Contact Report 829/第829次接觸報告
最初英譯:2023年01月01日,星期日,DeepL Translator, Joseph Darmanin
改進版本:N/A,Joseph Darmanin, Catherine Mossman
中譯版本:2023年01月07日,星期六,DeepL Translator, James Hsu
九、在這篇報接近後端的部分,Billy以他這一生,作為當代人類,絕對不凡的真實經歷,語重心長的列出了十二項「寫地球上人類的一些話」;其中的重中之重,包括:時刻保持自己獨立思考,不要讓別人替你思考;只相信自己,永遠不要依賴別人說的話,不要看別人是什麼和做什麼,而要始終努力為自己思考,決定並做最好的事情;無論你做什麼,都要保持謙遜、得體、榮譽和尊嚴,以及理解和理性。… 等等。值得我們這些平凡的後生晚輩認真省思再三!
This is the entire contact report. It is an authorised but unofficial DeepL preliminary English translation and most probably contains errors. Please note that all errors and mistakes etc. will continuously be corrected, depending on the available time of the involved persons (as contracted with Billy/FIGU). Therefore, do not copy-paste and publish this version elsewhere, because any improvement and correction will occur HERE in this version!
Salome, Ptaah, my friend.
There you are again, but be welcome to my modest den.
Today I have some things we have never talked about.
For a question has been put to me, and for once I want to ask you to answer it, for your answer will certainly carry more weight than if I explain what really is.
While I know the answer to the question, I have never bothered to ask on my own if you might be able to talk about it sometime.
Of course, I know that no questions will be answered by you if they are not in my own interest, but surely the world will not end if we make an exception!
1. Then let's hear what you have to ask.
2. But greetings also, Eduard, my friend.
3. And thank you for your welcome.
Thank you. – The question was raised as to how it is with you, whether you also have homosexual men and lesbian women, bisexual, sadistically or masochistically oriented people etc. in your peoples?
If so – this is the second question – what do you call them in terms of gender?
如果有的話 —— 這是第二個問題 —— 你們在性別方面如何稱呼他們?
For example, here on Earth we simply call these human beings man and woman.
4. In terms of gender, we call them no different than Earth-humans do, male and female, in our language we call the man as Süre, and the woman as Kagir.
5. Moreover, it is to be explained that it corresponds absolutely to the conditions of nature that with regard to the sexes of human beings different forms appear.
6. This arises both with the actual human being, as we are, as well as with other human beings, such as giant or small human beings, as well as with human beings who have a completely different appearance from that of pure human beings, i.e. who are also physically different from us.
Do you mean, for example, the appearance of Asina, because she is, I suppose, an actual human being, but she has a body and a head that are, if I may say so, reptilian.
7. That is indeed so.
Good, but it is also the case with you and with human beings like Asina that everything is oriented in the same way with regard to sex resp. sexual acts.
8. Of course, you are saying something that you can actually answer yourself to your satisfaction.
9. But I want to explain the answer, namely that everywhere in all universes all differences of the sexual occur in its application, consequently normal sexuality resp. alloiophilia resp. heterosexuality is to be understood as bisexual between woman and man, if I may say so.
10. Apart from this, homosexuality also appears, in which this is oriented from man to man, while lesbianism applies to woman with woman.
11. In addition, there is the fact that, outside of the strictness of homosexuality itself and lesbianism, there are also two-gender forms of homosexuality and lesbianism.
12. In this form men, as homosexuals, also have sexual relations with women, as also, as lesbians, with men alternately, but these sexual forms are neither abnormal nor to be called repugnant.
13. On the contrary, however, this is often the case on Earth, mainly for confused and, as a rule, religiously devout reasons and misunderstandings.
14. As I know, it is considered deviant and even punishable by fine and death penalty.
15. Normality is also to be conceded in a completely natural framework, whereby the bisexual activity resp. the heterosexuality of every human being who is predisposed in this respect is directed towards this alone.
16. However, sexual sadism and sexual masochism are to be mentioned, which as pathological phenomena are natural in this form, but nevertheless correspond to a degeneration.
然而,我們要提到的是性虐待狂(sexual sadism)和性受虐狂(sexual masochism),它們在病理形式下是自然的,但卻屬於一種退化(degeneration)現象。
17. This, however, is absolutely incomprehensible to Earth-humans and testifies to how they have fallen prey to faith and ignorance stupidity, because they are unable to ascertain it according to reality.
18. Consequently he is unable to understand that everything is degenerate and at the same time naturally given and normal with regard to the effectiveness in this respect.
19. But to explain this will be your task, for you certainly know how to explain it better.
20. With regard to your question, however, I have to explain that all the forms of sexuality mentioned, because they are natural and normal throughout, are also given with us, as this is given in all spheres of all liveliness in the entire sphere of creation.
21. Therefore, we cannot and must not speak of abnormality in what is purely normal, as Earth-humans understand and incorrectly represent it.
22. What is natural is based on the fact of Creation and is therefore a law of the natural.
自然的東西是基於「造化」(Creation)的既定本質,因此是一項「自然的法則」(law of the natural)。
23. And this is not only the case with the human being, but with all genera and species of all living beings, that is, with animals, creatures and all other life-forms.
24. Exceptions to this, however, are paedophilia, bestiality, sadism and masochism.
25. These degenerations – which, however, are to be called normal as a disease – are based on an addiction which the human beings acquire uncontrollably through fantasies and confusing imagination up to the point of mental morbidity and let them degenerate in an illusory way.
這些墮落 —— 然而,這將被稱為正常的疾病 —— 是基於一種“上癮”(addiction),人類通過幻想和混亂的想像力不受控制地獲得,直到精神病態,讓他們以一種虛幻的方式墮落。
26. The whole, however, is an effective fact, which is just as well known to you, consequently you know and understand everything in these matters as well as I do, consequently you could explain everything just as well as I do – perhaps even better.
然而,整體上這是一個實際的現象,而對你來說也是昭然若揭的,因此你和我一樣知道和理解這一切的事情,因此你可以和我一樣解釋這一切 —— 也許甚至解釋得更好。
27. Therefore, I think that you understand it much better, in my opinion, to explain this to the Earth-humans, because you have to deal with them every day and, moreover, you have acquired a flair to speak to them correctly and also to use the correct words.
28. However, I still want to explain that sexual sadism and masochism, as well as sado-masochism and bestiality, require a special explanation, for as I am aware, the factors are misunderstood by Earth-humans in a confused way, consequently an explanation in this regard is inevitable, which, however, you can answer yourself.
Actually, I had the thought that you would answer everything.
29. That would really be beyond what corresponds to my interest, for I cannot and do not want to spend myself in such Earth-human matters, which is why it is probably up to your wanting or not wanting …
那就真的超出了我的興趣範圍,因為我不能也不會把自己花在這種地球人的事情上,這就是為什麼我想這取決於你是否想要 ...
… I understand, then I will do it. – Good, because with animals, creatures and all other life-forms it is much rarer than with human beings that sexual manifestations arise that fall outside the usual.
... 我明白了,那我就來說吧。很好,因為在動物、生物和所有其他生命形式中,出現超出常規的性表現要比在人類中少得多。
Nevertheless, the same thing exists everywhere, not only on Earth, but universally in all areas of the 7 universes of creation resp. in their matter belts and thus on planetary formations on which any kind of life exists.
然而,同樣的事情無處不在,不僅在地球上,而且普遍存在於「創世宇宙」(universes of creation)所有七個區域的物質帶(matter belts)中,因此在任何種類生命存在的行星上。
This is also related to rape and effective degenerations in relation to sexual acts, and also when this is only very rarely or never observed by human beings in other life-forms.
But the fact that it is actually the case that the sexual practices mentioned exist in all living beings is a reality and it is important that the human being knows this.
This also results in mixtures – which the human being consciously and deliberately uses to produce new species, etc. – whereby new species and varieties, etc. arise, but which also result in new life-forms according to nature, even if this contradicts every biology theory, etc. and is disputed by 'experts'.
這也造成了某些混種(mixtures) —— 人類有意利用這種方式來產生新的物種等。新的物種和品種被創造出來,但也導致了自然界中新的生命形式,即使這與每一個生物學理論相矛盾,並被“專家” 質疑。
This, of course, results just as consciously willed by the human being, who in no way sets himself any limits when he wants to achieve something in any form.
What results in further forms, however, with regard to sadism and masochism or even sado-masochism and sodomy, is generally the following, which, however, does not correspond to a personality disorder, as 'experts' falsely claim, but to a disorder of consciousness, because the personality can never be affected by any influences of a personal or foreign kind.
And it is also to be said that when I speak of the limits which the earthling does not set for himself and thereby destroys much, then it is also to be said that nature is biologically founded in a different way than so-called science claims, for out of it new genera and species arise, which, inexplicably for the 'wise' scientists, result in nature, like certain diverse 'assemblages' from which new life results.
This changes in such a way as the planet itself, which on the one hand is much older than 4.5 million years, which science assumes because it can only determine the age of those things it finds in the earth's crust, but not what constitutes the actual inner life of the planet itself.
This is billions of years earlier than the earth's crust, in which only millions of years old things are stored, but nothing of the origin, which goes back to several billion years earlier than is claimed.
Furthermore, the earth's crust changes in the course of time in such a way that the earth's surface also changes, so that, for example, one day there will be sea where there is land or mountains today, as in the USA, where Death Valley is sinking and dividing in such a way that in the future America will be separated by an intermediate sea into a northern and southern part.
此外,地殼在時間過程中會發生變化,地球表面也會發生變化,因此,舉例來說,今天有陸地或山脈的地方,將來會出現海洋,例如在美國,死亡谷(Death Valley)正在下沉,並以這樣的方式分裂,在未來,美國將被一個中間海洋分隔成南北兩部分。
But that is completely natural, because the planet is alive and constantly changing, and what is currently happening in the USA with the cold wave is only a foretaste of what will happen worldwide in the future due to climate change, namely that large parts of the Earth will be hit alternately by cold waves and heat waves, including the countries in the south, and it will become the case that the waters of the sea will rise again and swallow up much land.
但這是完全自然的,因為地球是有生命的,而且不斷在變化,目前在美國發生的寒潮(cold wave)只是預示著未來由於氣候變化而在全世界發生的事情,也就是說,地球的大部分地區將被寒潮和熱浪交替襲擊,包括南方的國家,而且海水將再次上漲並吞噬大量的土地。
This, however, will happen worldwide, and not only due to nature, but to a very high percentage triggered by overpopulation, which would have to be minimised, which is humanly possible only by stopping births for several years.
This, if one day the already threatening madness does not happen, that the earthly overpopulation of mankind is decimated very far-reaching by an evil act of violence.
But this already existing threat to decimate the overpopulation can really still be countered by a controlled and sensible birth stop of several years, for the earthling has long since invented and worked out the means that can be used, namely by using good means of contraception, such as condoms, by carrying out any kind of artificial infertility, by carrying out an operative contraception, by carrying out a sterilisation resp. an intersection resp. an emasculation, or also by applying other practices.
But I know that this will meet with just as much rejection as leaving the ecosystems alone, which have already been largely destroyed, as well as the majority of all natural life-forms known to human beings, starting with animals and all other living beings down to the last blade of grass.
But already the diverse life, effectively numbering in the millions, of all living beings still unknown to human beings – including human beings – is being endangered and destroyed, along with their habitat.
但是,實際上已經有數以百萬計的各類生物 —— 包括人類 —— 以及仍不為人所知的各種各樣的生命,正與他們的棲息地一起受到威脅和破壞,並瀕臨滅絕。
So now the ecosystem of the oceans is also to be destroyed so that the human beings can exterminate the as yet unknown life on the seabed, where in millionfold variety life crawls, moves or swims.
So far, human beings know nothing about it how millionfold the life on and in the bottom of the sea is, but nevertheless everything is to be destroyed and exploited, because the Earth's resources will soon have been finally exploited, such as gold, chrome and rare earths and other resources, etc.
No thought is given to the fact that all life, including that of the human being, will be destroyed and exterminated, because only the financial profit that can be 'gained' through the destruction is thought of, as well as of the killing of human beings, e.g. through the death penalty, war and in such a wise, as America is planning, that Putin is to be insidiously disingenuously assassinated by secret service, as you said recently.
But I actually still had something else to bring up, which I still remember from Sfath, that soon the enthusiasm of the E-vehicle delusion will die down as fast as it was ramped up by the governments and made a furore mainly in Europe.
But there is something else to be said, namely that …
但是,還有一點需要說,那就是 ...
30. … America is to be mentioned, which is the actual warmonger and is guilty for the fact that the war is going on in Ukraine, which is led by the other warmonger, according to Selensky.
... 需要提到的是,美國是真正的戰爭販子(warmonger),它對在烏克蘭發生的戰爭是負有罪責的,而烏克蘭是由另一個戰爭販子澤連斯基(Selensky)所領導。
31. Various misguided politicians believe that supplying weapons to Ukraine resp. to Selensky is the fastest way to peace.
32. This clearly proves that these leaders are totally misguided.
33. Weapons and their use never bring peace, but only death, destruction and subjugation, which means a continuation of strife and brings hatred and revenge.
34. If it were not for America and Selensky and all the arms suppliers, the war would end quickly.
That is probably so, but I do not want to talk about that, but that namely already about 70 and also already 280 million years ago, as well as 20,000 or 10,000 years ago, many living beings were naturally exterminated or driven away to other parts of the world and simply migrated, e.g. from the continent that is now America, from which animals and creatures etc. spread as far as Asia and Arabia or Africa.
But with natural decimation it is not enough, for now the earthling does it completely irresponsibly likewise of his own accord, and that erroneously-wholly for the dubious good of overpopulation, as well as for the sake of luxury and wealth.
Back then, when the dinosaurs existed, it was largely natural events that led to the 但僅憑自然消亡的減少還不夠,因為現在地球人完全不負責任地同樣是放任他自己的意願,而且是錯誤地 —— 完全是為了人口過剩的可疑利益,也是為了奢侈和財富。
disappearance of the great living creatures.
At that time, by the way – even if it is vehemently denied by the 'great' scientists and mad know-it-alls and insulted as wild fantasy – there were also human beings who, however, were not born here on Earth, but who actually existed, as I once saw on a journey back into the past with Sfath.
It is true that the natural decimation did not happen completely with all life-forms at 順便說一句,在那個時候也有人類存在 —— 即使它被“偉大”的科學家和狂妄的知識份子強烈否認,並被侮辱為瘋狂的幻想,然而,他們不是地球上土生土長的,但卻是實際存在的,正如我曾經和Sfath在回到過去的旅程中看到的那樣。
that time, consequently individual groups could be preserved, whose descendants were still born up to some millennia ago, but then died out bit by bit except for very few specimens, although there was still a…
的確,當時的自然消亡並沒有完全發生在所有的生命形式上,因此個別群體得以被保留下來,他們直到幾千年前還有後代誕生,但後來除了極少數的標本外,都逐漸消亡了,儘管仍有一個 ...
35. … I read about it in my father's annals and did my own research to find out where you had been.
... 我在父親的《大事記要》(annals)中也讀到了這些,我還親自調查了你去過的地方。
36. It was the wild land area where what is now America was formed, and specifically it was the place Glen R…
那是形成現在美洲的荒蕪之地,也是Glen R … 的所在地。
… Aha – so you are researching what all went on in your father's day.
... 啊哈 —— 所以你在研究你父親的日子裡都發生了什麼。
37. Yes. – Through that I also found a fossilised excrement of a human being there, which is called 'coprolite' on Earth.
38. When I examined it closely, I was astonished to find that the excrement was 74 million years old.
39. You have travelled together very far back in time, much further than only 25 million years ago.
Yes, that was very interesting for me, because in that way I learned a lot of things that had already happened at very early times, when no Earthlings had yet been created on Earth through evolution.
And it is to be said that in those early times many things, indeed many things, were quite different from what the 'all-knowing' of today claim, precisely those who concern themselves with the past.
It may now be said what I was instructed by Sfath not to speak openly about until you yourself would raise the subject of non-earthly beings.
And that is exactly what you have done now, by talking about the human excrement that you found and then analysing its age.
So, I think I may now speak openly and say that beings from the depths of the space of this universe visited the Earth before there were Earthlings.
Since then, however, their descendants have come here again and again, creating many things for the human beings of Earth in the last 390,000 years or so, which were often only achieved with hovering techniques.
Especially what concerned the moving, setting up and stacking of building elements weighing tons – such as 10, 20, 30, 50 tons or even heavier elements – was done by technology that made it possible to levitate the materials.
特別是有關移動、設置和堆放重達數噸的建築部件 —— 如10、20、30、50噸甚至更重的部件 —— 都是透過使材料懸浮的技術來完成的。
In very few cases, something was also moved telekinetically, but this was a real rarity.
The processing of the heavy elements was usually done by machine, if one may say so to what was just used.
The machining was done in such a way that the elements were so accurate to the hundredth or even thousandth of a millimetre that everything fitted together in such a way that practically not even a hair could be pushed in between. This is precisely something that the 'clever' earthlings of today, who deal with these things of the past in big words and 'knowing', cannot understand how everything really came about in this respect.
Their wild fantasies of how it was and how it all came about are really hilariously stupid.
Well, when the earthlings at a much later time – as a result of traditions etc. – worked, hewed and chiselled stones, that was primitive again.
那麼,當地球人在更晚的時候 —— 由於傳統等原因 —— 對石頭進行加工、鑿刻,那又是使用原始的方式。
But the fact is that the earthlings at that time did not have heavy machinery with which they could have done everything, and especially not with human power, as many archaeologists etc. imaginatively spout about and think up the most impossible constructions with which the human beings of earlier civilisations are supposed to have made the impossible possible and managed it.
Whether the people who travelled far and wide were always persons of the same people, and also whether it was later their descendants who came here and who …, I do not know.
我不知道那些由深空遠道而來的人是否總是同一個族類的人,也不知道後來是否是他們的後代來到這裡,他們 ... 。
But it is to be assumed that the various groups were somehow connected.
What is clear to me, however, is that some of the long-distance travellers rose up as 'gods' who were then worshipped by the earthlings and to whom human sacrifices were also made.
Some of them were real giants of different sizes, but there were also human beings of normal sizes, and then also dwarfs of normal size, so they were not microsomic human beings.
And there were also long-skulled and tall-skulled people – which was then imitated by the earthlings by integrating the skulls of infants.
還有「長頭骨族」(long-skulled)和「高頭骨族」(tall-skulled)的人 —— 當時地球人也會透過整型嬰兒的頭骨來模仿這些人。
Sfath explained that most of these long-distance travellers had mixed with the earthlings all over the world, so that it would also be the case in the distant future that tall stature, long-skulledness and tall-skulledness would be preserved and that earthlings of this kind would be born again and again if they traced back to the lines of the former mixtures.
Also, with guidance and assistance, entire cities were built all over the Earth, some of which, however, sank in the seas or in large lakes in later times as a result of natural phenomena, were overgrown by primeval forests or others were covered by sand drifts.
This can be understood, for example, when one knows that every year about 50,000 tonnes of sand are blown from Africa, mainly from the Sahara and other African desert areas, by the wind across the Atlantic Ocean to South America.
Thus, human beings can perhaps imagine that such cities existed 7,000, 10,000 or even more years ago in the past and were buried under vast amounts of sand and may sooner or later be found by archaeologists etc.
Unfortunately, such beings from the vastness of the matter belt also brought various bacteria and viruses to Earth, which since then have been spreading worldwide from time to time and even causing health havoc.
But this does not mean that FIGU must henceforth concern itself with prehistory and I personally also do not feel called to devote myself to this field.
Besides, this is also not important and has nothing to do with the 'teaching of truth, teaching of Creation-energy, teaching of life', which I have to teach to the human beings of the Earth – at least to those who are willing to think, learn and live according to their own will and decision on the basis of reality and its truth.
此外,這也不重要,與「真相的教導,造物能量的教導,生命的教導」(teaching of truth, teaching of Creation-energy, teaching of life)無關,我必須向地球上的人類傳授這些知識 —— 至少是向那些願意按照自己的意願和決定在現實和真相的基礎上思考、學習和生活的人。
And the very distant descendants who are still … oh, what, as usual in the heat of the moment I completely strayed from what I had actually begun to talk about and explain.
還有那些非常遙遠的後裔,他們還在 ... 哦,說了些什麼,就像往常一樣,在激動的時候,我就會完全偏離了我實際上剛開始談論和解釋的內容。
However, I want to continue with this now, but I also want to mention that what I have said is the case with everything, because the 'scientists' simply assume something, which they then make into an opinion, which is finally presented as a fixed fact and asserted that it was or is like this and not otherwise.
So it is also with the creation of false theories and assumptions concerning the Earth, especially concerning its earlier and often changed appearance over millions of years.
The changes that have taken place over the last 20,000 to 30,000 years and that have altered the land masses, the mountains and deserts, as well as the oceans and the entire planet and all life, can only be pieced together by these 'wise men' of science.
在過去兩萬至三萬年間發生的變化,以及改變了陸地、山脈和沙漠,以及海洋和整個地球及所有生命的變化,只有這些科學的“智者” 才能零星拼湊出來。
They do this through findings in the Earth, in ice, water and rock, etc., by which the researchers then mean themselves greatly.
But the fact that they have helped in every way to destroy the entire ecosystem of the planet and continue to do so is never taken into consideration.
For a long time now, the Earthlings have also been in the process of destroying the entire ecosystems of the oceans, because it is still not understood that they have not only wiped out the Earth on the planet's surface and a great deal of natural life on it, but that they will now also destroy the bottom of the oceans and all life down there.
For quite some time now – almost a century now, as far as I know – they have been rooting around at the bottom of the seas, disturbing and destroying everything.
在相當長的一段時間裡 —— 據我所知,現在差不多有一個世紀了 —— 他們一直在向海洋探底、擾亂並破壞了那裡的一切。
Now, as far as I know, it is mainly about manganese nodules that are to be mined resp. robbed from the seabed.
現在,據我所知,這主要是關於要開採的錳結核(manganese nodules),也就是要從海底掠奪錳礦。
Over thousands of years, manganese nodules form around some kind of core, and the manganese then deposits various metals from the water and holds them within itself, and so on.
These nodules are to be industrially extracted from the seabed and processed in such a way that the already very scarce and increasingly expensive metals etc. can be extracted from them.
As Sfath already explained to me in the 1940s, the processing of the tubers etc. will involve the death of many human lives, because the extraction of the expensive raw materials from the manganese will bring great and dangerous problems.
But enough of that now, because I am supposed to talk about what I asked you, because as you said, I am supposed to do it, just the explaining regarding sadism etc., because you do not want to talk about it or something:
Sadism is a pathological state of consciousness, which as an actual factor is directed towards painful psychological and physical torture of a fellow human being, animal or any other life-form, whereby in every case a victim is always the one who suffers.
In particular, sadism in sex is a sensation that gives sexual pleasure to the sadistic human being – male or female – through a torture of pain of the female or male sexual partner.
特別是,性虐待狂是一種感覺,透過對女性或男性性夥伴的痛苦折磨,而使虐待狂的人 —— 男性或女性 —— 帶來性快感。
Sadism is basically a pathological disorder of consciousness – but not a personality disorder, as 'experts' claim – whereby the human being violates the physical or psychological integrity of another human being or another life-form of any species or kind by inflicting pain on it.
虐待狂基本上是一種病態的意識障礙 —— 但不是像“專家”所說的人格障礙 —— 人類通過對另一個人或任何物種或種類的另一個生命體施加痛苦來侵犯其身體或心理完整性。
If sadism is pronounced in human beings, they experience a high level of sensual pleasure through it, which they act out during sex, for example, where inflicting pain on their sex partner gives them a high level of pleasure.
However, sadism in humans does not necessarily have to be the self-inflicted torture of a victim, but humans also find their sadistic satisfaction and pleasure etc. by observing some kind of agonising suffering in other human beings or in animals, creatures or other life-forms, and thus somehow experience and also feel the suffering or pain in this way.
Sadism is a pathological emergence resp. a disorder of consciousness, which begins and develops in the early years of human beings, whereby on the one hand external education and self-education, as well as contact and the environment etc. play a decisive role.
This is equally the case with every developing degeneration, which is based on the fact that it develops into an addictive disease – as is also caused by drugs of all kinds, for example – which cannot be controlled and therefore cannot be mastered.
每一種發展中的墮落也同樣如此,它的基礎是發展成一種成癮性疾病 —— 就像各種毒品一樣 —— 無法控制,因此無法掌握。
Sadism evokes a feeling of pleasure and joy etc. in human beings when they can inflict psychological as well as massive physical pain on another human being, animal, animal or other living being or simply observe it.
Although this is an absolute NATURALITY, it nevertheless corresponds to an unnaturalness and degeneracy, namely as a result of an erroneous and confused fantasy and a disease arising from it, which is therefore to be judged and understood as NATURAL from the point of view of the emergence, because the emergence of a disease corresponds to a natural process of development.
… … …
[中譯者註:以上數段是Billy 解釋有關虐待狂和受虐狂的一些成因與現象,因無關宏旨,為爭取時間暫緩中譯,待以後再作補充,敬請見諒!]
Sodomy resp. zoophilia is equally a disorder of consciousness that arises in the same way as any other form of self-provoked degeneracy.
居斯塔夫·莫羅(Gustave Moreau)所繪的《歐羅巴與宙斯》
(Europa and the Bull), c. 1869年(圖片資料來自:《維基百科》)
Engaging in sexual activity with animals, e.g. dogs, sheep or goats or other animals, is not as rare as human beings may think, but it is simply not noticed because the human being is in and of itself very inattentive.
There are different forms of sodomy, which are practised by women, but also by men.
Sodomy is based on a disorder of consciousness, namely on the so-called sexual preference resp. perversion.
In the case of sexual acts – or if I want to say sexual intercourse – with animals, these are more widespread than human beings – if at all – imagine.
在與動物發生性行為 —— 或者如果我想說性交 —— 的情況下,這些比人類 —— 如果有的話 —— 想像的更廣泛。
And if it is to be said how the practices of sodomy are carried out with animals, then it certainly does not need to be explained, either in relation to sodomy-oriented women or men.
If the history of sodomy is traced, it already goes back to the beginnings of earthly humanity, as women and men were already using the practice of sexual acts with animals, which effectively was not only commonplace, but often ended in murder and manslaughter when an animal was unauthorisedly 'used' by someone other than the owner himself.
In the time when civilisations and religions came, the sexual practices of sodomy were no longer practised in such a way that fellow human beings could witness the goings-on, as it was in early times, because suddenly everything was considered abnormal, whereby sodomy was even used by Christianity to blaspheme all sexual practices of human beings as sodomy, which did not exclusively 'serve' to produce offspring.
Criminal prosecution and execution of human beings was even ordered – especially in the Middle Ages and early modern times – if it became known that a human being practised sodomy.
Thus, women who allowed themselves to be sexually satisfied by their dogs, sheep or goats and men who engaged in anal intercourse with all kinds of animals were summarily executed, although this was very rarely recorded and handed down in 'court records'.
In the Middle Ages, the concept of sodomy was established, whereby 'unnatural' sexual practices were listed, such as mainly the form of sexual satisfaction with dogs, but also the anal intercourse of men with animals of various species and types.
So also homosexuality of men and lesbianism of women were cursed as sodomy and punished with death, and called the 'silent sin', or the 'sin without a name', as well as 'that terrible sin which must not be called among Christians', and so on.
The most common insult, however, was 'vice against nature'.
The word sodomy was changed after the word 'Sodom', as it applies in the book of lies in the Bible – book of lies according to the alleged Jesus Christ – with regard to the city of Sodom, whose inhabitants are said to have formed the 'Sodom of sin', so to speak, which was in reality destroyed by a meteorite, from which the story was then made that 'God' had destroyed it by fire and brimstone.
雞奸這個詞被改成了「所多瑪」(Sodom),因為它適用於《聖經》中的謊言書 —— 根據所謂的耶穌基督的謊言書 —— 關於所多瑪城,其居民據說形成了「罪惡的所多瑪」,可以說,它實際上被一顆隕石摧毀了,然後從這顆隕石中編造出“上帝”用火和硫磺摧毀它。
所多瑪與蛾摩拉的毀滅, John Martin, 1852年(圖片資料來自:《維基百科》)
With this I have actually said and explained everything that I consider necessary.
But what I do want to say, which is unfortunately often misunderstood, is the word 'simple', which I often use and which actually has the sense of 'natural' for me when I explain something.
So something is 'simple' or just 'natural'.
40. I know that.
41. But the good thing is that you have explained everything better than if I had done that.
42. How it is for you, I am afraid I do not know.
You should not hide your light under a bushel.
But it is incomprehensible to me that this subject is not taught in schools, since it is something that actually belongs to general knowledge.
But enough of that, perhaps we should say a few things about the foreigners, because it is probably correct for me to call up this conversation and write it down so that it is accessible to all who are interested.
但說到這裡,也許我們應該說說關於「外星人」(the foreigners)的一些事情,因為我把這段對話接收並寫下來,讓所有感興趣的人都能看到,這也許是正確的。
When I think that all the UFOs that are being sighted around the world, as well as the foreign b… … …
當我想到世界上所有被看到的UFO,以及外星的 ... ...
43. What you are saying, though, that's supposed to …
但你所說的,那應該是 ...
… that I know, and I will also just dot it.
... 我知道,我也會把它以點(…)表示。
44. Good. – We are absolutely careful – as all our ancestors were, and have been since they came into this universe – that we cannot be observed or located under any circumstances, consequently we have not allowed ourselves to be seen or photographed by FIGU members for a long time, as we used to do.
很好。 我們要絕對小心 —— 就像我們所有的祖先一樣,自從他們來到這個宇宙後就一直如此 —— 我們在任何情況下都不能被觀察到或被鎖定位置,因此我們已經很久沒有像以前那樣,讓FIGU成員看到或拍照了。
45. It has become too dangerous for us in this respect.
46. Our presence has to remain undetectable, because our directives have recently been updated, because certain foresights concerning the future of earthly humanity and the foreigners are very unpleasant and require a stricter observance of our instructions concerning our activity on Earth.
47. The extension of our directives henceforth prohibits any possibility of observation or contact by technical tracking of our flying apparatus, nor by any sighting by Earth-humans.
48. And the present … whom we call 'the foreigners' because ….
而現在 ... 我們稱他們為「外星人」,因為....。
… Excuse me, but I think you meant to say just now that … shall not be called what is really behind them.
... 對不起,但我想你剛才的意思是說 ... 不應該說出他們背後真正的原因。
49. You say it, consequently I do not have to elaborate on what I actually wanted to say.
What has been said is also enough, but that you make an effort of observation concerning the foreigners, that may be said, may it not?
50. Yes, it does not necessarily have to be kept quiet, especially since you are now …
是的,不一定要保密,尤其是你現在 ....
… could let the cat out of the bag.
... 可以把秘密說出來了。
51. Yes, something like that.
52. For us, it is important that we fathom the activities of the foreigners very carefully inside and out.
53. Apart from the knowledge gained from this, we also know that we have to keep to what we have always maintained, namely that we remain unrecognised, both in relation to Earth's humanity and in relation to the foreigners, whose technology is very far behind ours, but whom they would inevitably want to get hold of if they could come into contact with us.
54. We know very well their aspirations and are able to anticipate what would result from contact with them.
55. In another respect, we are fully aware that all observations of Earth-humans regarding the flying objects of the foreigners are consistently denied, concealed, commented on with flimsy lies or judged as ridiculous by the responsible offices etc. of the military, pilots and private individuals.
56. This is despite the fact that the observations are real and correspond to reality, as some of these sightings can also be documented on film or photographically.
57. There are also scientists etc. who are involved in ridiculing such effective sightings or falsely explaining them as natural phenomena, which in reality are not.
58. And this happens in all states of the Earth, also in your homeland, Switzerland, because …
這種情況發生在地球的各個國家,也發生在你的家鄉瑞士,因為 ...
…. You are not telling me anything new, because it is not just me who knows this, because all of us at the Centre, as well as FIGUans from outside, as well as certain witnesses from Schmidrüti, can tell you a thing or two about it.
.... 你沒有告訴我任何新情況,因為我不是唯一知道這些的人,因為我們所有在中心的人,以及來自外面的FIGU人,還有來自Schmidrüti的某些證人都可以告訴你一兩件事。
The fact that the centre and its surroundings are being monitored is already known around the world, and that they are even spying around here with drones and photographing everything from above, and even by people from foreign countries, we also know that.
59. This is not only due to a curious interest, but is also often due to fear… For this reason, a culture of fear of extraterrestrials has also been deliberately created from above, and this fear has spread among state leaders.
不僅是由於好奇,而恐懼也往往是原因,也就是 ... 由於這個原因,一種對外星人的恐懼文化也是由當局故意製造出來的,這在國家領導層中已經蔓延開來。
60. That is why everything is concealed by the responsible agencies and state leaders etc., especially by those of the USA secret government who …
這就是為什麼一切都被負責的機構和國家領導人等掩蓋了,特別是美國秘密政府中的那些人,他們 …
I am also aware of that, and …
我也意識到了這一點,並且 ...
61. But what you are not supposed to call openly, as well as some other statements not, like …
但你不該公開呼籲什麼,以及其他一些不應該的陳述,比如 ...
I will just put my dots there again.
But that is enough of what we have talked about, that really does not need to be continued.
On the contrary, I have something that seems more important to me and that I want to bring up.
If you want to listen, if I read it out briefly?
62. Of course.
This letter here, read it please.
63. … To this I can only explain that we Plejaren really have no interest whatsoever in interfering in any earthly matters, neither in political nor in private affairs.
... 我只能解釋說,我們Plejaren真的沒有任何興趣干涉任何地球上的事情,無論是政治還是私人事務。
64. Nor do we influence any Earth-humans, nor do we make any attacks on Earth-humans, nor on military or technical matters.
I know that, just as I know that there is no karma, but that this is absolute nonsense and a religious assertion that is not true, because there is no rebirth that would bring such things with it, because a completely new personality is born that has no relevance to the last resp. previous one before the human being just died.
But now please listen to what I have written for the human beings of the Earth:
1. Remain independent at all times, and be self-aware; think for yourself, independently, and do not let others think for you, if you are never a believer and ever will be.
2. Trust only yourself, and also only if you think correctly and are able to make correct decisions, which will bring you success, but never disadvantage.
3. Never rely on what other people say, but consider and check everything for its reality and truth, and only then, when you have recognised the correctness of what you have been told or advised as truth, use what you have been told or advised for your benefit, as well as for your knowledge and advantage.
4. Do not look at what other people are and do, but always strive to think for yourself and to decide and do what is best in order to recognise what is correct.
5. Whatever you do, do it with modesty, decency, honour and dignity, as well as with understanding and reason.
6. Always be for yourself alone in thought, decision and action, and never indulge in arrogance, megalomania and haughtiness, as well as dishonesty, arrogance, recklessness, conceit, lying, heedlessness, vulnerability and deceit etc.
7. Never believe in a higher power above you, not in an imaginary god, gods or any other power, because you yourself are the power, energy and strength above yourself, therefore it is you yourself who leads and manages your own life.
8. Know about yourself, about your own energy and power; know about your abilities and your skills, and use everything at all times in a correct and inviolable way.
9. Do not believe in human beings, but know about reality and its truth, and use this alone to do what is right, to lead your life, and also to act with honour and dignity.
10. Know for yourself the formation of your life, existence and well-being, and know only your actions in reality and truth, and recognise for yourself the reality and its power, as well as the knowledge of the truth of life, far from any belief in a god or human beings.
11. Cultivate your own life, your own thoughts, your own way of life, your own ability, your own logic and your own understanding, as well as your own reason, in order to evaluate and decide everything, your actions, your success in life, as well as your true peace, tranquillity and righteousness, but also your true love, your well-being towards all living things and towards effective reality, and create your own effective true knowledge in incontrovertible truth.
12. What belongs especially to true humanity is the good and valuable, but never the negative and evil, all of which is to be controlled, tamed and conquered. Consider everything always correct, for it is for your own good. Above all, guard yourself against all unworthiness, which is to be conquered and conquered as unworthiness, such as the following bad degenerations: Being abstemious, being affected, being aggressive, being ambivalent, being arbitrary, being nailed down, being unsocial, being presumptuous, being malicious, being suspicious, being arrogant, being pushy, being pompous, being pompous, being bigoted, being choleric, being spiteful, being demagogic, being despotic, being dogmatic, being dominant, being brazen, being selfish, being egomaniacal, Being self-centred, jealous, high-handed, simple-minded, mendacious, hypocritical, conceited, one-sided, conceited, elitist, disgusting, arrogant, mean, frustrated, stubborn, impatient, irascible, nasty, slovenly, craving for favours, gracious, merciful, pompous, pompous, Being arrogant, being insidious, being condescending, being aloof, being boring, being snobbish, being ignorant, being spiteful, being a rabble-rouser, being hysterical, being devious, being cunning, being arrogant, being hopeless, being resigned, being rascally, being infamous, being scheming, being petty, being complicated, being boring, being lethargic, being malicious, being manipulative, being despondent, being naive, being narcissistic, being neurotic, being superficial, being ostentatious, being pedantic, being phlegmatic, being reserved, rejecting advice, being inconsiderate, being self-satisfied, being self-righteous, being self-addicted, being in love with oneself, being unscrupulous, being inflexible, being devious, and so on.
真正的人性是善良和有價值的,而不是消極的和邪惡的,所有這些都是可以控制、馴服和征服的。始終正確考慮一切,因為這是為你自己好。最重要的是,要防範自己不受一切不值得的東西影響,這些東西必須被征服和克服,比如以下的不良墮落行為:狡猾(德語:Abgefeimtsein)、易受影響(being affected)、好鬥、矛盾、武斷、固執(being nailed down)、不合群、放肆、惡毒、多疑、趾高氣揚(being arrogant)、咄咄逼人、華而不實、偏執、易怒、惡意、蠱惑人心、專橫、暴虐(being despotic)、霸道、厚臉皮、自私自利、自大、以自我為中心、嫉妒、高壓(high-handed)、頭腦簡單(simple-minded)、狡詐、虛偽、自負、片面(one-sided)、精英主義(elitist)、噁心、傲慢、卑鄙、沮喪、頑固、固執、不耐煩、暴躁、下流、邋遢、渴望得到好處(craving for favours)、安逸(gracious)、厚顏無恥(德語:Grosskotzigsein)、自以為是(pompous)、陰險(being insidious)、居高臨下(being condescending)、冷漠、無聊、勢利、無知、唾棄(being spiteful)、烏合之眾(being a rabble-rouser)、歇斯底里、狡猾、無望(being hopeless)、不可救藥、無賴、臭名昭著、詭計多端、小氣、複雜(being complicated)、無聊(being boring)、慵懶、惡毒、被操縱(being manipulative)、沮喪、天真(being naive)、自戀、神經質、膚淺、浮誇、迂腐、冷漠(being phlegmatic)、拘謹(being reserved)、拒絕建議(rejecting advice)、不體貼、自我滿足(being self-satisfied)、偽善(being self-righteous)、自我沉迷、自戀、不擇手段、不靈活(being inflexible)、狡詐(being devious)等等。
So this is what I thought should be written down, what actually results from the 'Teaching of Truth, Teaching of Creation-energy, Teaching of Life' and is very important for human beings.
However, it should not simply be perceived and taken note of, read and 'believed', but consciously, clearly and effectively thought about and reflected upon, so that reality and its truth can be recognised, understood and everything that is right can also be implemented and comprehended according to reality.
This, however, requires clear and conscious self-thinking, which is absolutely free from any form of influence, and consequently must also not simply be taken at face value what I teach.
If, however, what I teach were simply accepted as reality and its truth and thought, decided and acted upon, then the whole thing would only amount to a belief.
But this is not to be, consequently only a conscious and clear self-thinking and the effective reality and its truth brings what is to be indisputable, namely the recognition and knowledge, which are related to the absolute reality.
The following is what we had as a private conversation after our last contact.
I have put it into writing and compiled it for the last December Special Time Sign, which I now want to read to you:
我把它寫成了文字,編入了去年12月的《特別時間標記》(Special Time Sign),現在我想把它讀給你聽聽:
What the Truth is!
Billy, According to Ptaah's Explanations:
Very few human beings in Switzerland who die suddenly at home or in hospital after a covid vaccination are autopsied, because the cause of sudden death is rarely considered.
In autopsied human beings in Europe, renowned pathologists suspect that the Covid vaccination caused the death.
In deceased people, pathologists found inflammation of the heart muscle during microscopic examinations, and these changes in the heart looked very similar in the corpses.
在死者身上,病理學家在顯微鏡檢查中發現了心肌的炎症(inflammation of the heart muscle;又稱Myocarditis,也就是心肌炎),而且這些心臟的變化在屍體上看起來非常相似。
In several deceased, the pathologists consider mRNA vaccination to be the probable cause of the heart muscle inflammation and the death that resulted.
Vaccination was deemed to be the cause of death in these cases because heart muscle inflammation sometimes causes unexpected, fatal disturbances in the heart rhythm.
After vaccination, those vaccinated usually die within a week, so vaccine damage is very likely.
In many cases, persons die on the day of their 1st Covid vaccination or the day after.
The time between vaccination and unexpected death may be as long as 20 days. Severe side effects caused by mRNA vaccination may well occur, but they usually did not appear until after the 20th day.
Ptaah explained that it was not only very likely, but absolutely certain that such inflammatory foci could form in the heart muscle so quickly after an initial vaccination.
Earthly medicine is still very far behind in this respect to be able to recognise this.
In addition to the inflammations in the heart muscle, there are also often inflammation foci at the vaccination site, whereby these inflammations are amazingly similar to those in the heart muscle.
Young and middle-aged human beings in particular very rarely get heart muscle inflammation, but the opposite can happen with the 1st vaccination.
Severe vaccine side effects and deaths are also possible when several other viruses and other pathogens are fought with vaccinations, which can also typically cause heart muscle inflammation, even with herpes viruses.
So there are other and also rarer types of pathogens, as well as drug side effects that can be dangerous to health or fatal.
Inflammation of the vascular walls also contributes significantly to the course of an acute brain inflammation, because in the brain, destruction of the brain cells occurs in various places, and this is because it is exactly there that accumulations of spike protein occur, which originate from the vaccination on the upper arm.
血管壁的炎症也極大地促進了急性腦炎的進程,因為在大腦中,腦細胞的破壞發生在不同的地方,這是因為正是在那裡發生了刺突蛋白(spike protein)的積累,而這些刺突蛋白來源於上臂的疫苗接種。
Also in the case of a mild inflammation of the heart muscle, the spike protein also forms in the inflamed areas of the heart, precisely where the blood vessels are inflamed.
This means that the spike protein contributes to the damage.
However, it would be very important for earthlings to know this, and this is because:
1. Those human beings who want to be vaccinated can only make a decision based on information that corresponds only to assumptions and is not based on real knowledge.
2. Human beings do not know how their immune system reacts to vaccinations, whether dangerously, defensively or benignly and effectively.
3. Human beings do not know whether vaccination will be a good or bad thing in relation to their age, sex and state of health.
4. The human beings do not know and experience whether severe vaccination side effects or even death may occur in them.
Heart muscle damage is well over 1,000 times more likely to occur after mRNA vaccination, as evidenced by the fact that troponin levels increase in the blood after vaccination.
Troponin is a protein in the heart muscle that usually indicates damage, whereby women are much more frequently affected by an increase in troponin than men, so the gender difference also plays a certain role.
Normally, elevated troponin levels fall back into the normal range within 24 hours, but this is not always the case.
The heart muscle damage, even if it is mild and temporary, still has to take into account the effect of the risk-benefit ratio, especially for younger human beings, but this is not easy to judge on the basis of the respective data.
The heart muscle cannot regenerate, or at best only minimally, but this is different from case to case.
Therefore, it is possible that any vaccination, of whatever kind, may result in mild or severe damage.
In any case, it is advisable not to exercise until days after the vaccination, so as not to put additional strain on the heart muscle.
What do you say?
65. There is nothing about this that is not contrary to the facts of reality.
66. But for my part I will add that you should not be deceived.
67. To the foolishness of ending the wearing of respirators, as will be unreasonably proclaimed in Germany in just a few hours, just as all protective measures are to be suspended.
68. It is still too early for this measure, because still …
現在採取這種措施還為時過早,因為仍然 ...
… the epidemic is not so well controlled that all caution can be dispensed with, I think that is what you are saying.
... 疫情還沒有得到很好的控制,所以不可以免除一切謹慎的措施,我想這就是你的意思。
So there is nothing wrong with what I have written?
69. No. – But you are correct in what I meant to say.
Then I have a request, namely if you could talk straight about Pope Pius XII, if you could explain what role he actually played in the last world war.
那麼我有一個請求,那就是是否你能直接談論教皇庇護十二世(Pius XII),是否你能解釋他在上次世界大戰中究竟扮演了什麼角色。
You said that this Pope was a fanatical right-wing extremist and NAZI beyond compare, but that you still had to clarify a few things.
70. What you say is correct, but in the context of the papacy, it is worth mentioning that the previous pope, Ratzinger, who preceded the current pope and called himself Benedict XVI, will leave the world shortly, on the 31st of December 2022.
你所說的是正確的,但關於教皇職位,需要提及的是,在現任教皇之前自稱本篤十六世(Benedict XVI)的前任教皇拉辛格(Ratzinger)不久將離開世界,就是2022年12月31日。
71. It is to be said, however, that from 1939 to 1958 the Vatican was led by Pope Pius XII, who was a fanatical right-wing extremist, an effective NAZI and Jew-hater, who was also in complete agreement with the murderous machinations of Adolf Hitler.
然而,應該說,從1939年到1958年,梵蒂岡是由教皇庇護十二世領導的,他是一個狂熱的右翼極端分子,實際上就是一個納粹分子和猶太人仇恨者,他也完全同意阿道夫.希特勒(Adolf Hitler)的殺人陰謀。
72. The Pope was Italian and was actually called Eugenio Maria Giuseppe Giovanni Pacelli.
教皇是義大利人,他的真名是恩仁.瑪利亞.若瑟.若望.派契利(Eugenio Maria Giuseppe Giovanni Pacelli)。
73. He was a dithyrambic (note exuberant, enthusiastic; but secret) supporter of the extermination of Jews during the NAZI World War.
74. So Pius XII not only collaborated with the Nazis, but as a fanatical Jew-hater, he was also secretly a planned collaborator in the extermination of the Jews.
75. He also secretly planned the extermination of the Jews by the NAZIs, which he had been striving to do with the NAZIs even before he took office as Pope, but he refrained from publicly speaking out in favour of it, consequently he also never publicly criticised the NAZI regime.
76. Contrary to his hatred of Jews, he 'protected' Jews from persecution in Rome for appearances' sake, but only because he was recognised and suspected of being a Jew-hater by various people.
77. What role he really played he knew how to cover up with fictitious and diffuse letters, consequently the real truth will probably never come to light and he may one day be unjustly rehabilitated.
78. The Roman Catholic Church, however, will do everything lying and deceitful to make the farce come true one day that Pope Pius XII will be beatified, although he secretly did everything to make the Holocaust a reality.
79. But the evil, the bad and the degenerate applies in its entirety in this and that form to almost all popes, especially with regard to the abuse of women – which also applied to Pope Pius XII – who ever resided in Rome, for only very few exceptions could be mentioned, among others a woman who gained admission to high office in the Vatican.
但是,邪惡、惡劣和墮落以各種形式完全適用於幾乎所有的教皇,特別是在虐待婦女方面 —— 教皇庇護十二世也是如此 —— 他們曾經居住在羅馬,因為只有極少數的例外可以提及,其中有一位婦女贏得了梵蒂岡的高級職位。
Popes, too, are only human beings, after all, with other lechers in high office and lower ranks in the Vatican, as well as 'salvationists' in service, probably being the order of the day.
It would be a miracle if it were not so, for sexual abstinence or only manual labour is certainly not the order of the day even among the 'holy guard' of the Catholic Church.
80. I guess any further words are superfluous.
I suppose it is, but what has been said should just be said.
81. I guess that is correct.
82. But it is now time for us to move on to the things we have to discuss with each other privately, because I have a few things I want to talk to you about.
As you wish.
Well then …
83. Then I want to start with … … …
那麼我想從 … … … 開始。
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