【地球盟友】【柯博拉 Cobra 】 2016 年 5 月 13 日訊息
【 Rob Potter 主持的柯博拉 / 科里古德聯合訪談 第一部分】
資料轉載自: 準備轉變 Prepare for Change
Rob - OK. guys, so I have a question because I live in Mt. Shasta. It’s near and dear to my heart. It’s always been considered a bastion of the light forces from Lemuria. First, I guess I’d like to have Corey respond. This group is not part of the Anchara alliance is it. Do you have any intelligence on the inner earth Agarthan civilization under Mt. Shasta?
Rob – 好的。既然我住在雪士達山,我有一個關於這座山的問題。雪士達山就在我家附近。我很喜歡這一座山。人們一直認為雪士達山是列穆里亞遺民的光明堡壘。我想先請科里回答。這個團體不屬於安查拉聯盟。請問你是否知道雪士達山底下的地底阿加森聯盟 ?
Corey - I have received some information about the groups that are not only under Mt Shasta but around the region going for quite a ways up into Oregon and Washington. And they are definitely a very positive group and it’s. . . they are a part of a network as well but I am not in contact with them.
Corey – 根據我最近得知的消息 : 不光是雪士達山底下有地底文明。奧勒岡州和華盛頓州的地底下也有文明活動。這些文明當然是非常正面的團體。他們也隸屬於一個文明網路,不過我跟他們之間沒有交流。
Rob - Thank you - Cobra could you comment on the Mt. Shasta group. My south American contactees Louis and several others have indicated that there is a Strong network that goes from Mt. Shasta all the way down to Central, through Central and South America of a very positive nature. Can you comment on your knowledge of this group Cobra.
Rob – 謝謝你。柯博拉,你能否對於雪士達山的地底文明發表一些意見 ? 我的南美聯絡人路易斯和其他人表示一個非常正面而且實力堅強的文明網路發源自雪士達山,而且組織網路遍及中南美洲。你能否表達你對這個團體的看法 ?
COBRA - The group below Mt. Shasta and inside Mt Shasta is part of the, I would say, global Agarthan network which originates from the time of Atlantis when part of the light forces had to go underground because of the Archon invasion 25,000 years ago. And 25K years ago they have created a network of underground cities and underground tunnels. One of those tunnels goes through Alaska, through Washington State, through northern California with Mt Shasta, through south California, Mexico, Central America and down into South America ad there is another main tunnel which goes through Peru underground through Caribbean through Atlantic, through Morocco, through Egypt and then onwards towards Tibet.
COBRA – 雪士達山底下和山脈內部的團體隸屬於全球阿加森網路。這個城邦網路是起源於亞特蘭提斯的光明勢力。由於執政官在 25,000 年前入侵地球,他們不得不搬遷到地底生活。他們在地底世界組建城邦網路和隧道系統。其中一條隧道貫穿阿拉斯加、華盛頓州、北加州,經過雪士達山然後往南美洲延伸。另一條主要隧道貫穿秘魯、經過中美洲、大西洋、摩洛哥、埃及然後往上通到西藏的地表。
This is all part of the same network and there was a very and there still is a very positive civilization of light which I would call the global Agarthan network existing and Mt. Shasta city is a part of this civilization. The surface population has received intel about this group through certain channels. Certain people that lived in Mt. Shasta and have had encounters. I would say about 80% of that intel is correct. I would not say they are ancient Lemurians. I would say they are remnants of the old positive Atlantis.
這些隧道都屬於同一個網路。全球阿加森網路是一個非常正面的文明。雪士達山城也屬於這個文明。有些居住在雪士達山的民眾曾經遇見過這個文明的住民。某些地表民眾也透過特定的管道得知關於這個團體的情報。我會說 : 這些情報有 80% 是正確的。他們不算是遠古的列穆里亞人,而是古代正面亞特蘭提斯的遺民。
Rob - Atlantis did have a science station here on Maui. The point is that they are being positive. Cobra, have you heard anything about the Anchara Alliance group underground, specifically the ones that Corey has talked about. He has mentioned, I don’t know if you saw his report. One is with this woman named Careen, the Omegans and some others. Have you heard about this Anchara alliance specifically, are you familiar with this group of 7.
Rob – 亞特蘭提斯在茂宜島上有一座科學研究站。重點是他們是正面的團體。柯博拉,你是否有聽說過地底下的安查拉聯盟,尤其是科里曾經提過的那個團體 ?
我不知道你有沒有看過他寫的報告。 有一位名叫 ” 卡莉 ” 的女祭司、 Omegans 和其他人。你有沒有聽過這個 7 人組成的團體 ?
Corey - Anchara Alliance is only 3. (Oh 3) The ones that wear the Saturn symbol.
Corey – 安查拉聯盟只有三個人。他們配帶土星形狀的護身符。
Rob - The Saturn symbol. Have you heard about this group Cobra.
Rob- 土星形狀的護身符。 柯博拉,你聽過這個團體嗎 ?
COBRA - I have read Corey’s report. I have not heard about this group from any of my sources but I know that Sheldon Nidle has mentioned the truce of Anchara back in 1995.
COBRA – 我讀過科里寫的報告。我沒從我的線人聽說過任何關於這個團體的情報。我知道 Sheldon Nidle 曾經提過 1995 年的安查拉停戰協議。
Rob - Ok. Thank you. Cobra, can you speak about your knowledge of the Halls of Amenti and the Akashic records as Corey has described them as kind of like an earth based library on the outer and then I guess the main records, Corey you can correct me on this, was behind the, was this crystal that they were trying to grow. Is that correct Corey.
Rob – 好的,謝謝你。柯博拉,你能否講述你對阿曼提大廳和阿卡西記錄的見解 ? 科里說過這兩樣東西有點像位於某個世外桃源,記錄重要事件的圖書館。如果我的說法有不正確的地方,請科里幫忙更正。地底文明是否想要培育這種水晶 ?
Corey - Yes, and that’s a living technology that has a lot of records in it and that technology can tap into the Akashic records. I don’t know exactly what you’re referring to, but I referred to it in a couple of different ways. It’s definitely a major historical data base that is very important to them.
Corey – 阿曼提大廳是有生命的科技。阿曼提大廳保存許多記錄而且可以調閱阿卡西記錄。我不太清楚你講的是甚麼東西。我會用兩種觀點描述阿曼提大廳。它肯定是重要的歷史資料庫,而且對他們而言很重要。
原文: http://2012portal.blogspot.tw/2016/05/joint-cobra-corey-goode-interview-by.html
原創翻譯: Patrick Shih