

Chapter 11


The Baptist's Question


1. It happened that after Jmmanuel had finished giving such directives to his twelve disciples, he continued on from there, teaching and preaching in their cities.


2. When John in prison heard about the works of Jmmanuel, he sent forth his disciples to him and had them say,


3. "Are you the one who is to come, the king of wisdom, as foretold by the prophets, or should we wait for another?"


4. Jmmanuel answered and said to them, "Go back and report to John what you hear and see:


5. "The blind see, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead rise, and the truth of knowledge is proclaimed to those who seek it.


6. "And blessed are those who are not offended by my teachings.



Testimony about the Baptist


7. As they were leaving, Jmmanuel began to speak to the people of John, "What did you go out into the wilderness to see?


8. "Did you expect to see a reed blowing to and fro in the wind?


9. "Or, what did you go out to see?


10. "Did you expect to see a man clothed in soft raiment?


11. "Behold, those who wear soft raiment are in kings' houses with the rulers and the rich, and with the hypocrites, scribes and priests.


12. "Or what did you go out for?


13. "Did you expect to see a prophet?


14. "Yes, I tell you, he is more than a prophet.


15. "This is he of whom it is written, 'Behold, I will send my messenger before you, who shall prepare your way before you.


16. "Truly, I say to you, among all those born of women, no one has arisen who is greater than John the Baptist.

「我實在告訴你們,在所有由婦女所生的人中,沒有一位比施洗約翰John the Baptist)更偉大。」




17. "But now, in the days of John the Baptist, the Earth suffers from violence, and those who commit violence are devastating it.


18. "For all prophets and the law have foretold up to the time of John.


19. "And if you wish to accept it, he is Elisha, who was to come again in his next life.


20. "Those who have ears, let them hear!



In Praise of the Spirit and the Knowledge


21. "But to whom shall I compare this generation?


22. "It is like the children who sit at the market and call to their playmates, saying,


23. "We struck up a tune for you, and you would not dance; we wailed before you, and you would not mourn.


24. "John, who is Elisha, has come neither eating nor drinking; so they say, 'He is possessed.'


25. "But I have come, eating and drinking, and so they say, 'Behold, what a glutton and winebibber this man is, a companion of the tax collectors and the unjust.'


26. "Yet wisdom is justified through the acknowledged deeds”


27. But at this time Jmmanuel began to speak, "Praise be to Creation, maker of the heavens, the universes and the Earth, for keeping the knowledge and power of the spirit hidden from the unwise and the misguided, who spread the false teachings, and for revealing this knowledge to sincere seekers now.


28. "Yes, it has ·been good of Creation, and of god and his celestial sons as well, that they have thwarted until now the misuse of power among Earth humans.


29. "All things have now been given over to mankind, and no one knows the secret of Creation, not even one person, and therefore neither god nor his followers.

「如今一切都被交給了人類,但沒有人知道造物的奧秘(the secret of Creation),甚至連一個人都不知道,因此神和祂的追隨者也不知道。」

30. "And all things have now been given over to me by god, whose guardian angels taught me the laws and knowledge of nature and the laws emanating from Creation.


31. "So come to me, all you who are seeking and thirsting for knowledge and truth; I will refresh you.


32. "Take upon yourselves the yoke of having to learn the new teachings, for they offer enlightenment; within them you will find peace for your life,


33. "because the yoke of spiritual development is gentle, and its burden is light."





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