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我們正趨向我們的最佳現實嗎?(Part 2)

By Corey Goode With   David Wilcock
03 Nov 2016


Raw-Tear-Eir communicated that many of today’s children are Wanderers, and therefore are here to help us through these times of change. This was a major relief to me. 
Additionally, Tear-Eir said many adults are also Wanderers – here from soul groups that were formerly outside this planet, and from other densities that have come here on similar missions. 
These people are also here to contribute to the mass consciousness and assist in the transition to a higher vibration. Humanity has been so incredibly conditioned by negative forces that they tend to cling to third-density reality. These souls are here to help us let go of the old paradigm.
I was told that the Wanderer’s specific mission is to bring a loving vibration, as well as to be present during the great consciousness shift and help lead us into a new reality. 
If what Ambassador Micca told me about his culture is true, once we go through this shift, we are looking at a “Conscious Renaissance” that will launch humanity into a new era – where we will refer to the times we are in now as “The Dark Ages”.

Raw-Tear-Eir 表示當今有許多的兒童是流浪者,他們是來這裡協助我們渡過這段轉變的時間,這倒使我寬心不少。
此外, Tear-Eir 說很多成年人也是流浪 者 —— 他們的前世是 來自其他星球,以及來自別的密度曾執行過類似任務的人。

這些人也是在這裡協助提升我們的集體意識( mass consciousness ),以過渡到一個更高的振動( vibration )狀態。地球的人類因受如此巨大負面力量的影響而眷戀在第三密度的現實之中。這些靈魂就是來到這裡幫助我們擺脫舊有的巢臼。


如果 Micca 大使告訴我有關他們的文化是真的,那麼一旦我們經歷這種轉變,我們會目睹一個 意識新生” Conscious Renaissance 的過程,那會將人類推進一個全新的時 —— 相 較之下,我們現在將是個 黑暗時期” The Dark Ages )。


Negative groups such as the Draco are only able to tamper with a planet like Earth until we reach this new level of consciousness, which the Law of One calls “social memory.” 
The internet has already put us well on our way towards having “all understanding/distortions available to the entities of the society,” which is what we need to reach. 
With a “group memory” available to all, no secrets can be kept. No lies, deceit and trickery can exist. We learn from our past and ensure that we do not repeat the negative aspects. We have full transparency in all aspects of government and society. 
In the Law of One series, the Draco are referred to as the “Orion” group, or the “Crusaders” – and the Draco do have a major stronghold in Orion:

像德拉科( Draco )爬蟲人這類的負面族群只能干擾像地球目前這樣的行星,直到我們到達一個新的意識層次,這個意識層次在《一的法則》中稱為 社會記憶 ”( social memory

當今的互聯網(網際網路)已經為我們走向 社會的所有實體都可以使用全部的理解 / 變貌 ”提供了良好的環境,那是我們需要達成的境界。

當我們所有的人都具有同一種 體記憶” group memory 的階段那麼我們之間就沒有秘密可言,而謊言、欺騙和詭計也不復存在。我們會從過去的經驗中學習教訓,並確保我們不會重蹈錯誤的覆轍。無論在政府和社會的各個方面,我們都具有充分的透明度

在《一的法則》的系列中,德拉科指的是 獵戶座”( Orion )族群或 十字軍”( Crusaders )—— 而德拉科在獵戶座確實有主要的盤據地︰

11.16 Questioner: What do the crusaders do?
Ra: I am Ra. The crusaders move in their chariots to conquer planetary mind/body/spirit social complexes before they reach the stage of achieving social memory.

11.16 發問者︰ 十字軍做什麼事情?

Ra 我是 Ra 十字軍進入他們的雙輪戰車( chariots ),在其他星球到達社會記憶的階段之前征服他們的 / / 靈社會複合體 mind/body/spirit social complexes 譯者註:這是在《一的法則》的系列中對“人類”的泛稱 )。

11.17 Questioner: At what stage does a planet achieve social memory?
Ra: I am Ra. A mind/body/spirit social complex becomes a social memory complex when its entire group of entities are of one orientation or seeking.
The group memory lost to the individuals in the roots of the tree of mind then become[s] known to the social complex, thus creating a social memory complex.
The advantages of this complex are the relative lack of distortion in understanding the social beingness, and the relative lack of distortion in pursuing the direction of seeking, for all understanding/distortions are available to the entities of the society.

11.17 發問者︰一個星球在什麼階段可達到社會記憶?

Ra 我是 Ra 一個心 / / 靈社會複合體,當其整體成員歸屬同一個定位或尋求就成為一個社會記憶複合體


這種複合體的好處在認知社會本質及尋求真理兩方面都相對地沒有扭曲;因為該社會的所有實體都可以使用全部的理解 / 變貌


I was also shown visualizations of the merging of temporal realities known to many as the “Mandela Effect.” In this merging of realities, many major historical incidents that would have already happened to us have been “edited” out of our reality. 
I was shown a vision of what looked like a wall of crystal rods that were slowly turning. As these crystals turned, a prism effect occurred in which I saw events instantly change. Moreover, the people in that new reality would have no memory of the previous one. 
David pointed out that this was neatly mirrored in Isaiah 65:17, which reads, “For, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth: and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind.” 

此外他們向我展示了正在融合中的現實影像,這就是很多人所稱的 曼德拉效應 Mandela Effect )。而在這個融合中的現實裡,許多已經發生在我們身上的重大歷史事件,卻從我們的現實世界 編輯”成不同的版本。

我看到的是一堵看起來像水晶柱的牆面,它慢慢地轉動。當這些晶體在轉動時有一種棱鏡( prism )的效果,而我看到發生在其中的事件在迅速改變。除此之外,那些在新現實世界的人,竟然對前一個現實世界毫無記憶

大衛指出,這也在 以賽亞書 65:17 的章節裡簡潔地反映過,其中是說: 我締造新天地︰之前的事既不會記得,也不會再從腦海裡浮現。

This quote also suggests that once we reach “social memory,” our consciousness will change so dramatically that it will be almost impossible to imagine what it will be like. 
I wondered if one day, after one of these mergers occurs, we will suddenly find ourselves in a reality where disclosure and the defeat of the current control structure on our planet has already occurred, and no one has memory of our current reality in which so much is being kept hidden from us. 
The beings answered in the affirmative. They said this phenomenon is a major component of the shift we are going through right now. The quote from Isaiah further supports that something like this may actually happen from a scriptural standpoint. 
Tear-Eir communicated to me that the co-creative consciousness of humanity was a major cause of what we are calling the “Mandela Effect.”

這句話也表明,一旦我們到了 社會記憶”的階段,我們的意識將會戲劇性地改變到幾乎是無法想像的樣子

我在想,如果一旦這些融合 mergers 之一的狀況發生後 , 我們會突然發覺自己是處在已經出現 全面揭密 」的狀況下, 而且當前在我們星球上的控制機構也全然失效的現實之中,屆時沒有人會記得我們目前的 現況 —— 那個 很多實情被隱瞞的現實狀況

這個推想已經得到那些外星人的確定,他們說這種現象是我們現在正在經歷的一個主要轉變之一 。從 以賽亞書 》的那段話 進一步證實 這樣的事情從聖經的角度來看是可能發生的。
告訴我,人類共同創造的意識 the co-creative consciousness 是我們稱之為 曼德拉效應”的一個主要因素


Raw-Tear-Eir then stated that those of us working on the optimal temporal reality need to focus more on positively influencing our mass consciousness instead of fostering our current belief systems or looking to validate them.
Personally, I was told that I need to focus less on the non-terrestrial and Secret Space Program, and more on educating and empowering people about the true nature of the collective co-creative consciousness that we all contribute to.
I communicated to Raw-Tear-Eir that I am not an expert on consciousness, nor am I qualified to teach consciousness or spirituality. The response was similar to what was communicated in the past.
Raw-Tear-Eir stated that in the near future, individuals with this type of educational background would be led into my inner circle. Since that time, I have begun networking with exactly these types of people.
We then went into a deep discussion about the spiritual and emotional states of individuals who are currently in my inner circle, as well as what changes I need to make within myself. This is always a humbling experience.
Some of this information closely mirrored what Ka-Aree had been communicating to me in recent months. Usually when we interface about these subjects it means the conversation is nearly over.

Raw-Tear-Eir 接著說,我們對於實現 最佳現實 的努力,需要更專注於正面影響我們的集體意識,而不是鼓吹我們當前的那些(宗教)信仰或尋求實現那些神蹟

就我個人而言,我被告知我需要把精力少放在地球以外的事物以及 秘密太空計畫 」( Secret Space Program 方面 ,而要多致力於教導並促進人類瞭解那個我們應全力奉獻的集體共創意識 collective co-creative consciousness 的真正本質

我向 Raw-Tear-Eir 表示,我不是什麼意識專家,也沒有資格教導意識或靈性方面的知識。而他的回答則是類似過去曾說過的話。

Raw-Tear-Eir 指出,在不久的將來,一些有這種教育背景的人會被帶領進入我的生活圈子裡,屆時我就會開始與這些人聯繫工作。


其中一些資訊密切反映了卡莉( Ka-Aree )在最近幾個月內對我所傳達的訊息。通常當我們涉及這些話題時,就意味著談話已接近尾聲。


I was still curious about the metal spheres I saw when I first arrived. After some recent hasty endings to our meetings, I wanted to make sure I was able ask about what I had seen. 
As usual, I didn’t even have to ask the question. Tear-Eir communicated that “Other members of the Confederation are now coming in to this system to be of assistance in the near future.”
In our most recent Gaia tapings where David discussed this with me, he speculated that these spheres may be used to help certain groups of people relocate to other worlds. 
This is indicated in Session 10, Question 6 of the Law of One:


像往常一樣,還沒等我問, Tear-Eir 就表示說: 聯邦的其他成員目前正前來太陽系中,以便在不久的將來提供協助

在最近蓋亞( Gaia )網路電視台的錄音帶中,大衛與我討論過這個話題,他推測這些球體可能是來協助某些群眾遷移到其他的世界去

這在《一的法則》第 10 場集會的問題 6 中也曾表示過:

10.6 When there is a cycle change, those who must repeat then find a planetary sphere appropriate for this repetition.

10.6 當一個週期完畢後,那些必須重複第三密度的實體,必須找到一個適當的星球重新開始

There are also extensive discussions in the earlier sessions about how people who had evolved on Mars and on the “exploded planet” Maldek were transferred to Earth by the “Guardians.”

The method of transfer was never explained, but it seems likely that these giant spheres are of sufficient size and capability to house and transport millions of people as needed.
David shares multiple insider testimonies about Earth’s Moon being an ancient device of this sort in his new book The Ascension Mysteries – along with the evidence.

I was picked up by the blue sphere again and returned to my bedroom. I climbed back into bed and stared at the ceiling for a few hours, processing the experience. 
No matter how many times I am brought to a blue sphere, I have the same integration and processing experience afterward.

在《一的法則》前幾次集會中也有廣泛討論到有關將火星和那顆 炸毀星球”馬爾戴克( Maldek )上已進化的人,如何被 守護者”( Guardians )轉移到地球上。


大衛在他的新書 揚升的奧秘 》( The Ascension Mysteries )中 分享了來自多個內線的證詞,談到有關我們的月球就是這類古老的設 置 —— 其中還附有相關的證 據。




I received a few communications from Ka-Aree over the next several weeks, mostly through what we have referred to as “the construct”.
This is an area that appears to be all white, in which all I see is the two of us talking to each other.
There was a slight change in how openly she communicated with me and how she looked at me after I shared an encounter I had while on vacation in Long Beach. She had previously warned me that I might receive contact from a group known as “The Banished.”
Ka-Aree had described how over the millennia, groups had been evicted from each of the inner-earth civilizations because they were interfering in human affairs in a way that was not customary or considered acceptable for these groups.
These former dwellers of the inner earth became “The Banished”, and now live on the surface among us. They blend in as much as possible, striving to attain places of power in human civilizations and living in enclaves all over the world.
The encounter I had with one of these Banished was in the last week of July in our hotel room while my family was sleeping.
When I communicated this event with Ka-Aree, she showed concern and seemed as though she was observing me more closely than usual.

接下來的幾週後,我收到了一些來自卡莉的訊息,主要是在我們所說的 結構體”( the construct )那裡。


當我分享在長灘度假時的遭遇後,她與我交談以及她看著我的神情,有些許改變。她以前曾警告過我,我可能會與一個自稱為 被放逐者 ”( The Banished )的群體聯繫。


這些地球內部前居民成為 放逐者”,而現在住在地表上與我們相處。他們盡可能混跡在人群中,並遍及世界各地在人類文明中努力爭取權力。

我與這些 放逐者”之一的相遇,是在 7 月的最後一週,地點是我們的旅館房間,且在我的家人熟睡之時。



Then, in the third week of September, I was suddenly transported to the same inner-earth domed temple complex where I had first met her.
Once again, I went through the embarrassing cleansing ceremony, where I had to take all of my clothes off and get into the white robe I was offered. I did not get a private room and was expected to undress right where we stood.
I was then brought into a room containing only a pedestal-like bed or slab. It looked as if it was molded out of the same material as the stone walls and floor. 

之後,在 9 月的第三週,我突然被載往地球內部那間圓頂廳堂裡,那是我第一次遇見她的地方。



To my surprise, Ka-Aree informed me that I had picked up entity attachments when the Banished female “connected” with me in the hotel room in Long Beach. She stated that she was going to clear the attachments and then requested I that lay down on the slab bed.
She then walked over to the wall and pulled out a large phallic-looking cylindrical crystal. This was reminiscent of the time she had prepared the Elixir of Isis during my first visit. 
She rubbed her palm on the crystal and it began to make a noise similar to rubbing the rim of a glass to create tones. The closer she brought it to me, the more the sound emanating from the crystal intensified.

令我驚訝的是,卡莉告訴我,我必須取出和我在長灘酒店房間的那位“被放逐者”女性一起 連接時”的那些附著靈體( entity attachments )。她說她要清除那些附著體,然後要求我躺在平台上。

然後她走過牆去,取出一個生殖器狀的大型水晶圓柱。這讓人想起她在我第一次見到她那段期間準備了愛希絲( Isis ;埃及神話中司生育與繁殖的女神)的長生不老藥( Elixir )。



She began to wave the crystal slowly over my body from head to toe and then focused on my groin and chest area. The sound coming from the crystal became higher and higher in pitch.
Suddenly I saw the attachments leave me through my chest, head, and groin. Just like the last time I had “entity attachments” evicted, I saw dozens of shadowy-looking silhouettes of mostly heads and shoulders that were fleeing straight up and away from me. 
I had gone through entity attachment removals prior to this, and was surprised that I had been “infected” again. I was also a bit perplexed as to why Ka-Aree had not removed them in our previous meetings. 


突然間我看見那些附著物從我的胸部、頭部和鼠蹊部離開,就像上次由我身上驅除那些 附著靈體”時一樣,我看到了幾十個看起來多半只有頭和肩膀的陰暗輪廓從我身上直接逃竄出去

在此之前我已經清除過附著靈體,而令人驚訝的是,我再又被 感染”了一次。我對卡莉為什麼不在我們前幾次會面時將其驅除,也感到有點困惑。

When I inquired about this, she stated that the attachments had not yet anchored to one of my energy vortexes before then. I asked her to explain.
She stated that the entities needed to be anchored before the procedure, because the energy vortexes had to be stimulated by the Anshar (Ka-Aree’s clan) technology while the frequency of the crystal drove the entity out of my body. 
This closed the portal the entity could use to attempt to reattach to me. 
In another brilliant white flash, I was then sent back to my bed. I was very upset and disturbed that I had to go through this process, knowing that I had been purposely infected by the Banished as a way to gain information about the Anshar.

當我問到此事時,她說之前那靈體還沒有鎖定到我的能量漩渦( energy vortexes )之一。我請她進一步說明。

她指出,靈體在發生作用之前先要鎖定位置,因為經由安沙爾(Anshar ;卡莉所屬的族群)的科技,水晶體的頻率會刺激能量旋渦,驅使靈體從我的身體離開




Over the next several weeks, I was picked up for a series of meetings on the Blue Sphere with Raw-Tear-Eir, Gonzales, and Micca. At the time I was so incredibly busy that I was not documenting these encounters, and looking back, they all seem to blend together.
This sudden increase in meetings, as well as their urgent content, was a sign that events may soon escalate to a point where they will be visible to the whole world. 
From what I was hearing about recent negotiations between the Earth Alliance and these Secret Earth Syndicates, it sounded like quite a lot was beginning to occur on the financial and geopolitical fronts. 
Events of this nature have already started happening since I first wrote this article, before it was fully edited and published. We can expect far more changes and surprises than what we are already seeing at this time.

過了幾個星期後,我又被藍色球體帶去參加與 Raw-Tear-Eir 、岡薩雷斯和 Micca 的一系列會面。在那段時間,我因為太忙而無法寫下這些會面的經過,而再回頭看看,它們似乎都混雜在一起了。


從我最近所聽到有關 地球聯盟 the Earth Alliance )與這些 秘密地球集團 」( Secret Earth Syndicates 的談判,它聽起來就像很多開始發生在當前的金融與政治等方面的事件。



One of these meetings occurred while I was in Sedona, Arizona, at a five-day class on preparing raw vegan foods. My wife and I were staying in a very nice bed-and-breakfast that a friend had provided for us. 
The blue orb came into the room as it normally does. It then took me to the blue sphere, where I saw Raw-Tear-Eir and two other figures standing on either side of “him”. 
Being picked up while I am traveling is extremely rare. I had expected some sort of communication from inner-earth groups while I was at Mt. Shasta, but nothing occurred on that trip. 
I looked up at the cosmic scene I have described previously. The blue spheres looked even more translucent than last time, and the ripples on the surface of the closest spheres were much more violent.
I could still see the electrical corona around the Sun and what reminded me of bolts of static electricity cascading across the surfaces of the spheres. I noticed the same nine metallic spheres off in the distance that hadn’t appeared to have moved since I saw them last.

這些會面之一,發生在亞利桑那州的塞多納( Sedona ),那是在準備素食主義者食物為期五天的課程當中,當時我和妻子住在朋友為我們提供的一間優質家庭旅館中。

藍色靈球體( orb )像往常一樣進入我的房間,然後它就帶我去那藍色球體之中,在那裡我看到 Raw-Tear-Eir 和其他兩個人站在他的兩邊。

在我旅行的時候被帶來這裡是極其少有的狀況。雖然我原以為我在沙斯塔山( Mt. Shasta )那次旅程中會與某種地底族群有所交流,但並沒有發生。


我仍能看到圍繞太陽的電狀日冕( electrical corona ),讓我想起像是遍及球體表面的靜電噴發。我注意到遠方那原先的九個金屬球,自從上次看到它們,似乎就沒有移動過。


I then glanced down to see Tear-Eir, Ambassador Micca, and Gonzales standing right in front of me. Tear-Eir was a few feet closer than the others and greeted me in the normal fashion. When the communication began I was a little surprised at the topic.
Normally communications are of a personal nature for me, or information similar to what has been published in previous updates. This time the communication was about the increase in certain individuals who were making claims about the origins and actions of the Blue Avians. 

然後我向下瞥了一眼 Tear-Eir Micca 大使和岡薩雷斯,看到他們就站在我面前。 Tear-Eir 比其他兩人更靠近我幾英尺,他以平常的方式問候我。但當開始交流時,我對談論的主題有點驚訝。


I didn’t see the topic as being that significant, even though I had noticed an increase in this type of information on the internet.
Tear-Eir communicated that certain individuals were being manipulated to water down the Blue Avian message. 
These people are for the most part not being malicious, nor do they see anything wrong with what they are doing. They simply feel that others are living in a mythical fantasy life, and don’t see a problem in doing the same thing. 
Some of these individuals are simply trying to make the new information coming from the Blue Avians fit into their old paradigm or belief systems. 
I was informed that I need to confront the issue in as loving a way as possible.


Tear-Eir 表示某些人正受到操控,想要淡化藍鳥人的訊息。





The full significance of the need for me to take these steps did not become obvious until I had a couple of meetings with Gonzales. 
I then found out the true scope of the upcoming campaign to attempt to discredit anyone involved in disclosing information about the Secret Space Program. 
I published a small article about the subject the next day, which received a fair amount of attention from those who follow this information. Tear-Eir then ended the conversation as I noticed Gonzales take a few steps closer to the both of us.
Gonzales greeted me with a huge smile and a single pump handshake. I have to admit I am still getting used to this new Gonzales. Part of me half-expects the old Gonzales to greet me when we meet.


我發現即將到來那項活動的真正目的,是要企圖抹黑任何涉及揭露 秘密太空計畫 SSP Secret Space Program )的資訊。

第二天我發表了這一話題的小文章,接著就從那些跟隨這些資訊的人那裡收到大量客觀公正的關注。而我注意到就在岡薩雷斯向我們倆人走近了幾步時, Tear-Eir 就結束了交談。



Gonzales suddenly got a very serious look on his face and stated that he had a few things to discuss with me.
He, too, stated that there was an operation underway to water down the info we have disclosed, as well as to discredit me personally by flooding the internet with fake SSP insiders.
We have been approached multiple times in regards to people out there now claiming to have this level of insider knowledge. 
Thus far none of them have passed even the most basic tests of credibility, other than certain classic names like Pete Peterson, Bob Dean, William Tompkins and Sgt. Clifford Stone.


他也表示有一項行動正在進行,目的是沖淡我們所揭露的資訊,同時用大量散佈在互聯網上的假 SSP 內線消息來詆毀我個人。


但到目前為止,除了某些經典的名字像皮特 彼得森( Pete Peterson )、鮑勃 迪安( Bob Dean )、威廉 湯普金斯( William Tompkins )與柯利弗德.斯通( Clifford Stone )中士,其他沒有人能通過即使是最基本的公信力測試。

陰謀集團希望將 SSP 主題以“超級戰士”模糊焦點

The way we have been handling the alleged insiders with demonstrably false information has been to avoid mentioning them as much as possible. 
Gonzales then stated that this has been done before, and this group’s goal was to “Super Soldier” the SSP topic. 
I was very familiar with what he was talking about as I had seen what had happened after a number of super-soldier experiencers began to disclose this info to the general public.
Soon after those people came forward, many others began to claim that they, too, were super-soldiers – and started forming groups where they could share their “stories”. 


岡薩雷斯接著說,這個活動之前的目標是以 超級戰士”( Super Soldier )來模糊 SSP 主題的焦點。

我非常熟悉他所談論的這套方式,就像在我在 《宇宙揭密》中談過 超級戰士的話題後,有些具超級戰士經驗的訊息開始向大眾揭露,而在此之後我看到所發生的效應。

就在那些人開始公開揭露不久之後,又有許多其他的人開始聲稱他們也是 超級戰士”,他們並開始組成團體,在那裡分享他們的 故事”。

Their goal is not only to water down the intelligence coming from the growing number of legitimate super-soldiers, but to discredit the topic by making bizarre claims and displaying behavior that would cause researchers to give up on the entire topic.
The people being manipulated to participate in this operation are mostly unaware that they are being used in this fashion. 
Gonzales stated that I could expect more and more of this on the SSP subject, and that I should try to mitigate the damage if at all possible. 
Once we had finished talking about the fake SSP whistleblower topic, we discussed a bit of the scope and objectives of the groups that are going to attempt to discredit SSP whistleblowers.



岡薩雷斯說,我可以期待更多有關 SSP 的主題,但如果可能的話我應該試著減輕損害。

我們談過假 SSP 告密者這個話題後,接著討論了一點有關那些企圖抹黑 SSP 告密者的那些團體,他們的範圍和目標。


We moved on to discuss what was occurring in negotiations between the Earth Alliance and the various syndicates that make up what many of us now call the Cabal. 
Gonzales then gave me a summary-type of briefing on what had recently occurred in Cabal meetings. It seems as though these groups are making some progress in how to transition into a new economy. 
These groups had also recently agreed on moving forward with a partial disclosure that would roll out over 50 to 100 years.
They don’t agree on how to do a partial disclosure yet, but have started to inform members of lower secret space programs (Military Intelligence/DIA/NSA programs) that they will likely be revealing themselves to us in the near future.

我們開始討論在 地球聯盟 和各種集團組織( syndicates )之間的談判發生的事,而他們就是目前我們很多人所稱的 陰謀集團 」( the Cabal

岡薩雷斯然後給了我關於 陰謀集團 最近會議的簡報摘要。似乎這些團體對於如何過渡到一個新的經濟體正取得了一些進展。

這些團體最近也同意朝向一項為期超過 50 100 年的 局部揭密 partial disclosure )。

他們對如何達到局部揭密還沒有共識,但已經開始通知 秘密太空計畫 層級較低(軍事情報 / 美國國防情報局 / 美國國家安全局計畫)的成員,在不久的將來他們將有可能會對我們透露出自己的工作內容。

我們現在稱呼他們為“ MIC SSPs

Instead of the term “lower-level secret space programs” to describe these groups, we are now using the term MIC, for Military-Industrial Complex, to define these secret space programs (SSPs). 
Although these groups are predominantly earth-based, and have been compartmentalized from having any knowledge of the SSP I experienced, they are not “lower” in any sense other than on the level of secrecy they are allowed access to.

現在我們不用 較低級別的秘密太空計畫”這個名稱來描述這些團體,而使用 軍事工業複合體”( MIC Military-Industrial Complex ),來定義這些的秘密太空計畫( SSPs )(也就是: MIC SSPs ;軍事工業複合體的秘密太空計畫 )。

雖然這些團體主要是來自地球,並從我經歷過的 SSP 知識領域中被劃分成各個部門,但他們在任何意義上,比起其他部門的保密層級,都不能說是 較低”。

The cover-up and compartmentalization is so effective that it is nearly impossible to explain to them that other, more advanced SSPs exist. It is akin to violating a deeply held religious belief.
For this same reason we do not choose to try to argue with people who believe the MIC SSPs are all we have. 
We are simply putting out information that is the product of my personal experience and David’s cross-validation with multiple other insiders, most of whom have not come forward. 
Some genuine insiders who have come forward have only shared very small amounts of what they truly know at this time.

計畫中的掩飾和劃分是如此的有效,幾乎不可能向他們解釋其他更高層級 SSPs 的存在。這就有點像是去侵犯那根深蒂固的宗教信仰一樣。

基於同樣的理由,我們不會嘗試與那些相信 MIC SSPs 是我們所有計畫的人去爭論。




Gonzales stated that all sides had agreed on a “Rolling Disclosure.”
These groups had decided there would very likely be a public uprising unless they disclosed this information to humanity in bite-sized pieces. 
These groups had further decided that there would be a limited ET disclosure, which would include a race of humanlike beings that has worked very closely with various nations of the world for some time.

岡薩雷斯說,這些集團所有各方已經同意了一種 動態揭密 ”( Rolling Disclosure )的方式


這些集團還進一步決定,將有限度的揭露外星生命 limited ET disclosure ),其中將包括一個類人的種族 humanlike beings 已與世界各國非常密切地合作過一段時間了

(未完待續 …..

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原文來自: http://spherebeingalliance.com/blog/are-we-navigating-to-our-optimal-temporal-reality.html





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