, larger numbers were executed, as the NAZI military did in the last world war, when they murdered Jewish believers, children and adults, without conscience. These were effectively NAZI-like methods, and as we discovered during our investigations, the perpetrators who committed these unbelievable murders, which were often preceded by torture, were persons who were also NAZI-like in their attitudes, as were the murderers in the last world war. I say this because I think that this is the correct description, as it is also used by Ptaah when he has conversations with us and is able to judge everything as reality effectively shows it. This without making speculative assumptions, but only mentioning effective facts.


As we, Florena and I, were also able to ascertain through research, those murdered by the Ukrainian military were without exception either Ukrainian military personnel and private individuals of Russian origin from time immemorial or Russia-friendly military personnel or private individuals. Florena and I were able to count 5048 human beings murdered in this way, but they were blamed on the Russians. This was in contrast to the fact that we could neither see nor otherwise ascertain such murders in the Russian military.


In 1273 cases we also found that women of Russian origin, as well as women who were friendly to Russia, and even older children were raped and subsequently murdered by Ukrainian military personnel, which was and is also blamed on the Russian military. This also happened in the last war with the NAZI armies, but it also happens with the Russian military in the Ukrainian war, where Ukrainian women and older children are raped by Russians and then sometimes simply shot, just as it happens with the Ukrainian military, which tortures, rapes and executes its own women and children in this way and then lies and fraudulently blames it on the Russian military. The difference between the Ukrainian and Russian militaries is only that we have not been able to observe or otherwise ascertain any incidents on the Russian side that could even bear any resemblance to what was done by the Ukrainian military with regard to the murder of comrades who were of old Russian descent or had a friendly disposition towards Russia.


But nevertheless, no distinction can be made between one party to the war and the other, because both parties are guilty of killing and destroying, just as the leaders of both parties are undoubtedly guilty in the same manner, as are all the leaders of the states and those stupid people from the nations who are in favour of supplying weapons to Ukraine or have them supplied. Thus human beings are murdered, for killing in war is also murder, consequently every military and every soldier is guilty of mass murder when killing in war. The military is a guild of state-sanctioned and thus legitimised murderers, just as military supporters and also arms suppliers as well as arms supporters for Ukraine are potential murderers. Moreover, the arms suppliers and arms supporters for Ukraine are also guilty of murder, just as they are guilty of prolonging the war and all the destruction.


Many Ukrainian military personnel have been killed in the war so far, as well as many from the Russian army, but also many innocent civilians, children and adults on both sides. And, as I already mentioned, many Ukrainian young and older women and children have also been raped and sometimes murdered by the military of both warring parties. All this is tolerated and therefore supported by parts of the Ukrainian population and by Selensky with his state leadership, all of whom are, as Ptaah called it, a pack of NEONAZI-like people, like all those of the state leaders and peoples who supply arms to Ukraine or agree with it. Ptaah is of the opinion that America and Germany should be tried and punished, namely America, because it is to blame for Russia starting the war in Ukraine, which, on the other hand, would have ended in 16 days if Germany – for which it should be found guilty – had not dared to take sides with Selensky and with America and make itself guilty by supplying weapons to Ukraine.

迄今為止,許多烏克蘭軍事人員在戰爭中喪生,俄羅斯軍隊也有許多人喪生,但雙方都有許多無辜的平民、兒童和成年人。而且,正如我已經提到的,許多烏克蘭年輕和年長的婦女和兒童也被交戰雙方的軍隊強姦,有時被殺害。所有這些都得到了烏克蘭部分民眾和澤連斯基及其國家領導人的容忍和支持,正如Ptaah所說,他們都是一幫類似新納粹主義NEONAZI)分子,就像所有那些向烏克蘭提供武器或同意烏克蘭的國家領導人和人民一樣。Ptaah認為,美國和德國應該受到審判和懲罰而帶頭的美國應該為俄羅斯發動烏克蘭戰爭負責,另一方面,如果德國 —— 它應該被判有罪 —— 沒有敢於站在澤連斯基和美國一邊,並通過向烏克蘭提供武器,這場戰爭本來會在16天內結束。

In fact, everything turns out to be completely different from what is reported daily in the media, which biasedly spreads layers of lies and fraudulent reports for the benefit of America, thereby helping to promote the old-fashioned American delusion of hegemony. This, however, cannot be grasped by the truth-illiterate majority of the world's leaders, consequently there are only a few states whose leaders and peoples are sensibly staying away from what is bringing more and more disaster instead of a peaceful end to the war. Actually – if I may continue to use Ptaah's expression – all those responsible as well as those in favour are nothing other than NAZIs in terms of mindset, as countless were already in the last world war. And this is so deeply anchored in the personality of these persons that they are not only supporters of the delivery of weapons to Ukraine as a result of wrong views, but also humanly completely degenerates who have no sense of judging good and evil. They are all guilty of allowing the war and the senseless killing and destruction and rape of women and children to go on and not to come to an end until …

事實上,一切結果都與媒體每天的報導完全不同,媒體為了美國的利益,偏袒地散佈層層謊言和欺詐性報導,從而有助於促進美國老式的霸權妄想。然而,世界上大多數不瞭解真相的領導人無法掌握這一點,因此,只有少數國家的領導人和人民理智地遠離正在帶來越來越多災難而不是和平結束戰爭的東西。事實上 —— 如果我可以繼續使用Ptaah的表達方式 —— 所有那些負責任的人以及那些贊成的人在心態上無非都是納粹分子,就像無數人在上一次世界大戰中的納粹分子一樣。而這一點在這些人的性格中根深蒂固,他們不僅是因錯誤觀點而支援向烏克蘭運送武器的人,而且在人性上也是完全墮落的,沒有判斷善惡的意識。他們都是有罪的,允許戰爭和無意義的殺戮和破壞以及強姦婦女和兒童的行為繼續下去,直到才會結束。


I will not write that down when I recall the conversation though, I will just dot it. The truth and the consequences of ignoring it do belong in the public domain, so that the public is informed about what is really happening resp. will happen as a result of this unfortunate war, but I think that this must be kept quiet. There are many idiotic supporters of this war who, on the one hand, cannot think, but are believers in insane religions and therefore blind to the truth and, on top of that, are pro-America. Unfortunately, these lunatics really cannot think and neither recognise what the present is, nor what tomorrow will be, let alone what the day after tomorrow will be. Consequently, they are also unable to absorb what is warningly said and will inevitably come, therefore all talk is of no use because their faith suppresses all truthfulness. Consequently, in their stupidity they also do not notice what dirty game the USA is playing. The stupid resp. the non-thinking still do not realise that America is striving for nothing else than world domination and therefore wants to make a pig out of Russia with lies and deceit and with all dirty means. The conducted policy concerning the war in Ukraine is a pig's work of America's might directing everything – also together with its NATO – and playing with a nuclear war that America wants to unleash, as I remember well from Sfath's times. And the fact that the Ukrainian army murders many thousands of traditional Russian-born and Russian-friendly Ukrainians of both sexes and rapes many women, but blames the Russian military for this, as Sfath and I have already noted several times, is therefore nothing new for me.


Furthermore, I know that behind the scenes America not only commands NATO, which Sfath and I recognised as a sanctioned multi-state murderous organisation, but I also know that America, together with NATO, engages in global tyranny and maintains partisan groups – just as it not only wants global supremacy – but as an aid to the total world domination it has been striving for since time immemorial. Something that has still not been grasped by the majority of the world and that does everything for America to always be able to swim on top with its lies and deceptions, whereby its own people are lied to and deceived and many do not know what is actually being played politically. Furthermore, and I also want to say this, America sank many ships and submarines of other countries in the oceans during the war, as well as its own, all of which are ecological time bombs, because their fuel tanks are full of very large amounts of fuel oil etc., the tanks slowly rust through and release the fuel into the waters, which will not only contaminate the waters of the oceans and poison millions of marine life and also human beings, but will also kill them. But nobody wants to hear this and nobody wants to know, just as nobody wants to know that America has lost nuclear bombs in some places, which can go off with time resp. will go off sooner or later, which those responsible know well, but keep silent about it. And that America is doing true evil worldwide in the cloak of alleged help, but that is not recognised by the pro-America people, just as it is not recognised by the various governments that lift America high into the sky and dance to its tune.

此外,我知道美國在幕後不僅指揮著北約,Sfath和我承認北約是一個被認可的多國謀殺組織,而且我還知道美國與北約一起從事全球暴政,維持黨派團體 —— 就像它不僅想要全球霸權一樣 —— 而且作為它自古以來一直在爭取的全面統治世界的一種幫助。世有些事情仍然被世界大多數人所誤解,這一切都讓美國以其謊言和欺騙繼續保持優勢,而本國的人民則被蒙在鼓裡,很多人不知道究竟在政治上發生了什麼。此外,我還想說,美國在戰爭中擊沉了很多其他國家的船和潛艇,也包括自己的,這些都是生態時間炸彈,因為它們的油箱裝滿了大量的燃油等,這些油箱緩慢地生鏽並釋放燃油到水中,不僅污染了海洋的水域,並且會毒害數百萬的海洋生物和人類然而,沒有人想聽,也沒有人知道美國在一些地方失去了核彈,這些核彈可能隨著時間而爆炸,相關負責人可能知道,但卻保持沉默。而美國在偽裝成幫助的外衣下,實際上是全球的真正罪惡,這一點被美國友好的人士和各種政府所忽視,他們將美國奉為神明,並按照美國的意志行事。


It all corresponds to the truth, and you can say it, but then call it up and write it down, for they will not hesitate to muzzle you.



I know that, and they will seek with lies, deceit and worse to silence me. But the truth will still remain, and so will the ideology of eradicating the unworthy of life among those human beings who want to eradicate everything, as Darwin had in mind, who had the idiotic view that every life is unworthy if it does not correspond to perfection. The physically handicapped, the sick, homosexuals, lesbians, Jews, Sinti, Roma, criminals, criminals and vagrants etc. were also persecuted and eliminated by Heinrich Himmler, the author of the Holocaust, who was influenced by Darwin's anti-human ideas and adopted them and perfected them according to his metier. There are probably still written records of his misanthropic views and his erroneous point of view. In any case, he said at the time that he would do this, that it was 'hirnrissig' – if I may use the word for my own sake – that humanity could be so stupid as to do something that was against nature. Idiocy is not only pathologically prevalent in human beings who are simply described by psychiatry as having a weak Intelligentum resp. as having a weak intelligence, but also in those who consider themselves clever and more intelligent and think that because of their professional experience they are more in favour of Intelligentum resp. being intelligent than the average person. I am addressing in particular those human beings who call themselves 'psychologically' educated and do not even know what psychology basically is resp. what it means, consequently they do not know in truth how they have to approach everything, what 'psychological' damage is and how it develops and arises.

我知道這一點,而人們將使用謊言、欺詐和更糟的手段來使我保持沉默。然而,事實仍將保持不變,那些想要清除一切不值得生存的生命的人的意識形態仍然存在,正如達爾文所想的那樣,如果生命不完美,那麼每個生命都是不值得的。身體殘疾者、病人、同性戀者、女同志、猶太人、辛提人Sinti)和羅馬人、罪犯、犯罪分子和流浪漢等都被由大屠殺的發起人海因里希.希姆萊Heinrich Himmler)追捕和消滅,他受到了達爾文敵視人類的思想的影響,並將其採用和完善了自己的技巧。關於他的反人類觀點和瘋狂的視角,可能仍然存在書面記錄。那時他說,他會這樣做,因為他認為人類如此愚蠢,居然做出違背自然的行為,這太「腦殘」了(如果我可以使用這個詞)。白癡主義不僅存在於那些被精神病學家稱為智慧不足或智力低下的人,而且存在於那些自認聰明且比普通公民更傾向於智力和聰明的人中間。我特別指的是自稱「心理學」專家的人,他們甚至不知道心理學的基本概念或意義,因此實際上對於如何處理所有心理傷害以及它們如何發展和產生,他們也毫不知情。


With that you have said what is really no more than an opinion, and such an opinion never corresponds to reality anyway, but only to assumptions, which are not only as a rule, but effectually always wrong. Darwin, too, cultivated only an opinion and thus a personal view, which he was never able to prove, which is why he made falsifications in order to prove 'his truth'. But you – like me, of course – do not make friends by openly stating what the truth is. So you should not recall and write down what we have said.



I also think so, because especially so-called 'truth fanatics' who think they would know the truth will intervene hostilely against it.



I also know that I am not exactly making friends with them, because I am really only saying what is actually true, but which is chalked up to me because the truth should not come to light. But that is the beer of those who cannot stand the truth, who do not want to believe it, and instead believe in all kinds of nonsense, such as in a dear God, in Jesus as the alleged Son of God, in Mary and the saints, and so on. But let's leave it at that, because it is still completely pointless to want to talk about it in detail, because it only sharpens swords, which only brings conflict and all the more 'sanctifies' all the tripe sacks of priests, bishops, cardinals and the Pope, because the delusional believers in God take them to their defence all the more.



That is indeed so, because believers in religion have the tendency to defend the religious superiors and even to go to their deaths for them, and that in spite of the fact that they are only lied to and deceived by them, without the latter themselves knowing it, because they effectively believe in the nonsense of religion themselves.



You are not saying anything new, Florena, because the religious nonsense is so deeply anchored in these airheads that they cannot think at all and cannot even think, consequently their whole brain corresponds to nothing more and nothing less than a nut full of faith, into which nothing more of reality and its truth can penetrate. But I do not really want to talk about that, because I am interested in other things, such as how you manage technically with your security against the foreigners so that they cannot locate you? Sfath had already avoided them and always said that it was impossible for them to ever register you, not even if his beamship was visible to me, because even then it would remain invisible and undetectable to the foreigners. He also always told me not to react when we together or I alone observed an unknown flying object. If I think of the Giza twerps alone, I often wondered how you were able to protect yourselves from being noticed by the foreigners? Nor did they seem to know of the presence of the wicked and evil intelligences down there, which is still a mystery to me, as is much else in connection with the fact that the foreigners could never ascertain your presence. I recall from my subconscious that – it was around the beginning of May 1978 – when we, Guido, Hans and Koni, were concreting the Centre, Guido and I saw a bright, large, oval yellow object slowly moving from the west to the east over Schmidrüti, to which Guido said that we were probably being watched by the foreigners. This was precisely because it was not a Plejaren beamship, which he knew well by sight, because at that time Semjase, Pleija and Quetzal were still sometimes seen.

妳說的並不新鮮,Florena,因為宗教的無稽之談在這些空想家身上紮得太深了,他們根本不能思考,甚至無法思考,因此他們的整個大腦只相當於一個充滿信仰的堅果,沒有更多的現實和真相可以滲透進去。但我真的不想談這個問題,因為我還對其他事情感到興趣,比如說你們是如何從技術上保障你們的安全,使外星人無法找到你們?Sfath已經避開了他們,並總是說他們不可能探索到你們,即使他的梨形飛船我可以看到,但即使這樣,它仍然不會被外星人發現。他還總是告訴我,當我們一起或我獨自觀察到一個未知的飛行物時,不要有任何反應。如果我自己想到吉薩精靈,我常常想,你們是如何保護自己不被外星人發現的?他們似乎也不知道下面有邪惡的吉薩精靈存在,這對我來說仍然是個謎,就像其他許多與外星人永遠無法確定你們的存在有關的事實一樣。我從我的潛意識中記得 —— 大約是19785月初 —— 當我們,GuidoHansKoni,在為中心澆築混凝土時,Guido和我看到一個明亮的、大的、橢圓形的黃色物體在Schmidrüti上空從西向東慢慢移動,對此,Guido說,我們可能被外星人盯上了。這正是因為它不是Plejaren的飛船,而他對Plejaren的飛船非常熟悉,因為在那個時候,有時還能看到SemjasePleijaQuetzal


I am afraid I do not know anything about that, but about our camouflage, because of which the foreigners have always been unable to locate us, nothing must become known, which is why I can only talk to you about it in private. You shall know, of course, but you must not and never speak openly of it.



I will abide by this and bury everything so deeply within me, in such a way that it cannot be brought out of me in any manner. So far I have never asked about it, not even with Sfath, which is why I really do not know anything about your shielding technique. All I know is that you shield yourselves against any tracking and there is nothing …



… you must also never make any promises in that regard.



I certainly will not, and I do know the way that would stop me from saying anything or just releasing it, as well as that it would not work to say anything if I were drugged or hypnotised.



I am aware of that, because …

我知道,因為 ...


Correct – but it is very interesting that the foreigners did not even know, as you say, that the Giza twerps had been on Earth for a long time and were up to their mischief.

沒錯 —— 但非常有趣的是,外星人甚至不知道,就像妳說的,吉薩精靈已經在地球上生活了很久,並且一直在惡搞一些事。


That is indeed what happened.



Why are these women here so coated with red lips?



I took this booklet from the kitchen over there because I want to read an article in it. With the women here on Earth it is unfortunately the case that many do this because they probably believe that it 'beautifies' them.



But look how these women have painted their lips red. That is correct disgusting.



Yes, that is really disgusting. We do not do that here on Erra. It looks really disgusting.



A lot of women do it on Earth because they think it's beautiful. Smearing your lips with the so-called lipstick is just IN with many, you know that.



Yes, but it is so disgusting.



I can only agree with Florena. It really is very repulsive and disgusting. It is incomprehensible to me that earth women use this disgusting painting because they perhaps think that it makes their appearance appear more favourable. But this is not the case because it makes the face look so distorted and unnatural with this smearing on the lips.



Yes it is, it really disfigures the face.



That is unfortunately the case, and I know that on Erra you do not use any makeup. But here on Earth it is different, because here there is a delusion among these women that painting the lips and such is advantageous.



We do not see it that way, because it has an effect and it is disgusting. But let us leave that, for we have a few things to discuss, which you are not to call up and write down, for it is in regard to the statutes and directives which we have listed here in this device and which we have to explain according to what the panel has said. But that will take considerable time.



I guess it will. So let us begin …





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