
(上承  來自我們未來生命的訊息CH01-01 



Very Low Frequency


For you see, there is an energy reason keeping us at bay. You have created your society to be one full of people who hide things from themselves, and this has created gaps in your energy field. These gaps create the illusion that you are vibrating at a very low and slow frequency. We are being of assistance to you so as to give you an opportunity to recognize that you can change your frequency and go through your transformation with an absolute minimum amount of negativity, in terms of the manifestations as they occur on your planet. . . . in the great changes which will take place during the next few years.

你們明白,我們蟄伏不出是有能量因素的你們所創造的社會中,充滿了愛隱瞞的人們,這就使你們的能場有了隔閡這些隔閡創造了你們在很低、很慢的頻率中振動的幻相我們是來協助你們,讓你們有機會明白,你們可以改變頻率,並且在轉型時經歷最少的負面效果 —— 就地球上所發生的“現象”… 就未來幾年間,地球上將會發生的巨大變化而言

We do not mean this to sound egotistical or derogatory to you in any way, but when you encounter beings that are willing to be their full selves, these beings operate at a higher frequency. We could use the analogy of a faster spinning gear and a slower turning gear. When you bring a slow gear and a fast gear together without allowing them to match frequencies, and jam them into physical interaction, there will only be a disruption, a psychotic breaking. Because the idea is that our frequency physiologically in a sense would force your vibration to accelerate at a higher level by being in proximity to our frequency. That would allow all the things many of you have kept buried within you to rise to the surface, forcing you to face them. This can cause psychotic shock to certain individuals.


Therefore, being of a different vibratory field than you, we cannot interact with you in a physiological way unless there is some meeting of the minds, or some pre-arranged purpose fitting the timing that best serves all those who are concerned. When the timing allows it; when it serves the purpose that has been agreed upon by you, we shall meet face to face. If we have not done so, then I will ask you to trust that the timing is not appropriate. And to know that when it is appropriate, nothing will keep us away!


Bashar, how can you prove to us you are who you say you are?


First and foremost, the main purpose of this interaction is not for the validation of my existence; it is for the validation of yours. We are not here to prove anything to you, nor can we force you to believe we are who we say we are. If your world insists it does not want to know we exist, we must respect that. The governmental structures you have created on your planet at this point are still insisting we do not exist, and therefore we cannot violate that chosen belief system. You have created your governments, and that is who you all are. When you make changes within the structure you have said represents you, then they will represent what you say is the popular will. At this point, they do not.


Do understand that your government is very well aware of our existence -- very well aware. But because you have created your society in layers that can hide information from other layers, many of your members do not have that data -- although many of the mainstream members within your governments do. Quite a number of civilizations have already interacted with your world -- among them individuals from our world, Essassani, and from Arcturus and Sirius. And there are the Pleiadians and the Zeta Reticuli. There have been actual physical interactions between members of our society and your government.

要明白,你們的政府的確很清楚我們的存在 —— 十分清楚。可是由於你們所創造的社會,不同的層次可以把資訊隱藏不讓他層知道,因此很多人都沒有那些資料 —— 雖然政府之中有許多的主流份子知道。有許多文明已經與你們的世界有互動 —— 其中有來自我們的世界(愛莎莎尼),以及來自大角星、天狼星的,還有來自昂宿星及網罟座ζ(澤塔雙星)星系。我們社會的成員,曾經與你們的政府有實體的互動

A lot of us would like you to land your ships now, Bashar.


Before we physically land on your planet, we would suggest you take a good look around your world. We then would ask you this: Would you want to land in the middle of a war zone? For without meaning to be derogatory in any way, your entire world is a war zone... We therefore make whatever contacts can be made individually when the opportunities arise, and we do so quietly -- allowing the information to filter in, and soothing the raging fires of your world. Then by the time the fires are banked, we may land on Earth and openly communicate with you.

在我們以實體著陸在地球之前,我們建議你們好好看看你們周遭的世界。然後我們會問:你們會想降落在戰區當中嗎?我們並不是要以任何方式來貶低人類,你們的整個世界都是戰區因此當有機會出現時,我們就會去作個別的接觸,而且我們是安靜地做 —— 允許資訊可以過濾進去,平息你們世界的怒火。等到怒火被扼阻之後,我們也許可以降落在地球上,並且與你們作公開的溝通。

As we have often indicated to you, this time is approaching; within the next two to three decades this can be a relatively common thing. But right now, by many of your own admissions, in the general cross-section of your society you do not want such widespread interaction. Your society is not structured to handle it. It would cause -- in our estimation of your energy in general -- a destructurization of a negative sort, where there would still be fear and panic, where there would still be self-doubt and the belief that your reality is not in your hands. We do not want you believing we might be something greater than you, for far too many of you would be too willing to give over your power to us. We do not want it, thank you. We have enough of our own -- all that we need to live the lives we have chosen to live.


Our methodology is to use what you would call the tried and true method. It is the reflection to you of your own power so that each of you, individually and collectively, can make the decision as to whether or not you want to interact with us as a society. That is completely up to you. Should you decide no, we will be on our way. It is our perception, however, that you are deciding yes, and so we "hang around."


Do understand: in all the interactions we have shared with you we have been more than willing, and quite ecstatic, to experience and express the interchange of love, and to be of assistance in reflecting back to you what you already know about the power you have to create the lives you want to create. But it is not really our mission to provide this information. The idea is to establish relations, and that is what has been done. In communicating this way, and establishing "foreign relations" with you, we are accomplishing our primary goal.


As we have suggested before, the idea is that we choose to remain obscure so that we are not looked upon as your saviors. We are not here to save you; you do not need saving! We are not here to run things, to live your lives for you. We have our own lives, and are very busy, thank-you-very-much! We have no time to take responsibility for living your lives as well. But we do love you; we do desire that your world and our worlds shall one day soon explore together all that exists in the Infinite Creation, as we already do with many other civilizations. And when you determine as a group that we can interact as equals, we will then do just that.


Could you give us an estimation of how soon that will be?


You are not so very far away. It is our perception that within the next 30 to 50 of your years at the outside the changes that are taking place upon your planet will make it conducive for your world to be fully involved with our civilizations. That is indeed all the time it will take. Rather than the segregation and separation you have been exploring for thousands of years, once you begin to explore integration, it doesn't take that much time, by the definition of integration, to get to highly accelerated places very quickly.


You are all beginning to suspect there is more to you than just the physical form, and that consciousness truly expands and extends beyond what you have believed for many thousands of your years. Your beliefs were that the physical world is all there is; that the physical universe simply exists with or without you, and you have really nothing much to say about it. You may be in it for a while, and you are told that you may be able to affect your immediate surroundings to some degree. But lo and behold: in the ultimate story you have been given on your planet, nothing you do has any real effect on the overall realities.


But now you are beginning to discover this is not so. Even your own scientists, your own physicists are beginning to realize that your thoughts themselves are the actual driving and creative force behind the physical reality, behind the physical experiences each and every one of you have.


You see you have been created with free will. If you choose to buy into negative beliefs; if you choose to buy into the idea that you can only do just so much, and it is beyond your capability to do more, the universe supports you exactly that far and no further. Because the universe never gives you more than you say you are ready to handle.


How many of you truly believe you are ready to handle absolute infinite unending ecstasy? A great many of you, because of your training, fear ecstasy quite a bit. ...Quite a bit. Or you at least contain belief systems that are self-regulating, in the sense that when you finally do create something that seems to be going the right way, you say, "Well, this is jolly! How long can this last?”


You always cut yourselves off. As soon as you impose that restriction on yourselves through your belief systems, the universe says, "All right, if that's the way you want it, cut!” ...Instantly. Instantly. Instantly! You are that powerful. You have always gotten everything you believed you could get -- or perhaps even more importantly for many of you, everything you believed you deserved to get. For deservability is a big issue with most individuals in your civilization: "I deserve the negativity" or "I don't deserve the positivity."

人類總是把自己切斷。一旦你透過信念系統面對自己設限時,老天會說:“好吧,如果你喜歡如此,就切吧!”…馬上斷了,馬上,就是馬上!你就是如此有威力。在你們的文明中,“該得多少”對多數人是一項很大的課題:“我只配得到壞的!”或是“我不配得到好的”。然而真相是:凡是你相信自己能得到的,你都會得到 —— 也許對許多人而言,更重要的是,凡是你相信你值得得到的,都會得到



(續接  來自我們未來生命的訊息CH01-03



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