【地球盟友】【柯博拉 Cobra 】 2016 年 5 月 13 日訊息
【 Rob Potter 主持的柯博拉 / 科里古德聯合訪談 第一部分】
資料轉載自: 準備轉變 Prepare for Change
Rob – 我來說明一下。阿卡西記錄是地球上所有事件的礦物界。它的概念有點像是可以持續更新記憶的生物 …
Corey - I’ve heard it also used that has all . . everything that’s ever happened in the Cosmos.
Corey – 我聽說阿卡西記錄可以記載全宇宙發生過的事情。
Rob - Yes, yes, I would say that . . . Cobra could you talk about the Akashic records and the halls of Amenti. Kind of play it off of what Corey talked about with his group.
Rob – 應該是這樣沒錯。柯博拉,你可以講關於阿卡西記錄和阿曼提大廳的事情嗎 ? 簡單總結科里和他的團體之間的對話就可以了。
COBRA - OK, the Akashic records are a natural imprint of any event in the etheric matrix, in the etheric structure, sub-structure of reality itself. With proper technology you can always read what is stored, that informational imprint. So light forces, of the advanced races have technology to read that record directly from the etheric substance. Crystals, physical crystals can store that information quite effectively. I would say physical crystals are more and more advanced versions of our current hard disc of computer. They can store more information, more dimensionally and more effectively. Basically Akashic records can be accessed directly from the etheric plane with certain technology and for more involved beings they can access the akashic records directly with their consciousness.
COBRA – 好的。阿卡西記錄是所有事情在乙太矩陣和實相次結構內的自然印記。人們可以可以利用相容的科技調閱阿卡西記錄記載的事情,也就是所有事情的資料印記。科技先進的正面種族可以直接從乙太物質中調閱阿卡西記錄。實體的水晶可以有效地記錄乙太界的資訊。其實實體水晶遠比目前的電腦硬碟還要先進。水晶的資料儲存量更多、儲存效率更好而且可以存取實體世界以外的資訊。基本上,某些科技可以直接從乙太層調閱阿卡西記錄。更先進的種族甚至可以直接用意念調閱阿卡西記錄。
譯註 : 英國南安普頓大學的科學家們一直在開發超人水晶。這種水晶的存儲容量可能多達 350 TB ,而且資料可以永久保存。
Rob - Thank you. Can you speak about the halls of Amenti. These were spoken of in the Emerald tablets found in the temple of the Moon in Central America and they’re recording a person from Egypt named Thoth. The Halls of Amenti were kind of indicated as being below Egypt. Cobra, can you speak about the Halls of Amenti and are there multiple ones possibly hat Corey was speaking about.
Rob – 謝謝你。人們以前在中美洲的月亮神殿內發現圖特撰寫的翡翠石板。這些石板有提到阿曼提大廳。據說阿曼提大廳位於埃及的地底。你可以講關於阿曼提大廳的事情嗎 ? 科里好像以前說過阿曼提大廳不只一個。
COBRA - OK. Each city of light had their own records and particularly in Egypt there were crystals, crystal records of the past beneath the Sphinx. And the RM have accessed those crystals back in 1999 before the Cabal could get them.
COBRA – 好的。每一座光之城都有各自的檔案庫,特別是在埃及的城市。人面獅身像的底下有保存歷史記錄的水晶。抵抗運動在 1999 年趁陰謀集團還沒拿到手之前就回收了這些水晶。
Rob - Cobra and Corey you have both mentioned we have a tremendous power of manifestation that the Cabal doesn’t want us to learn about. They even use techniques like programming, scalar plasma waves, mind controlled imaging that has us working against ourselves. If our group focus and the collective consciousness is the most influential factor to speed up liberation, shouldn’t we as a group try to encourage the entire light worker community to come together and to meditate and pray for a common goal. Would you both agree.
Rob – 兩位來賓都曾經提過 : 陰謀集團不想讓民眾知道人類其實擁有強大的顯化能力。他們甚至利用心理編程、電漿純量波、心靈控制圖像讓人們自相矛盾,相互鬥爭。如果我們的共同目標和集體意識是最能加速地球解放的利器,兩位來賓是否同意我們應該鼓勵所有的光工團體一起為共同的目標冥想和祈禱 ?
Corey - Absolutely. That’s one of the things that has been talked about in our Full disclosure project group. July 8th is Disclosure day and we’ve been trying to launch an ad campaign and all kinds of other stuff to promote disclosure, so yea, that’s . . .
Corey – 當然同意。我們的全面大揭露團體一直在倡導這個觀念。今年 7 月 8 日是揭露的日子。我們一直想要發起廣告宣傳和其他的活動來促成揭露。所以 .. 嗯
Rob - Cobra, would you agree.
Rob – 柯博拉,你同意嗎 ?
COBRA - Yes of course. I would agree that mass meditation is the one single most influential factor that the surface population can contribute to the breakthrough July 8th is Disclosure day and is one opportunity to unite diverse groups to a common goal and to focus our attention to that particular point in space and time to get closer to the breakthrough,
COBRA – 當然同意。集體冥想是地表民眾最可能改變世界並且帶來突破的方式。 7 月 8 日是揭露之日。人們在這一天將會有機會團結各方團體並且將意念集中在特定的時空;讓地球局勢更接近突破。
原文: http://2012portal.blogspot.tw/2016/05/joint-cobra-corey-goode-interview-by.html
原創翻譯: Patrick Shih