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Contact Report 251/第251次接觸報告
英譯版本:早些時候至2007年10月5日,星期四,DeepL Translator
改進版本:N/A,Joseph Darmanin, Scott Baxter, Catherine Mossman
中譯版本:2024年01月07日,星期日,DeepL Translator, ChatGPT, James Hsu
這次接觸是在 Billy 58 歲生日那天進行的,他與 Ptaah 討論了許多主題,其中最最重要的部分,就是 Billy 獲准公布的那 23 頁資料。這份資料所透漏的資訊太匪夷所思(當然其他部分也常讓人不可思議),那是述說我們(地球人類)的起源。大家不仿以開放的心靈(接觸他的世界必須如此)來閱讀與思考,先不要以“理智”下任何判斷,一切靜待時間來求證。
本份接觸報告的內容十分龐雜,當然最主要的還是那 23 頁的資料,此外還包括了一些重要的訊息;包括自當日起, Plejaren 就結束了與 Billy 的正式接觸(當然非正式的接觸還會繼續,但頻率會明顯減少),而且他們的人員與設施也全數從地球撤出。在那篇資料之後,還有許多談話內容,涉及更多有關 UFO 的話題。
至於那 23 頁的資料,全部內容有太多極其重要的訊息,無法在此重點條列,必須請讀者找時間仔細用心閱讀。而這整份報告,絕對是瞭解 Billy 現象不能或缺的“重量級”資料。
This is the entire contact report. It is an official and authorised English translation and most probably contains errors. Please note that all errors and mistakes etc. will continuously be corrected, depending on the available time of the involved persons(as contracted with Billy/FIGU). Therefore, do not copy-paste and publish this version elsewhere, because any improvement and correction will occur HERE in this version!
Good to see you again, my friend. Welcome to my den.
1. I am also happy to be able to greet you again, Eduard, my friend; and I shall pay you dear greetings and wishes from everyone – especially from all those whom you know personally, but also from unknown sources.
Thanks. – I hope that I will continue to hear from all of them here and there – from you, of course. Now the year 1995 has begun and with it the time of the completion of your tasks here on the Earth.
謝謝,我希望我還會時常聽到他們的消息;當然還有你。現在已經是 1995 年的開始,也就是你們到了要結束在地球任務的時候了。
2. That is correct, but it does not mean that we would end our contacts with you, too; they should continue, even if much more sparsely, as it can often take many months or even a year or two before one of us can visit you again.
That makes me very happy, because I would miss you all very much, especially you, who was practically the only one who visited me in the last years. Now tell me when you will finally withdraw all your people and materials from our planet?
3. We have already done that and nothing on the Earth points to our existence so far if I disregard the materials in your possession.
4. The last of our people left the Earth about half an hour ago.
5. Also, our stations no longer exist, and the original state was restored, so no traces can be found.
Naturally, you had to do that, clearly. But Sfath as well as Asket, Semjase and Quetzal told me that you had to do that when the time came with the year 1995. You also told me the same thing, but you all obliged me to remain silent about it until the time when you would finally leave the Earth. I know the reason for your departure, but I do not know if I can officially speak about it, because you told me that it must at least remain a secret for the time being, at least until 1995, when you leave the Earth.
當然,你們不得不這麼做。很久以前 Sfath 就已經告訴了我,還有 Asket、Semjase 和 Quetzal 都說過,你們在 1995 年初必須這麼做,而我向你承諾過直到你們完全撤離後才公開這個消息。我很清楚你們之所以要撤離的真正原因,但現在我不知道我是否能正式公開這些資訊?因為你曾要求我暫時保密,至少等到 1995 年你們全部撤離後再說。
6. This secret must continue to be kept, so under no circumstances should you talk about it.
[中譯者註:這個秘密,應該指的是“Plejaren 之所以要撤離地球的真正原因”。]
7. We can only explain that our withdrawal from the Earth is linked to the time to come and the events connected with it, in which we must not interfere in any form and by which we must also protect and preserve our secret of our culture and habitats.
8. This also has to do with the fact that for years things have been happening that were foreseen, on the one hand, and that, on the other hand, are also a reason for our retreat, whereby the context of these things that have been happening on the Earth for several decades was one of our areas of responsibility.
9. We have also fulfilled this task, as well as all the others that have been entrusted to us, and you have played a very important role in making the so-called UFO phenomenon, as it is called by Earth-humans, known throughout the world.
我們與許多其他受委派的人已經履行了這個任務,而以後地球所謂的「UFO 現象」,你必定會在公諸於大眾的過程中,擔任非常重要的角色。
10. Through you alone, it was possible to make this topic known worldwide and to lead to controversy, whereby not only sectarians and fanatics of religious and pseudo-esoteric form or gullible and mistaken ones, etc. dealt with it, but now and already for a long time also the most different scientists as well as authorities, military and governments, who have now for a long time finally dealt with this subject very seriously.
11. A fact, which could not have been achieved without your help and the great work, which was connected with it for you.
12. You alone are to be thanked for the fact that the worldwide UFO controversy has got going and has led to success, for which we all express our thanks, but which you had to work very hard for, if I consider all the evils that have befallen you, both in terms of your health and in terms of slander, insults, assassinations and hate speeches and much more, and unfortunately we also had to contribute, as you know, because otherwise, the UFO controversy would never have come about, as well as the fact that scientists and the military and governments, etc. began to look at it extremely earnestly.
全世界的 UFO 爭論之所以能夠展開並取得成功,我們都表示感謝,但這是你一個人的功勞,如果我考慮到你所遭受的一切不幸,無論是在你的健康方面,還是在誹謗、侮辱、暗殺和仇恨言論等方面,你都付出了重大的代價。而我們很遺憾只為此貢獻了一部分,正如你所知道的,因為否則 UFO 爭議將永遠不會發生,科學家、軍方和政府等也不會如此認真地投入研究。
13. For your justification, I may officially speak about this today and state the facts that we have analysed and evaluated, in detail, the film and photomontages as well as the film animations of all false and fraudulent alleged contactees or UFO observers and found that their falsified film and photographic material appealed to Earth-humans, especially to so-called UFO experts who call themselves ufologists, etc., which also includes renowned scientists.
為了說明理由,我今天可以正式談論這個問題,並陳述以下事實:我們詳細分析和評估了所有虛假和欺詐性的所謂接觸者或 UFO 觀察者的影片和合成照片,以及他們的影片拍攝技巧,發現這些偽造的電影和照片在地球人中間很受歡迎,特別是吸引了自稱為 UFO 專家等的所謂專家,其中也包括一些知名的科學家。
14. The ridiculousness of the forgeries and the believers in them is striking, but they were extremely effective.
15. This was the reason for us to perform manoeuvring movements with the real existence of our flying apparatuses, such as jerky pendulum movements and certain springy hovering movements, which normally do not correspond to the normal movements and flying techniques of our flying objects, but to the ridiculous jerky pendulum movements and peculiar swinging waves of the manipulated films and photos of the UFO swindlers and liars and charlatans.
這就是我們用真實存在的飛行器展示機動操作的原因,例如突然的擺動和特定的彈簧懸浮運動,這些運動通常不符合我們飛行器的正常運動和飛行技巧,而是符合 UFO 騙子和江湖郎中操縱的影片和照片中可笑的擺動和奇異的移動。
16. And the reason why we chose this type of movement lies in the fact that it was precisely this that triggered the worldwide and fierce UFO controversy, which of course also had many disadvantages for you, because you were accused of swindling and deceit or charlatanry and dishonesty and it was assumed that you made models and photographed and filmed them.
我們選擇這種運動的方式,正是因為這樣引起了全球激烈的 UFO 爭議,這當然對你帶來了許多不利,因為人們指責你涉及詐欺、騙術以及不誠實,還聲稱你製作模型並進行了拍照和攝影。
17. We often felt sorry for you because of this, but we could not change anything, because only by carrying out certain flight manoeuvres in the form mentioned, which you were able to film and photograph and then spread throughout the world, was the worldwide UFO controversy ensured, which led to the result already said and will also bring about further results in the future, which have already become urgently necessary.
我們經常為你感到抱歉,但我們無法改變一切,因為只有通過我們以提到的方式進行特定的飛行展示,你才能拍攝和拍照,然後在全球傳播,這樣才能確保全球的 UFO 爭議,從而達到了已經說過的結果,並將在未來帶來更多的結果,而這些結果已經成為當務之急。
18. It may be a consolation to you today that everything has resulted and fulfilled as wished and hoped for and that you are the most important person today when it comes to contacts with extraterrestrials and in UFO matters – and probably also the best-known personality in the world in this regard.
19. Nat…
I am sorry, but I do not presume anything about that and I can do without it.
20. Your words and defences may have been inevitable, but they testify that you are really still yourself.
21. But I have not yet spoken:
22. Of course, it could not fail to appear that envious ones and cheaters as well as counterfeiters of your film and photo material would appear who wanted to make you impossible and destroy your work.
23. Consequently, they were anxious to get hold of your original material of films and negatives, which was not exactly difficult due to your trustfulness.
24. This material was then copied many times and thus distorted by montages and other manipulations so that the appearance of trick shots and photomontages was evoked.
25. The films and photo negatives made from such elements, which were retouched or provided with lines, which worked like threads, cords, wires or other hanging materials, etc., also served this purpose.
26. These films and photos were then distributed all over the world, including fake 'original films' and 'original negatives', which were returned to you without you being mistrustful or having any bad suspicions because you trusted those who betrayed you and dragged you into the dirt.
27. Nevertheless, since the beginning of your work, there have been many who really trusted you and knew that you neither pursued cheating nor deception or charlatanry, but are honest through and through.
28. They also saw your films and photos, and it was all of them who recognised their authenticity and your truth and stood by you and helped you immensely.
29. And many of them also suspected that certain things in the films and photos had either been manipulated and falsified by malicious parties or had come about for very specific reasons in such a manner through peculiar flight manoeuvres of our flying apparatuses, in order to unleash doubt and speculation and even the worldwide UFO controversy.
其中許多人也猜到,影片和照片中的某些事物如果不是被惡意操控和篡改,那就是由於我們飛行器進行了奇怪的機動而產生的,以引起人們的懷疑和思考,以及全球性的 UFO 爭議。
30. They recognised that the peculiar flying oscillations and the jerky pendulum movements of our filmed and photographed flying apparatuses were artificially produced in order to achieve something specific in the minds of the human beings.
31. So they accepted this fact and did not let themselves be influenced and misled by slanderous cries, etc., but stayed with you or in the closer or wider group or circle of friends and acquaintances.
Well, that is how it was, and I thank all those who have always trusted me. But now it is time for us to talk thoroughly about all those things that you have forbidden me to talk about before your departure.
32. Of course.
33. You can talk about it now.
34. It is the time we have to retreat as planned.
35. Something new is now appearing for the Earth-humans, and so a new era follows, for which you and we have done a great deal so that everything can happen as intended.
36. You have mainly smoothed the most important paths and together we have done and fulfilled our duty.
37. At least our task is fulfilled while yours goes on.
I hope I can do my job.
38. I have no doubt about that.
I do not have any doubts either. But you never know what can happen unexpectedly.
39. That is naturally correct.
Exactly. – You have studied the 23 typewritten pages of prophecies, predictions and my visions, which you took away from here three days ago and brought back yesterday. That is actually what I wanted to discuss with you – whether one is allowed to talk about it or not. In my opinion, there is nothing to be said against it, since you are no longer working on Earth. – Oh, yes, how does it stand with your Ischwischtum for the Earth, does that also become invalid with the end of your task?
對了,你研究過三天前給你的那份 23 頁資料,並且帶來了嗎?這也是我今天實際想和你討論的;不管目前這些資料是否合適談論,我想你最好還是不要反對,因為你們即將很長時間不會在地球這裡活動了。哦,對了,你身為 Ischwischtum(暫譯為「智慧大師」),現在因為你的任務已經完成了,以後就不會在這裡另外做些甚麼了嗎?
40. Of course, because now I have to turn to other tasks.
Too bad, then the Earth is now without an Ischwisch.
41. That is not quite right, because there do exist descendants of ancient 'gods', who will still make their presence felt.
42. However, I may only tell you about it confidentially if you are interested.
Anyway – then after our official conversation.
43. So shall it be.
Good, then to my 23 pages. Is everything right?
很好,那麼我們回到那 23 頁資料。一切都沒出差錯吧?
44. I have not noticed any errors in it, if I disregard typing errors.
45. What is not entirely correct is the consistency of the events, but I assume that you did it for reasons of not being able to work out dates and time calculations, which I find very reasonable.
46. In some cases, you have also repeated yourself, for example, when you have an applicability earlier and then repeated it again later in the right place.
Yes, I know that.
47. Otherwise I did not find anything that I noticed.
Then it is good. So later, when I write down the report, I will add the 23 pages to what we have said so far.
那就好。稍後我寫出這份報告時,我會加上這 23 頁的內容到我們的談話裡。
48. You can very well do that.
Well, then I will start with that: The history of Henok and Nokodemion is widely known in our group, and various things can also be read in the OM. But what happened around Henok about 1.2 billion (1,200,000,000) [this figure was later revised to 12 million] years ago, in terms of his peoples, has never been said before. You have obliged me from your side to keep quiet about it until 1995, already from Sfath's side. Later this obligation of silence was also taken away from me by Asket, Semjase and Quetzal and also from you, Ptaah. But now that the year 1995 has begun and you have allowed me to talk about it now, I would like to reveal my knowledge in the manner that is still familiar to me:
好,那麼,我將會這樣寫:這是關於 Enoch(德語稱 Henok)或者 Nokodemion 的故事,有關這方面的事我們的小組成員都很清楚,而且一些記載也可以在《OM》中找到。然而,到目前為止將近 12 億[英譯者註:這個數字後來被修訂為 1,200 萬]年來,沒有人提及關於 Enoch 與他的子民所發生過的的事。之前早在 Sfath 那個時候,你們的人就要求我對此保持沉默到 1995 年。後來,再由 Asket,接著是 Semjase、Quetzal 和你自己(Ptaah)也都要求我繼續保持這個承諾。而現在已經到了 1995 年,我得到你們的允許,趁我還記得的時候,想要將這些內容述說出來:
From Henok's primitive peoples two lineages divided out, after the great reparation actions after the peace struggles by the peace troops were over and all peoples and planets were pacified. One lineage went its long way to the Lyra regions, where they settled in a space-time continuum offset by a fraction of a second by another space-time continuum, where they lived from then on; but only after they had inhabited other worlds and systems in various other areas of foreign galaxies for many billions of years, as a result of which warfare then again developed. In this episode again space-wide emigrations of peoples were carried out, which finally ended in another space-time continuum, which is shifted by a fraction of a second to our space-time continuum, whereby the area was located in the space of the Lyra stars, which is why today one still speaks of the Lyra regions and of the old Lyrans, who then returned at a later time again, partly in an expeditionary form and partly hastily, into our space-time continuum, in which consequence they came then also to the Earth, in order to work here in known wise. This lineage has retained the entire knowledge of their original origins to this day, and this lineage also gave rise to the Pleiadians respectively the Plejaren, who in their language call themselves the same as they call their celestial cluster beyond the Pleiades, which is also shifted a fraction of a second in relation to our space-time continuum in another space-time continuum. The second lineage now, which split off from the native peoples of Henok about 1.2 billion (1,200,000,000) years ago [cm: 12 million years ago], went completely different ways than the Lyran group, if I may say so. This lineage also emigrated to other galaxies, according to which they then already lost their actual origin about 7 billion (7,000,000,000) [cm: 7 million] years ago, so they are absolutely bereft today of their actual knowledge of origin, which is why a new origin legend was created by its chroniclers and historians etc., which has nothing more or only very little in common with the truth. This lineage also consisted of many different races, as was the case with the Lyran lineage. In contrast to the Lyrans, however, who always remained ready to fight, but developed more and more into a form of balance, from which the peaceful and balanced, highly developed Pleiadians emerged, the other lineage reached this goal very early, whereby it completely lost its fighting ability and consequently became more and more defenceless against aggressors. Resulting from this, they settled again into an emigration of all peoples and settled the areas of the Sirius constellation, where the factor of the loss of the past or the knowledge of their origin happened again. Once again, a new prehistory of origin was compiled and incorporated into the annals. This lineage spread far in the Sirius area and developed higher and higher, whereby it even became capable of creating new life themselves. Having become incapable of fighting, they bred new and genetically-manipulated human races, which were capable of fighting and could protect them from aggressors who appeared again and again. These new human races were made into forms of life by intervening genetic manipulations, which carried barbaric traits up to the degeneration and mercilessness in themselves, whose life however was limited to only about 100 years, likewise genetically-manipulated, out of the justified fear and precaution that the gene-manipulated ones could flock together against their producers and rulers and destroy these. A fear that then also proved to be true, which is why new means were sought to bring the genetically-manipulated races back under control, even if this had to be through radical extermination. And since the creator-rulers were more powerful than the genetically-manipulated ones, all they [cm: the genetically-manipulated ones] could do was to flee, with the help of the well-meaning ones fleeing the Sirius lands, while the well-meaning ones secretly became avenged to take advantage of the genetically-manipulated as well. Thus two great races of genetically-manipulated peoples fled the Sirius lands and settled beyond the sun, meaning that they settled on very remote solar systems. They settled and established themselves on planets beyond the galactic central sun, the Milky Way central sun, in order to be discovered there one day by space travellers of the old Lyran lineage, after which they emigrated into the Lyra areas and finally came, only in recent Earth history, to these planets, where they settled in China and Japan, etc. and formed the Chinese and Japanese peoples, from which different new branches and/or so-called races resulted.
隨著當時的戰爭接近尾聲,在維和部隊大量的復原行動之後,最終的和平,終於降臨至各行星與所有人民。此時 Enoch 最初的種族分為兩派,一派移居到“天琴座星系”(Lyra)的領域,但那裡的時空結構與太陽系不同(相差幾微秒);不過,這是在他們居住在那不同的星系長達數十億年之後,隨之而來的是再次爆發的戰爭。
在這段時期,星際移民遍佈整個太空,範圍也包含了另一個時空結構;也就是在“天琴座星系”內的領域。也就是這個原因,至到今天人們仍然在說:“天琴座星系”的人和那些“老天琴座星系”的人(old Lyrians),他們後來都不得不回到我們的時空結構內,除了探險,還有另一個原因,就是為了逃生。結果,他們也來到了地球上,開始從事於我已經知道的事情。而這一派妥善繼承了早期的所有知識,並由這些最早的起源,演化出昴宿星人(Pleiadians);正確來說,應該是 Plejaren,那是由他們所居的母星團而命名,該星團位於「昴宿星團」(Pleiades)之外的時空結構中,偏離我們太陽系幾微秒。
在大約 12 億年前[英譯版修正:1,200 萬年前],另外一派(第二派)由Henok 最初的種族分裂出去,並移居到了其他的星系,如果我可以這麼說的話,他們與“天琴座星系人”(Lyrian)的進化方式完全不同。就在 70 億[英譯版修正:700 萬]年前,他們逐漸失去了其真正遠古祖先的傳承。今天,他們已經完全沒有承襲祖先任何的知識與歷史,而他們自己則創造了另外不同的傳說,與真正的歷史背景幾乎完全沒有任何關係。
[中譯者註:這裡必須指出:在年份方面,徳(原)文與英文版本之間出現了不同的版本;按說應該是德文出現了矛盾之處,因為如果依據德文翻譯,在大約 12 億年前,另外一派(第二派)由Henok 最初的種族分裂出去,然而卻在70 億年前,他們逐漸失去了其真正遠古祖先的傳承。這裡明顯有時間上的矛盾!
所以,這裡的年份,建議依據英文版的修正;也就是:12 億年修正為 1,200 萬年,而 70 億年修正為 700 萬年,如此應該比較合理,但這一切還需官方正式提出說明,才能作為正確的依據。]
這一派(第二派)和第一派(“天琴座星系人”那一派)一樣包含了各種不同的種族,而第一派與第二派不同的是,第一派還保留了隨時可以作戰的能力,同時也朝向和平與友愛穩定地進化,也就是說在戰鬥與進化之間,保持了很好的平衡,演化出現愛好和平、均衡而高度進化的 Plejaren。而第二派則很快達到這種狀態(愛好和平、高度發展),但卻完全失去了戰鬥能力,使他們對宇宙的其他侵略者毫無抵抗力。
透過侵入性的基因竄改(genetic manipulations),這些新人種都變成了天生具有野蠻特質的生命體,傾向於墮落和殘酷,他們的壽命被限制在大約 100 年。他們的基因被竄改並削弱,因為那些製造者和統治者害怕這些人種會聯合起來殲滅他們。
然而最終,他們的擔心還是變成了現實(被製造出的人種開始反抗他們)。基於這個原因,新的配方再次被研發,以便那些被竄改基因的人種,再度受其控制,然而這個目標,要透過種族滅絕(radical extermination)的方式實現。由於那些“製造與統治者”(producer rulers)比這些被製造的人種強大,所以這些被製造者唯一的辦法,那就是逃走,而他們也得到在天狼星區域內,一些仁慈的支持者的幫助。不過在同時,這些支持者卻也暗中盤算,讓這些被竄改基因的人種,有朝一日能為他們自己所利用。
兩大先後被竄改基因的人種逃離了天狼星的領域,並安頓在一個距離銀河系中央太陽另一端的區域。也就是說,他們在一個非常僻遠的太陽系(solar system)的一些行星上降落後定居下來。但到後來,他們還是被來自“天琴座星系人”那一派(也就是第一派)的太空探險隊發現,因此他們又移居到天琴座區域。最終,在較近期的地球歷史內,他們來到我們的地球上,定居在中國、日本和其他地方,並形成了中國人和日本人,於是各種新所謂的種族相繼形成。
The rest of the peoples who were genetically-manipulated found their way from the Sirius areas to the SOL-system, where several thousand rebellious genetically-manipulated peoples were punitively abandoned in many diverse places on the Earth, while the masses of the numerous different races of peoples found a new home on the planets Mars and Malona/Phaeton, where they built cities, pyramids and stations, etc. The people who had been genetically-manipulated had to leave the planet, even in ancient times, after which they settled on the Earth and in the course of time became Earth-humans whose real and actual origin lay in the regions and on the planets of Sirius. However, pyramids and gigantic monuments remained on Mars, as well as stations that remained in function for a long time after the death of Mars, but were also abandoned and decayed over time. But all this cannot be found one day by Earth-humans, the gene-manipulated ones, and cannot be partially put back into operation. Malona resp. Phaeton, on the other hand, was destroyed by its genetically-manipulated, and former Sirius area, inhabitants in fratricidal wars and caused to explode by leading a river or sea into the subterranean resp. submarine magma chambers of a gigantic volcano. The asteroid belt contains the remnants of the former planet, which at that time did not orbit where the asteroid belt is today, but at the place where Mars orbits the Sun today, while Mars was where the asteroid belt is today. This change of position was caused by gigantic upheavals, in which the destroyer was also involved. The places resp. the planets and solar systems, where the two yellow races settled beyond the galaxy, the Milky Way, as well as Mars, Earth and Malona/Phaeton had been chosen as effective hiding places by the well-meaning ones, by the escape helpers of the genetically-manipulated ones, and had been kept secret from the creator-rulers for all past time, because if they had found out the whereabouts of the ones who had fled, then they would have sent out punitive expeditions to have the refugees eliminated. This danger may still exist today. Therefore it is and was extremely reckless of the Americans to launch probes with position data of the Earth and with human descriptions into the world space because if these, by some stupid circumstance, get into the hands of the creator-rulers and they thereby receive knowledge of the fact that the gene-manipulated ones, the terrestrial humans survived and multiplied enormously over all the millions of years, then it must be reckoned with under certain circumstances, that attacks from the Sirius regions upon the Earth and Earth-humans will be started, which could result in a total elimination, whereby also the well-meaning ones, who withdrew already long ago again, would not hurry to help, because also they began to fear the gene-manipulated ones, the Earth-humans, already after a short time of their activity, just as the creator-rulers had done before.
來自天狼星地區,其他被竄改基因的人種透過另一種方法也來到了太陽系,在地球上,以前曾有數千個的被竄改基因的叛逆份子,被放逐到此地許多地方作為懲罰。而那些不同的人種,在火星和Malona 星(也就是法厄同星)找到了避難所,他們在那裡建造城市、金字塔、基地與其他等等。他們在火星上過著美好的生活,直到該行星因為宇宙環境的影響,變得不適合居住而離開。因此,被竄改基因的人不得不在遠古時代離開火星,後來他們定居在地球上。隨著時間的流逝,他們逐漸成為地球的人類,而他們真正的最初起源,乃是位於天狼星的領域。僅有火星上的金字塔和巨大的古蹟被留下而遺棄,但基地仍然可運作很長一段時間,即使在那個星球上的所有生命已經消逝。
但(火星上的)一切都不可能被地球人(也就是被竄改基因的人)發現,而其中一些遺跡也不可能再次被重新啟用。另一方面,Malona 星(法厄同星)的居民,他們也是來自天狼星地區被竄改基因的人種,但後來在其自相殘殺的戰爭中被摧毀。他們透過轉移一部分海洋到地下或水下一個巨大的火山岩漿洞穴中,炸毀了該星球。
(Annotation Ptaah from the 6th of January 2005: This danger has meanwhile demonstrably resolved itself, and there are only about 60 distant descendants of those who had created the genetically-manipulated ones and who had them tracked during their flight. These are the group of extraterrestrials called the Men in Black, but they are not identical with the earthly Men in Black, who are state-controlled. The populations of today's Sirius regions, which are located in space-time configuration offset to the earthly dimension, have settled the old feuds against the genetically-manipulated ones, have become peaceful and are no longer interested in tracking down and taking revenge on the distant descendants of the genetically-manipulated ones.)
(Ptaah 於 2005 年 1 月 6 日註解:這一危險顯然已經解決,只有大約 60 個那些創造了基因竄改人的遙遠後代,他們在其太空飛行期間追捕過被竄改基因者。這群外星人被稱為「黑衣人」(Men in Black),但他們與地球上的「黑衣人」不同,後者是由國家控制的。今天位於與地球維度偏移時空結構中的那些天狼星人(也就是那些“製造與統治者”),已經解決了與基因被竄改人的宿怨,他們已經變得和平,不再有興趣追蹤和報復那些被竄改基因的遙遠後代。)
This fear, which also seized the well-meaning ones, led them to erase the tradition of origin lore of the Earth-humans by all sorts of manipulations, in order to elevate themselves as gods and to rise above the Earth-humans in this form, who fell subject to them in a short time and became believers in them. In this manner, the well-meaning ones, who soon turned truthfully into the opposite, hoped, on the one hand, to be able make the genetically-manipulated ones subservient to them again and, on the other hand, they hoped that through the worship of the gods, cults and religions as well as feuds, that fratricidal wars, family wars and people's wars, etc., would arise and the Earth-humans, the gene-manipulated ones, would decimate and exterminate themselves, whereby they, the gods or the once well-meaning ones, would become released from the danger of the militant, barbaric life-form of the Earth-humans. A project that failed thoroughly, because the Earth-human, who in the meantime had become stronger and more intelligent, more barbaric and more insidious, liked their role more and more and defended it as well as their lives with all imaginable and always new means up to the death. Thus the genetically-manipulated ones and now the Earth-humans got completely out from the control of the former good-minded ones or gods, which is why they withdrew from the Earth-humans and from the Earth, with the oath of revenge that one day they would demand accountability from the Earth-humans. This retreat opened the way for the ancient Lyrans to come to Earth and to the Earth-humans, when they left their space-time structure in expedition and in flight and came to our space-time structure and to the SOL-system and thus to the Earth, in order to act as deities and to wreak havoc. However, the former well-meaning of the genetically manipulated knew and know nothing of this, nor of the existence of the Pleiadians or the Plejaren. (Annotation: Ptaah from the 6th of January 2005: The former well-meaning humans who had become enemies of the genetically-manipulated ones have meanwhile also changed for the better and have come to good sense. They have returned to the Sirius regions.)
然而,這項計畫完全搞砸,因為地球人已經變得越來越強悍、聰明與野蠻,並逐漸開始樂於扮演自己的角色,同時為了捍衛自己,無論是古時還是現代,他們都會窮盡所能,誓死奮戰到底。因此,這些被竄改基因的人種,也就是現在地球上的人類,完全從他們以前的“恩人”(神明)的控制下溜走,反而這些神明要從地球上撤離,但他們發誓有一天他們會要求地球人承擔責任。但對於“老天琴星人”而言,那些“恩人””的撤離,正好為他們來到地球而鋪路。他們在冒險飛行離開他們的時空結構後,進入到太陽系的地球來探險。但在不久之後,他們也一樣自封為神,並開始四處肆虐。而從前那批“恩人”們,後來並不知道這些事情的發展,他們也不知道 Plejaren 人的存在。
(Ptaah 於 2005年 1 月 6 日註釋:從前那批“恩人”們,曾經是被基因竄改人的敵人,但後來也變好且變得理智。他們已經返回天狼星區域。)
The Earth-humans, the genetically-manipulated ones, were however also disobedient to the Lyran and Pleiadian gods, even if some of these gods wanted to forcefully put the Earth-humans under their yoke and their rule, like e.g. the Giza Intelligences and Ashtar Sheran and cohorts. The former well-meaning ones were also divided into two groups, one, which swore revenge and became of a different mind, and the other, which remained well-meaning towards the Earth-humans and which also wants to return someday. But only these 'gods' know what this will result in in the future for one or the other group. If they really come back one day, then nothing good is to be expected from those who have changed from the well-meaning to the evil-minded, but who, despite their change to evil, could not return to their original home in the Sirius regions, because they became outcasts there through their treacherous actions, who since then have also had to be careful not to let the former creator-rulers know the place of their existence, because they too fell into their vengeance spell. Despite their departure from the Earth and from the SOL-system, these former well-meaning ones, who are addicted to vengeance, still have certain contacts with the Earth and occasionally come here, maliciously influencing earthlings with false messages and visions etc., as was also done by the dark elements of the ancient Lyrans. But these are only occasional intrigues, which, as a rule, take place in cultic-religious-sectarian form and have no all too great significance, because they generally only take place in a Christian-cultic manner and therefore not in all earthly religious areas. The two groups of the former and the still today well-meaning ones have, already since their separation, had no more contacts with each other, and it is even very probable that such mutual contacts were strictly forbidden, whereby even the knowledge about the existence of the two groups among each other was extinguished, as Quetzal once assured me, according to secret clarifications from the Plejaren side.
不過,地球人同樣不願遵從這些 Plejaren 與“老天琴星人”的“神明”們,雖然這些人當中有些人嘗試強迫地球人臣服,例如像「吉薩精靈」(Gizeh Intelligences)或是「阿斯塔・謝蘭」(Ashtar Sheran)這一類的集團,就曾使用過一切可能的手段來操控人類。而那些從前曾幫助過地球人的“恩人”也分為兩派,一派發誓要報復地球人(不過後來又改變了主意),而另一派則仍然對地球人保持仁慈寬大,並希望有一天能返回地球。然而無論是哪一派,這些“神明”都清楚地球人等待的將來是什麼。
不過,這些只是一些偶發的計謀,就類似在邪教中的一條規矩,並沒有太大的意義,因為他們通常只能影響基督教,而不是地球上所有的宗教。由於他們的疏離,這兩個派別,包括之前和現在的“恩人”,並無任何相互接觸。事實上,他們很可能被嚴格禁止相互聯繫,甚至,對另一派存在,可能已從記憶中被刪除,因為 Quetzal 曾經根據一個神秘的 Plejaren 的說明,向我確認過這些情況。
(Note Ptaah from 6th January 2005: Regarding this evil-minded group we are talking about the approximately 60 extraterrestrial Men in Black, who, however, have since the year 2002 no longer had any possibility whatsoever to cause any harm on the the Earth, because the Plejaren deprived them of all possibilities for doing so.)
(Ptaah 於 2005 年 1 月 6 日註解:關於這個惡意團體,我們所說的那批大約 60 個外星「黑衣人」,然而他們自 2002 年以來,沒有任何可能性,對地球造成任何傷害,因為 Plejaren 已經剝奪了他們這樣做的所有可能性。)
If we now take a closer look at the genetic manipulations that were carried out on special humans by the creator-rulers in the Sirius regions in order to establish combat-capable peoples, then it is quite astonishing: The creator-rulers themselves had lost all combat-capability through their evolution, which was oriented only to prosperity, knowledge and ability, etc., while the combat power and combat-capability were completely disregarded. So any power to do so was lost, as were the abilities themselves. When aggressors appeared, however, they threatened to destroy the highly developed peoples, so they had to find a solution to defend themselves against the attackers. As a result, humans were begotten, to whom through genetic manipulations all conceivable possibilities for the ability to fight were implanted, as well as carefully also the factor of the ageing process that these genetic- manipulated ones did not become very old, but died prematurely again, whereby it was to be prevented that they could flock together one day and take action against the creator-rulers. A precautionary measure that soon proved to be justified, because the genetically-manipulated ones became more and more self-propagated, because their genetic manipulation was hereditary, for all future generations. As a result of the increasing population of the gene-manipulated ones on the one hand, and as a result of the increasing aggression of the gene-manipulated ones towards the creator-rulers on the other hand, those capable of fighting always became a greater danger, which is why new means were sought to eliminate them. But before the right means were found, the majority of the genetically-manipulated ones were able to flee and really get to safety, with the help of the well-meaning ones, as I have already explained. Since then, the genetically-manipulated ones have become so established on the Earth that they have become both rulers and destroyers of this planet, because most of them are still very much caught up in the effects of the genetic manipulation for the combative, the malignant, the barbaric, the bloodthirsty, the greedy, the addicted, the emotional and the inhuman, etc., which has prevailed as an evil inheritance since time immemorial, which can actually also be called 'original sin', as misleadingly stated by the Christian religion with the fable and false doctrine of Adam and Eve and the Devil Serpent in the Garden of Eden. But this 'original sin', this genetic manipulation, which caused the combative and evil in the human being to break through, over and over again since time immemorial, and makes him/her almost become evil themselves, is really only a manipulation of a gene in the DNA chain, which can be reversed if it is only finally discovered by the genetic scientists.
然而,在找到方法之前,大部分基因被竄改的人類,已在那些“恩人”的幫助之下開始逃離,他們發現了一個安全的地方,並開始在地球上建立自己的地盤。在那裡,他們成為這個星球的統治者,卻同時也是毀滅者,因為他們中的大多數,仍然過度沉溺於好鬥、邪惡、野蠻、嗜血、貪婪、成癮、殘酷與情緒化等等基因竄改的影響之中。這些特點是過去早期人類的一種邪惡的遺留物,而實際上這也被稱為“原罪”(original sin)。關於“原罪”的訊息,在基督教中,有關亞當、夏娃和邪惡的蛇,以伊甸園的故事被錯誤地流傳下來。然而,這種“原罪”,也就是基因竄改,造成對好鬥與邪惡的執迷,從遠古時代就呈現出來,這幾乎成為惡魔的本身。然而事實上,整件事只要修正一個 DNA 基因就可以糾正過來,當然要我們的遺傳學家最終能夠發現到它。
This genetic manipulation, which is peculiar to all human beings living on the Earth today because it is inevitably passed on through inheritance, can thus be reversed, whereby the human being then finally loses the evil which has become peculiar to him/her through manipulation. Although science has not yet progressed so far in this respect, it is still on the right path, which in itself justifies the evermore advancing genetic research and genetic manipulation of our time, against which ignorant ones, etc. so vehemently resist and idiotically preach religious nonsense against something they cannot prevent or stop. But only that genetic manipulation has to be reversed in the human being on the Earth that makes him/her degenerate into murder and manslaughter, bloodlust, hatred, greed and addiction and in all that is inhuman. However, the genetic manipulation for the combativeness and the ability to fight in the Creation-given, lawful and recommendations sense must not be reversed, because this ability to fight is necessary for the survival and the evolution. So the same must not happen as with the creator-rulers, who robbed themselves of their fighting ability by genetic manipulation, whereby they lost all fighting power and were no longer able to defend themselves against aggressors when they were attacked, which resulted in the monstrous fact, that humans were manipulated practically into fighting machines by genetic modification, from which then again new problems arose.
If one now considers the human beings who were genetically modified into fighting machines, then these were human beings who were specially conceived for this purpose by the creator-rulers, who were indeed outright bred for this purpose; in other words quite normal, but already highly evolved human beings. Physically they were rudimentarily changed through genetic manipulation, whereby old physical characteristics appeared again, whereby they became extremely resistant against environmental influences, etc. and showed a certain wildness. With all the genetic manipulations, however, it was omitted to also manipulate the gene of the factor that is responsible for recognising, remembering, understanding and obeying the creational-natural laws and recommendations and thus that which is balanced and good. This omission was done deliberately because it had been researched that this residual factor would offer a certain security against a complete degeneration of the gene-manipulated ones, whereby on the one hand something human would always influence life and actions etc., whereby also a certain guarantee would be given that the gene-manipulated ones would not be maliciously directed against their creator-rulers. These wishes did not come true, but in the sense that the genetically-manipulated ones did not completely dehumanise and therefore did not completely degenerate. Through the remaining factor, the well-balanced or good has repeatedly penetrated the consciousness of the genetically-manipulated ones since time immemorial, as a result of which evil has lost more and more of its significance over the course of millions of years, but is still clearly recognisable today, which is particularly evident in certain rulers, criminals and despots, etc. Unfortunately, it had not been taken into account that genetic manipulation and the naturally existing factor of balance and goodness in humans had to result in a state of conflict or at least of being torn back and forth, as has been observed since time immemorial and has always appeared again, as is still the case with many human beings today. Through this genetic manipulation the human beings has fought in himself/herself between good and evil since time immemorial, whereby evil often wins. Nevertheless, more and more human beings struggle for good by defeating the damage caused by genetic manipulation and the evil genome, evil or 'original sin'. Unfortunately, however, this often happens again in a degeneration which is based on a softness and a false humanism, because the right way is not found and thus false ideals are followed, which often arise through religious-sectarian nonsense.
If one now wants to explain the different skin colours of the different human beings here on the Earth in more detail, then actually not much needs to be said about it anymore, because after all that has been explained so far, it should be clear that different humans and their skin colours originated in the most different planetary systems of our galaxy, the Milky Way, whereby the Sirius areas play a special role. This, at least, concerns the actual origin, before the Old Lyrans came to the Earth and mixed with the Earth-humans, of whom many distant descendants of that time live here on this planet. And what can still be said about the actual genetic manipulators can be explained as follows: These were actually the well-meaning ones of the genetically-manipulated ones and thus the creator-rulers of the same themselves, but they divided into two parties when it came to whether the genetically-manipulated ones should ultimately be killed or simply banished. So one party fought with the other in fierce verbal battles and accusations until other intelligent beings of the Sirius territories interfered, to which the party of those who were in favour of killing the genetically-manipulated ones joined. The really well-intentioned ones, the killing opponents, succeeded, however, in spite of many countermeasures of the ones who wanted to kill, to save large parts of the gene-manipulated ones in several groups through escape, whereby, as already explained, two peoples were settled beyond the Sun [central galactic Sun] on the other side of the galaxy, while the remaining peoples found a new homeworld in the Sol-system, on Mars and on Malona each, while several thousand degenerating gene-manipulated ones were abandoned on the Earth. Even then, the well-meaning ones knew that the human beings brought here could not remain in this solar system forever, but would one day have to migrate again, because the sun of this remote system was a star that was already dying and had been chosen for this very reason, because the Sirius intelligences and the creator-rulers who had become willing to kill did not suspect that the territory of a dying sun would be chosen for repopulation for the 'degenerate' and 'God's-workers', as they were called by the creator-rulers. So, enormous distances were laid between the home planets of the gene-manipulated ones in the Sirius regions and the Sol-system, as well as the distant system beyond the galaxy, to protect them from those who threatened them with death and elimination. The selected hiding places had therefore been chosen so far outside of the galaxy. Another decisive factor was the fact that, in addition to the dying sun, the living conditions on the SOL planets and on the planets in the system beyond the galaxy were also very poor, because the breathable air on none of the newly colonised planets corresponded to the original breathing air composition of the home planets. A fact that is still the case today on the Earth, where the air does not meet the standard of human respiratory needs. So the fact of the dying sun as well as the poor living conditions and the poor breathing air was reason enough to seek hiding places from the pursuers here in the SOL-system and beyond the galaxy. And here in the SOL-system, far away from Sirius and the planets and intelligences there, the genetically-manipulated ones have been eking out their existence ever since, begetting their offspring and inexorably evolving now as earthlings who will soon be able to set out on their own, in order to penetrate into the vastness of the universe, from whence they originally came, quite contrary to the inadequate assertions of Earth scientists that the Earth-human of today's form is an original product of the Earth and even, according to Charles Darwin's lowly-intelligent primitive false teaching, descended from apes. Although purely Earth-created human beings live on the Earth, on the one hand, they have their own evolutionary lineage independent of apes, while on the other hand, apes are descended from the first or early human beings. But also these purely Earth-born ones are today afflicted with the genetic heritage, with the so-called 'original sin', if one can really call it that, which also applies to all those humans who, in earlier times, originated from out of the old Lyrans who died on the Earth and also from Pleiadians/Plejaren. All of them, all extraterrestrials who stayed on the Earth and died here, never returned to their homeworlds. Their spirit-forms slipped into the earthly realm of the afterlife and since then have reincarnated again and again into newly forming bodies of human beings who were born on the Earth and consequently also with the damage of the former genetic manipulation by the Sirian creator-rulers, because the genetic manipulated also diligently produced descendants on the Earth among themselves and together with the pure earthlings, whereby the degenerate genetic material unstoppably spread into the entire humanity of planet Earth.
對於那些最早的基因竄改者,再多一些說明:實際上,他們是基因被竄改的人類(genetically manipulated;本文中以下簡稱“基改人類”)的“恩人”(well-meaning),本來,他們是基改人類的“製造與統治者”(producer-rulers)。但當最後要決定殺死或流放那些基改人類的時間來到時,他們(那些“恩人”)分裂成兩派。隨後,這兩派以惡劣的語言相互指責,直到其他來自天狼星地區的智慧生命干預,他們支持殺死基改人類。
然而,即使是這些純粹由地球創造的人類,都同樣背負著基因遺留下來的所謂“原罪”(如果可以這樣稱呼的話)。同樣也適用於那些在很久以前在地球上繁殖,其後死去的老天琴星人和 Plejaren。他們所有人,所有的外星人,只要他曾經在地球上生活並死亡,就永遠不會再回到他的家鄉。他們的靈魂會進入地球的“天國”領域,而他們此後就轉世為新的人類肉體。因為這些人出生在地球上,他們同樣遭受來自天狼星那些“製造與統治者”的基因竄改而受害。整個情況的發生,是因為那些基改的地球人和純粹的地球人相互大力地繁殖後代,於是乎,墮落的遺傳基因便不屈不饒地傳遍整個地球的人類。
Gene manipulation does not mean that an Earth-human would be a born murder machine, but solely a fighting life-form, which is also able to kill if this appears necessary or if any circumstances of disengagement and loss of control, etc. appear, whereby degenerations can then also come to light, which, however, usually only occur if the factors of the consciousness and psyche and thus the world of thoughts and feelings are ill or overloaded for a short time, whereby in the latter then an act of aggression arises. The evil promoted or caused by genetic manipulation is thus in no form such that it would act as an innate desire to murder in a compulsive manner. The truth is that this genetic manipulation was created only as a controllable factor, whereby the human is very well in a position to control the evil planted in him/her and to make it disappear more and more on the natural path of evolution, which, however, takes an incredibly long time, which is why a reversal of genetic manipulation is absolutely appropriate. What has to be said again clearly and clearly is that there are actually no born murderers who have such a predisposition from the ground up, because truthfully such predispositions, degenerations or individual and mass actions arise either through some damage of a psychical, mental or emotional-based nature or through disturbances of consciousness and affect actions. In the case of psychological and consciousness disorders, etc., it may also be the case that organic brain damage plays a corresponding role. However, it must be said that all this is only possible through the degeneration of the correspondingly manipulated gene, because it is precisely because of this that evil or the pure negative always pushes into the foreground. This is also the reason why, e.g. in revolutionary and war actions, a human being falls prey to brutalisation and bloodlust once he/she has discovered the ease of killing, when he/she overcomes the inhibition of killing which, despite genetic manipulation, is normally always present in humans, when this is not prevented by an illness or an affect, etc. This also means that human beings are not born evil, in the sense that a human could only be evil and, moreover, from birth, as is so often claimed by those who only want to see evil and everything negative in humans. Indeed, the human being is equipped with negative and positive aspects from the very beginning of his/her existence, though not in such a manner that they would have degenerated in one form or another, because truthfully in this relationship there is a balance through which the human being actually becomes viable and stable in the face of all external unpleasantness and all other external influences of all kinds. When correctly combined and used, the two factors of negative and positive result in an overall value that makes the human form of life an extremely resilient living being that possesses a fighting nature and the necessary abilities to do so in accordance with creational-natural laws and recommendations, but without degenerating. The creator-rulers, however, who were originally also human beings of this kind, committed the madness of eliminating their own genes in themselves, thereby losing all their ability to fight and resist, and also aligning their entire thinking and acting accordingly, with the result that they became completely effeminate. When they were then attacked by aggressors, they failed and were subjugated. Secretly they then begat those capable of fighting and carried out the genetic manipulations on them, out of which the new races with different skin colours arose in the underground, who were then used against the aggressors and also triumphed against them. So the producer-rulers themselves were to blame for their degeneration and begat new humans out of the resulting misery, who actually possessed all the natural prerequisites again and were therefore able to fight and survive. But this was not enough for the creator-rulers, which is why they carried out the genetic manipulations to make the new peoples more aggressive than they were by nature. In a certain sense, they simply reinforced certain factors through genetic manipulation, whereby the manipulated ones became actual combat machines, but still were provided with the possibility of being able to normalise themselves in a controlling manner through evolution, which, however, required periods of millions of years and therefore still continues today, which is evident in terrestrial humans. Through genetic manipulation, the negative, or the evil, as the terrestrial human being generally understands it, had been particularly strongly and unnaturally aggressively shaped at that time, which is why it has not yet been so strongly degraded in terrestrial human beings today that they could not get very badly out of control of the good human nature again, in every respect and thus in the excessive procreation of offspring, which has led to overpopulation and all resulting evils of all kinds, as well as to religious-sectarian madness and nonsense in many fanatical forms, whereby ultimately not only the destruction of the planet threatens, but also the destruction of the entire environment and of life in all forms at all. This thinking and acting of the Earth-human represents a relapse phase into the original state of genetic manipulation, whereby, as in the early days, everything degenerates and becomes rampant, which is why the creator-rulers at that time also saw a further reason in eliminating the genetically-manipulated ones again. This relapse phase is particularly strong today when it comes to military and revolutionary concerns as well as religious-sectarian machinations. Through the military training as well as through the political smear campaigns and the religious-sectarian fanaticism and criminality of all kinds, control over the positive is lost, which is swallowed up and suppressed by the negative, out of which, in turn, a state of intoxication of negative evil develops, which is uncontrollably succumbed to and indulged.
當然,人從一開始存在就被同時賦予了正面和負面的因子,但不至於全然只有負面或只有正面的狀況。最終人類會被真正賦予一種產生平衡的能力,與克服一切所受傷害和外在負面影響的穩定性。負面與正面因子,當兩者結合並適當運用,最終就會把人類變成一個具備其所需能力的頑強生命體,而且是一個生來就會為「造物自然的法則與建言」(creational-natural laws and recommendations)而戰的鬥士,並不至於趨向退化。
In earlier times, the human beings of female and male form were of the same kind in terms of viability, fighting ability and fighting power, etc., etc. So there were no differences between men and women in this respect, not even with regard to the fields of work and the work to be done, although it was the case that the physically weaker women were replaced by the men in jobs that were too heavy for them. Thus women and men were equal in every respect, without any differences, apart from the biological differences and the resulting peculiarities, etc., which of course had to be taken into account in primaeval times. Thus, even at that time, women had to fulfil their primary duties of motherhood and the household, if they were married and if they had offspring. If this was not the case, however, then the women carried out the same activities as the men. Thus, they were also active in government positions, whereby however the male powers were included in the form that men and women governed in equal numbers and carried the responsibility in each case, so that one man or woman alone did not hold the power of government, whereby the people themselves also had a right of co-determination and co-decision for all concerns, resolutions and regulations as well as laws, etc.
As has already been explained, in the Sol-system two planets were suitable for the refugees, the genetically-manipulated ones: Mars and Malona/Phaeton. The Earth was still quite inhospitable and the atmosphere was such that, at that time, it was quite detrimental to the human life-forms from the Sirius regions, which is why only those fallible genetically manipulated ones, who became aggressive and malicious against their own allies were abandoned on this planet. At that time, five races, or the remnants, that continued to be persecuted had fled from the Sirius regions to Mars, while two other races fled beyond the sun to the other side of the galaxy, as has already been explained. In addition to the five races that fled to Mars and Malona/Phaeton, there were also two different races from the creator-rulers, which of course were not genetically engineered and therefore had no changes in genetic information. These two races were the benevolent ones who were well-disposed towards the genetically-manipulated ones and helped them escape. They themselves came from two different planets in the Sirius regions, which were completely overpopulated, which is why there was a ban on procreation, as a result of which all children were killed if any were born despite the ban, while the parents who contravened the ban were sterilised and sent into exile.
如前所述,這兩顆在太陽系的行星 —— 火星和 Malona/Phaeton 星(即法厄同星)適合那些難民(基改人類)的居住。而地球在當時還是處在相當荒蕪而不適合人住的階段,因為她的大氣層對來自天狼星的人類健康是不利的。因此,只有那些犯了錯的基改人類才會被驅逐到地球上,而他們都是具有侵略性並且個性兇惡。有五個倖存的人種從天狼星地區逃到了太陽系的兩顆行星上,而另外兩個人種去了銀河系中與太陽系方向相反的那邊。此外,有兩個“製造與統治者”的人種也加入了逃亡到火星和法厄同星的五個人種中,這兩個人種未被竄改基因,當然他們的 DNA 都沒有被更動過。他們就是恩人,他們善意地與基改人類平等相待,並曾幫助過他們逃命。他們的起源追溯至天狼星地區兩個人口過剩的行星,那裡的每個人都被禁止生育。因此,每一個新生兒都被殺死,而違規的父母則被強制絕育並遭受放逐。
The flight from the Sirius regions took a very long time and dragged on for many thousands of years before the refugees, constantly hounded by their persecutors, were finally able to escape from their reach and sight and found the appropriate hiding place in the Sol-system. The same was true of the two peoples who settled on the other side of the galaxy. Both refugee groups, however, had it in common that over the many years of, which were spent mostly in the spaceships crisscrossing the galaxy, revolts and power struggles broke out, the consequence of which being that not only all knowledge and all references to the origin of the genetically-manipulated ones were lost, but also terrible dramas came to light, which led to the outbreak of cannibalism, which spread to all spaceships. So all references to the origin of the gene-manipulated ones and thus of the later terrestrial humans were lost just as much as the knowledge about the abilities and knowledge of these humans. Also belonging to the loss of all knowledge, was the knowledge about the natural laws and recommendations of the Creation. A great confusion arose, which again led to new difficulties, although the danger of persecution was always known, because this threat was passed on from generation to generation.
來自天狼星區域的基改難民出走潮,發生時間涵蓋數千年之久,他們不斷被追捕者們追逐,直到他們終於在太陽系找到一個合適的藏身之所,這裡遠離他們追捕者的勢力與可視範圍。另外兩個難民群也有著類似的命運,他們最後在銀河系的遙遠處安頓下來。這兩批難民在他們多年的飛行中確實受盡折磨,當他們穿越銀河系期間,大部分的時間都待在太空船裡。在他們航行的途中,發生了流血革命與權力鬥爭。結果,那些基改人類不僅遺失了他們先前積累的所有知識,同時也失去了他們祖先傳承的證據。一些令人震驚的戲劇性事件降臨到他們身上,導致同類相殘的事件遍及他們所有的太空飛船。最後,那些基改人類(未來的地球人)的祖先智慧失去了。除了其他事項之外,這些知識也包含了有關「造化的自然法則與建言」(the natural laws and recommendations of the Creation)。於是鋪天蓋地的混亂隨之而來,導致他們面臨追求危險知識的後續問題,而這些知識仍在代代相傳。
The gene-manipulated ones who finally settled on Mars and Malona and their well-meaning 'traitor' creator-rulers developed a technologically superior culture over time, but this did not prevent them from one day having to flee the planet again. This happened as a result of the scientists one day realising that the Sol-system was much more unsafe from a purely cosmic point of view than was originally assumed, because many comets and wandering planets as well as meteors, etc. endangered the two newly settled planets Mars and Malona/Phaeton over and over again, whereby such rushing space rocks also crashed down on the planets several times and caused immense damage as well as destroying countless human lives. Subsequently, a large wandering planet was discovered, which had an unusually long orbital period and travelled far beyond the outermost planets of the solar system. This large celestial body, the astronomical scientists calculated, threatened to collide with the planet Mars or at least to destroy it by a near-collision in such a manner that all life on the planet would be completely destroyed and annihilated, thus all flora and fauna as well as all human life. So the gene-manipulated ones and their distant descendants on Mars were advised to give up their place of exile, which these distant descendants still regarded as such, because they were still aware of the danger of persecution, but already in an unclear form, from which they were no longer able to define the origin of the danger. But the threatening wandering planet had been destructive in the Sol-system for a long time and had already caused a lot of trouble. According to the information given by Sfath early on, this celestial body was the Destroyer that had caused the most devastating destruction on the Plejaren homeworlds at a very early stage, before it then shot off on its unpredictable orbit through the world space to establish itself in the Sol-system, where it has also caused much disaster since then. Over time his orbital period of several thousand years decreased to an average of 575.5 years, which in the meantime has increased again due to the influence of the Pleiadian/Plejaren on it, so that it can be expected again in about 1,180 years in the Sol-system. Thus, the Pleiadian/Plejaren were not able to bring it completely off of course, as this was actually planned, but at least the orbit and orbit time could be changed in such a manner that at least, for the time being, there is no danger anymore, because normally it would have had to return in the year 2255 with devastating consequences of destruction. The Pleiadian/Plejaren were not allowed to take the wanderer off course or destroy it in any other manner, because the High Council asked them to refrain from doing so, because the destruction or any other course determination would have caused even greater destruction, which might have affected the Earth as well.
在過去,那顆深具威脅性的行星已經遊蕩於太陽系中一段很長的時間了,它造成了重大的破壞與浩劫。根據從前我來自 Sfath 的詳細訊息,這個天體命名為「毀滅者」(Destroyer),甚至在過去的日子裡,也曾對他們的家鄉星球造成可怕的破壞。在它以其無法預測的軌道再度穿出進入太空之前,「毀滅者」經年穿梭在太陽系內,造成其中更多的浩劫。隨著時間的推移,它在太陽系中的運行週期減少到平均 575.5 年;然而,Plejaren 從那以後再次延長了這個時間間隔。結果,「毀滅者」將在約 1,180 年後再次出現在太陽系。
所以 Plejaren 無法按他們的計畫去徹底使這行星偏離軌道;儘管如此,他們確實以一種方式改變了它的軌道運行週期,它暫時不會再造成任何危險。正常而言,那行星將會在西元 2255 年才會返回而帶來毀滅性的結果。「最高理事會」未准許 Plejaren 摧毀「毀滅者」或以任何方式偏移它運行的方向,並要求 Plejaren 避免這麼做,因為如此將會產生更大的破壞,甚至很可能影響到地球。
(Note Ptaah from 5th January 2005: The Destroyer was taken off course in the late 1990s of the 20th century and is now on its way to the outermost ring belt of the Sol-system, where it will remain for all time and no longer return to the inner solar system.)
(Ptaah 於 2005 年 1 月 5 日註解:「毀滅者」在 1990 年代末期被改變了運行軌道,現在正向太陽系最外層的環帶方向運行,而它將一直在那個區域繞行,不會再返回太陽系的內部軌道。)
In the elaboration of the new possibilities of emigration, there was again dispute among the distant descendants of the genetically-manipulated ones, into whom the genetic manipulation by inheritance was also transferred. The decisive factor for the outbreak of the quarrels was, to a not inconsiderable extent, a new doctrine, which was created by the well-meaning ones, who said that they, the well-meaning ones, were the creators of the gene-manipulated ones or their distant descendants, to whom absolute obedience and worship had to be paid, for they were the highest existing ones, namely the creators and producers. This, however, was not the opinion and demand of all well-disposed people, which resulted in two different camps, one being the camp of the alleged creators, and the other the camp of those who remained well-disposed in every respect and distanced themselves from a creatorshipp. So there was a dispute between these two camps on the one hand, and between the followers or believers of the two parties on the other. In the end, the disputants agreed that all those who were willing to do so should simply leave the planet Mars for the Earth and Malona. So it happened that many human beings from both camps finally joined forces to emigrate together, one to the planet Malona/Phaeton and the other to the Earth. The emigration leader to Malona was a certain Zentekan (= The Strong Leader), who was assisted by his wife Amalaka (= She goes her way). The emigration leader to the Earth was also two, namely a certain Semos (= who looks at things) and his brother Passas (= keeper of freedom). While the atmosphere on Malona was breathable and healthy for the emigrants and for the peoples already living there and corresponded roughly to that of Mars, which was as much as that which the descendants of the genetically-manipulated ones were used to in their spaceships over many millennia, this did not apply to the Earth. So purposeful changes had to be made if the emigrants were to live on the Earth in the future. So the same event happened that was already important when the degenerated ones on the Earth were abandoned: At that time, the abandoned ones were first subjected to an adaptation to the Earth's atmosphere and their bone structure was more strongly stabilised, etc., before they were transferred to the Earth. This happened now equally with all emigration-willing from Mars, before they could establish themselves on the Earth.
然而,這不是所有“恩人”們的主張,隨後,他們分為兩大陣營:一個陣營聲自稱為“製造與統治者”,而其他人保留了他們原先的仁慈心態,對“製造與統治者之說”敬而遠之。爭端不僅存在於這兩個陣營中,而且還發生在雙方忠實的追隨者之間。最終雙方達成了一項協議,他們決定離開火星後分別到地球與法厄同星兩個方向。於是,這兩個陣營的人分別聚在一起遷移,其中一些人前往法厄同星,而其他的人則前往地球。前往法厄同星的移民,他們的領導者叫做 Zenteka(含意是「強大的領袖」),他的妻子 Amalaka(含意是「走自己路的女人」)也隨他而去。
向地球遷徙的群眾也有兩個領導者,他們是兩兄弟,分別叫做 Semos(含意是「觀察事物的人」)和 Passas(含意是「自由的守護者」)。法厄同星的大氣對於移民和已經居住其上的人是安全且健康的,它某程度上有點像火星上的空氣,也類似於他們在太空船中已習慣數千年的空氣。但很不幸,地球上的空氣卻不是如此。
Then everything came to be as the scientists had predicted: The Destroyer invaded the Mars orbit and tore it away with it into another SOL orbit, whereby it was from now on in the same orbit as the planet Malona, which migrated then, however, later, likewise by the forces of violence of the Destroyer, in order to live its existence there, where it was then destroyed many thousands of years later by his inhabitants, in order to become the asteroid belt. The inhabitants of Malona were decimated by the emigration catastrophe at that time from about 470 million people to about 14 million, after which they recovered again and had a population of about 52 million people again with their planet destruction.
後來一切正如那些科學家之前所預測的那樣發生:「毀滅者」侵入火星軌道,將火星牽引到太陽系的另一條軌道上,也就是與法厄同星所在相同的軌道。同樣因為被毀滅者的強大力量牽引,法厄同星漸漸向外偏移,但仍在新的軌道上運行了數千年,直到被它的居民所摧毀而成為目前的小行星帶。在這“偏移大災難”期間,法厄同星的居民由大約 4.7 億被消滅至僅有 1 千 4 百萬;然而後來他們又能逐漸恢復,直到他們摧毀自己星球之時,他們的人口再次提升至約 5 千 2 百萬。
Those who emigrated to the Earth lost contact with Malona and Mars, which had become completely desolate and on which all those left behind had perished. But those of the well-meaning ones who let themselves be glorified and worshipped by the new doctrine as creators, vehemently spread their irrational doctrine further and did not let the still well-meaning good-meaning get their chance anymore. Thus the creator-rulers, who now presented themselves as the creators of the Earth-humans, were able to seize all power and spread their mistaken doctrine of faith, which also contained an absolutely new but equally false history of human origin and faith, whereby the real origin, should it still have glowed secretly somewhere, was finally destroyed and lost. Of course, those who were still truly well-meaning could not simply put up with this, but defended themselves against this in such a form that they too invented doctrines of belief and spread them among the new current Earth-humans, in the hope that they would fathom out the real truth through the new forms of belief and understand and comprehend that which is truly creational and natural, whereby there was also the hope that everything would turn back to the good, which is why the saying of the really well-meaning ones was also coined at that time: "The teaching shall be made for the sake of the kind of human beings on the Earth, because of their desecrated body, to destroy the impure and degenerate in it.» In this teaching, as in the teachings of the creator-producer-rulers, there was also hidden the meaning that the various faiths and doctrines of faith would form an enormous obstacle, whereby the distant descendants of the genetically-manipulated ones would keep their numbers in tolerable and responsible masses, in order to, on the one hand, not go against the will of the creator-producer-rulers and also not go against those who are still well-meaning, in order to become master over them, etc., and on the other hand, not to develop prematurely in such a form that they could fly out again into space via a too fast and too highly developed technology, in order to find their former homeworlds again, like Mars and the Sirius area planets, etc. On the part of the 'creators' there was also the hope that the Earth-humans would let themselves be beaten into confusion and wars by the different faith teachings in order to exterminate themselves in this way. At least, however, the hope was anchored in the fact that the Earth-humans would only then be technically, biologically and scientifically capable again to conquer space if they had made the necessary changes in their thinking and acting through a sufficiently long period of evolution. The Earth-humans should therefore also be brought to insight by the faith teachings and faith directions of the most diverse kind, in order to solve their problem of the genetically-manipulated degeneration and to correct this degeneration, whereby, not least, the factor should be important that the Earth-humans find the genetically-manipulated damage themselves one day, in the most distant future, and form it back to normal through a corresponding genetic reversion. Only then, so the view and hope was, should the distant descendants of the gene-manipulated ones, the terrestrial humans, seek contact with their actual past and origin as well as with the universe, to other worlds and other humans in the expanses of the Milky Way and foreign galaxies.
Thus everything says that the Earth-humans will quickly develop themselves further, because for a long time more and more humans have been born who are devoted to evolution, in every respect. Thus the former hopes of the well-meaning ones will also be fulfilled, that blameless and peaceful races will come to the Earth from the vastness of the universe and keep in contact with the Earth-humans, but only when the unfortunate chain of genetic manipulation is reversed and normalised in a logical form and the human DNA is again creationally-naturally connected in a manner that corresponds to that which is creational. Thus it is already pre-programmed that the unfortunate genetic manipulation in the DNA chain will be discovered and found by the Earth-humans, even if this will only happen in a certain future. And thus it is also already certain that this 'mistake', which is forcibly attached to humanity, will also be reversed by themselves, which has kept them from real humanity and the creational-natural laws and recommendations and their fulfilment many times to this day, so that only a few have been able to find the right way in the most laborious work so far and to defeat the degeneracy caused by genetic manipulation on the natural path of evolution. Thus everything on the Earth is oriented towards eliminating genetic manipulation, after which humanity can leave the solar system again, before the sun dies and the entire system is doomed to extinction, which happens much earlier than is claimed by current Earth scientists, because SOL is truly already a dying star. And when the human beings once again emigrate from the Earth and acclimatise to new home planets far and wide away from the Sol-system, they will have to adapt to the new atmospheric conditions, just like their ancestors of the primaeval great ancestors, which will again be the same as they were before primaeval times, when the genetically-manipulated humans still breathed their beneficial air. And it can already be said today that these once distant descendants of the Earth-humans will have a tremendous and good future ahead of them.
從種種跡象判斷,地球人靠自己進化得非常迅速,有很長的一段時間,越來越多的人,生下來在各方面就已經有所進化。恩人們的希望將會達成,而友善與愛好和平的種族將從浩瀚的宇宙來到這裡與地球人接觸。縱然,這只會發生在竄改基因被逆轉並恢復正常順序之時,並且是在人類的 DNA 趨向「造化自然」而再次與其法則相連之時。
讓地球人能夠自行察覺並找出他們 DNA 鏈中被不幸篡改的基因,這種可能性是事先安排的,儘管這項發現的過程不會在短時間內發生。此外,這個強加於人類的“錯誤”,也肯定會被人類自行矯正。這個錯誤,使得地球的人類直到今天還不能過著一種真正屬於人類的生活,而經常脫離「造物自然的法則與建言」,以及他們的應有的行為。基於這個原因,到現在為止,只有少數人有能力找到正確的途徑;能達到這一步,只有在其自然進化過程中,透過最艱苦的奮鬥才能克服基因竄改所造成的墮落。
It will still take a number of years before the Earth humanity will find proof that its former ancestors from primordial times came from foreign solar and planetary systems to the Sol-system and settled on Mars before they emigrated to the Earth. It is also likely that the first evidence will then be found that the ancestors of the earliest times, the genetically-manipulated ones and their descendants, were refugees and exiled ones, who originally came from the Sirius regions. This evidence will shake not only the scientific world, but above all the religious world of all kinds, whereby then very much must be changed. This will happen especially when artefacts of a certain earlier humanity are found, of which pyramids and sculptures, such as the so-called faces of Mars, will not be part of the findings.
多年之後,地球人類將會發現他們最早的祖先乃是由外星系來到太陽系,並且在移民到地球之前曾定居過火星上的證據。到那個時候時,人類最早的祖先 —— 基改人類,或者更確切地說是他們的後裔 —— 都是起源於天狼星區域的難民和流亡者,這項事實的第一個證據也可能被發現。這個證據將動搖科學界,甚至宗教界;它將會引發巨大的轉變。首先到來的時刻,是在火星上發現以前人類文明的遺跡,其中有金字塔和雕像,例如所謂火星人的人面雕像,但那僅僅是整個發現的一小部分。
The findings and the message to the human beings of the Earth will one day be the factors that lead to the collapse of the fable picture about their origins that was assembled by the early ancestors of the Earth-humans and that suddenly many truth vultures come to the frightening realisation that the Earth-human, on the one hand, does not originally come from the planet Earth and on the other hand, is not the sole human form of life in the universe. One prophecy states that on the 5th of June 1995 the day will already be when extraterrestrials will officially land on the Earth, as a second prophecy predicts for 1998. But this must not be counted on, because humanity on the Earth is not yet able to cope with such contacts and all resulting knowledge and the associated insights. But if this were to happen, the Pleiadians/Plejaren would withdraw and stay away from the Earth and its inhabitants in the future, as Sfath already explained in the forties of the 20th century and Quetzal in recent times. But in reference to these prophecies it is really only about prophecies and therefore not about predictions, which means that everything can change and the prophecies, therefore, do not have to fulfil themselves if the necessary prerequisites for it are not given. And exactly this is the case, because the prerequisite is that, if everything happens according to the truth, the human being on the Earth first rectifies the damage or the degeneracy of their genetic manipulation and becomes completely different and of a natural sense in thinking and acting, before they gain open contact to alien races and peoples and thus to extraterrestrials. This means, however, that a whole series of years must pass before this prerequisite is fulfilled. Until then, however, all kinds of events and changes, etc. will occur on the Earth and in the human being of this planet, which, on the one hand, are simply evolutionarily necessary and, on the other hand, unavoidable due to the thinking and acting of the life-form of the Earth-human, from which many things will inevitably result, which are often very dangerous as well as inhibiting evolution, but on the other hand also promoting evolution and therefore absolutely unavoidable. So if you look at everything in this manner, then official contacts with extraterrestrials are not really recommendable at the moment, because the Earth-human being would not yet be able to cope with them in the right form, both from the religious-sectarian as well as the secular-sectarian and military side, and also from the economic and political side. So it would be completely out of place for the present and for the future if official contacts with extraterrestrials were to take place. This is currently only possible in an individual form or in certain small groups, whereby in this regard also secret contacts in military and official form are excluded. However, the longer this goes on, the more it leads to contact swindlers and sighting swindlers appearing, who already present perfectly falsified alleged film and photo evidence with computers, who are then believed just like all the swindlers, fraudsters, charlatans and delusionists, etc., who, in matters of extraterrestrials, God, Jesus Christ, Mary and Joseph, Moses and various saints and masters, etc., are able to cast a spell over many stupid believers, because the human being, in his/her search for the truth, is simply too easily and credulously led around by the nose through lies and deceit.
在火星上的那些發現,某天將會成為地球人類因見證傳說中他們祖先所留下遺跡的照片而崩潰的要素。許多在之前拒絕接受真相的人,將會大夢初醒的意識到,地球人類並非起源於地球,而且也不是宇宙中唯一的人類生命形式。縱然有一個預言宣稱外星人將於 1995 年的 6 月 5 日正式登陸地球;而第二個預言則說此事件是發生在 1998 年。
然而,人們或許應該別指望這些事件的發生,因為地球人類目前還無法承受這樣的接觸,以及其隨之而來的知識和相關的後果。如果此事件發生,Plejaren 星人將會撤離地球,而從今以後,也會與這裡的居民保持距離,就如同 Quetzal 之前以及 Sfath 在 1940 年代所作的解釋那樣。不過,人們必須記住,這些預言實際上只是預言而非預測。一切都可以改變,因此,如果不滿足必要的條件,預言就不會成真。而確切的情況就是如此,因為其中的前提是,如果一切都按照正確的方式進行,也就是:地球人類必須首先矯治他受基因竄改所造成的傷害,並且改變他們的心態、思想和行動,達到與「造化自然」和諧的狀態;這樣才可能公開與外星種族的人民(也就是外星人)接觸。
Well, before it gets so far that contacts with extraterrestrials will take place in official form, when everything goes the way of its correctness, then this will only be when the Earth-human is mature enough for it, and exactly that will take some time, during which a great deal will happen, also in the respect that only certain proofs will be found that, on the one hand, the Earth-human originally does not come from this world, and on the other hand, that they do not exist alone in the universe and therefore also not alone in this galaxy, the Milky Way. If one wants to consider the things that are still going on up to the time when the first official contacts with extraterrestrials take place, then one has to create a certain chronology of the coming history. But it might not be advisable to give exact dates, because this would again result in things that could change future events just as unfavourably, as many people could suffer disturbances of consciousness, etc., because through the knowledge of that which is coming many things would be tried to change that which cannot be changed in any kind and wise, because these are predictions and not changeable prophecies. For this reason, I will therefore not name any date, although I know them, which is why I will simply list the most important events or occurrences, etc. of the future in chronological order, starting with the year 1995, in the course of which it will be shown that natural disasters will continue to cause calamity and will not come to an end. The events in this regard will move up and down, so sometimes there will be more and sometimes there will be less, but on the whole everything will increase. Unfortunately, there will also be no change for the better in terms of overpopulation, quite the opposite. Furthermore, in 2003, in March, a blow is to be expected from the United States and its presidency, which will strike the whole world in the head, just as Islamic fundamentalism will make much and more of itself, talking and casting a spell over the whole world. Insurrections, revolutions, wars, terrorism and other unrest of all kinds will increase greatly, with Islamic fundamentalism, in particular, playing a very sad role. Also, the health of the human being is extremely endangered, because apart from the rapid spread of AIDS also the consequences of the mad cow disease in humans will appear increasingly, whereby in this connection not only the Creutzfeldt-Jakob syndrome will be the only effect. Also with the animals the mad cow disease effects will increasingly occur. But all this will not be enough, because another terrible epidemic will break out in Asia, which will be transmitted by waterfowl and migratory birds, which are immune to the disease, through their faeces to chickens, when the birds come into contact with chickens in search of food and excrete their excrement, which is then taken up by the poultry, thereby spreading the epidemic and also to humans, mammals and fish, etc. The disease is transmitted when they eat the faeces or the meat of contaminated poultry or birds. A lung disease will also break out in humans through the guilt of China, where bioweapons are being researched and through carelessness pathogens are released. The danger of the use of chemical weapons, which has been practised for a long time and which is constantly renewed, will increase despite other efforts, as will nuclear and biological weapons. The risk of nuclear reactor accidents is also on the increase, all around the world. For the next few years, France in particular should exercise all conceivable caution in this respect, for a prophecy warns against a GAU in Lyon, which can be prevented if those responsible take the right steps, because a prophecy can be changed. The first steps have already been taken for a new movement that will work for complete non-violence, while another group will be formed through which a woman will attain a great and powerful world power. While mass tourism takes on more and more powerful forms and slowly but surely destroys the last paradises of the Earth, the first steps are taken for a Mars flight, which will not exactly be under a good star, however, during which only shortly afterwards more luck will be granted, even if problems of a technical nature will unexpectedly arise due to certain problems. All this will only happen shortly after the time when the worldwide plight of unemployment and all the evils associated with it will finally be resolved and mastered, but then there will also be a new increase in the arsenals of weapons, when the worldwide production of weapons will be boosted again. These are already again the first signs of an impending Third World War, which is announced by prophecy, if the Earth-human does not make an effort to avert this danger by his/her reason and a correspondingly correct thinking and acting. But if humans do not act against the fulfilment of prophecy, then a new and very destructive new weapon will find its perfection, which will cause devastating consequences at the next world war. This can also happen because the surveillance of the Earth from space is criminally neglected. And again new weapons will be talked about as well as the death of four heads of state who will die within seven days. This will be a last sign of danger of the fact that the world war that has been feared for so long will still break out within only about two years if the Earth-humans do not finally become masters of reason and stop all evil. If this does not happen, the people will no longer benefit when they try to protest against the new, lethal weapons in order to outlaw them, because the arsenals of weapons in many countries will then already be full of them. So it will no longer be of any use if laws are subsequently drawn up prohibiting the use of these weapons. If the human begins does not finally come to his/her senses, then the Third World War cannot be avoided, which will first start with conventional weapons, but then escalate into nuclear, chemical, biological and radiation weapons. The world war will then begin in a certain year in the month of November, after about 5 years of work in intensive form, whereby this time will be preceded by another four years in indefinite preparatory form. If the war really breaks out, then it will last up to about one month shy of 4 years, so it will end in October of the fourth year, after the northern hemisphere of the Earth has been largely destroyed by nuclear fire and radioactive radiation, by which both the animal world and the entire plant world will be destroyed, if the human being does not see to it that prophecy only proves to be such and does not come true. But if this does not happen, then the four years of war will be followed by another bitter eleven years of need, misery, famine and many other evils. The descendants will be crippled and mutated as a result of the radioactive radiation, and many of those who survive the war will be radioactively contaminated and burned, as will horrible and horrifying skin diseases caused by chemical weapons. This will also be the case with biological weapons, as they will cause ulcers and many other evils and even evil human abortions and so on. Before all this happens, however, if prophecy is fulfilled through human guilt, the scientists find in the DNA chain the gene that was manipulated too early and is responsible for the human's rapid aging. This is likely to be before the end of this year, as the preparatory work was already done in 1994. It is questionable, however, whether the scientists will make their discovery public and evaluate it in the manner it actually deserves, because what it looks like will only be discussed in a truly open form much later, so it will be a long time before the public is fully informed about it. It will therefore take a very long time before genetic manipulation is reversed by manipulating the gene in question backwards, without the scientists knowing for the time being that they have come across a factor in the gene that was manipulated millions of years ago.
因此,我不會提及任何日期,雖然我很清楚。為此,我將會按時間順序,簡單列出即將到來的最重要事件,或是一些意外事故等等,這些都將會在 1995 年開始發生。今年將會顯現大自然的災害繼續無休止地肆虐破壞;相關破壞事件的數量將會有增有減,換句話說,它們偶爾會增多,而有時會減少,但總體而言,事故將會逐年上升。關於人口過剩,很不幸沒有更好的改變會出現;事實上,人口過剩的問題會越演越烈。預計一場涉及美國及其總統的大規模軍事行動將在 2003 年的三月發生,它將震驚整個世界。此外,關於伊斯蘭基本教義派(fundamentalism)的漫長爭議將會越來越頻繁,而終將困惑整個人類世界。起義、革命、戰爭和其他不同形式的動亂將大幅攀升,而伊斯蘭基本教義派在整個發展情節下扮演了一個非常可悲的角色。而地球人類的健康方面也是極度危險,不僅愛滋病(AIDS)在迅速蔓延,還有「瘋牛症」(Mad cow disease;學名「牛腦海綿狀病變」)也會在人類之間不斷上升,在這方面,「克雅二氏症」(Creutzfeldt-Jakob syndrome;或稱「庫賈氏症」)並非唯一的影響。
在化學戰的再度威脅,由於長期來的慣用手段,即使努力遏止,還是將會再次上升。同樣,核子和生化武器也是如此。而核能反應爐發生意外的危險,將會增加而遍及全球。關於這方面,尤其是法國必須格外小心,因為有預言警告說,里昂的 GAU 極有可能出現一場意外,但只要有關負責人採取正確的步驟,這是可以預防的(注意:預言是可以改變的)。一場推動全面非暴力的新運動正在初步展開;而一個女人經由另一個團體的組成,在世界列強之間得到一個崇高且具影響力的地位。
如果這做不到,人類將在其試圖抗爭和抵制新的致命武器中失敗,因為這個時候,許多國家將會盡其可能的充實軍備。在這麼晚的階段,通過法律禁止使用這些武器將完全無效。如果人類最終未能變得理智,第三次世界大戰終將不能倖免!戰爭將由常規武器開始,並升級至核子、化學與生物戰。世界大戰將在某一年的 11 月開始,這項戰事是在五年的艱苦經營後實現,之前還經過了四年的秘密籌備工作。一旦戰爭爆發,它將持續約四年,而將在第四年的 10 月結束。到這時,地球的北半球將被核彈和放射性輻射大規模的摧毀,將會消滅整個動植物的世界;除非人類這樣看待它:預言本身只是一種預言而並不會自行實現。如果這種情況發生,那麼在這四年的戰爭之後,世界還將面臨另外十一年的貧困、苦難、飢餓和許多其他疾病。核輻射會對當時出生的孩子造成嚴重的畸形和基因突變,還有眾多戰爭的倖存者都會受到輻射的污染和灼傷。化學戰會造成恐怖和殘酷的皮膚疾病,生物戰將會造成潰爛的腫瘡和其他許多病變,更不要說惡魔般的人類怪胎等等。
然而,在這一切發生之前,如果預言是經由人類自身的過錯而實現,將會有一個發現:科學家在 DNA 鏈中找到了早期被竄改的基因,這是造成人類急速老化的原因。這項發現很可能就在今年,因為這方面的準備工作在 1994 年就已經開始了。不過,科學家們是否會以應有的方式宣傳和評估他們的發現,這一點值得懷疑,因為目前看來,真正公開談論這個問題可能需要很長的時間,因此直到大眾充分了解這項發現之前,仍將保持秘密一段很長的時間。因此,在遭竄改基因被相關的基因反向工程回復之前,還會有一段漫長的等待時間。就目前而言,科學家們仍不知道他們偶然發現的那個基因是個關鍵的基因,它就是在數百萬年前以前曾被竄改過的特殊基因。
If the prophecy about another world war is fulfilled, if the Earth-humans do not rethink things very quickly and steer everything in a good direction, then also the consequences of the Third World War will be very devastating, as well as a huge revenge campaign against the war instigators, which will be triggered and directed by a bloodthirsty man, who, how could it also be otherwise, will once again be a 'representative of God', a pope. But this is also subject to the condition that prophecy be fulfilled through the guilt of the Earth-humans.
In the not-too-distant future, the Earth is threatened by the melting of the polar caps as well as another severe economic crisis, which in turn will spread to the entire world. And once again a world war will threaten the Earth and the entire human race by their unreasonableness – the Fourth World War. Some sensible people, however, are able to neutralise the threat, which is not least once again promoted by the invention of new, powerful weapons, which will be a realisation of the weapons from science fiction novels, namely in the field of deadly light emitters, ray cannons, ray rifles and ray pistols, etc., in the field of the invention of new, powerful weapons. All this is linked to three scientists who will create an incredibly cheap source of energy. However, this will not be the only new source of energy, because another one will also be found based on sound vibrations. But this will also lead to the development of new deadly weapons. Science uses everything it can get its hands on. So it does not fail that the greenhouse effect can be stopped by humans and applied in reverse form, whereby then also a further melting of the polar caps can be prevented, whereby also the very sharply risen water level of all seas sinks again. In this time, the Earth-human dedicates himself/herself again increasingly to space travel, which they neglected for certain years. At this time, Venus becomes of special interest for the Earth-human, which is why it is also considered to send a crewed space capsule to the volcano planet. In the same process, humanity again opens up a new source of energy by taking advantage of the inner powers of the Earth. And in the further development, then again a dangerous new weapon, or two of them, will emerge, whereby the one absolutely destructively affects all matter, solely by its high and inaudible sound for humans, while it will exhibit a deadly effect on life-forms of all kinds – thus an ultrasonic weapon. The second weapon will be based on high-frequency energies, which will also be able to destroy and kill everything. And the discoveries and inventions will go on, also in the field of genetic engineering and genetic manipulation, because it comes as it must come, and quite contrary to the enemies of genetic manipulation, who already today are raving against it.
The future is not too far off when it will be possible to crossbreed plants and animals through genetic manipulation and create completely new forms of life. Thus, the lowly intelligent oppositional criers will shout in vain, who should truly be glad that science has finally progressed so far that genetic manipulation will become possible, because this alone will one day guarantee that the genetically-manipulated degeneration in the Earth-human will one day be corrected again and they can again be integrated into the normal course of negative and positive. This, of course, does not mean that the secrets of the Creation will be fathomed, for they will remain closed to Earth-humanity for the time being, even if research into them is being diligently carried out on space stations outside of the Earth. But this does not mean that science will lie fallow, quite the contrary; for it will reveal the secret of gravity and thus begin to dominate space and mass in certain forms. It is only shortly before this time that it becomes possible for the Earth-human to 'regrow' human organs for organ transplants, so to speak, and to do so in accordance with the body concerned, which needs the organ, as a result of which the danger of the rejection reaction is averted. At this time, new advances into space are being made, and a particularly large and very important space project is being prepared. This will be the time at which Albert Einstein's theory of relativity will also undergo various complementary innovations. Although in this time a religion will carry out great warlike acts, as a result of which a new, dangerous weapon will be developed and used, which is able to change the climate, so to speak a climate weapon, but these times will not be as uncertain as they will be in 1995. A year in which new discoveries can be made on Mars, and a year in which a new ideology begins to emerge that differs from traditional religions. 1995 will also be the year in which a new powerful man (George W. Bush) slowly begins to develop, who wants to charm the world and gather followers around himself, like once the Pied Piper of Hameln, which is why he is also called the Pied Piper in a prophecy. All this goes along with many innovations and discoveries in technology and science, because the year 1995 and the following years bring tremendous breakthroughs to change civilisation. In the time to come, the factor of finally recognising and correcting that which is erroneous in the calculation of the Pi number will also contribute to this.
1995年將有一名尚未出名但深具影響力的男性(喬治.布希)開始脫穎而出,他吸引了全世界的目光並以“花衣魔笛手”(the Pied Piper of Hameln)捕老鼠相似的方式聚集他周圍的追隨者。基於這個原因,在一個預言中,他被稱為捕鼠者。這些事件與許技術和科學的創新和發現有巧合之處;因為1995年及隨後的幾年裡科技將有令人難以置信的突破而改變了文明的進程。在不久的將來,這些突破的其中一個促成的因素,後來會是π值(圓周率)計算錯誤的發現和修正。
The new climate weapon will cause the whole Earth to succumb to a very problematic climate change, because the total temperature will drop enormously and will therefore sink. Not only the land, but also the seas will freeze by humanity's madness. As a result of this, a new invention is made, which, operated by cheapest energy, warms the Earth's atmosphere artificially. This in turn is the time when it is discovered in Japan/China that the existing physics is not the wisdom of last knowledge, but that there is still a higher physics that reaches into the realms of the fine material. After this realisation, science is discredited for some time. Nonetheless, space research continues and a new world is found, a new Earth, which is suitable for the colonisation of Earth-humans. However, the actual time at which space travel and the many discoveries associated with it begin is very early. Space expeditions will be largely successful, including the uncovering or findings of former life on Mars. This will be reason enough for terrestrial humans to build and equip new and more far-reaching spacecraft and to fly out into the vastness of space in order to make even greater and more interesting and above all even more important discoveries, even if these spaceships will still be on the move for a relatively long time during the early periods, until finally propulsion possibilities are found that enable space travel at the highest speeds and without time shifts, until one day faster-than-light spacecraft become commonplace, reaching millions of times the speed of light. Until then, however, some hundreds of years or even millennia still pass, but nevertheless, the aforementioned prophecies and predictions already occur in the near and distant future, so that everything will not be long in coming. The beginnings of prophecies, predictions and visions at any rate will also be experienced by living elderly humans of today. It will however be our more distant descendants, who will find earlier extraterrestrial artefacts and stations of earlier humanities in distant, but foreseeable time on distant worlds and will repair them again and use them again. But all this is also connected with great dangers, because through space travel also dangerous diseases and epidemics are brought to the Earth as well as the extremely malignant 'Wolf', like a prophecy of this horror, which could either be a horrible animal or a deadly epidemic, which, unfortunately, cannot be clearly defined and therefore remains open for an explanation. According to prophecy, this deadly factor is to be brought in or brought to the Earth by astronauts who break the law. But besides, at that time far away, the discovery of a new and very significant matter is also called for, through which humanity gains many advantages if they are able to make use of them. All of this will be around that time when a new order gains power on the Earth through which all needs of the human beings can be satisfied in inexpensive form. In connection with this also overall-like suits are invented and produced for humans, which make it possible to fly through the air without any other aids. But before all this happens, just three decades before a third information code is discovered in the human body, while then the first decisive steps are taken to solve the problems of old age, heart and wear and tear diseases, which lead to success after about 25 years. At about the same time, when the first steps are taken in this direction, the possibilities of a classless society and the technical-biological prerequisites to clean up the polluted rivers, lakes and oceans of the world will emerge. However, this laudable progress is countered by another extremely negative invention which, constructed as a biological weapon, will cause a great deal of disaster and cause people and animals to age in a matter of seconds. Shortly thereafter comes the time at which the 'night twilight' comes into its own, as another prophecy and a prediction say. This is a new technical achievement, by which the night side of the planet Earth is to be illuminated by an artificial sun from a space station in each case, whereby, however, no daylight, but only a bright twilight state is reached.
前述的那種氣象武器可以使全球的氣溫驟降,從而使廣大的陸地和海洋因人為的瘋狂舉動而凍結。結果導致一種對大氣進行人造加熱的嶄新技術因而發明,這種技術使用的是最經濟的能源為動力。這時日本和中國發現當前的物理學並非最終的真理,存在另外一種更高級別的物理學,其擴展到了「細緻物質」(fine material)的領域。基於這樣的認識,科學將會失去威望一段時間。
雖然如此,太空探險還是會持續,並且在其間發現了一個全新的世界;一個完全合適人類生存的星球。在不久的將來這些太空相關的計畫會開展,並且太空遠征會獲得成功。人類會發現並找到火星上遠祖的遺跡,這也讓地球人更熱衷於太空冒險。但在還沒發現能夠實現以最高速度進行太空旅行並且「無時間延遲」(without time shifts)的推進方法之前,地球的太空船還會使用現行的技術相當長一段時間。將來太空船的航行速度可以高於光速,而速度達到幾百萬倍光速,將在有朝一日成為家常便飯。
這整個場景將發生在地球上出現一個新秩序的時候,到那時人類所有的需要都會以一種廉價的方式得到滿足。將有一種可以讓人自由地飛翔而無須任何其他的輔助設備的新服裝發明並生產出來,而這件事情發生之前的約三十年前,在人體裡會發現第三個資訊碼(third information code),而這是根除老年疾病和心臟疾病的重要起步,約二十五年後這方面的努力會獲得成功。
同時,如果採行適當步驟,可達成無階級化的社會。而藉著必要的生物科技,全球受污染的河流、海洋等會得到淨化清理。然而這些值得讚賞的成就,會被一種致命的生化武器所抵消;這種生化武器會造成重大的破壞,並導致人類和動物在幾秒內瞬間衰老。此後不久,正如另一個預測所言,會出現所謂“夜間曙光”(night twilight),這種夜間曙光將是一種全新的技術成就,藉此地球上黑夜的一面會被固定在一個太空站上的人造太陽照亮;當然不會亮如白晝,而是像黎明的曙光。
The artificial sun in the sky heralds practically a new era, that of space conquest on a grand scale. Space travel will finally become commercial and an extremely important and powerful institution, by which also the secret of the Creation and thus also the origin of life and all existence will be pursued, just by science, by which this again becomes very powerful, of course in connection with the space institution, by which the scientists are controlled. This cannot go well then, of course, as it will come to pass, as it must inevitably happen, that the governments of the Earth will be more and more ignored and disadvantaged by the space facility and the scientists, which will once again give rise to disputes, provide the best conditions for a new war, only about 15 years after the ageing gene has been isolated and neutralised and thus the biological ageing of humans can be defeated to a great extent, whereby the earlier, malignant genetic manipulation in this respect by the creator-rulers will finally be eliminated again. The renewed threat of war will break out and last for about 40 years, but first, about six years earlier, humans will be reconstructed into machines or robots by connecting their nerve tracts with the finest electronic-biological apparatuses and machines and thereby controlling them, which will lead to great problems about 85 years later, when, as in the earliest times before, the powerful scientists will begin to play 'God' and create new genetic breeds between humans and animals, who will then declare their solidarity with the robot humans as 'half-humans'. Until then, however, more than eight decades will pass after the creation of robot humans, as has already been said. With the creation of robotic humans, intelligent robots of a biological-electronic-mechanical kind will also be constructed, as will a very large space station, which will have its own orbit around the sun and on which many humans will live.
As is characteristic of humans through their degeneration, warlike and insurrectionary actions will not fail to arise on Mars. This happens at that time, when through an extraterrestrial consultation the Earth-humans build stations on the seabeds for habitation, which causes dangerous ecological imbalances, however, both in the seas and on land and in the air. And once again, a new, dangerous, deadly weapon is invented to decompose the bones of life-forms. At the same time, the artificial sun, created some fifty years ago, will drift out of its orbit and fall to the Earth in just 72 hours. With this time, the Earth's orbit around the Sun also changes, as does its own rotation, which shortens the years and days and also the nights. Unfortunately, the first space conflict or space war will take place between the Earth-humans and those who emigrated to Mars, whereby the large space station will also be affected, which will be located behind the Sun in an orbit around it. This will be the time when a new time calculation will be considered, because the new time of day and season of the Earth can no longer be compatible with the old one.
由於人類基因退化的劣根性,火星將會出現戰爭。這些事件的發生,是由於在人類與外星人建立協約,而於海洋底部建立居住性建築之後所致,這樣做會危害且干擾到海洋、陸地和天空的生態平衡。再一次,致命的新式武器會被發明,而這些致命武器會使骨骼瓦解而讓生命煙消雲散。在此同時,大約五十年前創造出來的人造太陽,將在僅 72 小時內脫離其軌道,墜落到地球上。隨著地球的自轉與公轉軌道的改變,導致每年、每晝夜的長度逐漸減少。不幸的是,屆時地球人和那些已經移民到火星的人類之間會爆發第一次的太空戰爭。在太陽背面軌道的巨大太空站會被破壞。在這個時候,一種新的地球記年法將會被仔細考慮,因為舊有的系統已經因時節長度的改變而無法再使用。
If the Earth-human of today is already under the spell of religions and sects, they will continue to be so for several hundred years to come. In this consequence, a new founder of religion will appear after the new Earth-time calculation, who will suspend the Christian Sunday as well as the Islamic Friday and the Jewish Sabbath in order to create a new holiday regulation. At this time money will also be abolished, but this will not last long and for the time being will only remain an experiment, because the trade with values, such as precious metals and diamonds, etc., will continue underground. And so this will be the time at which the Earth-human will commit the madness to change the earthly atmosphere in a terrible form.
And again a war follows on the Earth because the Earth-humans still will not have become more peaceful and not cleverer. Also with regard to scientists, nothing can be predicted in this respect that would be good, because at this time they will carry out the first human-animal genetic manipulations and create beings that will develop as so-called 'half-humans' from human-pig crossbreeding, which will then be trained as fighting machines in order to wage wars and carry out all kinds of work in space. In the long run, however, this will not go well, because they will begin to oppose their creators as well as the robot humans, whose arms and legs will be amputated in order to be able to connect the nerve tracts with fine-electronic-biological apparatuses, whereby these humans will become living control organs for spaceships and weapons of all kinds as well as for machines and all kinds of Earth vehicles, etc. At this time a new man with the universal teaching will appear to submit it to all humankind on the Earth, which he will do remarkably well, even if counter-actions will be carried out by the existing religions and sects all over the world, as has been customary with them since time immemorial. The teaching of the spirit will be contained in the teaching, and about forty years later the teaching of reincarnation will be spread worldwide and will also be recognised by the existing religions. Before this, however, there will be unpleasant encounters with extraterrestrials, which can, however, result in a pleasant connection if the Earth-humans take the right path; otherwise the unpleasant and under certain circumstances also dangerous perspective remains. At this time humanity also learns to slowly prevent natural disasters through technical intervention. Especially active volcanoes can be calmed and their activity can be contained, as well as weather influences can be brought under control. At the same time, however, warlike actions come into play again on the Earth, which are triggered by the invention or discovery of a new and very valuable energy, whereby their ownership rights will be at stake. Problems also arise with the humans themselves, because their relative immortality, respectively, their longevity will already amount to about 250–350 years at that time, which of course creates more and more overpopulation problems and all other problems resulting from it, to which also migrations of peoples belong, from which also new mixed peoples develop, like e.g. one that will call itself Eurasian and claim the Eurasian space as its home, at that time when the 'half-humans', the human-animal-gene-manipulated ones and the robot-humans will cause enormous problems, which will lead to a nasty decline of all space programmes and almost bring them to a standstill, because the robot-humans and 'half-humans' will refuse to continue to work for the normal humans and live a miserable existence of inferiority and exploitation as living controls for spaceships, vehicles and machines and as fighting machines and so on., etc. This, in turn, will happen at the time when a climatic collapse will take place on the Earth, when the sun will become noticeably weaker in its function because its nuclear fusions will diminish.
在這個時候,有一個人將會出現對地球所有人進行宇宙教義(universal teaching)的教導。他會取得巨大的成功,雖然還是會有一些現行的宗教和教派人士如影隨形的全面杯葛,就像自古以來的情況一樣。他的教導中將會包含靈性教導,而四十多年後,關於「轉世重生」(reincarnation)的說法會被世人熟知並被各種宗教所接受。然而在這之前會發生很多一些與外星人的不愉快遭遇,但也可能導致一個可喜的聯盟,這取決於人類採取哪個方向;採取了錯誤的方向,會導致不愉快甚至是危險的情勢。借助各種科技發明,地球人開始慢慢學會防止自然災害,特別是火山,將會安撫並控制它們的活動,就像影響氣候狀況一樣。
The exploratory urge of the Earth-humans knows no borders, consequently, they penetrate further and further into the world space, which, unfortunately, however, will also bring about disadvantageous effects. So it cannot be avoided that unexpected horrors will appear, because providence says that at this no longer very distant time the Earth-human will encounter something very horrible on their space expeditions, which then brings with it great and difficult problems. An event that is to take place about twenty years later, when the frightening and certain realisation is gained that the sun is indeed a dying star. And again about 35 years later a new horror will hit the Earth-humans, when by a space research ship of Earthlings from a distant planet a deadly epidemic is introduced on the Earth, which medical science will face helplessly. At this time the knowledge about the meaning of the Creation will be known for about 35 years as well as the truth that negative and positive in themselves form an independent unity as well as they are a perfect unity when put together. Only shortly after this realisation, the aforementioned space research ship will be launched, which will meet with great horror. Equipped with a completely new propulsion, the ship is to penetrate expedition-wise so far into space that the original home planets of the first gene-manipulated ones are to be reached. A company which at this point is still completely irresponsible for the Earth-human, because on the one hand, they are still trapped in their genetic degeneration and on the other hand, in their megalomania, they dangerously underestimate the dangers of the world space and foreign worlds, which proves itself only about halfway to the original home and origin planets of the genetically-manipulated ones when the expedition encounters terrible extraterrestrial life. This world space expedition becomes possible only because at this time the technical equipment and machines and all electronic instruments etc. etc. no longer have to be operated and controlled by humans, but are equipped with an independent biological intelligence, which makes every control and operation almost infallible. One day, however, robot humans will rebel against this, and they will still be performing their functions at that time. At this time, Earth-human space travel reaches the peak of its development for the time being, although research does not stand still, through which further mysteries of matter are soon fathomed and solved. The emerging domination of the robot humans under the leadership of one of their peers, who as an enemy of all other human life-forms will make a name for himself, but will soon be caught up in death, is also in flux. At this time, the megalomaniac scientists once again stage a tremendous spectacle by creating a gigantic second sun. Although it will only be a small group of scientists, they will ignite a SOL planet through a dangerous experiment, which will burn for seven days and glisten as a second sun in the Sol-system before it extinguishes and becomes dark. Both Jupiter and Saturn, which are two unfinished small suns, are suitable for such an experiment. Thus the question of which planets will be chosen for this madness, which will take place in the future, should become superfluous. At the same time, brain research will also make great progress and implant micromodules in the human and animal scalp, through which all control functions of the brain can be taken over and executed. So this will also be the time when an artificial world will be settled in a foreign solar system very far away from the Earth by a big wave of emigration, because the still increasing overpopulation of the Earth planet still rises unreasonably. At the same time, the robot humans become a dangerous problem for the normal humans, because now also these begin to multiply and bear many descendants, who, genetically-manipulated, are born without arms and legs, but already with exposed nerve endings, so that they can be connected to the apparatuses and machines, etc. without operative interventions. Robot humans will become a real danger for normal people, because they will have undreamt-of powers of consciousness, which they will develop in the course of time and as a result of the supernormal use of consciousness, whereby the brain will be supplied to its function from outside with special energies through a very specially devised energy generator, whereby the powers of consciousness can be brought to maximum performance.
在這期間,那些妄自尊大的科學家會再次演出一次令人難以置信的奇觀:製造一個巨大的人造太陽,雖然這些科學家人數不多,但是他們的一個危險實驗會引發太陽系的一顆行星燃起 7 天的熊熊烈火,在其燃盡之前成為了第二顆太陽,而木星和土星則是這個瘋狂實驗的候選星球。同時期,對腦部的研究得到了重大的進展,可以對人類和動物的頭皮植入微型模組。這種微型模組將開展對腦部所有的操控功能。在這個時候,地球由於缺乏理性而造成人口過剩,於是大量人口湧入一個遠離地球的人造世界。
There comes a time when, with the weakening of the Sun's nuclear fusions, enormous changes will take place in the Sol-system. Not only will the entire gravitational field be out of control and change, but large-scale climate change will also be the order of the day. This spurs scientists on to peak performance, because they want to counteract the negative effects of the sun, which, in contrast to erroneous scientific assumptions, will appear much earlier over many millennia than previously assumed up till now. Only now is it really recognised correctly that the sun is a dying star and thus the collapse of the Sol-system is already determined, even if the sun will continue to exist still approximately 4.1 billion (4,100,000,000) years, however then already as dead star, which is swallowed then after this time by a black hole and is destroyed. So the scientists begin to perform at their best – and find the miscalculations underlying the pi number. By correcting and now correctly calculating the pi number, the scientists and the incredibly sophisticated technology will be able to harness unimaginable energies for the Earth, by making it possible for them to derive energies from black holes in the wide area of the Milky Way and make them usable for the Earth. At this time, however, scientists will still not be able to reach the centre of our galaxy to tap into the black hole there. However, this will not be necessary for the time being, because the surrounding objects for energy generation are completely sufficient to serve the Earth. This new energy production as well as the kind of the energy itself, will henceforth make it possible for the Earth-human to develop new space travel forms, in whose consequence and extension also that travel and transport factor becomes reality, which in the year 1995 and all time before as well as still for a long time into the future is called fantasy and impossible, namely, time-travel. This invention, in turn, enables humanity to travel into the past and the future, as well as into the vastness of the universe, which was previously impossible. As a result, it is of course inevitable that new forms of human life will be discovered, extraterrestrials from whom Earth people will learn a great deal and unimagined things, and who are immensely more intelligent than the Earth-humans themselves. This in turn leads to rapid development in all areas, whereby biological intelligences of artificial form are created, which are used for the control and handling of all apparatuses, devices, electronics and machines as well as flight and driving devices, etc. in a form in which it need not be feared that the biological intelligences would become independent and pose a danger to the terrestrial humans, as will be the case with the robot humans, who, as a result, will no longer be needed and will therefore, in short, be exterminated.
未來由於太陽的核聚變減少,將使太陽系內發生巨大的改變。事實上,整個地球的重力場不僅會發生變化而且會變得難以控制,而大規模的氣候變化也將成為一種氣象常態。這些事件將激發科學家們去記錄太陽的變化,因為他們希望找到方法以抗衡太陽的負面後果,而這些後果發生的時間,事實上將會遠遠早於人類的預期,並反駁了千百年來錯誤的科學假設。只有這樣,人們才會正確地認識到,太陽是一個垂死的天體,隨後,太陽系的命運已確定將隨之終結。然而,太陽將繼續存在約四十一億年,但那時將已是一顆死亡的恆星,最終將會被黑洞吞噬並摧毀。因此,科學家們將以超高的效率開始尋求解決方案。在這個過程中,他們會發現 π 值的基準計算錯了。
經由消去 π 值的錯誤,並糾正以 π 值為基礎的未來計算,科學家和他們驚人且高度發展的技術,將有能力使地球人民得到難以想像的能量;也就是能達成地球人類透過轉移而利用在銀河系內來自黑洞的能量。然而科學家在這個時候仍然無法前往銀河系中心,去開發在這區域內現有黑洞的能量。不過並沒有必要去到銀河系中心,至少在那個特定時刻,附近的物體就會產生足夠能量來供應地球的需要。
Now comes the time, when all space stations and satellites around the Earth and around Mars, as well as Venus, will crash because the condition of the sun changes due to the ever-weaker activity in such a form that enormous changes of the gravitational fields of all planets and the sun itself occur. Once again, the scientists begin to work at full speed to find a solution, but this does not succeed, but leads to the success of discovering another and extremely important factor in the Creation formula. But already the planet Earth is threatened by a new threat from the world space; this time from the depths of the central universe itself. But this danger will only become recognisable as such much later. Only then will Earth-humans again place artificial suns in the Earth's orbit, but far beyond the usual distance. But even with this, people will not have much luck, because one of the artificial suns will glow up due to severe damage and burn large areas of the Earth. The atmosphere will also be dangerously affected, causing oxygen shortages, which will then result in worldwide fighting. This catastrophe will also give rise to a second one, because the burning of the land and the lack of oxygen will not be without consequences by nature, but everything will also harm the economy and the entire food industry, from which a famine will arise, just as the world has never seen and never experienced such a famine during all the times that have passed over thousands of years. This will then be the beginning of the end of conventional space travel, because just under a decade later only the most modern technology of time-travel will be common practice, through which millions of light-years can be bridged or hastened through without any loss of time, so that humanity is then no longer limited in their ability to cope with distance. This also marks the point in time when gerontology will be able to free humans from the curse of rapid ageing by gene reverse manipulation, which was carried out at the earliest time by the genetic manipulators, the creator-rulers, by a special genetic manipulation of the then early combat humans. Through this reverse manipulation, humanity will reach a much higher age than has already been achieved through earlier interventions by earthly geneticists and as a result, the average age of terrestrial humans will rise to about 400 years. What will now be achieved in a new form, however, will then move within a human lifetime that must be set extremely high and calculated at thousands of years. In the next few years that follow, intelligent sea dwellers will communicate with humans and begin to make contact with them, from which a new breed of Earth dwellers will emerge. But this will also be the time when aggressions with the Mars inhabitants will be initiated, from which attacks on the colonies will actually be launched. After that, 15 years of relative rest will follow, which will finally bring happiness to Earth-humans in search of their actual origin, because a space expedition of Earth-humans will penetrate into the Sirius-regions and discover or find there the proofs for the primaeval origin of the Earth-humans, who were conceived in earliest time as genetically-manipulated ones by the creator-rulers in the Sirius-areas and then fled, after which the SOL-system was found and settled on long journeys and over many millennia. So Earth humankind finally finds its way back to its origin, but this will not solve its problems faster. This discovery is of course connected with the contacts with the very distant descendants of the former creator-rulers as well as with other Sirius intelligences, which, however, no longer leads to the persecution and slaughter of the descendants of the genetically-manipulated ones, the terrestrial humans, but to cooperation, which will also have the consequence that the former genetic manipulation will be finally reversed, whereby descendants will then be brought into the world who are again normal and thus no longer degenerate, whereby the circle will finally close again and humanity will actually become human, in balance of the negative and the positive.
由地球遺傳學家透過基因逆向操作的程序,使人類的壽命得以延長,藉此人類的壽命延長到平均 400 歲左右。然而,現在以新形式實現的目標是使人的壽命設定得極高,可以數千年計算。在隨後的幾年,棲居海洋中的外星人將開始與人類接觸溝通,而地球上也將發現一個新的人種。之後,由於火星的居民開始侵略地球,導致地球對該殖民地發動攻擊。
而在這些事件之後的 15 年,有段相對平靜的日子,這最終為地球人類在他們尋求自己實際起源這件事上帶來好運。地球的一項太空探勘將遠達天狼星區域,因而發現地球人類最初祖先的證據,也就是那些在遠古時期由天狼星的“製造與統治者”竄改基因所產生的人類。這項發現將揭開千萬年前,地球人類的祖先跨越又長又曲折的路途逃離家鄉,最後發現了太陽系並在那裡定居下來。於是,地球上的人類終於找到了自己的方向,回到了他的發源地。當然,這也不會馬上就有辦法解決人類的各種問題。
The reversal of the formerly degenerative gene manipulation as well as the still increasing overpopulation, which is all the more triggered by the enormously high life expectancy of the human beings, will have the result that those who have not yet been genetically manipulated on the Earth and in all colonies on all of the Earth-human's inhabited worlds and space stations, etc. are to be brought to extinction in a manner that has been proclaimed and demanded by responsibly-minded ones for a long time in the past, namely by a worldwide birth freeze in a seven-year cycle. Within this framework, only offspring should be allowed to be fathered by parents whose degeneration has already been remedied by reverse gene manipulation. Only such humans will therefore still be entitled to procreate in order to procreate legally permitted offspring. Any unauthorised procreation will be associated with the strictest measures, because from now on such procreation will be classified as the worst crime of all and punished with the death of the guilty party. This will be enshrined as an unavoidable law only about five years before the total control over the Earth is transferred to the administrative sphere of the Sirius Federation and carried out from there. However, at that distant time, the Earth will nevertheless have ambitious scientists who will gain new insights and make new discoveries, also in the field of chemistry, from which they will wrest the last secrets, for in spite of the immense knowledge that will be imparted to Earth people by extraterrestrial intelligences, by no means all the secrets of all things have been fathomed and solved, which is why research will continue diligently, also with regard to astronomy, whereby they will penetrate into the centre of the Milky Way in order to fathom its secret and that of the black hole.
The function of the sun causes more and more worries to the inhabitants of the Earth, because it becomes noticeably weaker and weaker and is no longer able to produce enough energy to donate light and warmth for the Earth and Mars. For a long time now, it has been part of everyday life that artificial suns will circle around the Earth at a great distance, illuminating and warming it. This, however, will not be harmless either, as can be seen from the event that takes place about 70 years after the death penalty law for the procreation of illegal offspring, when two of the artificial suns collide destructively and cause great damage.
These are by and large the prophecies, predictions and my visions for a whole series of the following centuries and millennia, whereby the order of the enumeration is somewhat interrelated, and whereby also only just the most important coming events are mentioned, besides which still many other things run, as e.g. in political, military, religious, scientific, evolutionary and cosmic regard etc., such as, for example, the prediction that the still existing social forms of earthly states will be abolished and replaced to such an extent that humans will no longer have to provide for old age by their own strength and by their own finances, because society or the state as a whole will pay for it, and this because the production of food can be promoted to such an extent by cheapest energy, that everything will be distributed free of charge. Much more cheap energy will be produced than can be consumed by Earth-humans. As a result, the cost of living will practically fall to zero, which means that old-age pensions, etc., as well as other financial support, will become null and void, not least because financial means are no longer needed for subsistence, which also means that the money for this will lose its value completely and will only retain a certain significance for the fulfilment of special wishes, such as for leisure activities and hobbies, etc. Nevertheless, this will not solve the problem of money in such a manner that money as a form of payment would be finally abolished, because even in the near and distant future earthly humanity will still be trapped in their thinking about money, as a whole number of the next centuries will still be shaped by it, even if two attempts are made to completely abolish money, which are, however, doomed to failure because humanity simply will not separate themselves from money and wealth so quickly. For this reason, all attempts in this direction will be undermined by simply trading gold, silver, platinum, palladium and other valuable metals yet to be discovered, as well as precious stones, jewellery, etc., underground, which will lead to the collapse of the attempts. This does not mean, however, that in the much more distant future money will not be finally forbidden by law, because this development is just as pre-programmed as the fact that in the near future the breeding of animals can be renounced, because through genetic engineering a way is finally found which makes it possible for plants to produce animal protein, which the human needs. Finally the scientists recognise that this is actually possible through genetic manipulation, and the time for this realisation will come very soon, even if the actualisation takes place much later, which is due to the cries of the anti-gene manipulation ones, who are weak-headed and uncomprehending in the face of genetic engineering and genetic manipulation. These contrarian screamers are therefore to blame for the fact that for a long time to come mass animal breeding and mass animal transports and mass animal cruelties in the numbers of billions will burden life, because the truth is that the solution to plant-animal protein production and a fully-fledged meat substitute product could have been produced by genetic engineering and put on the market as food a long time ago, if the feeble-minded contrarian criers had not prevented this for decades. Through their fault, many billions of animals will have to suffer unspeakably until the mouths of the idiotic screamers are finally forcibly shut and they are silenced. Only then will the evils of mass animal breeding and all the tortures, etc. that occur for animals of all kinds come to an end.
那麼,這些就是對未來世紀的整體預測,其中列舉的時間順序已經有意加以混淆,只有最重大的未來事件在這裡被提到。除了這些事件外,許多其他的事情將會同時發生,例如在政治、軍事、宗教、科學等方面乃至於在進化和宇宙本質方面;目前(1995 年)仍然盛行的國家社會形式,預測將會被取消而換成新的形態,從此個人不再一定要透過他們的個人財務為自己的晚年預作安排,因為社會(或者更確切地說是聯邦國家)會支付一切。一種非常廉價的能源將增加食物供應的生產,達到食物可以免費分配的地步。
Also in the prophecies, predictions and visions it was not spoken of that that the scientists will soon recognise that the earthly atmosphere for the Earth-human being does not correspond actually to the norm, which should actually be given for a longer life. Although the change of the genetically-manipulated offspring to the earthly atmosphere was mentioned in the prophecies, predictions and visions, it was not said that the scientists would come across the fact that earthly breathing air is not suitable for humans and that it also contributes much to the faster ageing of humans. Neither has it been said that the knowledge will lead to a production of healthier and more pleasing air for the human body in the near future, after which this new and better air composition can be bought in bottles for private use and for the 'small extension' of life. Not only is the oxygen-nitrogen ratio not right in earthly air, but also various gases that humans inhale with the air are dangerous, as is the much too low oxygen content.
Also the Earth itself has not been mentioned in the prophecies, predictions and visions, e.g. the fact that it has remained hidden from all scientists for thousands of years that the planet is not simply enlarged by falling stardust and meteors, etc., but that it expands imperceptibly from the inside, which means that for thousands of years a hardly noticeable expansion process takes place, through which the inner treasures of the Earth are slowly but surely being created on the Earth's surface. This expansion process becomes faster and faster over time as the Sun's nuclear fusions subside, changing the entire gravitational fields of the solar system in particular and specifically those of all planets.
In the prophecies, predictions and visions that have been made so far, it has probably been said that the Earth-humans will discover and invent time-travel and break open the dimensions of the future and the past. However, it was not said that various other dimensions would be discovered and found and that undreamt-of possibilities would be opened up to humans. However, there will also be many dangers associated with this, both physical and those caused by intelligences of foreign dimensions. There will be new conflicts in this respect, but many things will also come true that were previously only laughed at as science fiction stories. There will also be many power struggles and upheavals on the Earth, even when the Earth's rulers will no longer reside on the planet, but on space stations around the Earth. But even there they will not be safe for a very long time, because certain prophecies speak of the fact that the rulers will also be overthrown up there. Then follows an evil time, which is once again influenced by the guilt of the scientists in the form that an animal is made subservient to human beings, which however contains many negative, evil and degenerate things, which however is only triggered and broken through by its subservience to human beings, as a result of which the animal (or the animals) begins to attack human beings, which degenerates to such an extent that it will literally hunt down Earth-humans and will kill them in masses. Whether the beast is now introduced to the Earth from the vastness of the universe or comes from Earth, this prophecy, unfortunately, remains silent about that. In any case, however, the humans of the entire world will be forced to defend themselves against this beast (or against these animals), but this will not bring much benefit, and consequently ultimately, for all Earth-humans, only the flight to a single continent is possible, which will be developed into a gigantic bulwark. 300 years later the scientists will once again make a horrendous name for themselves, for their haughtiness and arrogance will once again go so far that they will appear to be God and delusionally believe that they are Creation's equal and irreplaceable in every form. Then, about a hundred years later, there is a very evil aggressor action on the neighbouring planet Mars, which is attacked with many spaceships and completely destroyed until the complete elimination of matter. At that time also the Destroyer will be talked about again, because through the completely changed gravitational fields of the entire solar system by the rapid diminishing of the solar function, the ancient wandering planet, which has already caused mischief for millions of years, in the old Lyra areas, penetrates again into the inner solar system with an exact course to the Earth. (Note Ptaah of 13.1.2005: This danger was removed, because the wandering planet was brought by the efforts of the Plejaren on a course outside of the inner solar system into the outermost ring belt of the Sol-system, therefore the whole predicted event will not happen.)
三百年之後,科學家將再次創造一場可怕的災難,因為他們的自負與傲慢,已經到了自視為「上帝」的地步,而他們的狂妄自大,認為自己就是「造化」且無可取代。再過了近一百年,一個非常險惡而具侵略性的行動會發生在鄰近的火星上,到那時無數的飛船將會攻擊並完全消滅這個行星,直到她化為烏有。在此期間,「毀滅者」行星將再次造成嚴重的破壞。由於太陽迅速減少的核反應以及隨後整個太陽系內重力場的總體改變,這個古老的漫遊天體將進入太陽系內部,朝著與地球發生碰撞的軌道方向。(Ptaah 於 2005 年 1 月 13 日的註解:這一危險已被消除,因為在 Plejaren 的努力下,「毀滅者」被帶出了內太陽系,進入了太陽系的最外環帶,因此整個預言事件將不會發生。)
Only sparsely populated, the destructive wanderer threatens the complete destruction of the Earth, which the Earth-humans have nothing to oppose. They are neither able to steer the destroyer into another orbit, as a result of the suddenly completely out of control gravitational fields of the entire solar system, nor are they able to destroy it, which on the other hand would be of no use anymore, because the Earth now becomes uninhabitable due to the enormous changes of the sun. For this reason, the last few million Earth-humans leave and flee the planet to seek a new planet elsewhere in order to colonise it, with the help of the descendants of the former Earth-humans from the Sirius regions. (Note Ptaah of 13.1.2005: The prophecy of the flight of humans from the Earth still exists, however in connection with the consequences of the passing away of the sun.)
只有在地球到了已經是人煙稀少的那個時候,才將會面臨這個毀滅性的漫遊者所造成完全湮滅的威脅,而屆時地球人將無法再保護自己。由於突然枯竭的重力場,在整個太陽系已經完全失控,地球人無法把「毀滅者」引到另一條軌道或者消滅它。由於太陽系巨大的變化,無論何者都救不了地球,因為到了那個時候,她已將會無法居住。因此,剩下的幾百萬地球人會逃離這個星球,希望能在別處找到一個替代的星球定居,而這時他們會得到來自天狼星地區以前地球人後裔的幫助。(Ptaah 於 2005 年 1 月 13 日的註解:人類逃離地球的預言依然存在,但與太陽消逝的後果有關)。
It will come as it must come: After the failure of earthly scientists in their attempt to destroy the wanderer, their haughtiness and arrogance sink to zero, and so they join forces with the human beings to flee from the threatened planet Earth. Only three years later, the Destroyer penetrates the former Mars orbit and rams the two moons Phobos and Deimos, which remained intact during the destruction of the planet. The moons break and follow in tow after the big wandering planet, which races from now on to the Earth's orbit and reaches the planet also, without ramming it, however. Nonetheless, it causes a tremendous catastrophe by ramming the Earth's Moon, which shatters it and the Destroyer itself into innumerable pieces that lie in a huge rotating belt around the Earth, whereby also the seas, lakes and rivers are torn from their beds and evaporate into the atmosphere as a result of the great heat generated. The water vapour and an enormous part of the atmosphere are torn out into the world's space and evaporate, while also the millennia-old and imperceptible expansion process of the Earth now becomes visible and it heats up from the inside, whereby the Earth's surface becomes finally uninhabitable. (Note Ptaah of 13.1.2005: The prophecy regarding the swelling of the Earth remains, while the prophesied events concerning the travelling planet 'destroyer' are obsolete, as has already been said above.)
這場災難導致月球和「毀滅者」兩者均粉碎成無數的碎片,將形成一條旋轉的地帶環繞著地球。到這個時候,地球的海洋、湖泊和河流將會由其底部被扯裂開來,並由隨之而來的巨大熱量而蒸發到大氣中。接著蒸汽以及絕大部分的大氣,將會被拋入太空中然後消散。在同一時間,地球在過去數千年間難以察覺的膨脹過程,此時變得明顯。屆時地球將從其內部升溫,最終這個行星的表面將變得不再適合居住。(Ptaah 於 2005 年 1 月 13 日的註解:關於地球膨脹的預言仍然存在,而關於「毀滅者」的預言已經過時,這在上面已經說過)。
Over the course of time that follows, Mercury will collide with and fall into the Sun, causing a tremendous catastrophe and destroying the final harmony of the Sol-system. The Sun will again generate massive eruptions and nuclear fusions and protuberances for a century and a half that will extend far into space, while the planetary orbits will be so disturbed that they will no longer revolve around the Sun. The sun does not blow up and does not become a super-nova, but after all these events it glows and glows weakly, with occasional gas explosions and nuclear fusions, which over time become more and more extinct to eventually end completely, after which the sun travels through space as a dead dark star, surrounded by equally dead planets. The end will finally be that the dead sun and its still accompanying satellites, which simply float around it, will be attracted by a black hole and torn into it, in order to compress with tremendous force and remain inside for such a long time, until by a tremendous explosion of the black hole this ejects its entire matter, whereby new gases and fine particles, etc. are thrown out. This, however, takes many billions of years, because according to calculations it takes about ten billion (10,000,000,000) years alone during which the sun and its planets die and then continue to exist 'dead' before they are devoured by the said black hole and finally destroyed.
What is important to mention are the women and their position among men in the future time, because the woman will regain her former and original rank in the men's world in the distant future in full equality and equal rights in all duties, tasks and work in a common women-men's world, as was the case at the earliest time when men and women were in complete equality, collaborated and worked together. As in the earliest times, however, in the distant future it will again be the case that women, when they have children of their own, will have to devote themselves primarily to them again in a caring and educative form, etc., to which the care of the household belongs, while men, as since time immemorial, have had to take care of and endeavour to take care of those things and concerns which have also been assigned to them because of their male physical constitution, etc. This also means that the emancipation that has grown in modern times and the pushing of women into high and responsible positions alone and in sole control, etc. will finally be dismantled in the distant future in order to make room for equality and equal rights between men and women, whereby then, as in the earliest times, women and men will again handle everything jointly and in equal parts, whereby neither man nor woman can stand out in terms of position and power in business, administration and government etc., as is still common and possible today.
It is also important to mention the fact that in relation to diseases and epidemics on the Earth, a lot of negative things will happen in the coming time, which is why every individual person should be careful to maintain very careful hygiene and avoid direct physical contact with humans with whom one cannot be completely certain that they have not succumbed to any disease. Even otherwise completely harmless diseases or infections can lead to much more severe and even incurable ailments in the future, which is why special care should be taken in this regard. This also applies to touchings and bodily contact with animals, whereby the danger for diseases and epidemics that can be transmitted to humans is especially present in this respect in the form that deadly diseases and epidemics can be caused by the consumption of animal food as well as by the absorption of viruses and bacilli, etc. from animal deposits, such as faeces, saliva, blood and hair, etc. (Note Ptaah of 13.1.2005: See e.g. bird epidemic = bird flu and other upcoming epidemics and diseases.) For this reason alone, no animals of any kind should be kept in human homes or tolerated even temporarily.
同樣要意識到有關地球上的疾病和流行病,將有很多負面的事件在不久的將來會發生,這非常重要。基於這個原因,所有人類對於個人衛生必須非常謹慎,一定要避免與健康狀況有問題的人身體有所接觸。對目前尚無害的疾病和傳染病也應高度關注,因為在未來這些都可能變成嚴重甚至是不治之症,同樣包括與動物任何類型的接觸。另一值得關注的將是動物性食品的攝取與病毒、細菌等的感染,此外動物的糞便、唾液、血液、毛髮等,也可能會導致致命的疾病。(Ptaah 於 2005 年 1 月 13 日的註解:參見例如禽流感等未來即將發生的瘟疫和疾病。)單單這個原因,所有類型的生物都不應該栓養在人類居住的範圍內,事實上牠們絕不容許養在家中,即使只是暫時的。
In order to explain the facts about the Pleiadians or Plejaren and the old Lyrans, the following must be said: The Pleiadians/Plejaren, as distant descendants of the old Lyrans, have no contact whatsoever with the Sirius intelligences or with today's descendants of the former creator-rulers, neither with the positive nor with the negative species. Such contacts are also not planned for the time being, neither for the present nor for the near future. Nevertheless, the ring of the two lines should one day be closed again, which, however, will be only then or at the earliest when the genetic manipulations have been reversed, because only at that time the descendants of the former producer-rulers will be evolutively so highly developed that the Pleiadian/Plejaren will be able to make contact with them. This also applies to the Sirius intelligences, who are completely different human races outside the Henok lineage of origin and have no degree of kinship in any wise. Today's Pleiadians resp. Plejaren as well as today's Lyran and today's DAL-universe peoples of the Henok-Nokodemion-Lineage resp. Nokodemion-Henok lineage are among those human life-forms who are so highly developed in consciousness-based and spiritual form that they can no longer come into contact with less developed human life-forms, as Earth-humans and the Sirius-area-dwellers and many other human races on other worlds are, without being endangered by the low swinging waves of the underdeveloped of life. On the other hand, their laws also forbid them to make contact with and interfere in the affairs of such underdeveloped humans because it would dangerously disrupt the self-evolution of the underdeveloped ones. Every human form of life, as well as every other form of life, must evolve itself by its own power, whereby only certain knowledge and information, etc. may be fed to it in an impulse based manner by higher forms of life, which, on the one hand, are not recognised as such and on the other hand, do not offer the possibility of attaining greater and more comprehensive knowledge and possibilities than the lower level of evolution permits. The reason for the Pleiadians/Plejaren not being in contact with the descendants of the former creator-rulers in the Sirius regions and in other places where they live, as well as with the actual Sirius intelligences, is therefore also to be found therein.
以下的事實陳述了昴宿星人(但正確來說應是 Plejarans,或者是老天琴星人)的先祖來源:身為古老天琴星人的遙遠後代,昴宿星人既沒有與天狼星人,也沒有與以前“製造與統治者”他們今日的後裔們接觸,不論他們是具有正面或負面的特質。他們沒有這類的接觸計畫,現在沒有,近期的未來也不會有。儘管如此,他們雖在各自的道路上發展但將來又會回到大循環的交會點,總有一天他們會再次結合,最早的發生時間是在基因逆轉之時。只有到那時,昔日“製造與統治者”的後裔在他們進化的大道上足夠成熟,這樣才允許昴宿星人和自己之間的接觸。同樣的情況也適用於天狼星人,他們是 Enoch(或 Henok)世系之外完全不同的人種;確實,他們與昔日的“製造與統治者”沒有任何血脈關聯。
今天的昴宿星人(應是 Plejarans,或者是老天琴星人)以及現在居住在 DAL 宇宙中具 Enoch-Nokodemion(或 Nokodemion-Enoch)血統的人,他們都是人形生命的一份子,具有極高的意識與靈性進化層次。他們已經不再能夠與低度進化的人形生命(諸如地球人類、天狼星的居民,及其他世界的不同人類種族)進行接觸,因為這樣會受到來自這些低度進化生命的低頻振動影響而有危險。此外,昴宿星人(Plejaran)法律禁止他們接觸這些較低進化的生命,並不許干涉他們的內部事務,因為此類行動會危及到這些低度進化生命自我決定的進化過程。
When long ago the old Lyrans came to Earth and began to work here among the Earth-humans, whose actual origin was elsewhere, as has already been explained several times, they chose times when the positive as well as the negative creator-rulers or their distant descendants were not present in the Sol-system and thus also not on the Earth or had already moved away again. The old Lyrans and also later the Pleiadian/Plejaren were always anxious not to encounter the creator-rulers or their descendants because, on the one hand, they wanted to go their own ways, and on the other hand they would inevitably have been involved in warlike actions with the other Henok lineage as a result of the differentiated world view, which had ultimately led to the breeding of the genetically-manipulated ones by the producer-rulers, which was condemned by the ancient Syrians just as deeply as their descendants, the Pleiadians/Plejaren, do. Since then, any contact with the Sirius inhabitants of the Henok lineage has been avoided, as have contacts with the actual Ur-Sirius intelligences, who were no better than the other inhabitants. On the other hand, the Old Lyrans were already further advanced in their evolution than the Sirius area inhabitants of the other Henok lineage and the actual Sirius intelligences, so for this reason alone contacts were out of the question, because such contacts would have been too dangerous for life and limb. The old Lyrans were still quite warlike and scheming, etc., but at the same time they were not denied the evolution of consciousness and mind, except for those who did not fit into the evolution by force and therefore had to leave the Lyra-Vega areas, etc. and came into the Sol-system, but among them were also well-disposed ones and evolutionists who took the sacrifice to go with the fugitives in order to teach them further and to bring them on the right path of humanity and evolution, which they succeeded in doing in the course of time, even if many things went wrong again and again. And these Old Syrians then mixed with the Earth-humans just as the descendants of the creator-rulers from the Sirius regions had done before, and therefore the descendants of the Old Syrians were also hereditarily confronted with genetic manipulation and affected like all other humans on the Earth. This happened in a relatively short time, because already after about three millennia no human life-form could be found on the Earth that had not been genetically-manipulated. This was true both for the 144,210 leaders, subleaders and the very positive spirit leaders, who voluntarily took everything upon themselves to teach the refugee people the teaching of the spirit, etc., as well as for the several million of the normal humans. This made it possible that since then not a single human life-form has existed on the Earth that would not carry the legacy of the degeneration of the negative and the positive, only depending on how the balance is achieved in the individual human being, although degenerations often come to light, both in negative and positive form. Even though the ancient Lyrans were, in a certain wise, already far evolutionarily, they still lacked the observance of the creational-natural laws, as a result of which they very often disobeyed them and wreaked havoc, which, however, referred only to those few million who had to flee from their home worlds. They also acted equally on the Earth, which led them to adopt the religions invented by the descendants of the creator-rulers and to rise up to become Creator Gods in order to cast their spell over the Earth-humans. Thus the Old-Lyrans were not the actual inventors and founders of the original religions with their God creators and creator gods, but they were only the unscrupulous beneficiaries of the equally unscrupulous creator-ruler descendants, through the religious legends and fables of religion as well as fables of gods and fables of world origin, etc. which were brought into being, on the one hand, to cover up the real origin of the SOL-system humans from Mars, Malona and the Earth and to let them fall into oblivion so that they would not one day find their way back to the Sirius regions, and on the other hand, so that quarrels and wars would arise among the genetically-manipulated precisely through the religions, whereby they should exterminate themselves, so that they could never come up again and start their way back to their original homeland.
當老天琴星人在很久以前來到地球探險時,他們與當時的地球人(他們的實際來源在之前說明過)之間從事各種活動。他們選擇光臨地球的時機,是在無論好或壞的“製造與統治者”與他們的後代都不在太陽系或地球的那段時間以及他們再度撤離地球之後。老天琴星人和後來的昴宿星人(Plejarans)非常機警,因為他們不想和“製造與統治者”或其後代碰面。他們並不想因為不同的世界觀而和同樣具有 Enoch (Henok) 血統的其他人種發生衝突,因為一方面他們想走自己的路,另一方面由於世界觀的不同,才導致那些“製造與統治者”培育出基因被竄改的人種,而這種行徑無論是老天琴星人還是他們的後代昴宿星人(Plejarans)同樣都深深譴責。
從那個時候起,他們就禁止和天狼星區域具 Enoch 血統的人發生任何接觸,當然也沒有接觸那些遠古的天狼星人,因為這些人也並不比其他人好到哪裡去。同時老天琴星人的進化層次高於天狼星區域和其他具 Enoch 血統的人,也包括真正的天狼星人。基於這個原因,他們不能與這些族群有任何的接觸,因為這對他們的身體甚至生命都可能造成傷害。雖然老天琴星人仍保有相對好鬥、狡詐之類的特性,但他們同時沒有失去在意識和靈性方面的進化,除了部分那些拒絕進化的人以外。
在地球上,這些老天琴星人和地球人逐漸混合在一起,正如當初來自天狼星的“製造與統治者”後代所做的一樣。因此這些老天琴座織女星人後代和地球上其他的人類一樣,同樣也承襲了基因竄改所造成的影響,他們之間的交互混種發生在相對較短的時間內,因為大約區區三千年之後,這個行星上已經找不到一個不受基因竄改影響的人類。這也包含那 14 萬 4,210 位的領導者、副領導者和那些非常正面的靈性領袖(他們在靈性教導和其他事項上自願指導那些難民以及數以百萬計的一般民眾)。基於這個原因,可能自那個時候起,已經沒有任何一個地球人類免於負面和正面墮落遺傳的影響,雖然它會根據個人心性的平衡而定,然而墮落退化的身影,還是會經常出現在各種負面和正面的現象之中。
然而這些老天琴人既不是他們的“造物之神”真正的初創者也不是遠古宗教的奠基者。相反的,他們只是和那些“製造與統治者”的後代一樣不擇手段,而後者創造出了宗教傳奇、宗教神話以及種種開天闢地的神話。他們這樣做,一方面想隱瞞那些在太陽系的火星、Malona 和地球的人類,使他們的真正來源的真相墜入五里霧中;另外一方面,他們預期他們所創始的宗教將會在這些基因被竄改的人類之間引起衝突和戰爭,最後導致毀滅自己。因此,他們希望太陽系的人類再也無法重振也無法回到他們的遠古老家。
[中譯者註:真是“好酒沉甕底”!以上出現在整篇尾段的這段敘述,就是比利曾在悲憤與盛怒之下,對 Plejaren 的那些祖先不假辭色有所痛斥的原因;並且也就是為什麼後來這些 Plejaren 來到地球,想做些事來彌補那個時代他們祖先對地球人所造成的傷害。(有關訊息請參閱《第099次接觸報告》中比利在 Quetzal 第64句話之後的那一段話)]
The ancient Lyran-Vegans became better sensed with time, and so they began to follow the teaching of the spirit and thus the creational-natural laws and recommendations, whereby their entire evolution rapidly leapt forward and lifted them up high. As a result, they were even more careful not to come into contact with the creator-ruler descendants or with the Sirius intelligences in any manner. So they retreated to the home planets after a peace agreement with the inhabitants of the home planets, while another group withdrew into another dimension beyond the constellation of the Pleiades, so they remained as far away from this dimension as the old Lyran-Vegans and those who found a new home beyond the constellation of the Hyades, about 150 light-years distance from the Earth. A third group left our universe, the DERN-universe, and penetrated into the twin-universe, into the DAL-universe, where the peoples multiplied and united with many other peoples to form a huge federation, as it also happened with the Pleiadians/Plejaren, whose federation exists offset to our space-time continuum by a fraction of a second and covers an area of about 70 million light-years in diameter, whereby also some few federation members respectively federation planets are located in our space-time continuum.
而那些在老天琴座織女星人,則開始逐漸改變他們在靈性方面的見解,並開始遵循靈性教導,也就是「造物自然的法則與建言」,於是他們的總體進化開始發展的非常迅速,並在精神靈性方面得到快速的提升。從此,他們必須更加保護自己,避免和“製造與統治者”後代或者天狼星人接觸。於是,在與他們母星的居民和好之後,一批天琴座織女星人返回了母星,而第二批人馬(也就是 Plejaren)則撤出至另一個維度而位於昴宿星團之外,就像老天琴座織女星人從前那樣,由我們所在的維度撤離到了距地球約 150 光年的「畢宿星團」(Hyades)之外,並在那發現了一個新家。第三批人則離開了我們的 DERN 宇宙,進入到了其孿生的 DAL 宇宙。他們在那裡繁衍後代,並與許多其他的種族組成了龐大的聯盟。同樣的情況也發生在昴宿星人(Plejaren)之上,他們的聯盟存在於一個直徑約七千萬光年的星際領域,且是在一個偏離我們幾分之一秒的時空結構中。然而,有一些聯盟成員(確切地說,是聯盟行星)則是存在於我們相同的時空結構之中。
With all this should be said actually enough, without special explanations still needing to be made. I will not argue with myself about the dates anyway, because I think it would be completely out of place to know the times when the events will take place. But what might be of interest for the group and for all other humans is the fact that for years it was not allowed to talk about certain things related to visits of extraterrestrial intelligences, except of those that were mentioned by you and especially by you. You told me that I was allowed to speak openly about this when you left.
49. That is correct.
50. We were just talking about those who had played an important role up to that point, namely the three groups that we had discussed in one of our last conversations.
51. In addition to these, there are a few other groups of extraterrestrial origin that fly to the Earth and can be observed here more often, but none of whom are in contact with any of the Earth-humans, neither on a private nor on a military or governmental basis.
52. Some of them come to the Earth purely for excursions or expeditions, others have other interests, but none in the kind that the hysterical Americans portray this with the impregnation of the Earth women by Earth alien intelligences or the impregnation of the Earth alien women by men of the Earth.
53. The nonsense about massacring animals, and so on and so forth, can also be forgotten, for such things do not apply either.
54. Those who have interests other than those that are excursion or expedition-based will make a name for themselves on the Earth in the distant future; but why this will be so, we must keep quiet about it, which of course also applies to you, who are informed about these distant things of the future.
Of course. – But one more question: Is it not possible that any of those you just mentioned might be responsible for the assertion made in America by this Ed Walters, who also presents photos?
當然,而我仍然有個問題,那就是你剛才提到的那些事情,是否可以對美國的 Ed Walters 所做的聲明以及他所提供的照片適用?
55. He is a wheeler and dealer, and his pictures are forgeries.
56. That is clear and unequivocal.
Well, thank you. But why were we not allowed to talk about those extraterrestrials you just talked about all these years?
57. On the one hand, this has to do with the new, distant future and with the new era of the Earth, about which we are not allowed to talk openly, as I explained, and on the other hand, careless information about it would only have led to further hysteria and to lies and deception as well as to swindles and charlatanry, as was unfortunately already the case in America, Germany, England and Japan as well as in Sweden, etc.
Yes I know. Especially America is raging in hysteria and madness.
58. That is correct, but there not only MUFON is to blame for the whole hysteria, but also the many religious sects as well as, in particular, the government itself, which actually conceals and keeps under lock and key much important evidence for the existence of extraterrestrial life and their appearance on the Earth as well as forbids by laws the contact with extraterrestrial life-forms.
的確這樣,但是這整個的歇斯底里不能只單獨歸咎於 MUFON(The Mutual UFO Network;美國 UFO 協會);很多教派、還有特別是政府本身實難辭其咎。事實上,美國政府在他們秘密和機密的文件中,隱藏了大量關於外星生命存在與這些生命出現在地球上的重要證據;他們確實通過法律禁止地球人與外星人接觸。
59. Another very objectionable factor is also that flying apparatuses are being built and tested in the USA by the military in an extremely secret manner, of which many outsiders nevertheless have knowledge and even evidence, because they have been able to observe and even film and photograph the flying apparatuses at all times of the day and night.
And these are flying apparatuses that have foreign forms and have propulsion systems and flight characteristics that are not inherent to any conventional aircraft. But why are you talking about this now? We were not allowed to do that before.
60. This secrecy is also taken away from us with our withdrawal.
61. I can now also say that various so-called UFO observations that have been made in many countries of the the Earth during the last four decades can also be traced back in several forms to such flying apparatuses of terrestrial origin, which, however, do not only relate to America, but also to other countries of the the Earth.
因此,我現在允許談論各種所謂的 UFO 目擊事件,在過去四十年,在全球各地許多國家被目擊到。它們通常可以追溯到這些地球的飛行物,它們並不只屬於美國人,也有地球上的其他國家。
62. The actual reason that we are allowed to talk about this in our withdrawal is that all these things have been an open secret in certain circles for a long time and therefore we do not release anything of knowledge that would still have to be regarded as a secret, as is the case, for example, with actual government and military secrets, in which we are not allowed to interfere nor disclose.
63. What we are doing here is simply a confirmation of certain things and incidents that can no longer be regarded as real secrets.
In various countries on the Earth, flying apparatuses are being developed which, due to their construction method which is different from that based on airplanes, appear foreign and extraterrestrial, and indeed with quite good success. The forms of flying apparatuses range from the beamship forms that you know of, to triangular forms and so on and so forth. And the fact that these flying apparatuses are then regarded by observers as UFOs i.e. as spaceships or simply as extraterrestrial flying objects, is indeed probably only natural; not least also because they are noiseless or almost noiseless and have flight characteristics which are foreign to the flight techniques known on the Earth and contradict them. That is what you have explained in repetition. Better safe than sorry.
在地球上一定數量的國家內,飛行器正在開發,由於它們奇怪、非傳統的結構,成功地類似於外星和地球外的交通工具。這些飛行設備的樣式範圍,從你的人民一直已知的 beamship(Plejaren 的飛船)形狀到三角形等等。因此,這也難怪目擊者視這些飛行器為 UFO,或者更確切地說,視作太空飛船或視作外星太空飛船;最後,很重要的一點,因為這些太空船都是無聲或幾乎無聲的,並且具備外星和地球上已知飛行技術相反的飛行特性。現在有了你重覆作的解釋,更加證實其可信度。
64. That is correct.
In my 23 pages I forgot to mention something else, namely that Earth humans were actually a single race in Henok's primaeval times, out of which further races formed through climatic changes, atmospheric changes and secretions, resulting in new lines. These then intermingled with each other, creating new breeds again. Thus, in the course of time, both the skin colours of humans and their external appearance changed, always in adaptation to the new environment and the new living conditions, etc. Of course, this also resulted in genetic changes, apart from genetic manipulation. These, however, were not such that the origin and basic connection of the fact that all human beings on the Earth originated from a single ancestral tribe would no longer be apparent. When, about 190,000 years ago, the human beings of the Lyra regions, etc., settled on the Earth with the former immigrants and the former humans of the world, it would be impossible to see the origin and the basic connection between them. Their descendants joined again immediately; and when the peoples separated again in bigger surges and the most different areas of the Earth were repopulated, new changes occurred in the skin colour as well as in the external appearance and in the genes, whereby nevertheless also this time the ancestral strain was preserved, whereby still today it can be proven genetically that the terrestrial humans originated from a single primaeval race.
在我那 23 頁裡我忘記提及地球人類在 Henok 的遠古時代實際上是單一種族。從這個種族起源,由於氣候和大氣的變化以及種族分裂,再次創造出新的人種,因此有其他的種族形成。他們彼此之間混合,因此再創造新的種族。隨著時間的推移,不僅人類的膚色改變,他們的外觀亦有所改變,但總是隨著新環境、新生活條件和其他影響因素而調適。
65. You actually did not mention this in your report.
Something else: I thought, since we have to redesign and correct the prophecies, that we could include the 23 pages in them as well. It is one or two prophecies and the rest are predictions. What do you think?
在其他方面,我一直在想,在重新修正這些「預言」的時候,我們也可以結合那 23 頁資料,那裡實際上只有一或兩個是預言,其餘部分均屬於預測的內容,這方面你覺得如何呢?
66. It might be right for you to integrate everything into the new book as a whole.
It will certainly be like that again, that certain people will raise an uproar against it, but that does not bother us any more. We are used to such things. On the other hand, it is like this: if you want to be heard, you have to give offence; and if you want to give offence, you have to repeat the same things several times. It is only by offending that people become aware of one or more of the facts presented, either because it makes them feel attacked or because it bothers them that they have to hear the same facts twice or three times. This is the only way to make humans think, whether in peaceful or angry form, it does not matter. Only the effect is important, namely the fact that humans feel attacked in one way or another and therefore think and react. – But now something else: Recently I came across the fact that although we have spoken about xenophobia and racial hatred in our little pamphlets, but we have never really dealt with it and have not done any writing on the subject. That is what we want to do in the future, for which I have created a blurb together with Bernadette. Here, these are the ones. What do you think of them? These here are already in the print shop, nd these three here I want to have ready next week.
唯一重要的是事情的結果,也就是說,他們不管感到以什麼方式被攻擊,但卻因此才會令他們開始思考事情並作出反應。而現在我還有其他的事情:最近我偶然發現,我們在小型活動文宣中表示反對仇恨外來者和其他種族,但是我們從來沒有真正深入研究這主題或製作任何專門的小冊子,在未來我們會這樣做,而且與 Bernadette 一起做。我已經為這個主題設計了些貼紙,在這裡,你認為它們怎麼樣?這些都已經在印刷機上了,這 3 張我想下星期印出來。
67. They are very beautiful, and they also say a lot in relation to the individual topics mentioned.
68. I like them very much.
69. It would be a pleasure if you would leave me about three of each of them – even of those which are already in your possession.
70. I would like to create a collection of them.
71. Quetzal still has some Swiss money in his possession; from when you bought us various things.
Quetzal 仍有一些你購買各種物品給我們所剩下的瑞士幣。
72. I would like to give you this money as a contribution to the expenses for printing these stickers.
73. It might be about 500 francs.
應該大約 500 瑞士法郎。
Of course – you can have as many pamphlets as you want. And we gladly accept the money, of course. I thank you on behalf of the whole group.
74. Please also pay my thanks and greetings to them, but also to all the groups in California, Sweden, Toronto and Japan as well as to all friends of the Mission and of course to all passive group members, etc.
75. I should also indicate these thanks and greetings on behalf of my daughters Semjase and Pleija, then also from Asket and Nera as well as from Menara, Isodos, Taljda and of course from Quetzal and all others who know you through photos and TV shows at our centre or who encountered both core group members and passive group members during visits to the centre, even if the people concerned rarely noticed anything or nothing at all about us being in their vicinity
我還要代表我的女兒 Semjase 和 Pleija,還有 Asket、Neera、Menara、Isodos、Talida、Quetzal,以及所有其他從相片和我們的電視廣播,或者那些透過探訪「中心」遇見「核心小組」和「被動小組」成員的人從而認識你的那些人,表達感謝和問候,雖然這些人很少或從來沒有注意到我們在附近。
76. Thanks and greetings but I should also indicate [the same] from many who only know you from hearsay.
Thank you. Then I would like to ask you about what is going on with Titan.
77. It is not the time yet, because the USA will send a probe to Titan only in three years and it will reach the moon only in the first days of January 2005.
現在還不是談論的時候,因為美國要在三年後才會向土衛六發送探測器,而且這枚探測器要到 2005 年的一月初才能抵達土星的那顆衛星。
And, will the probe land on the moon?
78. Yes, that will be the case, because the mission will succeed.
Then the astronomers, etc., will experience a huge surprise when they discover that the moon has a solid, mountainous surface. They assume that the moon's surface is liquid or something. They have no idea about mountains and valleys as well as lakes and streams or rivers.
79. You will be right about the surprise.
But I am curious about that.
80. You should keep quiet about that in public, because you would only be unnecessarily ridiculed if you said something.
81. So your knowledge should continue to be for group members only.
Whatever you say. – – When do you think we can print the contact reports as a book?
82. That will be very soon, because I have planned that we two can start the correction work together with Bernadette in the year 2000, after which the contact talks will appear in very quick succession in real book form.
這將很快實現,因為我已經規劃好了,我們倆可以在 2000 年與Bernadette一起開始進行校對工作,然後接觸報告將很快就會以書籍的形式出現。
83. It can be assumed that the first work will be published in 2002.
可以預計,第一部作品將於 2002 年問世。
84. The books will be very valuable contemporary documents in the future.
Fine and good, but where should we get the money to print the books?
85. Let this be my concern, because it is already ensured that the financial means for these books will be available as well as for various other works on your part.
86. You can be reassured, however, because we do not exert any influence on any persons to obtain the necessary financial means, because responsible passive group members will take the necessary steps of their own will and discretion to finance everything.
This is news.
87. About which you should be silent as well.
I will stick to that, of course.
88. For a number of reasons that is very advisable.
Why do you think?
89. There are various malevolent elements all around who want to bring harm out of hatred and envy and could do so in the aforementioned regard if they were to learn about it.
90. Unfortunately, your wife also belongs to these evil-doers.
You really mean that?
91. You know well enough that it is so.
She would betray me openly, not secretly. Then silence is better.
92. That is right.
93. That is what I wanted to talk about.
94. But if you think that this is really what you just said, then it is probably better to be silent.
That should actually be the case. So let us talk about something else: For some time now, the journals and newspapers have been full of memories of the war crimes committed by the Nazis in Germany. Radio and television also know nothing better to do than to foment the memories of them by all means, as do the Jewish associations and federations, etc. in particular. In my opinion, this action is just as criminal and even felonious as the constant anti-war propaganda in the form of so-called anti-war films, etc., as well as the crimes in racist and tormenting form, which are highly-played by the public media. It is my personal view that all those who shout in anti- and contra-form against the torture and death penalty, against concentration camps, crimes and wars are shown in the form of horrific and gruesome pictures in newspapers and journals as well as on television and cinema, etc., e.g. how people are massacred, tortured and murdered, how cemeteries are desecrated and houses are built, etc., from my knowledge of the human-psychological reaction. They would otherwise realise that exactly the opposite is achieved through their actions, because so and so many misguided and misconceiving people feel attracted by this alleged anti-propaganda in the form to act themselves as shown by the feeble-minded anti-propaganda, because it is precisely this that triggers the opposite effect, whereby Neo-Nazism and right-wing extremism gain even more ground. From a psychological point of view, this is a logical process, but one that is not recognised by those responsible for this madness anti-propaganda, because they lack both knowledge of human nature and knowledge of psychology. Anti-war films, anti-concentration camp films, anti-drug films, anti-torture and death penalty films, etc., which illustrate the crimes in figurative terms as well as descriptions, which fantastically present such crimes to the readers through the written word, produce exactly the opposite of what they actually should. The memories evoked by such nonsense incite many to the same cruel act, as was the case with those who committed these atrocities, who also fell into this madness through propaganda. If it is to be tackled against all events and still existing evils, then this must never happen in this idiotic form, but only by demonstrating the existing evils of the present and the consequences for the future threatening from it. Memories, however, of the past, according to the idiotic motto: "We must never forget Auschwitz" or: "We must not forget the abominations of the past", etc. are completely out of place and dangerous, because they again spur on the same evils and atrocities. So this nonsense must be stopped if neo-Nazism and extreme right-wing radicalism are not to be further stirred up. Only a ban against the anti-nonsense of this form can bring healing. And a fight against all that which is bad and evil can only be crowned with success if the means of war are kept in a form that does not revel in memories, as has been done so far, but which in the present form are harmful and show evil and also clarify the consequences arising from it and [what is] to be expected. That is my opinion, on which I would like to hear your opinion.
95. This is in complete agreement with yours.
96. There are no further explanations to be given, except perhaps that this fact can only be recognised by really responsible, clear and reasonable thinking human beings.
97. Not even a psychological education is necessary for this, because pure reason reveals the fact of your interpretation.
Of course, that is what I want to have said. – But let us just say: In Japan there was a severe earthquake around the middle of last month that cost more than 5,000 dead and caused tremendous damage, much, much worse than the last major quake in California, where looting took place and people behaved as if they had never learned decency and reverence, as was the case elsewhere, such as in Mexico and South American states, etc., where all order collapsed. This is in stark contrast to Japan, where such things were practically non-existent and the humans took everything in their stride with truly admirable composure. Chaos and all the other evils did not exist there, as was the case in other countries and especially in America, where an appropriate version would also have been in order. But this was just as lacking as a certain culture. In Japan, a criminal organisation even helped the population by distributing food, etc. This alone shows what real culture and honour, what composure and what respect is in the Japanese. Politeness and friendship is not just an empty phrase with them, as for example with the Americans, who so quickly call themselves friends, but for them this word is only a phrase of use, behind which only sound and smoke can be found – or perhaps not as much as we have all had to find out again and again in the last twenty years. Of course, there are other Americans in this respect, too, and that is quite clear, namely those who are real friends and real humans for whom friendship really means something valuable. I also have such friends in America, but unfortunately, they are only a few, but they are real, honest and good friends.
98. I know.
99. The earthquake has brought great hardship and much misery and grief over Japan and over the Japanese as well as enormous destruction.
100. Send all our condolences and our deep respect to the humans there for their conduct during this difficult time.
That, I happily do, because I also feel high regard and respect for them. Is there anything that can be done against earthquakes?
101. The rule also applies, on all our Federation worlds, that hardly anything can be done against heavy earthquakes in a reasonable form, if high buildings, etc. are erected, which is why only small buildings are usual everywhere and largely secured against heavy shocks.
102. Also, our worlds live and are shaken by earthquakes, but we behave accordingly in the construction of the buildings and in their protection against the shaking of the planets.
You also have houses or buildings that are not composed of small pieces, such as stones or concrete slabs, etc., because your buildings are made of plastics and also of a single piece, seamlessly, as I have seen. In addition, they are on spring systems, which are made as suspended bodies.
103. That is correct, but these are only two of the methods used as vibration protections.
I did not say that I knew everything. I was just talking about what I saw during my visit. The earthquake was also not the only shock that was on the Earth in January. In Europe, including Switzerland, there were huge storms and floods that caused enormous damage.
104. This will continue to be the case, because these evils will continue to increase worldwide, so many storms, hurricanes, typhoons and hurricanes, etc., as well as floods, droughts and fires will cause enormous damage everywhere on the Earth and will also cause many deaths.
105. Also, earthquakes belong to this, which will bring still very much damage and suffering, as this will also be the case with wars as well as with religious sectarianism, by which still many sectarian dramas are to be expected.
106. Criminality and petty crime are also becoming more and more prevalent, as are turmoil in the world and in politics, as well as among the military.
107. Islamic fundamentalism will also degenerate more and more, as will diseases and epidemics among the Earth's population.
108. Of course, there will not always be a high for all evils, because everything swings in ups and downs, at one time the evil will be more and at another time less, but continuously rising.
109. But this is the fault of the Earth-humans, because through the increasing overpopulation they also push forward the increase of all evils.
110. But we really should not have to talk about this anymore, because in all the years of our contacts everything necessary has been said about this – unfortunately uselessly, because the total humanity and above all the responsible persons of the governments and military did not care about it, although you as well as the whole group tried to make everything known with a lot of effort and costs.
然而,我們真的不能再花更多時間談論這些事情,因為我們接觸多年以來相關的一切以前已經討論過 —— 而且徒然,很不幸。人類作為一個整體,尤其是那些在政府和軍隊具有要職的,已選擇去忽略人口數字,雖然你和你的團隊已經盡了一切努力,而且花費了很多精力和代價去宣傳這訊息。
We have already had successes, because many humans have taken up our words and carried them on, and have also begun to live and act according to our statements and proposals.
111. This is of course true, but I spoke of the majority of the earthly humanity and the majority of those responsible.
112. Of course, the minority is important here, because it is they who lead the great effort in this struggle, but the thanks for them will be small, even if it is they who ultimately lay the foundation for all the changes for the better, with you and your group in the first place.
Thanks for the flowers.
113. Now that we are withdrawing from the Earth, I would like to come back to the fact that neither we Plejaren nor any of our Federation's allies maintain contacts with any humans on the Earth, neither in physical nor telepathic form.
現在,我們已經從地球撤出,我想要再次重申這問題,無論是我們 Plejaren 或者我們聯盟中的任何盟友,也不會與地球的人類保持任何接觸;無論是以實體或是心靈感應的形式。
114. Such contacts have also never existed, if we disregard those five persons whose identity you know, however, and who, on the other hand, died years ago and who never came to the public with their knowledge.
事實上,這些接觸從來不存在,然而,除了 5 個特定的個體之外,他們的身份你已經知道,而且幾年前已經去世。他們沒有一個人曾經公佈他或她擁有的知識。然而,我們想說雖然我們確實與地球的科學家和其他人有保持脈衝接觸。
115. However, what is to be mentioned from our side, are the impulse contacts which we cultivated with scientists, etc. of Earth and which we also continue by means of suitable apparatuses, of which however none of the persons concerned knows and will never know anything.
116. These impulse contacts are solely evolutionary and trend-setting, which means that research is carried out and inventions made as well as insights gained and literary works created in a trend-setting form, i.e. science fiction works that are often also processed into films.
117. In physical and telepathic form you are thus the only person on the Earth who is in contact with us and has ever been in contact, if we disregard those whom you knew and who died.
And how about other extraterrestrial intelligences now: Do any of them have contacts with Earth-humans today? I mean private individuals and the like who have nothing to do with governments and the military, which you are not allowed to talk about.
118. This question can clearly be answered with no, because neither those three groups who are permanently or very frequently on the Earth maintain any contacts with people of private or religious form on the Earth, which can be said with absolute certainty and factuality, nor those several extraterrestrial visitors who come to the Earth for excursions or expeditions or for any other reasons.
119. The exam-contacts are excluded thereby, because there is no talk of it, because these are not based on a mutual contacting.
So there are no contacts between private Earth-humans and extraterrestrials. And as you said, there are also no religious contacts between Earth-humans and extraterrestrials, which means that these stigmatised and their patron Siragusa are nothing else than wheelers and dealers. This stigmatised one, B.G. he calls himself, even wanted to come to me and bring me a very important message from Our Lady and from God the Father personally. For almost a week he had us harassed by third parties speaking different languages in order to be able to arrange a meeting with me. In fact, he and his followers believe that his stigmata are a sign of God, and in truth, as with all stigmatised stigmata, they arise only from a religious insanity and fanaticism, through a psychogenic effect triggered by religious sectarianism, as was the case with the first known stigmatised Francis of Assisi and with several hundred others.
這意味著,現在普通人和外星人之間不存在接觸。而且,正如你說的,也沒有任何地球人和外星人之間的宗教性質接觸。那麼,這意味著,那烙了印的男人和他的捐助人 Siragusa 只不過是個騙子。那位自稱為 B. G. 的聖痕者,甚至想要給我帶來一個來自聖母和天上的父非常重要的訊息。幾乎有一個星期,他以多種語言第三方糾纏我們,安排與我會面,他和他的追隨者真的認為他的聖痕是一種來至上帝的標誌,而他的痕跡和那些有聖痕的人確實只是由宗教宗派妄想和狂熱產生的,這些痕跡透過一種宗教和宗派為基礎的心理效應產生,與首位著名的聖痕者亞西西的方濟各(Francis of Assisi)和其他幾百人的情況一樣,是以相同的方式。
120. This is all absolutely correct.
121. The incident about the telephone harassment of followers of the delusional fanatic B. G. is known to me from the control apparatus.
透過我們的監測設備我知道與這事件有關的電話騷擾,來至那妄想性狂熱的B.G. 的追隨者們。
122. Religious sectarian fanaticism apparently knows no boundaries among Earth-humans.
Another question concerning the Pleiades. You said earlier that they are still very young. But are there not any habitable planets there after all?
123. No.
124. There are indeed planetary formations around a few Pleiades, but these are still in a very young state, as are the stars themselves, which is only natural, because if there are young stars, then the planets cannot be old either.
125. On the few Pleiades planets, however, no life exists yet, and it is also not debatable whether life will develop there one day, because it will not, because the stars will disappear again very quickly.
Thank you. Then one more question: Michael Hesemann used as a cover picture for his book 'Geheimsache UFO …' a shot showing an F-14 interceptor of the US Air Force with a UFO over Puerto Rico, taken by a certain Amaury Rivera. Are you aware of this?
謝謝。另一個問題:對於他的書《Geheimsache UFO…》,Michael Hesemann 使用了一張封面照,由 Amaury Rivera 所拍攝,顯示一架美國空軍的 F-14 攔截機和一架不明飛行物在波多黎各上空,你知不知道這件事?
126. Certainly.
127. This is undoubtedly a trick shot with models suspended from Fischersilk.
128. We got to the bottom of this as we did likewise did with Ed Walters, whose photos are also trick shots.
我們對這件事的調查完全和我們對 Ed Walters 所做的一樣,他的照片也利用了特技攝影。
129. Michael Hesemann is an enthusiastic ufologist and in this form extremely correct, but unfortunately sometimes also gullible.
Michael Hesemann 是一個熱情的不明飛行物研究家,他的觀點極為正確,但可惜他有時也很容易被騙。
130. He is unusually easily tricked and deceived and believes that much of the unexplainable is of extraterrestrial origin, which, however, is not true, as our exact investigations have shown.
131. He himself is not a purely Earth-created one, which may also be the reason for why he is so enthusiastic about UFOs and supports [the case] so strongly, but through which he also lets himself be easily deceived.
But because of the falsified photos: There are many more pictures that have been taken in recent years by observers of UFOs that are real. According to your own statements, these include photos by police and military personnel.
132. That is correct, because during the last decades different extraterrestrial intelligences have been seen on the Earth with their flying machines, which could then also be filmed and photographed.
133. The film and photo material of UFOs made in all the years worldwide and especially in America and South America as well as in England, etc. does not always show extraterrestrial flying objects, but also such strangely working flying machines, which are manufactured for several decades by terrestrial humans on the Earth, as well as flying bodies, which come from the terrestrial future or which are known as bio-organic flying bodies with us, which are the so-called dimension changers, life-forms, which penetrate from another dimension into the terrestrial airspace.
不明飛行物影片片段及照相材料在全世產生,不過特別是在美國、南美洲、英國和其他國家,並不總是真正的外星飛行物,反而,照片也有拍到在過去數十年由地球的人類所生產的奇特飛機,以及來至地球人未來的太空船,或者那些我們已知的生物有機飛行體(bio-organic flying bodies),它們是所謂的維度轉變者(dimension changers),或者是從另一個維度進入地球領空的生命體。
Carlos Diaz, an alleged contact person, what can we make of him?
Carlos Diaz,一個聲稱被接觸者,你怎麼看他?
134. You ask an illogical question, because I already explained that no humans on the Earth have any contact with extraterrestrial intelligences.
135. Therefore he's a deceiver.
Then I want to ask something else: Are you familiar with Area 51 and the Roswell-New Mexico incident in 1947, then a UFO crash in Aztek, New Mexico, similar to the one in Roswell, but a year later, then a third crash at the Mexican border in 1949 or 1950, and further that the Americans in Area 51 are supposed to hold various bodies of aliens as well as a living alien there?
然後我想問另外一件事:你是否熟悉 51 區和 1947 年發生在新墨西哥州的羅茲威爾飛碟墜毀事件,然後是在新墨西哥州阿茲特克(Aztek)發生的 UFO 墜毀事件,與羅斯威爾事件類似,不過晚了一年,然後是 1949 年或 1950 年在墨西哥邊境發生的第三次墜毀事件,此外,據說美國人在 51 區有一些外星屍體以及一個他們俘虜的外星人,他現在還可能活著嗎?
136. I have stated on several occasions that these things are covered by my duty of confidentiality because they fall under the jurisdiction of the government, the military and state security.
137. So I am not allowed to talk about this officially, but only in confidence with you – in private, as you like to say.
因此,我不允許正式地談論這些問題,但我可以在保密情況下告訴你 —— 在兩個人的場合 —— 就像你常說的那樣。
138. On the other hand, such knowledge would be dangerous for you – if you officially knew about it.
139. Let us leave everything related to this as it is.
All right, it was just a last try. Then again to Michael Hesemann. What do you think of him?
那好吧,這是最後一次嘗試。回到 Michael Hesemann這個人,你認為他怎麼樣?
140. He is a very valuable man for the spreading of the truth in relation to our entire mission and beyond; he is often deceived by lies and deception as well as dizziness and charlatanism, but he is extremely courageous to spread the real truth – not like those who instead bring a lot of nonsense, as it appears in many books and magazines.
You also express my opinion with it.
141. He is really a man to whom one can give the necessary confidence for the spreading of the mission, for he has the courage to work for the cause in reality.
I know, but this factor is not accepted by certain know-it-alls. But what about contacts to extraterrestrials in the future, may we talk about them now?
142. Unfortunately this is still not allowed, but nevertheless I or you may reveal so much that something new will happen in the near future.
You mean the fact that the time is approaching when official contacts with extraterrestrials will take place?
143. Of course, I informed you about that.
144. In the time to come, even farther away, a lot will happen and change with regard to alien aircraft and their crews, but also with regard to earthly, mysterious and strange-looking flying machines.
145. Also contacts with extraterrestrials are to be expected, which will, however, be of a completely different nature than all previous lying, swindling and deceitful wannabe contactees these represented with all their religious-sectarian nonsense, etc.
146. Also new discoveries of immense importance are announced, which are made both on the Earth and outside these on the moon and Mars, etc., as you have already written and explained in detail in the 23 report pages, without naming the periods of the arrival of the individual events.
而具有重大意義的新發現也即將到來,這將會在地球、月球、火星和更遙遠處發生,正如你之前在那 23 頁報告中廣泛透露而沒有提及具體日期的那些特殊事件。
It would probably be wrong to name the years or even the exact dates of days and months, etc.
147. I already said that you did the right thing.
148. But in terms of accuracy, I would like to explain something that is not particularly pleasing:
149. The longer the more I have found out over the years that only a few core group members have mastered writing to such an extent that they are able to produce writings of their own composition and books of their own composition from out of their own responsibility and with their own skills.
150. With the male group members it is particularly bad in this respect, if I refrain from Guido's work, while it looks more pleasing with different female group members.
這在男性成員之間尤其不足,但不包括 Guido,而很多女性成員的情況則好的多。
151. When I look at what is currently being written as future books and writings, I find it frightening in terms of the corrections that will be required, and in terms of the typesetting and corrections needed to formulate them correctly.
Our people are not writers, and they often cannot write themselves.
152. Among the male group members, however, there are at least three who believe that their literary outpourings are of unique quality.
153. However, if their works are to be published, they must be thoroughly revised, corrected and rectified, and stylistically and syntactically shaped and made legible.
他們的作品應該要出版,不過,還需要全面重新編輯、校對[這裡使用了古德國詞語 'korrektiert']和修訂,以使他們的文體正確可讀。
Beautiful presents. But tell me, how do you know the term 'proofread'?
講得真棒。但告訴我,你從哪裡知道 'korrektieren' 這個用詞的?
154. This is a very old and long since disappeared term of the old German language, which says that something is or must be corrected.
I know that too, my friend, because I always use this term.
155. It is a word value that says briefly and concisely what it means.
I am glad that I am no longer the only one who knows and uses this term. But today apparently nobody really knows it any more – even in clever books nothing can be found about it, just as if the term had never existed.
156. But it is contained in our old records of the German language.
But that does not help me here. – And our great writers will be pleased with your words.
157. It would be pointless if I had not talked about it, because then the mistakes would not be recognised.
158. On the other hand, praise would be a lie, and such things are alien to us. –
159. The works produced in the above form cannot really be published until they have been thoroughly revised.
And who should do this revision?
160. You will not be able to find time for that.
161. On the other hand, you would be predestined for it.
162. But you still cannot be considered.
163. For my part, I would suggest Mariann or Christina if they were willing, which would take a lot of time and restrict their freedom.
我提議由 Mariann 來做,如果她願意的話;但這會佔用她很多時間,並會限制她的自由。
164. Although there are a few other members in the core group who could perform this task, there is also a need of time for them.
165. So we have to ignore this topic for the time being and see what we can do in the future.
Nice prospects. But just tell me how far your research and experiments have advanced with the latest travel and transport technology?
166. It is all still full of failures, and it will take quite some time before everything really works properly.
167. There have also been unexpected new problems again.
168. But if everything works perfectly, then we will be able to visit you more often, because we do not have to get to Earth and you in an awkward manner anymore, but can do this without all the loss of time and so on.
169. Also the promised visit to my daughter Semjase has not been forgotten.
同時,我們沒有忘記你要前來看望我女兒 Semjase 的承諾。
Glad to hear it. I am curious when that will finally be.
170. As it looks, according to your terms this may take a little longer – maybe two to three years.
Man, I am already old and rickety. – Another question about earthly UFOs. You say you cannot talk about it, but on the other hand there are a lot of human beings on our planet who can talk openly about it and even provide photographic and cinematic evidence about these flying machines. Even insiders talk openly about these things today and reveal secrets.
天哪,我現在已經是既年老又體衰了。—— 然而還有一個關於地球 UFO 的問題。你告訴我你不可以討論它們,然而,在我們的星球上已有很多人在公開談論,並展示這些飛船的照相和影片證據,甚至有些內線人士目前在公開揭露這些秘密。
171. That is probably true, but they are not in my place.
172. I must abide by our directives, which state that I must not talk about it because we must not interfere in any earthly matters other than how we are in contact with you and provide information, etc.
Of course, I could have thought of that myself. – Ah yes, but what will it be like in the future if I have questions that I would like you to answer?
173. It has already been taken care of that when important matters arise, that we then get in contact with you in telepathic form.
174. You do not have to make much of an effort to reach us, because the control apparatus that remains above the Center is aligned and programmed in such a manner that it picks up your telepathic impulses and then transmits a signal to me in many times the speed of light fast form, after which I then contact you, which I, on my part, will also do if I have important information or instructions, etc. for you or the groups.
175. So you do not have to make a lot of effort when you call me, so you do not have to bother for hours when I am not available.
176. A simple telepathic call in simple form is enough to be registered by the control apparatus, whose signal is then sent out until I receive and confirm it.
177. My telepathic contact with you then takes place as quickly as possible, in the normal way of spirit-telepathy.
Thank you for your efforts. But I will only call you when something really urgent comes up.
178. For which I will be grateful.
179. It should also be that no questions are discussed that fall into the interests of the group members or other persons.
180. In the future you should really be on your own and fathom, direct and handle everything yourself.
181. In the future, only questions that are either of mission interest in the narrower and wider context can be answered, as well as questions that demonstrably arise only from your own interest in any regard.
Your world-monitoring control disks, what about them – do they remain stationed around the world?
182. All these control apparatuses have already been removed, so only the one intended for the Center still exists.
183. But it is no larger than 7 millimetres in diameter and 3.2 millimetres in thickness.
但它的直徑小於 0.7 公分,而厚度小於 0.32 公分。
And that includes all the monitoring electronics as well as the signal transmitter?
184. And even much more you that you would not dream of, as you like to say.
185. The control apparatus also contains transmitters and receivers and associated image transmission equipment, which transmit everything at multiple speeds of light to a control point near our dimensional passage at a star far beyond the Pleiades cluster, in order to reach our space-time structure and thus our dimension from there through a dimensional transmitter.
186. For security reasons I am unfortunately not allowed to explain this anymore.
You mean probably for safety reasons in relation to other space travelling intelligences?
187. Certainly.
188. More detailed information would be dangerous for us.
You are once again tight-lipped, my friend – you mean probably that certain Earth visitors of other worlds outside of our solar system could get hold of your information and find the way into your dimension?
我的朋友,你再次說的很保留。—— 你可能覺得某些來自我們太陽系以外其他世界的地球訪客,能夠獲得你給我的信息,然後找到進入你們維度的方式?
189. That is the meaning of my words, yes.
190. At least from a group of such intelligences we know that they are capable of changing dimensions in such a kind and wise that they could reach our dimension, which would be unpleasant.
I did not know that. Do these intelligences also come to the Earth?
191. That is the case, yes.
Then your concerns are all the more understandable. – Are we talking about those who …
那麼更可以理解你的憂慮了。—— 我們說的是那些…
192. They come only sporadically to the Earth.
In the spiritual teaching I started with the extensive work of dream interpretation and already explained that dream symbols in the whole universe have the same value or the same interpretation for human life-forms. For this it is of course always assumed that on other worlds the same symbols appear to the human beings there as on our Earth. Of course, this is not always the case, because many other prerequisites are given on alien worlds, e.g. in the animal world and in technology as well as in landscapes, and so on and so forth, whereby other symbols are also given in this respect. But if we now assume that ravens or snakes etc. also exist on other worlds, then these have the same value in symbolic form as here on the Earth. Stars, fire, water, air, volcanoes and tens of thousands of other things exist in the entire universe, and these have the same values and interpretations as dream symbols, as is the case on the Earth. Symbols that do not exist on the Earth due to the other animal worlds, environment, technology, music and landscapes as well as plant worlds, etc. etc., but exist on other worlds, would have the same values on the Earth or elsewhere, if the corresponding prerequisites for them were also given here. Does this also apply to other universes? I think that this cannot be any different.
193. Your assumption is absolutely correct.
Then I have a question about the succession of the presidency, the vice presidency, the secretary and treasurer, as well as all board members and my succession. This question will soon become topical, and you said just a while ago that you would give instructions in this regard. How should the new elections be conducted?
194. For the succession of your person there are no questions, as you yourself know very well, because Atlant Platon Sokrates Bieri follows in your footsteps.
關於你的繼任者,沒有任何問題,你自己也很清楚,因為 Atlant Platon Sokrates Bieri 將繼承你的事業。
195. It has been so determined since time immemorial.
196. Such a provision also exists for the next presidency, to which Andreas Schubiger will be obligated in corresponding provision.
Andreas Schubiger 在相應的條款中規定,下一任主席也有這樣的義務。
197. Christian Frehner will take over the vice-presidency.
Christian Frehner 將接任副主席一職。
198. For the office of the secretary, which is exercised by Bernadette, and for the office of the treasurer, which lies in Eva's area, no change results for the next election, because the two have designated themselves each for two election periods for it.
至於 Bernadette 擔任的秘書一職和 Eva 擔任的財務主管一職,在下一次選舉中將保持不變,因為她們都同意連任兩屆。
199. This is also not the case with their office as board members, while the other board members must be newly elected, although it may be possible and given that existing board members can be elected for a further twenty-year period.
And do you know when the new elections must take place?
200. Of course.
201. The date will be 3 October 1998.
日期為 1998 年 10 月 3 日。
202. The second elections, which we must assume, took place on Saturday, the 7th of October 1978, by a normal General Assembly, because Herbert Runkel had to be removed from his office as President/Chairman due to complete unsuitability, who on Saturday, the 21st of April 1979 was then also expelled from the core group, at a third weekend meeting.
第二次選舉,我們必須假定是在 1978 年 10 月 7 日星期六舉行的正常大會上進行的,因為 Herbert Runkel 因完全不適合擔任主席一職而被免職,隨後在 1979 年 4 月 21 日星期六舉行的第三次週末會議上,他也被開除出核心小組。
203. This refers only to the presidency and the chairperson, because the other offices were already occupied on the 17th of June 1978, but confirmed again on the 7th of October, which unfortunately was not recorded in writing.
這只涉及主席和主席職位,因為其他職位在 1978 年 6 月 17 日已經有人擔任,但在 10 月 7 日再次得到確認,遺憾的是沒有書面記錄。
204. Only the new presidential election was recorded at that time.
205. For the new elections, my recommendation would therefore be that all necessary new elections or re-elections of office should be held at the same time, since there are only about 3½ months between one date and the other, so it would be appropriate to hold all new elections on the 3rd of October 1998.
因此,關於新的選舉,我的建議是,所有必要的新的選舉或職位改選應在同一時間舉行,因為一個日期與另一個日期之間只有大約三個半月的時間,所以在 1998 年 10 月 3 日舉行所有新的選舉是適當的。
206. With regard to these new elections, we reserve the right to make some suggestions for changes that we consider necessary.
But of course, we will be glad for your indications.
207. For your part, you are in charge for the time of your life, but it would be appropriate for you to slowly teach your successor leadership.
I have thought about that, but maybe a lot will change, and maybe someone else will take the lead. You never know, because many things happen again and again that are not intended and often throw everything overboard.
208. That is of course true, and that is why we cannot say what the future will bring in this respect either.
209. But like you, we also hope that everything will turn out as it is intended.
Easily said, but we really hope so. By the way – Heidi and Bob in San Diego and all the members of their group around them are always very active, diligent and successful. A real joy.
說起來容易,但是我們也真的希望如此,順便說一句,Heidi 和 Bob 在聖地牙哥和許多聚在他們周圍的小組成員總是非常積極、勤奮和有成就,真是讓人高興。
210. That is well known to me.
211. Pay them all my special regards and esteem, because they are really very diligent and successful through Heidi's mission activity.
請代我向他們致上特別的問候和至高的敬意,因為他們通過 Heidi 的任務活動,真的非常勤奮,並且在他們對「使命」的努力中取得成功。
212. So far an absolute exception in America in terms of honesty and real effort as well as respect for the mission, you and us.
213. When I think of all the evil machinations, deceptions and exploitations against you that have arisen through Americans, I would like to be tempted to say that these humans of this small group around Adelheid resp. Heidi and Bob and these themselves belong to those few who have to be searched for very, very long in order to find them.
當我想到美國人對你所犯下的邪惡計畫、欺詐活動和剝削時,我很想說,這小組中圍繞 Adelheid、Heidi 和 Bob 的人,以及他們自己兩個,屬於一個精選的小組,是那些你不得不花很長很長時間去找的人。
214. As you once said as a parable: "A few healthy, germinating grains in a vast desert."
215. A saying I have not forgotten again.
I said that once. That is true. But it was a long time ago. But it does apply to Heidi and Bob and the small group that has gathered around them. Also the Toronto group and the FIGU Japan and the few people in Sweden are doing quite well, even if there are still some problems in Canada and Japan. But it is really no comparison to Heidi and Bob's group.
我是曾經說過,是的,這是很久以前的事了。但這句話確實適用於 Heidi 和 Bob 還有那些聚在他們周圍的小組成員。多倫多小組、日本 FIGU 和幾個在瑞典的人也做得相當不錯,雖然在加拿大和日本還存在一些問題。但這確實無法與 Heidi 和 Bob 的小組相比。
216. It is really time to pay them respect.
You said it, my friend. I would like to ask you about meditation in the future: if you are not here anymore, does that mean that you will no longer be involed?
217. No, it remains the same as it was before.
218. There will be no changes in this regard.
219. Everything will be the same as before.
That is good, then we are really not alone. May I now ask you a question about the epidemics that threaten our world?
220. Bring up your question.
You said that new diseases will appear and spread all over the world. When will the beginning be?
221. The evil has already begun with the first types of epidemics, but as usual everything is concealed.
How could it be otherwise? Our glorious science also claims that certain diseases cannot break through the species barrier, such as BSE, mad cow disease and AIDS. In both cases, however, this has already happened, and for a long time, but the narrow-minded scientists still claim delusionally and idiotically that this is not possible.
222. What you say is absolutely correct:
223. Both animal and human pathogens are capable of breaking through and mutating through the species barrier, allowing other species to be attacked by the same disease as is present in the diseased life-form.
224. Thus, pathogens can spread from certain animals to other animal species as well as to humans, while pathogens of human diseases can spread to animals as well.
225. As a result of the species change, the disease patterns naturally change as well, although the pathogens also mutate and adapt to the different life-form.
226. These are facts which, however, are denied by the criminal and criminal, irresponsible responsible persons, because on the one hand they are really megalomaniac and narrow-minded, as you say, and on the other hand still so limited in their knowledge that they cannot see or fathom the real connections. –
227. But now, friend Eduard, we should turn to other things, because there is still a lot to discuss for us.
Of course – I do not have any more questions.
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