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The Law of One, Book V, Fragment 32
Session 53, May 25, 1981

一的法則:卷五, 片斷三十二
五十三場集會, 1981 5 25

Jim: We have omitted the name of the person contacted in this query in Session 53 because we still would not want to be part of reducing the polarity of those of Ra. We would, however, like to share the rest of the question and answer because it seems to us to be a good illustration of the general principles that extraterrestrials of the positive polarity utilize in their face-to-face encounters with the population of our planet.

Jim 評論 我們已經刪除第五十三場集會中被 ET 接觸者的名字 因為我們仍然不想要造成 Ra 群體的極性降低。無論如何,我們想要分享該問答的其他部分,因為在我們看來 這是一個良好的實例 說明正面極性的外星人面對面接觸我們地球人的一般原則

In the spring of 1981 Don traveled by himself to Laramie, Wyoming to give a talk on the Law of One at one of Leo Sprinkle’s UFO contactee conferences. The cause of his sickness during that conference and the aid of a support group are interesting points gleaned from that experience. Again, we see the desire not to abridge free will paramount in Ra’s answer. The answer was possible because Don had already reached the same general conclusion in his own thinking.

1981 年春天 Don 一個人旅行到懷俄明州的拉樂美鎮參加里歐 Leo Sprinkle UFO 接觸者會議 同時在場講說一的法則 他在那場會議期間生病的原因以及支援小組的協助 之影響 都是我們從那次經驗中收集的 有趣 要點 再次地 我們看見在 Ra 的回答中 不冒犯自由意志是 Ra 至高無上的渴望 Ra 可以回答是因為 Don 早已在他自己的思考中獲致相同的一般結論

The last question and answer in this section give an interesting perspective on the phenomenon of ball lightning. When Carla was a small child a ball of what looked to be lightning came in through the window, rolled around her crib and left through the same window. When Don was a young child, he had a similar experience.

在本片斷中的最後一個問題對 球形閃電 ball lightning 現象給予一個有趣的觀點 Carla 還是小孩的時候 一個看起來是閃電的球穿過窗戶 在她的嬰兒床附近滾動 接著穿過同一個窗戶離開 Don 還是個年輕的孩子時 他也有類似的經驗

Carla: It would seem that once any seeker dedicates herself to following the path towards the Creator that has opened before her awakening gaze, odd coincidences and events mount up rapidly. The silver flecks were first noticed by Andrija Puharich, as he and Uri Geller worked together. They might be strewn around a hotel room’s rug, showing up overnight. After Don and I made contact with Puharich in 1974 , and began working with him from time to time, I began getting them on my face and upper body. We got glitter of all the kinds we could find and compared them. The sparkles on my face were not the shape of any of the manufactured kinds. When the contact with those of Ra began, silver flecks started showing up much more frequently. This little phenomenon ended when Donald died in 1984 . However, we do continue to be blessed frequently with Ra’s other form of saying hello: the hawk. We actually have a family of hawks nesting in our trees for the second year! And often, when Jim and I are discussing something, we will get a hawk sighting just when we come to a decision. It always feels great to see this sign of Love.

Carla 評論 看起來 一旦任何尋求者奉獻自己 踏上朝向造物主的路途 她覺醒後的凝視將開啟奇異的巧合 奇異事件發生的次數快速地攀升 普哈里契 Puharich 首先注意到銀色碎片 當他與尤里 蓋勒共同工作時 它們忽然出現 散佈在旅館房間的地毯上 Don 與我曾在 1974 年與普哈里契接觸 偶爾與他共同合作 我開始在臉上與上半身出現這些銀色亮點 我們收集各種我們找得到的小亮片 glitter ), 並且加以比對 我臉上的小亮光不屬於任何人造的形狀 當與 Ra 群體的通訊開始之後 銀色亮點出現的次數更加頻繁 這個微小的現象一直到唐納在 1984 年死去後終結 無論如何 我們的確持續受到 Ra 其他形式的祝福 也是他們打招呼的方式 老鷹 hawk )。 我們真的在第二年擁有一家子的老鷹棲息在我們的樹上 經常 Jim 與我正在討論某件事 我們達成一個決議之際 就會看見老鷹 看見這愛的標誌總是令人感覺很棒

Everyone will have his own set of these little signals that say “you are on the beam” or “perhaps not.” As illogical as this sounds, we encourage you to note these coincidences when they begin to repeat. They are a definite form of communication with spirit energies that are benign and loving, as far as we can tell.

每個人都有他自己一套的小小訊號述說著 你正在順風方向 也許不要吧 雖然這聽起來沒什麼道理 我們鼓勵你們注意這些開始重複的巧合 它們是良性與充滿愛的靈性能量向你溝通的明確形式 這是我們可以肯定的

Our association with Leo Sprinkle is long-standing. This courageous researcher became interested in UFO phenomena when asked to participate as hypnotist in the research being done on a UFO contactee. He worked with many such contactees through the years, and eventually founded a research organization which holds a yearly Rocky Mountain Conference for UFO contactees. It is a good support group for these witnesses to the unusual. In 1975 , we spent an hilarious weekend at a UFO convention held in Fort Smith, Arkansas, working on a movie together. (The movie, The Force Beyond , turned out so badly that Don renamed it The Farce Beyond ) Leo was hypnotizing a UFO witness, Don and I were consultants on the script and he obtained most of the psychics and witnesses that were in the film. When Leo did the actual hypnosis, things went wrong repeatedly with equipment and so forth, and it was midnight before we sat down to eat. I asked him how he was holding up. Completely deadpan, he dropped his head on the table in front of him as though poleaxed. It was a delightful moment after a long day.

我們與里歐的合作關係是長期的 這位英勇的研究員 當他以催眠師的身分被邀請參加一個針對 UFO 接觸者的研究時 他開始對於 UFO 現象產生興趣 他曾與許多這類的 UFO 接觸者共同工作 長達許多年 最終 他創立一個研究機構 每年舉辦 落磯山脈 UFO 接觸者大會 對於那些目擊到罕見現象的人們 這是一個好的支持團體 1975 我們參加在阿肯色州 史密斯堡舉行的 UFO 大會 度過一個歡鬧的週末 我們共同策劃工作一部電影 * 。[ * 原註:這部電影原本叫做 原力( Force )之外 成果變得如此糟糕 於是 Don 把它更名為 胡鬧 Farce 之外 !] 里歐當時正在催眠一個 UFO 目擊者 Don 與我是劇本的顧問 里歐取得影片中需要的超能力者與 UFO 目擊者 當里歐正在催眠時 事情重複地出錯 包括裝備出狀況等等問題 到了午夜 我們坐下來吃東西 我問他還撐得住吧 他完全不動聲色 他的頭整個倒在前面的桌上 彷彿被斧頭擊倒一般 在漫漫長日過後 那是一個令人愉快的片刻

Since Don and I began talking about these experiences with light coming to greet us, seemingly, we have heard from many others to whom this has also occurred. It is a marvelous thing to ponder. Are these the bodies we shall use to experience a higher density? They are most fair and pure.

自從 Don 與我開始談論這些來向我們問候的光球經驗 似乎我們開始聽到許多其他人也有這類的經驗 這個美妙的事情值得思量 這些光球是我們以後在更高密度使用的身體 它們極為美好與純淨


Session 53, May 25, 1981

五十三場集會, 1981 年五月 25

Questioner: First I will ask if you could tell me the affiliation of the entities who contacted. (name).

問: 謝謝你 在我前往拉樂美的旅程 對我而言 有些事情變得很明顯 中略 如果你無法回答我現在問的問題 我們將繼續問其他問題
首先 我要請問你是否可以告訴我接觸 Betty* 的實體們屬於哪個陣營
* 譯註:在 Tobey 最新的重聽 Ra 版本 已經還原該人物的名字

Ra: I am Ra. This query is marginal. We will make the concession towards information with some loss of polarity due to free will being abridged. We request that questions of this nature be kept to a minimum.

RA 我是 Ra 這個詢問是不重要的 由於自由意志受到刪減 給予這資訊將損失一些極性 ,( 我們這次願意做出讓步 我們懇求這種性質的問題維持在最低限度

The entities in this and some other vividly remembered cases are those who, feeling the need to plant Confederation imagery in such a way as not to abrogate free will, use the symbols of death, resurrection, love, and peace as a means of creating, upon the thought level, the time/space illusion of a systematic train of events which give the message of love and hope. This type of contact is chosen by careful consideration of Confederation members which are contacting an entity of like home vibration, if you will. This project then goes before the Council of Saturn and, if approved, is completed. The characteristics of this type of contact include the nonpainful nature of thoughts experienced and the message content which speaks not of doom but of the new dawning age.

這些實體涉入這個與某些其他被清晰記得的案例中 他們感覺有需要以如此的方式 不會廢棄自由意志 植入星際聯邦的形象 使用死亡、復活、愛與和平的標誌做為一種手段 在思想水平上 在時間 / 空間幻象中創造一個系統化的序列事件 來給予愛與希望的訊息 這類的通訊經過星際聯邦成員謹慎的考量 選擇那些屬於相近家鄉振動 如果你願意這麼說 的實體接觸 這個計畫呈交到土星議會之前 如果通過 將完整地執行 這類接觸的特徵包括經驗到無痛苦的思維 以及訊息內容不講末日 而是講述新的、即將破曉的時代

Questioner: It is not necessary that I include the information that you just gave in the book to accomplish my purpose. In order to save your polarity, shall we say, I can keep that as private material if you wish. Do you wish for me to keep it unpublished?

問: 我不一定要將你剛才給的資訊放在這本書中以達成我的目的 為了保存您的極性 容我說 如果你想要如此 我可以將它保留為私人資料 你是否希望我不要出版這段資訊

Ra: I am Ra. That which we offer you is freely given and subject only to your discretion.

RA 我是 Ra 我們提供你的資訊已被自由地給予 依照你的判斷決定去向

Questioner: I thought you would say that. In that case can you tell me anything of the “blue book” mentioned by (name) in that case?

問: 我猜想你會這麼說 在這個情況下 你能否告訴我任何關於在該案例中 Betty 提到的 藍皮書

Ra: I am Ra. No.

RA 我是 Ra 不行

Questioner: Can you tell me why (name) has so many silver flecks on her?

問: 謝謝你 你可否告訴我 服務他人 正面導向的星際聯邦成員 用哪些技術與型態來與地球人接觸

RA 我是 Ra 我們可以 中略

問: 假設 相同的答案也可以套用在獵戶集團上 包括第四與第五密度 對嗎

RA 我是 Ra 這是正確的

問: 你能否告訴我為什麼 某人 身上有如此多的銀色亮點

Ra: I am Ra. This is infringement. No.

RA 我是 Ra 這是個冒犯 不行

Questioner: Thank you. Can you tell me why I got sick during Carl Rushkey’s talk?

問: 謝謝你 你能否告訴我 為什麼在 Carl Rushkey 的談話時間中 我生病了

Ra: I am Ra. We scan your thoughts. They are correct and therefore we do not infringe by confirming them. The space/time of your allotted speaking was drawing near and you came under Orion attack due to the great desire of some positively oriented entities to become aware of the Law of One. This may be expected especially when you are not in a group lending strength to each other.

RA 我是 Ra 我們掃描你的想法 它是正確的 所以我們不會冒犯 只是肯定這想法 你被分配到的講話空間 / 時間接近了 接著你承受獵戶 實體 攻擊 這是由於一些正面導向實體有很大的渴望去查覺一的法則 這現象是可以預期的 特別是當你沒有在一個小組中 彼此可以將氣力借給對方

Questioner: Thank you. Can you comment on my and the instrument’s, if she approves, so-called ball of lightening experiences as a child?

問: 謝謝你 如果該器皿同意 你能否評論我與她在童年時期都有的 球形閃電 經驗

Ra: I am Ra. This will be the last query of this working. You were being visited by your people to be wished well.

RA 我是 Ra 這將是此次工作的最後一個詢問 你們被同類的族群造訪 他們祝願你們安好

片斷三十二 結束]

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