

Contact Report 741第741次接觸報告

接觸時間:2020 5 30 日,星期六,20 22


本次接觸會面所談的內容不少,主要仍是有關冠狀疫情方面。因為 Ptaah 察覺地球上絕大多數的政府當局,甚至是大多數的一般民眾都對目前的疫情開始鬆懈面對。他強調,現在流行的第一波疫情還沒結束,於是除了重新提醒人類注意防範之外,另有重要訊息說明,摘要如下:







七、在與不住在自己家中的人打交道時,繼續配戴適當的口罩,並保持 2 公尺的社交距離,這是防止冠狀病毒感染的唯一途徑。

此外 Billy 也提出許多自己與專家的看法,但他的感觸略有言者鑿鑿,聽者藐藐之感,而在資料方面,中段部分有些說明過多技術細節,請讀者自行斟酌閱讀。


You are already here, dear friend. Welcome and greetings, Ptaah. You said that you were coming because you have something important to discuss.



I thank you for your greeting and your welcome; and greetings to you too, Eduard, my friend. Yes, there is something to discuss that is not to be postponed, because it is really something important to talk about; in fact I have something to say again about the rampantly spreading corona disease, although we have decided not to talk about it any further. Unfortunately, some unpleasant things will arise in the coming period, about which I still have to inform you.



Then it is probably because all the airheads in the world are going haywire and no longer care about the security measures against the rampantly spreading corona disease.



This is indeed the case; therefore I want to go back to my previous explanation and talk about that which is to be said.



Of course, but what is it then precisely that you must say again?



I will explain that to you.



Okay, but please do not talk using technical jargon, because I do not want to always have to query technical terms in order to understand something.



Of course. As a result of low intelligence and irresponsibility, in Europe, among many state leaders, municipal officials, and also among certain virologists, immunologists and physicians up to general practitioners and so forth, the irresponsible opinion prevails that the time and the current state of the rampantly spreading corona disease, by and large, now allow for loosening, reducing and largely ending the already inadequate safety regulations. However, the real situation of the rampantly spreading disease does not allow for this, because, on the one hand, not everything necessary has been done to really contain the terrible things and, on the other hand, its peak has not yet been reached and the whole thing is only heading towards it in this respect.

那是肯定的。由於愚蠢和失職,在歐洲有許多國家領導人、政府官員以及某些病毒學家、免疫學家和家庭醫學科醫師(general practitioners)等,普遍存在失職的意見,認為冠狀病毒疫情的時間和目前狀態現在基本上允許放鬆、減少並大範圍結束本來就不夠充分的安全措施。然而,這種疾病的真實情況並不允許這樣做,因為一方面,迄今還沒有採取一切必要措施來真正遏制這些邪惡的病毒,另一方面,病情的高峰期尚未到達,整個疫情正朝著高峰前進

What I have to explain now, however, relates to that which concerns the state leaders, local authorities, virologists and other supporters, as well as the majority of all peoples, with regard to the relaxation of the curfews, which has been announced for weeks, and the lifting of the obligation to wear protective masks. This corresponds to an unparalleled irresponsibility which already today leads to a wave of coronavirus infections and many corona deaths worldwide.


Our earlier calculations that there would be 8 million virus infections by the middle of the year are changing already for the second time, namely due to that part – that has low intelligence and is irrational – of the responsible ones of state and local government, fallible virologists and immunologists and so forth, as well as the majority of the uneducated populations which is incapable of intellect and rationality. The figures resulting from our projections will be exceeded by far by the end of June as a result of the inadequate and irresponsible wrong decisions that are of low intelligence, and the wrong actions of those responsible in the state governments and local governments as well as the part of the fallible virologists and so forth, as well as the majority of the populations. According to our latest calculations, this leads to more than 10 million infected ones worldwide by the end of June, while the number of corona deaths will still be around 500 000, as we calculated early on and as I have explained to you on several occasions already. In addition to everything, I have to repeat the following explanation for the last time:

我們先前計算出,到年中(六月底)將有 800 萬人感染冠狀病毒,但由於愚蠢和失策的國家與地方當局、錯誤的病毒學家和免疫學家等,以及大多數未受教育、失策的群眾,這個數據已經有第二次改變了。基於以上所述的種種原因,我們的預測結果將遠遠超過這個數字。根據我們的最新計算,到六月底,全世界的感染人數將超過 1,000 萬,而冠狀病毒死亡人數,正如我們早期計算並多次向你說的那樣,將仍然是 50 萬。除了所有這些事情之外,我還必須要最後一次重覆說明以下事項:

1) The fact that, as a result of low intelligence, unintellect, commercial thinking and greed for money, the otherwise already inadequate protective regulations regarding the ban on going out and the wearing of a protective mask are now to be largely lifted worldwide and even declared to be over in two weeks' time, corresponds to an unparalleled irresponsibility and will bear serious consequences. This is based not only on the carelessness, low intelligence and illogicality of the state leaders and local administrators, but it also goes against all intellect and rationality and additionally proves the absolute inability of those responsible with regard to a correct assessment and ability to act in difficult and dangerous situations. This, in turn, clearly demonstrates the irresponsibility of all these persons, who consciencelessly accept that, yet again, as a result of their low intelligence, hundreds of thousands of coronavirus infections will occur, and by the end of June there will be more than 10 million of them. Correspondingly, the number of infections and corona deaths in various countries will also increase sharply, as will the number of infections of new-born babies, because the embryo in the womb will already be infected by the virus.

1) 由於愚蠢、無知、商業思維和對金錢的貪婪,關於限制人員外出和配戴防護口罩這些本來就不夠充分的保護措施,目前在全世界基本上已經解除,甚至宣佈在兩週內結束這些措施,這完全是失職的作法,並將產生嚴重的後果。這不僅由於國家和地方政府當局的輕忽、愚蠢和不合邏輯,而且與一切理性和明智背道而馳,這表明了那些該負責的人絕對沒有能力在這樣困難和危險的情況下,作出正確的評估並採取應有的作為。反而顯露了所有這些人的失職,他們在無意中造成了這樣一個事實,也就是由於他們的愚蠢,成千上萬的冠狀病毒感染重複發生,到六月底,感染人數將超過一千萬。因此,各國因感染冠狀病毒而死亡的人數也將顯著增加,新生兒的感染也會新增,因為胎兒在子宮內已經被病毒感染

2) Increasingly infections will arise without them being able to be medically-virologically proven, whereby, however, an infection can be transmitted nevertheless.

2) 感染將成倍增加,雖然感染仍然在傳播,但無法通過醫學病毒方式(medically-virologically)檢測出來。

3) It has been shown that the male sex in particular reacts in a more susceptible form to the corona virus than the female sex.

3) 研究表明,尤其是男性比女性更容易感染冠狀病毒

4) It is becoming more and more evident that the virus causes brain damage as well as visual impairment, bleeding, balance disorders, language difficulties, organ failure, cardiac complications, that is to say, heart related complications, and throat diseases as well as various other diseases and ailments which arise as ... and also ..., but which you are to keep to yourself and not disclose. Various things about it, however, will be recognised in the course of time and will turn out to be fact.

4) 越來越明顯的是,病毒導致腦部損傷、視力障礙、出血、平衡失調、語言困難、器官衰竭、心臟相關的併發症和喉嚨疾病,以及各種其他疾病和不適,可以造成... 還有... 但這些你要保密,不要透露。然而,隨著時間的推進,這些都將得到承認,並最終成為事實。

Reiterating, I want to explain what I already explained in our earlier talks, that there is a constant danger of being infected with the insidious rampantly spreading disease by persons who are infected by the virus but do not show any symptoms themselves; consequently they also have no inkling at all that they themselves are carriers of the virus and therefore, unsuspecting, have an infectious effect on their fellow human beings and can therefore pass the coronavirus on unnoticed.


Furthermore it must be said, as I already explained earlier, that the coronavirus results in a form of disease that allows recovery but not an effective cure, because the virus – in a form unrecognisable by medical-virological examinations – continues to exist in a purely impulse-based form and, depending on the circumstances, can sooner or later become acutely effective again. It is not that condition which arises when recovery takes place and then, after a certain time, a reactivation takes place, because in a case such as this the effect of the virus continues to exist despite recovery, namely through the inclusion of a viral deposit in antibodies, whereby however, this possibility is still unknown to terrestrial medicine and cannot yet be researched by it.



But it is not only about these diseases and ailments that arise over time, nor is it only about the lifting of security measures regarding the curfews and the wearing of protective masks, because there is very much more behind all this.


The irresponsibility of the state leaders, local officials, virologists, immunologists and other advocates and the majority of the populations, in relation to the loosening of the ‘lockdown’, that is to say, the curfews, and the lifting of the obligation to wear protective masks, which has already been announced for some time, will have serious consequences. However, there are still other aspects to all of this, such as the fact that, due to the irrationality of the governors, among other things the commercial thinking, the greed for money and large-scale economic mismanagement are supported. This is done by means of completely wrong support of ailing small and large companies and corporations and so forth, as well as by keeping superfluous ‘professional’ sports organisations alive through the injection of thousand-millions of dollars. And this concerns, for example, football, tennis and organisations that carry out car races, air shows, motorbike races and boat trips and so forth – which poison and destroy the atmosphere and climate with exhaust fumes – the executants of which are worth millions and would be better off having steady jobs, which does not suit them, however, because they do not carry out decent work and rather let themselves be paid and made rich for their pleasure by the spectators that are of low intelligence. And as you said just recently, criminals also profit from this nonsense, which you have noticed in Germany, for example, where criminal family clans receive support money by means of lies and deception, against which the authorities who are responsible do nothing. You have also ascertained that companies, corporations and organisations are making a cupped hand and that ones in government are willing to pay millions and thousand-millions to them in order to allegedly save jobs. But the fact that these companies, corporations and organisations are mismanaged and do not create any securities to be able to survive times of crisis is of no concern to the ones in government, because they act in the same style, are not frugal and do not invest in reserves, but only run up debts and borrow endless amounts of money from banks, accumulate more and more debt and therethrough not only overburden the state coffers, but then burden the taxpayers with new taxes.


The misery of the mismanagement by that unrighteous part of the government, municipal and social service officials and so forth, which are incapable of office, is that – as must be mentioned again and again – horrendous tax money is senselessly squandered, which has to be worked hard for by the taxpayers. And with this hard-earned money of the hard-working taxpayers, also all those governors and civil servants who are fallible and unfit for their office are provided with horrendous salaries, and effectively do not deserve the overpayment they make sure of getting and consequently therethrough enrich themselves wrongfully. It would be right that they should all be remunerated solely according to their effective performance, as is the case also with all hard-working and tax-paying citizens.


The fact is that now, as a result of the corona crisis and due to that part of the illogically thinking ones and the ones incapable of government and municipal management, the mismanaging companies, corporations and organisations and so forth are given a hand with millions and thousand-millions dollar amounts in order to save them from bankruptcy, or to ‘support’ private individuals who swindle aid money from social services and insurance companies.


If one carefully examines the airlines and the cruise ship companies and so forth world-wide, as well as coach companies and so forth, which are profitably equipped with sometimes hundreds of their airplanes, with huge city-ships and with countless big cars, then their endless craving for money becomes recognisable.


The travel companies and travel corporations bombard the travel-delusion-befallen masses of the overpopulation with dumping prices for holiday travel, excursions and world travel as well as for holiday flights and so forth, just as they also make cheap offers for all sorts of purposes and therewith entice the earthlings to travel foreign countries and the world at minimum prices. And all these offers are taken up only too gladly by those earthlings, who later on give themselves airs with it, boast, brag about it, show off, blow their own trumpets, open their mouths widely, fill them up and make a show of where they have been during their holidays or on their trip around the world, where they have travelled to and where they have been. However, they have no idea or insight into the life of the locals, their mode of living, mentality and opinions, just as they know nothing about their problems and worries and so forth. In general: basically, they know nothing with regard to the ‘travelled’ countries, just as they have no idea about the nature there, its fauna, flora and ecosystems and so forth. And that through this kind of traveling, the environment, the oceans, fresh waters, lakes, ponds, streams, forests and the mountains up to the highest peaks as well as landscapes all around, are polluted with thousands of tons of plastic, other synthetic materials and with manifold garbage of all kinds, does not bother a single person of all those indifferent ones befallen by the travel-delusion. In addition to all this, the exhaust fumes of all motorised vehicles used to transport the travel and holiday maniacs also negatively affect and poison the atmosphere and destroy the climate more and more, which does not bother the earthlings who have fallen prey to the travel and holiday delusion and due to whom thousands of tons of CO2 are blown out into the atmosphere, where­through the climate is more and more harmfully affected and destroyed.


Through the tourism – to which countless earthlings of the excessive overpopulation give themselves over without thinking and without conscience – the environment worldwide is thus filled up with tonnages of plastic and other dirt, wherethrough countless natural life forms die and even become extinct, namely by plasticising, poisoning and polluting everything and by polluting the atmosphere with poisonous greenhouse gases through the immense exhaust fumes of airplanes and giant ships as well as all other thousand-million vehicles, and by destroying the climate more and more and finally driving it to collapse.

通過旅遊業 —— 由於無數的地球人肆無忌憚地形成人口過剩 —— 全世界的環境累積了大量的塑膠和其他污染物,造成無數的自然生物死亡甚至滅絕。也就是透過塑化、毒化和污染一切,並經由飛機、巨輪和全部數十億車輛排放的巨量廢氣,這些有毒的溫室氣體污染了大氣,一再的破壞氣候,並最終導致它的崩潰。

All those who mismanage and who profit from the state coffers in the millions and thousand-millions, are nothing but criminals, just as various other ones are who crave for thousand-millions, who are supported by state funds – for which the workers also pay taxes and have to account for again. And they also have to do so now for the horrendously paid governors, who are revealing their inability to lead through their wrong decisions and so forth, especially now, during the corona crisis period.

所有由於經營不善而從國庫中獲取數百萬補助的人,他們都只是罪犯,就像其他那些渴望由國家基金得到數十億元資助的人一樣 —— 工人階層不得不為他們重新納稅繳錢,並且還必須為那些坐擁高薪的官員們這麼做,但他們卻曝露出自己無法領導人民而作出許多錯誤決定的等等措施,尤其是在冠狀疫情危機的時期。

Everything that will arise in the future as a result of the new problems mentioned will now damagingly spread like a wildfire to all countries around the world. And it will be, as I said earlier, that the thousand-millions of dollars squandered will be dumped all around on the shoulders of the working class and that these taxpayers will be burdened with new and increasing taxes in the coming times. This is because those in government inconsiderately and recklessly throw millions and thousand-millions down the throat of the mismanaged companies, corporations and organisations and so forth, which in turn become stultified and daft. However, this will not change anything for the better, because the mismanagement problems of the money-greedy, which lead into the abyss, and of the money-squandering managements of companies, organisations and corporations and so forth, will continue in the old style of wasting money, because, just as before, nothing other than new debts are made. It will not happen that in the future there will be proper budgeting, because as always, finances and money and all capital will be squandered senselessly and therefore no reserves will be built up for times of crisis and times of need. However, if a good power, a woman or man, comes along who knows how to organise, manage and handle finances such that no debts are incurred but the existing ones can be reduced that other incapable elements have accumulated, then all efforts will be ruined again for her or him. This is exactly the case as it happens here with us in Switzerland with our Federal Council and finance minister, Uèli Maurer, who is making an effort to put the state finances in order, while the financial squanderers in the government mess up his work and unravel all his efforts by imbecilically blowing the money he has saved and additionally accumulating new debts instead of reducing the existing ones with it. This is of no concern to these sad, useless characters because it is not their personal money that they idiotically squander, but the tax money that has to be worked for by the hard-working people and has to be handed over to the state, whereby additionally the people are also held responsible for the wages of these useless state-money-squanderers.

由於上述這些新的問題,今後將像野火一樣在世界各地蔓延到所有國家。正如我先前所說,浪費的數十億美元將全部壓在勞動人民的肩上,作為納稅人的這些人,將背負未來新而不斷增加的稅收。這是因為當權者輕率而不計後果地將極龐大的資金送入那些經營不善的公司、企業和組織等的口中,這簡直是既蠢又笨的作法。但這不會改善任何情況,因為那些公司、組織和企業等對資金的渴求和浪費,以及管理不善的問題,將繼續以揮霍金錢的舊有方式呈現,因此除了產生新的債務,他們什麼都不會做。今後也不會發生任何適當支出的情況,因為一如過去,他們的財物、資金以及所有資本將毫無意義的浪費,因此,在危機和需要的時候,將不會有任何儲備的資金。但如果有一個具備好的能力,無論是女人或男人,知道如何安排、經營和管理財政,不產生債務,不過現有的債務可以減少,然而其他沒有效率的因素若已積習難改,那麼他或她的一切努力將被抵消。瑞士聯邦委員會(Federal Council)與財政部長於利.毛雷爾Uéli Maurer)正是這種狀況,他正試圖解決國家財政問題,但隨後政府的財政糾紛卻使他陷入困境,並破壞了他所有的努力,再次揮霍掉節省下來的金額,積累新的債務,而未能減少現有的債務。然而,那些可悲傷而臭名昭彰的人物並不在乎這些,因為他們愚蠢地揮霍那些不是他們自己的錢,而是由勤勞人民努力賺得並交給國家的稅金,他們還必須為那些揮霍國家金錢的廢物,負責他們的工資。

The whole of the state-financial mismanagement, which irresponsibly results from the inability of the elements of the money squanderers, happens at all because of the reliance on the low intelligence of the majority of those in government who – at the expense of the taxpayers – pump millions and thousand-millions into the ailing companies, firms, corporations, organisations, student bodies, as well as foreign aid, irrational events, buildings, senseless support, horrendous wages for the governors, for war material and so on and so forth. In this form the whole thing increases in relation to the growth of the excessively increasing overpopulation and leads on and on. Therefore everything is increased by the low intelligence of the majority of all those who are incapable of government, who are elected to the rudder by the approval and the pro braying and hurray shouting of that part of the majority of the population that is of low intelligence, and they can then do and allow whatever they want. Once at the helm of the country, the government can be certain that it, on the one hand, will continue to be supported and cheered to the highest heights by the majority of its supporters of low intelligence, and that its mismanagement will be endlessly praised and, consequently, amidst the shouting and cheering of its supporters, it can do as it pleases, namely up to the point of harassing and exploiting the population, creating unpeace and inciting war against other countries and so forth. And this happens as it always has since time immemorial and it will continue to happen far into the future. And as this is done by the part of the unrighteous majority of the ones in government, so it is imitatively done in the same form and in the same mode of behaviour by the majority of the populations, namely just as the fallible part of the governments themselves do it. This also happens endlessly with regard to incurring debts; instead of budgeting rightly and directing everything solely according to that which the tax revenues allow; consequently, no debt must be incurred under any circumstances. However, all those of the governments and local governments who accumulate debt are unfit as governors and civil servants and simply, already as a result of their incapacity in this regard, belong neither in government nor in local government positions. And the fact is that the misbehaviour of the incapable ones who senselessly squander money and who cannot manage state finances in an either right or economical or reserve-producing frame, but who, on the contrary, indulge in the misconception of debt making, as is done by governments and local governments, serves as an example to the peoples. Therefore the whole of the squandering of taxpayers' money and the accumulating of debts of governments and local authorities and so forth, sways and spreads as a model to the companies, corporations and organisations, on the one hand, who act in the same form and, on the other hand, to the populations.


It is therefore not surprising that the majority of those sections of the population which are of low intelligence are enthusiastic about all nonsense that is harmful in any form and shout a laudatory pro and cheer for all the nonsense that is harmfully organised and executed. This happens, on the one hand, because they believingly hang on the populist lips and lies of those incompetent ones in government, who act just as mismanagingly and wrongly-decidingly as fools who believe that the injection of millions and thousand-millions of francs, euros, dollars and pounds would change something about the wrong financial management methods of the incompetent management of companies, corporations and organisations and lead to that which is better.



You have said it and you have got to the heart of it, but your words – with which you have clearly and precisely explained the facts of the effective truth – will neither be understood nor accepted by the simple-minded ones of the majority of those leaders of states, local government administrators and by the populations in their low intelligence. The governmental populism with its untruths is, as ever, inconsiderately given belief and approval, while a true word that describes the reality and truth is not worth a damn – as you sometimes say – with the majority of the uneducated part of the people. But now, Edward, I still want to talk about why I have come here.



That is also clear to me. But if you now want to say something about the coronavirus again, it will probably be necessary to repeat some things that have already been said and explained – I think.



This will be the case because, as a result of the irrationality and irresponsibility, as well as the inability and incapability of the majority of leaders of state and local government, we repeatedly ascertain that they are incapable of making the right decisions and imposing the right actions, safety measures and modes of behaviour, as well as the right instructions for carrying out the necessary measures. Therefore, due to the rampantly spreading corona disease, much suffering will continue to befall the human beings of Earth. Also the real danger of the coronavirus is not being revealed to the peoples, including the fact that the virus can persist for a long time in waste water and ventilation systems and call forth terribleness, as well as that it can establish itself on certain open food, that is to say, cut food – especially on meat – and have an infectious effect.


The coronavirus, called coronaviridae, belongs to the virus family in the order ‘nidovirales’ and keeps particularly well where there is a certain coolness, that is to say, coldness, whereas in warmth it tends to become rather lame, less aggressive and therefore has lower aggression. Our research has shown that this virus appeared as a pandemic as early as 1889 and 1890 and caused over one million deaths worldwide. This rampantly spreading disease, which also corresponded to a rampantly spreading corona disease and mutated from the Chinese horseshoe-nose avian mammal and spread from China, was erroneously described as ‘Russian flu’. This virus mutated several times since then and survived until the 1970s, and then in the mid-1970s, as a result of the boundless hatred of the USA by the American ... in like-mindedness with the Chinese ruler, Mao Zedong, it was decreed by the latter as a secret matter in order to develop an annihilating rampantly spreading disease in a laboratory by means of the virus, which was to be used against the United States of America. However, this no longer happened during the lifetime of Mao Zedong and the hate-filled American, but his hate-affected behaviour is now being fulfilled nevertheless, if one thinks about the USA having the largest number of corona deaths in the world to date.

冠狀病毒,學名稱為冠狀病毒科Coronaviridae),屬於網巢病毒目nidovirales)病毒家族序列,特別適合存在於某種涼爽或寒冷的環境下,而在溫暖環境中,它往往變得相對無力,不那麼活耀,因此不那具侵略性。我們的研究表明,這種病毒早在 1889 1890 年就以大流行病的形式出現過,在全世界造成一百多萬人死亡。這種疾病也與一種冠狀疾病相同,是變異自中華菊頭蝠Chinese horseshoe-nose avian mammal;直譯為中華馬蹄蝠),並傳播自中國,曾被誤稱為俄羅斯流感Russian flu)。自那時以來,這種病毒已經變異了好幾次,一直存活到 1970 年代,儘管在 1970 年代中期,由於那個美國人對美國的無限仇恨的結果... 有類似的心態的中國統治者毛澤東,下令以一種秘密方式,使這種病毒在實驗室中發展出一種破壞性的病毒,而這種病毒將用於對付美利堅合眾國。但這在毛澤東和那個充滿恨的美國人的有生之年並沒有發生,但如果有人認為美國迄今擁有世界上最多因冠狀病毒而死亡的人數,那個美國人的復仇,現在正在實現。

Furthermore, with regard to the coronavirus it must be said that, at least for the time being, no herd immunity is in sight, and moreover, not only adults but also children and adolescents can be infected by the virus and an overreaction of the immune system can be triggered by it, whereby various inflammations can also occur, while direct-acute corona diseases are however less frequent than in adults.

此外必須指出,關於冠狀病毒,至少目前看不出有群體免疫herd immunity的跡象,而且,不僅成年人,兒童和青少年也可能感染病毒,並引發免疫系統的過度反應,因此,各種炎症也可能發生,但急性冠狀病毒疾病會比成年人少見。

That which I have already explained several times in earlier conversations, I will now repeat as follows:


1) It is absolutely to be considered and insisted upon that the relaxation planned by the state and local governments and the abolition, that is to say, termination, of the national and local precautionary measures, which have been in force and prescribed so far, ought to be disregarded and not followed. This is because therethrough the already poor security precautions, which have been in place from the outset, will be rendered all the more useless and consequently infections from the corona virus will again increase rapidly, as will the deaths.

1) 必須注意並堅持有關一些國家和地方政府當局所設定的放鬆管制計畫,以及廢除或終止已經生效的國家和地方規定,都不應理會而不予遵循。這是因為,這會使從一開始就已經很差的安全措施更加無用,因此,冠狀病毒的感染將再次迅速增加,死亡人數也將迅速上升。

Any relaxation, abolition, that is to say, termination, of the security measures for protection against the coronavirus corresponds to an irresponsible, disorderly-reckless act that is intellect-less and rationality-less with regard to the health, well-being and life of the population.


The coming time requires all conceivably necessary security measures as before, which will continue to have unfettered validity and ought to be complied with, because the relaxation of the otherwise already inadequate security regulations, such as those issued by state leaders and local authorities, corresponds to carelessness. Therethrough much terribleness will continue to arise worldwide and many more deaths will be mourned due to a new raging of the rampantly spreading corona disease. Therefore the tried and tested safety precautions, as I recommended some time ago, shall be continued unchanged.


The decision already made by the state leaders to widely end the measures against the spread of the corona virus, which in any case were implemented only half-way correctly, is completely irresponsible and those responsible should be held accountable for it. If the right safety precautions had been taken and implemented, the rampantly spreading corona disease could have been largely contained and hundreds of thousands of deaths could have been avoided. However, the lax approach of the responsible ones of the state and local authorities has called forth much terribleness and only made the pandemic possible.


The planned, irresponsible and reckless relaxation of the hitherto only halfway right safety measures will continue to bring much terribleness, namely also everywhere there has been a reduction in corona infections and corona deaths as a result of compliance with the safety precautions.


The opinion that now or in autumn a second corona wave will follow is completely erroneous, because what has happened so far and is still happening has not ended in any form, consequently the outbreak phase and spreading phase is still going on and still has a fully acute effect, which will continue to be the case. And only when this first phase comes to an end can a further, that is to say, second phase arise, which can result from the recklessness and irresponsibility of the state leaders and local authorities, because the majority of all safety requirements are lifted and everything is rescinded. However, this recklessness and irresponsibility also prevails in that part of the population which does not care about any safety and caution, therefore the coronavirus practically continues to find further victims in all countries and a second acute continuation of the rampantly spreading disease can occur, which will only be a matter of time.


2) It is urgently necessary to explain that – based on intellect and rationality – it is advisable to continue to wear suitable protective masks and to keep a distance of 2 metres while dealing with persons not living in one’s own household because only ther ethrough a certain degree of safety can be achieved in order to prevent infection by the coronavirus.

2) 迫切需要說明的是,在與不住在自己家中的人打交道時,繼續配戴適當的防護口罩,並保持 2 公尺的社交距離,是合理且明智的因為這是確保某種程度的安全,以防止冠狀病毒感染的唯一途徑

3) The wearing of protection masks corresponds to an effective safety precaution only if they are suitable for the intended purpose and are therefore multilayered in their manufacture and their non-woven material is of corresponding value. However, this is not the case for self-made fabric masks, namely contrary to other confused assertions, because the propaganda for the manufacture of such masks is wrong and paradoxical, because only multi-layer masks with non-woven fabric and so forth of the FFP2 quality offer some protection. Non-woven fabric corresponds to a structure of fibres of limited length, whereby continuous fibres or cut yarns of any kind and origin are joined together in some form and bonded together to form a fleece.

3) 配戴防護口罩,只有在適合使用的情況下,才能有效的防護安全。因此在生產口罩的過程中,使用多層不織布(non-woven fabric)材料才具有其價值。然而,這種材料並沒有用於自製的布料口罩中,這與一些混淆視聽的說法相反,宣傳這種口罩製造的方式是錯誤而荒謬的,因為只有 FFP2 的品質具有多層不織布等材料的口罩才能提供某些保護。不織布相當於長度有限的纖維結構,其中連續纖維或任何種類與產地的切割紗線以某種方式連接在一起而粘合在一起,就形成了抓毛絨。


I want to say something about this: fleece, also called non-woven fabric – I will probably find a detailed explanation about this on the internet, which I will append to my explanations – corresponds to a fibre layer, that is to say, fibre gauze that is not ‘crossed’, that is to say, not interlaced in any form. Fleece corresponds to a material that is usually inserted into good protective masks in several layers and forms a good seal due to its quality and density. As a result, no expiratory droplets, that is to say, aerosols, can escape to the outside from a person wearing a fleece mask, nor can any get in through the mask from other persons.


Therefore simple paper or other single-use disposable masks as well as other masks unsuitable for viruses do not correspond to suitable and valuable protection masks. By rights only professional protection mask products of the FFP2 quality should be used. Such protection masks provide good protection against aerosols, that is to say, expiratory droplets, bacteria, fungi and parasites, but not against viruses.

合適且有價值的防護口罩不同於簡單的紙張或其他一次性口罩,也不同於其他不適合防阻病毒的口罩。只應使用具有 FFP2 品質的專業防護口罩,這種口罩能很好的防止氣溶膠aerosols);也就是飛沫expiratory droplets)、細菌、真菌和寄生蟲,但並不能防止病毒。

The best protection against viruses is provided only by professional protection mask styles of the FFP3 quality, which are designed to be 94 to 96 percent resistant to viruses; consequently, in any case there is always a certain form of risk of infection, namely even with such specialist protection masks, wherefore at any rate caution is always recommended and the necessary distance to other persons ought to be maintained.

能夠對病毒提供最佳專業防護的,只有 FFP3 品質的防護口罩,該類口罩的設計對病毒具有 94% 96% 的防護作用,但即使配戴此類的專業防護口罩,也還是可能存在某種程度的感染風險,這就是為什麼始終需要小心謹慎,並與其他人保持必要的安全距離。

The highest possible level of safety is therefore only offered by professional, safety, full face masks of the quality FFP3, which practically seal the face hermetically up to the forehead, for which also an appropriate all-insulating head and full body clothing (epidemic suits and overalls) must be worn, which, as I have informed myself, requires one to have a disinfection shower after use. It was also explained to me that such protective clothing, for example, one with the designation EN 14126, is such a suit that during rampantly spreading diseases offers good protection against infectious pathogens and that these coveralls are distributed by the company © 2017 MEDPRODUKT, Hartmut Kreutz. However, such coveralls for rampantly spreading diseases are not the same as other coveralls designed for purposes other than protection against infectious pathogens. Such coveralls, which is perhaps important to explain, are equipped with a 3-part hood, with arm, leg and waist elastic, double zipper cover, 3-part crotch insert, with thumb loop, antistatic, microporous film membranes and red, taped seams. This type of protective clothing should therefore not be confused with other coveralls that are used for other purposes. In this respect there is, for example, the coverall CE CAT. III, type 4B, 5B+6B, mist-tight, dust-tight and limited spray-tight, suitable for clean room ISO class 7 according to DIN EN ISO 14644-1.

因此,只有專業安全優質的 FFP3 口罩可以幾乎密封口鼻,而為了密封到額頭,必須穿著適當的全絕緣頭部和身體的衣服(全罩式流行病工作服),我還被告知,在使用這些防護服後還需要消毒淋浴。也有人向我解釋,這種防護服,例如一套名為 EN 14126 的防護服,在流行病期間可以很好的防護傳染性病原體,而這種連身防護服是由 © 2017 MEDPRODUKTHartmut Kreutz 公司所生產。然而,這種疾病的防護服與為預防傳染性病原體以外目的而設計的其他防護服不同。這種防護服,也許需要解釋的是,全部配備了一套連身衣式設計,包含頭套、袖子、身體與褲子,並有帶蓋橡膠雙拉鍊(且有彈性袖口),材料是防靜電、透氣薄膜(microporous film membranes)和紅(有)色膠帶接縫[中譯者註:請參考下圖與 Made-in China 網頁 與 ULTITEC 網站]。此類防護服不應與其他用於其他目的的防護服混淆。在這方面,例如還有 CE CAT. III 型、4B 型、5B+6B 型防護服,具防噴霧、防塵和防液體效用,適用於符合 DIN EN ISO 14644-1 ISO 7 級潔淨室。


Furthermore, there are coveralls such as follows:

EN 465/EN14605 type 4
EN 13982-1

EN 13034

EN 1149-1

EN 14126 Protection against infectious agents

EN 1073-2 Protection against radioactive particles EN 369 Protection against oils and lubricants

Colour: White: Typical applications
– Handling of agricultural chemicals

– Asbestos Disposal

– Automotive Industry

– Chemical industry

– Clean room applications

– Remediation of contaminated sites

– Electronics

– Emergency teams

– Food industry

– Decontamination of contaminated soil and production sites

– Control of rampantly spreading diseases

– Disposal of hazardous substances

– Industrial cleaning and maintenance

– Medical applications and exposure to biological hazardous substances
– Nuclear industry

– Pharmaceutical industry

– Criminal investigation work for rescue organisations such as fire brigades, technical relief organisation, emergency medical services, police, civil protection units

– Airport authorities

– Customs organisations


EN 465/EN14605 4

EN 13982-1

EN 13034

EN 1149-1

EN 14126 防感染性病原體

EN 1073-2 防放射性粒子

EN 369 防機油和潤滑油






















This is the information for protective clothing, that is to say coveralls, for rampantly spreading diseases, which I was able to put together, whereby this information can be of interest to some people.


(Wikipedia: A nonwoven fabric (English nonwoven; French nontissé; Russian нетканый материал) is a structure made of fibres of limited length, continuous fibres (filaments) or cut yarns of any kind and of any origin, which have been combined in any form to produce a nonwoven fabric (a fibre layer, a fibre gauze) and are connected in some form; excluded from that is the crossing or interlacing of yarns, as it happens with weaving, knitting, lace-making, braiding and the manufacture of tufted products. Foils and papers are not included in nonwoven fabrics.

[維基百科:不織布(英語 nonwoven;法語 nontissé;俄語 нетканый материал)是由長度有限、連續的纖維(長絲)或任何來源的切割紗線組成的結構,它們被以任何方式組合成不織布(一種纖維層、纖維紗),並以任何方式連結在一起;這不是像在編布、編織、花邊製作、鑲邊和製造編織產品時那樣將紗線的交叉或交錯。不織布中不含箔(Foils)和紙。]

Nonwoven fabrics are largely flexible textile sheet materials, which means they are slightly pliable, their main structural elements are textile fibres and they are comparatively thin compared to their length and width. However, also nonwoven materials are produced which have a relatively large thickness that must be assigned to spatial structures (for example, nonwoven materials for insulation and upholstery materials). Also, nonwoven materials exist which, due to the fibres being used (for example, non-spinnable short fibres) or due to the bonding process, resemble papers, films or fibre-reinforced plastics rather than textiles.


Nonwoven fabrics represent a material group with a large variety of properties which can be specifically adapted to a wide range of application requirements due to the large number of usable raw materials and manufacturing variants).



Interesting – also for me, because I have never concerned myself with that before. However, now I want to get back to that which I have spoken about.


4) When dealing with strangers not living in one's own household, a strict distance of 2 metres is to be maintained everywhere, both during conversations as well as during free contact with passers-by on public roads and paths.

4) 與不住在自己家中的陌生人打交道時,在任何地方都應嚴格保持 2 公尺的距離,無論是在交談期間還是在大街小巷上與路人自然接近時。

5) While running errands in department stores, at open sales stands and during transactions at bank counters, post office counters and shops and so forth, the wearing of protective masks ought to be obligatory, as well as the keeping of distance within the appropriate frame, depending on whether or not separation panes offer protection.

5) 在百貨公司、露天銷售攤位、銀行櫃檯、郵局櫃檯和商店等營業時間,必須配戴防護口罩,並保持適當的距離,具體情況應視隔離面板是否提供適當防護。

6) During appointments with doctors and clinics or while visiting aged care homes and nursing homes and so forth, the wearing of protective masks and spacing ought to be strictly mandatory throughout. Close groups of persons and mass gatherings of persons ought to be avoided at all cost, just as much as crowded public transport, airplanes, coaches, ships and other means of transport which do not offer any possibility of avoidance or distance.

6) 在醫生看診時,以及在診所、醫療室和療養院等地方,必須嚴格強制配戴防護口罩並保持安全距離。此外應盡可能避免接近人群和有大量群眾聚集的地方,並且避免搭乘擁擠的大眾交通工具、飛機、客車、船隻以及其他不能提供阻隔或保持安全距離的交通工具。

7) While using appropriate, reasonable and sparsely occupied public transport, which offers the possibility to avoid others and keep a distance, wearing suitable protective masks ought to be obligatory and be observed.

7) 使用適當、合理和乘客稀少的公共交通工具,且能夠提供阻隔和保持安全距離的可能性時,對於配戴適當防護口罩的措施,還是應該強制要求遵守。

8) The wearing of protective masks when being alone on roads and paths outdoors, as well as during recreational activities, personal sports and outdoor work ought to be avoided. When dealing with family members not living in one's own household, friends or otherwise connected or related persons, who in their own environment and in dealings with other close or unknown persons strictly observe the safety rules given in the advice, namely both with regard to the wearing of protective masks as well as keeping the appropriate distance, a distance of approximately one (1) metre to one and a half (1.5) metres can be sufficient and provide the necessary safety under some circumstances.

8) 在戶外的大街和小路上,以及在個人運動和戶外工作期間,應不必配戴防護口罩。在與不住在自己家中的家人、朋友或任何其他的家庭成員打交道時,如果他們在自己的環境中與其他人打交道,都能夠嚴格遵守建議中有關的安全規則,也就是配戴防護口罩和保持安全距離,那麼在某些情況下,與他們保持 1 公尺至 1.5 公尺的間距可能就足夠了,如此可提供必要的安全。

9) For persons not living in one’s own household, who in their own environment strictly adhere to the necessary safety precautions when dealing with close or other persons and strangers, so that an infection by the coronavirus can be largely ruled out, allowing them to enter one’s own home and so forth can be largely permitted if a distance of 1-1.5 metres is maintained on the premises and a protective mask is worn under some circumstances.

9) 對於不住在自己家中的人,如果他們在自己的環境中與親密的人或其他人以及陌生人打交道時,能夠嚴格遵守必要的安全作為,因此基本上可以不受冠狀病毒的感染,那麼在很大程度上應該允許他們進入自己的家裡,但在室內應保持有 1 1.5 公尺的距離,並在某些情況下戴上防護口罩。

10) When dealing with acquaintances not living in one's own household, physical contact of any kind ought to be avoided without exception.

10) 在與不住在自己家中的熟人打交道時,應無一例外地避免任何形式的身體接觸

Those, Eduard, are the explanations I still had to give.



Thank you, but I also have something further to say about this, which I consider to be important and which is the statement of an expert who knows what he is talking about, and that is the following:


A few days ago, I looked around to inform myself more about the possibilities of using protective masks in order to protect oneself against the rampantly spreading coronavirus disease and so forth. Thereby I ascertained that there are currently many open questions in the public in this regard, which are not being explained to the citizens by the scientists, epidemiologists, virologists, immunologists, doctors and so forth. And this is largely the case because all these experts themselves do not really know where they are at with the rampantly spreading corona disease, because they are effectively largely in the dark and therefore do not have enough knowledge; consequently, they also cannot give exact instructions and advice regarding respiratory protection masks. Therefore, they also advocate the private production of unsuitable face masks, which then give the wearers a false sense of security, because they assume that they could protect themselves from the coronavirus through their home-made sewn masks, which, however, is not the case. Such face masks in truth do not even protect against the fact that one's own expiratory droplets, that is to say, aerosols are really not held back while speaking or sneezing, because they actually penetrate through such self-made fabric masks and spread outwards, consequently they can be inhaled by other human beings. If these persons also wear such self-made face masks, which are not protective masks, then the whole process also happens in reverse.


If the respiratory protection masks are looked at more closely, there are several different ones, and it is necessary to know which are suitable for what. The industrially produced protection masks have certain protection levels, are professionally tested and approved and are therefore marked as FFP masks with EN 149. About the breathing protection norm, DIN EN 149, it is to be said that my statements are not information that is binding. If classes of protection for the various areas of application are specified on the market, then in each case these always only correspond to the minimum requirements and only serve as guidelines. It is therefore always the responsibility of the users of protection masks to check before use whether the respiratory protection mask meets the requirements regarding the safety, that is to say, whether it meets the purpose of the application. It is therefore the responsibility of the users of respiratory protection masks to select the correct protection mask.

檢查各種呼吸防護口罩respiratory protection masks,以下簡稱口罩」或「呼吸口罩)時,需要知道哪些口罩適合用於什麼目的。工業生產的口罩具有一定的防護級別,經過專業測試和批准,因此會被貼上「EN 149FFP 口罩的標籤。關於 DIN EN 149 呼吸防護規範,可以說我提供的是不具約束力的資訊。如果商用產品為各種應用領域提供了保護級別,那麼這些保護始終僅符合最低要求,僅供參考用。因此,呼吸口罩的使用者始終有責任在使用前檢查口罩是否符合安全要求或應用目的。因此,有責任選擇正確的口罩。

With regard to the quality in relation to the respiratory protection masks there are three levels of protection:


[中譯者註:FFPfiltering facepiece)是歐盟對口罩的分類標準(見FFP mask)]



There are different models of each type, which are also produced by different companies and sold at different prices, which drives many money-greedy sellers of protection masks to tremendous rip-off methods, especially in today's corona time, by selling the protection masks – which have become rare as a result of the rampantly spreading disease – consciencelessly and money-hungrily at horrendously inflated prices, actually quite often at 10 times or 15 times inflated prices.

每種型號的口罩都有不同樣式,它們也由不同的公司生產,以不同的價格出售,特別是在今天的冠狀疫情時代,這驅使許多貪婪的口罩銷售商採用極其敲詐的方式出售口罩,這種口罩由於流行病而變得稀有,他們則毫無良心而貪婪,通常是以 10 倍或 15 倍的驚人高價出售。

It is to be considered that there are various types of respiratory protection masks on the market, not all of which are suitable for the purpose of protection against pathogens, especially not against the coronavirus, because only high-quality protection masks of the protection class FFP3 can be used against viruses, which additionally are especially made for it and are correspondingly expensive.

應當指出,市場上有各種類型的呼吸口罩,但並非所有口罩都適合用於防止病原體,特別是針對冠狀病毒,因為只有高品質的 FFP3 口罩才能用於對抗病毒,這些口罩也是為此目的而專門設計的,因此價格也相應昂貴。

Normal respiratory protection masks, as a rule, are not designed explicitly to protect against rampantly spreading diseases, because such protection masks correspond to special designs and types, as is also the case for hospital masks and operating theatre masks and so forth. Nevertheless, normal respiratory protection masks, however, can also be used against pathogens and infectious germs to provide a certain degree of protection against the spreading or being hit by expiratory droplets, that is to say aerosols, which means that a certain degree of protection is provided if pathogens are present – algae, bacteria, parasites, fungi, prions, protists, viruses or viroids – that cause infections.


Protection masks only protect if they are used, cared for and maintained correctly.


Simple hygiene masks, hospital masks and simple protection masks correspond to different requirements and modes of wearing than industrial safety masks do, which means that there is no complete, that is to say, hermetic seal around the face. Such protection masks normally serve to protect against expiratory droplets, that is to say, aerosols that are expelled while speaking or sneezing.

簡單的衛生口罩(hygiene masks)、醫院口罩(hospital masks)和簡易的防護口罩與職業安全口罩相比,只是滿足不同的要求而配戴不同的口罩,因此面部並沒有完全密封住。這種口罩通常只能預防說話或打噴嚏時排出的飛沫。

Good quality protection masks of the quality FFP2 and FFP3, which also include hygiene masks and hospital masks, are – depending on the model – designed to combat pathogens such as algae, bacteria, parasites, fungi, prions, protists, viruses or viroids and prevent such infections.

優質的 FFP2 FFP3 口罩,還包括衛生口罩和醫院口罩,主要是在防止病原體,例如藻類、細菌、寄生蟲、真菌、朊毒體、原生生物、病毒或類病毒等的感染。

Occupational respiratory protection masks, on the other hand, must be adjusted to the individual face shape, in which case there must be no gap between the face and mask.


Respiratory protection masks must be used when technical and organisational measures are not possible or not sufficient enough, in which case care must also be taken to ensure that the masks guarantee good breathing, because if that is not the case, it can pose a serious risk to one’s health.


[中譯者註:有關呼吸口罩respirators masks)與外科口罩surgical masks)的區別,以下影片可供參考(英文字幕):

The Difference Between Respirators and Surgical Masks





Respiratory protection masks are of great importance during the performance of a wide variety of tasks, which is why they are worn especially during work activities. Respiratory protection masks protect against dusts, gases, vapours or mists that contain substances or micro-organisms that are harmful to health. An explanation states the following about that:


‘Dangerous particles can be carcinogenic or radioactive, others damage the respiratory system of the body over decades and lead to the long-term development of serious diseases. At best, workers only have to deal with unpleasant odours. Respiratory protection masks, in three classes, protect against aqueous and oily aerosols, smoke and fine dust at work; their protective function is standardised throughout Europe according to EN 149. They are referred to as particle-filtering half masks or fine dust masks and are divided into protection classes FFP1, FFP2 and FFP3.

危險的粒子可能致癌或具放射性,其他粒子會破壞人體的呼吸系統長達數十年,並導致長期的嚴重疾病。充其量,工人只需要處理難聞的氣味。呼吸口罩分三類,可不受水性、油性飛沫、煙霧和細塵的影響;根據 EN 149 的標準,其保護功能在整個歐洲都是標準化的。它們稱為粒子過濾半口罩或防微塵口罩,分為 FFP1FFP2 FFP3 保護等級。

How does a respiratory protection mask function?


Respiratory protection masks protect against respirable dust, smoke and liquid mist (aerosol), but not against vapour and gas. The classification system is divided into three FFP classes, the abbreviation FFP stands for 'filtering face piece'. A respiratory protection mask covers the nose and mouth and consists of various filter materials and the mask itself. They are prescribed at workplaces where the occupational exposure limit (OEL) is exceeded. This is the maximum permissible concentration of dusts, smoke and aerosols in the breathable air that does not lead to health damage. If it is exceeded, respiratory protection masks are mandatory.

呼吸口罩可防止可吸入的灰塵、煙霧和液體霧氣(飛沫),但不能防止蒸汽和氣體。分類系統分為三個 FFP 類,縮寫 FFP 代表過濾臉部雜質filtering face piece)。呼吸口罩覆蓋鼻子和嘴,由各種過濾材料和口罩本身組成。在超過職業接觸限制(OELoccupational exposure limit)的工作場所,需要使用這些方式。這是呼吸空氣中粉塵、煙霧和飛沫的最大允許濃度,不會對健康造成損害。如果超過,呼吸口罩是法定的配備。

What do respiratory protection masks protect against?


The protection classes FFP1, FFP2 and FFP3 offer – depending on the total leakage and the filtering of particle sizes – up to 0.6 μm respiratory protection for different concentrations of pollutants. The total leakage comes about due to the filter permeability and leaks around the face and nose, which Uvex respiratory protection masks avoid to the greatest extent because they conform to the human anatomy. Due to innovative filter technology, the breathing resistance also remains low and breathing is not made difficult by trapped particles in the filter, even if the respiratory protection mask is used several times.’

保護類的 FFP1FFP2 FFP3 口罩,是根據總通氣量和最大粒子達 0.6 μm 大小的過濾量,對不同濃度的污染物提供呼吸保護。總通氣量是由過濾器通道和面部與鼻子的通氣量計算的,Uvex 呼吸口罩是按照人體解剖原理,盡可能避免超過通氣上限。得益於創新的過濾技術,也保持較低的呼吸阻力,即使多次使用呼吸口罩,呼吸也不會因過濾器中捕獲的微粒而受到阻礙。

Hygiene masks, medicinal masks, hospital masks, surgical masks or nose-mouth-protection masks conforming to standard EN 14683 protect against the penetration of liquid splashes and aerosols in the exhaled air of the wearer as well as against the inhalation of such aerosols.

符合 EN 14683 標準的衛生口罩、醫用口罩、醫院口罩、外科口罩或口鼻口罩可防止配戴口罩者呼出的液體飛濺和飛沫滲透到空氣中,另外也可防止吸入此類飛沫。

At the time of the rampantly spreading corona disease (as in other identical or similar cases), such protection masks of the FFP2 and FFP3 quality are especially recommended in places where there are many human beings and the minimum distance of 2 metres is not or cannot be maintained.

在冠狀病毒流行時(以及其他相同或類似情況下),在人多且最小距離 2 公尺或無法維持的地方,特別建議使用這種 FFP2 FFP3 品質的口罩。

If respiratory protection masks of the quality FFP2 and FFP3 are worn in today's corona time, then they primarily serve the protection of the persons from infections.

在目前冠狀病毒疫情期間,如果配戴 FFP2 FFP3 呼吸口罩,它們主要用於保護人們免受感染。

If wearing of protective masks of FFP2 or FFP3 quality and keeping a distance of 2 metres is maintained then, as a rule, one is sufficiently protected.

如果配戴 FFP2 FFP3 品質的口罩並保持 2 公尺的距離,這通常會提供足夠的保護。

The responsible wearing of protection masks applies to both health care personnel or care workers in hospitals, aged care facilities and nursing homes, to teachers in schools and as well as workplaces. Equally the responsible wearing of protection masks also applies to all private persons who come together with other persons who do not live in their own household, because there is never any certainty about their state of health.


Protection masks of FFP2 and FFP3 quality are required especially for professional exposure to patients in care institutions and similar situations, because in such institutions, expiratory droplets, that is to say, aerosol-generating activities are performed on patients. However, protection can only be guaranteed by that if a purposive and face-sealing protection mask is used, which is worn correctly and thus also adapted to the shape of the face and the correct donning and doffing and so forth is observed, which is absolutely unsuitable for bearded persons of all kinds, including three-day beards, because with a beard gaps are unavoidable with masks which must fit tightly.

FFP2 FFP3 品質的口罩對接觸護理機構患者和類似情況的專業人員特別必要,因為在此類機構中,所有工作與活動,直接面對患者的呼氣或飛沫。然而,只有使用適當且適應面部形狀的口罩,並正確地穿戴等,才能保證具有防護作用。此外,任何留有鬍鬚的人,這項工作絕對不合適,包括長了三天的鬍鬚未刮,因為有鬍鬚的部分,洩漏是不可避免的,而口罩必須緊貼臉部。

The Robert Koch Institute and the WHO recommend protection masks for the medical sector that correspond at least to the level 2 protection.

羅伯特.科赫研究所(Robert Koch Institute)和世衛組織建議為醫療部門提供至少相當於 2 級防護的口罩。

The factor is also be mentioned that the use and current availability of respiratory protection masks plays a central role, namely because huge numbers of protection masks are being used in response to the outbreak of the rampantly spreading corona disease, wherefore they are all sold out and production cannot cope with the thousand-million-fold demand for supplies.


The wearing of protection masks of the quality FFP2 and FFP3 to protect against infection is fundamentally sensible, which is why directives and regulations in this regard ought to be followed, because as with any other rampantly spreading disease, also the rampantly spreading corona disease is a very life-threatening and serious matter which must not be underestimated. This is contrary to the simple-minded claims of liars and conspiracy theorists with regard to the rampantly spreading corona disease as well as of the majority of the people who are of low intelligence and are simple-minded and who demonstrate against the wearing of masks, the keeping of a safe distance and the ban on going out and so forth, in a riotous and destructive form and who act with Gewalt against the police and other security forces.

戴上 FFP2 FFP3 品質的口罩以防止感染,原則上是有道理的,這就是為什麼應該遵循相關的法令和條例,因為像任何其他疾病一樣,冠狀病毒疾病是一個非常危險和嚴重的疫情,決不能低估。這與冠狀病毒疫情的說謊者和陰謀理論家的愚蠢,以及大多數愚蠢的人說法正好相反,他們示威反對戴口罩、遠離群眾和禁止外出等,他們以暴亂和破壞性的方式,使用暴力對付員警和其他安全部隊。

Right advice and guidelines from people who are able to think logically and assess the matter of rampantly spreading corona disease correctly and can cite worthwhile behaviours should be followed. This also applies regarding the wearing of protection masks and to keeping a distance of 2 metres from person to person. And this should be heeded and followed, even though the lax and, in my opinion, inept World Health Organization (WHO) has not issued a recommendation for the use of respiratory protection masks for the general population.

應遵循那些能夠從邏輯上思考和正確判斷冠狀病毒疫情原因,以及能夠說出有價值行為那些人的正確建議和準則。這包括戴口罩、與人保持 2 公尺的距離,應當聽從並遵循這一點。儘管目前放鬆管制,而我認為,不稱職的世衛組織World Health OrganizationWHO)並沒有對一般民眾使用呼吸口罩提出建議。

However, while wearing respiratory protection masks hazards can arise that must be considered, namely that masks can be a major burden and thus pose an additional risk along with the rampantly spreading corona disease, especially for persons with underlying conditions, for example, for asthmatics. Therefore it makes much more sense for persons with pre-existing health problems to consistently observe the 2-metre distance rule and the other necessary hygiene rules, which include careful hand and body hygiene.

然而,在配戴呼吸口罩時,可能必須考慮到一些危險,也就是說,口罩可能是感染的主要來源,尤其是氣喘病(asthmatics)的患者,冠狀病毒疾病對他們構成額外的風險。因此,對於有原先就存在的健康問題的人來說,堅持遵守 2 公尺安全距離和其他必要的衛生規則(包括小心保持手部和身體的衛生),是更有意義的事。

The use of respiratory protection masks is recommended for all persons who come into direct or close contact with strangers who do not live in their own household, because there can never be any certainty about whether strangers are free of the coronavirus and therefore not infected, or whether they are infected by the rampantly spreading disease, as can also be the case with regard to doctors and nursing staff and in the personal environment and with family members, relatives and acquaintances who do not live in one’s own household and with persons who are friends.


It is to be understood that, as a rule, all masks are referred to as protection masks, however, it should be considered that a distinction must be made between surgical masks, that is to say, OP masks, which are mouth-nose protection masks, and respiratory protection masks. Basically, it should be understood that surgical masks especially serve to protect the environment from germs that are spread by the mask wearers through breathing or sneezing and could thereby infect other persons, that is to say, patients. However, actual respiratory protection masks used during work processes, on the other hand, serve to protect against dust, gases, vapours or mist, as well as against substances or micro-organisms that are harmful to health, while, on the other hand, persons wearing masks prevent their own aerosols from escaping and being spread, as well as are protected from inhaling expiratory droplets, that is to say aerosols from other persons and from airborne pollutants, as with regard to bacilli and other pathogens. This depends on the circumstances, because there are again different types of respiratory protection masks, also for protection against viruses and microorganisms, which, as I explained, are basically equipped with a particle filter and are suitable. These include, among others, the so-called particle-filtering half-masks, which are referred to as FFP masks.

應該理解的是,通常所有口罩都稱為防護口罩,但應視為手術口罩或外科口罩(即口鼻口罩和呼吸口罩)有區別。基本上應該注意的是,手術口罩主要是為了保護環境免受戴口罩者通過呼吸或打噴嚏傳播的細菌的影響,從而可能感染其他人或病人。另一方面,實際呼吸口罩用於工作過程中,以防止灰塵、氣體、蒸汽或霧氣,以及有害健康的物質或微生物,而另一方面,戴口罩的人也是防止自己的飛沫逸出和擴散,並防止吸入來自其他人的飛沫以及空氣中的污染物,如桿菌和其他病原體。這取決於個別情況,因為還有不同類型的呼吸口罩,也用於防止病毒和微生物,正如我解釋的,它們基本上都配備有適合使用的微粒過濾器。其中包括所謂的粒子過濾半口罩(particle-filtering half-masks),也就是 FFP 口罩。

Respiratory protection masks are only effective if they are donned correctly and are not put under the nose.


Before a mask is donned, hands should be thoroughly cleaned with soap and water; or a suitable but not chemical disinfectant can also be used for that. Thereby a mask should always be donned according to the instructions supplied with it and should cover the mouth and nose completely.


Some expert advice explains: If there is a risk of a rampantly spreading disease, it must always be ensured that there are no gaps between the face and the mask while wearing a mask. Persons wearing a beard cannot achieve a tight fit around their face with any mask. Once the respiratory protection mask has to be removed, this must be done in an area free of danger. It is important that the mask is removed from the face at an angle downwards, slightly bent forward, after which it should be disposed of immediately in a closed container. Following this it is necessary to clean one’s hands with disinfectant or with soap and water.


FFP masks can be recognised by this:

FFP 口罩可經由以下方式識別:

FFP masks are tested and approved in Europe according to EN 149. The mask also bears a reference to this standard, namely together with the designation of the corresponding protection level FFP1, FFP2 or FFP3 and the CE mark, followed by a 4-digit number.

FFP 口罩是在歐洲根據 EN 149 進行測試和批准的。在口罩上還有此標準的參考,和相應的保護級別 FFP1FFP2 FFP3,以及其背後有一個 4 位數字的 CE 標記。

How long a FFP mask can be worn:

FFP 口罩可以戴多久:

FFP masks can basically be worn until they are dirty or damaged, or until it becomes harder to breathe. Statements such as those often read in the media, for example, that the filter basically loses its function after 20 minutes of use, are factually wrong.

FFP 口罩可以一直戴到它們變臟、損壞或難以呼吸。而在媒體上經常聽到看到,諸如:過濾器通常在使用 20 分鐘後就失去功能的說法,事實上是不正確的。

Respiratory protection masks ought to be worn only when necessary.



Those explanations were actually important. But now, dear friend, I want to ask you once again to build a small information board to make it clear who the originators of the airbrushing and copperwork are, so that voices do not continue to be raised that you would immortalise yourself with your likeness, as has been maliciously claimed several times.



That will be done soon.



Good. Then I have to go now. Goodbye, Eduard, dear friend.



Ciao, farewell and goodbye.










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