Contact Report 874/第874次接觸報告
最初英譯:2024年01月09日,星期二,DeepL Translator
改進版本:N/A,Joseph Darmanin
中譯版本:2024年01月14日,星期日,DeepL Translator, ChatGPT, James Hsu
This is the entire contact report. It is an authorised but unofficial DeepL preliminary English translation and most probably contains errors. Please note that all errors and mistakes etc. will continuously be corrected, depending on the available time of the involved persons (as contracted with Billy/FIGU). Therefore, do not copy-paste and publish this version elsewhere, because any improvement and correction will occur HERE in this version!
Welcome and greetings my friend. I am glad to see you back, Ptaah. I actually thought you were coming, but not so soon. I was also expecting Quetzal. He has not been here for days.
Thank you, Eduard, my friend. Bermunda and Florena are also coming here. I am also pleased to see you well and – ah, here they are.
Welcome and greetings to you both. It has been a long time since you have been here, and I am really pleased to welcome you both back.
It is the same on my part, greetings, dear father-friend.
I am also very pleased to see you again. But greetings also to you, and I am really glad and pleased to be able to greet you again.
Thank you – it is also the same on my part. You, Bermunda and Florena, are welcome and greeted. I assume you will be staying here again and looking after the station?
Yes, that is so, so we may see each other again more often.
That is really the case, and it is not just the 2 of us looking after the ward, but together with Quetzal, because he is staying here too. Florena and I, however, will be leaving soon, because we only came here to say hello to you. But we will come back in a few hours and be here again, but only in a very private wise, so you will not have to call up our conversation and write it down. We will keep it the way you kept it with Quetzal, as he explained to us and as it was also before we left.
Of course. – But as time goes by, I was just imagining life like some kind of unstoppable clock and pondering something to myself when I woke up and answered the call to come to the office. If life is viewed like a clock, then seconds follow seconds, endlessly and evenly ticking by without being interrupted in their course. Nothing I also do can prevent this, because each second simply runs down one after the other, whether I want it to or not, and so I could only stop the clock and thus the running seconds if I were to destroy the clock. But that is not possible, because the clock is existence itself, the life of all things, which also includes all human beings and therefore also me. And when I woke up so early again today, it was as usual that my thoughts ran through the fact that there will also be a lot to do today and many and even hundreds of things to do, but that I have to do them one by one, second by second, as they run down on the imaginary clock that I have imagined. But then one day the second will run out that will bring the end of material life to my body, whereby consequently the Creational life energy will escape from it in order to revive a new personality at some point in the future, which will again live a life second by second, as these are given by the imaginary clock of all existence and life.
Your words – – –
They are just early thoughts that cannot be stopped. But where is he now, I mean, where is Quetzal?
[中譯者註:看到這裡,可以感受到Billy心中那一絲絲“歲月匆匆催人老”的惆悵… 祈福他老人家(及將要年過87歲了)一切平安!]
He is still busy reporting to the committee, to whom he is beholden regarding what he has to observe here on Earth, which will be noted by the committee, processed and made available on Erra to the entire population in an informative manner.
I know that. Then he is not currently on Earth?
That is so, but he will be back here in 3 or 4 days.
The Knülch did not tell me anything about it, but that is also not so important. But here is something from Achim that I think is good and I want to read it to you. So listen, please:
Guidelines for the Year 2024 and the Future
1. Keep learning for your own evolution towards the true human being, as a part of humanity, nature, the universe, the Creation universal consciousness and all 7 ABSOLUTUM forms up to the highest, the BEING Absolute.
作為人類、自然、宇宙、造化和所有七種「絕對空間」(ABSOLUTUM)形式的一部分,直至最高的「生命體絕對空間」(BEING Absolute),不斷學習,向真正的人類進化。
2. Practising neutrality in all things, no matter what happens in the world, also towards one's own self.
3. Always be aware of the values of true humanity and create them within oneself through the power and might of thought resp. consciousness, which are love, peace, freedom, harmony, joy, knowledge, wisdom and happiness.
4. Start practising Creation-energy teaching with yourself and in your own immediate environment, because every human being is always a role model for themselves and others, whether negative or positive. Through his free will, he always has the choice to decide in favour of evil or in favour of good, if he is truly free within himself.
從自己做起,從身邊的環境做起,實踐「造物能量教導」(Creation-energy teaching),因為每個人都是自己和他人的榜樣,無論是在負面還是正面。如果每個人的內心都是真正自由的,那麼通過自由意志,他總是可以選擇作惡或行善。
5. Never adhere to a belief of any kind, but always question oneself and the inside and outside and look at things neutrally and objectively in order to recognise reality and its truth clearly and with understanding and reason.
6. By listening to beautiful, harmonious music, the psyche and consciousness are moulded into something balanced, happy, good and cheerful, because music is a mighty, positive force when it touches human beings at their core with its melodious sound, allowing them to find balance, calm, love and peace.
7. If something is expected from fellow human beings, then remember that every expectation is an impulse from one's own inner being, which demands that exactly what is expected from other human beings be created and given to oneself and one's fellow human beings. For example, if you expect and hope to be loved, then self-love should be created first and, as a result, love for other human beings. Then love will also be received with absolute certainty.
8. Always be aware of one's own power, which is given to consciousness through the power of the creation-energetic, subtle life energy that animates every human being. No one but oneself can use this power to do good to oneself and the whole environment, only each human being alone.
要時刻意識到自己的力量,這種力量是透過「造物能量」(creation-energetic)、「微妙的生命能量」(subtle life energy)賦予意識的,它使每個人都充滿活力。每個人只有自己才能利用這種力量為自己和整個環境造福。
9. Use the time to focus on constructive, useful and evolutionary things and avoid everything negative, harmful and destructive as far as possible or merely take note of it neutrally. After all, our lifetime is limited and should be used as good, useful and profitable as possible for our own evolution.
10. Be aware of your own transience as a human being and personality as well as the transience and transformation of all things and meditate on this. Recognise that true values of consciousness are never lost, because all knowledge, wisdom and love acquired remains in the overall consciousness block, in the Creation-energy form and in the memory banks and benefits the subsequent personalities of one's own Creation-energy form lineage.
意識到自己作為人類和此生的短暫性,以及一切事物的有限性和變化,並對此進行冥想。認識到意識的真正價值永遠不會消失,因為所有通過知識、智慧和愛所努力獲得的東西都將被保存在「整體意識區塊」(overall consciousness block)、造物能量形式和記憶庫中,並惠及自己造物能量形式系列中的後續人格。
11. To be as permanently aware as possible of the true, innermost essence of one's own life, which outlasts all time because it is subtle and therefore imperishable and for which human beings originally and ultimately exist: The creational energy, love, wisdom and power that evolves ever higher to one day become one with the Creation itself.
12. Nourish and nurture your own self and consciousness permanently and consciously with constructive, uplifting thoughts, feelings, affirmations and meditations and not allow it to atrophy through illusory thinking or non-thinking. The psyche and consciousness need nourishment and care through good thoughts and feelings throughout life.
13. Be grateful that you are allowed to live, learn and evolve because the Creation-energy, as the innermost being, supplies all life and existence as well as your own self with life energy and thus makes it possible to strive for something higher, for the light of knowledge, wisdom and true love.
14. To be aware that one is in truth interwoven with all that exists, all life and all human beings in the universe and in the Creation, for everything was created from the one primordial source, the CREATION, and is interconnected in all spaces and times and beyond in the spacelessness and timelessness of BEING.
意識到自己實際上與宇宙和造物中的一切存在、所有生命和所有人都交織在一起,因為萬物都是從唯一的根源 —— 「造化」中創造出來的,並在所有空間和時間以及超越空間和時間的存在中彼此相連。
These are really remarkably good words that Achim wrote at the beginning of the year for 2024. But who is Achim – is he your friend?
Achim is a FIGU member in Germany, and of course, like all of us FIGUans, he is connected around the world with each other, good and valuable in friendship.
That is gratifying, and not only your friendship around the world, but also Achim's words, which I consider very valuable.
I can agree with that.
Let us go now then. Florena and I will be back here sometime today. See you again.
Yes, goodbye, dear father-friend.
Then so be it – goodbye you two, and take care of yourselves. See you later then.
那就這樣吧 —— 再見了妳們兩位,照顧好自己。稍後見。
I suppose you are already waiting for the latest data?
That is right. What has happened in this respect? You must be talking about the Earth's population, right?
That is correct, because our calculations at midnight gave us a total of 9 billion, 446 million, 218 thousand, and 12.
Aha, then despite the many deaths regarding the Corona pandemic, over 100 million more human beings and the overpopulation has grown tremendously.
That is unfortunately the case, because Earth's humanity is not becoming more intelligent, but …
… just, unfortunately, that is the case. The almost 18 million people who have died as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, mainly from the vaccine poisons that have made the vaccine manufacturers rich, will not reduce overpopulation.
... 確實,很遺憾。因冠狀病毒疫情造成的近1,800萬人死亡,主要是疫苗毒素造成的,疫苗製造商因此發了大財,但這並沒有減少人口過剩。
That number is no longer true because our records at midnight gave a number of 22 million, 341 thousand 203 persons who have died regarding the pandemic and the vaccines.
Aha, and how many were there regarding the vaccinations alone?
We have not ascertained that, but it is certainly a lot more than the rampantly spreading disease itself has claimed. What we found alternately was that one in 32 human beings died from the rampantly spreading disease itself, but this did not remain constant, as the records showed that one in 47 died, then it was one in 28, another time it was one in 74, then one in 39 and so on. Consequently, the observations could not be used to calculate the exact number of direct deaths from the epidemic, but it is clear that the majority of deaths were due to vaccination.
Aha, so that is the real bottom line.
Very unpleasant, but how particularly irresponsible, and all for the sake of profit for the pharmaceutical companies, who unscrupulously manufactured products, some of which were just counterfeits in the form of distilled water, but the others afterwards were untested and sometimes toxic chemicals. And when I talk about irresponsibility, I also want to explain that even today there is no effective and safe vaccine for the new coronavirus outbreak. It would take years of research before something really effective could be found.
When I think that it took around 100 years before a vaccine against malaria tropica was finally found, as reported in the news. But I have not heard or read anything about how it really works. The fact that I only caught malaria quartana in Africa, as diagnosed at the hospital in Bern, which, unlike malaria tropica, causes far fewer complications and does not lead to death, is something I can be grateful for, even if I also have to 'pay the price' for my life because there is no cure for it. But something else: you, Bermunda and Florena, were back from the DAL universe a little over a month ago, and as you told me at the end of November, you learnt all sorts of new things there. But what were you doing on Erra for so long that you, Bermunda and Florena only came back today?
當我想到,最終在新聞中報導的瘧疾疫苗花了大約一百年的時間才被發現。但我卻沒有聽說或讀到過任何關於它如何真正發揮作用的資訊。事實上,我在非洲只感染了伯恩醫院確診的三日瘧疾(malaria quartana),與熱帶瘧疾不同,它引起的併發症要少得多,而且不會導致死亡,這是我可以慶倖的事情,儘管我也必須為我的生命“付出代價”,因為目前還沒有治癒它的方法。還有一件事:一個多月前,你、Bermunda和Florena從DAL宇宙回來了,而且根據你在11月底告訴我的,你們在那裡學到了很多新東西。你們在Erra上做了這麼長時間的事情,以致你、Bermunda和Florena直到今天才回來?
It is not really my thing to ask, but I was just asked about it, and because I did not know, I promised I would ask you.
This is extraordinary for you, because you have never asked about it before. But good, I was only on Erra temporarily, because most of the time I was here on Earth and in our station. This was because I was given the task of observing the war events in Ukraine and the Middle East together with Quetzal. Quetzal was instructed by me to keep quiet about it, which is why he did not inform you. So, as I say repeatedly, it was my duty, together with Quetzal, to record the evil events of the war in Ukraine and the Middle East. What I personally have to comment on is that everything is happening in the same manner as I have observed in other similar events here in this world. Therefore, if I have to judge the war leader in Ukraine, my realisation is that this man …
… Zelensky is the guy's name.
... 這個傢夥叫澤倫斯基(Zelensky)。
Yes, I am aware of that. – He is …
… a stooge of world domination-addicted America, whose tool is also their murderous organisation NATO.
... 是沉迷於世界霸權美國的走狗,而美國的工具則是他們的殺人組織北約。
This is all knowingly familiar to me.
Good, and excuse me for interrupting you in explaining, but I thought we should name names. Besides …
好的,請原諒我打斷你的解釋,但我認為我們應該說出名字。此外 ...
… you were correct about that, also about this Zelensky being a tool of hegemonic America. But he is also a cunning actor who, through well thought-out lies, is able to win over many leaders of foreign states, who support him with arms supplies, ammunition and also financially with regard to warfare, whereby America is the real, how do you say …
... 你說得沒錯,這個澤倫斯基也是美國霸權主義的工具。但他也是一個狡猾的演員,通過精心設計的謊言,他能夠贏得許多外國領導人的支持,這些領導人為他提供武器、彈藥以及戰爭方面的資金支持,而美國才是真正的,怎麼說呢...
… mastermind. But with regard to the begging for arms deliveries to Zelensky, for which he is travelling around the world and has so far cheated around 50 countries resp. their rulers, so that weapons, ammunition and money are slipped to him so that he can fulfil his lust for war and America's insidious incitement and hegemonic mania can be pursued further, nobody knows yet that Russia is also secretly being supplied with war material from abroad and is using it in the war against Ukraine. But when this becomes known, which will be soon, so that I do not reveal something I should not, then I can talk about it. But when it becomes known that Russia is also buying war material from abroad and using it against Ukraine, it will make those who supply weapons etc. to Zelensky furious. It will be seen completely differently and handled differently in a biased manner, according to the illogical and unjust Earthling principle of "if two people do the same thing, then it is not the same thing". So Russia will be cursed and condemned for obtaining war material from abroad and using it in the war against Ukraine, while Ukraine, on the other hand, will be praised and also supplied with begged weapons, ammunition and money from abroad and will wage the war that came about through America's fault and which it keeps going through its insidiousness. So, however, the same and the same will be measured with double standards and so one will be favoured as good, but the other will be condemned as bad.
... 主謀。但關於澤連斯基為了武器供應而四處乞討的事情而言,他一直在全球周遊,到目前為止已經向約五十個國家,或者說他們的領導人乞討,希望他們提供武器、彈藥和金錢,以滿足他的戰爭慾望,繼續美國的卑劣挑撥和其霸權狂妄。目前還沒有人知道俄羅斯也在秘密地從國外獲得戰爭物資,並將其用於對烏克蘭的戰爭。但是,當人們知道這件事時(很快就會知道),為了先不洩露不該洩露的資訊,到時我才會談論這個問題。但是,當人們知道俄羅斯也從國外購買戰爭物資並將其用於對烏克蘭的戰爭時,那些向澤連斯基提供武器等的人就會非常憤怒。這將被看待為完全不同的情況,將被不公正地處理,那就是根據地球人不合邏輯和不公正的原則:“如果兩個不同的人做了相同的事情,那就會是不同的事情。”因此,俄羅斯將因從國外購買軍備並在對烏克蘭的戰爭中使用而受到詛咒和譴責,而另一方面,烏克蘭將受到讚揚,也將獲得從國外乞討來的武器、彈藥和金錢,並將發動這場因美國的過錯而產生的戰爭,而這場戰爭又因美國的陰謀而持續下去。因此,同樣的事情將被用雙重標準來衡量,因此一個將被視為正義而受到讚揚,而另一個將被視為邪惡而受到譴責。
This will be so in complete illogic and partiality when this becomes public knowledge, which will only be for a short time by then. But it will reveal the partisanship of those who …
當這件事被公開時,這將是完全不合邏輯和偏見的情況,這將在不久的將來發生。但這將暴露出那些 ...
… can neither think logically, nor have understanding and reason. But there is something else, namely, as I was told, that Zelensky is supposed to divert a lot of the money donated for the war and the Ukrainian population to his own private use and thus enrich himself. According to a reliable source – I do not know whether everything corresponds to the correctness, so I am only telling you what I have been told and I do not know what is really behind it – he bought a private yacht for several million dollars from donated war money and aid money for the population. That something is not quite 'busper' with him in this wise, that may be, but to what extent, I do not know and therefore also do not want anything …
... 既沒有邏輯思維,也沒有理解和理性。但還有一件事,那就是有人告訴我,澤連斯基要把為戰爭和烏克蘭人民捐獻的大量資金挪作他用,從而中飽私囊。根據一個可靠的消息來源 —— 我不知道一切是否正確,所以我只是告訴你我所聽到的,我不知道背後的真實情況 —— 他用捐贈給戰爭的錢和援助民眾的資金買了一艘價值幾百萬美元的私人遊艇。在這方面,他這樣做可能有些不妥,但不妥到什麼程度,我不知道,因此也不想知道 ...
… that would also not be correct. But the fact is, and I do not want to conceal this from you, that this Zelensky – as you say in each case – is a 'sophisticated' liar, cheat, thief and warmonger who, as you have been told, is financially benefiting from donations, but I cannot say anything more about this because I have absolutely no personal knowledge of it.
... 這是不對的。但事實是,我不想對你隱瞞的是,這個澤倫斯基 —— 正如你每次所說的那樣 —— 是一個“狡猾的”說謊者、騙子、小偷和戰爭販子,據說他從捐款中牟取經濟利益,正如有人告訴你的那樣,但我不能對此多說什麼,因為我本人對此完全不知情。
I was also told that in connection with the story etc., that he is said to have bought a yacht worth millions. But I cannot say anything more about that because I only know what I was told. As a result, I cannot vouch for whether it is true or false, but only for "I do not know".
That is also correct. But what I want to explain is that nothing is excusable about the war in Ukraine, and also that all parties involved are equally culpable for the war. It is not the people, but their leaders, for whom the people have to wage war. In Ukraine, the origin of the war is to be found in the leadership of America, which is the first cause of the war, namely in connection with NATO. This, while in the Middle East, religions have led the real and millennia-long feud to the current evil and murderous war enterprise. In this, unparalleled atrocities are occurring on both sides of the adversaries, and very badly in the Middle East, where the war leader Netanyahu, whom I can compare with Adolf Hitler and have thoroughly researched in his character and his whole essence of behaviour, is exercising the violence. It was frightening to realise that this man is a hate-filled war fanatic and killing maniac, filled with delusions of faith, who unrestrainedly incites his murderous troops to senseless killing. They not only follow him obediently, but are protected by him, even though they commit unimaginable atrocities, which are, however, covered up, as I have observed myself in several wise cases, where press reporters who observe incidents of atrocities are simply shot on sight. I have observed this on the Israeli side, but I have not seen such behaviour on the hostile Palestinian side. However, according to my findings, this does not mean that only the Israeli fighters commit atrocities and effective war crimes, which are also committed by the Palestinians. So in this respect, both sides of the belligerents are the same, as I call them bestial, because what I have observed corresponds to nothing else. I have observed women and young girls being raped and then killed, and prisoners being tortured and shot, as I also observed in the Ukraine war zone. However, as I was able to fathom Netanyahu's thoughts and actions – as I was able to do with Zelensky in Ukraine, Biden in America, Putin in Russia and other state leaders and was able to gain very frightening findings and insights from all of them – everything about his thoughts and actions is based solely on fanatical belief and boundless hatred. Also Scholz in Germany, of whom you said that you rate him as someone who does not have his own views and ideas, but instead talks to the wind.
這也是正確的。但我想要解釋的是,在烏克蘭戰爭方面沒有什麼是可原諒的,同樣,所有牽涉其中的當事方在戰爭中同樣有罪。這不是人民的問題,而是他們的領導人,為此人民必須進行戰爭。在烏克蘭,戰爭的起源可以追溯到美國的主導,這是戰爭的首要起因,與北約有關。與此同時,在中東,宗教將真正的千年宿怨引向了當前邪惡而兇殘的戰爭行動。在這場戰爭中,雙方都發生了難以置信的暴行,中東的情況非常糟糕,那裡的戰爭指揮官納坦雅胡(Netanyahu)進行了暴力行為,我可以將他與阿道夫.希特勒相提並論,並對他的性格和整個行為本質進行了深入研究。讓人感到震驚的是,這個人是一個充滿仇恨的戰爭狂熱分子和殺戮狂熱者,他充滿了信仰的妄想,並肆無忌憚地煽動他的殺人部隊進行毫無意義的殺戮。這些人不僅盲目順從他,而且受到他的保護,儘管他們犯下了匪夷所思的暴行,但這些暴行卻被掩蓋起來,我曾多次親眼目睹,觀察到暴行事件的新聞記者被當場擊斃。我在以色列方面看到過這種情況,但在敵對的巴勒斯坦方面卻沒有看到過這種行為。然而,根據我的觀察,這並不意味著只有以色列戰士會犯下暴行和實際的戰爭罪行,巴勒斯坦人也同樣會發生這種情況。因此,在這方面,交戰雙方都是一樣的,我稱之為獸性,因為我所觀察到的情況與此完全一致。我看到婦女和少女被強姦,然後被殺害,戰俘被折磨和槍殺,這也是我在烏克蘭戰區觀察到的情況。然而,我能夠成功洞悉納坦雅胡的想法和行動 —— 就像我能夠對烏克蘭的澤連斯基、美國的拜登、俄羅斯的普京和其他國家領導人都進行過的洞察一樣,並在所有這些人身上得到了令人驚悚的發現和認識 —— 他的一切想法和行動都完全基於狂熱的信仰和無限的仇恨。你提到德國的蕭茲(Scholz),我也對他進行了洞察,你說他沒有自己的觀點和想法,而是隨波逐流。
Yes, I said that, and that is also my view. My assessment of this man is that he is like a leaf that has fallen from a tree and is being blown to and fro by the wind, without being able to steer itself anywhere and just drifting with the wind. In my opinion, I see the man as simply accepting, representing and even implementing the views, ideas and opinions, etc. of those who are led to believe this and that by the partisan pseudo-rulers, who influence him in this respect and overcharge him. In other words, this is the opposite of the guy from Israel, Netanyahu, whom I regard as an evil, fanatical and merciless dictator and mass murderer, who is also so afflicted by a religious delusion of faith that makes him blindly rabid against people of other faiths.
Your assessments really get to the heart of these two men's character traits and behaviours, but how could it also be otherwise. When I analysed the attitudes of these two men, I found exactly what you have just said confirmed. With regard to Netanyahu, I recognised in him that he is so fanatical about the Palestinians' different beliefs that his striving is characterised by a delusion of extermination, killing, destruction and annihilation, which he wants to realise in such a wise that he ruthlessly wants to effectively exterminate the Palestinian people and thus have the Israeli army carry out a genocide. However, according to his profound mind, this should not only be limited to the Gaza Strip, but also be extended to Lebanon and Syria, and ultimately also be enforced in Jordan, whereby even in this wise for distant Iran, subterranean approaches to this could be found in his confused thinking.
He is also accused of genocide, but he denies it and does not think about all the murder etc., as I am sure the Israeli military and all around the Palestinians resp. Hamas do not either. Something that is also the case in the Ukraine with Zelensky and in Russia with Putin and the Huthi rebels, as well as with Kim Jong Un in North Korea, who has South Korea and America on his 'crossbar' and is intent on 'razing them to the ground', as you said months ago when you fathomed his thoughts and desires in his skull. They are all the same, so there is no difference between one and the other, which is why neither the one nor the other can be sided with favour and said to be in the right. They are all guilty of murder and manslaughter, torture, rape, massacres and destruction etc. And all this is and remains inexcusable and an unparalleled crime, and this may be said without taking sides, simply according to the effective reality, which is nothing but the truth, concealed from the world public and falsified and concealed by lies and fraudulent reports. And when you Plejaren and I denounce these things and openly state what is really happening and how, we are not taking sides, but simply stating the facts that correspond to the facts.
他還被指控犯有種族滅絕罪,但他矢口否認,對於整個謀殺等行為並不放在心上,就像以色列的軍方和巴勒斯坦人或哈馬斯周圍的人一樣。這也是在烏克蘭的澤連斯基、俄羅斯的普京以及葉門的胡塞叛軍(Houthi rebels)身上都有的情況,還有北韓的金正恩,他把南韓和美國列為目標,並計劃將它們夷為平地,正如你幾個月前所說,當你深入研究他的頭腦時。所有這些傢伙都是一樣的,因此從一個到另一個沒有區別,因此不能對其中任何一方表示善意的支持或說他們是對的。他們都犯有謀殺和誤殺、酷刑、強姦、屠殺和毀滅等罪行。所有這些都是不可饒恕也是無與倫比的罪行,我們可以不偏袒任何一方,只根據事實真相來說話,而事實真相卻被謊言和虛假的報道所掩蓋、篡改和隱瞞。當你們Plejaren和我譴責並公開陳述這些事情時,我們並沒有偏袒任何一方,而只是陳述了實際存在的事實。
With Bermunda, Florena and Quetzal I have seen enough of the evil, murderous, inhuman, destructive and other evil that goes on – it is different from what I saw with Sfath in the last world war and with the Hitler henchmen. The whole thing back then was much more than just a horror and an abomination, because it is just as bad in the wars now taking place in the Middle East and Ukraine as it was back then, except that everything is taking place differently and with different, more modern weapons and means and in different warfare than in the world wars of 1756 to 1763, 1914 to 1918 and 1939 to 1945. The fact that after the last world war there were cries in Germany, as I heard myself, "never again war" and "never again military", was quickly forgotten under the occupation patronage of the Americans and soon German military was 'created' again, which since then has been called 'security troops', also under the patronage of the Americans – who also have the big word in NATO and the UN, which enables them to secure their hegemony – which 'settled' in various countries. But please, I do not want to talk anymore about the crimes of these wars in Ukraine and the Middle East, I have already told Quetzal that.
我和Bermunda、Florena和Quetzal已經看夠了邪惡、兇殘、非人道、破壞性和其他罪惡的發生 —— 這與我在上一次世界大戰中與Sfath看到的希特勒黨羽不同。那時整個情況遠比一場恐怖和暴行更加可怕,而目前在中東和烏克蘭發生的戰爭也和當時一樣糟糕,只不過一切都以不同的方式發生,使用的武器和手段也更加現代化,戰爭方式也不同於1756年至1763年、1914年至1918年和1939年至1945年的世界大戰。上一次世界大戰結束後,德國國內曾出現過“永遠不要再有戰爭”和“永遠不要再有軍隊”的呼聲,我自己也聽到過這種呼聲,但在美國人的佔領庇護下,這種呼聲很快就被遺忘了,德國很快就再次建立了軍隊,自那時以來被稱為“保安部隊”,同樣是在美國人的庇護下 —— 美國人在北約和聯合國中也是大權在握,這使他們能夠確保自己的霸權 —— 並在各個國家“紮根”。但是,我不想再談論這些在烏克蘭和中東戰爭中所犯下的罪行,我已經告訴過Quetzal了。
I can understand that, but for my part I want to say something about what our peoples of Erra and our Federation find, namely that state leaders and peoples of other states are interfering in the war in Ukraine and even supplying weapons, ammunition and finances to help this state in a partisan manner, while on the one hand Russia is cursed and condemned in this regard, as on the other hand the war continues longer and longer and more and more uncontrollably due to this thoughtless action.
The fact that Germany of all countries is getting involved in this Ukrainian war is incomprehensible to me, because this country of all countries should refrain from such an act, because the memory of Adolf Hitler, the whole Nazi brood and the last world war, which they carried out 60,000,000 times, should still be present and warning enough. But unfortunately, there are louts in government in Germany today who were born after this world war and have no idea what really happened. Unfortunately, this is the case in every country – also in Switzerland – where sometimes completely incompetent human beings 'govern' and increasingly restrict and enslave the population with new laws, regulations, rules and paragraphs etc. Rulers who are not really rulers and who really only want to exercise their might and polish up their egos, which in reality remains unfulfilled and ridiculous despite their loud-mouthed and megalomaniacal posturing and pedalling.
This is also the case when they are admired and praised to the heavens by like-minded people.
When I speak in this regard, I am not talking about those rulers who do halfway or all of the right thing and seriously endeavour to do the best or simply the good, but I am only talking about those who do the wrong thing and never and in no manner orientate themselves on what has been and where wrong has been done and wrong has been acted. And these are the ones who learn nothing from this, but continue likewise, megalomaniacally, self-importantly and just as wrongly as those who used to take them as a false example. They commit the same mistakes and injustices and thus polish up their crests and let them shine, only in a different style and more perfidiously than their role models did in the past. They only want to cover themselves with glory, make themselves great and famous, and collect large sums of money as a reward, which they do not deserve, in addition to doing things uncleanly, dishonestly and against all law and order, honour and dignity, and behaving contrary to what corresponds to fidelity and justice.
The fallible rulers and their supporters and admirers among the people only read and hear about what has gone before, but they have not seen or experienced it for themselves, so they understand absolutely nothing about how everything should be changed for the better. On the contrary, however, they have a big mouth and also have the same attitude as their ancestors and the Nazis in the last world war, as a result of which they act in the same manner and therefore also supply weapons and ammunition to the warmonger Zelensky, support him with money and in this manner wage a form of unprecedented world war, as around 50 other countries and their rulers and parts of the population who are in favour of everything wrong are criminally doing. The fact that the warmonger Zelensky – underhandedly fuelled by America and its hegemonic delusions – can continue to beg for weapons, ammunition and money all over the world – just as Netanyahu can also commit genocide with impunity in Israel – is truly incomprehensible, because all logic, reason and common sense are not enough. In my opinion, the German government is still determined by the Americans – which the Americans vehemently deny – as everything is also partly in the case of Netanyahu and the miscreants in the 'government' of Israel and is managed by the influence of America in such a way that only hypocritical leniency is practised towards the Palestinians. In reality, Hamas is only playing the role of a reason for Netanyahu to wage war, which is officially declared to be against Hamas, but is actually being waged against the Palestinians. And so that Germany – and especially those in government who are in truth hostile to Jews – are not once again labelled as Jew-haters and Holocaust imitators, they are putting a 'good face on the bad game' and playing Jewish friendliness.
統治者的過失和他們來自民眾的支持者和仰慕者只是讀到和聽到以前發生的事情,但他們自己沒有看到也沒有經歷過,因此對於一切應該變得更好的事情一無所知。他們反而滿嘴大話,並且具有與先前的祖先和上一次世界大戰的納粹分子相同的傾向,因此他們採取相同的行動,並因此向戰爭煽動者澤連斯基提供武器彈藥,用金錢支援他,並以這種方式進行一種以前從未有過的世界大戰,這大約包括其他約五十個國家及其統治者和部分支援這種錯誤行為的民眾正在做的那樣。澤倫斯基這個戰爭煽動者仍然可以在全球各地不斷乞求武器、彈藥和金錢,還受到美國及其霸權的支持,這實在難以理解,因為這超越了所有的邏輯、理智和判斷力。在我看來,德國政府仍然受到美國的控制 —— 儘管美國的支持者強烈否認 —— 就像在納坦雅胡和以色列政府中的不法分子的情況一樣,並且在美國的影響下進行管理,以便對巴勒斯坦人採取偽善的寬容。哈馬斯實際上只是為了納坦雅胡向外宣稱發動戰爭的藉口,儘管它在官方上被宣稱是針對哈馬斯的,實際上卻是針對所有巴勒斯坦人的。為了防止德國 —— 尤其是那些實際上敵視猶太人的政府官員 —— 不再被扣上仇視猶太人和仿效大屠殺的罪名,他們正在“好心辦壞事”,假裝對猶太人友善。
In reality, this anti-Jewish section of those in power – which you described several times last year as neo-NAZIs, and in terms of their attitudes, which you have personally noted several times in various people and then also said so – is completely different and, in terms of their attitudes, also directed against those who believe in Jews. This should also be perceived by parts of the population, which should have the consequence, as you explicitly said, that anti-Jewish, right-wing extremists and otherwise crooked Germans who think differently, and simply quarrelling followers, rebel more and more against the government and riot violently against it. This is because the government handles and runs everything differently than the rebels expect. Rebels are also destroying many human achievements because the neo-Nazi like rulers are biased and, for example, public press coverage of the wars in Ukraine and the Middle East is always one-sided. Here, for example, this letter shows that such rebellious people are complaining that the government and the press – which is probably not only the case in Germany – only ever report on Ukraine and Israel and that they are practically portrayed as disadvantaged, aggrieved and innocent, while what is happening on the side of the Russians and in the Gaza Strip with the Palestinians and Hamas is simply hushed up or condemned. This is despite the fact that both sides carry out dirty deeds, commit war crimes, organise massacres, torture prisoners and then shoot them, rape children and women and then shoot them, as I have seen for myself together with Bermunda. Effectively, only what is done by the other side, by the Russians and Hamas and the Palestinians in terms of war, is commented on, depicted and witnessed. But what the Ukrainian military is doing against Russia and is guilty of evil, how the Israeli military is also raging in the Gaza Strip and committing war crimes, and how Zelensky and Netanyahu are inciting this, all of this is concealed. And as you also said, Zelensky is also taking action against the civilian population in Russia and Netanyahu is taking action against Hezbollah in Lebanon and therefore also against the civilian population, because they are inevitably affected. In other words, there is practically only partisan anti-propaganda against those who are not liked and who do not fit into the partisan concept, so they are simply made to look bad and whose mutual and hostile sides are not a hair or an iota better than those who are cheered and everything is made right for them to stay on top.
實際上,當權者中的這部分反猶太分子 —— 你去年曾多次將其描述為新納粹分子(Neo-NAZIs),就他們的態度而言,你曾多次在不同的人身上注意到,然後也說過 —— 是完全不同的,他們在態度上是針對猶太信徒的。這一點也應該被部分民眾所察覺,其後果應該是,正如你明確指出的那樣,反猶太主義者、極右翼分子以及以其他方式思想歪曲的德國人和單純尋釁滋事的追隨者越來越反抗政府,對抗政府的起義變得更加暴力。這是因為政府處理和管理一切的方式都與反叛者的期望不同。反叛者還破壞了許多人類成就,因為統治者的新納粹式的的偏見,例如在有關烏克蘭和中東戰爭的公共新聞報導方面,他們總是一味地只報導一方,這被反抗者批評。例如,這封信表明,這些反叛者抱怨政府和媒體 —— 可能不僅僅是德國的情況 —— 總是僅僅報導有關烏克蘭和以色列的資訊,並將他們實際上描述為受害者和無辜者,而在俄羅斯和加薩走廊的俄羅斯人和巴勒斯坦人以及哈馬斯方面發生的事情則被選擇性地忽視或譴責。儘管雙方都從事骯髒的陰謀,犯下戰爭罪行,進行屠殺,拷打並射殺俘虜,強奸婦女和兒童,正如我與Bermunda親眼所見。實際上,只有來自另一方,即俄羅斯、哈馬斯和巴勒斯坦人,進行惡劣的戰爭行為才會被評論、歪曲和證明。然而,烏克蘭軍隊對俄羅斯所做的惡事,以及以色列軍隊在加薩走廊的暴行和戰爭罪行,以及澤倫斯基和納坦雅胡如何煽動這種行為,所有這些都被掩蓋了。正如你所說,澤連斯基也在俄羅斯對平民採取行動,納坦雅胡在黎巴嫩對真主黨採取行動,因此也是針對平民,因為他們不可避免地會受到影響,這都被刻意保密。換句話說,實際上只有針對那些不受歡迎且不符合黨派理念的人進行一面倒的反宣傳,因此他們只是被弄得很難看,而他們敵對的一方並不比那些人好上一絲一毫,一切都為了讓他們高高吹捧。
Many of the state leaders in Germany are unfortunately no different in disposition from the old Nazis, as I have already told you several times, but this is also equally the case in other states. They behave differently to the outside world and fraudulently allow other views to be expressed, appear and be represented than correspond to their true convictions, which enables them to cover up their NAZI-like hostility towards Jews and appear to be friendly to Jews all round, even though the exact opposite corresponds to reality. Something that is unfortunately not recognised by the peoples, consequently the neo-NAZIs can continue their nefarious behaviour and work without this being recognised by the gullible and becoming aware of the deceitful machinations and behaviour.
Unfortunately, this is also the case in Switzerland, as the people do not even know that Switzerland does not have a capital, as is the case in other countries. Every canton has a capital, so to speak, but the country of Switzerland does not, which is actually the case, because in our country there is officially no national capital as stipulated in the Federal Constitution. According to the modern understanding of the state, Bern probably fulfils the central functions of Switzerland, as would normally be the case for a capital city, but the correct view is that Bern is only a cantonal capital, not a national capital. In the best case, Bern can be referred to as the seat of government, or federal capital, because Switzerland is a federation of cantons, therefore the Federal Council and the entire Parliament, including the National Council and the Council of States, sit and govern in the city of Bern – if this can even be called 'governing' at all, in a completely neutral sense, because there are many people wielding the sceptre of government in Berne against whom all the righteous efforts of the councils of all branches have little or no chance of being able to push through and realise what would be correct, good for the people and the country, progressive, liberal, truly peaceful and generally truly Swiss-neutral, etc. etc. However, through traitorous louts who manage to make a mockery of Swiss neutrality, as well as through autocratic inventive elements, new laws, paragraphs, prohibitions and rules etc., through which the people are harassed and subjected to a bailiwick, Switzerland is increasingly becoming a country of lack of freedom. It is already the case that only those who have no clue whatsoever about how to govern the country and the people in a genuine, peaceful, humane and just manner are the ones who have the real might in the country.
遺憾的是,瑞士的情況也是如此,因為人們甚至不知道瑞士沒有像其他國家那樣的首都。瑞士每個州大致上都有一個首府,但事實上,瑞士是沒有正式的國家首都,這也是根據《聯邦憲法》的規定。從現代國家的角度來看,伯恩(Bern)可能履行了瑞士的中心職能,這通常是首都的職責,但正確的觀點是,伯恩只是州首府,而不是國家首都。在最好的情況下,伯恩可以被稱為政府所在地或聯邦首府,因為瑞士是一個州聯邦制國家,因此聯邦委員會和整個議會,包括國民院(National Council)和聯邦院(Council of States),都在伯恩市辦公和治理 —— 如果從完全中立的意義上講,這還能被稱為“治理”的話 —— 因為在伯恩,有許多人握有政權,而所有良善的努力在各個領域的議會中都幾乎沒有或完全沒有機會推動和實現他們應該正確、符合人民和國家利益、進步良好、自由、真正和平以及普遍符合瑞士中立等的事物。然而,由於一些叛徒對瑞士中立的嘲弄,他們成功地使瑞士的中立地位受到損害,以及透過自以為是的創意元素制定新法律、新條款、新禁令和新規則等對人民的騷擾和束縛,瑞士正日益成為一個缺乏自由的國家。現在已經是這樣了,只有那些對於實際的、和平的、有尊嚴的、公正的國家和人民領導毫無概念的人擁有真正的權力。
But you are not exactly making friends in Switzerland with your statements, also if they effectively correspond to the truth.
Exactly, my statements do indeed correspond to the truth, and that is also that America with its hegemonic behaviour is behind the war in Ukraine, and that the warmonger Zelensky is led and encouraged by America to incite the world against Russia and to cause it to supply weapons, ammunition and money en masse to him in order to fulfil their hegemonic delusions. But the truth is also that the government of Germany is still under the patronage of America and Germany only exists as a federal republic in name only because America still has its dirty hegemonic fingers on it.
Well, it is important, however, that I talk about resp. ask about what we have actually only been talking about recently resp. the past few months and for certain reasons we have been silent about all this time during our contacts. Namely, that you have nothing to do with the foreigners who are travelling around Earth in their UFOs. Yesterday evening it came up again because Michael asked me about it because 2 people were apparently murdered in America who were investigating and also writing about the truth of UFOs. Apparently their work did not fit in with the American government, some secret services and certain people in the military's mendacious narrative, which the 2 men were dealing with and saying and revealing things that in no wise fitted in with the mendacious concepts of those who had them both murdered.
It was only at the beginning with my daughter Semjase, that our origin was veiled and it was said that we came from the Pleiades, but this corresponded to the truth to the extent that our passage from our universe into this other-dimensional one takes place at some distance from it, so that we 'come from' the Pleiades stars. However, as you are aware, we also called the Pleiades stars because we had fathomed and therefore knew that these alleged contact persons, who also wanted to be in contact with us and also claimed this, falsely and lyingly called our stars of origin Pleiades. As a result, the deceivers were quickly exposed and all but a few of the alleged contacts could be terminated, leaving only three who had got so caught up in their lies that it was no longer possible for them to correct them. This also applies to those who, after these incidents, still dare to claim to be in contact with us Plejaren. However, we do not maintain any other contacts here on Earth except with you. The attempts to create further contacts ended before they could even begin and…
我女兒Semjase只是在開始時為了掩飾了我們的出處,聲稱我們來自「昴宿星團」(Pleiades),這在某種程度上是真實的,因為我們從我們的宇宙進入另一個維度的通道就在離它有一段距離的地方,所以我們是從昴宿星團那邊過來的。但正如你所知,我們之所以稱來自昴宿星團,是因為我們已經知道有些所謂與我們取得接觸假接觸者,誤稱我們的出處是昴宿星團。結果,這些騙子很快就被揭穿了,除了少數幾個人之外,所有所謂的接觸者都被終止了,只剩下三個人還沉浸在自己的謊言中,無法自拔。對於那些在這些事件發生後,到今天仍然膽敢聲稱與我們Plejaren有接觸的人,也是如此情況。然而,除了你,我們在地球上沒有任何其他接觸者。試圖建立更多接觸的努力甚至還沒開始就已經結束了,而且 ...
… that is familiar to me. That was the thing with Anatol, who I met in Hüningen, where Eva drove me, after which the fatal accident happened and everything ended. Then there was also the failure with America, as I was supposed to be the middleman. But that does not explain the fact that you do not want to have anything to do with foreigners.
... 這是我知道的。那是與Anatol有關的事情,我當時還在於南格(Hüningen)遇到過他,當時是Eva載我去的,之後發生了致命的事故,一切都結束了。然後還有與美國的失敗,因為我本應是中間人。但這並不能解釋你為什麼不想與外星人有任何瓜葛。
Yes, you remember it well. – As for our behaviour towards foreigners, and indeed towards all their groups, that has always been based on the fact – which you are not supposed to talk about with anyone, as my father Sfath ordered – that …
是的,你記得很清楚。至於我們對外星人的態度,實際上是對他們所有群體的態度,這是由來已久的事,但你不應該與任何人談論,就像我的父親Sfath早就下令的那樣 —— 那就是 ...
Of course, besides, Sfath did not tell me everything you have told me now. But I think you can add to what is allowed.
Of course – good, then it is still to be explained that all those who were here on Earth corresponded to groups that belonged to our Federation, but who did not adhere to the solidities that were collectively decided that no contact whatsoever should ever be made with human beings on Earth and in this universe. At that time, however, which was almost 25 million years ago, this was absolutely clear and was also followed, which was to prevent the way being found from this universe for an intrusion into our universe. This has also been followed since then, whereby our federation has also been greatly expanded and entry has been found into the sister creation, namely the DERN universe, which we can also reach from this DAL universe. Unfortunately, the expansion of our Federation then resulted in various groups rebelling against the integration into the Federation and separating themselves and ultimately fleeing from their homeworld and settling in this universe on Earth, because their technology allowed them to carry out the necessary dimensional transformation and thus to establish themselves here on Earth. Despite their rebellious behaviour, however, they kept strictly away from all foreign groups in any form, so that there was never a confrontation with them, and the foreigners also never gained any knowledge of the rebels who were established on Earth. They always arranged all their actions, deeds and various nasties in such a way that they always appeared as if they were happening naturally. However, as far as making contact with Earth's humanity was concerned, they did not stick to never considering such, for on various occasions they did draw some Earth-humans into their domain through their means of long-distance communication, through which, for example, the name Ashtar Sheran also became known, i…
當然 —— 好吧,那麼還需要解釋的是,所有在地球上的外星人,都屬於我們聯邦的組織,但他們並未遵守總體上決定的強制規定,那就是永遠不得與地球上和這個宇宙中的人類進行任何接觸。然而,在當時,也就是將近2,500萬年前,這一點是絕對明確的,而且也得到了遵守,這樣可以防止從這個宇宙進入我們宇宙的通道被找到。從那時起,我們也一直遵循著這一原則,我們的聯邦也因此得到了極大的擴展,並找到了進入姊妹宇宙,即DERN宇宙的入口,我們也可以從這個DAL宇宙到達DERN宇宙。不幸的是,我們聯邦的擴張導致了不同群體的反叛,他們反對併入聯邦,最終分離出去,最後逃離他們的家園並進入這個宇宙的地球,因為他們的技術允許他們進行必要的維度轉換,因此能夠在地球上安頓下來。儘管他們有叛逆行為,但他們嚴格遠離所有其他外星人的群體,因此從未與外來群體發生過衝突,也從未發生過外星人獲知地球上的叛逆者的情況,因為他們一直以一種看似自然的方式安排所有行動、行為和各種卑鄙的事情。不過,就與地球人類接觸而言,他們沒有遵從永遠不考慮與之接觸的原則,因為通過他們的遠距通信手段,他們偶爾將一些地球人引入他們的領域,例如阿斯塔.謝蘭(Ashtar Sheran)這個名字也因此變得為人所知,我...
… who was traded as the alleged 'fleet commander of an alleged giant spaceship, as a space brother from Alpha Centauri' and still functions today among fantasists and other believers and idiots. I never actually asked about the effective truth of the real connections, but only reproduced what was told, although I did not know whether it actually corresponded to reality or not. Besides, you Plejaren adopted the name Ashtar Sheran for Atarkeran when you took action against this group, which was also done in the same way with regard to the Giza twerps after they had destroyed our first painstaking work of concreting the meditation room, as a result of which the floor there is now a full 2 metres thick. But it was only after that, when these little guys tried to get me out of the world, that you intervened. That was when they fired a bolt of lightning at me in the brightest sunshine, which hit me in the right shoulder, travelled down through my body and smashed into the large stone over my knee and blew out a large splinter. Silvano was still there and jumped up a good metre in shock, while Bernadette was also terrified as she was also present. She then made sure that the treetop, which had been knocked down and split open by the lightning, was secured.
... 他被當作是一艘虛構的巨大太空船的虛構的艦隊指揮官,來自「南門二」(Alpha Centauri;又稱「半人馬座α」)的太空兄弟,至今仍在幻想者和其他信徒以及白癡中繼續運作。在那之後,關於真實關聯的實際真相,我實際上從來沒有問過,只是重複了被講述的事情,但我並不知道它是否真的符合現實。此外,你們Plejaren在對付這個群體時,你們還採用了阿斯塔.謝蘭(Ashtar Sheran)這個名字,而在吉薩那群蠢貨破壞了我們第一次辛辛苦苦建造的冥想室之後,也採用了同樣的方法,所以現在那裡有一個厚達兩公尺的地板。但只是在那之後,當這些傢伙試圖讓我離開這個世界時,你們才出面干預。當時,他們在最耀眼的陽光下向我發射了一道閃電,閃電擊中了我的右肩,穿過我的身體,沿著腿走下去,並撞擊到巨石上,炸出了一大塊碎片。Silvano當時也在場,嚇得跳了將近一公尺高,而Bernadette也非常驚慌,因為她也在場。隨後,她確保被閃電擊倒並劈開的樹梢得到了保護。
That was indeed the case, my daughter Semjase told me what happened.
But that was the Giza twerps, not the Sheran grouping. The Sheran group was a different group.
The name of the leader of the rebel group that was here on Earth in this regard and operating was called, as you say, Atarkeran, who wanted to telepathically partner with an Earth woman and imprint his name on her. The woman he chose came to his attention because she was concerned with the nonsensical nature of channelling. She was a very imaginative sect believer and esotericist who was completely out of touch with reality, who recorded and also disseminated her religious fantasies in writing as 'Ashtar Sheran channelling', which are still in circulation today. The name Atarkeran was changed by her to Ashtar Sheran and thus falsified and through imaginative lies and deception everything was sectarianised for an alleged 'divine plan', which subsequently spread quickly and still exists today. The name Ashtar Sheran was then also adopted by us as a result of all these events, as well as in our linguistic usage in connection with this Atarkeran grouping and its dissolution and termination.
這個在地球上活動的反抗集團的領袖的名字,正如你所說的,被稱為Atarkeran,他試圖與一名地球女性進行心靈感應,並想讓她記住他的名字。他注意到這位女性,是因為她涉及到通靈的荒謬。她是一位非常充滿想像力的邪教信徒和神祕學家,完全脫離現實,將她的信仰幻想以《Ashtar Sheran-Channeling》的形式書寫下來,並廣泛傳播,這些內容至今仍在流傳。她將名字Atarkeran更改為Ashtar Sheran,並以此方式歪曲和通過幻想的謊言和欺騙,將一切宗教化為一個虛構的“神聖計畫”,這迅速傳播開來,至今仍然存在。Ashtar Sheran這個名字在整個事件中也被我們接受,並在與Atarkeran群體及其解散和結束相關的名稱中成為我們的用語。
However, as far as the foreigners with their highly developed technology and their flying apparatus are concerned, which are referred to here on Earth worldwide as UFOs and have been observed since time immemorial, their entire highly developed technology is very far inferior to ours, so that they are also unable to recognise us visibly or audibly, nor in any technical-apparatus-radar wise etc. that they have yet to develop. So they are also unable to locate us or otherwise detect our presence. And since the fugitive rebels, despite their rebelliousness, strictly adhered to never engaging with any foreigners with highly developed technology, especially not in this dimension of this universe, they remained undetected for all the many millennia they were present here on Earth. They also, as a result of their own protection, strictly adhered to what was once federally decreed, consequently their being here was never recognised by the strangers and never known to them.
All this should have been explained a long time ago.
You never asked about it in detail, and there was also no need to talk about it. It is only now that you have brought it up that the conversation has arisen.
This has now just arisen through the conversation with Michael last night, as also that your universe does not simply exist in a different dimension in our DERN universe, but is a completely different universe in the overall space of the 7 comprehensive universes of Creation, whereby each universe has its own countless dimensions of the past and the future in addition to the present. This on the one hand, just as it is also necessary in order to pass from one of the 7 universes of Creation into another of the same Creation, that a certain transformation of living or 'dead' matter is required, as when 'breaking into' a universe of a foreign Creation or into a universe of the twin Creation of our Creation.
You should not explain too much, and you know why.
Well, I can replace what I said with dots. I really had not thought of that in the heat of the moment.
What you said, I guess that does not get the sciences to delve deeper into research about it yet and unravel mysteries that would be too early for that.
I am sure you are right about that. Then I would like to turn to the following articles here. These were sent to me so that I could publish them in a Zeitzeichen, but I think I should also pass them on to you, because you also do not think it is correct what is going wrong with Switzerland's neutrality. This is precisely because certain idiots are sitting in government as ungovernable elements, louts and traitors to the country, of both sexes – who truly do not belong in these offices – and are pathologically stupid and therefore incapable of thinking without recognising logic and without understanding and reason. And the fact that they are also supported by equally stupid and therefore non-thinking and religiously illusory thinkers from the population is the bottom of the barrel, even if these would-be Swiss of both sexes are all ignorant and misunderstand what neutrality is and what it means for Switzerland. However, the fact that their non-thinking attitude as traitors to neutrality makes a mockery of Switzerland, puts it in danger and does not know one iota of what neutrality is or what importance it has for Switzerland does not excuse them in any wise. In fact, it is a disgrace that such elements have Swiss citizenship, regardless of whether they are in government or are simply fellow travellers from the population. And the fact that such creeps of both sexes from the government and the Swiss population still want to cooperate with the EU dictatorship and the murderous organisation NATO, which was effectively brought into being by America – by US President Harry S Truman – and undoubtedly controlled by it, or even want to join these two criminal cliques, is much more than even a small spark of sanity could approve of. But here is what was sent to me, you can read here:
我相信你是對的。接下來,我想談談以下幾篇文章。這些文章之所以寄給我,是為了想要在《Zeitzeichen》[中譯者註:這是西德廣播電台(WDR)的每日節目之一,自 1972 年 4 月 4 日以來一直以 15 分鐘的廣播紀錄片的形式呈現歷史事件和歷史上的重要人物。(資料譯自《維基百科》)]上發表的,但我想我也應該把它們轉交給你們,因為你也不認為瑞士的中立是正確的。這是因為一些白癡、無能的官員、蠢貨和背叛國家的傢伙,無論男女,都坐在政府中,這些人確實不適合這些職務,而且他們有著病態的愚蠢、毫無邏輯辨識能力,沒有理智和常識。而且,這些人還得到了那些同樣是愚蠢、虔誠但欠缺思考能力人群的支持,這讓情況更加糟糕。特別是,這些自命為瑞士人的人,無論男女,都因為無知和誤解而不知道中立是什麼,以及對瑞士意味著什麼。然而,由於他們對中立的背叛而使瑞士陷入困境,甚至在中立原則和立場上,完全不能為其辯護。實際上,這樣的人擁有瑞士公民身份真是一種恥辱,無論他們是政府官員還是普通民眾。而且,這些無賴分子,無論男女,不僅來自政府和瑞士人民,還與歐盟獨裁政權以及由美國總統總統哈里.杜魯門發起並控制的殺人組織北約合作,甚至還想加入這兩個犯罪集團,這遠遠超出了任何一個理智的人能夠接受的範疇。然而,這是我收到的內容,你可以在這裡讀到:
Which Switzerland do we want?
hf. We are publishing below the impressive speech given by party president Marco Chiesa on 11 November 2023 at the SVP Switzerland delegates' meeting in Alterswilen, Thurgau. After looking back on the successful elections on 22 October, he thanked everyone involved "who helped us win almost 100,000 additional voters". Above all, however, he outlined the goals that the SVP will be fighting for in the coming years.
以下是瑞士人民黨(SVP)主席Marco Chiesa(暫譯為馬科.基耶薩)於2023年11月11日在圖爾高州(Thurgau)Alterswilen舉行的黨代表大會上發表的引人注目的發言。在回顧了10月22日的成功選舉後,他感謝了所有參與其中的人,“他們為我們贏得了近10萬名額外選民做出了貢獻”。但最重要的是,他提到了瑞士人民黨在未來幾年將為之奮鬥的目標。
Dear delegates, what is the most important reason for our election success? We are talking about the issues that matter to people. Voters want a different policy on key issues. They are fed up with the left-green asylum chaos, the left-green excessive immigration policy, the left-green climate hysteria and the left-green ban policy. We must implement this mandate from voters with all our strength!
We have a clear mandate to continue writing Switzerland's success story. The reasons for this are our direct democracy, our federalism, our neutrality and our independence. But these strengths are constantly coming under pressure. That is why we must defend them.
This is the Switzerland we want
- We want an independent and neutral Switzerland. We do not want a subjugation treaty with the EU and no foreign judges.
- We do not want a Switzerland of 10 million people. We want to control immigration ourselves and continue to live in a beautiful and intact homeland.
- We want to stop the asylum chaos. We want to systematically deport criminal foreigners.
- We want fewer taxes, levies and fees. Those who work hard should have more money in their wallets. We want a lean state and not a fat administration.
- We want more freedom and more prosperity. We do not want new laws, bans and regulations.
- We do not want society to be infiltrated by the left-green movement, be it through climate glue, gender terror or prohibition madness.
Thanks to the SVP's election success, the centre-right camp has been strengthened. The left-green camp was weakened. This is also a clear signal: voters have had enough of ideologies and expensive pipe dreams. They want realistic, down-to-earth policies. This is what the SVP stands for. It is only thanks to the SVP that Switzerland has buried the institutional agreement with the EU. But beware: the other parties still want to cosy up to the EU. Only the SVP consistently stands up for Switzerland's interests. We will fight against any ties to the EU or Nato. There must be no creeping EU accession. We say NO to the sell-out of our homeland!
Freedom and Security
The SVP is consistently in favour of perpetual, armed, integral neutrality, because it has guaranteed our country security and prosperity over the past 200 years. And in the current time of war, neutrality is more important than ever. That is why we support the neutrality initiative. And that is why we reject any rapprochement with NATO, the UN migration pact and the WHO pandemic pact.
We want a free and secure Switzerland. That is why we finally need a sufficiently equipped army again. We must do everything in our power to ensure that we can defend ourselves again. And we need affordable energy that is available at all times.
Self-determination and Personal Responsibility
Self-determination and personal responsibility are key factors in Switzerland's success. We must also strengthen these values in the areas of pension provision, social insurance and healthcare. The cost of health insurance premiums must not continue to rise. Many normal earners and families can no longer afford the premiums. Today, taxpayers have to foot the bill. We must stop this left-green redistribution. A 'health insurance light' is to be created for asylum seekers and persons with unresolved residence rights.
The explosion in social spending is to be stopped at all levels. Immigration into our social systems must stop. The access of immigrants to our health system is to be limited. We need to hold a debate on cost-covering immigration fees. In tourism, we are familiar with visitor's taxes. Let us levy a 'tourist tax' for immigrants!
Stop Excessive Immigration and Asylum Chaos
Dear delegates, it is a fact – and the election results confirm it: almost all the problems we have in our country today are due to excessive immigration. Too many of the wrong people are coming today. With the popular initiative 'No 10 million Swiss', we are protecting our country, our population and our natural resources. The asylum chaos must be stopped as a matter of urgency. More than 129,000 persons are currently in the asylum process! And most of these asylum seekers are not refugees at all! We want an asylum freeze. Asylum applications should only be processed in transit zones outside Switzerland. Anyone staying here illegally or committing a criminal offence must leave Switzerland. Countries that refuse to take back rejected asylum seekers should also no longer receive development aid from Swiss taxpayers.
Systematic Border Controls
In order to maintain our security and prevent asylum abuse, we must also reintroduce systematic border controls. An asylum seeker travelling overland from Italy and submitting an application in Chiasso – according to Dublin, this should not happen. But unfortunately it is part of everyday life.
為了保護我們的安全並防止庇護濫用,我們必須重新引入系統性的邊境檢查。一個途經義大利陸地來到基亞索(Chiasso)並提出庇護請求的申請者 —— 根據都柏林(Dublin)協定,這是不應該發生的。但不幸的是,這是現實生活的一部分。
Dear delegates, the centre-left majority of the last four years has been disastrous. Now is the time for a course correction. No more ideological experiments! No more expensive utopias! Voters want to live freely, securely and prosperously. They want a neutral, independent and autonomous Switzerland. This is exactly what the SVP stands for. This is exactly what we are committed to – a secure future in freedom. Let us get to work!
親愛的代表們,過去四年中左翼占多數的局面是災難性的。現在是糾正方向的時候了。不再進行意識形態實驗!不再有昂貴的烏托邦!選民們希望自由、安全和繁榮的生活。他們想要一個中立、獨立和自治的瑞士。這正是SVP的立場。這也正是我們致力於實現的目標 —— 一個自由、安全的未來。讓我們開始工作吧!
Marco Chiesa
And here is the next article. We can talk about everything when everything has been read, because first of all it is necessary for everything to be considered and also to be understood correctly. Furthermore, I think that the whole of this article proves that a country can do very well without a military if it can make it clear to the world resp. the peoples that it is truly committed to absolute neutrality and does not interfere in any way in the affairs of foreign countries.
Switzerland could and should take
a good example from this!
INFOsperber sees what others overlook.
Friday, 29 December 2023 11:18 hrs.
Red. This abridged guest article by an author from Costa Rica is taken from the Pressenza agency. Countries that have no army © zvg
編輯:我們引用這篇由一位來自哥斯大黎加(Costa Rica)作者撰寫的特約文章,該文章節選自《Pressenza》國際通訊社。沒有軍隊的國家 © zvg
Costa Rica has not had an army for 75 years.
In Costa Rica, it is normal for there to be no army,
no heavy weapons and no tanks.
Former barracks are now museums.
Giovanny Blanco / 29.12.2023
Giovanny Blanco / 2023年12月29日
On the 1st of December, the Central American country celebrated the 75th anniversary of the abolition of the army. The decision to do so was taken by General Don José Figueres Ferrer, who won the last civil war fought in the country in 1948.
在12月1日,這個中美洲國家慶祝廢除軍隊75周年。這一決定是由何塞.菲格雷斯.費雷爾(Don José Figueres Ferrer)將軍做出的,他在1948年贏得了該國最後一場內戰。
What is an unthinkable and utopian wish for many human beings in many countries at war, is for us Costa Ricans a reality that we enjoy and are proud of, because life without an army is a step in human evolution.
From the point of view of those who believe that national security and the protection of sovereignty can only be defended by the armed forces, the proposal to abolish the armies is not only unthinkable, but irresponsible.
For others, the abolition of the army in Costa Rica is a myth because the police forces have been militarised and trained so that, although there is no official military, there is a wing of the public armed forces that stands ready in the event of border conflicts.
In Central America, human beings feel happiest in Costa Rica. © Happy Planet Index In my opinion, the significant message that Costa Rica sends to the world cannot be discredited, because it is charged with experience, with positive energy, with a sense of hope. Costa Rica is showing other countries that it is possible to live without an army, without the grotesque image of heavy weapons in our streets, without military service for our young people, without giving political might to the armed forces for more than 70 years.
Certainly, peace is not just the absence of war. In Costa Rica, we are currently living in a harrowing reality of increasing violence, drug trafficking, citizen insecurity and the weakening of our social achievements in health, education, human rights and true democracy.
Aware of this, we are called to preserve the legacy of our ancestors, as a people who are committed to peace at the international level, but who also know how to unite to defend social peace and non-violence in their country.
"If peace is the priority,
abolishing the army is the way forward."
Dalai Lama
Perhaps Costa Rica's contribution in this regard is to send a signal to the international concert of nations: It is possible to live without an army, national security does not have to be in the hands of the military. We can rely on dialogue, diplomacy, multilateralism and international courts. Costa Rica, as a reference for this model, should perfect it and return to the path of prioritising public investment in education, health and a culture of peace, taking advantage of the fact that it has no military expenditure.
Self-promotion from Costa Rica's embassy in Berlin
"The abolition of the army, the development of social guarantees and the maintenance of the rule of law have a decisive influence on the social and economic development of Costa Rica.
Currently, Costa Rica has an advanced education system, where education up to high school is public, free and compulsory. As a result, Costa Rica has a literacy rate of 98 per cent, one of the highest in Latin America.
In addition, universal health care has meant that infant mortality is one of the lowest in Latin America and life expectancy is one of the highest at around 79 years. This is combined with a labour law that grants Costa Rican workers a number of rights that are even better than those of some industrialised countries, an efficient judicial system and the creation of public institutions such as the 'Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad' (ICE), which has given the country better access to telecommunications, and the electrification of 90 percent of the country. Costa Rica has a well-established democracy with a peaceful transition of power and a growing and strong economy on an international level. But as there is no shortage of conflicts in life and these arise between countries when they have been subject to external aggression or have had to arbitrate differences at international level, Costa Rica has remained faithful to its legal vocation and has always resorted to the mechanisms of international law and diplomacy. Such is the civil conviction of this small country."
Translation by Alina Kulik, Pressenza
翻譯:《Pressenza》國際通訊社的Alina Kulik
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Well, what is your impression of it all?
The 1st article, this is probably the endeavour in the mind of all those citizens of Switzerland who actually desire and strive to preserve true freedom and effective peace. This, when dissenters and dissenters are, in every respect, treacherous and contemptuous of what is good and correct. And as far as the second article is concerned, it would really be very desirable if the sensible citizens of Switzerland would endeavour to give it serious thought and consideration. A state that is committed to complete neutrality and true freedom does not need an army, and it must also be declared that there can never be 'armed neutrality', because as soon as there is armament, there is a farce, which means that with an armed army there is a predetermined intention not to take neutrality seriously and to use armed force as soon as the 'opportunity' arises. So an 'armed neutrality' is just ridiculous and makes a mockery of any real neutrality.
And then I have this, which you should also take a look at. It is from someone in the FIGU readership:
Disturbances of the State of Mind Through
Religious-Sectarian Swinging Waves
On 27/12/2013 I received the following email, from a passive member, the content of which urged me not only to consult with Billy immediately, but also to answer it promptly. The reason for this is that I also know of other human beings and passive members who have had the same or similar experiences or are still having them.
Unfortunately, such 'attacks' can only be countered by avoiding the 'triggers' as much as possible or by avoiding direct, close confrontation, which means that contact with close human beings may have to be reduced or even cancelled. Of course, it is nonsense to claim that such attacks, which can severely disrupt and unbalance one's well-being, are deliberate and targeted. Rather, it is the case that the strongly religious or also sectarian in one's own environment unconsciously act as a kind of catalyst that bundles the general religious-sectarian energy of the swinging waves of faith and directs it as an attack on the non-believer or no-longer-believer without realising it or even wanting to.
Mail from 27.12.2023
Dear Bernadette,
I hope that you, all the residents at the Centre and Billy are doing well and that you are all healthy and coping well with the cold of winter.
As I have read several times in the past in Billy's writings, especially in the contact reports about the powerful religious-believing thought vibrations, which I could read out again yesterday in the current 872nd contact report, I thought I should write to you now to share a personality experience that has been bothering me for almost 4 years and sometimes does not make it easy for me.
I grew up in a strongly religious family in …, whereas many years ago, since discovering Billy's Creation-energy teaching, I was able to completely free myself from religious belief and have since lived by Billy's words, "Do not believe, think for yourself."
我在 ... 的一個宗教氛圍濃厚的家庭中長大,而多年前,自從發現了比利的造物能量學說之後,我就徹底擺脫了宗教信仰,並一直按照比利的話語生活:“不要只是相信,要自己思考。”
During this time frame, I have noticed that when I spend even a short amount of time with my family or other human beings who are strongly religious in nature, I get severe headaches in the left and right parietal lobe/parietal lobe area that really bother me and are sometimes really difficult to bear. My family and fellow human beings more or less know that I do not belong to any religious faith, which does not suit them at all, although I always remain absolutely neutral. In the presence of these religious human beings, I somehow sense their conscious or unconscious dislike of me, with the aforementioned headaches occurring to me in advance. Especially during Christmas time and other religious holidays, it becomes very difficult for me as it feels like a negative rain is pouring down in my head, making the headache worse.
在這段時間裡,我注意到,當我與家人或其他具有強烈宗教信仰的人在一起時,哪怕是很短的時間,我的左右頂葉(Parietal lobe)區域都會出現嚴重的頭痛,這讓我感到很困擾,有時真的難以忍受。我的家人和同伴或多或少都知道我不屬於任何宗教信仰,這對他們來說有點格格不入,儘管我始終保持絕對中立。在這些信教的人面前,我會莫名其妙地感覺到他們有意識或無意識地不喜歡我,上述頭疼的問題也會提前出現在我身上。特別是在耶誕節和其他宗教節日期間,我的頭痛就會變得非常難受,因為我的腦子裡就像下了一場有害的大雨,讓我的頭痛更加嚴重。
I was wondering if this could have something to do with the strong negative religious-believing thought vibrations, which Billy has mentioned and explained many times.
Would it be possible that after a short or longer period of visiting, such strong negative thought vibrations from my family and other religious-believing human beings trigger the headaches in my left and right parietal lobe/parietal lobe?
Kind regards and Salome … …
親切的問候並祝福平安 ... …
Regarding your question, I want to thank you for your e-mail and tell you the following in reply: whether your severe headaches that occur are the effect of the religious energies and their forces that occur during or after visiting your religiously devout family or after visiting your relatives, or whether they are generally attributable to the totality of the religious energies at work worldwide, as they may also be of other origins, I cannot judge. However, according to your description, it seems to me – which I cannot claim – as if the faith energies of your family and relatives are able to have a detrimental effect on your health. But if this really is the case, then you can defend yourself against them and ward them off in a wise way by remaining as neutral as possible towards them. The more neutral you are towards the beliefs of your family members and relatives, the less vulnerable you are to the energies. Behave completely normally and simply let their religious beliefs be their beliefs. So do not talk and discuss about it, but remain completely neutral, calm and just yourself, because you are and remain – and should also remain – a completely self-sufficient and independent person who will not be swayed by any religious or worldly beliefs, nor by any views, opinions or illusory thinking, attempts at persuasion and indoctrination, etc. You are a self-sufficient and independent person. You are a self-sufficient and independent human being who can and should cherish and cultivate your very own thoughts. And you must endeavour to see, understand and accept only the reality of reality and its truth, because only you alone determine that. But only if you effectively remain yourself will you be able to cope with and reject what is aggressively 'launched' at you so that it cannot affect you.
我想感謝你的電子郵件,並對你的問題作如下答覆:你的劇烈頭痛是否是在拜訪你虔誠的家人期間或之後,或在拜訪你的親戚之後,宗教能量及其力量所產生的影響,或者是否是由於全世界活躍的宗教能量的總體影響,因為它們也可能來自其他方面,我無法判斷。不過,根據你的描述,在我看來 —— 我不能斷言 —— 你的家人和親戚的信仰能量似乎能夠對你的健康產生不利影響。但如果真的是這樣的話,那麼你可以通過對他們保持盡可能的中立來抵禦他們,並以一種明智的方式抵禦他們。你對家人和親戚的信仰越中立,你就越不容易受到這些能量的影響。表現得完全正常,讓他們的宗教信仰始終是他們的信仰。所以,不要談論和討論這個問題,要保持完全中立、冷靜和公正,因為你現在是、將來也應該是一個完全自主和獨立的個體,不會被任何宗教或世俗信仰所左右,也不會被任何觀點、意見或虛幻的思維、試圖說服和灌輸等所左右。你是一個自主和獨立的人,可以而且應該珍惜和培養自己的思想。你必須努力只看到、理解和接受現實和真相,因為這只有你自己才能決定。只有當你真正保持自己時,你才能夠處理和拒絕那些對你具有攻擊性的東西,使其無法影響到你。
Your answer – it is correct, effective and good, but it is now up to the person themselves to do what you have advised.
I realise that, but how clearly my answer is received and whether it is implemented and everything is a success is not something that is within my might. But I have written an article here about artificial intelligence, which I also want to publish in Aquarius and in the next Zeitzeichen. If you would, please, read it and judge it?
我明白,但我的回答是否能得到明確的回應,以及是否能夠付諸實踐並取得成功,這些都不是我所能左右的。不過,我已經在這裡寫了一篇關於「人工智慧」(A.I.;Artificial Intelligence)的文章,我也想在《Aquarius》和下一期《Zeitzeichen》上發表這篇文章。如果你願意,可以閱讀並評估一下嗎?
There is no question about that, because of course I want to know your thoughts in matters of Artificial Intelligence, which is not harmless in any wise and will not only bring trouble but also severe sorrow to Earth's humanity, as I have already read from the annals of my father Sfath. You two have researched many things far into the future and …
… yes, yes, but there is not much point in talking about it, and besides, you will only be labelled stupid and crazy if you say anything.
... 是的,是的,但說出來也沒有太大意義,況且,說出來只會被人說成是傻瓜和瘋子。
Unfortunately you are saying something that actually is, but I want to read what you have written now:
If humanity does not detach itself from its illusory thinking of its very confused and generalised faith and become more sensible, like not seizing the opportunity that still exists to finally see, understand and correct everything according to its correctness, then it will not be able to avoid taking upon itself that which inexorably leads to misery and unhappiness; thus into the most serious crisis of its existence!
This is because 'artificial intelligence' technology will intervene in the history of humanity in such a way – the beginning of which has already taken place – that in future it will influence the comprehension of logic as well as the senses of understanding and reason in such a negative way that human beings will unlearn all the values of life for themselves. They are already so criminally disregarding reality that they are atrophying in their faith-based illusory thinking and in their AI-controlled illusory thoughts and behaviour, which will become much worse in the future than it already is at present as a result of being directed by constantly evolving technology. Artificial intelligence, which is already becoming rapid and dangerous for human beings, will dominate and subjugate them with such Gewalt in the future that they will have to learn to fight for their selfhood, which they will not yet realise, but only when it is too late to free themselves from the rule of AI without a fight, when it is openly directed against them.
這是因為「人工智慧」技術將以這樣一種方式介入人類的歷史 —— 其開端已經發生 —— 在未來,它將對邏輯的理解以及智慧和理性的感官產生如此負面的影響,以至於人類在自己身上遺忘了生命的所有價值。他們已經嚴重無視現實,以至於在他們充滿信仰的虛幻思維和由人工智慧控制的虛假思維以及行為中萎縮,未來將會比現在更加糟糕,這是由於不斷發展的技術所造成的。對人類來說已經變得越來越快而危險的人工智慧將在未來以如此強大的力量統治和征服人類,以至於他們將不得不學會為自己的存在而戰鬥,這對他來說目前還沒有意識到,只有當人工智慧公然對抗人類時,他們才會意識到,要想擺脫人工智慧的統治已經為時已晚。
In order to better categorise and understand this and its significance, it helps to take a look at the fact that humanity has developed far too quickly in terms of technology and artificial intelligence and has allowed itself to be taken in by it. As a result, human beings are already dominated by it and can no longer achieve anything without making use of it and calling on it for help in this or that respect.
We 'old timers' and our parents, and of course also our ancestors, were still strongly connected to nature and sometimes even integrated into it, so to speak, because we were still working in it or with it. We had earned our daily bread all those years through and with it – and the whole environment, which we often had to face fiercely – with hard labour. But we were content, and very few of us had any idea – as our ancestors also did not – that everything and all of life would change in the future to such an extent that practically everything old would be forgotten. This in the sense that, as a result of very rapid development, new things would be brought up to date and brought into line with the latest state of progress, as is happening today in our time and is appropriate, modern, new, novel, new-fangled and new-fashioned, and is described as contemporary, timely and cutting-edge.
我們這些“老傢伙”和我們的父母,當然還有我們的祖先,仍然與大自然緊密相連,有時甚至可以說是融入了大自然,因為我們仍然在大自然中工作或與大自然打交道。這些年來,我們通過大自然和整個環境(我們常常不得不面對它),用辛勤的勞動賺取了我們的日常生計。但我們很滿足,很少有人想到 —— 我們的祖先也沒有想到 —— 未來的一切和生活都會發生變化,以至於幾乎所有舊的東西都會被遺忘。在這個意義上,由於飛速發展,新事物將與時俱進,與最新的進步狀態接軌,就像今天我們這個時代所發生的那樣,這些都是適合當代、現代、新潮、時髦和時尚的。
Well, we were gifted with many abilities, but then in the new age, new talents were found in us through development, which brought forth new cognitive abilities and revolutionised us in these in a wise way so that we could adapt to the new age. This, while the later generations moved on from the old and aspired to completely different ways of life and live in them today without even thinking about what we prepared for them in terms of all the necessities of life. Through our efforts, the Neolithic resp. first emergence of the productive economy was brought into being, which unfortunately contributed to overpopulation over the years, as this inevitably led to more and more life security as a result of the steady easing of life and advances in medicine, and consequently also to the desire for more offspring and consequently also to the fulfilment of the desire to have children. Furthermore, our efforts also brought about coexistence, the modernisation of agriculture, market gardening and thus again nutrition, as well as the entire food industry, factories of all kinds and thus the industrial revolution, as well as mechanisation and standardisation. This also led to the emergence of more and more sports for human beings, which quickly became commercialised and many human beings became fanatically addicted to sports, which meant that real self-activity and self-development fell by the wayside. Inevitably, many exercise machines were invented to strengthen the body and muscles, etc., while at the same time the development of technology progressed and evolved to such an extent that human beings became dependent on it. However, this was followed in the same step by the digital revolution, which led to the development of television and, to date, the internet and devices for analysing and controlling the nerves and sensory organs, as well as now also 'artificial intelligence', in short AI, which is already beginning to dominate human beings – without them being aware of it. However, the first stages of AI were already being developed secretly in America in the mid-1980s and were secretly deployed in 1988. In addition, AI means that many human beings become unemployed, which also leads to an increase in crime, hostility and hatred among human beings, as well as to war, dissatisfaction and a further increase in overpopulation and the total destruction and annihilation of otherwise already impaired natural areas. This will also be accompanied by the extinction of many genera and species of fauna and flora, far exceeding the current annual extinction of around 60,000 genera and species of animals, creatures and other self-propelled life-forms, as well as the plant world from the lowest mould to moss and grass to the mightiest trees.
Humanity will be dominated by Artificial Intelligence and its new concept, breaking free of all natural boundaries, and overpopulation will begin to curse at itself for not containing itself and letting Artificial Intelligence rule.
The personal physical performance of human beings will decline more and more and will be replaced by locomotion devices, just as everything and anything will also be driven by mechanical devices and machines. Human strength will no longer be in demand, and the increasingly scarce fields will be harvested by electronic types of AI, which will feed the overflowing overpopulation, at least as long as the AI can still be directed by human beings and does not yet become independent. This Earth's humanity, now numbering almost 10 billion people, is sliding into a future that will be directed and governed by AI to its great disadvantage, whereby human beings will no longer be able to speak of their own manual labour or also of self-actuated mental labour, or of their own muscular and nervous activity. When human beings used to work and most of them could still read and write, in the end everything will be reversed, just as it was before the advent of modern technology and, due to rapid and uncontrolled development, artificial intelligence will also emerge, which will inevitably take over. What has been evident for some years now is that hardly any human beings can do without a 'mobile phone' or a hand-held telephone, whereby 'important' and generally irrelevant and pointless conversations or chatter are carried on and time is simply 'killed'.
人類的個人體能將日益下降,並將被運動裝置所取代,就像一切事物都將由機械裝置和機器驅動一樣。人類的體力將不再有需求,日益稀缺的領域將由電子類型的人工智慧收割,以維持過剩的人口,至少在AI仍然由人類指導並且尚未自主運作的情況下。地球上的人類現在有近一百億人,他們正在滑向一個由人工智能指揮和管理的未來,這對他們非常不利,因為人類將不再能夠談論自己的體力勞動,也不再能夠談論自我驅動的腦力勞動,也不再能夠談論自己的肌肉和神經活動。當人類還在工作,大多數人還能讀寫的時候,一切終將逆轉,就像現代技術出現之前一樣,由於快速和無節制的發展,人工智慧也將出現,並不可避免地取而代之。幾年前就已經顯而易見的是,幾乎沒有一個人可以離開手機或行動電話,通過這種方式進行“重要的” 對話,但通常是無聊和無意義的閒聊,而時間就這樣被消磨掉了。
If I now turn to the digital revolution, namely artificial intelligence, then it should be explained that this is mainly referring to the technical infrastructure of human cognitive abilities, which is still being replaced by computer technology and the use of countless devices, systems and machines, etc. This saves a huge amount of time and effort. This greatly and extensively spares the human being's muscular strength with regard to a great deal of work, which, however, has the consequence that this atrophies more and more, whereby the sensory system and his brain are also increasingly affected in this respect. The part of his consciousness that he is able to control through the functions of his brain is also impaired. The life energy of creation, which forms, animates and functions consciousness, is blocked by human beings' illusory thinking in such a way that it can no longer be fully active in the development of the evolution of knowledge, but only partially. As a result, human beings atrophy in their self-control of their ability to evolve and become, so to speak, a 'soulless' robot that is directed and controlled from the outside, trapped in the vicious circle of a worldly belief that artificial intelligence will make everything good for them. However, this will make human beings dependent on it and enslave them, because the qualities and therefore also the performance of AI will continue to increase and will one day become so high in terms of quantity and ultimately to such an extent that everything and anything that human beings used to do will be completely forgotten, just as they will no longer be able to do anything with their own senses, energy and strength. He will then practically eclipse himself and might become useless, just as the donkey was once replaced as a beast of burden by modern machines and lorries with 100 or 1000 times greater carrying capacity.
Human beings have long since become accustomed to the fact that they can be outperformed by a machine in every respect, that a machine can calculate much faster than they can. And also that a machine can already do many things better than the best of its peers. However, with artificial intelligence, it is no longer just a question of controlling everything by machine execution of pre-programmed commands, but much more. AI is specifically about the programming of learning and the categorisation of what has been programmed, but also particularly about the conclusions drawn from this, with pattern recognition playing a very important role. Especially with regard to conclusions, AI will go far beyond what human beings thought in their low intelligence, namely that they were great and good at it – but have always failed miserably in this respect.
雖然人類早就習慣了機器在各方面都能超越他,機器可以比他更快地進行計算。同時,這樣的機器在很多方面都能做得比同行中最優秀的人更好。然而,對於人工智慧來說,不再僅僅是控制機械執行預編程命令的問題,而是更多。人工智慧實際上涉及到學習的編程,以及對所編程內容的評估,特別是對其中得出的結論,而模式識別在其中起著非常重要的作用。特別是在結論方面,人工智慧將遠遠超越人類以前在其愚蠢中所想的,即他在這方面很強大且善於操作 —— 然而事實上迄今為止在這方面總是慘不忍睹的。
For many years now, many small 'auxiliary functions' have been creeping into human beings' everyday lives and the workings of their aspirations, opinions and wills, leading to political consequences worldwide and to war, crime, criminality, murder and manslaughter as well as to the bankruptcy and ruin of banks, companies and corporations, but also to over-indebtedness and 'lumpiness' on a private basis. This occurs when there is an unlimited inability to pay and the situation is such that current bills can no longer be paid. Lying, fraud and other dishonesty and embezzlement at banks, companies, corporations, businesses and businesses of all kinds are carried out by individual persons, entire groups or criminal organisations and financial fraud, theft, robbery and destruction are committed. The same or similar things also happen in private life, with the causes being very diverse and more than ever a chain of problematic life events such as unemployment, quarrels, divorce, separation, murder and manslaughter, illness or other prolonged suffering, etc.
However, all of the above is not enough explanation, because more than 35 years ago, in 1988, AI was already being used effectively to deceive the peoples and the world, without the knowledge of the entire world population, governments and intelligence services, etc., that artificial intelligence already existed. Thus, as a result of the endless greed for money and might, the development of artificial intelligence, financed by a very specific shadow government, was secretly – and absolutely concealed, even from all the governments of the world, known secret services and, of course, all peoples – already created at that time. This was then used – as has also happened on various occasions since then – to influence and falsify the election results in a nasty way. This is done by a shadow government, which, in pursuit of its goals, can hoist certain controllable personalities into the ranks of government as presidents or other 'valuable' persons. Something that has since become common practice, especially in America, without the American people and the US intelligence services knowing anything about it – not even the rulers of the Democratic and Republican parties, who in recent cases have had their presidents 'elected' through the use of AI, namely the autocratic and insane Trump, as well as the old, rickety and senile man Biden, who polishes his nose more on the ground because he keeps stumbling, trying something like a lame race and falling flat on his face. Both persons who, due to their incompetence, do not belong in government offices either. But this is also the case elsewhere in other countries, where people who are incapable of governing are in government offices, such as in Switzerland, where those traitors to the country take over sanctions against other countries from the EU dictatorship in violation of neutrality and apply them against foreign countries, just as, sadly, other traitors to the country are also 'spying' on joining the EU dictatorship and NATO and trampling Swiss neutrality with dirty feet into the deepest mire of disloyalty to Switzerland.
然而,以上這些還不足以說明問題,因為早在35年前的1988年,人工智慧就已經被有效地用於欺騙各國人民和全世界,而全世界人民、各國政府和情報部門等都不知道人工智慧已經存在。因此,由於對金錢和權力的無盡貪婪,在一個非常特殊的影子政府的資助下,人工智慧的發展在當時就已經秘密地 —— 甚至對世界各國政府、已知的情報部門,當然還有全體人民 —— 進行了絕對的隱瞞。然後,它被用來 —— 就像此後在各種場合發生的那樣 —— 以一種惡劣的方式影響和偽造選舉結果。影子政府就是這樣做的,它為了實現自己的目標,可以把某些可以控制的人物提升為總統或其他“有價值”的人。這已經成為一種慣例,尤其是在美國,而美國人民和美國情報部門對此卻並不知情 —— 甚至連民主黨和共和黨的統治者也不知道,在最近的案例中,他們的總統都是通過人工智慧“選舉”出來的,即專制而瘋狂的川普,以及年邁而衰老的拜登。這兩個人都因為無能而不應該擔任政府職務。但這種情況在其他國家也同樣存在,那些不適任的人擔任政府職務,例如在瑞士,那些國家的叛徒從歐盟獨裁者那裡接過違反中立的對其他國家的制裁,並對外國採取了不忠誠的行動,將瑞士的中立立場用骯髒的腳踩在背信最深的泥潭中。
Well, speech recognition and language translation, as well as facial recognition by photo cameras, voice recognition and everything else for personal identification is also very advanced and has meant that human beings as citizens have been increasingly monitored and controlled and have somehow become 'transparent' and 'transparent'. But the now rapidly advancing and effectively highly developed artificial intelligence, which will become independent and highly self-developed, is setting itself up to take control of human beings. This will lead to everything getting out of hand, in such a way that everything AI does will turn human beings more and more into transparent citizens, which will soon be the case in full and they will become slaves to the authorities in the long term. This is partly because the governments and their authorities will have them monitored and controlled by their security forces at every turn, and partly because any emerging dangers of a possible rebellion by the people can be nipped in the bud. However, man has already become so unfree today that he is no longer allowed to decide for himself what he may and may not do on his own land, because in this respect, governments and their authorities are already taking effective measures against the freedom and self-determination of human beings, so that they can no longer do or not do what they please with regard to their property, even though what they are supposed to do would be of absolutely good value and would be in order. However, those who think in terms of paragraphs, such as idiots of pseudo-minds in the form of certain civil servants who call themselves representatives of the law, representatives of order and the like, but who are not able to think for themselves, but can only do so in bondage and in slavery to the authorities, because on the one hand they are religious or secular believers and on the other hand they are autocrats and absolute authorities, behave like brainless henchmen of the superiors and think they are something like gods.
Recognition apps for music identification or wine identification etc. are also in vogue, indeed already exist, and are being pushed further by AI. It is always about recognising patterns, categorising and drawing conclusions. And what is inevitably coming, has already begun and might make such a mess of human beings' freedom is that they will be banned from owning cash. It is already the case that in many cases, human beings who have deposited their money in the bank are being refused cash from their own balances. This, as many things can also only be purchased against prepayment and by credit card or online. And it is planned – and effectively already being 'worked on' – to further advance the enslavement of human beings in such a way that they will be completely prohibited from owning cash, which will also force them under absolute control in this respect and also enslave them in terms of their monetary freedom. The precursors of this are already underway, but this will again result in a new and dangerous form of criminal offence that will not be harmless, but will cost many human lives. And all this because the development is not foreseen by those who enthusiastically tolerate, cheer to the skies and even promote artificial intelligence and the widespread enslavement of human beings by governments and their authorities and by the banks, or simply let everything happen and run its course without caring about it and resisting it.
用於音樂識別或葡萄酒識別等的辨識應用程式也很受歡迎,甚至已經存在,並且將通過人工智慧進一步推動。每次都涉及到模式識別、歸類、推斷。而不可避免的事情,已經開始並使人類的自由變得如此糟糕的事情是,人們被禁止擁有現金。現在已經多次拒絕那些把錢存在銀行的人提取他們自己存款的現金。這樣,像許多事物一樣,現在只能提前支付,而且只能使用信用卡在網上購買。並且計劃 —— 實際上已經在進行中 —— 進一步推進對人類的奴役,將完全禁止人類擁有現金,這也將迫使他們在這方面受到絕對控制,並在貨幣自由方面奴役他們。這方面的先兆已經出現,但這將再次導致一種新的、危險的刑事犯罪形式,這種形式不會是無害的,反而會讓許多人付出生命的代價。而這一切,都是因為那些對發展沒有預見性的人,他們熱衷於人工智慧和政府及其機構以及銀行對人民的廣泛奴役,他們讚美這一切,甚至支持,或者只是任由一切發生和順其自然而不去關心和抵制。
In future, we will no longer be able to rely on common sense, common sense and all the senses of human beings, because artificial intelligence will ensure that what has already been happening for several decades as a result of laziness, carelessness, dissoluteness and disinterest, etc., will spread to such an extent that it will be completely hopeless to bring about any change.
Common sense is being undermined by human beings themselves, because their unerring senses, which have guided them through life and into the future since time immemorial, and also their clear concepts of reality, reality and its truth, are already on very shaky ground today and will disappear more and more in the future. This is proven by human beings born after 1968, who have strange lifestyles, also strive for government offices, display strange government ideas and legislation, etc., are greedy for wealth, strive for public self-expression on television, etc., are addicted to sports fanaticism and travel fanaticism, but no longer learn anything, no professions, no real knowledge and nothing at all, so that they are no longer even able to read correctly. These human beings deceive their own senses, because they no longer hear and look at the world in a real way, but at a world of synthesisation, apps, mobile phones, screens and terms in foreign languages, advertisements and believable lies and deceptions. In addition, they have become complete rivets when it comes to the practice of work, as well as being stunted and dumbfounded by the media.
In the last 5 decades in particular, we have seen a bad foretaste of what will happen in the future. Sports fanaticism alone, in the form of mere spectatorship rather than self-motivation and frenetic cheering, is a nerve-wracking experience for the average person. Music, too, has fallen into the degeneracy of discordant tones and an instrumental ruckus that no longer has anything to do with harmonious sounds, but only with shattering noise, disharmonious noise, terror, war and enmity, etc., while harmonious singing has disappeared. This, while harmonious singing has disappeared, countered by such disharmonious and frenetically crazy roaring, howling and hooting that it could even freeze the waters of the seas if it were to react. Nevertheless, none of this is stopped, and it clearly proves and testifies to the fact that the 'musicians' and 'singing' resp. howling performers and listeners of both sexes are far removed from reality and all its realities in terms of righteousness and balance and high character and true humanity and behaviour.
What understanding, what behaviour and what parallel worlds and disharmonies the whole thing leads to, because human beings no longer have anything in common with the reality of reality, contributes to the fact that human beings on the whole no longer exhibit and live out true values such as peacefulness, friendliness, mutual respect, honour, dignity, honesty and helpfulness. On the contrary, a vast majority of Earth's humanity, which has long since become indifferent, is today focussed on behaving in a wrong way. As a result, human beings are alienated from each other, and they miseducate themselves and become lowly intelligent resp. non-thinking and religious or worldly believers instead of turning to reality and its realities, learning something really clever and valuable. A great many people idolise actors, sports stars and other sports stars etc. and become fanatical about them instead of doing sport themselves, which is important for physical activity. This also results in a crisis of self-confidence among human beings, which leads to weariness with life and many suicides. Some human beings ask themselves, who am I anyway, when few others still have special abilities for which they have spent a long time learning and for which they can also understand the world and control their lives. But what can the questioners, who are only religious or secular believers and therefore pseudo-thinkers, do, namely nothing, because suddenly they are replaced by machines through AI and are nothing more than slaves.
However, Earth's humanity as a whole will face a cultural crisis on an unimaginable scale, because human beings' entire conceptual system and their cultures will collapse as a result of the new digital technologies of artificial intelligence and define a new reality. And AI will have everything at its disposal and determine access to everything. Capital will no longer play any role at all, because the AI will not care at all, and human beings will have nothing more to say about it, because their freedom will be gone under these circumstances.
Well, unfortunately, everything has already become unstoppable, because the new age of the digital revolution can no longer be stopped, and it would take tremendous courage and also a huge imagination just to think about it correctly and independently, openly, freely and correctly, and not just believing illusory thoughts. Thinking about the big questions of completely new circumstances requires not only courage and righteousness, but also the knowledge of what the reality of reality actually is.
For around 40 years, people have been asking themselves where man is still a human being and not just a machine, and for centuries they have been asking themselves whether man is a true human being and how many true human beings exist on Earth at all who are not only called human by name and species. And the question arises as to what a human community actually is when all the many wars, massacres, quarrels, acts of violence, hatred, murder and manslaughter, lies and deceit, crime and criminality and inhumanity in humanity are considered? What is actually the responsibility of human beings, that they misuse the energy and power of their consciousness, the very life energy of creation, in such a thoughtless way?
The new technology of artificial intelligence harbours more harm than good, just as it did before with the overly rapid technical, electronic and digital development on which the majority of humanity has become hopelessly dependent and even addicted in every form.
However, artificial intelligence brings new and greater dangers and new deadly opportunities at the same time, and it also creates new tasks and demands new answers in this regard, many of which can no longer be mastered. Even when industrialisation first emerged, it caused great hardship, problems, violence and wars, and new solutions also had to be found for a great many things, which also contributed to general education, which is now so generally neglected that we can speak of verbalisation. The good things that have contributed to a reasonably good world and to valuable things, such as good medicine and good healthcare, pension funds and fitness centres, etc., are already being called into question again in many cases today.
The question is what artificial intelligence will bring to humanity now, whether there will be benefits for the time being and what misery and hardship will result in the future? No one wants to hear my answer to this, because no one wants to know what will really happen and how everything will develop. If the future is already precisely stated in terms of what will happen for humanity and the world, then no one will build on it and take the truth seriously, but only as empty chatter and wild fantasy. Only a few will give honest and righteous as well as independent thought to all the knowledge and learning from what has been explained so far, that everything will change according to the attitude of human beings, including the way we live together in 100 years' time.
Artificial intelligence will not be able to make the Earth bloom again or restore a wild meadow at the edge of the forest, just as the sheer chaotic beauty of nature cannot be restored in the old wise. There will only be industrial and standardised monocultures, which means that nature will have to be transformed. Digital technology will have to react as flexibly and adaptably as life itself, so that it is also workable in its diversity by AI, which means that all agriculture and horticulture etc. can be transformed into permaculture. Permaculture is a term derived from the English 'permanent (agri)culture', which means 'permanent agriculture' or 'permanent cultivation' and represents a concept for agriculture and horticulture that imitates ecosystems and cycles in nature, which should no longer require free field labour.
人工智慧無法使地球重新綻放生機,也無法讓森林邊緣的草地再次呈現野生美景,正如大自然那種近乎混亂的美麗也無法以古老的方式重新恢復。未來只會存在工業化和標準化的單一文化,這將改變自然。數位技術必須像生命本身一樣靈活且具適應性,因此它可以處理生命的多樣性,從而使整個農業和園藝等行業轉變為永續農業。永續農業(Permaculture)是一個源自英文「permanent (agri)culture」的混成詞,德文大致意為「永續農業」或「永續栽培」,它是一種農業和園藝的概念,模仿自然中的生態系統和循環,因此不再需要傳統的田間勞動。
In the future, this type of digitalisation may not only fundamentally change the way we deal with agriculture and horticulture, but also human beings' understanding of all living things in nature in general and therefore of fauna and flora.
As a result of gene sequencing devices, as well as the many sensor technologies that are widespread on the internet, but also through innovations in artificial intelligence – as long as human beings still have access to these with impunity, which will change in the future – they can still use the large amounts of data available for processing. For example, to observe the visible world of plants and animals, animals and all other self-moving life-forms, as well as the entire plant world from the simplest mould to many mosses, grasses and flowers etc., right up to bushes and trees. This, as well as observing the invisible world of microorganisms, fungi, bacteria and viruses and how they interact. These insights can still promote progress in medicine, horticulture and agriculture from the ground up, but this will one day come to an end.
由於有了基因定序(gene sequencing)設備,以及在網絡上廣泛傳播的各種感測技術,還通過人工智慧的創新 —— 只要人類仍然可以無阻礙地使用這些技術,未來就會改變 —— 他們仍然可以利用大量資料進行處理。例如,觀察植物和動物的可見世界、動物和所有其他自我移動的生命形式,以及整個植物世界,從最簡單的黴菌到許多苔蘚、草和花等,直至灌木叢和樹木。此外,我們還觀察了看不見的微生物、真菌、細菌和病毒世界,以及它們如何相互作用。這些洞察力仍能從根本上推動醫學、園藝學和農業的進步,但這一切終究將有一個結束。
It is a completely false truism that evolution is neither good nor bad, because the truth is that only good can be good, while bad remains bad. It is not and never has been only about how it is dealt with, but also whether the necessary understanding and skills are brought to bear when something bad is tackled. But if this is not the case, then bad things remain bad things – or good things can become bad things, especially when it comes to human beings and their character behaviour.
認為進化既不是好的也不是壞的,這是完全錯誤的認知,因為事實是只有好的才能是好的,而壞的仍然是壞的。這不僅關係到如何處理壞事,而且關係到在處理壞事時是否具備必要的理解和技能。但如果不是這樣,那麼壞事仍然是壞事 —— 或者好事可能變成壞事,尤其是在涉及人及其性格行為的時候。
How can linguistic flexibility and the necessary knowledge make it possible for the bad to become the good in human beings who are bad and evil in character through good words, or for good human beings to become bad and unbalanced in character if the correct words and arguments are not used? And this has been the case since time immemorial, and human beings have had to live and cope with it – no more and no less. And just as it has been all time before, he must also adapt to this truth and all future events.
如果不使用正確的詞語和論據,語言的靈活性和必要的知識怎麼可能使性格惡劣、邪惡的人通過好的詞語變成好的人,或者使性格好的人變成性格惡劣、不平衡的人呢?自古以來,情況就是如此,人類不得不生活在其中,並加以應對 —— 不多也不少。就像以前一樣,他也必須適應這個事實和未來的所有事件。
SSSC, 30th December 2023, 17:18 hrs
You are done with this?
- Yes, I am – - I am worried about that though. – Maybe – maybe you did not say too much?
是的,已經看完了。但我對此有點擔心。也許 —— 也許你是不是說得太多了?
That may indeed be the case, and perhaps it will once again lead to people trying to – well, that may be the case, then. The truth just does not want to be heard. But worrying about it does not help anyway, so it is better to move on to other good things. I have an email from A…, and he writes the following, which you should please read:
情況可能確實如此,也許這將再次導致人們試圖 —— 好吧,那就這樣吧。真相就是不想被聽到。但無論如何,擔心也於事無補,還是繼續做其他好事吧。我收到一封來自A ... 的電子郵件,他寫了以下內容,請你讀一讀:
Good afternoon, dear Eduard,
Greetings to you, Eva and Selina.
I am just reading report 872 and what Arlion says about the rocking waves.
我正在閱讀《第872次接觸報告》以及Arlion關於搖擺的波浪(rocking waves)所說的內容。
I am trying to break down what immediately comes to mind into prime factors.
I read once a long time ago that Russians studied the energy over churches and actually found some form of energy when people said certain words/"spells" at the same time. (I have written to you about this before).
I also saw a video in which the Russians, by influencing the water via a transducer, pronounced various ancient Russian words and words in common use today, under the influence of which harmonic and non-harmonic waves were created in the water. It looked as if everything (nature) was controlled by "something" It follows directly from this that when human beings simultaneously utter certain words prayers/"spells" and they end with "Amen" (let it be done), then each letter, each word and the emotion expressed thereby creates a specific vibration.
Perhaps someone in the distant past spent a long time researching how to make it so that a prayer/"spell" would be effective and not easy to decipher.
I also immediately think of the faction of Plejaren who were stationed under the pyramids of Giza, who were at a similar level of technology if they had the dematerialisation and rematerialisation technology you saw long ago when you were in the pyramid with Asket.
When the spaceship in the chamber you saw dematerialised and then rematerialised 30-40 km above the pyramid, as Asket said at the time. (if I remember it correctly).
It is also not clear who they had contact with; I mean yet another civilisation that created science in that very field. Vibrations/spoken words that can cause fanaticism, including religious fanaticism.
I also see it as if someone did it on purpose so that when he "returns" he can continue to parasitise on unsuspecting humanity. (but he will not come back)
It may be that someone has developed an effective method of utilising vibrations in the letters that create words and whole "spells". When these words are spoken simultaneously by many groups of people at the same time and at the same moment, the rocking waves somehow create interference that is so strong that "sparks are thrown" in confrontation with you.
My point is that it disturbs the opposite energy in you and effectively might play various unpleasant tricks – also in the computer.
It is a bit like it has been deliberately planned. I also think about it as if the self-awareness of the sub-energy of the superimposed rocking waves were somehow on the side of this majority of human beings uttering certain intentional words/"spells" at the same time.
But it is as if it is a "mechanism/tool" so to speak, not from the highest, but from one of the lower planes of existence. I do not believe in coincidences.
I also think that in your "extra" memory there may be a similar event on other worlds in the distant past.
I remember, dear Eduard, how you once said that there are no miracles, no spells etc., "everything is somehow explainable".
As if it were the will of the majority that manifests itself in this wise.
These are my thoughts and conspiracy theories.
I have not had a chance to observe what the rocking waves look like or how the sub-energy is constructed, but when I think about it, something pops into my "head".
Something different:
I found information I have always wanted to ask you about.
In one of the reports beginning with 47, I found your answer to Ptaah's question.
"I come from a world where there are no 'ranks and names'." It is great how much this statement speaks about 'this' plane of existence.
「我來自一個沒有 '階級和名稱' 的世界。」這句話很好地詮釋了“這個”層次的存在。
It is very important to me because it confirms that I am thinking correctly about this and other planes of existence. I would also like to thank you for the information that I was also interested in, and I saw in a video that Alexander had died of malaria as a result of a mosquito bite.
But in one of the reports, Ptaah said and explained that Alexander died "as a result of medical error" (by trying to wash out his throat with a feather with a certain herb from the ….. group, they artificially induced vomiting that lasted for many days).
This is an ancient story and it is best to learn from the mistakes of other human beings, not your own.
I also noticed in one of the reports that "you lived on the planet Akard", if that is not a translation error.
This is also very interesting because you probably knew when you were young that the future would have tragic consequences for this world.
Of course, if the Akartians do not change anything in their lives and continue to multiply senselessly.
Something else:
As for the translation of the book, there is not much to talk about, your idea, dear Eduard, is out of the "contest".
Because if I thought more about what Christian (whom I greet warmly) wrote to me, what decision was made regarding the translation, then if you take into account persons who are not FIGU members and do not know the whole history and expressions used for many years very well, they would have no chance to translate the book correctly.
You could say there is no chance. And I think that to a certain extent (certainly not one hundred or eighty per cent) I am aware of the seriousness of the situation regarding the book 'OM' but also other books. Therefore, it will be better if I support the translation and the book is translated in a correct and precise wise that reflects the essence of the good in a language that is understandable to Poles scattered all over the world.
And at the same time I am aware that after the translation the book will lose its code and there will probably be no words in Polish that can be used to translate German words.
Szymon asks me a lot about different things and I answer him according to the knowledge I have and support it with links so that he can read it himself and understand it correctly.
I hope that our cousins from the stars will check what Szymon writes and what I answer "just in case". (it is better this way).
If it would not be a problem, I would like to ask you if Christian could perhaps suggest what to translate from the reports and in what order?
Or should reports or bulletins or brochures be translated first?
Can Szymon translate the book "The Power of the Waterfall"?
Szymon能翻譯《瀑布的力量》(The Power of the Waterfall)這本書嗎?
I know that the disclosure of a lot of very important information is synchronised so that it would only be found by the "persevering" human beings, human beings who "enjoy knowledge", but most importantly that there would not be too many "all-knowing" human beings.
So the order is also important, because I do not know if "at random" is a good idea. For example, report 8 and some reports in its "neighbourhood" reveal a lot.
But it may also be the case that it is already time to translate everything from the beginning (meeting Sfath first, of course, then Asket) and then from the first report?
Since there is such a possibility, I would like to ask you, dear Eduard, for advice on how we should do it.
Something else:
As for "our farm", there are also visible changes, but not for the better. And as far as I remember, not much will change until "a certain point in time".
It may also be the case that soon the so-called "our allies" will give these new "actors on the political stage" the order to introduce a certain "state" in order to force the Poles, and not only our nation, into the war in the East on the basis of this state.
What a clever way to throw human beings into the "meat grinder".
Yes, but I remember the prophecies and there is nothing you can do about it. I remember that it was written that it "will happen with absolute accuracy".
I will end my letter with that.
If there is an opportunity, please extend words of respect and love to our cousins of the Plejaren at the hands of Ptaah and Quetzal.
Also send the same greetings to our dear core group members with words of respect and love for their hard work.
Warm greetings for your dear Eva and Selina
What A… writes all is also very interesting, and moreover it proves that A… is devoted to many-sided interests and is also concerned about the energies of the believers by which you are so hindered in your work on the computer. Interesting is what he writes regarding the tests that took place in Russia, namely that investigations were carried out in churches there and it was found that very specific energies were released and registered in the churches when someone spoke certain words, magic words, as A… writes.
A ... 所寫的一切也非常有趣,此外,這也證明A ... 對多方面的關注,他也考慮到信徒的能量,這些能量讓你在電腦工作時受到很大的阻礙。有趣的是,他寫到了在俄羅斯進行的測試,即在那裡的教堂裡進行的調查,結果發現,當有人說出某些特定的話語時,如A ... 所寫,教堂裡就會釋放並記錄下非常特殊的能量。
Yes, that is really very interesting, and it probably also says that it is precisely religious belief energies. As I can imagine, these words or magic words that he is referring to are probably prayers that trigger the corresponding prayer energies or the influencing and damaging faith energies that are directed against everything that is not aligned with them and disturb or even attack them. Religious energies of faith, however, are such that, as happens to me at the computer, my work and I are viciously attacked by these religious energies and forces and they not only severely hinder me in my work, but also try to harm my health. On the other hand, they are also geared towards keeping religious believers even more so in their insane delusional beliefs and, moreover, forcing unstable human beings into religious delusions until they really fall hopelessly into them.
This is exactly what Arlion reported to me, what he and his many collaborators have fathomed.
Yes, he was here and explained everything to me, but Sfath had already explained some of this to me in the 1940s, but there was never any talk then of these energies and their powers attacking me one day. There was talk that they would cause me trouble in my lifetime if I took up my work, but Sfath never said that they would be as malevolent as they are now.
He also did not mention it in his annals. Presumably that was not researched by him either.
Not together with me, anyway, just as he probably also did not do it on his own, because I assume he would have warned me about it otherwise.
That is indeed to be assumed. But what he has taught you is just as amazing as he has also made you see things that all earthly scientists in all fields of knowledge would envy you if they knew about them. What you have seen and learnt in the deepest and all other waters of the seas, the jungle forests, on and deep in the Earth as well as high on the high mountains, that …
… there should not be too much talk about that, because firstly I do not want to talk about it openly, because it would not be good if it all became known before it was found or discovered. Secondly, a lot of things would be thrown at me anyway in the wise that I would lie or fantasise because it seems impossible to many human beings. This has often been done to me in my life, even here at the Centre people have doubted some of the things I have said, for example when I have seen something unusual, but which could then also be proven by surveillance cameras or days or months later by a similar incident. And thirdly, I do not care at all that others claim to have been the first up there or down there etc., even though I was there before anyone had even thought that it might be possible to go there or that there might be a possibility of going there. Let those who want to think they are great, I do not care, and let all those who want to know better than it really was claim, interpret or otherwise 'find out' something wrong about archaeology or the past. All around there is only an addiction to fame, assertion, know-it-all attitude, wanting to be great, greed and delusion, which is why everything often leads to quarrelling, persecution and even murder, manslaughter and even war, which is also why thievery, lies and fraud are the order of the day. Large and thick books have also been written about this and that, which are nothing but full of false assumptions, fantasies, lies and deceit, such as, for example, the books on religion in the worst case, whereby the majority of humanity lives in the delusion that a 'dear God' sits in 'heaven' with his angelic hosts, who created everything, oversees it and rewards those human beings who do good. On the contrary, evil human beings are supposed to burn in 'hell' with 'Gäbelifritz' resp. Satan resp. the devil, who is supposed to roast, roast and eternally torment these or their souls in eternal hellfire. Whether this was believed by the human being who imaginatively invented this horror story remains unclear, but among religious believers this fantasy lie has terrified countless human beings.
... 關於這些,我們不應該談論太多,因為,首先我不想公開談論這個問題,因為如果在被發現或發現之前就知道了,那就不好了。其次,無論如何,很多事情都會拋給我,讓我撒謊或幻想,因為這在很多人看來是不可能的。在我的生活中,經常有人這樣對我,即使是在中心,人們也對我說過的一些話表示懷疑,例如,當我看到一些不尋常的事情時,但監控攝像頭或幾天或幾個月後的類似事件也可以證明這一點。第三,我根本不在乎別人說自己是第一個上去或下來的人,儘管我在別人還沒有想到有可能去那裡或有可能去那裡之前就到了那裡。讓那些自以為了不起的人去吧,我不在乎;讓所有那些想比真實情況知道得更多的人去聲稱、解釋或以其他方式“發現”考古學或過去的錯誤吧。這就是為什麼一切往往會導致爭端、迫害,甚至謀殺、誤殺,甚至戰爭,也因此盜竊、撒謊和欺詐屢見不鮮。例如,在最糟糕的情況下,大多數人類生活在信仰的妄想中,認為在“天堂”裡有一位“親愛的上帝”和他的天使軍團坐在那裡,他創造了一切,監視著並獎勵那些行善的人。與此相反,那些惡人則應在“地獄”中由“Gäbelifritz”或撒旦(Satan)或魔鬼(devil)一起被燒死,後者應該在永恆的地獄之火中炙烤、烘烤並永遠折磨這些人或他們的靈魂。至於編造這個恐怖故事的人是否自己相信,目前尚不清楚,但在宗教信徒中,這個虛幻的謊言曾讓無數人感到恐懼。
It was that way, and it is still that way to some extent.
Possibly, because I can imagine that this crazy belief in it will continue to operate in this wise for a very long time. But what do you think, does war aid from the 50 or so countries to Zelensky also promote criminality, crimes against human beings and peoples, human trafficking and prostitution? When I think about it like that, I come to the conclusion that this is indeed the case.
You are thinking correct, and it is indeed as you …
你的想法是正確的,而且實際上就是正如你所 ...
… just, that is what I think – what do you think will happen regarding overpopulation, will maybe the Earthlings get wise after all and stop this if …? Anyway, that did not happen when Sfath and I were looking at the future.
... 是的,這就是我的想法 —— 你認為人口過剩會發生什麼,也許地球人終究會變得聰明起來,停止這一切,如果 ... ?總之,在我和Sfath展望未來的時候,這並沒有發生。
I cannot see any hope of a reduction, at least at present, consequently there will be further harmful growth that will cause all the problems to degenerate more and more until …
我看不到任何減少的希望,至少在目前是這樣,因此會有進一步的不利增長,導致所有問題日益惡化,直到 ...
I know that, and that will be unalterable, for that is so, but unfortunately it is also not understood by those who believe that they could let everything continue to exist by looking for a new Earth. They do not see that everything is illusory unless overpopulation is quickly reduced through a truly global multi-year as well as strictly controlled birth freeze. However, every word is spoken into the wind, I realise that, and consequently it may be thought about when it is too late.
That will probably be the case, because Earth's humanity's thorough thinking through of such matters of importance only takes place when the damage has already been done. My father Sfath recognised this back in the 1940s and wrote a lot about it in his annals. He wrote that the world war would never have happened if it had been recognised early on whose mindset Adolf Hitler really was when he announced it in 1925. But those responsible let him get away with it, which ultimately led to the world war and the Holocaust. He recognised this correctly at the time, because everything had been judged wrongly, because the correct thinking had not been done early on and Hitler and his many like-minded people were able to take over the leadership of Germany and bring war and the Holocaust upon the world, murdering millions of people. The world war that cost the lives of over 60 million human beings, especially millions of Jewish believers, and also caused immense destruction. And once again, hatred is being stirred up against Jew-believers worldwide, especially in Germany, on the one hand because of the Jew-believing Zelensky, who is being supplied with weapons and ammunition by the German government, and on the other hand because of Netanyahu, who is being praised, whereby hatred is being fuelled by all the neo-NAZIs and like-minded neo-NAZI heads in the German state leadership, but also in America. In these states in particular, it is the right-wing extremists and anti-Jewish people who openly live out their thinking in this regard in an excessively wise manner.
This, while those state leaders hypocritically do the opposite, who, as neo-NAZIs, are anything but Jew-friendly, but want to create a good impression to the outside world of the opposite among that part of the people who are pro-Jewish and also opposed to the military, Gewalt and war. The righteous in the state leaderships – as everywhere in the leaderships of other states on Earth – are not able to assert themselves against the neo-NAZIs, who are deceitful and also want to ban and destroy other political parties if they have and represent other views that are contrary to the views and interests of the neo-NAZIs. They hypocritically and against their true convictions only pretend to be friendly to Jews in order to win over that part of the population that is honestly friendly to Jews.
與此同時,那些國家領導人卻虛偽地反其道而行之,他們作為新納粹分子,對猶太人並不友好,但卻想在親猶太人和反對軍事、納粹和戰爭的那部分人中給外界造成一種相反的良好印象。國家領導層中的正義之士 —— 就像地球上其他國家的領導層中的正義之士一樣 —— 無法堅持自己的立場來反對新納粹分子,因為新納粹分子欺世盜名,還想取締和摧毀其他政黨,如果這些政黨擁有和代表與新納粹分子的觀點和利益相悖的其他觀點的話。他們虛偽地違背自己的真實信念,只是假裝對猶太人友好,以爭取那部分對猶太人真誠友好的人。
With what you say, you are not exactly making friends with those who are misguided in this regard, which is why it is probably better if you …
… but I will not be silent on this, for I speak the truth, consequently I do not retract a single word, which you shall also recall and write down all that I have spoken. And if something offensive comes against my truthful and open statements, then it will be controlled by right-wing extremist groups and neo-NAZIs, which will prove all the more that everything really is as I say.
... 但我不會對此保持沉默,因為我說的都是實話,因此我不會收回任何一個字,你們也應該記住並寫下我所說的一切。如果有人對我的真實和公開的言論進行攻擊,那麼它將會被右翼極端主義組織和新納粹所控制,這將更加證明一切確實如我所說。
The whole thing is probably so, but …
整個事情可能就是這樣,但 ...
… speak no further, for I also know what you want to say. But let us leave this topic for now, because it is already dawning and I should …
... 不要再說了,因為我也知道你想說什麼。但讓我們暫時拋開這個話題,因為天已經亮了,我應該...
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