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All Together


W h at proportion of people will be going into—?

全體一起有多少比例的人將會進入… ?

N o, no, no. To ask for that type of information causes separation and is quite meaningless. Everyone who chooses to be fourth density – well, 100% of those people will be in fourth density. 100 % of all those who choose to be in third density will be in third density. And so forth. There is no way to give you anything that is meaningful, in terms of what percentage will be in fourth and what percentage will be in third. It is a constantly shifting idea. Choices – at the moment they are made – completely eradicate the percentages. So you could say, right now – 70%; right now – 63%; right now – 82%. What difference does it make? It is always changing.

不不不……詢問這一類訊息會引致分隔,是相當沒有意義的。所有選擇進入第四密度的人口 —— 他們百分之百都將會到達那裡。選擇第三次密度的人,他們也百分之百會留在第三密度。如此類推。根據這種百分比將無法給你任何有意義的東西。這是個一直在轉移的觀念。抉擇 —— 在作出的那一刻中 —— 會徹底抹掉了這些百分比。所以你可以說: 現在 70 %;現在 63 %;現在 82 。這有什麼差別?它一直在改變。

O kay, I got it. But it means that we as individuals can talk to people and plant “seeds" allowing them to change their minds.


Y ou can always share what you are, of course. You can share this idea with anyone with whom you come in contact, because you wouldn't have that contact if you could not share with them.


Bashar, if a person reaches the stage where he no longer blames or points fingers does that mean he has more or less achieved fourth density?


I n a sense, yes, that will be the beginnings of the fourth density experience. There will be more and more changes physiological changes, energy changes, sociological changes – all of which you will be able to witness as you go along in fourth density. But that will be the beginning of your willingness to consciously know that you are now, in fact, in fourth density.

在某個意義上,是的。那將會是第四密度經驗的開始。改變將會越來越多:生理改變、能量改變、社會方面的改變 —— 這一切,當你走在第四密度中,你都能夠加以證實。但是,那將會是你願意有意識地知道自己現在 —— 事實上 —— 就處在第四密度之中的開始。

And is that how you would sum up the fourth density, where the subjective creates the objective?


Y es, in a sense, knowing that there really is no such thing as objectivity; knowing that you create your own reality totally. Fourth density is taking responsibility for the creation of your reality – acting like you actually do, in fact, create your reality. That is fourth density. Recognizing that everything, as we have said, is synchronicity, and acting like it.

是,在一個意義上。你需要知道,所謂的客體性其實是不存在的,而你也可以完整地創造出自己的實相。第四密度將要負責你的這種實相的創造 —— 行動,好像你事實上真的創造了自己的實相一樣。那就是第四密度。認清一切 —— 一如我們所曾說 —— 都是同時性,並且照它那樣子行動。

Everything is interconnected holographically; everything is the same one thing manifesting in all the different multi-faceted, multi-dimensional ways that it can – simultaneously, with regard to any particular event. Everything you experience is the same one thing. Knowing that, and acting like you know it, is living in the fourth density, living in the now, living in the moment.


W i l l we be dissolving the unconscious as we move into this fourth density, so that by the time we are fully into it, the unconscious will be completely dissolved ?


I n a sense, yes. You will simply know what you need to know when you need to know it. You will be living in the moment and will fear nothing, and you will be consciously aware of everything in your life as your creation; nothing mysterious; nothing hidden; nothing occult.


T hen we will eventually move into integrating with our higher selves?


T hat is still a form of integration with your higher selves in a way, but remaining in physiological terms. Fourth density is the expression of synchronous harmonious congruency with your so-called higher self, while still remaining to some degree separated. Fifth density, then, is actually becoming the higher self, and is non- physical, as we mentioned.

那已經是與高層自我整合的一種形式,但仍停留在生理條件之中。第四密度是與你所謂的高層自我相互調和一致的表達,但同時又仍然留有一定程度的分隔。接著,第五密度就是實際地變成高層自我,而且已經是非物質的 —— 如我們所說過。

I guess the idea seems to be that normally an individual would proceed from third to fourth to fifth to sixth to seventh, and so on.


T hat's how you think of it linearly from the third-density point of view, yes.


I s it possible to simply pass from third dimension to the twelfth without—?

可不可能從第三層面直接到達第十二層面而沒有… ?

T o some degree, yes, because you already exist on every level there is to exist upon simultaneously. On the twelfth level you know this; on the third you may not. But the idea is that on the third you can become whatever representation of that connection you need to be. But allow me to now ask you a question: in your terms of linear thinking, what would be your reason for going directly from third to twelfth without experiencing all of the ones in-between?



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