The Law of One, Book V, Fragment 29
Session 48, April 22, 1981
一的法則:卷五, 片斷二十九
第 四十八場集會, 1981 年 4 月 2 2 日
The spiritual transfer of energy is apparently possible for Carla in any sexual energy transfer. It happens without any particular effort on her part and seems due, primarily, to her nature as one who considers all of her actions, first, in the light of how she may be of service to another. This kind of spiritual energy transfer, however, is possible for anyone to achieve through a conscious mental dedication of the shared sexual intercourse for the purpose of achieving such a transfer. With that dedication consciously made, the male will transfer the physical energy, which he has in abundance, to the female and refresh her, and the female will transfer the mental/emotional and spiritual energies, that she has in abundance, and inspire the male. The kinds of energy transferred by each biological sex are determined by the nature that is unique to each. The biological male tends to express the male principle of that quality which reaches. The biological female tends to express the female principle of that quality which awaits the reaching. The orgasm is the point at which the transfer takes place although well-mated partners do not necessarily need to experience the orgasm in order to achieve the transfer.
Jim 評論 :
對於 Carla 任何性能量轉移都明顯可能發生能量的靈性轉移。在她這邊,這件事無需任何特別的努力;看起來,這主要是由於她的本質是在所有行動中,首先考量她如何可以服務另一個人。無論如何,任何人都可能達到這種靈性的能量轉移,在共享的性交過程中有意識地在心裡為了這個目標 [ 能量轉移 ] 而奉獻 。 隨著有意識的奉獻 , 男性將轉移他充裕的肉體能量給女性 , 恢復她的精神 ; 而女性將轉移她充裕的 心理 / 情感與靈性能量給男性 , 並激勵他 。 每個生物性別轉移的能量種類依每個人獨特的性質而定 。 生物上的男性傾向表達男性原則之主動伸展 ( 觸碰 ) 的品質 ; 生物上的女性傾向表達女性原則之等待碰觸的品質 。 轉移發生的那個點即是高潮 ; 雖然良好配對的伴侶並不必須經驗高潮來達成 ( 能量 ) 轉移 。
Since these sessions were recorded, I have continued to study the sexual part of red-ray activity, with the hope of finding ways to share the beauty and joy I have found in my sexuality with other people who wish to move into the experience of sacramental sex. More and more, I am convinced that we all have the ability to move into this vibratory level, where intercourse becomes ever more deeply a Holy Eucharist of red ray. I think that this orgasmic energy is pure love, and that as we experience this ecstasy, we are simply knowing the creator’s vibration at rest. I suspect that the universe dwells in a state of orgasm, a timeless ecstasy. So much of our culture’s training is bent on blunting the power of passion so that social strictures may be observed that the spontaneity of the act itself is lost. And the constant bombardment of sexual images in commercials and advertisements of every kind sharpen the desire for more and more: more partners, more unorthodox experiences, more thrills, more novelty.
Carla 評論 :
自從這些集會被錄音以來 , 我就持續研讀紅色 - 光芒活動的性慾部份 , 希望能找到方法去與其他人 [ 他們想要進入性的神聖經驗 ] 分享我在性愛時找到的美麗與喜悅 。 我越來越確信我們全都有能力進入這個振動水平 , 讓性交變得越來越深刻地成為紅色光芒的聖事 ( Holy Eucharist )。 我想這股高潮的能量是純粹的愛 , 當我們經驗到這股狂喜 , 我們單純地知曉歇息中的造物主振動 。 我猜想整個宇宙安住在一個高潮的狀態 , 一個無時性的狂喜 。 我們文化的訓練有許多部分致力於鈍化激情的力量 , 消弭自發性的行動 , 好保持社會的狹窄限制 。 接著 , 商業廣告持續地以各式各樣的性慾圖像轟炸觀眾 , 銳化人群更多更多的渴望 : 更多 ( 性 ) 伴侶 , 更多非正統經驗 , 更多顫抖悸動 , 更多新奇的東西 。
In contrast to this, there is the red-ray part of self and its natural functions, natural and right and, like all other natural functions, something to fulfill in privacy, and with an eye to grace and purity of form in the doing. Once a man has found the wisdom to fix his desire upon Woman, the Goddess, as incarnate in his mate, and the woman has opened her heart to Man, as incarnate in her mate, there is laid the stage for an ever deeper practice of this glorious natural sharing of energy. It has been a blessing to me, certainly, as I apparently ran out of energy some years ago—but am still alive and kicking! Thanks in no small part to the truly fine natural functions of one James McCarty, a man most lovingly sensitive to the Goddess within.
對比之下 , 自我的紅色光芒部份具有自然的機能 , 如同所有其他自然機能一般 , 它是一件隱私的行為 , 你的眼睛朝向恩典 , 在做的過程中保持純粹的形式 。 一旦男人找到智慧將他的渴望安定在一個女人 , 女神 [ 下凡來做他的伴侶 ], 身上 ; 同時 , 女人也敞開心胸迎向一個男人 [ 下凡來做她的伴侶 ], 如此奠定一個舞台 , 展開越來越深邃的練習 , 光榮地、自然地分享能量 。 這種能量對我而言一直是個祝福 , 當然 , 因為在數年前 , 在我明顯地流失能量之際 — 但 ( 它使 ) 我現在仍然活蹦亂跳 ! 我大大地感謝一個男人 , James McCarty , 非常感謝他真正良好的自然機能 , 一個十分有愛心,對於內在女神敏感的男人 。
Session 48, April 22, 1981
第 四十八場集會, 1981 年 4 月 2 2 日
問: 你可否告訴我器皿的狀態 以及她的情況是否隨著時間改善 ?
RA : 我是 Ra , 這個器皿的生命能隨著時間改善 , 如你所衡量的 。 這個器皿的肉體能量比你上次詢問的時候少 。
Questioner: I have a question from the instrument that I will read. “You have suggested several times that sexual energy transfers aid the instrument’s vital energy and this contact. It seems that this is not true for all people; that the sexual circuitry and the spiritual circuitry are not the same. Is this instrument an anomaly, or is the positive effect of sexual activity on spiritual energy normal for all third-density beings?”
問: 我有一個來自器皿的問題 , 我將閱讀如下 : “ 你曾數次提示性能量轉移協助該器皿的生命能與這個通訊 。 看起來 , 這點對所有人不一定都是真的 ; 性慾電路與靈性電路並不相同 。 這個器皿是例外嗎 ? 或者性慾活動對於靈性能量有正面效應對於所有第三密度存有都是平常的 ? ”
Ra: I am Ra. This instrument, though not anomalous, is somewhat less distorted towards the separation of mind, body, and spirit than many of your third-density entities. The energies of sexual transfer would, if run through the undeveloped spiritual electrical or magnetic complex which you call circuitry, effectually blow out that particular circuit. Contrarily, the full spiritual energies run through bodily complex circuitry will also adversely effect the undeveloped circuit of the bodily complex. Some there are, such as this instrument, who have not in the particular incarnation chosen at any time to express sexual energy through the bodily circuitry. Thus from the beginning of such an entity’s experience the body and spirit express together in any sexual action. Therefore, to transfer sexual energy for this instrument is to transfer spiritually as well as physically. This instrument’s magnetic field, if scrutinized by one sensitive, will show these unusual configurations. This is not unique to one entity but is common to a reasonable number of entities who, having lost the desire for orange and yellow-ray sexual experiences, have strengthened the combined circuitry of spirit, mind, and body to express the totality of beingness in each action. It is for this reason also that the social intercourse and companionship is very beneficial to this instrument, it being sensitive to the more subtle energy transfers.
RA : 我是 Ra , 這個器皿雖然並非例外 , 卻比較少有朝向分離心智、身體、靈性的扭曲 ; 相對你們許多第三密度實體而言 。 性慾轉移能量如果流過未發展的靈性電性或磁性複合體 [ 你們稱之為電路 ], 將有效地爆破該特別的電路 。 相反地 , 充分的靈性能量流過身體 [ 複合體電路 ] 也將對未發展的身體複合體之電路有不利的影響 。 有些實體 , 好比這個器皿 , 並未在這一生選擇在任何時間透過身體電路表達性能量 。 因此從一開始 , 這類實體在任何 性活動 中都是以身體與靈性一起表達該經驗 。 所以對這個器皿而言 , 轉移性能量即是進行靈性與肉體上的 ( 能量 ) 轉移 。 這個器皿的磁場 , 如果透過一個敏感的實體詳細檢查,將顯現不尋常的配置 。 這並不是一個實體所獨有 , 而是一群適當數量的實體共有的配置 ; 他們已經失去對橙色與 黃色 * 光芒之性慾經驗的渴望 , 已經強化靈性、心智與身體的綜合電路,以表達存有在每個行動中的全體性 。 為了這個原因 , 社交活動與同伴情誼對這個器皿也非常有益 ,( 因為 ) 它對於更細微的能量轉移是敏感的 。
( * 譯註:在 Tobey 先生的重聽版本中 , Ra 說的是綠色光芒 , 這可能是傳訊過程的扭曲 。)
[ 片斷二十九 結束]
問: 謝謝你 。 如果你 , Ra , 做為一個個體化實體,含有你所知的完整覺知與記憶,降生於地球上 。 你在地球上的目標會是什麼,就各種活動而言 ?