


Contact Report 868第868次接觸報告



最初英譯:20231004日,星期DeepL Translator

改進版本:N/AJoseph Darmanin

中譯版本:20231111日,星期ChatGPT, DeepL Translator, James Hsu



一、由於Billy透過Ptaah提交了一些有關FIGU的問題,而Plejaren的「高級理事會」很快就有了回覆,重點在於FIGU 協會應該以一種鬆散和自由的方式來管理,而不是像地球上的軍事化等方式那樣管理,因為那種方式將產生壓迫和統治,破壞 FIGU 的自由。尤其還提醒即使在將來,FIGU領導層離職後,情況也將繼續如此。這不禁讓人隱隱感受到一陣傷感;雖然Quetzal強調目前為時還早,但他也說:你離去的時刻終將到來,這是絕對無可迴避的事實,這就是為什麼理事會也提出了這個問題。也就是說,他們已經在關切Billy大限到來後的可能狀況與對應之道

二、一篇由Brigitt Keller20231027日公布的文章中,概要描述了經常發生在比利工作室中的侵犯性振動和各種幽靈現象這些現象嚴重妨礙了他的日常寫作工作,甚至對他的身體造成了多種打擊由於我們的星球人口過剩,也會有越來越多的人信奉某種信仰,而相應的思想和情感,就會彙集在一起形成強大的力量這種破壞性的濃縮無形能量炸彈,已經有了自己的生命,它會對某些人進行摧毀;而比利就是這些可怕能量的力量專門針對的人然而,究竟是這些能量還是其他無形的力量在作怪還真不好說,有一些離奇的事件就發生在活生生的現實中過去,比利和他工作室內的其他人經常受到攻擊和騷擾,那就像一隻幽靈之手一樣,幸運的是,多虧了外星專家多年來一直致力於解決所有這些問題,這種情況已經有所減輕,但目前只取得有限的成功






八、會談後段談到: Ptaah告訴過比利,目前地球上所使用的和平符號是錯的,而只有當錯誤的和平符號(實際上等同於死亡符號)不再流通和使用時,世界和平才有可能實現


This is the entire contact report. It is an authorised but unofficial DeepL preliminary English translation and most probably contains errors. Please note that all errors and mistakes etc. will continuously be corrected, depending on the available time of the involved persons (as contracted with Billy/FIGU). Therefore, do not copy-paste and publish this version elsewhere, because any improvement and correction will occur HERE in this version!



Here I am again, greetings, Eduard, my friend. Since our committee has met…



… pardon – first of all, greetings, my friend – tell me, I am really wondering about that, and I have also never asked about it, namely how is it that an answer can come so quickly from the committee? How often does it happen that an answer is always given so quickly?

... 請原諒,首先,問候你好,我的朋友,但請告訴我,我真的很好奇,我也從來沒有問過這個問題,那就是,為什麼理事會怎麼能這麼快就給出答覆?答覆總是如此迅速的情況經常發生嗎?


That is really not surprising, because at least half of the committee is always present every day because our far-reaching federation requires it. There is always something that needs to be discussed and negotiated. And when something special arises, it is given priority over everything else, such as the matters that come from you, if they are necessary, because it is not only in the interests of us Plejaren, but comprehensively in the interests of all our Federates, what happens in your Centre and on Earth as a whole. So it is only natural that you can expect an immediate response, so to speak, if you have a request to the committee.



But I have not, because I only asked you to present the whole thing to Ptaah and ask him what he has to say and what he thinks about it.



That corresponds to what was, that is true, but Ptaah found it necessary for the committee to judge the incident and give a response, which it also did in the short term, not least because our observers have been noticing for some time the disproportionate that… So what I have to report now are the words of the committee's council, to whom Ptaah passed on what you told me for judgement and reported. That decided in deliberation that it was good …

這符合以前的情況,沒錯,但Ptaah認為理事會有必要對這一事件作出判斷並並提供回應,理事會在短期內也作出了反應,這主要是因為我們的觀察員一段時間以來已經察覺到這一不成比例的情況 ... 所以我現在要報告的是理事會的意見,Ptaah把你告訴我的情況轉告了理事會,請理事會作出判斷並提出回應。理事會在商議後決定 ...


Then can …

那能不能 ...


However, that should not become public knowledge, folg…

然而,這不應該公開宣布,因為 ...


… of course not, because I will put my dots.

... 當然,因為我會以我的圓點()來表示。


Then it is good, but I was still instructed by the committee to explain the following, so that this should be worked out and formulated in writing. I can use this little device to reproduce verbatim what has been explained, but I have to do it in the correct language. So listen:


The time has come to declare the following from our committee's side, because it has become necessary: The FIGU association is to be run in every way loosely and freely and correctly, but not in the wise, earthly-military etc. way, because this would create coercion and rule would destroy the freedom of the FIGU. However, this absolutely does not correspond to the FIGU's behaviour of freedom and its given guidelines. This requires special attention, which must effectively be observed by all members of the FIGU, not only by the core group members based in the Centre, as well as the national group and study group members in other countries, but also by passive members, FIGU patrons, FIGU friends and all persons who are somehow associated with the FIGU.

現在是我們理事會宣佈以下聲明的時候了,因為這是必要的:FIGU 協會應該以一種鬆散和自由的方式來管理,而不是像地球上的軍事化等方式那樣管理,因為那種方式將產生壓迫和統治,破壞 FIGU 的自由。這絕對不符合 FIGU 的自由態度和預定的方針。這需要特別小心,所有 FIGU 成員應全面遵守,不僅包括居住在中心的核心小組成員,還包括其他國家的地方團隊和學習小組成員,以及被動成員、FIGU 支持者、FIGU 朋友以及與 FIGU 有關的所有人。

There is an urgent need for a general change in the attitude and behaviour of Earth's humanity, so that orders are not given in a commanding manner – especially in the wider circle of all members of the FIGU association – otherwise the existence of FIGU and thus the mission and everything that is absolutely not the purpose of the whole thing will be jeopardised. This is important for FIGU itself, because only if everything is managed in this way will its continued existence be guaranteed. But if a different wise leadership were to be sought and exercised, it would lead to an unpleasant end to the mission, which is not the way it should be. What has been achieved across the entire expanse of Earth since the beginning through all the efforts and work of FIGU is much more than was expected and has been accomplished in just 50 years. However, if everything does not continue and is not handled within the same framework, then everything would collapse. The whole of all endeavours requires a completely different way of leading and acting than has been customary and dictatorially in use among Earth's humanity since time immemorial – namely a leadership that is falsely oriented towards command and dictatorship as well as ruling. The only correct way is to have a loose, humane and effectively humane leadership and guidance – despite the sometimes very malicious degenerations of countless Earth-humans – because this alone is the wise for Earth's humanity to feel free and peaceful. This means that through the teachings of the FIGU, an honest endeavour must be made by many Earth-humans throughout the entire planet to find the way to life, as it has also happened that many have discovered themselves and are doing well. This is because they have learnt to know themselves and have found themselves. And this is in contrast to the past, when they were foreign to themselves and lived without a true purpose in life. This is the merit of a truly correct leadership and guidance of all endeavours of the worldwide dissemination of the 'Teaching of the Truth, Teaching of the Creation-energy, Teaching of the Life' through the efforts of the FIGU Association, which shall also continue to be after the departure of the Herald through the leadership of the FIGU, that this shall be set forth through the words of our committee.


This is what I have to pass on, and what the words of the committee are, as likewise Ptaah also spoke.



Thank you. – That is something that should be clear, but I would like to add that every human being must be absolutely free in every respect and must never be commanded in the form of a must. To command something is always an exercise of power, just as, on the other hand, strict adherence to some predetermined ethical and moral rule of order or a rule of behaviour is effectively only a mere rule that is followed, but which can also be broken due to negligence, lack of decency, irresponsibility, unwillingness, anger, forgetfulness or carelessness, etc. This is in contrast to a fixed and therefore unchangeable law, which corresponds to a general certainty or a form of definiteness, whereby a general order is to be observed and absolutely not disregarded in any wise by human beings, but followed.


And what I particularly want to emphasise and also teach is that no conduct is acceptable and such conduct is completely unacceptable that insists on paragraphism, because this does not judge a matter correctly and immediately leads to the bad instead of the good and correct, if something is to be changed towards this.


What else needs to be said should really be understandable, namely that nothing should ever be ordered. If a rule is given, then it should be observed and followed as far as possible, that is of course clear, but it is equally clear that such a rule is not always followed – for whatever reason, consciously or unconsciously. However, this does not mean that there is any reason to enforce compliance by placing an obligation in front of it. If a rule is not followed, leniency should be exercised and everything should be clarified, the how and why, which should always be at the forefront. Once, I think, the MUST should be explained, because I have been asked to explain this precisely and understandably, because it is usually completely ignored and, moreover, the MUST is commonplace in the German language without people actually understanding what is behind this word. It is – along with other idioms etc. – so ingrained in the language and habitual that it is used without anything being consciously done about it, which also happens to me time and again, although I make sure that I don't use such idioms. Frequently, for example, it is 'Jesus Christ again', but also 'you just have to' or 'he/she has to'. This is despite the fact that you don't think in this wise and you know exactly that a SHOULD would actually be correct. But then the might of habit puts a spanner in the works. So I will try to explain this, which is certainly also worth mentioning here during our conversation and then recalling it, writing it down, publishing it and also publicising it elsewhere. So:

還有什麼需要說的,其實應該是可以理解的,那就是任何事情都不應該是命令式的。如果制定了規則,那麼就應該盡可能地遵守和服從,這一點當然很清楚,但同樣清楚的是,這樣的規則並不總是得到遵守 —— 不管出於什麼原因,不管是有意識的還是無意識的。然而,這並不意味著我們有任何理由在規則前面加上“必須”的概念來強迫人們遵守規則。如果規則沒有得到遵守,就應該寬大處理,一切都應該弄清楚,“怎麼做”和“為什麼做”,這應該是最重要的事情。我認為,總有一次必須要解釋什麼是“必須”(MUST;德語MUSS),因為有人要求我準確、明白地解釋這個用詞,因為通常情況下,這個用詞被完全忽視,而且“必須”一詞在德語中司空見慣,人們實際上並不瞭解這個用詞背後的含義。這個用詞與其他詞語一樣在語言中根深蒂固,成為習慣,經常被使用,而沒有人意識到它的含義。這在我的語言中經常發生,盡管我總是注意不使用這種語言表達。例如,我經常會說“看在上帝的份上”(Jesus Christ again;德語Herrgott nochmals),也會說“你不得不”(you just have to;德語man muss eben)或“他/她必須”(he/she has to;德語er/sie muss)。儘管你不會這樣想,而且你很清楚“應該”(SHOULD;德語SOLL)實際上是正確的。但是,習慣的力量會給你帶來麻煩。因此,我試著解釋一下這個問題,這當然也值得在我們的談話中提及,然後再接收並寫下來,公開發表並在其他地方進行宣傳。因此:

The term MUST has been used in most earthly languages since time immemorial as a word that is used without further thought on every possible and impossible occasion and in the speeches of human beings, without anyone ever giving it a second thought. So it is actually such an everyday word in the majority of languages, but, as I said, no wise thought is given to what it actually means, causes and does much harm. This is without human beings also fathoming what is really hidden in this MUST.


Since time immemorial, the word MUST has been used in many languages for all kinds of things, but nobody thinks about the fact – because it is used thoughtlessly and habitually – that it causes a great deal of harm, including hatred, revenge and retaliation, killing, murder and destruction, etc. The word MUST is a command to do something. The word MUST is a form of command that has actually been in use since ancient times to give orders, such as to take up arms, to wage war, to avenge and retaliate and to punish, such as killing, hanging, wheeling, beheading, drowning, burning and torturing, etc. In the same way, the MUST was used militarily – as it still is today – for which it is a bare duty and therefore a MUST that military service is performed and military service is compulsory, and thus killing and murdering, as well as destroying and annihilating for the sake of the defence of the fatherland, is a MUST and is laid down by law.


Just as in the military, every armed security service requires you to use a weapon, and you may have to kill if the situation demands it. In every job, however, it is demanded that this or that work 'must' be done, just as in every school it is also said that this or that task 'must' be done, thought through and solved. Equally, however, the same applies practically in every family, in every friendship and acquaintance, so that the command that this or that 'must' be done always comes first.


The MUST as a form of command is omnipresent, in all kinds of private wise as well as in organisations of all kinds, e.g. in families children and mothers already have to suffer and obey under the thumb of the MUST, otherwise they have to expect beatings and other punishments. And indeed, the use of this word is very often nothing other than a slavish command that must be obeyed and in many cases creates death, ruin, murder, destruction, suffering, misery and grief. This is especially the case when the MUST is associated with war, capital punishment or misfortune, etc. But the word MUST also very often creates enmity, which often leads to murder and manslaughter, suffering, misery, revenge and hatred, etc.


The term MUST can and should be replaced, because in the future oppression, war, capital punishment, destruction and annihilation, slavery, revenge, hatred and strife etc. should not continue to prevail through this word and bring misery and suffering to earthly humanity. And effectively, it would be very easy to replace the command word MUST with a 'request word', whereby human beings would simply be asked to do this and that in a wise manner. For this there is the suitable and in any case appropriate word 'shall', which is used in such a manner that it is simply said that this or that is still to be done and it is asked whether the person concerned can 'please' do this.

我們可以考慮取而代之的選項,因為未來不應該繼續通過“必須” 這個詞語來支持壓迫、戰爭、死刑、毀滅、奴役、報復、仇恨和紛爭等,並給地球人類帶來痛苦和苦難。事實上,非常容易將“必須” 這個命令詞語替換為“請求詞” ,這樣人們將以一種較為友好和尊重的方式被要求完成某項工作。我們可以使用合適的“應該”這個詞語,簡單地說明某件事情應該完成,並詢問相關人員是否可以“請”這樣做。

Spoken and presented in this wise, it no longer contains a form of command, does not make the fellow human being appear as a slave and does not make him feel oppressed and free, because only the 'it should be done' and the questioning 'please' have the effect that the fellow human being is addressed in such a way that he feels free and somehow able to make his own decisions. There is no command word of 'MUST' behind it, like 'you MUST' resp. 'you MUST' do this and that, but that the somehow loosening and equivalent humanly mediating questioning 'please', 'can you please' or 'could you please' do or do that etc. comes into its own.



That is correct. – But if you allow me, I will also add my wisdom to what was said earlier, namely that everything can only be and continue in the wise in which you started it all and have continued it successfully to this day. And this proves that you have acted, led and directed in the correct manner, which now, however, may not be in any wise thought or acted otherwise. The time of your departure will come, that is absolutely out of the question and is an irrefutable fact that cannot be circumvented, and that is why this has also been brought up by the committee, albeit only now, but still at an early stage. The committee, like Ptaah, also explained that in the past, any explanatory words would have been lost in the wind if even a hint of this had been voiced. However, it is now necessary to make it absolutely clear that there must never be any domination in the entire worldwide FIGU association, neither in the management and steering of a FIGU group nor among individual members. There should be absolute voluntariness for everything and anything with individual human beings, and this should always and absolutely be observed. It is never acceptable for power to be seized and …



… yes, I think I know what you want to say, namely that nothing like that can take place, as it happens in the world outside, that someone wants to assert himself domineeringly and set the sail of conducting and set himself above all of the FIGU and make himself great.

... 是的,我想我知道你想說什麼,那就是,不可能發生這樣的事情,就像在外面的世界發生的那樣,有人想要宣稱自己是領導者,揚起指揮的權杖,讓自己淩駕於所有的FIGU成員之上,讓自己變得偉大。


Yes, what you say can be grasped, and it is exactly what I wanted to say, albeit in slightly different words than you just said, but it corresponds exactly to my thoughts. But I would like to say from my point of view that Earth's humanity very quickly develops airs and graces when it comes to exercising power if it is not mentally counteracted at an early stage. But it always has to be at the correct time if everything is to lead to correctness.



That is also correct again – But may I ask you now what you were able to find out about the phone call on the 26th of October at 22:40 hrs when I was threatened with assassination?

這也是正確的 —— 但現在我想請問你,關於10262240分威脅要暗殺我的那通電話,你有什麼發現?


All my endeavours were fruitless.



– Yes, well, the telephone number was suppressed – unfortunately. But I can imagine where and how the whole thing was triggered. The threatening person was someone who spoke German and phoned again at 2:00 hrs the following night. This person accused me of beating the children, for which I now had to pay. That I had done this is an unparalleled lie, because it is something I really never did and would also never do, as everyone here can testify, because I have never offended a child in any wise. I can think about where such vindictive lies come from, but it is certainly not worth thinking about.



That is also not even conceivable to me that you could do something like that.



Exactly – but people still keep trying to attack me and even get me out of the way, which, if it happens again perhaps, would be the 26th time they have tried to blow out my life-light. I once had my left arm shot through when I still had it. There is also a police report about that. Once I was shot in the chest in the armour plate that Jacobus made for me because I had dreamt of the assassination attempt, which also happened when I was with Jacobus, Hans and Koni … in Sädelegg. Silvano and Engelbert were also involved in such attacks. But that is not so important, because I have all the FIGU members and friends etc. around me here in the Centre and all around on Earth, as well as all you Plejaren on Erra, and also many of your federates, and dear human beings who support me with all their strength. I am not bothered by the attacks that constantly pelt me with all sorts of things. Brigitt has written down everything that is happening, which I would like to read to you here from the article she wrote:

沒錯 —— 但人們仍然不斷試圖攻擊我,甚至取走我的性命,如果再發生一次,也許這將是他們第26次試圖熄滅我的生命之光。有一次,他們擊中了我的左臂,當時我的左臂還在。關於這一事件,有一份警方的報告。還有一次,子彈擊中了我的胸部防彈板,那是Jacobus為我特製的,因為我預感到謀殺的企圖,後來也確實發生了,當時我和JacobusHansKoni … 一起在SädeleggSilvanoEngelbert等人也見證了此類襲擊。但這並不重要,因為在中心和地球上,我身邊有所有的FIGU成員和朋友,還有你們在Erra的所有Plejaren人,還有你們的許多聯邦成員,以及所有愛護我的人,他們都全力支持我。我並沒有被那些不斷用各種方式來對付我的攻擊所困擾。Brigitt已經把發生的一切都寫了下來,我想在這裡把她寫的文章讀給你聽:


Spooks and Other Energetic Shenanigans


Brigitt Keller, 27.10.2023

Brigitt Keller20231027

This evening we once again discussed the encroaching swinging waves and the various hauntings that occur in Billy's office on a daily basis, which literally accompany and haunt him at every turn and extremely hinder him in his daily writing work, and also (or even?) physically affect him in many ways. Today, like every morning, he sat down at his computer early in the morning. As soon as he had typed the first A4 page, the computer crashed. Despite saving it beforehand, the page could no longer be found and could also not be retrieved. The screen also went blank and nothing worked. Billy had to wait until Natan arrived and painstakingly got everything going again; however, the text from the morning could no longer be saved. This happens very, very often, and it is not because Billy is a bungler as a computer 'user', on the contrary, he is extremely adept. As has often been mentioned, the sectarian energetic swinging waves are constantly interfering with his words and sentences. Everything that is demonstrably – and in the presence of witnesses – correctly typed and memorised is completely changed: Numbers and characters appear in the middle of words, parts of sentences disappear or are changed in meaning etc. It is hard to put into words how difficult it must be when he has to correct every single word and constantly check and reset the text with lynx eyes. There are probably no other human beings who would not turn away from their work in discouragement. This is not an issue for Billy, who tirelessly and stoically gets on with his work and is still extremely productive in his mainly written missionary work. Of course, if these disruptive factors could be eliminated, his performance would be even greater than his already extremely impressive daily workload.


Perhaps I should briefly try to explain once again what the sectarian-energetic swinging waves are all about: All kinds of thoughts do not simply fizzle out into empty space; they contain a force and are sustained throughout time. This applies to good and positive thoughts on the one hand, but also to bad and negative thoughts on the other. As our planet is bursting at the seams, human beings who adhere to some kind of belief are also inevitably multiplying. The corresponding thoughts and feelings, like all others of their respective kind, are bundled together and form quasi-invisible powerful forces. This destructive concentrated invisible energy power bomb, which has taken on a life of its own, directs its destructive fury against human beings who have committed themselves to the truth and openly and freely try to enlighten humanity at all times, to face reality, not simply to believe blindly, but to use their intellect and reason to lead a self-determined life worthy of honour. Anyone who knows Billy's writings – his 'Teaching of the Truth, Teaching of the Creation-energy, Teaching of the Life', his 'Silent Revolution of Truth', his comprehensive written work, which expands daily, his fighting spirit and his love of human beings – will realise that Billy is the human being specifically targeted by these gruesome force energies. They 'sense' that their might to subjugate and dominate human beings is in danger and therefore strike mercilessly.

也許我應該再次簡要解釋一下那些宗教能量振動的情況:各種思想並不會單純就消散於無形,而是蘊含著一種力量,並在時間的長河中持續存在。這一方面適用於良好和積極的思想,而另一方面也適用於不良和消極的思想。由於我們的星球人口爆炸,不可避免地也會有越來越多的人信奉某種信仰。相應的思想和情感,就像所有其他思想一樣,會彙集在一起,幾乎看不見地形成強大的力量這種破壞性的濃縮無形能量炸彈,已經有了自己的生命,它會對某些人進行摧毀;而這些人正是致力於追求真相,試圖隨時公開、自由地試圖啟發人類,並讓他們面對現實,不只是盲目地相信,而是用自己的智慧和理性,過一種值得尊重而自決生活的人。任何瞭解比利的人;他的著作 —— 他的《真相的教導、造物能量的教導、生命的教導》(Teaching of the Truth, Teaching of the Creation-energy, Teaching of the Life)、他的《真相的無聲革命》(Silent Revolution of Truth)、他每天都在擴充的大規模書面作品、他的戰鬥精神和對人類的愛 —— 都會意識到,比利就是這些可怕能量的力量專門針對的人它們感覺到自己征服和統治人類的力量正受到威脅,因此毫不留情地發動了攻擊

However, it is not really possible to say whether it is just these energies or other invisible forces that are up to mischief, especially in his 'lair', because, as I said, they are invisible. Here are just a few bizarre events, which unfortunately do not occur in the realm of fantasy, but in reality: Yesterday Billy was sitting at the computer when suddenly two books from the bookcase were hurled around the corner with force. When he picked up the books, which first flew about 70 centimetres from the bookcase through the office to the office corridor and then flew a good 2 metres further to the left, he found two deep dents on one of them, which had collided with a shelf. A long time ago, he was sitting at his desk with Patric doing his accounts when a 500 note simply disappeared without a trace in front of both their eyes and never reappeared. Another time, he was sitting with Pius on the sofa in his study for the same purpose, with a small side table in front of them on which a bundle of 50-franc notes lay. They vanished into thin air before their eyes! I also remember coins and jewellery and other small things falling out of nowhere onto the desk next to him. Sinfully expensive books disappeared from one of his bookcases never to be seen again, just as it also happens time and again with cash that goes missing from his safe.


He and other persons in his workroom used to be attacked as if by a ghostly hand – fortunately, this has subsided thanks to the extraterrestrial specialists who have been endeavouring to remedy all these ills for years – unfortunately with limited success so far. The incidents mentioned are just a few of hundreds in this category, but they may give you a faint idea of how powerful negative energies can be.


Billy's teaching will stand the test of time and one day in the distant future, thanks to it, there will be peace on our planet, but unfortunately that is still a long way off. It will be the time when human beings gradually begin to think and no longer blindly and deafly believe and allow themselves to be driven and deceived – always with the sword of Damocles hanging over them, the evil, murky, dark might of faith of all religious and other kinds – but take their fate and the fate of fauna, flora and the planet into their own hands and no longer allow doctrine, wars, misery, destruction of nature and all the evils to be lowly intelligent and inert and no longer just chase after a meaningless, dull life.

比利的教導經得起時間的考驗,在遙遠的將來,終有一天,由於比利的教導,我們的星球將實現和平,但遺憾的是,這還很遙遠。到那時,人類將逐漸開始思考,不再盲目迷信,不再任由自己被驅使和欺騙 —— 他們的頭上始終懸著:「達摩克利斯之劍」(the sword of Damocles),那是各種宗教信仰和其他信仰的邪惡、陰暗、黑暗的力量 —— 而是將自己的命運、動植物的命運和地球的命運掌握在自己手中,不再聽任教條、戰爭、苦難、對自然的破壞以及愚昧和惰性帶來的一切罪惡,不再一味追逐毫無意義的枯燥生活。

For us human beings who know about the universal importance of Billy's life's work, there is a great consolation in all this eerie haunting. Until his last breath, he let nothing and no one stop him from his very important work of bringing peace, truth, love and freedom to the entire universe. We cannot truly measure the superhuman achievement of this wise, kind and humble man in our midst, but we can thank him from the bottom of our hearts by endeavouring to live our lives righteously, responsibly and self-determinedly.



What can I say – this is so, and all the professionals are working to master the energies, but they are becoming more and more powerful.

我還能說什麼呢 —— 情況就是這樣,所有專家都在努力控制這些能量,但這些能量正變得越來越強大


Unfortunately, this cannot be changed because the Earthlings are becoming more and more sectarian. Energies, whatever kind they are, can never dissolve again, because they remain eternal and can only change. It is therefore practically hopeless to simply want to cancel them out, but instead we must try to change their form in such a manner that they become otherwise orientated and effective or harmless.



Unfortunately, it is not the case that anything effective can be done to ward them off, but only to change their form and render them harmless. – But I am interested to know how it came about in your boyhood that the teacher Frei beat you up with regard to elements? In Sfath's notes in the annals, it is not very clear what the actual reason was. Do you remember that?



Yes, I probably will not forget it, because I could hardly stand or walk after the beating. We were alone in the classroom because I had to stay behind after he had finished his lesson, which was about the elements, which he named as Earth, Water, Fire and Air. Unfortunately, at that time I had written down what I learnt from Sfath and brought it to school in a notebook, which teacher Frei took and read while we students were outside because it was break time. Teacher Frei apparently rummaged through our school things during this time and found my notes. So he also ordered me to stay behind at the end of the lesson. So I had to tell him that it was not true about the four elements because I had learnt something else from Sfath. But I did not tell him where I got my 'wisdom' from, otherwise he would probably have beaten me to death. So that is why I had to stay behind after class, which I also could not defend myself against because he was standing at the door when the students left the classroom and went home.


I could not get out of a window, because from the upper floor down to Earth there was only the smooth wall of the house, which I could not climb down. It must have taken almost an hour, as he kept hitting me and finally beat out of me what Sfath had taught me about the elements he had mentioned on Earth, that this was not true and that I knew that there were more elements in the whole universe than just the 4. But I persistently kept silent that Sfath had told me this; he also said that he was aware of 243, but that not all of them were universal,


So I mentioned this number, for which Frei then beat me up. Since then I have never said anything more about the fact that earth, water, fire and air are not the only actual elements of the earth. Sfath told me that he knew more elements than he told me, but that I should remember that and not just take what the Earth scientists told me as the truth. At the time, he also told me that the Earth was getting many tonnes heavier every day, because 24 hours a day, huge amounts of 'stardust' drifting from the SOL system space were falling onto the Earth. This 'stardust', which is constantly drifting through real space, is actually full of tiny life-forms and, as he explained, these are said to have ensured that certain life-forms settled on Earth ages ago – as is also still the case. This, while elsewhere the Earth will also lose an enormous number of tonnes in weight, especially in the future, namely through the exploitation of the Earth's resources, such as metals of various kinds, sulphur, rocks, petroleum in huge quantities for diesel oil and petrol, natural gases and rare earths, and so on. In addition to this, Sfath explained to me that the natural process of the Earth alone influences the mass of the Earth, namely that through the fault of human beings the climate is changing adversely – which we have also seen and experienced together in the future and is now actually the case – and as a result global warming is increasing to such an extent that the energy of the Earth as a whole is increasing. However, the Earth's mass is nevertheless decreasing, because the Earth's core – which, as I saw together with Sfath – consists of large cone formations, which I would describe as 'icicles', but which, as Sfath was able to measure and explain, emit radioactive radiation. The whole thing, he said, was like a nuclear reactor, so to speak, which consumes a large amount of atomic energy. He also explained that light substances were also emitted and escaped from the Earth, like molecules or something, but whether I am using the correct term, I do not remember, but I do remember that he was talking about gases like helium and hydrogen, which did not remain in the atmosphere but escaped into space outside the Earth.

從那時以後,我再也沒有提到地球不僅僅有地、水、火和風這四種元素。Sfath告訴我,他知道的元素比他告訴我的還要多,但我應該要記住,不要輕易相信地球的科學家所說的話。當時,他還告訴我,地球每天都在變得更重,因為每天24小時都有大量的“星塵”從太陽系的太空中飄落到地球上。這些在太空中不斷漂移的“星塵”實際上充滿了微小的生命體,正如他解釋的那樣,據說這些微小的生命體確保了某些生命體在很久以前就在地球上駐留 —— 現在也是如此。與此同時,地球也將失去大量的重量,特別是在未來,這是由於對地球資源的開採,例如各種金屬、硫磺、岩石、用於柴油和汽油的大規模原油、天然氣和稀土元素等。除此之外,Sfath還告訴我,僅僅地球的自然過程就會影響地球的質量,因為由於人類的過錯,氣候正在發生不利的變化 —— 這正是我們在未來也共同看到和經歷過,現在也確實如此 —— 因此全球變暖的程度正在加劇,整個地球的能量也在增加然而,地球的質量卻在減少因為地核 —— 正如我和Sfath一起看到的那樣 —— 由大型的錐形結構組成,我將其描述為“冰錐”(icicles),但這些結構會放射出放射線。他解釋說,整個過程就像一個核反應堆,它消耗大量的核能。此外,他解釋說,地球還會排放輕型物質,例如分子等,但我無法確認是否使用了正確的術語,但我記得他提到了像氦和氫這樣的氣體,它們不會留在地球大氣中,而是逸出到地球之外的太空中。

In addition, what I also wrote down as a result of my youthful trustfulness, which of course my teacher Frei also read, was what Sfath explained and also proved to me when travelling through time, that human beings did not spread human life on Earth by emigrating from Africa, but that primitive human life arose almost simultaneously all over the planet. It is true that the 'continents' – if I may call the giant areas of Earth that existed at that time, which actually almost belonged together – looked completely different and also had completely different shapes than is the case today after millions of years. This, as well as the fact that there was a giant continent between the countries of that time, which are now India, Australia, Africa and South America – but which sank into the sea in the course of time – from which the early human beings travelled by primitive 'water swings' to these narrow islands as far as the South America that exists today, as I have seen for myself with Sfath. But all this changed again and again, and Frei read all this in my notes, and that's why the thuggish guy almost beat me to death and then tore up the notebook in which I was making my notes, which actually had nothing to do with the school but were purely private. What happened to me with teaching Frei was the reason why I never wrote down anything Sfath explained to me again, because as a result of the damage I suffered, I became smarter – at least in this respect. This was until I officially started the mission and had to mention some things that had to be mentioned and still are today – at least what corresponds to the importance. What is therefore perhaps important to say is that earthly science has actually confirmed that around 120 elements have been found or discovered to date, which means that it has at least been proven that there are not only the elements Earth, water, fire and air, but many more. But I can't say which ones they are. Of course, I also don't know the names of those mentioned by Sfath.

此外,由於年輕時的信任,我還寫下了一些東西,當然我的老師Frei也讀到了這些東西,這就是Sfath在穿越時空時向我解釋和證明的,那就是人類並不是通過從非洲出發的移民將人類生命傳播到全球的,而是在整個地球上的各個地方幾乎同時出現。誠然,“大陸” —— 如果我可以把當時地球上存在的巨大區域稱為“大陸”的話,它們實際上幾乎屬於同一個區域 —— 與經過數百萬年後的今天相比,看起來完全不同,形狀也完全不同。此外,在當時的國家(即現在的印度、澳大利亞、非洲和南美洲)之間有一塊巨大的大陸,但隨著時間的推移,這塊大陸沉入了大海,早期的人類就是從這塊大陸乘坐原始的“水上擺渡”(water swings)來到這些狹窄的島嶼,一直到今天的南美洲,我和Sfath親眼目睹了這一切。但這一切一變再變,Frei在我的筆記中讀到了這一切,這就是為什麼那個惡棍差點把我打死,然後撕毀了我的筆記本,而我的筆記實際上與學校無關,純屬私人物品。發生在我和Frei老師之間的事情,是我決定再也不寫下Sfath給我講解的任何東西的原因,因為在遭受了這種傷害後,至少在這方面,我變得更為謹慎。因此,直到我正式開始任務,並且必須提及當時需要提及的一些內容,以及今天仍然需要提及的部分 —— 至少就重要性而言。因此,也許有必要說的是,地球科學實際上已經證實,迄今為止已經發現了大約一百二十種元素,這意味著至少已經證明,不僅有土、水、火和空氣等元素,而且還有更多的元素。但我不能確定它們是什麼。當然,我也不知道Sfath提到的那些元素的名稱。



So that is how it was. – You should not have written anything about it, because back then it was not the time to say anything that could not be proven. That has also not changed to this day, as I know, but everything has fallen flat in this respect.



I agree, but I also did not expect Frei to be spying on my stuff back then.


And by the time I realised that, it was already too late, because the claim that only Earth, water, fire and air were the 4 elements was written in my notebook. That is why I also kept quiet to this day and stuck to the 4 elements whenever anyone asked me about them. I have learnt that Earthlings already know about 120 elements, but I think it is probably better to keep quiet, because talking about them could only cause trouble. I can do that now in our conversation, but I am sure something will come out of it, like it is all fantasy and lies anyway. Besides, 1. the 243 elements mentioned by Sfath are not known to earthly scientists, and the 120 or so known on Earth so far are also probably not widely recognised by the majority of people. It is simply not widely understood that there is more between heaven and earth than human beings can dream of, how everything works and happens exactly according to universal laws and what human beings on Earth do not even know 5% of what really is. Our scientists also certainly do not know that living beings exist in the gases, because apparently they have not yet been discovered because no research has been carried out in this regard and everything is declared idiotic and crazy. I was already declared crazy by Frei. I also have to say that I see a lot of things that others overlook. Some people here at the Centre have also learned that there is more to see and observe than just what human beings normally see because they do not observe closely. So by observing more closely, our people see things that remain hidden to others, like…



… but you know that you have to keep quiet, because it is not supposed to … Besides, the evolution of Earth's humanity must not be influenced in such a way, which … What I do want to mention, however, is that certain members in the Centre really have their eyes open and see much more than is usual with Earth's humanity.

... 但你知道,你必須保持沉默,因為不應該 ... 此外,地球人類的進化決不能受到這種方式的影響,這 ... 然而,我想提到的是,中心的某些成員真的睜大了眼睛,看到了比地球人通常看到得更多的東西。


That is indeed the case.



Effectively. – What I want to say now, however, is that what you recently mentioned regarding the fact that Zelensky himself is a Jew-believer and, through America's infamous and insidious world domination mania, has deceived many states through vile lies and deceptions, which have been induced to supply weapons to Zelensky, has now materialised as you predicted. Namely that a new activity of Jew-hatred is flourishing worldwide. On the one hand, this has begun with the fact that – always with America's controlled intrigue for the purpose of realising its hegemony mania in the background – since the beginning of the protracted Ukraine war, around 50 American-affiliated states have been supplying Zelensky with weapons etc. and thus waging a new kind of world war. How lowly intelligent the leaders of all these states are, who are quite obviously completely incapable of governance and who do not recognise America's unbelievable world domination intrigue, is effectively beyond comprehension. Ahead of all these states – creeping in the background in America with its hegemonic delusion – is criminal Germany, which is being represented by those who effectively live out their Nazi mentality and, as you say, pour petrol on the blazing fire. Now that there is also war in the Middle East between Israel and Hamas, this is the means by which the hatred of Jews – which America provoked with Zelensky and above all Germany – is already in full swing worldwide. And America and America-loyal Germany are mainly to blame for this, as is also Zelensky, who is begging all around for weapons supplied by states that believe in America, so that the war can continue unabated and cause countless deaths, destruction, misery and hardship. The fact that rape and atrocities occur en masse, on both sides of the warring parties, in which mercenaries from America, Switzerland and various other countries are also active, is deliberately concealed, just as only Ukraine is sided with and reported about its war actions, but nothing or very little is reported about the other side, i.e. Russia.

確實。然而,我現在想說的是,你最近提到的關於澤連斯基Zelensky本人是一個猶太信徒,並且由於美國的卑劣和陰謀的世界統治野心,通過卑鄙的謊言和欺騙,欺騙了許多國家,促使它們提供武器給澤連斯基,現在正發生了你所預言的事情。也就是說,仇視猶太人的新活動正在全世界蓬勃發展。一方面,自曠日持久的烏克蘭戰爭開始以來,約有五十個與美國有關聯的國家一直在向澤連斯基提供武器等,從而發動了一場新的世界大戰,而這一切的開始,始終受美國操縱,為了在背後實現其霸權野心而策劃的陰謀。這些國家的領導人顯然完全不具備治理能力,也沒有意識到美國不可理喻的統治世界陰謀,他們的智商有多低,實在令人費解。在所有這些國家之前 —— 在美國的霸權妄想的背景下 —— 是罪惡的德國,它的代表是那些實際上活出了納粹心態的人,正如你所說的那樣,給熊熊烈火澆上了汽油。現在,以色列和哈馬斯在中東也開戰了,美國通過澤連斯基、首先是德國挑起的對猶太人的仇恨已經在全世界如火如荼地展開。而美國和忠於美國的德國對此應負主要責任,澤連斯基也應負主要責任,他到處乞求那些信賴美國的國家提供武器,以便戰爭能夠有增無減地繼續下去,造成無數的死亡、破壞、苦難和艱辛。交戰雙方都發生了大規模的強姦和暴行,美國、瑞士和其他國家的雇傭軍也在其中活動,但這一事實卻被刻意隱瞞。就像媒體在報導時只支持烏克蘭一方的行動和戰爭行為,但對於另一方,也就是俄羅斯,報導很少或幾乎沒有


Exactly, that is how things are really being done, and unfortunately this is how the gullible peoples of the world are being lied to and deceived, who do not know what is really going on. The majority of those in power in Germany have taken up the Nazi mindset from the Nazis in the last world war, continue to live it and are now perpetuating it, but with the sleazy halo of alleged Jew-friendliness in order to maintain the appearance of solidarity with Israel and remain in government. They are also the descendants of those Germans who – I can still hear it today – shouted 'never again war'. But what are these descendants of the human beings who shouted this at the top of their voices and distanced themselves from the Nazis doing, namely exactly the opposite, with the help of America, which is afflicted by the Hegemony delusion.


These Nazis, as Nazi descendants, have retained the mindset of their direct ancestors of the 1940s, who were Nazis then, and they are living out this mindset today, betraying their parents who shouted 'never again war', as I have heard it myself. In this wise, they denigrate those who think correctly today and want to do everything right, but who are made to look bad by the Nazi thinkers and Nazi doers and are prevented from doing the right thing and consequently from seeing everything as it really is, and therefore also see both sides – e.g. of war opponents – and therefore do not take sides unilaterally in favour of one side or the other. But it is not only in Germany that there are such treacherous elements, because in all countries that supply weapons to Zelensky or otherwise intervene in the dealings of the warring parties, the rulers are also no better. Unfortunately, this is also the case in Switzerland, where, making a mockery of neutrality, sanctions have been adopted by the EU dictatorship and applied against Russia, just as the NATO murderous organisation has recently also been given the right to at least have an office in Geneva. But these are two things that are never compatible with Switzerland's neutrality and for which the traitors who arranged this should be punished with many years in prison, but who, because they are government officials, are protected as such and not called to account. And in the wise in which this irresponsible and criminal action was carried out from Bern, precisely what led to the undermining of Swiss neutrality – because of which Switzerland survived two world wars practically unchallenged – this is not only shameful and irresponsible, but also treasonous. Moreover, the whole thing is not only denounced by me, but also by other Swiss people – who are aware of the correct Swiss way of thinking and of the responsibility and benefits of our country's neutrality and its inestimable value. This is in contrast to those lousy elements who unquestioningly turn Switzerland's neutrality into a pig and make our country vulnerable to foreign powers, as do those catastrophically lowly intelligent and idiotic elements who are also constantly endeavouring to trade Swiss freedom and security for the bailiwick of the EU dictatorship. However, the following article proves that what I say is true, namely that other Swiss – probably of both sexes – do not agree with all those in the 'Ochsenschür' in Bern who treacherously make a mockery of our national neutrality (Note: Foreigners also complain and criticise that Switzerland is violating neutrality):

這些納粹分子作為納粹後裔,保留了他們在1940年代的直系祖先的思維模式,而他們的祖先當時就是納粹分子,他們今天正在踐行這種思維模式,背叛了他們高喊永遠不要再有戰爭的父輩,正如我親耳聽到的那樣。因此,他們詆毀那些今天思想正確、想做正確事情的人,他們被納粹思想家和納粹行動者弄得面目全非,無法做正確的事情,因此也無法看到一切的真實面目,因此也看不到交戰雙方,而只是單方面支持其中一方。但是,不僅德國有這種背信棄義的人,因為在所有向澤連斯基提供武器或以其他方式干預交戰雙方事務的國家與其統治者也沒有好到哪裡去不幸瑞士的情況也是如此,因為瑞士政府放棄了中立的立場,接受了歐盟對俄羅斯的制裁,最近還讓北約這個殺人組織在日內瓦設立辦事處的權利。但是,這兩件事與瑞士的中立原則是格格不入的,安排這一切的叛國者本應受到多年監禁的懲罰,但由於他們是政府官員,因此受到保護,不被追究責任。這種不負責任的犯罪行動從伯恩(Bern)開始,恰恰導致了瑞士中立國地位的破壞 —— 正是因為瑞士的中立國地位,瑞士在兩次世界大戰中幾乎沒有受到任何質疑 —— 這不僅是可恥的、不負責任的,而且是叛國罪。此外,整個事件不僅受到我的譴責,也受到其他瑞士人的譴責 —— 他們知道瑞士正確的思維方式,知道我們國家中立的責任和好處及其不可估量的價值。這與那些不擔心瑞士的中立性,並使我們的國家容易受外國勢力攻擊的惡劣份子形成鮮明對比,這也與那些不斷努力把瑞士的自由和安全換成歐盟獨裁的監控所做的那些愚蠢和白癡份子形成鮮明對比。然而,下面這篇文章證明了我所言非虛,也就是其他瑞士人,無論男女,都不贊同伯恩的那些背叛國家中立的行為(註:外國人也抱怨和批評瑞士違反中立):

As a Neutral State, Switzerland Is Predestined for Mediation
– and the World Needs Mediators!

—— 而世界需要調解者!


Switzerland – the Confoederatio Helvetica – has learnt to live together peacefully, despite different cultures and languages. Red: German-speaking area, blue: French-speaking area, green: Italian-speaking area, yellow: Romansh-speaking area. (Source: admin.ch)

儘管存在不同的文化和語言,瑞士 —— 聯邦瑞士 —— 已經學會了和平共處。紅色:德語區,藍色:法語區,綠色:意大利語區,黃色:羅曼語區。(資料來源:admin.ch

Until recently, it was part of Switzerland's self-image to insist on its own historical neutrality in international conflicts and to offer its good offices to mediate between the parties to a conflict. On the 28th of February 2022, however, the Federal Council broke neutrality or perhaps even buried it forever when it decided to adopt the EU sanctions against Russia across the board. What a disgrace! The current geopolitical conflicts also show that nothing is more in demand than a genuinely neutral mediator!


I have reported in detail on Globalbridge.ch about this scandalous decision by the Federal Council, the Swiss government. Now there is a chance to correct this decision, which is far removed from democracy. The Swiss people absolutely must do this, because hardly any other country in the world is so predestined to take on the role of mediator in international conflicts.


Switzerland's Advantages:


1. the geographical location of Switzerland in unique. It has almost no natural borders – rivers or mountains – and yet it has managed to create a coherent, cohesive state.

瑞士的地理位置獨一無二。它幾乎沒有自然邊界 —— 河流或山脈,但卻成功地建立了一個連貫、有凝聚力的國家。

2. the Alps separate Europe's north and south. The only place where it is not necessary to cross two mountain ranges to cross the Alps, but only one, the Gotthard Pass, has become a connecting rather than a dividing passage – not least thanks to the Congress of Vienna, which decided in 1815 to allocate this Alpine crossing to Switzerland and grant it neutrality, with the aim of not giving any of the major European powers a military or transport advantage.

阿爾卑斯山將歐洲南北分隔開來。唯一一個穿越阿爾卑斯山不需要跨越兩條山脈而只需跨越一條山脈的地方 —— 聖哥達山口Gotthard Pass —— 已成為連接而非分隔的通道,這主要歸功於維也納會議,該會議於1815年決定將這條阿爾卑斯山通道劃歸瑞士,並給予瑞士中立地位,目的是不給任何歐洲大國帶來軍事和運輸上的優勢。

3. Switzerland is a landlocked country without a sea port that could be geopolitically important. And, what many people forget, Switzerland's water flows into four different seas! The Aare, Reuss and Limmat flow into the Rhine, which flows into the North Sea. The Rhone flows into the (French) Mediterranean. The Ticino flows into the Adriatic Sea and the Inn in the Engadine flows into the Black Sea via the Danube. Switzerland is thus connected to the whole of Europe via the water cycle. What other country is so connected by nature in all four cardinal directions?

瑞士是一個內陸國家,沒有可以發揮重要地緣政治作用的海港。而且,很多人都忘記了,瑞士的水流入四個不同的海洋!阿爾河Aare)、羅伊斯河Reuss)和利馬特河Limmat)流入萊茵河,萊茵河流入北海。隆河Rhone)流入(法國的)地中海。提契諾河Ticino)流入亞得里亞海Adriatic Sea),恩加丁Engadin)的因河Inn)經多瑙河流入黑海。瑞士通過水系與整個歐洲相連。還有哪個國家能如此四通八達

4. the highest point in Switzerland, the Dufour peak in the Monte Rosa massif, is 4634 metres high, only 175 metres lower than the highest point in Europe, Mont Blanc. And the lowest point, Lake Maggiore, has an (average) water level of 193 metres above sea level, and the lowest point in the lake is almost 200 metres below sea level. Switzerland knows the problems of all altitudes!

瑞士的最高點是羅薩山脈Monte Rosa)的杜富爾峰Dufour peak),海拔4634公尺,僅比歐洲最高點白朗峰Mont Blanc)低175公尺。而最低點馬焦雷湖Lake Maggiore),海拔平均193公尺,湖中最深處甚至幾乎低於海平面200公尺。瑞士深知各種海拔高度的問題!

5. Switzerland has – important! – no natural resources! Many, indeed almost all, wars around the world in recent decades have also had to do with mineral resources: oil and natural gas, but also copper, lithium, gold, etc. Natural resources bring wealth, create dependencies, but above all they are also the cause of occupations involving military violence. The Swiss economic miracle is not based on natural resources, it is based on innovation and hard work – and, let us not hide the fact, in the past it was also based on the exploitation of the lower classes and forced labour. But today – positively! – also on an education system that enables adolescents from poor backgrounds to receive a good education and, as an additional advantage, allows them to choose a career relatively late in life. Switzerland will therefore never be attacked and occupied militarily because of its natural resources, since – once again: Luckily! – has no natural resources and has never been able to rely on wealth from natural resources. It is therefore also correspondingly independent and not so easy to blackmail. (We will leave out the dependence of the big banks on the USA here).

瑞士非常重要的一點是,它沒有天然資源!過去幾十年來,世界各地的許多戰爭都與天然資源有關:石油、天然氣,以及銅、鋰、黃金等等。天然資源帶來財富,創造依賴性,但更重要的是,它們也是軍事武力佔領的原因。瑞士的經濟奇蹟不基於天然資源,而是基於創新和勤奮 —— 讓我們不要掩蓋事實,在過去,它也是建立在剝削下層人民和強迫勞動的基礎上。但今天 —— 正面來看!—— 還基於一個教育體系,使來自貧困家庭的年輕人也能接受良好的教育,而且另一個優勢是相對晚的職業選擇。因此,瑞士永遠不會因為天然資源而受到軍事攻擊和佔領,因為 —— 再一次:幸運的是 —— 瑞士沒有自然資源,也從未依賴過自然資源帶來的財富。因此,瑞士也具有相應的獨立性,不容易被勒索。(我們在這裡不討論大銀行對美國的依賴性)。

6. In Switzerland, several religions and denominations can co-exist. In Switzerland there are churches of the Roman Catholic Church, the Reformed Church, the Old Catholic and Christian Catholic Churches, a number of so-called free churches, but there are also synagogues and mosques. Conflicts between religious communities are hardly known.


7. Last but not least, Switzerland has also managed to formally recognise and speak four different languages side by side. Even in parliament, parliamentarians are allowed to speak in three different languages and federal documents are always drawn up in at least three languages.


What other country has such scenic and cultural diversity, and a political system that is as directly democratic as Switzerland's? Where the population can call a referendum on all laws passed by parliament and even propose and vote on constitutional amendments? And in which country is the diversity of political parties represented right up to the executive level and geared towards consensus? And which does not have an overpowering Federal President, but only a Federal Council President who changes every year according to the principle of seniority?


Most wars have their origins in nationalistic and/or power-political claims. Which country would be better placed to serve as a neutral mediator in political and military conflicts and to help seek and find peaceful solutions?


The last few years (since 2014 in Ukraine), the last few months (since February 2022 in Ukraine), the last few weeks (since September in Armenia) and also the last few days (in Israel and Gaza) show with impressive clarity that there is a worldwide lack of suitable, politically unencumbered, independent – neutral! – mediators!


Not Only for Us! Also for Others!


The Swiss people can be proud of their peaceful coexistence. However, they should not only not give up their achievements in this regard, but also support the – often suffering! – human beings in the conflict regions of this world should also benefit from this: as an independent and fair mediator, and in the event of a breakdown in inter-state communication, also as a representative of the interests of both parties to the conflict. Many countries are longing for an honest mediator!


A first and important step, especially now at the elections, must be to refuse to vote for those politicians who want to move closer to NATO and who are thus further damaging and destroying the neutrality already damaged by the Federal Council. Signing the neutrality initiative is also a sensible step, whoever initiated it. Neutrality must not fall victim to election propaganda between right-wing and left-wing parties! It is part of our Swiss identity!


Source: https://globalbridge.ch/die-schweiz-ist-als-neutraler-staat-fuer-vermittlungen-praedestiniert-und-die-welt-braucht-vermittler/



That is very good, it really corresponds to what is fact. It may not be delivered in the tone you more aptly put it, but it corresponds to what is correct. And it would probably be necessary for you to also say something about what we have observed and seen together in Ukraine, also about what you have seen together with Bermunda and Florena, what is still being done, but which the press is not reporting because the whole thing is being concealed from them. It would also be correct for us to clearly expose the real reason why war is being waged in Ukraine and that it is wrong to blame Russia alone for this. It must not be…



… I have something to say about this – excuse me please – but I have an article that I contributed to a Zeitzeichen and that Achim Wolf sent me. So it is not my words, but it says what the reason for the war really is. Here, this is the whole thing:

... 關於這方面我有話要說 —— 請原諒 —— 但我有一篇文章,是Achim Wolf寄給我的,我發表在《Zeitzeichen》上。這篇文章不是我寫的,但卻道出了戰爭的真正原因。以下就是全文:

Stoltenberg admits: Nato Expansion Was Reason for War

Stoltenberg before an EU Committee: "Not expanding Nato was Putin's condition for not invading Ukraine."



Jeffrey Sachs, Monday, 23rd October 2023 15:43 hrs


upg. Jeffrey Sachs is Professor and Director of the Centre for Sustainable Development at Columbia University in New York. He has been an advisor to three UN Secretaries-General and currently serves as SDG Advisor under Secretary-General Antonio Guterres. This guest article appeared onieffsachs.org.

傑佛瑞.薩克斯是紐約哥倫比亞大學可持續發展中心教授兼主任。他曾擔任三任聯合國秘書長的顧問,目前擔任聯合國秘書長安東尼歐.古特瑞斯Antonio Guterres)的可持續發展目標顧問。這篇特邀文章發表於Jeffsachs.org

The US obsession with continuously expanding the North Atlantic alliance is irresponsible. Ukrainians are paying a high price for this today.


During the terrible Vietnam War, the US government kept the public in the dark and disinformed.


But Daniel Ellsberg, fearless US economist, peace activist and whistleblower, leaked the Pentagon Papers, which documented the US government's lies about the war. The secrecy was supposed to protect politicians who were responsible for the atrocities. Nothing has changed when you look at the Ukraine war.

但是,無畏的美國經濟學家、和平活動家和告密者丹尼爾.艾爾斯伯格Daniel Ellsberg)讓五角大樓文件曝光,該文件記錄了美國政府關於戰爭的謊言。實際上,保密的目的是保護那些對這些暴行負有責任的政治家。從烏克蘭戰爭的情況看來,情況並未改變。

The Russian War Came 'Out of Nowhere'


According to the US government and the pro-government 'New York Times', the war in Ukraine was 'unprovoked', i.e. unprovoked. Putin, who allegedly confused himself with Peter the Great, invaded Ukraine in order to restore the Russian Empire.


But at the beginning of September, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg made a faux pas by inadvertently speaking the truth. In his speech to EU committees, Stoltenberg made it clear that the relentless US insistence on NATO's expansion into Ukraine was the real cause of the war – and the reason why it continues to this day. Stoltenberg's revealing statements:

但在九月初,北約(NATO秘書長延斯.史托騰伯格Jens Stoltenberg)一時口誤,無意中說出了真相。他在歐洲聯盟委員會的演講中,史托騰伯格明確指出,美國對將北約擴展至烏克蘭的堅決主張是這場戰爭的真正原因,也是這場戰爭一直持續下去的原因。史托騰伯格講話很有啟發性:

"President Putin declared in autumn 2021 that NATO should promise not to expand any further. He sent a draft treaty to this effect. It was his condition for not invading Ukraine. Of course we did not sign it.


He wanted us to remove our military infrastructure in all alliance countries that have joined NATO since 1997. Half of NATO, i.e. the whole of Central and Eastern Europe, was to be given a kind of second-class B membership in military terms. We rejected that. So he went to war to prevent NATO on his borders. But he has achieved exactly the opposite."


Excerpt from the speech by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg. © EU

這一段摘自北約秘書長延斯.史托騰伯格的演講。© 歐盟

Defamed as a 'Putin Apologist'


When John Mearsheimer, Professor of Political Science at the University of Chicago, myself and others said the same thing, we were vilified as 'Putin-understanders'.

當芝加哥大學政治學教授約翰.米爾斯海默John Mearsheimer)、我本人和其他人說同樣的話時,我們被誹謗為“普京的辯護者”。

These same critics fail to mention or ignore that some have long warned against NATO expansion into Ukraine. These include leading US diplomats such as political scientist George Kennan or the former US ambassadors to Russia, Jack Matlock and William Burns.

這些批評者忽略或忽視了一些人早在北約擴張至烏克蘭之前就對此提出警告。其中包括美國著名外交官,如政治學家喬治.凱南George Kennan)或美國前駐俄羅斯大使傑克.馬特洛克Jack Matlock)和威廉.伯恩斯William Burns)。

No Means No


William Burns, now CIA Director, was US Ambassador to Russia in 2008 and author of a memo entitled 'Nyet means Nyet'. In this memo, he explained to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice that the entire Russian political class, not just Putin, was strictly opposed to NATO enlargement. We only know about this memo because it was leaked.

現任美國中央情報局局長的威廉.伯恩斯曾於2008年擔任美國駐俄羅斯大使,他起草了一份名為「Nyet bedeutet Nyet」的備忘錄。在這份備忘錄中,他告訴當時的國務卿康朵麗莎.萊斯Condoleezza Rice),不只是普京,整個俄羅斯政治階層都堅決反對北約的擴張。我們之所以知道這份備忘錄,是因為它被洩露了出來。

Why is Russia against NATO enlargement? For the simple reason that it does not want a US military presence on its 2,300 km long border with Ukraine in the Black Sea region. Russia was already angered when the US deployed Aegis missiles in Poland and Romania after the US unilaterally terminated the indefinite arms control treaty between the two countries to limit missile defence systems.


Russia also did not welcome the fact that the USA actively promoted no fewer than 70 regime changes during the Cold War (1947-1989). This was also followed by countless others, for example in Serbia, Afghanistan, Georgia, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Venezuela and Ukraine.


Russia also does not like the fact that many leading US politicians actively advocate the destruction of the country's integrity with the slogan 'decolonising Russia'. From Russia's point of view, this would be roughly the same as if Russia were to promote the separation of Texas, California, Hawaii and the conquered Indian territories from the USA.


"The Price of Joining NATO Was 99.9 per Cent War"


Even Selensky's team knew that the pursuit of NATO enlargement meant the threat of war with Russia: Oleksiy Arestovych, former adviser to Andriy Yermak, the head of the Ukrainian president's office, said that "our price for joining NATO was 99.9 per cent likely to be war with Russia".

即使是澤連斯基的團隊也知道,追求北約的擴張意味著與俄羅斯開戰的威脅:烏克蘭總統辦公室主任葉麥克(Andriy Yermak)的前顧問阿列克謝.阿列斯托維奇Oleksiy Arestovych)說:「我們加入北約的代價,有99.9%的可能性將引發與俄羅斯的戰爭。」

Arestovych, on the other hand, suspected that Russia would eventually try to conquer Ukraine even without NATO enlargement – only many years later. But history disproves this: Russia has respected the neutrality of Finland and Austria for decades without any serious threats, let alone any invasion.


Furthermore, Russia showed no interest in invading Ukrainian territory from Ukraine's independence in 1991 until the – US-backed – overthrow of the previously elected Ukrainian government in 2014.


It was only when the USA installed a decidedly anti-Russian, pro-NATO regime in February 2014 that Russia took Crimea back. Russia feared that its Black Sea naval base – Russia's only ice-free harbour since 1783 – would fall into NATO hands.


Even then, however, Russia did not demand any further territory from Ukraine, but only the fulfilment of the UN-backed Minsk II agreements, which provide for the autonomy of the ethnic Russian Donbas. The agreement did not include a Russian claim to this territory.


But instead of diplomacy, the USA armed the huge Ukrainian army. They began to train the soldiers and helped to organise them in order to expand NATO as a 'fait accompli'.


At the end of 2021, Putin made one last attempt at diplomacy by presenting a draft security agreement between the US and NATO to prevent a war. The draft provided for an end to NATO expansion and the withdrawal of US missiles in the vicinity of Russia.


Russia's security concerns were justified and provided a basis for negotiations. But US President Joe Biden categorically rejected negotiations in a combination of arrogance, errors of judgement and profound miscalculations.


NATO stuck to its position of not negotiating with Russia about its enlargement. This would be none of Russia's business.


"It Is Dangerous to Be America's Enemy and Deadly to Be Its Friend"


The US's continued obsession with expanding NATO is irresponsible and hypocritical: the US would even defend itself militarily against Russian or Chinese military bases in 'its' western hemisphere. This policy has been in place since the Monroe Doctrine of 1823, but at the same time the US is blind and deaf to the legitimate security concerns of other countries.

美國繼續執迷於擴大北約是不負責任的,也是虛偽的:美國甚至會對俄羅斯或中國在它的西半球的軍事基地進行軍事行動。自1823年推動門羅主義Monroe Doctrine)以來,美國一直奉行這一政策,但與此同時,美國卻對其他國家合理的安全關切視而不見、充耳不聞

Yes, Putin has gone to war to prevent NATO, more NATO, on Russia's border. The arrogance of the USA is destroying Ukraine. This once again proves Henry Kissinger's saying that it is dangerous to be America's enemy, while it is deadly to be a friend.

是的,普京發動戰爭是為了防止北約,更多的北約,靠近俄羅斯的邊界。美國的傲慢摧毀了烏克蘭。這再次證實了亨利.季辛吉Henry Kissinger)的名言:與美國為敵是危險的,而與美國為友則是致命的。

The Ukraine war will end when the USA recognises a simple truth: NATO expansion into Ukraine means endless war and the destruction of Ukraine.


Ukraine's neutrality could have prevented the war. Ukraine's neutrality remains the key to peace. The deeper truth is that European security depends on collective security as demanded by the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), not on unilateral demands from NATO.



Yes, that really saves you having to say anything else.



That is what I am also thinking. But here I have something else that Achim Wolf beamed to me. It is regarding the peace symbol that is constantly depicted with the rune of death.

我也是這麼想的。不過, Achim Wolf還告訴了我一件事。那是關於和平符號,它經常與死亡符文一起出現。


What did he send you regarding that?



A little patience please, because I have to look it up first …



I do not want to hurry you, but I want to leave later because I still have a lot to do.



Of course – just a moment, please – yes, I have got it here. Have a look…



Yes, I see.



Here is another attachment with our peace symbol.



Yes, that is also good.


The Wrong Peace Symbol Must Disappear!




and the Celtic rune of death was integrated into the organisation's Twitter logo.



I then wrote the following e-letter to the organisation:




The symbol you use is the Celtic death rune and stands for death, murder and war etc.


Please use the right, universal PEACE SYMBOL. Explanations about it here: ' https://shop.figu.org/sites/default/files/dreht das falsche friedens-svmbol auf den Kopf.pdf (English + German),

請使用正確的、通用的和平符號。相關的說明在這裡:https://shop.figu.org/sites/default/files/dreht das falsche friedens-svmbol auf den Kopf.pdf(英語+德語)。

Best regards, Achim Wolf, Germany

致以最誠摯的問候,來自德國的Achim Wolf

The owner of the site, Ashley Mapokgole from Pretoria, South Africa, did not put the correct symbol for PEACE in his logo, but at least he removed the wrong symbol, the rune of death, from the logo.

該網站的擁有者,是來自南非普利托里亞PretoriaAshley Mapokgole,雖然沒有將正確的和平符號放入其標誌中,但至少將錯誤的符號,即死亡符號,從標誌中移除了。


Source: https://twitter.com/peaceisglobal


You may now be asking yourself "Why is this so important?"


Explanation from the FIGU website https://www.flgu.org/ch/verein/aktuelle-infos/friedens-symbol


The peace symbol: Call and enquiry!


on the topics: Peace= Author: FIGU, Wassermannzeit-Verlag, 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier


Dear readers


As Billy was told by Ptaah, worldwide peace will only be possible when the false peace symbol, which corresponds to a death symbol, is no longer in circulation and is no longer used. It is therefore of the utmost importance that the earthly population be educated accordingly without delay. To this end, we have published two new pamphlets, which are now to be translated into as many languages as possible and distributed worldwide.






We are currently looking for volunteers who speak German and can translate the texts into the following languages free of charge: Portuguese, Greek, French. (Translations into English, Russian, Spanish, Dutch, Swedish, Chinese and Japanese are already in progress).


Please let us know if you have any completed translations.


Good thanks to you


Core group of the 49




So, what do you think?



Good – It is really good, also that Achim is making an effort with these things. But now I want to go and be back here tomorrow. Until then, dear Eduard – my friend.



Take care, my friend. Goodbye, Quetzal.





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