

Contact Report 846第846次接觸報告



最初英譯:20230530日,星期DeepL Translator, Joseph Darmanin

改進版本:N/AJoseph Darmanin, Catherine Mossman

中譯版本:20230602日,星期ChatGPT, DeepL Translator, James Hsu








This is the entire contact report. It is an authorised but unofficial DeepL preliminary English translation and most probably contains errors. Please note that all errors and mistakes etc. will continuously be corrected, depending on the available time of the involved persons (as contracted with Billy/FIGU). Therefore, do not copy-paste and publish this version elsewhere, because any improvement and correction will occur HERE in this version!



Greetings, my friend.



I really did not expect to see you now, but greetings to you too. I was almost startled, because I was not prepared for someone visiting me and suddenly standing here.



Ptaah summoned me here because I have the following to tell you: … Furthermore, I have been instructed to remain on the station as liaison between you and Ptaah during his absence until his return. In doing so, I will take the liberty of moving around the centre daily, undetected of course, to see what transpires day by day.

Ptaah命令我來這裡,因為我有以下事情要告訴你: ... 。此外,我奉命在Ptaah不在期間留在基地,作為你和他之間的聯絡人,直到他回來。在這段期間,我將每天在中心周圍區域走動,當然是在不被發現的情況下,觀察每天所發生的事情。


That is a long speech, and quite unpleasant besides, to which I also think I will stick to it throughout and keep quiet about it, as you and Ptaah recommend.



That really is required, however I want you to know.



I have known this since Sfath's time, and already he said that I should not tell anything about it, so for that reason alone I will not let anything be known.



I am aware of that too, but it is really good that we keep quiet about it because it would really not be good because it would only trigger fear and make everything worse.



Yes, that would be effective. But it is good that you stay here, because Jjfa and Juraata are not that versed with the things that happen here on Earth, even though they are very concerned about everything. They were also kind of horrified when we were away together and in … and saw that American … They could not understand that this is kept from the public and … is being done. They are obviously not used to such things and consequently they should be kept away from it. – But away from that; I am glad you are here because I have some ideas about nature work that I would like to discuss with you. Fortunately, Pius is now joining in the attack, for he is interested in it and is constantly occupied with it, and he also listens to my instructions, has eyes of his own in his head, and understands how to see what is necessary and must be done.

是的,事實就是這樣。但你留在這裡是很好的,因為JjfaJuraata對地球上所發生的事情不太熟悉,儘管他們對一切都很關心。當我們一起離開並在 ... 看到那個美國人時,他們也有點驚恐,他們無法理解這些事情被隱瞞並且 ... 正在進行中。他們顯然不習慣這樣的事情,因此應該讓他們遠離這些事情。——但不談這些了;我很高興你在這裡,因為我對自然工作有一些想法,我想和你討論一下。幸運的是,Pius現在也加入了這個計畫,因為他對這個問題很感興趣,而且一直在忙於這方面的工作,他也聽從我的指示,有自己的判斷力,知道什麼是必要的,需要做些什麼。


That is good, and as I saw, he is doing his job well. However, as for what was discussed earlier, you should not mention the whole of the observations in retrieving and writing down our conversation. Perhaps you should give hints from which those who are interested can make up their minds. But that is all you should do. Besides, it is always necessary for you to be oriented about what I have told you, for your knowledge of it is still very important in order to do the right thing.



I guess it is necessary to stick to it and keep silent when questions arise and are asked because of it. But you also said that the little ones have also been concerned for some time now with the steadily worsening events here on Earth. And as you say, they have noticed that the earthlings are becoming steadily more deviant in their non-thinking and in their behaviours humanly.


[中譯者註:上述提到的“小傢伙們”(the little ones),指的應該是來自仙女座星系Zilton行星上的一些外星人,他們曾幫忙清理過SSSC內(尤其是Billy的工作間)困擾多年的不明干擾現象。有關詳情,請參閱《790次接觸報告》。]


You are to be visited, after all, because they want to report to you.



You said that some time ago, but no one has come from these little bulbs.



I am aware of that.



Exactly – obviously it takes even longer. But I am interested to know if you know what's going on with the 'Last Generation' demonstration clique, which, as Ptaah already told me a year ago, is controlled by a rotten, unrighteous and criminal part of America, and that for the purpose of … But what is actually intended by these idiotic demonstrations – which I do not want to say openly because Ptaah said that other like-minded people would take up the banner and do the same because they are just as stupid as those who thoughtlessly take part in the criminal demonstrations without knowing what is actually intended – is hare-brained. However, I would be surprised if the German secret service is so stupid and dumb that they really do not realise behind it all, namely that it is all arranged and controlled from America for those who glue their hands on streets and car tyres, and they also cause enormous damage with paints and sprays. All this, as Ptaah said, is the work of …

沒錯 —— 顯然這還需要更長的時間。但我很想知道,你是否知道關於“最後一代”(Last Generation)示威團體的情況。正如Ptaah在一年前告訴我的那樣,這個團體由一些卑鄙、不道德和犯罪的美國人控制,目的是 ... 。但這些愚蠢的示威活動的實際目的是什麼 —— 我不想公開說出來,因為Ptaah說其他志同道合的人也會接手並做同樣的事情,因為他們和那些不知道實際目的就貿然參加犯罪示威活動的人一樣愚蠢。然而,我很想知道,德國情報部門是否如此愚蠢和無知,以至於真的沒有意識到這一切都是由美國安排和控制的,對於那些在街道和汽車輪胎上貼上貼紙的人,他們還用油漆和噴漆造成巨大的破壞。正如Ptaah所說,這一切都是 ... 的傑作。


… I can mention the following about that: What unfortunately happens is that many persons allow themselves to be thoughtlessly provoked and create personal as well as public damage, as they also affect many fellow human beings and get paid for it. Furthermore, it is to be said that the demonstrators and quite a lot of damage-causing persons of the 'Last Generation' are a sectarian-criminal organisation organised and directed by America, in which another pathologically thinking and financially very rich person participates. In Germany, among other countries, the organisation also obtains taxpayers' money, with which criminal and highly damaging demonstration actions are financed, and the authors also enrich themselves, as well as the demonstrators unthinkingly damage order and economic and private achievements through all their actions.

... 關於這方面,我可以提到以下幾點:不幸的是,許多人毫不考慮地被挑釁,造成個人和公共損失,同時也使許多他人蒙受傷害,而他們還為此而獲得報酬。此外,值得一提的是,“最後一代”示威者和造成許多嚴重損害的人組成的組織是由美國組織和指導的邪教和犯罪組織,其中還有一個有病態思維而經濟上卻非常富有的人也參與其中。該組織也在德國非法獲取稅款,用以資助犯罪和造成巨大損害的示威活動,並使策劃者獲利,同時示威者由於他們所有的行動而不考慮地破壞秩序、經濟和個人的成就。


This is what Ptaah said about a year ago, but nothing was said openly because we talked about it privately, and also because I never call up or record private things. But I think that we should now talk about what is really happening, as well as about the fact that behind the 'Last Generation' there is an American crazy and rich woman who supports and finances all the crazy machinations of the likewise crazy hand-gluers, of which even the ignorant and idiotic demonstrators are probably unaware, because they are as stupid as beans.


[中譯者註:“最後一代”(德語:Letzte Generation)是一群主要活躍於德國、意大利和奧地利的氣候變遷活動人士。在2022年,該組織在德國進行了276次道路封鎖行動。在羅馬,他們將湯潑向一幅放在玻璃後面的梵谷畫作《播種者》。在波茨坦,他們將土豆泥潑灑在一幅莫內畫作上。他們攻擊的藝術作品均未受損。他們的公民抗命方法,例如褻瀆藝術品或封鎖道路,引起了公眾的不同反應,包括憤怒的表達和暴力威脅。
該組織由2021年“最後一代饑餓罷工”(Hungerstreik der letzten Generation)的參與者組成,他們曾在柏林封鎖高速公路。他們選擇了這個名字來表明地球正在接近氣候的臨界點,他們這一代人是唯一可以阻止氣候崩潰的最後一代。




Which we should not go on about, though, because every word is too much because it is meaningless to all the ignorant.



As far as this is concerned, yes, and the best thing is probably if we really do not talk about it anymore. But can you explain something to me regarding the waters that are here on Earth?



I am afraid I cannot say anything about that, because I have not learned anything about that, nor have I been interested in it.



Too bad, then I have to fall back on my knowledge, just what I learned from Sfath, as well as what information I know from newspapers, the radio and TV. Everything is somewhat different from what is generally known, and I was also asked again – I do not know why, because generally you learn this at school – how much water there is on Earth. But I do not know exactly, only approximately, just what is actually generally known. But the question of how old the water is and to what extent it can be considered the basis of life, I think I can answer according to what I learned from Sfath and halfway through school. However, no human being knows how much water there really is on Earth. Superficially, the Earth's surface is covered with a little more than 70% water, which corresponds to about 1,330 billion cubic kilometres, as I have learned, but this does not include what is further inside the Earth in the form of groundwater, which certainly amounts to many more cubic kilometres.

太糟糕了,那麼我就得必須依靠我從Sfath那裡學到的知識,以及我從報紙、廣播和電視上得到的資訊。一切都與一般人所知道的有些不同,我還被問到 —— 我不知道為什麼,因為一般來說你在學校學過這個 —— 地球上有多少水。但我並不確切知道,只知道大概,只是知道實際上一般人都知道的東西。但是關於水的年齡以及它們作為生命基礎的程度,我認為我可以根據我從Sfath那裡和在學校裡學到的內容來回答。然而,地球上實際上有多少水,恐怕沒有人知道。從表面上看,地球表面超過70%都被水覆蓋,這相當於大約13,300億立方公里,這是我學到的,但這還沒有考慮到地球內部的地下水,這肯定還有許多立方公里。

Now, the age of the waters on the Earth, however, is – this is probably still the same question that has been asked by human beings since ancient times – what apparently does not want to be understood, has been produced by this planet itself to a large extent, as is the case with practically every planet. Furthermore, I have learned from Sfath that the waters were also brought to Earth from SOL space by comets, asteroids, meteors, as well as 'ice clouds' – of which our astronomers, etc. still know nothing. And when I speak of 'THE' water, I also mean it, because water exists as a transparent and tasteless liquid that occurs from a combination of 2 elements. Namely, by hydrogen, which is called H, and oxygen, which is called O, combining. A gemstone is even symbolically attributed to the waters, namely 'apatite', because it is supposed to radiate a refreshing and clear energy and strengthen the self-confidence as well as promote the creativity of human beings.

現在,地球上水的年齡,然而 —— 這似乎是自古以來人們一直在問的問題 —— 顯然不被理解,在很大程度上是由這個星球本身產生的,就像實際上每個星球的情況一樣。此外,我從Sfath那裡瞭解到,這些水也是由彗星、小行星、流星以及我們的天文學家等人現在仍然不知道的「冰雲」(ice clouds)從太陽系空間帶到地球上的。當我說「水」時,我的意思也是這樣,因為水是一種無色無味的液體,由兩種元素組成。也就是說,通過氫(被稱為H)和氧(被稱為O)的結合。水甚至被象徵性地賦予了寶石的名稱,即「磷灰石」(apatite),因為它擁有一種清新而清澈的能量,可以增強自信心,並促進人類的創造力。

And with regard to the waters, I still have to explain that they condense as vapour rising from the Earth into the atmosphere to liquid water, becoming snow or rain, or they freeze into ice crystals. Then, when they fall back down to Earth, they are collected as springs, streams, rivers, swamps, bogs, lakes, groundwater and oceans, etc. But the fact that the history of this H2O – since ancient times when it was first created from the planet – is absolutely unknown to our scientists, puzzles them.

關於水,我還需要解釋,它們作為地球的蒸氣上升到大氣層中,凝結成液態水,變成雪或雨,或者凍結成冰晶(ice crystals)。當它們再次降落到地球上時,它們成為泉水、小溪、河流、沼澤、濕地、湖泊、地下水和海洋等等。然而,對於這H2O的演變,從它首次從行星中生成的古老時代開始,我們的科學家完全不知道,這一事實讓他們感到困惑。

It should be said, however, that the first waters developed independently and completely naturally from the planet itself, as a result of the embers and heat of the emerging world body. Heat and warmth led to the evaporation of the developing heat gases, which entered the empty space of the developing world body in gaseous form and formed the very first atmosphere, i.e. a gas atmosphere. Further geological processes took place over a long period of time with regard to new evolutionary and beneficial changes, so that everything continued to change and an atmosphere and hydrogen developed over billions of years, as did plants and thus also oxygen, which combined with hydrogen, and further also life, which could move independently, etc., as I learned from Sfath. So what rises as vapour from the waters into the high atmosphere falls back to Earth as rain, hail or snow, into the sea or onto Earth, and when it falls on Earth it seeps into the ground and supplies the trees and all the plants with the waters, flows through the ground or collects as groundwater. It also collects again in streams and rivers and flows back into the sea. The eternal cycle of evaporation, gasification, precipitation, supply to trees and plants of all kinds, and by leaking through springs, flowing off through streams and rivers, depositing in lakes, etc. and in the oceans, starts all over again.


During the whole process, considerable energies are bound or released, namely already during evaporation enormous energies are consumed, which are then released again during condensation, whereby also enormous electrical energies are produced as lightning of almost 300 kilowatt hours (kWh), which is approx. 1 gigajoule or roughly corresponds to the energy of 31 million litres of petrol. The human being consists of large parts of water, and this is and remains his/hers and all living beings on Earth's absolutely most vital basis. The ocean currents regulate the Earth's climate, but for human beings everything seems to be self-evident – until it is too late, because they consciencelessly and carelessly waste the vital water. But the substance with the simple formula of H20 behaves uniquely and puzzles the earthling again and again. But without water, every human being should realise, there is no life on Earth. Even almost 4 kilometres into the depths of the Earth, I have detected life together with Sfath. This is still untouched by the earthling, but the question is, for how much longer?


Truly: The world is perishing more and more through overpopulation and its destructive machinations, just as the human beings are becoming more and more degenerate and inhuman, and more and more stupid as well. And now artificial intelligence is being added to the mix, which will only trigger a great evil because people are not thinking into the future and consequently do not recognise what is coming.


Recently, before leaving for a longer period of time, Ptaah spoke of the fact that in Germany alone many children and adolescents have become addicted to NEO-NAZISM and are increasingly weaving it through the schools. This as a result of the fact that there are many neo-Nazi ruling elements squatting in the government and ruling neo-Nazi, in the actual government position itself, as well as in the position of exercising the Ministry of Foreign Affairs etc. Ptaah said that according to your clarifications, not only the right-wing extremists and that part of the NEO-NAZIS among the people take an example from the NAZI-like actions of those in power and turn on everything wrong and evil with it, but now also the children and adolescents in the schools. Ptaah explicitly mentioned that the wrong and idiotic actions regarding the arms deliveries to Selensky are being copied by a large part of the NAZI-behaviour of the rulers to parts of the people, the children as well as the adolescents, right-wing extremists and NEO-NAZIS. In the same respect, he said, is the conduct and attitude of certain people in the dictatorship organisation EU, especially with regard to those 'bigwigs' who boast of German descent or are under the direct or indirect influence of the ruling NEO-NAZIs. All of them, by the way, are responsible and partly to blame for the fact that absolutely only one-sided success reports of war actions and war profits are made in favour of the Ukrainian military and the big-talking Selensky, while war crimes are committed by the Ukrainian military and are not disclosed. This is consistently in contrast to the fact that regarding that the outrages of the Russia military are very much mentioned. So the war coverage is only one-sided, in the process of praising the Ukrainian military and its gains and Selensky to the skies, and either disregarding or blowing up Russia's military and Putin. Moreover, it is the case, as I know from my own observation, that the Ukrainian forces, in addition to also operating on Russian territory and carrying out acts of sabotage, and with the help of the Yanks in the background, want to attack Moscow and other places with drones, as Selensky has ordered, also to assassinate Putin, which I heard myself, together with Bermunda, when we were able to eavesdrop on him with the help of the language translator.


But back to the waters: Just as I drank water with Sfath when we travelled back to the time of the dinosaurs, so I still drink from the same waters today, though they have been renewed countless times since then through evaporation and regeneration as haze, rain, snow, hail and drinking water. But while I am on the subject of water, it is perhaps important that I say or explain how important water is for human beings and all life on Earth.


Drinking water today is of high quality, and in general there are strict guidelines regarding hygiene and safety. As a natural product, tap water contains various trace substances, but their concentration is low due to strict regulations, in such a manner that it can be drunk by human beings without hesitation, at least what applies to the 'civilised' areas that are called civilised. At least the populations are supplied with natural and healthy drinking water, although it should be noted that the good quality of drinking water is only guaranteed where explicit and decisive attention is paid to cleanliness and purity.


Dealing with water as a resource requires concrete measures that also include effective water protection, as well as their consistent implementation is indispensable so that the high quality of tap water is also guaranteed for future generations.


The drinking water quality, which is probably widely available, is based on years of efforts and financial investments as well as scientific findings and a lot of painstaking work, all of which was necessary to preserve the exceptional privilege of the good and valuable. Because of all the developments, it was imperative that certain measures be thought of and carried out to make it really work and to bring about a water supply that is usually never thought of or taken for granted by all the users.


However, overpopulation now means that the water supply is increasingly confronted with conflicts of use, whereby these arise in particular in the civilised world in settlement construction and agriculture as well as in market gardens, but also in third world countries through global industrial corporations that literally steal the water from the indigenous peoples, who thus have to carry the necessary drinking water for kilometres and hours. In the civilised world, zoning out or zoning in is problematic, as is also the use of certain areas where a water catchment exists. This often necessitates rezoning, forcing water suppliers to close an otherwise desirable intake, but also to install chemical treatment stages. As far as I know, in Switzerland and Germany alone, every third or fourth water supplier has had to close water catchments in the last 50 years, with conflicts of use or also mergers being the rule.


Current water extraction in Europe can be carried out in a natural way, whereby about ⅔ of the water is treated resp. purified with UV light or simple filters.


Intact resp. clean high quality and near-natural water supply presupposes intensive purification and permanent use, whereby, however, e.g. private individuals, such as factories, corporations, market gardens and farms, etc., irresponsibly pollute the surface waters of the soil and the groundwater through the use of pesticides or fertilisers, etc., which makes the treatment of the water very difficult. Many water bodies, such as streams, rivers and lakes etc., exceed all the prescribed limits of toxins, nitrates and pesticides. The longer, the more, and henceforth the more there is a risk that all waters will slowly become polluted, also by groundwater, and that in the very long term, consequently, the effort of treatment will increase and drinking water can be made less and less close to nature, can be treated and will become more expensive.


However, if I now mention pesticides, this term is a collective term for both plant protection products (PPPs) and biocides. Due to high precipitation rates, the limit value in water bodies is often exceeded, and biocides are even used up to 70% in farms and especially in large-scale nurseries, as well as in private gardens and intensively used gardens. About every 5th drinking water well is affected by pesticide concentrations in an elevated process, with pesticides therefore posing the greatest danger not only to vegetables, but also to drinking water quality and to all bodies of water.


For example, according to a veterinary medicine census, around 29 tonnes of antibiotics were sold in Switzerland in 2020, while around 35 tonnes were consumed in human medicine. Animals and livestock quickly developed resistance to many of these active substances as a result of their high use. This is despite the fact that the spread of resistance is more likely to be a long-term process, whereas the knowledge exists that the spread of antibiotic resistance worldwide is increasingly to be classified as a serious burden.


If we take nitrate into account – which already occurs naturally in low concentrations in groundwater – it is clear that its main use is in fertilising plants. If one observes the legally prescribed maximum value, then this is far too high a value for the raw water quantity, which exceeds the normal of the water bodies, which is why nitrate should only be used in very small quantities – if at all. In zones where intensive agriculture is practised, overloads of up to approx. 60% occur, which is why the legal requirement should be disregarded to the full extent permitted and nitrate should not be applied at all.

如果我們考慮到硝酸鹽nitrate —— 這種物質在地下水中本來就以低濃度存在 —— 它的主要是用於植物的施肥。根據法定的最高限值,原水中的硝酸鹽濃度遠超過水源的正常值,因此硝酸鹽的使用應該非常有限,如果可能的話甚至不使用。在從事密集型農業的地區,會出現高達約60%的過量,這就是為什麼應該在允許的範圍內,根本不應該使用硝酸鹽。

For wastewater and water protection, the following 8 necessities, among others, must be urgently observed:


1. Infrastructure and water resources should be protected against conflicts of use and possible risks by means of guideline plans, while the supply of drinking water should be weighted heavily resp. given priority in a balancing of clear interests and necessities.


2. Water supply and use must be professionalised in every process and in a locally determinable manner.


3. More effective water protection regulations and water protection legislation must be adopted and implemented, not only for private individuals, but also for industrial enterprises, companies and corporations, etc., and this must be done consistently and without any quarter.


4. The production and use of pesticides and biocides of all kinds must be restricted, with the sale being controlled and only permitted for soils, large gardens, meadows and fields on which only absolute minimum quantities of pesticides and biocides, etc. are applied in a controlled manner in accordance with the law, with the application sites not being near drinking water catchments.


5. The use of chemical pesticides of all kinds is to be banned in protection zones around drinking water catchments, by gardeners, farmers, private individuals, companies and corporations etc.


6. All application and other use of pesticides, biocides, plant protection products and chemical poisons of any kind by agriculture, private individuals, nurseries, companies and corporations etc. is to be prohibited in groundwater protection zones.


7. Problematic wastewater that is harmful to nature must be dissolved or converted to nature-friendly wastewater disposal through alternative nature conservation methods.


8. Governments must strive to enforce a wide variety of measures to counteract public and private or agricultural, horticultural, corporate and corporate pollution of water bodies.


These points do not in any case sufficiently cover all the necessary measures to be taken, so there must be an interest in subsequently integrating what is necessary into what has been mentioned. The excess of senseless overpopulation and its destructive machinations on the planet, on nature, fauna and flora, on the atmosphere and the climate and on all ecosystems in general, requires a very rapid and new development in all areas of all life. Effectively, it is not only alarming what is happening in terms of planetary and natural destruction and overall eco-destruction worldwide, but it is already endangering the existence of human beings, nature and all life in general, and to a very high degree. Therefore, the human beings of the Earth are called upon to guarantee a safe and high-quality drinking water supply not only for human beings, but also for all life on Earth, and to give it the status and protection to which all life is entitled.


Water requires groundwater and intact bodies of water, raw water and actual drinking water, which must be of good quality. Basically, raw water and drinking water are actually two different types of water, namely groundwater and surface water, as they occur in nature. Basically, all natural water is so-called raw water, while drinking water actually corresponds to treated water and is called tap water because it is piped into houses or other buildings and into village wells, etc. The designation is important because the water must be of good quality. The naming is important because the distinction between raw water and drinking water is important, which is usually not considered or understood by human beings because raw water, unlike drinking water, is not treated and purified by human beings. Different values apply to both waters in terms of quality, consequently both are different in terms of quality. Public waters today are unfortunately usually polluted with pesticides, which is problematic for at least the local ecosystem, but in the long run especially for the groundwater, which may be pumped up and somehow used by human beings. However, unlike drinking water, this raw water has different limit values and for hygienic reasons can no longer be drunk by human beings without being purified. This was the case in the past, when pesticides and biocides did not poison the environment, the air, the water and the food grown in gardens and fields.


If I now mention water quality, it must be noted that purity and cleanliness must be considered in a differentiated manner, because like every natural product, water is never found in an absolutely pure form when processed by human beings and as a result of its location, because from a chemical point of view, various trace substances can be found in water, as well as valuable minerals with which it is enriched naturally or by human beings. This applies not only to the various types resp. brands of mineral water, but also to all tap water. But really clean waters, which are actually foodstuffs, correspond throughout to the hygienic-legal regulations, so drinking water from the tap basically corresponds to a tasteless distillate that can be drunk and used for food preparation without hesitation.


If I now address the trace substances that are detectable in drinking water, then it is to be said that these are completely different in their type and quantity, because depending on the location, environment and human local activity, such as a market garden, agricultural enterprise, factory, settlement zone or industrial zone and time, the trace substances occur in higher or lower concentrations. These substances are, for example, drug residues, pesticides or nitrates, microplastics, germs or metals, etc. Depending on their types and concentrations, these can be hazardous to health, whereas really clean water is purified in such a manner that its concentration of trace substances is usually so low in terms of health hazards that there is no risk to health, even if the delicious water is drunk for a lifetime and used for food preparation. This is indeed usually set by law, so for tap water the limit value for trace substances hazardous to health is far below where recognisable damage to health occurs. But to be honest: even if all this is permanently controlled by law, it is honest and important to say that even the smallest as well as legally permitted amounts of trace substances are harmful to health if they occur in drinking water. So tap water is usually always contaminated with trace substances, even if the quality is permanently checked and a minimum amount of trace substances is legally defined and allowed.


As far as the very valuable minerals that the human body needs and that are contained in drinking water and tap water are concerned, these contain more or less of the important minerals depending on their origin, which can vary depending on the source, lake water or groundwater. If, in comparison, mineral water resp. the so-called brand waters are examined, then tap water actually does very well, because only about half of the commercially available brand waters contain significantly more minerals than tap water. This is also explained by the fact that the human body can only absorb a certain amount of minerals, which are also usually already contained in the solid foods that human beings eat every day. This means that, as a rule, a high mineral content in water is not particularly necessary, but quite normal. Nor is a high and special value necessary under certain circumstances, because water absorbs many valuable minerals in the course of its natural cycle, which human beings and every other life-form need for a healthy life. It is also worth explaining that trace substances in the range of micrograms (mg) and nanograms (ng) are present in water, but these are small units of measurement in minimal form that can be classified as unimaginably small. If, for example, human beings drink a medicine with a concentration of 100 ng of active ingredient, it would take them 700 years to absorb 100 ng if they drank 2 litres of water a day. That is actually what I know and have to say.



I find what you have explained not only interesting but also enlightening.



But now I have a question regarding the apparitions of the foreign figures that have been appearing more and more around the centre lately. Have you found out anything and gained any insights? It is not about the foreigners you and I know, as you say, but about some 'figures' that are unknown to you and me. Several of our FIGU members have already observed how they appeared on the surveillance screens, but were not recorded, so they remain unknown and cannot be identified afterwards when the surveillance is searched back. Madeleine was also able to observe this when she brought me coffee in the office, so she wrote a short article about it, namely the following:


Scurrilous …


Today, Sunday the 14th of May 2023, about 11:00 hrs, I, Madeleine, brought Billy a coffee into his office, and there, on one of his surveillance screens showing the area in front of the house entrance, we saw a figure dressed in white, hovering about 70 to 80 cm above the ground. It was a human being, somewhat huddled together, estimated to be about 150 cm tall and, as I said, completely wrapped in white and wearing a kind of overall with a hood. It was really a human being, and he was hovering slightly askew above the ground; but we could not see his face correctly, so we could not see his profile either, for it was not exactly visible, this because the figure was almost turning its back on us. At first it remained motionless, but then it moved minimally.


Immediately I wanted to convince myself of the existence of the person with my own eyes at the scene of the event, which is why I immediately went outside, but as is so usual and often happens in the centre, there was no one to be seen in front of the house, although the figure was still visible on the screen when I returned to the office. Then, however, the figure dressed in white changed its crouching position to vertical, only to disappear abruptly shortly afterwards, vanishing into thin air, so to speak. The whole event may have lasted for a period of 4 to 5 minutes. It happened in exactly the same manner as Billy, Mark, Hartmut and Brigitt had experienced on the 20th of March 2023, which Brigitt recorded in a small article at the time. This time, too, the same thing happened as always when such things have happened, namely that afterwards nothing could be seen in the recordings of the stored image material, because in each case the figures could be seen on the screens, but were not recorded, as has happened many times before, which can be testified to by various observers.


Madeleine Brügger

Madeleine Brügger



Interesting – – But we have not yet been able to fathom these occurrences. Also in our records we cannot find any evidence, just as our direct efforts to make contact so far have remained fruitless. Effectively we cannot gain any knowledge because all our efforts so far have been unsuccessful.

有趣的事情 —— 但是迄今為止,我們還無法弄清楚這些事件。在我們的記錄中也找不到任何證據,我們過去的直接聯繫嘗試也毫無結果。我們實際上無法獲得任何認識,因為我們過去的一切努力都毫無結果。


So your attempts have been unsuccessful so far. Yes well, so be it, and you cannot do magic either – even though you can do so many things.

那麼你們的嘗試到目前為止都沒有成功。嗯,那就這樣吧,你們也不能變魔術 —— 儘管你們可以做很多事情。


In any case, we will continue our efforts to gain clarification. But now I must go again. If you find it necessary, then call me. Besides, I am here on the premises every day, for I am here only as a liaison, but not entrusted with any particular other task. Farewell, my friend.



Take care, Quetzal, and goodbye.








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