Contact Report 855/第855次接觸報告
最初英譯:2023年07月23日,星期日,DeepL Translator, Joseph Darmanin
改進版本:N/A,Joseph Darmanin
中譯版本:2023年07月24日,星期一,ChatGPT, DeepL Translator, James Hsu
This is the entire contact report. It is an authorised but unofficial DeepL preliminary English translation and most probably contains errors. Please note that all errors and mistakes etc. will continuously be corrected, depending on the available time of the involved persons (as contracted with Billy/FIGU). Therefore, do not copy-paste and publish this version elsewhere, because any improvement and correction will occur HERE in this version!
Hello, greetings my friend – Here I am again.
哈囉,你好,我的朋友 —— 我又來了。
Yes, greetings, Quetzal, dear friend. I have something for you to look at in a moment, because a certain Joseph writes that the whole thing is a contradiction because I said that Hitler and Eva Braun committed suicide. Obviously, people do not think enough themselves and therefore do not understand correctly – precisely because they lack their own power of thought, therefore they do not think enough and correctly themselves and therefore do not understand that certain statements have several meanings and must also be understood in a broader sense (Billy's note: It was obviously also explained to Bernadette in this manner in an e-mail, as she later told me in the kitchen). Thus, when the suicide of Hitler and Eva Braun was first discussed, it was only said that they had liquidated themselves, although it was not said how this suicide took place. At that time and for the following decades, much was only assumed and therefore not clear, which meant that on the one hand, various versions were mentioned, but what really happened only emerged later or was corrected. This is precisely how it came about, what constantly happens on Earth, that different versions emerged until finally everything became clear, and that only through a return journey. So the following was said in the beginning (note Billy: question to Christian, who says that Joseph is a man who translates contact reports):
是的,你好,Quetzal,親愛的朋友。我有東西要給你看看,因為有個名叫Joseph的人寫信說,整件事都是矛盾的,由於我曾說過希特勒(Hitler)和伊娃.布朗(Eva Braun)是自殺的。顯然有人並沒有仔細思考,因此也不能正確理解 —— 正是因為他們缺乏自己的思考力,所以他們自己思考得不夠、不正確,所以不明白某些說法有多種含義,還必須從更廣泛的意義上理解(比利註:似乎還有人用電子郵件向Bernadette解釋過這件事,她後來在廚房裡告訴了我)。因此,當人們第一次討論希特勒和伊娃.布朗的自殺時,只說他們自殺了,但並沒有說明他們是如何自殺的。當時很多事情只是猜測,所以並不清楚,因此一方面提出了不同的版本,但真相直到後來才逐漸浮出水面或得到正確的說明。這就是地球上一直以來經常發生的事情,不同的版本出現,直到最後一切都清楚了,而這就是要通過一趟「回顧之行」(return journey)才得以澄清。因此,一開始就有以下說法(比利註:問了一下Christian,他說Joseph是一個翻譯接觸報告的人):
Billy: As Sfath once explained to me, Adolf Hitler was a syphilitic and already incurably ill in the third stage, which meant that his consciousness was already no longer completely clear in his head. His consciousness was already partially impaired, which meant that he was no longer able to think and act clearly and also became megalomaniac and unpredictable. He would have died sooner or later from this disease, syphilis, if he hadn't shot himself, which he actually did, didn't he? At any rate, that is what Sfath said.
Then there was further talk:
Billy: Because of Adolf Hitler, who instigated the Second World War. To this day it is not clear how this mass murderer killed himself. Do you know anything about that? It is always claimed that he poisoned himself, while others claim that he fled to Spain or South America.
Then once Urlana brought a version of an earthly rumour:
22. These concerns belong to my knowledge.
23. Adolf Hitler, fearing that his suicide might fail, deprived himself of his life in two processes, for first he ingested a cyanide capsule, which he bit and swallowed, and then immediately put a handgun in his mouth and shot himself in the brain with it, the bullet then exiting from the side of the back of his head.
24. His remains were secretly buried by the Russians in East Germany, where, however, they were dug up again in 1975 and thrown away so that no neo-Nazi cult site could be created.
25. Parts of the skull and dentition were brought to Russia, where they are still kept today.
26. With this I have said the most important things in a short process.
This 'knowledge' of Urlana was then investigated and it was explored that she had taken this 'knowledge' from a religious writing of a sectarian, which was written by a eugenicist named Schlapphof as a template.
Then finally the following was explained by me, which was based on a review arranged by Sfath before he left Earth forever:
Billy: It's all right, I don't want to talk about that either, I just want to say that the idiotic conspiracy theories are absolute nonsense, that Hitler and his Eva fled to Argentina. There must have been a Hitler lookalike and an Eva lookalike who were 'built up' as Hitler and Eva Braun during years of hard training in the 1930s, and consequently both became so perfect in their roles that the uninitiated could not tell the difference between them and the real thing. Only the two closest confidants around Hitler knew the truth, for all those involved in 'building up' and training the two doubles were liquidated. These doubles were also provided with false papers in the names of Hitler and his Eva Braun, just as they were given false papers and fled to Argentina when the Soviets attacked, while Hitler himself and his wife Eva holed up in the Führer bunker in Berlin and really blessed their time. The lie, however, is that the criminal killed himself and his wife, because he was too cowardly to do so, so he and Eva Braun were shot by two fanatics who listened to him, which was then presented as suicide and also recorded as such. Hitler himself was really too cowardly to shoot his Eva and commit suicide, after which the two executioners, loyal and completely obedient to Hitler until death, killed him and Eva Braun on the 30th of April 1945 at 15:33 hrs with two shots to the head. The two Hitler fanatics swore to each other that they would draw up false, lying protocols, just as the two Hitler fanatics also swore to each other that they would maintain silence about everything until their deaths and that Hitler would continue to exist as a supposedly courageous suicide hero even after his death. This explains from the point of view of reality how it actually happened and what was actually the case, completely different from what the two murderers lied about in the false and falsified protocols and later statements.
That was what happened with regard to the suicide of Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun. Hitler was a coward and something different from what is generally still claimed today by right-wing extremists and other Hitler fanatics, i.e. NAZIs or NEONAZIs, who glorify him as a 'great man'. He was in fact only a coward, and in such a way that he was in fact only a pitiful figure incapable of life, consequently he could only appear great and strong to the outside world because his fellow men blindly and thoughtlessly believed his fanatical speeches and consequently paid him stupid homage. It is also to be said that in addition to the couple who doubled Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun, there was a second doubled couple, but they were murdered by those who also shot Hitler and Eva Braun, shortly after they were both dead.
That was indeed the case, as I gathered from Sfath's notes at the time. But what I want to say about what this Joseph obviously does not consider and does not understand is that Earth-humans often think superficially and create imaginary events and memories that have nothing to do with reality, as Ptaah and I together could read out from Sfath's records. However, when something other than reality and truth is said and assumed because a thing is not thoroughly considered, then …
我從Sfath當時的筆記中得知,情況的確如此。但我想說的是,這位Joseph顯然沒有考慮到也沒有理解的是,地球人的思維往往是膚淺的,他們會創造出與現實無關的想像事件和記憶,就像Ptaah和我從Sfath的記錄中所瞭解的一樣。然而,如果因為對某件事情考慮不周,而說出和假定了與現實和真相不符的事情,那麼 ...
… the human being is probably not a lamp of real and true self-thinking and logic. That is unfortunate.
... 這證明人類在真正的自主思考和邏輯方面並不夠明智。真是令人遺憾。
I didn't mean to say it in that process, but it is exactly what I wanted to express in slightly different words. Suicide resp. suicide is also to be described as such if someone else is commissioned to carry out the killing resp. to carry it out if the human being in question cannot or does not want to do it himself/herself for some personal reason. Also in this process it remains a suicide resp. a personal suicide, which happens more often and is mistakenly considered as pure murder, which it also is in principle, but also suicide for the person who has commissioned someone to do it.
For some Earthlings with a short manner of thinking this is probably too high and therefore not comprehensible and therefore incomprehensible. This is also a fact that often leads to the fact that unconsciously or consciously lies are invented and spread as well as frauds are committed. That this happens is very often because the Earthling does not think deeply about everything that really needs thinking about, such as the matter raised by José. This has obviously been misunderstood by those who are not logical thinkers, but only illusory thinkers, and as a result, false judgements and also new lies and assertions are being made 'in good faith'. In my opinion, this will also certainly be the case with what you said and what José emailed, which is published on the internet and proves that the alleged first moon landing never took place as claimed and lied about. This as well as what you explained yesterday, namely regarding falsification of the facts and the pictures, which in the end in their original making lead back to the USA government and USA shadow government as well as NASA, in order to create false evidence with it. This will certainly also be misinterpreted again by bogus thinkers, because everything is misunderstood and falsely exploited, consequently the whole thing is a new proof of the falseness of the alleged 1st moon landing.
This will probably be so, and therefore you should banish this subject from the repertoire of your explanations and not engage in it anymore, nor ever speak about it, because it only creates more confusion and leads on endlessly.
Exactly, and the joke, as Michael V. told me by telephone from America, will certainly be misinterpreted and misjudged as an effective 'joke'. Unfortunately, it happens very often that what is said is misunderstood by the Earthlings and is spoken and evaluated incomprehensibly, because the actual meaning is not recognised and also not understood. When the two of us talk to each other, for example, we use a different language of meaning than is usual for human beings here on Earth, so that this and that is then misunderstood and correspondingly misinterpreted. For this I can imagine, or probably even calculate for sure, that what you explicitly explained yesterday is also misunderstood.
沒錯,正如來自美國的Michael V.在電話中告訴我的,這個笑話肯定會被錯誤解釋,並被視為真正的“笑話”。不幸的是,地球人經常錯誤理解和不理解地談論和解釋,因為他們無法理解實際的意義。例如,當我們兩個人交談時,我們使用的語言含義與地球上人類通常使用的語言含義不同,因此這也被誤解。因此,我可以想像,甚至可以確定,你昨天明確解釋的內容也會被誤解。
What I said yesterday was clear and explicit and not misunderstood, consequently I am not aware that anything was said that was not correct.
You say that according to your correct understanding, and your words were indeed also reproduced exactly and thus precisely in the contact report, to which, however, I think that human beings simply 'inhale' everything without really thinking much about what was actually said. As a rule, only an illusory thinking takes place and with it also a state of not knowing what reality is, and so in this case, what is really all fabricated and a joke, but nevertheless not a 'joke'.
? ? ?
? ? ?
This is obviously Romish talk for you, but I think that what was said and called falsification from the falsification machinations of NASA, the US government as well as the US shadow government is just not a joke, as Michael V. called it in wrong understanding, but is otherwise in reality based on truth, as well as further, which however does not go correctly through the brain windings of the Earthlings, as I have already received various reactions from all over the world within a few hours since the publication of José's report excerpt. Logic is not exactly the strength of the majority of Earthlings, so their illusory thinking only leads to inferior and twisted interpretations of their own, which are far removed from what is fundamentally the point of the whole thing. This gives rise not only to misunderstandings, but also to quite solid lies and ultimately even to fraud. That unfortunately the majority of Earth-humans think in an illogical manner is already evident from what has already been said about Hitler and not taken into consideration, that various statements were based on different sources and were only finally corrected by the facts.
對你來說,這顯然是一種難以理解的說法,但我認為所說的內容,以及被稱為NASA、美國政府以及美國影子政府的偽造行動,絕不是什麼笑話,就像Michael V.在錯誤的理解中所說的一樣。實際上,它是基於事實的,也是真實的,還有其他一些事情,但它並沒有經過地球人的正常腦電波去思考的事情,自從Jose的報告摘錄發佈以來,我已經在幾個小時內收到來自世界各地的各種反應。邏輯顯然不是大多數地球人的強項,因此他們的虛假思考只會產生毫無價值和錯誤的個人解釋,與事物的實際意義背道而馳。這不僅產生了誤解,而且甚至還造成了非常明確的謊言,最終甚至還有欺詐行為。很不幸,地球上大多數人的思維方式都是不合邏輯的,這一點從人們對希特勒的傳言中就已可見一斑。
I don't understand that, because clear logical and thus rational as well as reasonable thinking is surely always the prerequisite for creating clarity before misunderstandings arise. Therefore, it is necessary in every case that in one's own interest something heard or otherwise experienced is thoroughly thought through, so that the true or false state of the matter can be fathomed. If this is not done through real self-thinking, but only through illusory thinking, which also corresponds to faith thinking, then the effective truth cannot be found.
That is probably correct, but not for the majority of Earthlings, consequently what you said yesterday is also definitely not understood, that everything as I am saying it now is not a joke and yet a joke. However, I doubt whether what is being said is understood, because the reactions to the publication of José's internet excerpt prove the opposite to me. Real thinking or only illusory thoughts or illusory thinking are two different things. And the fact that St. K. was murdered more than 20 years ago, which was 'explained' as heart failure or something like that, had its reasons for certain people, so the whole thing can only be understood when everything in this regard has been established.
這確實是這樣,但對於大多數地球人來說並非如此,因此他們肯定不會理解你昨天所說的,對我來說,這一切既不是笑話,又是笑話。然而,我懷疑是否能理解其中的含義,因為對於José在網上公佈的報告摘錄的反應證明瞭這一點。真正的思考和虛假的思考是完全不同的兩碼事。St. K.在二十多年前被謀殺,並官方解釋是心臟衰竭或類似的原因,這對某些人來說是有原因的,因此,只有在這方面的一切都確定之後,才能理解整件事。
That will be done by us, after which I can explain everything to you …
… which doesn't interest me, because enough has already happened with it that a theatre has already arisen through José's email and its publication, because instead of correct thinking, only illusory thinking is being done and thus misunderstandings are being put into the world that could have been avoided through clear thinking. That the faked film sequences are not a fake resp. not a joke, but correctly a fake resp. a 'joke', I do not want to try to explain plausibly, because it is not understood by those who want to be right and by lunatics and know-it-alls addicted to stupidity, and moreover, new lies are constructed from them and spread worldwide, which are then accepted and believed by equally stupid people. This is unfortunately the usual thing with the majority of Earthlings, which is why it is probably better not to talk about it anymore and simply leave everything unexplained with the wrong and yet correct, so also with the lies and deceit, as these always arise and as everything actually happened back then.
... 但我對此不感興趣,因為José的電子郵件和其公開已經引發了一場鬧劇,因為人們並不是真正的思考,只有虛幻的想像,這導致了誤解,如果能夠清晰地思考,這些都可以避免。“偽造”的影片不是偽造,也不是“玩笑”,但真實的狀況卻是一場偽造或玩笑,我不想試圖作出似是而非的解釋,因為那些想要證明對的人和陷入瘋狂和愚蠢中的自以為是的人根本不理解,並且新的謊言被構造並在全球傳播,同樣的愚蠢人接受並相信。這對大多數地球人來說是普遍的情況,所以最好不再談論這個問題,而只是讓錯誤的和正確的一切都不予解釋,就像謊言和詐騙一樣,這些都是如此發生的,以及在當時所有事情的真實情況。
We are here in a world where the majority of humanity considers religious faith to be fully valid and thus the effective truth is pushed aside and frowned upon by lies and deceit. Similarly, an opinion is always considered to be correct, even though it is only an assumption. The fact that misunderstandings, lies and deceptions etc. arise from this, is something that Earth-humans do not even think about to the extent of an iota. This is to say nothing of the fact, as I have very often found in my previous learning concerning the behaviour of Earth-humans, that their bulk generally do not take the trouble of thought to question an opinion as to its truthfulness.
It is of no use anyway if something is said that corresponds to the full truth and in this respect, because then it is not only vehemently opposed and reacted to with stupid and ill-considered demonstrations that possibly cause damage, but everything – wrong or correct – is sometimes even championed with rage, fanaticism, beatings and destruction and even with murder and manslaughter. This is also proven by the radical, sick and crazy 'environmentalist apostles', as also demonstrated by the demonstrators around Greta Thunberg and the fanatical and criminal 'Last Generation' financed by a billionaire, who do more harm than good and cause more harm than good. All the idiots and uneducated, stupid and hypocritical supporters and followers of both sexes, who vehemently and unthinkingly participate in the machinations of these criminal environmentalist demonstrators, or simply support their demonstrations, do not understand the truth. Namely, that overpopulation is to blame for everything and is the greatest evil of all. In their stupidity they do not understand that only the measure of a very rapid reduction of Earth's humanity can bring benefit and salvation, namely through a blatant reduction of humanity far below 1 billion world population. This alone is how it can be made possible for the Earth and all its diverse life to continue to exist, only through a worldwide and officially controlled birth stop lasting several years. This alone prevents nature from completely and forever wiping out more than 1,500 genera and species of life-forms year after year, such as plants, animals, creatures and other living beings of all genera and species. This happens solely through the machinations of all kinds, through industry, the companies and corporations, through agriculture destroying everything with poisons, large-scale market gardens, the poison-spreading private garden operators and other poison-spreaders, the authorities with all kinds of weed poisons and other poisons for the 'benefit of humanity' and, and, and … Companies, corporations, agriculture and private individuals etc. are poisoning the atmosphere and the whole world, burning down forests and drought areas and thus polluting the atmosphere and the air that human beings, animals, birds and all life-forms breathe. And the Earth is being exploited and robbed of the last reserves of its resources, which will not only soon run out, but also weaken the planet through exploitation and have already damaged it to such an extent that it can no longer maintain its normal course.
無論說出全面真相和相關事實,都是無益的,因為總會有人強烈反對,作出愚蠢和不考慮後果的示威,並且對一切(不論對錯)作出憤怒、狂熱、打鬥和破壞,甚至有可能導致謀殺和殺人事件。這就像激進、病態和瘋狂的“環保使者”,以及格蕾塔.通貝里(Greta Thunberg)的示威者以及由一位億萬富翁資助的“最後一代”,他們都證明瞭這一點,他們造成的損害遠遠超過效益,並引發了災難,而不是產生實際的有益作用。所有那些愚蠢、無知、愚蠢和虛偽思考的贊同者和追隨者,無論男女,他們對這些犯罪的環保示威者的活動熱衷參與,或者只是默許他們的示威活動,都沒有理解真相。這個真相是,「人類過剩」造成了所有問題,是最大的禍根。在他們的愚蠢中,他們沒有意識到唯有迅速減少全球人口,使人類數量大幅減少到十億以下,才能帶來利益和拯救。而唯一的方法就是實施全球範圍的多年期政府監督下的生育停止措施,這樣地球及其多樣的生命才能繼續存在。這樣一來,每年約有一千五百個品種和物種的生物不會完全滅絕,包括植物、動物、昆蟲和其他所有種類和形態的生物。而這些完全的滅絕是由各種工業、公司和企業、以及毒害土地的所有毒素所導致的。公司、企業、農場和個人等通過污染空氣和全球,燒毀森林和乾旱地區,污染空氣,並將其變成人類、動物、昆蟲、鳥類和所有生物的呼吸空氣。地球被剝削,奪走了它最後的資源儲備,這不僅很快會枯竭,而且還會通過開採削弱地球的力量,並已經對地球造成了嚴重破壞,使其無法再維持正常的運作。
The atmosphere is also already so poisoned and, moreover, its natural function has been impaired that the climate has changed, which will bring devastating natural disasters in the future that the Earthling can no longer bring under control. He has already destroyed and partly destroyed the whole of nature and the whole of the ecosystems in such a way that they are very difficult to regenerate again or are destroyed for all time. The Earthling has really robbed and destroyed the whole world on its surface and down to the great depths of its interior for the sake of filthy money and greed for its wealth, as well as through his machinations for living and for his needs and desires, as well as its luxuries etc. Consequently, not much useful is left of the earth's treasures. Even many species and kinds of animals, creatures and other life-forms have been shot down and exterminated without hesitation and without pardon by unscrupulous hunters and other persons who claimed and still claim that they would thereby regulate the game population. But that is just idiotic earthling thinking, because the living world of nature and thus of the wilderness – where is this at all today, when everything is swamped by human beings and they take upon themselves the cheek to be above nature and all its life? – has been regulating itself since the existence of the Earth. But the human beings have made a complete mess of the Earth all around in all its existing and is now on the way to destroy the rest that is still left and thereby completely destroy the planet Earth and wipe out everything.
Sfath and I have seen what will come to pass, for now the time has come when what has been seen will be fulfilled and the Earth will finally, unconscionably and thoughtlessly be driven on the path of destruction. This is because the time has come when the waters will be plundered – deep down to the bottom of the lakes, other waters, rivers, streams and seas. But the life-forms of all waters will resist. Besides overproducing in huge masses, the time has come when the wild life will turn against humanity. Land animals and creatures etc. will increasingly defend themselves against the intrusion of human beings into the wilderness space and kill the invading human beings. This, as the living beings of the waters will do more and more, especially in the seas, where human beings will be attacked, killed and even ships destroyed and sunk by aquatic animals, aquatic creatures and many other aquatic beings. There will also be marine creatures that reproduce independently in excess without sex partners. Marine creatures will multiply by the millions in large numbers and attack human technical achievements in the waters and render them useless. This, as many as yet unknown and partly incurable diseases will afflict Earth-humans, namely by hitherto unknown bacteria and viruses from the depths of the waters of the seas and from the sea beds resp. the ocean floors, which will be churned up, broken open and whose resources will be exploited by the Earthling. In the process, the seabeds are destroyed, whereby a lot of ground ice is loosened and floats to the surface, contaminated with methane gas, which can even ignite and burn itself in the heat of the sun, causing havoc on the surface of the Earth, perhaps setting fire to forests, in addition to the gas entering the atmosphere and already causing a lot of damage and exerting a negative influence on the climate.
Sfath和我看到了即將發生的事情,因為現在已經是時候,地球將被無情和愚蠢地推向毀滅之路。這是因為時機已經成熟,現在水資源將被掠奪 —— 深達湖泊、其他水域、河流、小溪和海洋的底部。但所有水域的生命形式將對此進行抵抗。除了大規模超產之外,野生動物界將對抗人類在野生地區的侵入,並殺死侵入的人類。這就像水域中的生物在日益增加攻擊人類一樣,特別是在海洋中,水中動物、水中生物和許多其他水生生物會襲擊、殺死人類並摧毀船隻。此外,海洋中還有一些生物,它們可以獨立無性繁殖並大量繁殖。這些海洋生物將以數百萬計的數量繁殖並攻擊水域中的人類技術成果,使其變得無用。同時,許多迄今未知的部分不可治癒的疾病將感染地球人,這是由於來自海洋深處和海洋底部以及受地球人剝削的海洋水域的迄今未知的細菌和病毒。海底將被破壞,其中也會有許多冰塊脫離並浮到地表,並帶有甲烷氣體,該氣體在高溫下可能自燃和燃燒,從而對地表造成災害,可能點燃森林,並且甲烷氣體進入大氣層,從而造成很多損害並對氣候產生負面影響。
科學家探索為何虎鯨故意攻擊人類船隻(圖片資料來自:AZ ANIMALS)
This is all very unpleasant, but I must also tell you something unpleasant, namely that Ptaah cannot return this month because he has to remain elsewhere, where he has to take over and lead some tasks with peoples of our Federation. Florena and Bermunda will also be at his side. And Juraata and Jjfa have to be back on Erra, and so other persons will continue their tasks on Earth, while another person will come helpfully to my side. But you will also receive an unexpected visit, namely from the younger twin brother of Sfath, whom you met in 1951 when …
這一切都非常令人沮喪,但我也不得不告訴你一些不好的消息,Ptaah這個月不能回來,因為他還需要在其他地方停留,他在我們聯邦的某些民族中有一些任務和領導工作要處理。在此期間,Florena和Bermunda也會陪伴著他。而Juraata和Jjfa又要回到Erra星,其他人將繼續在地球上繼續履行他們的任務,同時我還會有另一位助手加入。但你還會有意外的訪客,就是Sfath的年輕雙胞胎兄弟,你在1951年認識過他,當時 ...
… fabulous – – that he's still alive, he was only about 4 or 6 minutes younger than Sfath – his name was – wait a minute – – I don't remember exactly, but his name was probably Salan or something. He was only here for a short time, sort of visiting Sfath. He was a very educated personality, as much educated as Sfath, and he had the same high knowledge, because the 2 of them used to learn the same thing together, as I was told at the time – I remember that. – Man, that is a surprise, because I haven't thought of that for a long time and I put it all out of my memory.
... 難以置信 —— 他還活著,他只比Sfath年輕大約四或六分鐘 —— 他的名字是 —— 等等 —— 我記不清楚了,但他的名字可能叫Salan什麼的。他在這裡待的時間不長,算是來探望Sfath的。他是位非常有教養的人,和Sfath一樣有著淵博的知識,因為他們兩位曾經在一起學習,這是當時有人告訴我的 —— 我還記得。天哪,這真是個驚喜,因為我已經很長一段時間沒有想起這些了,快要從我的記憶中抹去了。
Not Salan, but Safar is his name, and he even knows your mother tongue, which he learned explicitly to be able to converse with you in that manner. He is really very old, but he is still in generally good shape. He wants to see you again, just privately and maybe for 1 or 2 hours.
That is a thing – – I never would have thought, let alone ever expected such a surprise.
這是一件大事 —— 我從來沒想過,更從未預料到會有這樣的驚喜。
Things and incidents sometimes come up that are surprises.
Yes, I guess you could say that – and this surprise of the coming of the twin brother of Sfath is big – I am looking forward to this aged gentleman, and to see him again and to be able to talk to him, that makes me particularly happy. But what I am not happy about is what is happening in Ukraine. There is only talk of the Ukrainian army and the population, which has many dead to mourn, but there are also many Russian families who have to mourn an enormous number of dead, military personnel who are dying in the senseless war, as well as civilians, just as it is also happening senselessly in Ukraine. This is not good for either of the warring parties – but America in particular is profiting outrageously as a result – but no one cares at all if all that can be done is murder and destruction and the ringleaders and their stupid admirers can bask in their glory! For all of them, human lives count for nothing – just as they do not for all those who advocate war or otherwise sway the sceptre for one side or the other, or those who supply weapons and thereby support the murdering, killing and destruction in a partisan way and are happy when – from the point of view of the religious – Satan can rule!
是的,可以這麼說 —— 這位Sfath的孿生兄弟的到來真是令人驚喜 —— 我期待著這位年邁的先生,能夠再次見到他,能夠和他交談,這讓我特別高興。但我難過的是烏克蘭正在發生的事情。人們只談論烏克蘭軍隊和居民,他們悲痛地失去了很多生命,但也有很多俄羅斯家庭,他們悲痛地為不幸的犧牲者哀悼,軍人們同樣在毫無意義的戰爭中死去,就像烏克蘭一樣毫無意義。這對交戰雙方都沒有好處 —— 但美國尤其因此受益匪淺 —— 但如果所能做的只是殺戮和破壞,而主謀者及其愚蠢的崇拜者們可以沉浸在自己的榮耀中,那麼根本就沒有人在乎!對他們所有人來說,人命根本不算什麼 —— 就像對所有那些鼓吹戰爭或以其他方式左右一方或另一方的人,或那些提供武器從而以黨派方式支援謀殺、殺戮和破壞的人來說,人命根本不算什麼 —— 從宗教的角度來看,這就是撒旦的統治!
If the peoples could think about this – if they did not cling to a religious belief and really thought for themselves instead of harbouring illusory thoughts – then what is called real peace would look quite different. This would be because it would be recognised that since time immemorial it is only the rulers who stir up the people in a partisan way and make them hostile to another people and then start a war. It is always the rulers who abuse their might and create enmity against other states and indoctrinate large sections of the population in bondage to them with hatred and enmity against other peoples, in order to then wage war on the other peoples who have been hatefully hated for a short or long time. However, it is always the rulers who unleash wars that are never justified, as they never were back in ancient times and only brought hatred, death, murder, manslaughter, injustice, destruction, suffering, need and misery, genocide and ultimately even disease and rampantly spreading disease. It is never the people of a country who start a war, but since time immemorial it has always been the main rulers, female and male, kings, emperors, dictators, despots, sect chiefs and presidents etc., as well as other elements of governments and sects, who indoctrinate the other elements of governments or believers of religious sects. As a result of indoctrination, these people, who are hostile and hateful towards other peoples or people of other faiths resp. religious sects, quickly agree with the ideas and violent ringleaders. Consequently, these human beings open the way to violence for themselves, and once they have opened it, it inevitably leads to war. This, of course, is advocated by all those who, without hesitation, are of the same mind as the ringleaders. It is true that these are only parts of the peoples, but as a rule it is the majority who howl along with the ringleaders and then also act according to their sense, namely out of their indoctrinated enmity and with hatred, consequently murder, manslaughter and destruction etc. are committed without hesitation, while only a minority is of a different and therefore peaceful and reasonable sense and does not allow itself to be indoctrinated with enmity and hatred.
如果各國人民能夠思考這個問題 —— 如果他們不執著於宗教信仰,而是真正地為自己著想,而不是懷著虛幻的想法 —— 那麼所謂的真正和平就會截然不同。這是因為人們會意識到,從古至今,始終是統治者們挑起民憤,敵視其他國家並發動戰爭。總是統治者濫用權力,製造敵對情緒並使大部分民眾充滿對其他民族的仇恨和敵意,然後對經過短暫或長時間的敵視後的其他民族發動戰爭。然而,發動戰爭的總是統治者,而戰爭從來都不是正當的,因為戰爭在古代從來都不是正當的,只會帶來仇恨、死亡、謀殺、誤殺、不公、破壞、苦難、困苦、種族滅絕,最終甚至還帶來疾病和瘟疫。從來不是一個國家的人民發動戰爭,而始終都是主要的統治者,無論男性還是女性,國王、皇帝、獨裁者、暴君、邪教領袖和總統等,以及其他政府和教派中的其他成員,他們向政府的其他成員或宗教教派的信徒進行洗腦。由於被洗腦的敵對和仇恨其他民族或信奉其他宗教或宗教邪教的人們很快就會與暴力狂的領袖意見一致。因此,這些人自己為自己敞開了暴力的道路,一旦他們敞開了這條道路,那麼這條道路就不可避免地導致戰爭。當然,所有那些毫無疑問與領袖們有相同意見的人都會支持這種戰爭。雖然這些只是一些民族的一部分,但通常來說,大多數人都會跟隨領袖一起嚎叫,然後根據他們受洗腦的敵對和仇恨來行動,因此毫無顧慮地進行謀殺、殺戮和破壞等行為,而只有少數人具有不同的和平和理智的意識,不接受洗腦的敵對和仇恨。
Truly it is urgently necessary that the human beings of the Earth themselves begin to cultivate sensible thoughts and finally understand that no 'Dear God' already regulates everything and brings the hoped-for peace to the human being, as well as finally ends all war and that it will never come again. It is for the human beings of Earth to finally grasp and understand that it is they alone who think up and direct everything and anything, and that they themselves are what they call God and worship senselessly, because there really is no God and this imaginary figure is only a humanly fanciful invention. Instead of religiously believing, it would be urgently necessary for the Earthling to learn to cultivate independent thoughts himself instead of believing, neither religiously nor worldly. And so the human being, in every country resp. state, should be anxious to appoint rulers only on sight resp. for a certain time by popular election, in order to recall them immediately and without pardon, as soon as any tendencies of indoctrination towards the co-rulers or the people arise, as well as hostility or hatred, etc.
But it is still to be said that it is very regrettable if it is not understood that the human being should remain neutral in all things of life, in his behaviour and in his dealings with other human beings and with everything in general. For my part, together with Sfath, I have travelled all over the world and still visited countries myself, such as the whole of Europe, West and East Pakistan (now Bangladesh and Burma), Nepal, India and the whole of the Middle and Far East in general. I have even lived with 'savages', as I have also been alone in many countries of Africa, Arabia and also in Persia (today Iran). I have lived (literally) with Bedouins and even with cannibals and headhunters etc., consequently also frequently with human beings of other faiths, such as Islam and its sects, Buddhists, nature god worshippers, Hindus, atheists, with various Christian directions and sects, tribal religions, Mormons, etc. etc.. But I have always and without exception come through the world in good shape and without any problems, troubles or any complaints and unpleasantness, if I disregard the fact that from my early adolescence I was tormented by a sect and persecuted all over the world and often even had my life threatened. All this only because a sectarian and a teacher were frustrated because I kept away from religious faith even as a young boy. The persecution continues to this day, with evidence of the effects even in the presence of witnesses.
Now, in all my travels, where and with whichever human beings with the most diverse customs, traditions and religions or other beliefs, peculiarities, views, behaviour and other things I have always been for short or long periods – sometimes several months – I have never caused offence. I have always behaved neutrally towards everything and everyone, whereby I could, of course, openly bring up everything I had learned, what moved me and occupied me. And never did problems or anything negative arise as a result of my religious non-belief in a God, as well as in the knowledge of the Creation and the explanations of its existence. Often I was even invited to personally participate in the respective religious acts or other acts of faith, so that I could personally experience how a certain religious act etc. had to proceed, as for example when I was given the honorary name Muhammed Abdulla and the status of a Muslim in Karachi/Pakistan.
現在,在我所有的旅行中,我總是或長或短 —— 有時長達數月 —— 在任何地方,與任何具有最不同的習俗、傳統、宗教或其他信仰、特殊性、觀點、行為和其他事物的人在一起,我從未冒犯過他們。我總是以中立的態度對待每一件事和每一個人,當然,我也可以公開地提出我所學到的一切、我所感動的一切和我所感興趣的一切。從來沒有因為我不相信上帝、不相信他們關於創世(Creation)的知識和對其存在的解釋而產生問題或任何負面影響。我甚至經常被邀請親自參加相關的宗教活動或其他信仰活動,這樣我就能親身體驗到某種宗教活動等是如何進行的,例如,我在巴基斯坦卡拉奇(Karachi;又譯為喀拉蚩)被授予Muhammed Abdulla的榮譽稱號和穆斯林的身份。
Well, my profession was everywhere in the world and in every country and at all times of my life, to always maintain absolute neutrality and all customs and all ways of thinking of a human being in every situation. Thus I met every human being with a belief of every kind, whether religious, secular, atheistic or nature-loving, fully and completely with respect, and this also in such a way that I observed absolutely every form of religious or secular customs and traditions neutrally and did not allow myself to form an 'opinion' about correct or wrong or to represent this. Having an opinion is always wrong in any case, because such an opinion is always based only on assumptions, but never on absolute certainty, which is based solely on effective truth. And thus, by living neutrality alone, it is avoided that e.g. customs and traditions of other countries or human beings are not respected, are attacked or are simply spoiled. A human being, however, who cannot be neutral and consequently cannot accept, for example, x-one human being's customs or religious or secular beliefs, should refrain from speaking out loudly. Human beings whose behaviour is different from common practice, etc., are to be accepted as they are. However, the human being who does not like this should think about himself and try to 'regulate' himself in order to become a true human being and to treat his neighbour correctly and let him be as he is and live according to his customs and traditions, which are nobody's business but his own and according to which he lives righteously.
This belongs in the unreasonable ears and eyes, but it will not be especially these who will think about it when you retrieve our conversation, write it down and it is published by you as a contact report.
I suppose that will be the case.
Certainly, for logic, reason and sanity cannot be found in the bulk of Earth-humans. But now, dear friend, I am afraid I must go, and I must go to Erra for about a fortnight, but after that I shall be here again.
Very well, then.
Until then. Goodbye, dear friend, and see to it …
那麼就到那時再見吧,親愛的朋友,多保重 ...
… I will. Goodbye. Keep well, and see you again.
… 我會的,再見了,好好保重,到時候見。
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