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【地球盟友】【柯博拉 Cobra 2016 5 13 日訊息
Rob Potter 主持的柯博拉 / 科里古德聯合訪談 第一部分】

資料轉載自: 準備轉變 Prepare for Change


Rob - I understand that. We do have a bellicose and a violent nature. I was speaking especially with the Omegans. The chemtrail planes actually have the Omegan symbol on them so I consider them hostile. You may consider . . .

Rob – 我知道了。人類中確實有好鬥和暴力的劣根性。我之前會特意提到 Omegans ,是因為噴灑化學凝結尾的飛機上有 Omegan 的符號。我才以為他們對人類懷有敵意。

Corey - That might not be related to them. Just because there was groups down there that had a swastika they’re not directly related to the Nazi’s or the Nazi ideology. So symbols can be taken and re-purposed..You know, you can’t just see a symbol and immediately jump to conclusions without intelligence to back it up.

Corey – 飛機上的符號應該和他們無關。過去也有使用卍字符號的秘密社團,而這些團體跟納粹以及納粹思想並沒有直接的關連。符號的意義可能被有心人士拿來竄改。我們不能看到一個符號,不經過查證資料就貿然下結論。

Rob - I would agree. Cobra, what is your view on that situation. Can you describe the underground landscape. Do you know anything. Would you consider the Anchara alliance that use to be hostile or can you delineate the different underground Agarthan network groups for us, from your position.

Rob – 我同意你的說法。柯博拉,請問你對地底世界的情況有甚麼看法 ?
你可以描述地底世界的地貌景觀嗎 ? 你對地底世界知道多少 ? 你認為安查拉聯盟曾經對人類懷有敵意嗎 ?

COBRA - The situation underground is very dynamic and is changing all the time, but I would say I am in contact with certain of the factions, not with all of the factions and apparently there are more different factions down there than we all know. But the RM for example has never claimed they are representing themselves as Pleiadians to any part of the surface population claims that they could be worshiped, neither any other factions that I know of that form the global Agarthan network or the Eastern Agarthan factions.

COBRA – 地底世界的情勢一直以來都是變化多端。我能說我目前和地底世界的某些派系保持聯繫。我並沒有跟所有地底世界的團體交流,而且顯然地底不同派系的數量遠多過於人類所知道的數量。抵抗運動從來不會向任何地表民眾自稱是昴宿星人並且要求地表民眾崇拜他們。至於其他隸屬全球阿加森網路或東方阿加森派系的團體,據我所知,他們也從未要求地表民眾崇拜他們。

Currently there is process of unification taking place. There is a lot of contact a lot of negotiation between various factions and a lot of mistrust. Part of this mistrust comes from manipulation of the Chimera group of one of the factions against the others and cooperation between the Chimera group and the various subterranean Draco factions coming from 1930’s and 1940’s and the Nazi groups on the surface. So there is a lot of mistrust created at that time and a lot of healing still needs to happen.

目前地底世界正在經歷各方派系的團聚和整合。各方派系正在進行緊鑼密鼓的交流和談判。他們彼此之間還有非常多的不信任。這種不信任一部分起源於奇美拉的挑撥離間、 1930-1940 年代進入地底的各方龍人派系以及地表的納粹團體。過往的歷史造成了地底團體之間諸多的不信任。他們仍需要更多的時間和努力修補彼此的關係。

Also I would say mostly the Eastern Agarthan factions have a similar perspective than the surface population Eastern philosophies would have had on life. And this is quite much different than what the western people have. Western idea of life. So what is happening on the surface is actually a reflection of what is happening below ground. There has been communication established between those various groups and the healing is taking place. But again this takes time. This is slow because they have millennia upon millennia of history to be solved, resolved and healed. So, but I can say from my perspective I have never heard of a group that belongs to a sub-surface faction that claims to be either Pleiadian or Savior Gods or anything of that nature.



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原文:   http://2012portal.blogspot.tw/2016/05/joint-cobra-corey-goode-interview-by.html

原創翻譯: Patrick Shih


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