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我們正趨向我們的最佳現實嗎?(Part 1)

By Corey Goode With   David Wilcock
03 Nov 2016


Imagine a future where we have full disclosure, and the complete removal of all control structures in our solar system. We rapidly come into contact with incredible new technologies that transform our lives in almost unimaginable ways – and meet a host of new friends in our greater galactic family.
In our last update I discussed our need as a group consciousness to choose this “Optimal Temporal Reality.” This probable future is the best case scenario for humanity by far. 
Right now, each one of us is deciding whether we will co-create this glorious future, or any of a number of other scenarios that could take much longer – and would be significantly less triumphant as well. 
According to Tear-Eir, we can still achieve this “Optimal Temporal Reality” if we continue to wake up to the corruption and lies we have been fed our entire lives.

想像一下,如果我們在未來能夠進行一場 全面揭密 」( full disclosure ,並完全排除我們太陽系中所有的控制機構,那麼我們就能迅速接觸到那些令人驚嘆狂喜的新科技,而將以意像不到的方式全然改變我們的生活,並且結識在我們星際大家庭中那些新朋友的奧秘主宰能量
在我們上次的資訊更新中,我們討論了我們需要以一種群體意識來選擇這種 最佳現實 Optimal Temporal Reality 而這種可能的未來,是迄今為止人類最好的發展前景
現在,我們每一個人正在決定是否我們將共同創造這個輝煌的前景,或者變成任何其他的情況 —— 可能需要更長的時間,同時大大減少原可預期的成果。
根據 Tear-Eir 的說法,如果我們能夠從我們現正滋養的這個腐敗與謊言生活中持續覺醒的話,那麼我們仍然還可以達到這個 最佳現實”

一次與 RAW-TEAR-EIR 的會面

Not long after publishing this update, I was picked up by a blue sphere.

I was lying in bed as usual when the orb’s pale blue light began to shine through my eyelids. 
I immediately got out of bed and indicated that I was ready for the blue orb to take me to the intended destination. I was not expecting this visit, but I had learned to be prepared with the recent cluster of meetings that have occurred. 
I was not surprised to find myself in the blue sphere once again. Raw-Tear-Eir was there to greet me in the usual manner and Gonzales was standing a short distance away. 
I took the opportunity to look above me at the cosmic scene that had been changing each time I had observed it. I noticed that the other blue spheres, close enough for me to see, were now looking a bit more translucent. 
As I looked closer I also noticed a rippling, water-like effect on them. It looked almost as though someone had thrown a handful of rocks into a pond. There also seemed to be pulses of this rippling effect as though a strong solar wind was blowing them.


我沒有預期這次的造訪,但已經學會了隨時準備好即將發生的會面。我已經對自己又一次身處在藍色球體之中不再感到驚訝。 Raw-Tear-Eir 按往常一樣在那裡等候我,而岡薩雷斯則站在他的附近。


Once my sight had adjusted to the cosmic scene all around me, I noticed a number of metallic-looking spheres appearing out of the darkness quite a distance away. I could tell they were extremely large, but I didn’t have another object to use as a frame of reference. 
There were nine of these spheres that I could make out. The spheres looked to be about the size of my thumbnail from a fully outstretched arm. This led me to estimate they might be about the size of Earth’s Moon.


有關 30 萬人的更多詳情

Tear-Eir suddenly glided to within ten feet of me, and began to communicate about the “300,000 ascension-ready” people that I had reported on earlier. He indicated that my delivery of that intel had caused a lot of anxiety in those who received it. These people put out a call for clarity, so Tear-Eir indicated he wanted me to deliver the information more clearly this time.
The 300,000 figure was provided after I had expressed an interest in the number of people who are ready for energetic changes (ascension.) I had also asked what percentage of “service to others” (STO) those around me and I had currently achieved in our journey. 
I was more than a little bit shocked and troubled by the answers I received. Not only was I not in the 300,000, my STO percentage was much lower than I would have guessed. I believe this is probably true of most of us on the planet right now.

Tear-Eir 突然滑向我 10 英尺以內,並開始談到早些時候我所提到的那 30 萬個準備好揚升的人”。他表示我這項訊息曾引起那些聽到消息的人很大的焦慮。這些人提出了一項澄清的請求,所以 Tear-Eir 表示他想讓我這一次更清楚地傳遞這項訊息。
萬人是我針對那些已準備好能量變化(揚升)的人所提出的數目。我也曾詢問過目前我周圍的人和我自己在我們的這一生中實現 服務他人 ”( STOservice to others 的百分比。
我對得到的這個答案不只是有點震驚與不安,除了我並不在這 30 萬人之列外,就連我的 STO 比率也比我預計的還要低得多。我相信這可能是我們這個星球上大多數人目前的真實狀況。

Tear-Eir then communicated that at the moment I had expressed interest in this subject, the number of people ready to ascend was less than 300,000. It was further communicated that this number is in a constant flux from moment to moment, as is our temporal reality. 
I then expressed concern and confusion again about the low number that I had received. I asked, “What about the millions of children on this planet?” I thought surely the innocent children of the world had to fall under some sort of “age of accountability.” 
Raw-Tear-Eir then communicated that some of the number given indeed included children. 
However, many other children will also be moving on to higher densities as we go through the shift, even though they are not part of the 300,000 figure that was given. 
Millions of children and adults are ET souls or “Wanderers”, and their numbers were not included in the 300,000, for reasons we will now explain.

Tear-Eir 隨後表示,在我表達這個資料的那時,準備好揚升的人數其實不足 30 萬。他進一步表示,這一數字時時刻刻在不斷的變化,這也反應出我們的現實狀況。
然後我再次對我接收到的低數字表示憂心和疑惑,我問道: 這個星球上數以百萬計的兒童該怎麼算? ”我很肯定的認為這世界上的無辜孩子們還不屬於某種“需要負責的年齡”。
隨後表示,數目中的確包括兒童。然而,當我們歷經這場轉變時,許多其他的孩子也將會持續到更高的密度,即使他們不是在這 30 萬個人之中。
數以百萬計的兒童和成人是外星人或“流浪者 Wanderers 的靈魂,而他們沒有算在這 30 萬人裡面 ,我們現在就來解釋其原由。


The Law of One series is the main “revealed teaching” that the Sphere Beings have endorsed as being accurate and useful for us at this time.
It now appears that the Blue Avians are the same beings that contacted the ancient Egyptians as “Ra,” the bird-headed entity. They again spoke as Ra in the Law of One series from 1981 to 83.
William Henry discovered ancient Egyptian depictions of Ra as a blue avian humanoid, as seen in Cosmic Disclosure, Season 5, Episode 3, “Blue Avians & Spheres in Ancient Art:”
This connection was unknown to any of us when my contacts began, and was a matter of great surprise to everyone when William Henry approached us with this data.
Once I finally began reading the Law of One myself, the beings began speaking to me in very similar-sounding language – further revealing their identity as the source of this material.

On a practical level, this means that studying the Law of One series can give us far greater insights into the philosophy and practices of the sphere beings.

《一的法則》 系列 球狀生命體 the Sphere Beings 肯為之背書,且 在當今對我們而言是準確而有效的主要“顯學” revealed teaching
現在看來,藍鳥人 the Blue Avians 是曾以“ Ra ”為名而接觸過古埃及人的鳥頭生命體 他們從 1981~83 年在《一的法則》系列中再次以 Ra 之名說話
威廉 亨利( William Henry )發現古埃及人描寫稱為 Ra 的藍鳥人,詳見 《宇宙揭密》( Cosmic Disclosure )系列第五季第 的“古代藝術中的藍鳥人與球狀生命體”
我與他們(藍鳥人與球狀生命體)開始接觸時,這種關連沒有任何人知道,而當威廉 亨利將此資料向我們展示時,真是令人十分驚訝。
當我自己終於開始閱讀 《一的法則》時 ,藍鳥人開始對我以聽起來非常類似的語言說話 —— 這就更進一步揭露了他們的身份就是這份資料的來源。
在實際層面上,這意味著學習 《一的法則》 系列可以給我們對球狀生命體的實踐與哲學更好地洞察。

流浪者不列入 30 萬人的數字之內

As of 1981 in Session 12, the number of Wanderers was approximated as being close to 65 million. In Session 63, the number of Wanderers on earth was again said to be “in excess of 60 million.”
By now, those numbers are significantly higher – possibly up to 300 million or more. With a population of seven billion, that would mean a little over one out of every 23 people on Earth is an ET soul.
If you are a regular reader of these updates and feel they resonate deeply with you, there is a very good chance that you are a Wanderer as well.
In Law of One terms, these souls have come in from a level significantly more advanced than the basic requirements for graduation from third to fourth-density life.
For this same reason, the vast majority of Wanderers will return to their “native density” as we go through the “quantum leap” referred to in the Law of One.
Therefore, the number of 300,000 only referred to a select group within the greater majority of people on Earth who have never lived above third-density vibration at this point in their journey.
The efforts of Wanderers are focused on helping inspire these third-density folks to become more conscious, loving and forgiving people.

1981 年的第 12 場集會中所述,流浪者的數目接近 6,500 萬。而在第 63 場集會中,再次提到在地球上的流浪者數目是“超過 6,000 萬”。
到目前為止,這些數位都明顯高於 —— 可能多達 3 億或更多。這將意味著,在地球上 70 億人口之中,每 23 人就有超過 1 人是外星靈魂。


由於這個同樣的原因,當我們穿越《一的法則》所描述的“量子跳躍”( quantum leap )時,絕大多數的流浪者將返回其“原來的密度”。
因此,這 30 萬人指的只是在地球上那些生命旅程中從來沒有經歷過第三密度以上振動的絕大部分人之中所選出來的數目。

故意冷血無情 的危險

The only real danger Wanderers face is by becoming “consciously unloving” to a significant-enough degree in one or more lifetimes that a multi-incarnational “karmic alleviation” is then required. 
In certain rare cases, this might cause them to miss out on our soon-to-be upcoming graduation and have to repeat another 3D cycle. This is explained in various places in the Law of One, such as Session 16, Question 61, featured below.
More commonly, these karmic adjustments will appear as personality issues or health problems. Working through these issues ideally brings us back to a loving place. Questions 27 through 30 in Session 12 of the Law of One clears up the issue quite nicely:

流浪者所面臨唯一真正的危險是在一次或多次的一生中 故意冷血無情”( consciously unloving )到嚴重的程度,這樣就必須經由一種多次轉世為人的方式來“減輕業力”( karmic alleviation )。

在某些罕見的情況下,這可能會導致他們錯過我們很快就會到來的 畢業典禮”,而不得不再次重複另一個第三密度的週期。這是在《一的法則》中許多地方都有解釋,例如 16 場集會 第個 61 問題回答如下所述:更常見的是,這些業力的調整將會出現在人格或健康方面的問題理想情況下,會經由這些問題讓我們回到充滿愛的地方。而在 《一的法則》 12 場集 中由第 27 30 的問答作了很好的澄清︰

12.27 Questioner: How many [Wanderers] are incarnate on Earth now [1981]?
Ra: I am Ra. The number is approximate due to an heavy influx of those birthed at this time due to an intensive need to lighten the planetary vibration and thus aid in harvest (ascension). The number approaches sixty-five million.

12.27 發問者︰目前(1981年)有多少流浪者投胎在地球上?

Ra我是Ra,這個數目只是近似值,由於地球迫切需要提升其振動,吸引大量(實體)湧入以幫助收割(揚升;harvest (ascension))。目前數量接近65百萬。

12.28 Questioner: Are most of these from the fourth density? What density do they come from?
Ra: I am Ra. Few there are of fourth density. The largest number of Wanderers, as you call them, are of the sixth density. The desire to serve must be distorted towards a great deal of purity of mind and what you may call foolhardiness or bravery, depending upon your distortion complex judgment.
The challenge/danger of the Wanderer is that it will forget its mission, become karmically involved, and thus be swept into the maelstrom from which it had incarnated to aid the destruction.

12.28 發問者︰這些(流浪者)是否大多數來自第四密度?或者他們來自其他密度?

Ra我是Ra,少數屬於第四密度。絕大多數的流浪者,如你所稱,屬於第六密度。(流浪者)服務的渴望必須扭轉朝向很大的心智純粹度,以及你們稱為的有勇無謀或勇氣;由你們(自己)判斷[一種變貌複合體](distortion complex)。


12.29 Questioner: What could one of these entities do to become karmically involved? Could you give us an example?
Ra: I am Ra. An entity which acts in a consciously unloving manner in action with other beings can become karmically involved.

12.29 發問者︰這些實體(生命體;entity)做了什麼會與業力發生牽連?你能否給一個例子?


12.30 Questioner: [i] thought. Do any of these Wanderers have physical ailments in this Earth situation?
Ra: I am Ra. Due to the extreme variance between the vibratory distortions of third density and those of the more dense densities, if you will, Wanderers have as a general rule some form of handicap, difficulty, or feeling of alienation which is severe.
The most common of these difficulties are alienation, the reaction against the planetary vibration by personality disorders, as you would call them, and body complex ailments indicating difficulty in adjustment to the planetary vibrations such as allergies, as you would call them.

12.30 發問者:流浪者中是否有許多人在第三密度處境中有肉體的病痛?



16.61 Questioner: And if a Wanderer were to be successfully infringed upon, shall I say, by the Orion group, what would happen to this Wanderer at the harvest?
Ra: I am Ra. If the Wanderer entity demonstrated through action a negative orientation towards other-selves it would be as we have said before, caught into the planetary vibration and, when harvested, possibly repeat again the master cycle of third density as a planetary entity.

16.61 發問者︰如果一個流浪者,容我說,居然被獵戶集團成功地入侵,當收割來臨時,這個流浪者會發生什麼事?


The Biblical term Harvest, such as from the Book of Matthew, is the primary term used in the Law of One for what we usually call Ascension. 
The original Bible quote describes how the “wicked” will be “severed from among the just” at this time, much like a gardener pulling weeds – hence the term Harvest.
There is still some degree of mystery about exactly what will happen, and how – and some of this was cleared up in the contacts I received in this update.

收割 ”( Harvest )一詞的說法,是從 聖經》的 馬太福音》而來 ,這是《一的法則》中所使用的主要術語,它就是我們通常所說的 揚升 ”( Ascension
聖經原文描述 惡人”到時候將如何被 從正義中割除”,就像園丁割除雜 草 —— 因 此使用“收割”一詞。
但屆時到底什麼會發生以及如何發生,仍有某種程度的神 —— 而 有關這一部分,我在這次接觸中收到了最新的訊息


In Session 34, we also hear that karma need not be seen as a huge, fearful thing. It can be absolved very quickly, as we are about to see. 
In Session 65, the Earth is compared to a grocery store, where the choices we make are represented as various containers on the shelves. 
This analogy was used to indicate that karmic alleviation could occur on a planetary level as well – which appears to be what they now are calling the Optimal Temporal Reality:

在第 34 場集會中,我們也聽到業力不需要被視為一個巨大而可怕的東西,它可以很快被免除,正如以下我們即將會看到的內容。
在第 65 場集會中,地球被被比喻作一家雜貨店,我們在這裡所作的選擇,就好像從貨架上取放在籃子裡的東西
這個比喻是用來指出:業力減輕可能發生在一世之中就能達成 以及 —— 這似乎就是他們現在所稱的“最佳現實

34.5 Questioner: If an entity develops what is called karma in an incarnation, is there then programming that sometimes occurs so that he will experience catalyst that will enable him to get to a point of forgiveness, thereby alleviating the karma?

Ra: I am Ra. This is, in general, correct. However, both self and any involved other-self may, at any time through the process of understanding, acceptance, and forgiveness, ameliorate these patterns. This is true at any point in an incarnative pattern.
Thus, one who has set in motion an action may forgive itself and never again make that error. This also brakes or stops what you call karma.

34.5 發問者︰如果一個實體在其一生中發展了所謂的業力,是否程式會在特定時候啟動,好讓他經驗到允許他獲致寬恕的催化劑,從而減輕業力?



65.12 Although you have many, many items which cause distress and thus offer seeking and service opportunities [on Earth at this time], there is always one container in that store of peace, love, light, and joy. This vortex may be very small, but to turn one’s back upon it is to forget the infinite possibilities of the present moment.
Could your planet polarize towards harmony in one fine, strong moment of inspiration? Yes, my friends. It is not probable; but it is ever possible.

65.12 雖然你們有許多、許多項目造成悲痛從而提供[在此時的地球上]尋求與服務的機會,但這間店舖總裡總是有一個籃子裡裝著和平、大愛、光明和喜樂。這個漩渦(機會)可能十分小,但如果(你)完全背對它就是忘卻此刻蘊含的無限可能性


(未完待續 …..

回目錄 第二部分

原文來自: http://spherebeingalliance.com/blog/are-we-navigating-to-our-optimal-temporal-reality.html




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