(上承 來自我們未來生命的訊息CH06-04)
Believing Is Seeing
In a sense – to put it in very pragmatic simplified terms – you are saying that what society has taught you is that "seeing is believing," whereas it is actually believing is seeing! That is how it works. Now, your belief could be unconscious, so that by the time you see the manifestation of it, you think, "Oh, it is the seeing of this idea that has created the belief within me." And so you are looking to see things that will generate in you the beliefs you think you want. But the only way you see those things to begin with, is to already have the belief that you will see them. Then your physical external reality forms the symbols that are reflective of that belief. Seeing it in your reality is what lets you know you have the belief, so the belief no longer has to remain unconscious. But seeing it is an indication of a belief already in existence.... Is any of this sinking in?
就某種意義而言 —— 讓我們用十分實用的、簡化的說法來表達 —— 你一直在說,社會所曾教導你的是「看見就會相信」,而實際上卻是「相信就會看見」!事情就是這樣運作。現在,你的信念可能是無意識的,那麼,當你看見它顯現的時候,你會想:「噢,是我看見這個想法,才在我裡面創造了這項信念。」於是你便盼望看見那些會造成某些信念的事物,這些信念是你以為想要的。可是,要看見那些事物的唯一方法,是先要具備將會看見它們的信念。接著,你的外在物質實相會形成反映這項信念的象徵符號。在自己的實相中看見這項信念,即可讓你知道,你已擁有它,那麼它就不必再停留在無意識中。看見它,即表示一項信念已經存在了…你有沒有參透這些道理?
I hope so.
Oh, you do not have to hope so. Hope implies despair, uncertainty. Do you know personally, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that the being you desire to be, you are capable of being?
Yes, I know that.
All right. Then start using that certainty to your advantage. If you know you have the capability of imagining what you would like to be, understand, as we have said, that your ability to imagine what you would like to be is your ability to be that person, that version of you. Whatever vibratory plane you are on is what you experience. If you have the ability to conceive how you want to be, at the moment you conceive it, you are that person. But when you deny your imagination its reality and say, "Okay, I've imagined what I would like to be; now what do I have to see, what do I have to do, to become this ideal" you are placing all of the steps in your way that it's taking for you to get there. Your ability to imagine that person is being that person – because if you weren't of that vibration, you wouldn't be able to picture it!
很好。那麼就善用這份確定感吧。若你知道自己擁有想像成為什麼人的能力,那麼你要瞭解,正如我們已經說過,有能力想像自己所渴望成為的人,就是擁有能力成為那個人 —— 那個版本的你。無論處於何種振動水準,那就是你所經驗的。若你能夠想像成為什麼,在你想像的那一刻,你就是那個人了。然而,當你否認想像的真實性,並且說:「好吧,我已經想像希望成為什麼了,現在,我必須看見什麼,做什麼,才能變成那樣子?」,這時候,你便佈置了各種到達那裡的中間步驟。你能夠想像那個人,即是成為那個人 —— 因為,倘若你不屬於那種振動,你便無法描繪它!
All you need to do in realizing your imagination is real – and at that moment is who and what you actually are – is to act as if you are believe you are that person. Then your life will contain the things that are representative of the life of that type of person. The events in your life can only be 100% reflective of the person you have decided you are. So if you are experiencing events in your life you no longer prefer, then allow yourself to recognize that your ability to even imagine there is another way to be, is being the other way. All you have to do is to put into physical action the certainty that your ability to imagine there is another way is the reality of being that other person.
You, as a persona, are an artificial construct of your consciousness; when your consciousness changes the idea of itself, the person you are is a different person – literally. Only the things that are conducive to that type of person's life will be what you will experience in that life. It is only mechanics, only physics. Whatever vibration you believe yourself to be, will be the life you have – plain and simple. Anything that is not of the vibration you are cannot be experienced in your reality. So if you are now willing to know you no longer need to batter and invalidate yourself, then allow yourself to be whatever you imagine a person would be like who didn't contain a need to batter herself. Be that person you imagine you would be like, and your reality will be reflective of a person who no longer contains the vibration of the need to knock herself down in order to show herself something.
What about the idea that you choose your parents to learn certain lessons? I think that’s what trips me up.
All right. But do remember that even though you have made that choice, the idea does not mean you are incapable of expressing what it is you are learning in a positive way. You always have the opportunity to also recognize that fundamentally many of the reasons for why you choose those scenarios is to realize what you are realizing now: that at any given moment you are absolutely self-contained and quite capable of determining what your reality is going to be like – regardless of what agreements you have made. Many of those agreements are for the purpose of getting you to the point of realizing you can create your reality the way you wish it to be. Relax and lighten up on yourself. You are an empowered being; you are right now your own unique chosen reflection of the Infinite Creation. Act like it.
好吧。但要記住,即使你已那麼選擇,這個觀念並不表示,你無法表達自己所正在積極學習的是什麼。你經常有機會去認清,基本上,為什麼你選上那些劇本,有很多原因都是為了領悟你現在所正在領悟的事情:你在任何時候都是自足的,而且頗能夠決定自己的實相將會如何 —— 不管你已作出了什麼協議。那些協議,很多都是為了把你帶到那個點,領悟到自己可以按照希望來創造自己的實相。放鬆,照亮你自己。你是被賦子了力量的存在體;你就是此刻自己在「無垠造化」所作唯一選擇的反映。就這樣行動吧。
(續接 來自我們未來生命的訊息CH06-06)