Contact Report 740/第740次接觸報告
接觸時間:2020 年 5 月 23 日,星期六
本次接觸是在上次的隔日,Ptaah 心心念念的是提醒地球人要做好防止冠狀病毒繼續蔓延的安全措施,除了上次(第 739 次接觸報告)詳細的說明內容,他又不厭其煩的再趕來補充幾點;其中較為特別的,就是強調美國和巴西這兩位獨裁者,也就是川普和波索納洛(Bolsonaro),由於他們病態的狂妄自大、驕傲、專橫與愚蠢,導致這兩個國家將在 6 月底之前,會成為全球感染人數和死亡人數最多的國家。至於其他部分,則是重複強調了繼續保持防疫措施的必要性。
Greetings to you too, Eduard, dear friend. It is indeed the case, however, that I still have a few things to explain to you concerning this matter with regard to the safety measures that ought to be observed under all circumstances. And these explanations are needed due to the emergency, and you are to publish them on your website so that they are disclosed:
1) The irresponsibility of the state leaders has resulted in the coronavirus being able to spread as a pandemic, because from the very beginning the responsible ones of the states did not take the necessary urgent and unavoidable security measures to contain the rampantly spreading disease, as you, on the contrary, have done in the Center and continue to do. In the absence of this fact, that is to say, due to the failure of the state leaders, the coronavirus is spreading rampantly everywhere and will have caused some 500,000 deaths by the end of June. Above all, due to the fault of the dictators of the USA and Brazil, Trump and Bolsonaro – who have fallen pathologically into megalomania, hubris and imperiousness and double bean-straw-like low intelligence – these countries will have to mourn the largest number of infected and dead ones by the end of June. But this also extends to other countries, especially to various South American countries; therefore the whole matter of the expanding rampantly spreading disease will continue to persist. This will also affect all those states that senselessly and irresponsibly relax or completely abolish the few security measures that have been enacted, such as bans on going out and traveling, and the safe distance decrees as well as the wearing of protective masks and so forth, or even allowing demonstrations. This will lead to many new infections and fatalities, namely also in countries which, in this regard, only had to mourn few deaths so far.
1) 由於一些國家領導人的不負責任,導致冠狀病毒大肆流行,因為從一開始,各國的領導人並沒有像你們在「中心」所做的並繼續遵守的那樣,採取必要與應有的安全措施,來遏制這種猖獗的疾病。在沒有這一事實的情況下,也就是說,由於國家領導人的處置失當,冠狀病毒正在全世界迅速蔓延,到 6 月底將造成約 50 萬人死亡。其中最重要的是,由於美國和巴西這兩位獨裁者的過失,也就是川普和波索納洛(Bolsonaro) —— 他們病態的狂妄自大、驕傲與專橫,還有就是超級的愚蠢 —— 這兩個國家將在 6 月底之前,不得不悲哀地成為感染人數和死亡人數最多的國家。但這也會蔓延到其他國家,特別是南美各國;因此,整個不斷擴大的疫情將會繼續散播。這也將影響所有那些放鬆或完全取消本已採取少許安全措施的國家,例如原來禁止的出國旅行、保持安全距離,以及配戴防護口罩等,甚至現在還允許一些示威活動。這種狀況將導致許多新的感染和死亡,這也會發生在那些迄今在這方面僅有少數人因染疫而死亡的國家中。
[中譯者註:截至台灣時間 6 月 27 日上午 9 時左右,全球累計染疫不治人數超過 49.2 萬人。(資料來自:聯合新聞網;該數字會隨日期變動而更新)]
2) The rampantly spreading corona disease has not yet been brought under control in any form and will continue to claim many victims, namely both direct victims, who die quickly as a result of infection, as well as indirect victims, who die afterwards from sequelae of the rampantly spreading disease, which will be many and varied; for example, persistent lung diseases, which, among other things, can manifest themselves as pulmonary fibrosis caused by the virus, and as respiratory distress. This is the case because the rampantly spreading disease also causes a lack of oxygen in the blood, which leads to the corona virus having the effect of calling forth a remodelling of the lung structure and the lung connective tissue expanding abnormally. Therefore both external and internal damage occurs, that is to say, interstitial processes of the lung tissue, which means that, in the space between the actual function-bearing interstitial connective tissue, that is to say, in the niches between the body cells, tissue fluids form, for example, through which this lung disease is called forth. This inevitably results in inadequate regeneration of the covering cells in the pulmonary alveoli, and this in turn disrupts the repair of the lung mechanisms and additionally also scars and hardens the supporting tissue of the lungs.
2) 到目前為止,猖獗的冠狀病毒尚未得到任何形式的控制,而將繼續造成許多受害者,也就是那些因感染而迅速死亡的直接受害者,以及後來死於因感染雖治癒但有後遺症的間接受害者。這種病毒將具多種變異;例如,持續性的肺病,這除了其它症狀外,還會因病毒造成肺部纖維化,並引發呼吸窘迫。這是因為這種疾病會造成血液中缺氧,而導致冠狀病毒產生肺結構重塑和肺部結締組織異常膨脹的作用。因此,無論是外部和內部都發生損傷,也就是說,肺部組織的「間質變化過程」(interstitial processes;參見間質性肺病),意思是實際上具有支撐功能的間質結締組織之間的空隙,也就是在身體細胞之間的縫隙(niches),形成了組織液,從而導致這種肺病。這種狀況必然會造成肺泡中的覆蓋細胞再生功能不足,進而擾亂肺部機制的修復,此外還會造成肺部支撐組織的受損和硬化。
This disease, however, is only one of various others, some of which arise as severe sequelae that remain efficacious throughout life and over time can lead to infirmity and death and can call forth new types of suffering.
2) The whole thing of the irrationality, irresponsibility and all the human-life-disdaining and much too premature relaxing and lifting of the halfway effective measures against further spreading, infection and claiming of deaths by the rampantly spreading corona disease, will claim many more victims in the near and following time. Many of those holding positions of responsibility of the majority of all state officials are corrupt, are doubly as low in intelligence as bean straw, irresponsible or just simple-minded and incapable of holding office.
3) 整個非理性、不負責任並蔑視人類生命的處理方式,以及過早解封並取消那些為防止冠狀病毒疫情進一步傳播、感染和死亡的有效措施,都因其半途而廢而將在近期和以後造成更多的受害者。對國家人民負有責任的政府官員,有許多是腐敗而智能不足的,他們不負責任而頭腦簡單,能力不足以擔任政府公職。
3) As a result of all the above-mentioned, it is still absolutely essential – namely in the longer term, which under some circumstances can extend into the next year and the year after that – that everything conceivably necessary in terms of safety measures is maintained, namely, in particular, the wearing of protective masks of the FFP2 type, although in special cases under some circumstances an FFP1 protective mask can suffice. It is also absolutely essential to keep a necessary distance of 1.5 to 2 metres when dealing with fellow human beings who are not directly involved in one’s own household, family area or communal area as pertains to observing the required personal, family-related or communal safety measures. And all of these security measures are also to be extended to both close and more distant family members, friends and close acquaintances.
4) 由於上述所有情況,仍然絕對有必要 —— 也就是從長期來看,可能要延續到明年乃至後年 —— 保持必要一切可能的安全措施,特別是戴上 FFP2 型防護口罩,儘管在特殊情況下,FFP1 防護口罩就足夠了。在與不是自己家庭或社區成員打交道時,絕對要保持 1.5 至 2 公尺的安全距離,因為這涉及個人、家庭或社區的安全措施。所有這些安全措施,也將擴大到親密與遠方的家庭成員、朋友和熟人。
4) No attention ought to be paid to liars regarding the rampantly spreading corona disease and all sorts of conspiracy theories and persons from the populations who are doubly as low in intelligence as bean straw and who demonstrate against, deny or ridicule security measures regarding the rampantly spreading corona disease and consequently they go around carelessly, simple-mindedly and irresponsibly without protective masks and, moreover, move towards other persons at an insufficient distance or even touch them in any form, which is criminally careless, consciencelessly indifferent, reckless and unscrupulous.
5) 在任何情形下,都不應理會那些反對防止冠狀病毒傳播以及散播各種陰謀論的騙子,還有那些來自群眾中的超級笨蛋,他們聚眾示威,反對、否認或嘲笑那些可以防止冠狀病毒傳播的安全措施,因此,他們掉以輕心、頭腦不清、不負責任地到處走動,甚至沒有戴上口罩而近距離靠向他人,以任何形式接觸他們,這是一種犯罪式的粗心、無情、魯莽與無恥的行為。
These, Eduard, are the facts and requirements which I should have still presented to you last night, but which I forgot.